>>153689316. a pokemon based on sirens, which are these kind of snake-looking things that have tiny arms. the arms would start out looking like fins, then would grow upon evolution and it would get thicker. speedy physical sweeper, undecided on the typing, would get shed skin and iron fist.
7. a psychic/grass type gray slender loris, with a line on its forehead. upon evolution its ordinary eyes would go all sleepy looking and the line would be revealed to be a giant third eye. spends all its time in forests, can only be found at night. would get an ability that gives moves like future sight and wish priority (or they could take effect in the same turn they're used but after the other pokemon has attacked; kind of like how focus punch works). fairly speedy, good special attack, poor bulk but gets access to a lot of healing moves so could function as either a special sweeper or a flimsy cleric. contemplating having prankster as its hidden ability
8. a fairy/fire type based on a sun bear, would have an ability that restores a small part of its health whenever it attacks a bug type. very playful, haven't decided on how many stages. middling stats apart from special attack which would be reasonably high, would get quite a broad movepool.
9. a psychic/ghost type based on a spectacled bear, the pattern on its face would look like a cross between glasses and a skull. would be a cross between a cleric and an annoyer (would get healing moves, dual screens, protect etc. but also stuff like will-o-wisp, curse, pain split). would get an ability that makes it immune to ghost type moves (kind of want a medium-esque theme for this one, so maybe the ability's name would be something to do with that).
10. a fire/electric type based on a lion tamarin, with more lion type elements incorporate: larger, protruding mouth, tuft on the end of the tail, its hair would be standing out like it's been rubbed with a balloon. primarily a special sweeper, gets flame body and static.