Grand Duchess Zessica of the Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere 1564 2914 3214 !HScrubDAYw
Grand Duchess Zessica of the Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere 1564 2914 3214 !HScrubDAYw Thu 31 Oct 2013 11:49:41 No. 15424037 Report Quoted By:
>>15424000 Whatever happened to the Wi-Fi Generals?
J - 0748 2749 5863 [looking for a new project, MMing Honedge] !q69aSU0kOQ
J - 0748 2749 5863 [looking for a new project, MMing Honedge] !q69aSU0kOQ Thu 31 Oct 2013 11:50:27 No. 15424051 Report Previous Thread:
>>15421433 _____
>>15424012 They have both spikes / adamant nature/ speed boost and mixed IVs, I don't want anything particular in return.
Alec 4012 4120 1149
Quoted By:
>>15423934 What do you want for an Adamant Venipede?
Cedar [3ds] 4527-8042-8550 !CEdAr//DWA
Renegard, I can get you a Pupitar~ I just checked my Rock Safari. Female in a Premier Ball?
Alec 4012 4120 1149
Renegard !mFennEkIN6
>>15424060 Yep, thank you very much~
Well, at least now if I get a shiny Eevee it has a pretty good chance of having decent IVs and a usable nature. It would have kind of sucked if I got one in my first batch
Izix 4983-5691-7789
Quoted By:
Can someone show me an articuno in trade for my pokedex please? It's one of the few I need to see.
Grand Duchess Zessica of the Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere 1564 2914 3214 !HScrubDAYw
Grand Duchess Zessica of the Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere 1564 2914 3214 !HScrubDAYw Thu 31 Oct 2013 11:54:54 No. 15424108 Report >>15424084
Like it was dipped into radioactive waste.
dawny 0146 9834 4218
I'll just ask here if someone's got a male Smeargle with more than 2 perfects before using a safari one.
J - 0748 2749 5863 [looking for a new project, MMing Honedge] !q69aSU0kOQ
J - 0748 2749 5863 [looking for a new project, MMing Honedge] !q69aSU0kOQ Thu 31 Oct 2013 11:55:29 No. 15424118 Report >>15424108 That's how he got its superpowers.
>>15424108 It's one of the few shinies I actually like more than the original. It works because Espeon is already pretty weird
Quoted By:
>>15424108 Puke / Neon green is GFs favorite color for shinies. No idea why.
Alex !tDFrTopkek
Cedar [3ds] 4527-8042-8550 !CEdAr//DWA
Quoted By:
>>15424075 No worries! Just trade me whenever you're available~
Is this a good place to do RMT, or should I make my own thread?
repostan does anyone want this before i go afk for a few days? i have a kadabra with max ivs in all but spA (knows recover) and a calm and bold female sableyes it was gonna be my next breeding project but i have exams
dawny 0146 9834 4218
J - 0748 2749 5863 [looking for a new project, MMing Honedge] !q69aSU0kOQ
J - 0748 2749 5863 [looking for a new project, MMing Honedge] !q69aSU0kOQ Thu 31 Oct 2013 12:00:54 No. 15424189 Report >>15424068 I added you, trade me whenever
Grand Duchess Zessica of the Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere 1564 2914 3214 !HScrubDAYw
Grand Duchess Zessica of the Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere 1564 2914 3214 !HScrubDAYw Thu 31 Oct 2013 12:02:03 No. 15424208 Report Somebody was looking for a Teddi Safari?
Alex !tDFrTopkek
>>15424182 That's ok, it's not great. I stopped breeding after getting just one perfect one physical attackers
J - 0748 2749 5863 [looking for a new project, MMing Honedge] !q69aSU0kOQ
J - 0748 2749 5863 [looking for a new project, MMing Honedge] !q69aSU0kOQ Thu 31 Oct 2013 12:03:11 No. 15424232 Report The game crashed after I hatched 2 boxes of honedges. I'm not even mad, that's an hour of wonder trading - releasing saved.
Alec 4012 4120 1149
>>15424169 oh shit I've been looking for both
Quoted By:
Anyone else WTing out their scraps with rare candies for Halloween?
Alex !tDFrTopkek
Quoted By:
>>15424208 Yeah, I was. I've got one now though.
Cedar [3ds] 4527-8042-8550 !CEdAr//DWA
>>15424232 Are you playing the digital version?
You plan on saving five times when you get your shiny? Sextet (X: Jacob) 1762 2742 6441
Quoted By:
Alright, I got lucky and found a random Careful Skiddo. Skiddo breeding is commencing.
1118-0808-0365 (Aipom, Aundino and Ditto)
1118-0808-0365 (Aipom, Aundino and Ditto) Thu 31 Oct 2013 12:04:46 No. 15424269 Report >>15424136 I thought I was the only Carbuncle fan
>>15424234 you want them then?
do you have access to a sableye safari?
none of the sableyes have prankster though, i haven't been able to catch any
the sableyes i have are only useful for their natures and their 2 max ivs
Alec 4012 4120 1149
J - 0748 2749 5863 [looking for a new project, MMing Honedge] !q69aSU0kOQ
J - 0748 2749 5863 [looking for a new project, MMing Honedge] !q69aSU0kOQ Thu 31 Oct 2013 12:05:35 No. 15424286 Report >>15424264 Nope, cartridge.
I'll spend an hour saving Cedar [3ds] 4527-8042-8550 !CEdAr//DWA
>>15424286 Eww, that's not nice news.. I want to be safe with my physical copy.
I saved 10 times all shaky after my first shiny. The second shiny got one save and then I continued with what I was doing. Heh. Griffin (B2: 5329-8751-9586)(3DS: 3523-2059-4654) !!y5pNl9qaReF
Griffin (B2: 5329-8751-9586)(3DS: 3523-2059-4654) !!y5pNl9qaReF Thu 31 Oct 2013 12:07:12 No. 15424312 Report Quoted By:
>Wonder Trading more derp Fennekins. >Send out the 3rd Fennekin in the second row. >Get a Lv 30 FS Braixen for it. >It has Blaze. Well, I guess I deserved that...
>Next trader has "HAPPY HALLOWEEN!" in their profile. >They sent a Pokerus-infected FS Drifblim. And now I feel better.
>>15424164 I'm not seeing any threads that are specifically designed for it, but we post our teams if we need help with 'em.
0920 - 0277 - 8711
I have a shiny Kangaskhan in a premier ball. She's Adamant with Scrappy and perfect in Attack, Defense and Special Defense. I can nickname her. I can give her pokerus. I really, really, want a shiny spinda. Nature, IVs etc don't matter to me. I also have a bunch of 4IV Adamant Scrappy Kangas if you want any of those, I don't want anything special for them.
>>15424320 I have one actually, it's Modest. Adding you as we speak.
Tom 1676-5017-1514 ?
