>you must be pretty newThis, and
>>>/reddit/ are almost as bad as Emotes. Just stop it. I've been here longer than I care to admit.
As for the bigger picture, yes, it's very likely that many of them are underage, but what I don't see happening is you guys leading by EXAMPLE.
They aren't going to go away, and
>>>/reddit/ is definitely not going to help. We were all new to 4chan at some point. Difference is, we lurked. They will not do this, so the only way we can keep /vp/ alive is to lead by example, and show people how it's done.
Remind people to take off their names outside of threads with Trade activity (WFG, Shiny Threads, ect.)
Encourage the use of reaction images. Even the new guys like these. They need to adapt to the culture of the board, and realize that reaction images here, is our version of emotes.
We need to get the mods to put a sticky up telling people to stick to the current Friend Safari thread too.
Lead. By. Example. It worked for us when we lurked, it's the only way to save /vp/.