Christian 4210-4058-0397
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This sounds genuinely fun!
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>>15396881 >Alternatively, You can send out Pumpkaboo holding everstones named "I Got A Rock" I love it.
This is actually a pretty nice idea! I got a 5 perfect IV supersized one in a give away thread last week. I'll be sure to breed the heck out of it today so I can give out a bunch tomorrow.
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Bred a bunch of adament super sized when I was breeding for a shiny, I've been waiting for Halloween to wonder trade them
I'll try to take a break from breeding Froakies to get in on this. I was going to breed a Defensive Pumpkaboo for my team anyway, so I have access to Supersize ones. I WAS kinda hoping to MM a shiny one ON halloween(the date received 10/31 would just be so neat to me), but I don't think that'll be happening.
Robert 0645 5759 5142 (Ghost) Phantump, Lampent, Golurk
Robert 0645 5759 5142 (Ghost) Phantump, Lampent, Golurk Wed 30 Oct 2013 19:16:25 No. 15397096 Report >>15396986 I wouldn't happen to have Insomnia would it? I've been searching in the Safari for forever.
Le Ruse Bird
I began breeding them without knowing the full rules. All of mine are Super Sized, all with the name 2spooky4me, and they had egg moves that were passed down by whatever their mother had, and only two of them know Trick-Or-Treat. Their IVs are probably bad. C-can I still be forgiven?
Dusk balls are the most appropriate ball, right?
>>15397054 Don't lose faith. I hatched mine last night after 1,367 eggs.
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Thats actually quite a cute idea. Too bad I threw out all my pokemiles for some rare candy that I fed my team to make them reach level 100 faster.
>>15396881 Can we also be that one ass hole who gives fruit and attach Oran berries?
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damnit. i got a whole box named /vp/
>>15397099 Of course! The rules aren't really rules, just suggestions.
>>15397121 Yes. Best choice, but not required.
Tomorrow is my breeding day and you bastards better not be shitting up the wondertrade with pumpkins. I'm trying to get rid of multiple copies of pokemon not receive them.
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>>15397135 I won't, it's just that breeding him within one day will be extremely difficult. He really is my favorite from this gen though, I love that adorable little Plump Pump.
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Have a pile of them from IV training. This sounds fun! I'll probably toss out all of them except my 5IV mons.
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>>15397174 Well that's good to hear. Got like two boxes ready for this before I even knew others were doing it. Haven't had nearly enough time to do anything as cool as what you listed.
>>15397308 Females pass it down.
I think males do if bred with Ditto.
>>15397308 Through the mother, or when breeding with Ditto.
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>>15397099 yeah man, im just shipping out wild ones,
Too many rules muddys things up. i think people will get the idea even if its JUST the WT flooded with pumpkaboos.
(and also Phantumps)
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Haha this'll be great
>>15397308 Yes, from the female I believe
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>>15397099 Also, you know what a Pumpkaboo/Gourgeist with Frisk is really good at doing?
Harvesting Heart Scales with Thief. Break out that Old Rod!
>revving up the Bidoof as I speak
This sounds fun! Sadly, I dont have any Super Sized ones..
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>>15397096 No, she has pickup.
>>15397349 >>15397335 >>15397327 Perfect. I just got a ditto with good hp, attack and defense ivs. Now I just need to go find a great pumpkin.
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Now I wanna attach all those Hard Stones I got in Super Training to them. "I got a rock".
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>>15397466 It doesn't have to be super sized.
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I'll be doing this, and will also be dumping a bunch of Spiritomb and Phantump on WT tomorrow.
Would it also be acceptable to send out Zubats named after different vampires? I ask because I do not have a pumpkin pants pokemon.
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>>15397475 Like I said before, I have a PILE of them. Want one?
2449 4619 9391
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>>15397522 Not OP but I think anything Halloweeny would be great
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>>15397558 I would very much enjoy one, but I unfortunately do not have my 3DS on me at the moment.
If the thread's still here when I get home at around 6PM eastern I'll post in the thread again.
Thank you very much though.
Josh 2191 8155 9673
>>15397558 If you don't mind. I don't have much to offer in return though.
Nymus 2165-6188-2758 Rock:(Onyx,Dweeble,Barnabacle)
Nymus 2165-6188-2758 Rock:(Onyx,Dweeble,Barnabacle) Wed 30 Oct 2013 19:37:16 No. 15397750 Report >>15397558 Can I ask for one aswell?
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>>15397167 Maybe I'll be that one asshole who gives fruit and attach Liechi berries. I've got two dozen plus about a dozen of all the other pinch berries.
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christmas eve do we send delibirds holding neat items over wonder trade or something?
2449 4619 9391
>>15397713 >>15397750 Sure thing. I'll add you both.
How on earth do you judge size? It's too subtle for me.
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>at work >decide to try and get a SS Pumpkaboo >2 hours pass >nothing I wish my work had wifi so I could at least check GTS. I want to name a Gourgiest Marzipan and add it to my Trick Room team
Robert 0645 5759 5142 (Ghost) Phantump, Lampent, Golurk
Robert 0645 5759 5142 (Ghost) Phantump, Lampent, Golurk Wed 30 Oct 2013 19:42:50 No. 15397921 Report Quoted By:
>>15397884 Super Size's cry is very very deep.
2449 4619 9391
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>>15397884 Supersize ones have deeper cries. Otherwise, find a way to check stats or just go by eye judgement.
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>>15397884 Super Size has a very deep cry and floats a tad higher
>bred a box >Gave them all random items to hold including berries, rare candies, etc. >Some even have a fossil, one has my extra Blazikenite >One is my spare shiny
So i have no Pumpkaboos but i could try and breed up some litwick, Zoruas, ghastly or Poochyena. Not sure what to breed, might go with a ghost type and name em boo
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>>15397986 Shuppet and Duskull
>>15396881 i have a bunch of Pumkaboos. Half is holding a Rare Candy. Those are callef Treat. The other half is called Trick, and are holding Everstones
2449 4619 9391
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Trick Room Trick Trick or Treat Movesets I'm sending out
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>>15398095 You delightful bastard.
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>>15398016 could do that also, forgot i had one, not sure what to name anything other than the ghost types
>Not using repeat balls Guys come on.
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How do you name items?
>>15398186 Nice Pokemon, but not spooky enough in my opinion.
Is there a way to get a Pumpkaboo with Insomnia yet?
Frisk and Pickup aren't exactly good competitivly... Although pickup is the most thematic ability considering this event.
Rajaion: 4210-5397-6261 (Petelil,Tangela,Gogoat)
Rajaion: 4210-5397-6261 (Petelil,Tangela,Gogoat) Wed 30 Oct 2013 19:53:07 No. 15398257 Report does a supersized pumpkaboo also make the gourgeist it evolves into larger as usual?
Zack 2406-6148-2369 (Helioptile, Emolga, Luxio)
Zack 2406-6148-2369 (Helioptile, Emolga, Luxio) Wed 30 Oct 2013 19:54:14 No. 15398301 Report I got a Super Size Pumpkaboo from the GTS a while back with Max IVs in HP, Def, and SpDef. Gonna breed it with my HP+SpDef Ditto and try Masudaing for one . Kinda wish I had a better Ditto to breed it with, but it's a ton of Impish Supersize Pumpkaboo, so I think that's pretty good in its own right.