Quoted By:
BATLE VIDEO TIMAN UEFG-WWWW-WWW2-99WJ Christ this was close
Kaito 4699-5209-7343 (Azumarill, quagsire, octllery)
Kaito 4699-5209-7343 (Azumarill, quagsire, octllery) Thu 31 Oct 2013 12:10:06 No. 15424368 Report I'm looking for a foreign Ditto with 5 IVs. I have a shiny Teddiursa and a Ditto with 4 IVs (Hp, Def,SAtk, Speed)
J - 0748 2749 5863 [looking for a new project, MMing Honedge] !q69aSU0kOQ
J - 0748 2749 5863 [looking for a new project, MMing Honedge] !q69aSU0kOQ Thu 31 Oct 2013 12:10:17 No. 15424372 Report >>15424311 You are scaring me. Though I never had a problem with the cartridges in the past. 1478-4029-3778
Quoted By:
>>15424338 Also, I can nickname mine as well if you would like. I would prefer the Kangashkan to be not-nicknamed though and I already have Pokeaids.
Cedar [3ds] 4527-8042-8550 !CEdAr//DWA
Quoted By:
>>15424368 What you want is worth more than you're offering.
>>15424372 You'll be right. Its not like you won't be saving after your shonedge~
I have 7 normal safaris at my disposal. I have enough Ditto, Eevee... I just want an Audino/Chansey safari...
Does anyone have a female Eevee with Anticipation and good (3–5*31) IVs? I'm offering a male German Eevee with five perfect IVs and a useless nature in return.
0920 - 0277 - 8711
>>15424338 looks like I had you added already! what's your IGN? Do you want pokerus on her?
Quoted By:
>>15424418 which also knows Wish and Yawn, I should add.
>>15424426 It's Esther. Already got Pokerus, but thanks!
Cedar [3ds] 4527-8042-8550 !CEdAr//DWA
>>15424418 I have a female Eevee with Anticipation and perfect Atk, Def and Sp.Def. She only knows Wish though. Bold nature, in a Heal Ball.
Named Georgia. Alex: 5386-8490-1395 (Pupitar, Dwebble, Barbaracle)
Alex: 5386-8490-1395 (Pupitar, Dwebble, Barbaracle) Thu 31 Oct 2013 12:17:04 No. 15424505 Report Looking for 4 IV Timid Compound Eyes Joltik. Needs to have SpA/Spe IV, preferably HP too. Offering:>4 IV Brave Honedge >4 IV Adamant Gale Wings Fletchling >4 IV Timid Staryu >4 IV Adamant Technician Scythers >4 IV Jolly Gibles with Iron Head/Outrage >4 IV Adamant Marills with Aqua Jet/Belly Drum >4 IV Adamant Sand Rush Drillburs >4 IV Adamant Larvitars with SR/Pursuit If you've got a 5 IV Compound Eyes Timid Joltik (no atk) you're looking to trade, I also have>5 IV Adamant Sand Force Drillburs >5 IV Brave Honedge
0920 - 0277 - 8711
>>15424482 I'm not seeing you in my list, but I have a lot of FS people. I'm Linnet, can you start the trade? No nickname is fine
Thomas 3883-6144-8277 [Abra, Espurr, Gothorita]
Thomas 3883-6144-8277 [Abra, Espurr, Gothorita] Thu 31 Oct 2013 12:20:24 No. 15424565 Report >>15424505 I've got what you need; 4IV Timid Compound Eyes Joltik. Could I get a Gible? Also, how about we trade breeding pairs if that's possible?
>>15424531 Hmm, you don't seem to have added me according to my 3DS friendslist. Is your FC correct? I just double-checked mine.
Alex: 5386-8490-1395 (Pupitar, Dwebble, Barbaracle)
Alex: 5386-8490-1395 (Pupitar, Dwebble, Barbaracle) Thu 31 Oct 2013 12:22:54 No. 15424598 Report >>15424565 Only got three female Gibles, sorry. Still willing to trade one for one?
Ingame: Ninelle 1220-6456-5785 (Munna - Espurr - Xatu)
Ingame: Ninelle 1220-6456-5785 (Munna - Espurr - Xatu) Thu 31 Oct 2013 12:23:05 No. 15424603 Report >>15424505 I've got a 5iv joltik with what you're asking for, i'd like to get that brave honedge if i'm not too late.
0920 - 0277 - 8711
Quoted By:
>>15424572 Apparently I typoed your code into the code of someone I had already added. Now I feel silly. Thank you for the Spinda!
Thomas 3883-6144-8277 [Abra, Espurr, Gothorita]
Thomas 3883-6144-8277 [Abra, Espurr, Gothorita] Thu 31 Oct 2013 12:24:52 No. 15424624 Report >>15424598 Sure, I'll give you a female Joltik. Missing 31 in attack and defense. You're already in my friend list, so that makes things easier.
1118-0808-0365 (Aipom, Aundino and Ditto)
1118-0808-0365 (Aipom, Aundino and Ditto) Thu 31 Oct 2013 12:27:29 No. 15424661 Report Pinsirite for this? 31IVs in defence and special defence
Alex: 5386-8490-1395 (Pupitar, Dwebble, Barbaracle)
Alex: 5386-8490-1395 (Pupitar, Dwebble, Barbaracle) Thu 31 Oct 2013 12:28:13 No. 15424678 Report >>15424603 Sure. Just to clarify though, the BraveHonedge is 31/31/31/x/31/0, with 0 being one of the 5 perfect IVs I mentioned.
>>15424624 Okay, but one thing I forgot to mention. Two of the Gibles have Sand Veil, while the other has Rough Skin but requires Iron Head/Outrage to be relearned at the move relearner due to daycare leveling up.
Alex: 5386-8490-1395 (Pupitar, Dwebble, Barbaracle)
Alex: 5386-8490-1395 (Pupitar, Dwebble, Barbaracle) Thu 31 Oct 2013 12:29:17 No. 15424691 Report >>15424678 31/31/31/31/x/0*
Alex !tDFrTopkek
Quoted By:
>>15424661 Not nicknamed "The Thing"
Thomas 3883-6144-8277 [Abra, Espurr, Gothorita]
Thomas 3883-6144-8277 [Abra, Espurr, Gothorita] Thu 31 Oct 2013 12:30:26 No. 15424706 Report >>15424678 You'll be giving me a male, right? I'm okay with Sand Veil then.
Jiro (Y Ground - Wooper, Camerupt, Bunnelby) 4012-3891-2599
Jiro (Y Ground - Wooper, Camerupt, Bunnelby) 4012-3891-2599 Thu 31 Oct 2013 12:30:32 No. 15424709 Report Quoted By:
Anyone have Hustle Nidoran?
