Domain changed to . Feb 14-25 still awaits import.
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Trading thread

No.15392818 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I've bred up the following:
-Adamant Gale Wing Fletchlings
-Adamant Huge Power BellyDrum/Aqua Jet Marill
-Modest Noibats (Mix of infiltrator and Prankster)
-Timid Ghastly
-Timid Magic Guard Abra
-Adamant Khangaskahn
-Timid Protean Froakie
-Modest Drought Vulpix
-Timid Solar Power Charmander

All of them should have 3-4 relevant 31 IVs. I also have a single Maril with all 5 and a single ghastly with 6 IVs (female though)

I'm looking for:
-Squirtle (male) with Aura Sphere + Dark Pulse. Decent IVs preferred of course.
-Aron line (female) caught in a PREMIER BALL. I don't care about natures or IVs but obviously the better the IVs the better I can offer.
-Houndour line (female) caught in a PREMIER BALL. Same as above

-Males with cool egg moves.

If you could quote this post whenever you make an offer that would be lovely.