>>15398253 The thing is that even insomnia isn't as useful as it could be anymore. Grass types can't be put to sleep by spore and sleep power, and you rarely see lovely kiss, sing, hypnosis, etc.
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>>15398214 Jokes on you, the sending "Treat" Pumpkaboos in Luxury Balls and "Trick" Pumpkaboos is Dark Balls.
I love that you can now inherit them.
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>>15398314 Wow... ok then... ya this guy really got the short end of the stick.
>>15398301 You lucky bastard.
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so, what should the pumpkaboos names be? so far i have half a box of /vp/. and then i have some 2spooky4me, trickortreat, i got a rock, i hate fruit. error 404, and some other stuff i dont remember
0920-0488-7063 (Noibat, Gabite, Druddigon)
0920-0488-7063 (Noibat, Gabite, Druddigon) Wed 30 Oct 2013 19:57:31 No. 15398431 Report Quoted By:
>>15398214 Hear, hear. All of my super size pumpkins are in Repeat Balls.
Wipi 2895-7682-9320
how many boxes are you sending out? i have 8 male and 8 female super sized boxes, male ones hold rare candies, while females hold Y exclusive fossils
>farming route 16 >no god damn Pumpkins
Zack 2406-6148-2369 (Helioptile, Emolga, Luxio)
Zack 2406-6148-2369 (Helioptile, Emolga, Luxio) Wed 30 Oct 2013 19:58:51 No. 15398468 Report Quoted By:
>>15398389 The best part is that it was the Japanese one, so I can try Masudaing it while also trying for Egg moves. Not gonna do that tonight, but I'll make a plan to do it some time.
>>15398442 How the fuck did you get that many rare candies and fossils?
I'm sending these and some Litwick, Gothita and Hoot Hoot breeding leftovers from my edgy team breeding. I hope I get at least one ghost in return. But I'll use galletes, I like having Rare Candies for IV checking.
>>15398444 You have to enter from the right side of the route. Theyre in tall grass.
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>>15396881 What if I don't want to spend my pokemiles because if I do they will be erased off of my trainer card and I like having big numbers on my trainer card?
>>15398501 Didn't find the right entrance, is it in that town?
Wipi 2895-7682-9320
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>>15398477 shitloads of wonder trading and shitloads of rock-smashing
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>>15398444 >Is probably playing X I have about 1 1/2 boxes to throw out, letting me keep my good 5IV ones.
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>>15398494 >But I'll use galletes Don't even bother.
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>>15398522 You need a pokemon with strength. use it on the boulder.
>>15396881 >will be at gf's house >friends are coming over >tfw no time to send out 30 pumpkaboos without having gf tell me to get off my DS H-have fun w-without me g-guys..
Jesus 2723-9325-3182
>>15398442 Holy shit man please give me one of those females, I promise I'll breed from it and send them out. I've got a male but it's not as good as that one.
When are people starting?
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>>15398494 You can IV check in the pokecenter in the town you have to get the train ticket to go to.
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>>15398666 when satan arrives
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Sounds cool but I'm just only beating the Elite 4 tonight and my first breeding project is Gastlies. I figure sending out those might be cool as well. All Timid, as good IVs as I can manage by then.
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>>15397195 Just do it on friday, dumbass. H'ween comes 1 day a year
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Is anyone giving out large size ones so we can breed em maybe?
>>15398661 grow a spine dude, tell her its in the spirit of spooky pokemon halloween.
Wipi 2895-7682-9320
>>15398663 sure, add me and send the trade request
should we send vivillions because they're #666?
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>>15397135 >pokeballs Lovely.
>>15398758 You are right. I'm sure she'll be entertained by watching.
If you have 2 super sized ones while breeding is the baby always super sized?
>>15398661 >Not being glued to your DS in every social situation outside of job >listening to a woman >loving one If some bitch is going to be graced by my presence, she's going to have to deal with me hatching eggs the entire fucking time
>>15398661 Sucks to be you man
Me and my gf and her
family are are doing this
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>>15398301 What if you got a perfect IV Pumpkaboo and bred that one with the one you got from GTS? Wouldn't that give better IVs while still working with MM?
Wipi 2895-7682-9320
>>15398823 the mother passes down the size
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If I breed them, do I have to get them to lvl 6 for Trick or Treat?
Cyen Y 4313-1018-9273 [Absol, Cacturne, Vullaby] !Dawn9msAZA
Cyen Y 4313-1018-9273 [Absol, Cacturne, Vullaby] !Dawn9msAZA Wed 30 Oct 2013 20:13:03 No. 15398884 Report Quoted By:
can I get a super-sized pumpkaboo here? Would breed it and send out many in a bit
>>15398661 Everytime my bf tells me to get off my DS, I tell him Im going home.
Could I beg for a super-sized Pumpkaboo too? I want to join in on the festivities!
Jesus 2723-9325-3182
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>>15398774 Added, in game name is Julie
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>>15398901 You are a woman, you have that power.
Zack 2406-6148-2369 (Helioptile, Emolga, Luxio)
Zack 2406-6148-2369 (Helioptile, Emolga, Luxio) Wed 30 Oct 2013 20:16:10 No. 15398974 Report >>15398910 Sure, I'll send you one of my babies. I'll try and give you one with good IVs.
>>15398901 My GF and her friends are impressed if I leave the corner in my room where I keep my laptop drugs and energy drink cans for longer than 10 minutes to be social.
I've been trying to MM a hawlucha for like 4 days
KRISPY WIZ(X) 1693-1656-8436(Heracross, Combee, Volbeat)
KRISPY WIZ(X) 1693-1656-8436(Heracross, Combee, Volbeat) Wed 30 Oct 2013 20:17:06 No. 15399002 Report I need a Super sized one too please :3
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Are there any good moves Pumpkaboo can learn through breeding?
>>15398974 Sweeeeet. Added and ready when you are.
>>15398992 Are you me? My boyfriend will have people over to play Street Fighter/Marvel and I'll be at my desk MMing Eevees
and smoking weed . Just got to box thirty.
>>15399002 Add me n' I'll get you one.
Cyen Y 4313-1018-9273 [Absol, Cacturne, Vullaby] !Dawn9msAZA
Cyen Y 4313-1018-9273 [Absol, Cacturne, Vullaby] !Dawn9msAZA Wed 30 Oct 2013 20:20:26 No. 15399103 Report >>15399075 >>15398974 Could I get one as well from either one of you? Pretty please
>>15398974 Are you The Red Ogre ingame?
Zack 2406-6148-2369 (Helioptile, Emolga, Luxio)
Zack 2406-6148-2369 (Helioptile, Emolga, Luxio) Wed 30 Oct 2013 20:20:36 No. 15399109 Report >>15399037 Most of them are Impish with IVs in HP and SpDef. Sorry, that's not the best. I hope you're okay with that.
Jesus 2723-9325-3182
>>15398774 Thanks a bunch.
KRISPY WIZ(X) 1693-1656-8436(Heracross, Combee, Volbeat)
KRISPY WIZ(X) 1693-1656-8436(Heracross, Combee, Volbeat) Wed 30 Oct 2013 20:21:30 No. 15399140 Report Quoted By:
>>15399075 Your mii looks like jesus. I'll be waiting
Zack 2406-6148-2369 (Helioptile, Emolga, Luxio)
Zack 2406-6148-2369 (Helioptile, Emolga, Luxio) Wed 30 Oct 2013 20:21:47 No. 15399148 Report >>15399105 Sure am!