Ingame: Ninelle 1220-6456-5785 (Munna - Espurr - Xatu)
Ingame: Ninelle 1220-6456-5785 (Munna - Espurr - Xatu) Thu 31 Oct 2013 12:32:30 No. 15424728 Report >>15424691 That's alright with me.
Alex: 5386-8490-1395 (Pupitar, Dwebble, Barbaracle)
Alex: 5386-8490-1395 (Pupitar, Dwebble, Barbaracle) Thu 31 Oct 2013 12:32:55 No. 15424732 Report >>15424706 I mentioned it, but I've only got three females.
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163 (Woobat, Farfetch'd, Rufflet)
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163 (Woobat, Farfetch'd, Rufflet) Thu 31 Oct 2013 12:34:24 No. 15424748 Report I am looking for a female Eevee with 3–5 perfect IVs and Anticipation as its ability. Offering male German Eevees with 5 perfect IVs, random useless natures, and knowing Wish and Yawn.
Thomas 3883-6144-8277 [Abra, Espurr, Gothorita]
Thomas 3883-6144-8277 [Abra, Espurr, Gothorita] Thu 31 Oct 2013 12:35:27 No. 15424768 Report Quoted By:
>>15424732 I suggested trading breeding pairs, and I thought you declined since you only had three females left? Anyway, if it's female, then I'd like the one with Rough Skin.
Cedar [3ds] 4527-8042-8550 !CEdAr//DWA
Quoted By:
>ninjask >gliscor >blaziken I win like 95% of the time with this team why are kids so bad? top fucking lel
Alex: 5386-8490-1395 (Pupitar, Dwebble, Barbaracle)
Alex: 5386-8490-1395 (Pupitar, Dwebble, Barbaracle) Thu 31 Oct 2013 12:37:07 No. 15424796 Report Quoted By:
>>15424728 Alright, added you. Let me know when you're free to trade.
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163 (Woobat, Farfetch'd, Rufflet)
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163 (Woobat, Farfetch'd, Rufflet) Thu 31 Oct 2013 12:38:20 No. 15424812 Report >>15424496 Oh, sorry for deleting the post (I had to leave for a bit and didn't want too many replies racking up).
I'm interested. The IVs of the males I have:
31/31/31/31/x/31 Naughty
31/31/31/x/31/31 Hasty
31/31/31/x/31/31 Brave
31/31/31/x/31/31 Jolly
x/31/31/31/31/31 Lax
31/x/31/31/31/31 Bashful
dawny 0146 9834 4218
>>15424213 I... How do you sketch things? Doubles at the mansion doesn't keep sketched moves...
Cedar [3ds] 4527-8042-8550 !CEdAr//DWA
>>15424825 The restaurants in Lumiose? I think they work.
>>15424812 Can I please have the Lax one~
He has Wish and Yawn, yeah?
Namine Noir 2922-0106-6515 Paras Illumise Venomoth
Namine Noir 2922-0106-6515 Paras Illumise Venomoth Thu 31 Oct 2013 12:41:57 No. 15424875 Report Okay. Time to trade/give away my leftover bulbasaurs. 5 male bulbasaurs with HA & 5 max IVs. 4 male bulbasaurs with Overgrow & 5 max IVs. 15 male bulbasaurs with HA & 4 max IVs. 8 male bulbasaurs with Overgrow & 4 max IVs. 2 female bulbasaurs with Overgrow & 4 max IVs. Max IVs on these vary. Most of these have Petal Dance. All are Modest. I also have a Female HA Modest Venusaur that's lvl 50 & already EV trained with 252 in Hp & Sp. Atk and 6 in Speed. Max IVs are 31/31/31/31/x/31. For the Venasaur I'm looking for specific trades. Either a 5 IV Timid Protean Fraokie or a 5 IV Timid or Modest Drought Vulpix/Ninetales. I'm giving the Overgrow bulbasaurs away for anything. I'd prefer a trade for the HA bulbasaurs with 5IVs. I'll give the 4IV ones away for whatever though.
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163 (Woobat, Farfetch'd, Rufflet)
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163 (Woobat, Farfetch'd, Rufflet) Thu 31 Oct 2013 12:42:55 No. 15424888 Report >>15424847 Yep. I'll add you now.
The other day I wonder-traded and received a Goomy from China or Korea or some shit and it wasn't particularly special or anything but I needed a female for breeding so I kept it but I think the person who I traded with keeps asking me to trade every so often, I think he wants it back. Why do people put things in wonder trade if they want it back?
Quoted By:
anyone have a prankster sableye to trade? i got 4iv mons
Alex !tDFrTopkek
Quoted By:
>>15424825 Restaurants or dittos
Laroux 1005-8895-8670 (Sunkern, Petilil, Quilladin)
Laroux 1005-8895-8670 (Sunkern, Petilil, Quilladin) Thu 31 Oct 2013 12:44:25 No. 15424907 Report >>15424269 All the peeps that have ditto safaris are hella stingy
You'd be a pretty cool dude if you could help me out
Quoted By:
>>15424889 wtf
I made the exact same trade with a jp kid and he kept asking me trade aswell
Alex: 5386-8490-1395 (Pupitar, Dwebble, Barbaracle)
Alex: 5386-8490-1395 (Pupitar, Dwebble, Barbaracle) Thu 31 Oct 2013 12:46:46 No. 15424946 Report >>15424875 Anything on this list you'd trade a HA 5 IV or HA 4 IV Bulbasaur for?
>4 IV Brave Honedge >4 IV Adamant Gale Wings Fletchling >4 IV Timid Staryu >4 IV Adamant Technician Scythers >4 IV Jolly Gibles with Iron Head/Outrage >4 IV Adamant Marills with Aqua Jet/Belly Drum >4 IV Adamant Sand Rush Drillburs >4 IV Adamant Larvitars with SR/Pursuit >5 IV Adamant Sand Force Drillburs >5 IV Brave Honedge Cedar [3ds] 4527-8042-8550 !CEdAr//DWA
>>15424888 Thank you very much~
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163 (Woobat, Farfetch'd, Rufflet)
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163 (Woobat, Farfetch'd, Rufflet) Thu 31 Oct 2013 12:48:58 No. 15424983 Report Quoted By:
Milan - 2723 9746 0688 (Mawile Forretress + Bronzong) Anonymous Thu 31 Oct 2013 12:49:25 No. 15424986 Report Quoted By:
Looking for a Light Clay, can offer 4iv Gooey Goomy / HA Eevees + my safari.
Ingame: Ninelle 1220-6456-5785 (Munna - Espurr - Xatu)
Ingame: Ninelle 1220-6456-5785 (Munna - Espurr - Xatu) Thu 31 Oct 2013 12:49:46 No. 15424990 Report >>15424875 I have a 5iv Modest Clauncher (either gender), would that work for a 5iv HA bulbasaur?
