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No.15394387 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
I bred about 2 boxes of Rotom to get a perfect IV one. If you want one add me, if you can help me finish my pokedex that would be appreciated but anything will do. I dont have them sorted in any way but they all have anywhere from 1 to 4 perfect IVs.
Lunatone, Shelder, Krookodile, Rhyperior, Onix, Swoobat, Machamp, Aurorus, Ferrothorn, Granbul, Electrike, Yanma, Probopass, Makuhita, Throh, Starly, Nidoran (Male and Female), Dedenne, Mime jr, Reuniclus, Wynaut, exeggcute, Mantyke, Huntail, Gorebyss, Diglett, Flygon, Garchomp, geodude, Slugma, Shuckle, Wooper, Bellsprout, Poliwrath, Ekans, Barboach, Purrloin, Patrat, Murkrow, Lotad, Buizel, Magnemite, electrode, Trubbish, Swinub, Weavile, Timburr, Torkoal, Sandshrew, Airon, Spinarak, Cryogonal, Skarmory, Hoothoot, Igglybuff, Wigglytuff, Gothita, Bonsly, Tediursa, Lickitung, Swablu, Deino, Hydeigon, Dragonite, and of course Yvetal, Articuno, and Zapdos.