>>15399103 I can't assure you the IVs are great, but I'll sure send you a Super Size Pumpkaboo if you still need one.
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>>15399103 Sure, gimme a sec.
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>>15399109 How DARE you give me subpar free Pokemon.
Anything you want in return? I don't really have anything particular right now.
Wipi 2895-7682-9320
Cyen Y 4313-1018-9273 [Absol, Cacturne, Vullaby] !Dawn9msAZA
Cyen Y 4313-1018-9273 [Absol, Cacturne, Vullaby] !Dawn9msAZA Wed 30 Oct 2013 20:22:37 No. 15399175 Report >>15399148 Great! I'll see to it that I add nice treats so I think it'll be okay even if the IVs aren't top tier. All about having fun. Adding you.
>>15399046 My left wrist is useless from biking around Centrico Plaza. I can no longer lift pots at work so I have to scoop like an old lady. Co-workers have expressed serious concern about my health lately, but I couldn't be more content having racked up almost 200 hours on a game that's been out only 18 days
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I've got like 6 boxes of Gastlys thanks to me being a retard and breeding two Gastlys with the same 4 perfect IVs. So I'll probably be trading those out. I might give em some rare candies though or maybe I should just level them up to 16?
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>>15396881 So I assume we start sending them out around the time kids start trick or treating in our respective areas?
Dimi - 2165-5993-6999 [Togepi, Mawile, Floette]
Dimi - 2165-5993-6999 [Togepi, Mawile, Floette] Wed 30 Oct 2013 20:24:31 No. 15399237 Report Trying to get a SS female in a Luxury Ball, don't care about IVs, since I can easily breed those. Anyone?
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I don't have any Pumpkaboos, But I'll be sending out some Harvest Phantumps instead :)
Dimi - 2165-5993-6999 [Togepi, Mawile, Floette]
Dimi - 2165-5993-6999 [Togepi, Mawile, Floette] Wed 30 Oct 2013 20:25:36 No. 15399273 Report Quoted By:
>>15399221 Get a coin, damn
>>15399221 protip: put a guitar pick or piece of paper under the circlepad and suddenly you cycle around the prism tower forever with ease
Zack 2406-6148-2369 (Helioptile, Emolga, Luxio)
Zack 2406-6148-2369 (Helioptile, Emolga, Luxio) Wed 30 Oct 2013 20:26:26 No. 15399308 Report >>15399175 What's your name in game? I'm The Red Ogre.
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>>15399221 I know that feel. I've been biking by the daycare and I'm at 225 hours.
KRISPY WIZ(X) 1693-1656-8436(Heracross, Combee, Volbeat)
KRISPY WIZ(X) 1693-1656-8436(Heracross, Combee, Volbeat) Wed 30 Oct 2013 20:27:20 No. 15399341 Report Quoted By:
>>15399075 Thanks laddeh. 420shrekit
>>15399278 Yeah I've been using like a business card lately, but it feels like I'm cheating so I only do it like half the time I fear ruining my slide pad or wearing out buttons or something
KRISPY WIZ(X) 1693-1656-8436(Heracross, Combee, Volbeat)
KRISPY WIZ(X) 1693-1656-8436(Heracross, Combee, Volbeat) Wed 30 Oct 2013 20:29:39 No. 15399428 Report Quoted By:
>>15399369 >>15399278 >not leaving a heavy object on the d-pad such as a psp or an alarm clock Cyen Y 4313-1018-9273 [Absol, Cacturne, Vullaby] !Dawn9msAZA
Cyen Y 4313-1018-9273 [Absol, Cacturne, Vullaby] !Dawn9msAZA Wed 30 Oct 2013 20:31:38 No. 15399491 Report >>15399308 Well by now you probably guessed.
Thanks a ton man.
By the way, is there any method to see whether a pumpkaboo is tiny/normal/huge or does it just come down to looking at it closely?
Wipi 2895-7682-9320
Quoted By:
>>15399491 super sized ones have a much deeper cry, also are WAY bigger
Zack 2406-6148-2369 (Helioptile, Emolga, Luxio)
Zack 2406-6148-2369 (Helioptile, Emolga, Luxio) Wed 30 Oct 2013 20:33:25 No. 15399535 Report Quoted By:
>>15399491 Super Sizes have deeper cries. All the ones I have are Super Size, so you got one.
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>>15399491 I saw someone mention here that the cry is deeper on the large one.
Guys, how does size breeding work? I want to breed up some supersize insomnia pumps, but the ones in the friend safari seem to be only normal sized. could I take a male isomnia and breed it with a female supersize and then the offspring with be supersized with insomnia?
Zack 2406-6148-2369 (Helioptile, Emolga, Luxio)
Zack 2406-6148-2369 (Helioptile, Emolga, Luxio) Wed 30 Oct 2013 20:35:14 No. 15399588 Report Quoted By:
>>15399557 Yeah, females pass down the size. I dunno if Males pass down the ability with anything that's not ditto though.
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>>15399557 Yes if its two pumpkaboos it's the female who decides. If with a ditto it's the size of the Pumpkaboo regardless of gender
Nero (0877-0869-7373) dark
Can someone trade me a supersized pumpkaboo so i can start breeding for this? I would go catch one but i dont know how long that will take.
What are you gonna name your pumpkaboos /vp/?
Are Joltiks accepted as well? the're like, halloween little spiders and shit.
Nero (0877-0869-7373) dark
>>15396881 I'm doing mine a bit differently ...
Was trying to MM a Pumpkaboo but it took forever cause at the time i didn't have Hatch O-Power AND my damn pumpkaboo weren't horny enough. Only have a Box and a half of them that I can send out ....
BUT with my lil Foxy Witch the I have been MMing the breeders are more than happy to crank out the babies. Got like 3 boxes without much effort plus I used O Power on them.
And since Witches are also a part of Halloween I'm sending them out to. All will be named after Sabrina (The Teenage Witch!).
Naming all my Pumpkaboo after things that involve Butts (Badonk, Twerker, Twerk Tina, Bubble Boo, Beyonce, J Lo, J LoWeen, Booty Boo and so on )
Might give em white Pokeball or some berries.
>>15399704 Doesn't really work.
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i have a whole box of avarage/small sized. holy shit what ratio is it? this is getting ridiculous. also, when do we start?
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>>15399704 I'd imagine Ariados would be more Halloweeny, but I guess so.
>>15399729 No problem.
>>15399759 Ok ;-;
I've bred about 10 boxes of Joltiks and was looking to give them away, but I guess I'll wait untill this passes then. Wouldn't want to ruin it.
(X) Ex 0619-4261-4388 (Braixen, Magmar, Charmeleon)
(X) Ex 0619-4261-4388 (Braixen, Magmar, Charmeleon) Wed 30 Oct 2013 20:41:20 No. 15399798 Report >>15399237 Might have one.
You still here?
Dimi - 2165-5993-6999 [Togepi, Mawile, Floette]
Dimi - 2165-5993-6999 [Togepi, Mawile, Floette] Wed 30 Oct 2013 20:41:40 No. 15399814 Report >>15399798 Yes, adding you
>>15399751 Why are you naming your pumpkins after butts, that's just not funny.