Namine Noir 2922-0106-6515 Paras Illumise Venomoth
Namine Noir 2922-0106-6515 Paras Illumise Venomoth Thu 31 Oct 2013 12:50:38 No. 15424999 Report >>15424946 That's a hard decision. Trying to decide between the staryu, fletchling, & Honedge.
Namine Noir 2922-0106-6515 Paras Illumise Venomoth
Namine Noir 2922-0106-6515 Paras Illumise Venomoth Thu 31 Oct 2013 12:53:23 No. 15425039 Report >>15424990 Yeah, I'll do that. For the 5 IV HA bulbasaurs I have
31/31/31/x/31/31 x3
I couldn't get any without attack sadly.
Namine Noir 2922-0106-6515 Paras Illumise Venomoth
Namine Noir 2922-0106-6515 Paras Illumise Venomoth Thu 31 Oct 2013 12:55:36 No. 15425071 Report >>15424990 And I'd like a male. Can you nickname it Pulsar for me?
4441 9525 7175 Psychic
Need some team help. Looking for a physically tanky guy with resistances to fire and fighting.
Ingame: Ninelle 1220-6456-5785 (Munna - Espurr - Xatu)
Ingame: Ninelle 1220-6456-5785 (Munna - Espurr - Xatu) Thu 31 Oct 2013 12:57:17 No. 15425096 Report >>15425039 I'll take the x in speed then.
>>15425071 Will do, could you name the bulba Biollante?
Namine Noir 2922-0106-6515 Paras Illumise Venomoth
Namine Noir 2922-0106-6515 Paras Illumise Venomoth Thu 31 Oct 2013 12:58:44 No. 15425122 Report >>15425082 Mega Venasaur had thick fat. Fire & Ice moves do 50% less damage to it. Hope that helps at least a little.
J - 0748 2749 5863 [looking for a new project, MMing Honedge] !q69aSU0kOQ
J - 0748 2749 5863 [looking for a new project, MMing Honedge] !q69aSU0kOQ Thu 31 Oct 2013 12:58:52 No. 15425128 Report Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163 (Woobat, Farfetch'd, Rufflet)
Adalwolf 2337-4240-7163 (Woobat, Farfetch'd, Rufflet) Thu 31 Oct 2013 12:59:35 No. 15425142 Report Quoted By:
>>15425082 Golurk. Doesn't resist fire but threatens Fire Pokémon with STAB Earthquake.
Namine Noir 2922-0106-6515 Paras Illumise Venomoth
Namine Noir 2922-0106-6515 Paras Illumise Venomoth Thu 31 Oct 2013 13:00:48 No. 15425172 Report >>15425096 Yes, I can. That's an interesting name. Is is something in another language?
Meed~ !Meed.ErvYo
>>15425082 gliscor doesn't resist fire but can eq and is tanky
gyrados isn't that tanky but has both resistances
Izix 4983-5691-7789
Quoted By:
Have: 4iv hasty protean froakies 5iv adamant honedges brave hp/sp.atk/sp.d ditto serious hp/sp/atk ditto timid atk/sp.atk/sp JPN ditto Want: any articuno offers
Alex: 5386-8490-1395 (Pupitar, Dwebble, Barbaracle)
Alex: 5386-8490-1395 (Pupitar, Dwebble, Barbaracle) Thu 31 Oct 2013 13:02:27 No. 15425196 Report Quoted By:
>>15424999 If it helps, the Staryus are x/31/31/31/31/31 and x/x/31/31/31/31. Both effectively 4 IVs, but just so you know that you'll need a HP Ditto to 'perfect' them, as Staryu is genderless.
Cedar [3ds] 4527-8042-8550 !CEdAr//DWA
>>15425181 Evening Meed!
I hatched a hexaflawless Eevee today~ He was male, of course. Now I just gotta work on a 5IV female, I think~
Alex !tDFrTopkek
Meed~ !Meed.ErvYo
>>15425205 thats nice~
You can breed manythings with it
I'm breeding random pumpkaboos, spookytrees and shuppets for halloweeny WT
want one?
Vino: 3566 2109 8822
>>15424060 Is it okay if I add you and you add back cedar? Friend safari im looking for a nice little pupitar
4441 9525 7175 Psychic
Quoted By:
>>15425114 >>15425122 >>15425128 >>15425185 The team i have already made is Klefki, Talonflame, Sylveon and Mega Gengar.
Cant use another mega, so venusaur is out.
Conkeldurr looks promising.
Vaporeon is weird without the rain.
Gliscor looks like something I would look into.
Also thought about gyrados too.
Vino: 3566 2109 8822
>>15424598 add me? i've added you
>>15425205 >I hatched a hexaflawless Eevee today~ He was male 6iv field males are really useful
i got a lucario
have: [all German so good for MM] 5IV adamant Riolu with bullet punch 5IV modest Fennelin with blaze or magician 5IV hasty protean froakie with t.spikes 5IV timid/bold/calm ha/non-ha eevees with wish and yawn Xerneas Yveltal Mewtwo 4IV Pokemon of the same kind as above + scyther, gastly, dratini torchic (can breed those for 5IVs too) looking for similar IVd pokemon and battle maison items
Cedar [3ds] 4527-8042-8550 !CEdAr//DWA
>>15425226 Yeah, I was really pleased! Perhaps I will go for that '7 hexaflawless males to span all the egg groups' thing!
A Phantump I would love, actually!
>>15425229 Politeness! It
BURNS. I think it was Alex's safari, so ask him~
>>15425242 I know that, silly. I was just going for both, that's all, and I really could have used a better female than my current 4IV one.
Laroux 1005-8995-8670 (Sunkern, Petilil, Quilladin)
Laroux 1005-8995-8670 (Sunkern, Petilil, Quilladin) Thu 31 Oct 2013 13:08:01 No. 15425275 Report Quoted By:
>>15424907 >>15424269 Whoops, my FC was wrong in the last post.
1934 - 0658 - 8398 (Paras, Masquerain, Heracross)
1934 - 0658 - 8398 (Paras, Masquerain, Heracross) Thu 31 Oct 2013 13:08:33 No. 15425284 Report Anyone know what some good team partners for this fucker could be? Besides a rapid spinner obviously.
Quoted By:
Eevee why is your gender ratio so fucked ;_; I just want a perfect female but all I get the last 4 batches are male
J - 0748 2749 5863 [looking for a new project, MMing Honedge] !q69aSU0kOQ
J - 0748 2749 5863 [looking for a new project, MMing Honedge] !q69aSU0kOQ Thu 31 Oct 2013 13:09:56 No. 15425318 Report >>15425269 > 7 hexaflawless males to span all the egg groups Try to get a shiny in each of the groups and you WILL get hexaflawlesses. Fucking boxes of them
Namine Noir 2922-0106-6515 Paras Illumise Venomoth
Namine Noir 2922-0106-6515 Paras Illumise Venomoth Thu 31 Oct 2013 13:10:20 No. 15425323 Report >>15424946 I guess I'll go with the Fletchling.
