>>15381461>Not being able to give a valid counterpointGen 2 was extremely crappy because:
-mechanics that weren't used effectively (fixed in gen 4)
-still carrying huge flaws of gen 1 (fixed in gen 4)
-pokemon introduced suffer from severe blandness
-level curve and pokemon distribution was pretty poor
-second region was extremely bland (though this was fixed in gen 4 remake)
-is the source of the trend of '2+ REGION PLZ GF' despite that having huge implementation issues pacingwise.
Gen 2 is the worst gen. DP push it's gen down to second worse, while 3&5 are polished 1, and 1 was majorly fixed by it's remake which pushes it up to the level gen 3&5 were at.
As for innovation in actual mechanics, 4 is probably the best.