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You guys can send out other spooky theme pokemon too Give them cool nicknames
Robert 0645 5759 5142 (Ghost) Phantump, Lampent, Golurk
Robert 0645 5759 5142 (Ghost) Phantump, Lampent, Golurk Wed 30 Oct 2013 20:42:45 No. 15399844 Report Quoted By:
>>15399557 I'm having the same issue. I'm wondering if Safari Pumpkabooos just can't be Super-Sized.
Wipi 2895-7682-9320
>>15399794 just give'em nice halloween nicknames or some thit like that
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>>15399640 I was thinking-
15 Named "Treat" with Rare Candies
15 named "Trick" with Everstones
Cake !!yD2X3PbQhvG
Quoted By:
Wait, is Pumpkaboo only found in the really tall grass, or is it found somewhere chainable?
...would Espurr count as spooky enough for a Halloween event? If I could figure out Halloween nicknames for them.. I have way too many 4-5IV cats in my boxes..
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I will name mine "Pokekiller"
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Is pumpkaboo a y exclusive? If not, were can I find it?
>>15399847 Is "Spook da bug" a nice halloween nickname?
Stefany 2234-7173-5987
Anyone got a spare female super sized pumpkaboo? Prefer one with good ivs since i'm going to give a Adamant Tyrunt with 4-5ivs, Dragon Dance and 3 E-fangs for it. (Got too many of em)
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Sableyes would make good pokes too tonight I think
>>15399934 No, I was being retarded, "Spooky buggy" is the answer.
Wipi 2895-7682-9320
Quoted By:
>>15399972 i guess, just dont name them "2spooky4me"
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Okay guys, I have an idea. skill swap pumpkaboo, all its abilities are worthless, so you can switch with an opponent to cripple them while buffing yourself with a potentionally useful ability. Which ability would be best for this? Pick-up is all around worthless, but they could pick up a berry or something Frisk is also useless, but it might well them out a bit when they scout your items Insomnia is also pretty worthless, and you can use it to stop any pokemon from resting. what you guys think?
>>15399958 I've got one with 4 IVs.
Hex 4398-9011-4632
dEFINETLY gonna be trading pumpkaboos, also can someone help me evolve a phantump
Stefany 2234-7173-5987
>>15400056 Good enough for me, you want a male or a female one btw?
Dimi - 2165-5993-6999 [Togepi, Mawile, Floette]
Dimi - 2165-5993-6999 [Togepi, Mawile, Floette] Wed 30 Oct 2013 20:52:37 No. 15400149 Report Quoted By:
>>15399798 ...What is your ingame name?
Snake 4914-3735-8412 [Fairy - Spritzee, Dedenne, Floette*]
Snake 4914-3735-8412 [Fairy - Spritzee, Dedenne, Floette*] Wed 30 Oct 2013 20:53:13 No. 15400174 Report >>15400056 If you don't mind, I'd like one too. Don't care about IVs or natures. All I have to give is a bunch of Zoruas with random IVs and natures if that's all right.
>>15400126 Doesn't matter.
>>15400174 I don't have any more females at the moment, if that's what you want it'll take a few minutes.
Ask 3737 9563 2286
Snake 4914-3735-8412 [Fairy - Spritzee, Dedenne, Floette*]
Snake 4914-3735-8412 [Fairy - Spritzee, Dedenne, Floette*] Wed 30 Oct 2013 20:56:15 No. 15400287 Report >>15400243 I don't mind. Just need a super sized one.
tripshit !!bFP03tBZRIm
These seems fun. Gourgheist is my little broski. Surprisingly beefy, too. I could stream some spooky episodes of pokemon for a bit during the day tomorrow, if you guys want. I've got a thing to go to around eight, but before then. You guys'd have to tell me which episodes qualify, though. Have not watched pokemon since Kanto. Also my room has a limit on it, only 50 of us could be in there. Still. Respond if interested.
>>15400294 >not only streaming spooky episodes like the gastly/haunter/gengar one from kanto etc >not having a spookathlon of poke episodes with /vp/ Do it and you might be my hero
tripshit !!bFP03tBZRIm
Quoted By:
>>15400294 >spelling and grammar errors. Sorry. No excuse, just stupid.
Nosson 5300-9438-7094
Quoted By:
I am also in need of a supersize to start my breeding project, can anyone assist me?
Ask 3737 9563 2286
>>15400294 Episode 20: The Maiden of Ghost Peak
But you probably knew that one already
George 3780 9624 5672
I would love a break from IV breeding to partake in this. Anybody got any female super-sized they're willing to part with?
tripshit !!bFP03tBZRIm
>>15400328 I could use some recommendations of spooky episodes so I can start torrenting them now, though.
Also, do people generally stream subbed or dubbed? Subs are a pain on a stream, but the dub is bad.
Hex 4398-9011-4632
Wipi 2895-7682-9320
Quoted By:
>>15400358 isn't it the one with the jewish gastly that could also speak?
>>15400393 >Subs are a pain on a stream, but the dub is bad. wut
do dub nerdmo
Quoted By:
>>15400287 Send a trade whenever.
Wipi 2895-7682-9320
>>15400386 sure, add me IGN is Jill
tripshit !!bFP03tBZRIm
>>15400425 Okay. I'll probably just do what I can get by tomorrow.
Fuck it. I will set it up tomorrow. If people show up they show up.
George 3780 9624 5672
Quoted By:
>>15400458 Added! Will be sending out the trade request. Thanks, bro!
(X) Ex 0619-4261-4388 (Braixen, Magmar, Charmeleon)
(X) Ex 0619-4261-4388 (Braixen, Magmar, Charmeleon) Wed 30 Oct 2013 21:03:09 No. 15400552 Report Quoted By:
>>15399814 >15399794 Sorry, was wrong.
I got a ton of Fennekin in those balls. My pumpkaboo are all either reg ball, white ball or repeat ball cause those asshole wouldn't stay in the luxury balls.
>>15399829 Cause both Pumpkaboo and Gourgeist have Pumpkins for their hips/ lower half of their body ... in other words, they got Pumpkin Butts.
Mix that with Gourgeist's feminine look and it's pretty clear why those names work.
Quoted By:
I name mine Le Pumpkin
Hex 4398-9011-4632
Quoted By:
>>15400358 thanks btw nigga
Quoted By:
>>15398778 I could think of that as a "one year of X/Y" special
When are people sending em out?
Redworthy 4640-0037-8823 (Water - Bibarel, Floatzel, Frogadier)
Redworthy 4640-0037-8823 (Water - Bibarel, Floatzel, Frogadier) Wed 30 Oct 2013 21:18:07 No. 15401039 Report >>15400458 Could I get one too please?
Nosson 5300-9438-7094
Wipi 2895-7682-9320
>>15401039 sure, add and send the trade request
Quoted By:
oh this is brilliant op i am totally in
Zack 2406-6148-2369 (Helioptile, Emolga, Luxio)
Zack 2406-6148-2369 (Helioptile, Emolga, Luxio) Wed 30 Oct 2013 21:21:19 No. 15401137 Report I finally decided what I'm going to name mine. I'm going to make a Paper Mario reference and name all the female ones after The Shadow Sirens, and then name all the males Doopliss.