I have
31/x/31/x/31/31 x2
31/31/31/x/x/31 x6
Théo [X - 4184 2168 7992] {Ariados, Cascoon, Whirlipede} !q1tGp7rYVA
Théo [X - 4184 2168 7992] {Ariados, Cascoon, Whirlipede} !q1tGp7rYVA Thu 31 Oct 2013 13:10:47 No. 15425332 Report Have: Timid 3/4IV Joltik 4IV Venipedes, some with Jolly and some with Speed Boost LF: 3/4IV HA F Heracross 3/4IV Venonat 3/4IV Volcarona 3/4IV Snorlax 3/4IV Pinsir
Ingame: Ninelle 1220-6456-5785 (Munna - Espurr - Xatu)
Ingame: Ninelle 1220-6456-5785 (Munna - Espurr - Xatu) Thu 31 Oct 2013 13:11:26 No. 15425349 Report >>15425172 It's a kaiju from Godzilla so pretty much.
>>15425248 Would you accept a 5iv female modest clauncher for a bold eevee?
Cedar [3ds] 4527-8042-8550 !CEdAr//DWA
>>15425318 I-I know, buddy? They're not exactly difficult anymore.
Pls don't be so aggressive ;_; Meed~ !Meed.ErvYo
J - 0748 2749 5863 [looking for a new project, MMing Honedge] !q69aSU0kOQ
J - 0748 2749 5863 [looking for a new project, MMing Honedge] !q69aSU0kOQ Thu 31 Oct 2013 13:12:57 No. 15425378 Report >>15425362 S-sorry, I was frustrated by MM, didn't mean to come off that way <3
Théo [X - 4184 2168 7992] {Ariados, Cascoon, Whirlipede} !q1tGp7rYVA
Théo [X - 4184 2168 7992] {Ariados, Cascoon, Whirlipede} !q1tGp7rYVA Thu 31 Oct 2013 13:13:10 No. 15425382 Report Quoted By:
>>15425284 I'm thinking Thick Fat Snorlax for Fire and Ice. Sounds like it could work on paper.
Alex: 5386-8490-1395 (Pupitar, Dwebble, Barbaracle)
Alex: 5386-8490-1395 (Pupitar, Dwebble, Barbaracle) Thu 31 Oct 2013 13:13:18 No. 15425390 Report >>15425239 Added
>>15425323 I'll take a x/31/31/31/x/31, adding you now.
Grand Duchess Zessica of the Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere 1564 2914 3214 !HScrubDAYw
Grand Duchess Zessica of the Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere 1564 2914 3214 !HScrubDAYw Thu 31 Oct 2013 13:13:23 No. 15425391 Report Quoted By:
>>15425349 I can give you a non-dw 31/xx/31/31/31/31Calm Eevee with Wish/Yawn/Stored Power/Curse for free.
It's a ploy to get a Xatu from your Safari. Thomas 3883-6144-8277 [Abra, Espurr, Gothorita]
Thomas 3883-6144-8277 [Abra, Espurr, Gothorita] Thu 31 Oct 2013 13:13:33 No. 15425395 Report >>15425332 Could I get a Speed Boost Venipede? I'll give you a female Moxie Heracross with Rock Blast.
Majora - 3625-9186-1034 | Poison, Seviper, Venomoth, ???
Majora - 3625-9186-1034 | Poison, Seviper, Venomoth, ??? Thu 31 Oct 2013 13:15:47 No. 15425428 Report >>15424372 >>15424286 >>15424232 >>15424189 >>15424118 >>15424051 >>15425128 >>15425318 you forgot about my sneasel from last night.... again Anyways, have you decided what you want for a honedge? FYI I'm on my phone and I won't be able to trade with you for another 6 hours
Théo [X - 4184 2168 7992] {Ariados, Cascoon, Whirlipede} !q1tGp7rYVA
Théo [X - 4184 2168 7992] {Ariados, Cascoon, Whirlipede} !q1tGp7rYVA Thu 31 Oct 2013 13:15:51 No. 15425431 Report Quoted By:
I am retiring my Gardevoir from the mega slot. I am planning to use a trick scarf set with her. Trick Psyshock Dazzling Gleam (for double battles) T-Bolt/E-ball/S-ball/F-blast what do you guys recommend for the last move?
Thomas 3883-6144-8277 [Abra, Espurr, Gothorita]
Thomas 3883-6144-8277 [Abra, Espurr, Gothorita] Thu 31 Oct 2013 13:16:07 No. 15425441 Report >>15425395 Forgot to mention it's a 4IV. Missing defense and sp. attack. I can give you a male instead though, if you want that.
Namine Noir 2922-0106-6515 Paras Illumise Venomoth
Namine Noir 2922-0106-6515 Paras Illumise Venomoth Thu 31 Oct 2013 13:16:27 No. 15425446 Report >>15425390 Can you name it Fury please?
Meed~ !Meed.ErvYo
>>15425269 thanks for the eevee~
is he special?
Théo [X - 4184 2168 7992] {Ariados, Cascoon, Whirlipede} !q1tGp7rYVA
Théo [X - 4184 2168 7992] {Ariados, Cascoon, Whirlipede} !q1tGp7rYVA Thu 31 Oct 2013 13:17:18 No. 15425462 Report Quoted By:
>>15425441 No, that's perfect actually. :>
Cedar [3ds] 4527-8042-8550 !CEdAr//DWA
>>15425456 That is a big pumpkin. Thank you!
Yeah, he is a little special; Gregorovich is pentaperfect~
>>15425378 I'll be joining you soon, don't worry. I'm about to feel your pain.
I want a shiny Sylveon! Alex: 5386-8490-1395 (Pupitar, Dwebble, Barbaracle)
Alex: 5386-8490-1395 (Pupitar, Dwebble, Barbaracle) Thu 31 Oct 2013 13:18:07 No. 15425474 Report >>15425446 Will have to wait ten minutes then, I'm in the middle of a E4 run.
Emptora 1435-4282-4997
Just caught a shiny espurr. any takers? i won't ever use the guy.
Namine Noir 2922-0106-6515 Paras Illumise Venomoth
Namine Noir 2922-0106-6515 Paras Illumise Venomoth Thu 31 Oct 2013 13:18:28 No. 15425486 Report Quoted By:
>>15425248 Would you trade one of the Fraokies for one of my Bulbasaurs? And maybe on of the Riolu's or Fennekin's for another one?
J - 0748 2749 5863 [looking for a new project, MMing Honedge] !q69aSU0kOQ
J - 0748 2749 5863 [looking for a new project, MMing Honedge] !q69aSU0kOQ Thu 31 Oct 2013 13:19:12 No. 15425500 Report >>15425428 I didn't forget you, I added you and even waited for you to trade me. I'll shove honedges in your face, since I have boxes full, don't worry.
