>>15409505I have... although I still feel really sorry for her and the old cast. The way the whole thing was handled and why it was done just rubs me the wrong way. It was an awful situation with some talented people with a lot of passion for the show stuck in the middle between questionable studio antics (4Kids and TPCi/TAJ). It's like in the first movie where Ash got turned to stone, except he never fucking woke up even though a "CRY NOW" sign popped up halfway through.
It's just that there are a ton of other problems I have with the dub (writing, directing, script adaptation, casting), too. The only thing that could make me overlook it is with a nostalgia high.
>>15409655I'm just glad she didn't replace her spats. Underrated piece of clothing. I wonder if they'll become the new yoga pants and girls will actually start wearing them like crazy? I rarely see them in real life and I work in a fucking gym (a workout gym, not a Pokemon gym).