Redworthy 4640-0037-8823 (Water - Bibarel, Floatzel, Frogadier)
Redworthy 4640-0037-8823 (Water - Bibarel, Floatzel, Frogadier) Wed 30 Oct 2013 21:22:54 No. 15401173 Report >>15401086 What's your IGN?
Quoted By:
I'll be sending out Litwicks and Phantumps with Pokerus/Rare Candy
Wipi 2895-7682-9320
>>15401137 I love you
You can name a few males Vivian
Redworthy 4640-0037-8823 (Water - Bibarel, Floatzel, Frogadier)
Redworthy 4640-0037-8823 (Water - Bibarel, Floatzel, Frogadier) Wed 30 Oct 2013 21:25:11 No. 15401252 Report Zack 2406-6148-2369 (Helioptile, Emolga, Luxio)
Zack 2406-6148-2369 (Helioptile, Emolga, Luxio) Wed 30 Oct 2013 21:26:24 No. 15401287 Report Quoted By:
>>15401228 Good idea. I'll do that.
Wipi 2895-7682-9320
Do supersize Pumpkaboos only breed supersize children? Because I could do this, I have one who I was considering breeding out to create a bunch of supers for Wonder Trading. They'd all be called GrandPumpkin
>>15399917 Name them Kyubey
tripshit !!bFP03tBZRIm
Which ability should we aim for? I have a few friends with Pumpkaboo in its safari, so I could send Insomia out. Pickup seems more of a halloweeny ability, though.
>>15400505 >regarding tomorrow's stream So I've got
>The Ghost of Maiden's Peak The official site actually has a list of scary pokemon episodes up right now for the season. Listed are:
1. s1e23 The Tower of Terror (I remember this one... Ash fucking dies in it.)
2. s1e24 Haunter vs. Kadabra (I think I remember this one too; it's got nightmare fuel Sabrina in it.)
3. s4e23 A Ghost of a Chance
4. s4e25 From Ghost to Ghost
5. s3e16 Illusion Confusion
6. s7e41 Take this House and Shuppet
7. s9e1 Fear Factor Phony
8. s10e43 Malice in Wonderland
9. s12e1 Get your Rotom Running
10. s14e14 A Night in the Nacrene Museum
So, that's the menu for tomorrow, if I can get them all by then. This'll be my last post in this thread about the stream, unless anyone has questions. I'll start it about when I wake up and end it when I have to go at 7:30/8:00 PST
I'll give out the link in tomorrow's pumpkaboo distribution thread.
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>>15401351 I started naming them Carrie and Salem because I couldnt think of anything else.
>>15401305 Between two Pumpkaboos, the mother passes on the size. For a Pumpkaboo and a Ditto, it's the size of the parent.
Quoted By:
>>15401386 Sounds great, I'll watch
Quoted By:
>>15401386 Won't be able to join it 'til around 2:30 PST, but I'll be there.
Quoted By:
>>15401427 Cool, mine is a female.
Time to start picking Pumpkaboos! How can I tell the size of the Pumpkaboo?
Do we have percentages on how common the sizes are? I can't seem to find a super
Quoted By:
>>15401531 Supersized ones have a different cry. It's much deeper.
Redworthy 4640-0037-8823 (Water - Bibarel, Floatzel, Frogadier)
Redworthy 4640-0037-8823 (Water - Bibarel, Floatzel, Frogadier) Wed 30 Oct 2013 21:36:57 No. 15401630 Report >>15401601 "Pumpkaboo has a form difference based upon how it was when first encountered. This form cannot be changed"
Does anyone have any decent Pumpaboos they can share with me? I haven't gotten far enough for them yet...
Quoted By:
>>15401531 the huge ones always carry a miracle seed in the wild. any mon with frisk can find them.
>>15401630 That means individual pumps, you aren't locked into only finding one size
Redworthy 4640-0037-8823 (Water - Bibarel, Floatzel, Frogadier)
Redworthy 4640-0037-8823 (Water - Bibarel, Floatzel, Frogadier) Wed 30 Oct 2013 21:40:13 No. 15401735 Report Quoted By:
>>15401684 Really?
Thnak God
Quoted By:
>>15401531 by looking at it
>>15401658 Sure, put up up yer code.
Sherlock [IGN Locke] 0576-4422-9607 (Gyrados/Crabby/Azumaril)
Sherlock [IGN Locke] 0576-4422-9607 (Gyrados/Crabby/Azumaril) Wed 30 Oct 2013 21:50:39 No. 15402047 Report >>15401966 Not that guy, but I'd like to get in on this.
Bonbon 1676-4289-0437
Quoted By:
>>15401386 What about that one episode where they're in a wrecked ship, and there's a Swampert in there being all 2spooky4u (unless the episode name is on there, idk the name).
Someone should start breeding and handing out Extra Large good natured and preferably good IV Pumpkaboos so that everyone can breed and spread them and we can get a higher quantity of good quality Pumpkaboos for tomorrow, since size is passed on through the mother.
Sherlock [IGN Locke] 0576-4422-9607 (Gyrados/Crabby/Azumaril)
Sherlock [IGN Locke] 0576-4422-9607 (Gyrados/Crabby/Azumaril) Wed 30 Oct 2013 21:57:13 No. 15402216 Report Quoted By:
Dimi - 2165-5993-6999 [Togepi, Mawile, Floette]
Dimi - 2165-5993-6999 [Togepi, Mawile, Floette] Wed 30 Oct 2013 21:58:19 No. 15402245 Report >>15402189 No shit Sherlock, what do you think is happening here?
>>15401966 Wanna trade me one, too?
>>15402189 That's basically what I've been doing for the past hour or so. Still got a few 4-5 IV supersized left for passing out.
>>15402047 Thanks man, I've been meaning to find a good Gligar.
>>15402090 Send me a trade whenever you're ready.
I've got some 3~5 IV boos I can trade. Need good Mawiles.
0018 0253 7050 (Beautifly, Combee and Pinsir)
0018 0253 7050 (Beautifly, Combee and Pinsir) Wed 30 Oct 2013 22:02:59 No. 15402374 Report Quoted By:
>>15402252 Added. I've got plenty of time to chain breed some big Pumpkaboos
>>15402090 >>15402245 You two need to tell me your IGNs or just send the trades yourself, ready when you are.
>>15402313 Doh. Here I am. Forgot I'd anon'd for a bit.
Dimi - 2165-5993-6999 [Togepi, Mawile, Floette]
Dimi - 2165-5993-6999 [Togepi, Mawile, Floette] Wed 30 Oct 2013 22:04:24 No. 15402420 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
Hahaha yes this is the best. Good on you guys.
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius)
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius) Wed 30 Oct 2013 22:05:27 No. 15402452 Report Quoted By:
>>15402379 >Is me >I forgot how to 4chan >Should have friend code now Tim 2766 8381 4091 (Octillery, Gyarados, Poliwhirl))
Tim 2766 8381 4091 (Octillery, Gyarados, Poliwhirl)) Wed 30 Oct 2013 22:05:49 No. 15402464 Report >>15402252 I'd love one if you still have any.