>>15425466 > I'll be joining you soon Good to know, we can share the pain
Namine Noir 2922-0106-6515 Paras Illumise Venomoth
Namine Noir 2922-0106-6515 Paras Illumise Venomoth Thu 31 Oct 2013 13:19:46 No. 15425511 Report Quoted By:
>>15425474 That's fine with me.
Quoted By:
>>15425478 Shiny Jumpluff, Forretress?
Namine Noir 2922-0106-6515 Paras Illumise Venomoth
Namine Noir 2922-0106-6515 Paras Illumise Venomoth Thu 31 Oct 2013 13:21:29 No. 15425537 Report Quoted By:
>>15425349 Thank you for the trade.
just passes 100 hrs still no shinies do i have shit luck? i've bred at least 6 different types of 5iv mon
I wish there was an option to filter out Japanese players from WT
Cedar [3ds] 4527-8042-8550 !CEdAr//DWA
>>15425500 Hopefully you'll be done before I even start, though! I've still got to breed the FRE male for myself.
>>15425456 Seeya later Meed, bedtime for me~
Quoted By:
>>15425541 You can see how many eggs you have hatched in wifi battles.
If it's anything less than 5000 or so its statistically unlikely for you to encounter a shiny in that time (unless you had foreign parents all the time).
Remember that the chance is 1x2^13
>>15425547 But why would you do that? You should welcome foreign Pokémon with open arms.
Meed~ !Meed.ErvYo
>>15425466 nice!
Thank you~
needs to be a sylveon!
enjoy your pumpkitten~ Sorry it has no ivs, I was just breeding for WT
does anyone have a prankster sableye? i'll let you borrow my 5iv kadabra that has recover why does no one have recover sableyes yet?
J - 0748 2749 5863 [looking for a new project, MMing Honedge] !q69aSU0kOQ
J - 0748 2749 5863 [looking for a new project, MMing Honedge] !q69aSU0kOQ Thu 31 Oct 2013 13:25:23 No. 15425595 Report >>15425565 S-so you have a French game too?
that could be interesting. In a 'I give you a couple of perfect Honedges for free and you give me a perfect Fre Honedge and keep the rest' kind of way Meed~ !Meed.ErvYo
>>15425541 I'm in the thousands of hours since I've last seen a shiny in a Pokemon game.
>tfw got a shiny Charmander >Only two perfect IV's, but decent natured Wasn't trying or MMing, it's probably just going to sit in the PC for eternity.
J - 0748 2749 5863 [looking for a new project, MMing Honedge] !q69aSU0kOQ
J - 0748 2749 5863 [looking for a new project, MMing Honedge] !q69aSU0kOQ Thu 31 Oct 2013 13:26:26 No. 15425618 Report >>15425595 No, wait. Brittany already gave me a French parent, that wouldn't work well for MM
Mike 4227 0953 0470
Does anyone have any 4~5 IV Adamant Galewing Fletchings?
>>15425609 I've caught
6 in just over 200 hours.
Sunday 3582-9527-8319 (Spheal Beartic Cloyster)
Sunday 3582-9527-8319 (Spheal Beartic Cloyster) Thu 31 Oct 2013 13:28:09 No. 15425648 Report >>15425625 I've got plenty of 4 IV missing Def or Sdef (or hp but I'd have to search). I'll take any random 4IV poke for one if you like.
Cedar [3ds] 4527-8042-8550 !CEdAr//DWA
>>15425575 No worries, I needed one about that size~
If you ever want the name changed, just ask, by the way.
>>15425595 >>15425618 If you need a better one, I could do that for you. You'd have to check them though since I won't be progressing past the second gym.
I don't really want the Honedge, but I guess I wouldn't say no. I'd do it to be nice~ Okay now nightnight for real.
Meed~ !Meed.ErvYo
Quoted By:
>>15425612 give me
i'll send you
all my love J - 0748 2749 5863 [looking for a new project, MMing Honedge] !q69aSU0kOQ
J - 0748 2749 5863 [looking for a new project, MMing Honedge] !q69aSU0kOQ Thu 31 Oct 2013 13:29:48 No. 15425670 Report >>15425649 Nah, I wouldn't want to put you through boxes of shit if you don't even need it. Good night
Meed~ !Meed.ErvYo
>>15425649 its a nice name~
and i forgot to put a sweet heart on your pumpkaboo, sorry
:c Namine Noir 2922-0106-6515 Paras Illumise Venomoth
Namine Noir 2922-0106-6515 Paras Illumise Venomoth Thu 31 Oct 2013 13:31:32 No. 15425700 Report Quoted By:
>>15425642 I have yet to even see a single shiny. But I haven't really been trying to get any shinies yet, so I can't complain I guss.
Cedar [3ds] 4527-8042-8550 !CEdAr//DWA
Quoted By:
>>15425670 Two flawless Honedge breeding together makes for a 1/32 chance of getting another flawless. Its not that bad.
>>15425677 Psh, don't worry. I did notice it the first time you sent one, though, I thought it was lovely.
Okay now bye. Night! 3DS X: 0189-8645-1416
Quoted By:
hey I need some friends for safari, feel free to add me
>>15425571 Because every single Japanese WT I've ever gotten has been complete and total garbage.
I really doubt that random Japanese guy who sent me a level 4 pikachu is going to appreciate a 5 IV Eeveelution with a rare candy and a halloween related nickname.
It's not like I expect gold or anything in return but how consistently garbage Japanese WT is it really gets on my nerves. I honestly can't remember a single time I've gotten something from a Japanese person in this game that wasn't garbage.
Sextet (X: Jacob) 1762 2742 6441
Quoted By:
Just hatched a 31/31/31/x/31/31 Careful Skiddo. The morning is starting off well.
Izix 4983-5691-7789
>>15425735 >tfw soon have to breed for a foreign parent on my jap game >tfw going to release all rejects to the WT 4098-2745-3583
Quoted By:
Anybody want a free 4IV jolly Binacle with tough claws or a 5IV jolly Binacle with sniper? I will give away two for now since I don't have time to do any more, but if you're interested I'll be starting a thread later today.
Quoted By:
Requesting that image of two neckbeards talking to eachother like cute girls over the internet.WFG.jpg
Namine Noir 2922-0106-6515 Paras Illumise Venomoth
Namine Noir 2922-0106-6515 Paras Illumise Venomoth Thu 31 Oct 2013 13:35:36 No. 15425775 Report >>15425474 Just let me know when you're ready to trade.
Mike 4227 0953 0470
>>15425648 That would be great. I'd prefer the one with HP overall. I can give you a 4 IV Timid Noibat w Infiltrator in return.
Could you nickname the Fletching Robin?
