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No.15395292 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Sup, /vp/

I'm looking for a bronzor or a bronzong, either will work, for breeding. Hidden ability is appreceated, but not neccesary.
here's what i have to offer:
(below need to be hatched, so i dont know their stats)
all 3 gen VI starters
charmander, bulbasaur, speed boost torchic, spiritomb, litwick, hoppip, bagon, escavalier, tyrunt, wurmple, spheal, mawile, snubbull, shuppet, mareep, jigglypuff, and binacle

nothing special about any of em, im just listing things i think someone might want. if you dont see anything you want, just ask if i have it, i'll trade anything breedable that I have. and FYI i have X, but i have some Y pokemon like skrelp

tl;dr i want a bronzor or bronzong