All of mine have full movesets, but know both Trick and Trick-Or-Treat Only two with items are Treat, who has a Rare Candy, and Trick, who has an Everstone
Dimi - 2165-5993-6999 [Togepi, Mawile, Floette]
Dimi - 2165-5993-6999 [Togepi, Mawile, Floette] Wed 30 Oct 2013 22:06:33 No. 15402488 Report >>15402376 Got no female one?
>>15397135 My nigga, got mine in about 5-7 boxes the other day. A little over half of the boxes were small Pumpkaboos and then switched over to supersized. Also question does supersized pumpkaboos get slower speed stats and ups attack/defenses or am I crazy?
Quoted By:
>>15402486 I'm trying to go for full movesets, with Trick and Trick-Or-Treat, AND in Luxury Balls. It's proving hard to find a female SS Pumpkaboo, though.
Dimi - 2165-5993-6999 [Togepi, Mawile, Floette]
Dimi - 2165-5993-6999 [Togepi, Mawile, Floette] Wed 30 Oct 2013 22:08:10 No. 15402533 Report Quoted By:
>>15402464 Sure, just gimme a few minutes while I get these pending trades done.
>>15402514 Bigger ones have higher attack and lower speed
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius)
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius) Wed 30 Oct 2013 22:09:16 No. 15402573 Report I have a few 3~5 Super-sized boos I can trade. Just would like an adamant/intimidate mawile with the same number of IVs.
Quoted By:
Seconding Cake's question, about where you can chain a Pumpkaboo.
Quoted By:
>>15402552 Had to make sure, I was feeling like I did something wrong.
KRISPY WIZ(X) 1693-1656-8436(Heracross, Combee, Volbeat)
KRISPY WIZ(X) 1693-1656-8436(Heracross, Combee, Volbeat) Wed 30 Oct 2013 22:09:57 No. 15402592 Report Quoted By:
All right, got my supersized female pumpkaboo in the daycare with a japanese ditto. I'm only doing 30 but my hopes for shiny will always intensify. Do you think with a ditto the children won't be supersized?
Tim 2766 8381 4091 (Octillery, Gyarados, Poliwhirl))
Tim 2766 8381 4091 (Octillery, Gyarados, Poliwhirl)) Wed 30 Oct 2013 22:10:17 No. 15402604 Report >>15402542 Thanks. IGN is Tim. Do you want anything specific in return? Don't have too much.
Jake 0146-9440-2100 (Sawk, Mankey, Breloom)
Jake 0146-9440-2100 (Sawk, Mankey, Breloom) Wed 30 Oct 2013 22:11:20 No. 15402640 Report >>15402573 I'm in. Will be 4IV.
>>15402604 Nothing I'd want off the top o' my head, just send whatever you can.
Maple 4356-0443-8568
Anyone have a spare super-size with one of OPs recommended natures they can trade me so I can get in on this?
Tim 2766 8381 4091 (Octillery, Gyarados, Poliwhirl))
Tim 2766 8381 4091 (Octillery, Gyarados, Poliwhirl)) Wed 30 Oct 2013 22:17:28 No. 15402838 Report >>15402773 Thanks very much!
KRISPY WIZ(X) 1693-1656-8436(Heracross, Combee, Volbeat)
KRISPY WIZ(X) 1693-1656-8436(Heracross, Combee, Volbeat) Wed 30 Oct 2013 22:17:59 No. 15402852 Report >>15402815 as soon as I hatch one, but if someone beats me to it don't hesitate to trade with them. I'll add you
sal 3024-6129-8163 ground( tropich nicada gastrodon) Anonymous Wed 30 Oct 2013 22:18:12 No. 15402856 Report >>15402640 mind if i add for breelom?
>>15402838 No problem.
>>15402815 I've got three or so left for now, just a sec.
Jake 0146-9440-2100 (Sawk, Mankey, Breloom)
Jake 0146-9440-2100 (Sawk, Mankey, Breloom) Wed 30 Oct 2013 22:19:54 No. 15402900 Report >>15402856 go for it nigga
What if we all just end up with each other's pumpkaboos?
Quoted By:
>>15402914 I'm expecting elemental monkeys. That would be an improvement.
Amaya 2406-5432-8338
Any spare super sizes? In return, I have a 3IV modest gooey goomy.
Maple 4356-0443-8568
>>15402862 No worries.
Just found my 3DS and added you. Whenever you're ready, just hit me with a request.
Cheers and thanks!
>>15402852 If you want I can add you anyway. Thanks for the quick response guys!
GT 4983 6227 3898 (IGN:Rinneth)
I got like three box full of super size Pumpkaboo and I ready to wondertrade these bat pumpkins. Nearly all of them are Careful. What nature did most of you bred your pumpkins?
>>15402987 A mystery egg, eh? Don't tell me what's in it.
>>15402979 I've got two 4 IVs left right now, I'll send one your way.
sal 3024-6129-8163 ground( tropich nicada gastrodon) Anonymous Wed 30 Oct 2013 22:24:14 No. 15403050 Report Quoted By:
Dimi - 2165-5993-6999 [Togepi, Mawile, Floette]
Dimi - 2165-5993-6999 [Togepi, Mawile, Floette] Wed 30 Oct 2013 22:24:42 No. 15403065 Report Quoted By:
Is it possible to make Pokemon fuck faster?
Hold on one cotton picking second These are trade evos? Oh man they were expecting this.Also thanks Kohdok
Maple 4356-0443-8568
>>15402862 >>15402987 Thanks again!
Enjoy your adamant Aerodactyl when it hatches.
If I breed this with a ditto, its children will maintain its super size status right?
Quoted By:
>>15403014 I'm doing Careful too. Probably because you're the one who traded a Careful one to me in the first place. Thanks again.
Amaya 2406-5432-8338
Quoted By:
>>15403047 Thanks! I've added you.
Noah 2981-6599-0969 Electric (Dedenne/Electabuzz/Luxio)
Noah 2981-6599-0969 Electric (Dedenne/Electabuzz/Luxio) Wed 30 Oct 2013 22:27:18 No. 15403158 Report Quoted By:
Anyone have a pumpkaboo FS that wouldnt mind adding me? Thanks in advance!!
Maple 4356-0443-8568
>>15403047 Provided you didn't read the post I made a little while ago before I saw yours, you won't...
hope you like it Cheers and thanks again!
If I breed this with a ditto, its children will maintain its super size status right?
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius)
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius) Wed 30 Oct 2013 22:29:32 No. 15403225 Report Quoted By:
Guys I have way more pumpkaboos than Rare Candies and I don't want to recirculate pidgeys to get more miles. I do have lots of these berries: - Kelpsy (-attack EVs) - The -HP and -Defense EV ones. - Leppa (PP restore) - The one which reduces super effective fairy. - The one which reduces super effective rock. - The one which reduces super effective electric. - Lum (full heal) Which would be less shitty to add to the pumpkins with no rare candy?
Quoted By:
>>15403195 Yeah, breeding with a Ditto copiesthe Pumpkaboo parent's size.
Wait is this tonight or tommorow night
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius)
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius) Wed 30 Oct 2013 22:32:28 No. 15403318 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>15403263 Lum and Leppa probably have the most practical use, but the SE reducers are more rare.
Why not mix it up?