Meed~ !Meed.ErvYo
Quoted By:
>>15425735 I'm pretty lucky with japan people
got some unusual pokemons like my first protean froakie, a ditto, a pentaperfect fenekin and a good nature scyther, probably a leftover, i still need to check his ivs
>>15425768 Rejects are fine, I get that. But half of every WT I get from a Japanese player is either a trashmon caught in the wild or has an English name.
Sunday 3582-9527-8319 (Spheal Beartic Cloyster)
Sunday 3582-9527-8319 (Spheal Beartic Cloyster) Thu 31 Oct 2013 13:37:12 No. 15425801 Report >>15425776 okay, give me a sec to pause this battle mansion run and get to the nicknamer then I'll be good to go.
Please tell me you've got a "Batman" on your team to go with?
Izix 4983-5691-7789
>>15425797 That's because kids play this game and they think they are scamming someone with their shitty pokemon.
Meed~ !Meed.ErvYo
Mike 4227 0953 0470
>>15425801 I do, its my Noivern.
>>15425805 No it's because Japanese society is garbage and breeds this kind of behavior.
Quoted By:
>>15425735 The kid who got you mon might just have sent it off on the WT again, hopefully making someone more deserving of it happy.
Sort of unrelated to Wi-Fi, but I'd like to use this Kangaskhan well against my friends. I'm IV breeding for the first time and have an Adamant Kangaskan with an Everstone breeding. For some reason, every fucking Kangaskhan that I'm getting has 21 defense at level 10, which is abysmal. Nobody has a Destiny Knot on, so what the hell is going on?
Sunday 3582-9527-8319 (Spheal Beartic Cloyster)
Sunday 3582-9527-8319 (Spheal Beartic Cloyster) Thu 31 Oct 2013 13:43:43 No. 15425911 Report Quoted By:
>>15425825 Awesome, I've got the same combo on my 3s team (albeit I never bring both into battles. One's Spec'd and the other Banded, and I just bring in whichever the opponent looks more susceptible to.)
Quoted By:
>>15425837 I got a 3IV Ditto and a 5IV Mawile from Japanese wonder traders yesterday, 80% of the rest were obvious breeding leftovers, the others were shit mons.
Alex: 5386-8490-1395 (Pupitar, Dwebble, Barbaracle)
Alex: 5386-8490-1395 (Pupitar, Dwebble, Barbaracle) Thu 31 Oct 2013 13:46:51 No. 15425965 Report >>15425775 Fury's ready when you are.
Namine Noir 2922-0106-6515 Paras Illumise Venomoth
Namine Noir 2922-0106-6515 Paras Illumise Venomoth Thu 31 Oct 2013 13:49:30 No. 15426024 Report >>15425965 I hope that's the right one you asked for. I have so many of them, so I'm somewhat paranoid that I'm going to give you the wrong one.
J - 0748 2749 5863 [looking for a new project, MMing Honedge] !q69aSU0kOQ
J - 0748 2749 5863 [looking for a new project, MMing Honedge] !q69aSU0kOQ Thu 31 Oct 2013 13:50:05 No. 15426033 Report I'm going to wonder trade a box of Slow Brave Swords. This is going to be disappointing.
Quoted By:
Anyone happen to have as spare gale wings Fetching?
Quoted By:
Why isn't Flame Burst considered more useful if it can bypass substitute and such?
Kinder 3024-6125-2126
Sup /wfg/, Have: 31/31/31/x/31/31 Adamant Intimate Mawiles 31/31/31/x/31/31 Jolly Speed Boost Torchic 31/31/31/x/31/31 Jolly Crunch + Bullet Punch Riolu 31/31/31/x/31/31 Male Smeargle 31/31/31/x/31/31 Jolly Kangaskhan Want: 31/x/31/31/31/31 Timid Magic Guard Abra 31/31/31/x/31/31 Adamant/Careful Larvitar w/ Sneaky Pebbles + Pursuit and any other decent offers Also have a bunch if 4IV Belly Jet Marills, Speed Boost Venis, Protean Froaks etc etc
Jack 0903-2728-5218 (IGN: JAK) !!MyPAp0rqqDa
Jack 0903-2728-5218 (IGN: JAK) !!MyPAp0rqqDa Thu 31 Oct 2013 13:54:57 No. 15426122 Report Have some Intimidate/Adamant/5IV mawiles for trade. 2 Females, 3 Males Would like any other decent 5IV + Good nature/ability pokes in return
Valk 4038-7172-0622 [Corsola, Boldore, Rhydon] !J.ZU/8efNg
Valk 4038-7172-0622 [Corsola, Boldore, Rhydon] !J.ZU/8efNg Thu 31 Oct 2013 13:54:59 No. 15426123 Report Quoted By:
Thanks for that Eevee Zessica, that was a fun way of starting the game.
Joaquin 4210-4063-1197 Ghotorita,Espurr, Grumpig
Joaquin 4210-4063-1197 Ghotorita,Espurr, Grumpig Thu 31 Oct 2013 13:58:26 No. 15426186 Report I have 4 IV if someone wants to trade: Skarmory with whirlwind+brave bird Goomy with hydratation Timid Jolticks with compound eyes larvestas and marill with BD + aqua jet I'm not looking for any pokemon in particular just 4 iv mons
Alex: 5386-8490-1395 (Pupitar, Dwebble, Barbaracle)
Alex: 5386-8490-1395 (Pupitar, Dwebble, Barbaracle) Thu 31 Oct 2013 14:01:54 No. 15426251 Report Quoted By:
>>15426024 I've done that before and I felt terrible. Ended up giving the person a 5 IVer instead of a 4 IVer to make up for it, but still felt pretty shitty. The merchant life is hard.
Namine Noir 2922-0106-6515 Paras Illumise Venomoth
Namine Noir 2922-0106-6515 Paras Illumise Venomoth Thu 31 Oct 2013 14:02:05 No. 15426253 Report >>15426186 What nature is the Larvesta?
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
>>15426186 Can I have a male skarmory?
I can give you a 4 em and 4 iv lotad and a factory standart starly
(both, since I want to get rid of them)
Joaquin 4210-4063-1197 Ghotorita,Espurr, Grumpig
Joaquin 4210-4063-1197 Ghotorita,Espurr, Grumpig Thu 31 Oct 2013 14:03:08 No. 15426268 Report Luke (1891 - 1149 - 5150)
Quoted By:
>>15424279 I have loads of prankster sabeyes if anyone wants one, also have Kangaskahn with HP, SPD and SPE iv's 31, also Adamant ATK 31 with technician sythers.
Looking for friend safari dittos if anyone has any?
would settle for anything I don't have in my pokedex
Joaquin 4210-4063-1197 Ghotorita,Espurr, Grumpig
Joaquin 4210-4063-1197 Ghotorita,Espurr, Grumpig Thu 31 Oct 2013 14:05:25 No. 15426332 Report >>15426254 what's a 4 em?
and sure i'll trade you one, adding you
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
>>15426332 4 egg moves (Giga Drain, Leech Seed, Razor Leaf and Synthesis). Adding you in a moment
>>15425808 go to lunch, Meed.
