I just finished a batch of 4-5IV Heracrosses and would like to trade them for some other mons. 5IV: Moxie: 4 --- All Male Guts 4 --- All Female Swarm: 3 --- 1 Male 2 Female All 31\31\31\x\31\31 I have several 4IV ones of each ability. Want: Squirtle bold rain dish Gastly timid Manectric timid static Honedge brave Skrelp adaptability modest (female preferred) Whismur modest scrappy Bulbasaur clorophyll bold Litwick infiltrator timid This list is all I could think at the moment so if you have something else I'd love to hear it. I also have 10 or so 4IV Abras with magic guard if you would prefer one of those. I'll be breeding more soon if anyone wants a 5-IV one as I have the 5 IV parents.
Hermergerd - 4141-3095-1097 [Throh, Medicham, Tyrogue]
Hermergerd - 4141-3095-1097 [Throh, Medicham, Tyrogue] Wed 30 Oct 2013 05:39:33 No. 15380453 Report Quoted By:
>>15380346 They are all Jolly
Hermergerd - 4141-3095-1097 [Throh, Medicham, Tyrogue]
Hermergerd - 4141-3095-1097 [Throh, Medicham, Tyrogue] Wed 30 Oct 2013 05:49:15 No. 15380710 Report
Colton 4613-7472-1005 (Growlithe, Fletchinder, Charmeleon)
Colton 4613-7472-1005 (Growlithe, Fletchinder, Charmeleon) Wed 30 Oct 2013 06:01:08 No. 15381020 Report >>15380710 Hey, don't be like that. I think I might have a Timid Gastly for you.
That worth a 4 or 5 IV Herabro?
Hermergerd - 4141-3095-1097 [Throh, Medicham, Tyrogue]
Hermergerd - 4141-3095-1097 [Throh, Medicham, Tyrogue] Wed 30 Oct 2013 06:10:21 No. 15381337 Report Quoted By:
>>15381020 As long as the number of IV's match. 4IV for 4IV etc. I'd take less if it wasn't gastly but I already have a timid gastly without the IV's.
Naps 2294-4503-7350 (larvesta, braixen, magmar)
Naps 2294-4503-7350 (larvesta, braixen, magmar) Wed 30 Oct 2013 07:02:04 No. 15382634 Report >>15380346 I've got a perfect Fennekin (timid, 31/x/31/31/31/31)
with either magician or blaze.
I'd trade for a moxie Heracross with 31/31/31/x/31/31
Bunny - 1091-8779-7259
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fuuuuck, bro. i wish i had some good shit to give you. those heras sound bangin. all i got is petilils and other pokebabies ready for breeding.
Justin 5043-2291-6582
>>15380346 4IV technician adamant scyther?
Moxie Hera for a Timid 5IV Ghastly?
Hermergerd - 4141-3095-0197
>>15382634 No, thanks.
>>15382873 Just traded for one.
>>15382933 5IV Outrage jolly Gible?
Justin 5043-2291-6582
Quoted By:
>>15382933 What about me OP? :(
>>15382873 Hermergerd - 4141-3095-0197
>>15382863 Deal. What gender/ability do you want?
Hermergerd - 4141-3095-0197
Justin 5043-2291-6582
>>15382965 Do you have a female moxie? And do you have a gender preference?
Added you.
Hermergerd - 4141-3095-0197
>>15382965 Also, which 4IV spread would you prefer?
Justin 5043-2291-6582
>>15383043 Anything that doesn't have special attack. If it has speed, that would be nice.
Hermergerd - 4141-3095-0197
>>15383009 Female preferred.
Justin 5043-2291-6582
>>15383068 Sorry, hit enter before I could ask. Do you have any preference on IV spread? I don't have too many but I'll try to find some, however the only ones that are both adamant and technician are male and have max HP, Att, and Def (with either max SpDef or Spd). I have a few swarm adamants though, which should be the same if you're breeding.
Nerf 4957-3044-6148 [Delibird, Lapras, ???]
Nerf 4957-3044-6148 [Delibird, Lapras, ???] Wed 30 Oct 2013 07:23:06 No. 15383124 Report I have a large number of 4IV Lillipups, if you're interested. They're all 31/x/31/x/31/31, as I can't for the life of me get one that has a flawless attack stat... I'd love any Heracross.
Justin 5043-2291-6582
>>15383105 Females are missing either nature or ability :(
Hermergerd - 4141-3095-0197
Quoted By:
>>15383114 A Male is fine then that's adamant and Technician. With max spd as 4th.
Hermergerd - 4141-3095-0197
>>15383173 thanks!
>>15383124 I would love a lillipup! Deal.
Nerf 4957-3044-6148 [Delibird, Lapras, ???]
Nerf 4957-3044-6148 [Delibird, Lapras, ???] Wed 30 Oct 2013 07:33:25 No. 15383366 Report >>15383288 Do you want one that's male or female? Also, do you want it to eventually have Sand Rush or Intimidate?
Hermergerd - 4141-3095-0197
Quoted By:
>>15383366 Either gender is fine, Initimidate preferred.
Hermergerd - 4141-3095-0197
Quoted By:
>>15383366 Thanks!
Going to bed now. So won't see further posts.
Jake 4270-0666-7307 psychic: espurr, drowzee, gothitelle
Jake 4270-0666-7307 psychic: espurr, drowzee, gothitelle Wed 30 Oct 2013 07:45:15 No. 15383604 Report Quoted By:
>>15380346 Would you trade a female with moxie for an adamant 4iv fletchling with gale wing?
Yayoi - 2595-0027-2637
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>>15380346 I can trade a pentaperfect Brave Male Honedge (31/31/31/x/31/0)
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>>15380346 Can i have the Heracross you used to breed?
I need a Heracross that knows Close Combat so i can breed it into my Pinsirs but i can't catch them and they only learn it at around 35-40.
Pestkop 4227 - 0773 - 7329 (Audino, lillipup, Ditto)
Pestkop 4227 - 0773 - 7329 (Audino, lillipup, Ditto) Wed 30 Oct 2013 09:47:30 No. 15385728 Report Quoted By:
Only got an adamant huge power belly drummin, aqua jetting maril for you
3136 6612 8430 Swalot, Kakuna and Toxicroak
3136 6612 8430 Swalot, Kakuna and Toxicroak Wed 30 Oct 2013 09:52:06 No. 15385802 Report Quoted By:
4 IV Gooey Calm Goomy? (31/x/x/31/31/31) pls
JAM - 0576 - 4530 - 4964
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OP do you have any Guts with 4perIV with at least perfect IV in HP and Atk? I can trade back a 4perIV Timid Ghastly or 4perIV Brave Honedge. If you have both already from the thread I can give other ones with 4 perIV from Skarmory, Larvitar, Gible and Rotom with all good natures and some egg moves.