Tim 2766 8381 4091 (Octillery, Gyarados, Poliwhirl))
Tim 2766 8381 4091 (Octillery, Gyarados, Poliwhirl)) Wed 30 Oct 2013 22:33:01 No. 15403331 Report Quoted By:
>>15403263 I would say either the fairy one, since it's new, or the lum one, since it's arguably the most useful competitively.
Nosson 5300-9438-7094
Quoted By:
working on supersized, sassy, insomnia, with skill swap as egg move pumpkaboos. I should be able to have a box or two of them to send out on wonder trade tomorrow.
Alex 3136-7703-3369 (Corsola, Boldore, Barbacle)
Alex 3136-7703-3369 (Corsola, Boldore, Barbacle) Wed 30 Oct 2013 22:35:59 No. 15403429 Report I would love to get in on this, but I have no pumpkaboo.
I have one 4 IV Careful Pumpkaboo (and one friend spot) left, first come first serve. I've also got an extra perfect 5 IV one if anyone wants to make a good offer for it.
Wipi 2895-7682-9320
fuck gravelers and their everstones, im swithcing to elemental stones instead for the "i got a rock" ones
Alex 3136-7703-3369 (Corsola, Boldore, Barbacle)
Alex 3136-7703-3369 (Corsola, Boldore, Barbacle) Wed 30 Oct 2013 22:39:40 No. 15403536 Report >>15403489 i'll take the extra if you don't mind if you don't mind
Quoted By:
>>15403536 I don't mind I don't mind.
Quoted By:
>>15403501 You could also do hard stones. I have loads of them from using rock smash.
tripshit !!bFP03tBZRIm
Quoted By:
>>15403429 How far in the game are you? They're found on route 16.
>>15396881 Is it ok if I send Modest Haunter named
Behind you..
Look up...
Look down...
I don't have any pumpkins.
Also any other name ideas?
Maple 4356-0443-8568
>>15403827 >Modest haunters I like you.
Bump in nite for one perhaps?
tripshit !!bFP03tBZRIm
>>15403300 Tomorrow. We're doing it for Halloween.
>>15397941 You're doing the world a favor. What's your OT? I want to make sure I don't lose yours.
Quoted By:
>>15401351 This
little fucker is creepy.
Redworthy 4640-0037-8823 (Water - Bibarel, Floatzel, Frogadier)
Redworthy 4640-0037-8823 (Water - Bibarel, Floatzel, Frogadier) Wed 30 Oct 2013 22:53:41 No. 15403969 Report Quoted By:
>>15403902 It's Halloween tonight for some countries
Hey OP, I love the idea, but my Halloween Pumpkaboo are just a little more haphazard. Can't wait to see if ours cross paths!
>>15396881 Alternatively, can we send Cherubis holding berries and name them something like "Stay Healthy"?
I hope this becomes a yearly thing, a nice little event to get the vp community together
Quoted By:
>>15403988 Fuck you, now I have to do this too. Oran berries.
Quoted By:
It's the great pumkaboo trade charlie brown
hmm, is there a candy pokemon we could trade?
Wipi 2895-7682-9320
Quoted By:
i wonder how many of us will get each others' pokemen
Quoted By:
>>15403924 >OT Is that the Trainer ID?
Redworthy 4640-0037-8823 (Water - Bibarel, Floatzel, Frogadier)
Redworthy 4640-0037-8823 (Water - Bibarel, Floatzel, Frogadier) Wed 30 Oct 2013 22:59:49 No. 15404171 Report Quoted By:
>>15403972 >inb4 all your Pumpkaboos get exchanged for another Pumpkaboo Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>15403885 Thanks anon but I was thinking something shorter.
Something like
I see you...
Quoted By:
>>15404138 Swirlix and Vanillite, I suppose. Swirlix are annoying to find, but vanillite is easy to farm if you have a sweet scene 'mon with you.
imo I think it's better to stick with pumpkaboo, or at least ghost types like haunter/ghastly
Do we have confirmation that the friend safari only has average sized pumpkaboos? I just caught 4 ad they were all the same.
Quoted By:
I wish I could send some lava cookies or ragecandybars
By the end of the night I'm probably going to have several Bold 3IV Klefki. What if I name them all "Spookeys" and distribute them tomorrow
Quoted By:
I'll send out some gourgeists named sexy pumpkin costume
incoming murkrow named nevermore.
Nosson 5300-9438-7094
Quoted By:
>>15404215 I have only seen average in friend safari as well.
Quoted By:
>>15404339 Dang, should have thought of that
Quoted By:
unloading delibird named too soon?
>not being able to have a pokemon with false swipe and foresight or odor sleuth without breeding farming for pumpkaboos is turning out to be a pain in the ass.
we should send execute... like you would egg someone's house. not sure what to call it though.
>>15396881 >>15396881 >Pumpkaboos >Not sending your female Marowaks' named "Never Forget" Anonymous
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius)
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius) Wed 30 Oct 2013 23:19:40 No. 15404735 Report Quoted By:
>>15404437 Grab a Friend Safari pokemon; they're low enough level to farm them. Once you get one, Repeat balls.
So, have we already established Repeat Ball = best pumpkaboo ball? I wanna make sure I get this right assuming I find a supersize female.
Redworthy 4640-0037-8823 (Water - Bibarel, Floatzel, Frogadier)
Redworthy 4640-0037-8823 (Water - Bibarel, Floatzel, Frogadier) Wed 30 Oct 2013 23:27:30 No. 15405003 Report Quoted By:
I have a box full of SpookyBoogies ready to go, I'm in the process of giving them all Pokerus.
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius)
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius) Wed 30 Oct 2013 23:27:32 No. 15405005 Report Quoted By:
>>15404937 Once you get one, you still have to weaken it a little. Using another Pumpkaboo you've caught with Shadow Sneak works well for this purpose, especially with the bulk of the Super-Sizes. I farmed them with my first Gourgeist.
Nosson 5300-9438-7094
so far it seems like getting a supersize with hidden ability is impossible... only averages in friend safari, and only females can pass on their size, so I have to use a male from friend safari... but it seems males can only pass on hidden abilities while with a ditto... so yeah, an insomnia super size may just be impossible...
Quoted By:
>>15404937 I've been breeding with a repeat ball. I mean it's the candy corn ball, why not?
Quoted By:
I'm busy on Halloween night, should I trade during the daytime or after midnight?
Quoted By:
>>15405212 pickup is probably more fitting a trickortreater anyway.
>Finally find a supersize >It's male
Any great name ideas? Names gotta be twelve characters or less:>GreatPumpkin >JSkellington (The Pumpkin King) >Pumpkinhead >Jack (-o'-lantern) >Scarecrow >PumpkinPie >IchabodCrane >PumpkinJuice >Scissors (Pumpkin Scissors) >Rue (female Magna Carta character who always carries around a pumpkin) >Frank (carved into a jack-o-lantern in a scene in Donnie Darko) >HinkyPunk >WillOWisp >Wisp Are there any animu or vidya characters that carry around a pumpkin a lot?
Quoted By:
>>15405586 Or movie/tv characters. I think I covered those with Pumpkinhead and Jack Skellington, but maybe not.
0920-0488-7063 (Noibat, Gabite, Druddigon)
0920-0488-7063 (Noibat, Gabite, Druddigon) Wed 30 Oct 2013 23:47:41 No. 15405667 Report Anonymous
>>15405577 Just breed with Ditto.
Quoted By:
>>15405667 >>15405683 Ditto doesn't pass down Pokeball
I found a female anyway
Is it okay to give them Heart Scales since they cost less than candies? I can't afford many candies right now.
Quoted By:
>>15405877 Or are we saving them for Valentine's Day Luvdisc/Alomomomla?
>>15405877 Do you plan to Wonder Trade any other Halloween-themed Pokemon? If so, send those first. That way, you'll have more PokeMiles saved up which you can then spend on Rare Candy.
Also, have you hooked up your game to the Global Link yet? You can send your miles to be saved to your online account where the online PokeMiles shop sells everything for half-price (250 miles per candy rather than 500).
>>15406009 I was just going to send a full box of Pumpkaboo.
I just checked the Global Link. I can afford 29, which is all I need. But what if we get other Pumpkaboo tomorrow night? Do we send them back into the world rare candy and all? Or do we accept our treat?
Quoted By:
>>15406151 Up to you.
The person that sends it intends it as a gift. It will fulfill its purpose whether you accept it or pass it on to someone else.
About how many pokemiles do you get per wondertrade?
Quoted By:
The best part of this is the day after tomorrow, the GTS will be filled with people looking to trade their gourgeist or pumpkaboo for a Xerneas shiny plz
Redworthy 4640-0037-8823 (Water - Bibarel, Floatzel, Frogadier)
Redworthy 4640-0037-8823 (Water - Bibarel, Floatzel, Frogadier) Thu 31 Oct 2013 00:21:35 No. 15406722 Report Quoted By:
>>15406425 I think it's 100 per trade
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius)
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius) Thu 31 Oct 2013 00:24:38 No. 15406826 Report Quoted By:
>>15405586 I actually named my first Pumpkaboo "Skellington".
>Marceline (Adventure-Time face, fangs) >Pie (You know...) Anonymous
I just hatched a shiny pumpkaboo. Now I'm conflicted with keeping it or sending it out anyway.
Quoted By:
I may send one when the time comes, i hope i don´t get a Fletchling or a Weedle though.
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius)
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius) Thu 31 Oct 2013 00:29:27 No. 15406991 Report >>15406899 nobody would blame you for keeping it. M/F?
Redworthy 4640-0037-8823 (Water - Bibarel, Floatzel, Frogadier)
Redworthy 4640-0037-8823 (Water - Bibarel, Floatzel, Frogadier) Thu 31 Oct 2013 00:32:44 No. 15407112 Report Quoted By:
>>15406899 I'll take it off your hands if you don't want it
>>15406991 Female with a rash nature.
Is Special pumpkaboo even a thing?
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius)
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius) Thu 31 Oct 2013 00:35:31 No. 15407205 Report Quoted By:
>>15407129 Nah. it.s SpAtk is bollocks. Some have proposed running it with Flamethrower for Scizor/Forretress/Skarmory, though.
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius)
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius) Thu 31 Oct 2013 00:36:35 No. 15407238 Report Quoted By:
>>15407129 Oh, and name it "Marceline". Adventure Time face, Fangs, AND black hair in Gourgeist form.
Redworthy 4640-0037-8823 (Water - Bibarel, Floatzel, Frogadier)
Redworthy 4640-0037-8823 (Water - Bibarel, Floatzel, Frogadier) Thu 31 Oct 2013 00:36:40 No. 15407241 Report Afterwards we should have a debriefing and post what Pokemon we got in return
Sherlock [IGN Locke] 0576-4422-9607 (Gyrados/Crabby/Azumaril)
Sherlock [IGN Locke] 0576-4422-9607 (Gyrados/Crabby/Azumaril) Thu 31 Oct 2013 00:37:52 No. 15407295 Report You know, this whole thing has made me actually want to use one of these things. Problem is I think I actually need a small one, so how the heck do I tell them apart?
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius)
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius) Thu 31 Oct 2013 00:39:39 No. 15407347 Report Quoted By:
>>15407241 I can see it now:
>"I got a Rock Pokemon..." Anonymous
>>15407295 The small ones are pretty easy to recognize. If you're not sure which is which it's probably an average.
Sherlock [IGN Locke] 0576-4422-9607 (Gyrados/Crabby/Azumaril)
Sherlock [IGN Locke] 0576-4422-9607 (Gyrados/Crabby/Azumaril) Thu 31 Oct 2013 00:41:26 No. 15407396 Report >>15407350 Don't they all look the same in your party or pc?
Dimi - 2165-5993-6999 [Togepi, Mawile, Floette]
Dimi - 2165-5993-6999 [Togepi, Mawile, Floette] Thu 31 Oct 2013 00:41:34 No. 15407397 Report >>15402542 Got two 5 IV Pumpkins from breeding the one you traded me with one of my Dittos. Thanks.
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius)
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius) Thu 31 Oct 2013 00:41:56 No. 15407414 Report >>15407295 Formdex in the pokedex. When you encounter one, it doesn't even come close to filling the screen (Normal kisses the edges, large exceeds the bounds a little, Super has dat voice).
Keep in mind that, in exchange for the speed, they lose a LOT of physical bulk.
>>15407396 Nope. I have 3 different sizes lined up in my pc box and the preview is very noticeably different.
>>15407295 Dunno why you'd want a small one, really. The only thing the supersized ones lose out on is speed, which is somewhat negated by Shadow Sneak.
>>15407397 No prob.
Sherlock [IGN Locke] 0576-4422-9607 (Gyrados/Crabby/Azumaril)
Sherlock [IGN Locke] 0576-4422-9607 (Gyrados/Crabby/Azumaril) Thu 31 Oct 2013 00:47:26 No. 15407586 Report >>15407414 >>15407504 >>15407488 Ah okay, guess those pages I read were wrong about the sizes looking the same.
About the size. Well I wanted to use it for stalling with leech seed, will-o-wisp, substitute, and phantom force.
Nothing serious, just battling with friends.
Naturally I thought super size would be the way to go. However smogon seems to say small would be best for this. I'm entirely new to any sort of competitive battling so I have no idea what I'm doing here.
>>15407586 The only way I could see a small Gourgeist stalling better with that set than a supersize Gourgeist is with the off-chance that it goes first with Phantom Force, but for the purpose of actually taking hits, supersize is the way to go: higher HP for bigger Subs n' higher Def which really helps her tanking combined with Will-o-wisp.
Sorry but about what time the wonder trades are starting? At midnight (USA)?
Quoted By:
>>15407909 Sometime tomorrow.
Anyone gonna make a new thread before this one falls into the dream world?
Sherlock [IGN Locke] 0576-4422-9607 (Gyrados/Crabby/Azumaril)
Sherlock [IGN Locke] 0576-4422-9607 (Gyrados/Crabby/Azumaril) Thu 31 Oct 2013 01:20:15 No. 15408669 Report Quoted By:
>>15407775 It seems Smogon says speed is good for this is so that it can fire off will-o-wisp to cripple before the opponent hits, fire off substitute so that the doll takes the hit and it doesn't, ect.
While that seems good, I'm more inclined to agree with you despite the fact I don't know jack. Seems like if it isn't bulky as possible, the speed isn't going to make enough difference.