Namine Noir 2922-0106-6515 Paras Illumise Venomoth
Namine Noir 2922-0106-6515 Paras Illumise Venomoth Thu 31 Oct 2013 14:06:34 No. 15426362 Report >>15426268 What stats are the IVs in? And would you trade one for a 4 IV male or female Bulbasaur? Or a male one with HA if the Larvesta has HA?
Luke (1891 - 1149 - 5150)
Quoted By:
>>15424320 Would love a Kangaskahn
>>15426076 > intimate mawiles Fuck ill take 10.
Joaquin 4210-4063-1197 Ghotorita,Espurr, Grumpig
Joaquin 4210-4063-1197 Ghotorita,Espurr, Grumpig Thu 31 Oct 2013 14:09:41 No. 15426425 Report >>15426361 Ok , i'll take the lotad
>>15426362 It can be HP/DEF/SPATK/SPDEF/SPE
i'll trade you one (but i don't have one with HA but i would really like a bulbasaur with HA if you're willing to make the trade)
Quoted By:
Furfrou @ Leftovers Fur Coat Careful Nature 252 HP / 252 SpD / 4 Def - Cotton Guard - Thunder Wave - Roar - Return Thinking about breeding for this. Yes/No? Any offensive options better than Return?
Meed~ !Meed.ErvYo
Quoted By:
>wondertrading halloweeny phantumps and pumpkaboos >gets japanese fletchling tch shitmon
>female adamant gale wings oh okay
>>15426361 you cant tell me what to do!
Quoted By:
>>15426395 The last time I saw a funny typo like that was when someone decided to crack open a bear.
Barry 4768 7651 9952 !coffs5c1E.
Hey WFG Time for another day of being indecisive about what to breed next. What's everyone else up to?
Luke (1891 - 1149 - 5150)
Quoted By:
>>15425581 I have recover sableyes want one?
Sextet (X: Jacob) 1762 2742 6441
>>15426442 Same. Just got me a pentaperfect Skiddo and I'm considering breeding options for my next project even while training it.
Leaning towards Fletchling.
...You should make some Moxie Pinsirs because I fucking want them and you can give them to me and shit.
Meed~ !Meed.ErvYo
>>15426481 got leftovers of skiddos?
jack 1521-3783-7907
Quoted By:
I'd Like to swap my aggronite for tyranite. Any takers?
Namine Noir 2922-0106-6515 Paras Illumise Venomoth
Namine Noir 2922-0106-6515 Paras Illumise Venomoth Thu 31 Oct 2013 14:13:23 No. 15426494 Report >>15426425 Okay. I only have male for the HA ones though. Could it be a male Larvesta & can you name it Sol? And do you have any with 5IVs? If you do, I have a few HA bulbasaurs with 5 IVs left.
Isn't it possible to remove nicknames? When I delete the name and press enter with the name rater, the Pokémon keeps its nickname. So if I name my Wingull "Wingull", what will happen when it evolves?
Joaquin 4210-4063-1197 Ghotorita,Espurr, Grumpig
Joaquin 4210-4063-1197 Ghotorita,Espurr, Grumpig Thu 31 Oct 2013 14:13:27 No. 15426499 Report >>15426361 sorry did you need another one? i canceled the trade
Quoted By:
>>15426442 Magician Fennekin in a timer ball
Then give me a perfect one
Barry 4768 7651 9952 !coffs5c1E.
Quoted By:
>>15426481 I was also thinking of Fletchling Sextet (X: Jacob) 1762 2742 6441
>>15426486 Just a few 4IV ones if you're interested. I'll take any derp for 'em.
Kinder 3024-6125-2126
Quoted By:
>>15426442 It's 1:12am here (ausfag). I just want to go to bed but I had to go out before and missed out on trading a Kangaskhan for 5IV Timid Magic Guard so I'm in a deep state of regret and need to make a decent trade before I sleep.
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
Quoted By:
>>15426499 I didn't, I just wanted to give you a starly (I have a box of them)
Thanks for the skarmory!
Ryan 1547-5217-7232
Looking to trade a shiny hasty Heracross with 31iv in attack and defense for something interesting.
>>15426122 Interested in a 5iv Timid Infiltrator Noibat for a female Mawile?
Valk 4038-7172-0622 [Corsola, Boldore, Rhydon] !J.ZU/8efNg
Valk 4038-7172-0622 [Corsola, Boldore, Rhydon] !J.ZU/8efNg Thu 31 Oct 2013 14:16:28 No. 15426544 Report >all these people ragequitting on klefki Don't they know what taunt is?
Kain 5370 - 0420 – 8139
Quoted By:
>>15426033 If you still have any decently IV'd Honedges left, could I get one?.
Meed~ !Meed.ErvYo
>>15426510 sure, gimme the best one.
I can sendyou a supersized pumpkaboo
J - 0748 2749 5863 [looking for a new project, MMing Honedge] !q69aSU0kOQ
J - 0748 2749 5863 [looking for a new project, MMing Honedge] !q69aSU0kOQ Thu 31 Oct 2013 14:17:12 No. 15426564 Report >>15426186 Hey, do you still have skarmories? I can offer
> Impish Immunity gligar > Brave 0spe Honedge > Adamant Speed Boost Venipede w/ toxic spikes and spikes > Jolly Sneasel w/ ice punch and pursuit > noibat > helioptile > adamant gale wings fletchling Sextet (X: Jacob) 1762 2742 6441
>>15426510 Let's see. To be specific, here's what I got...
>31/x/31/x/31/31 female >31/31/31/x/31/x male >31/31/x/x/31/31/ female >31/x/31/x/31/31 male >31/x/31/x/31/31 female >31/31/x/x/31/31 female They are all Careful with Sap Sipper.
Anyone want one? Let me know. They're free.
Namine Noir 2922-0106-6515 Paras Illumise Venomoth
Namine Noir 2922-0106-6515 Paras Illumise Venomoth Thu 31 Oct 2013 14:17:31 No. 15426568 Report >>15426442 Getting rid of my leftover bulbasaurs then going to start breeding a drought ninetales. Not looking forward to it...all I've been doing for the last 4 days or so is breeding bulbasaurs while chatting with people in different /vp/ threads or watching One Piece. How do people deal with the breeding without going insane?
>>15426544 >not having Foul Play on your Klefki Meed~ Y: 3411 1151 3269 !Meed.ErvYo
Quoted By:
I've got a bunch of 5IV male Abras and I need a female one preferably not from UK to increase shiny chance. Abras are: 3 with HP/Atk/Def/Sp.Atk/Sp.Def perfects, Modest 1 with Atk/DefSp.Atk/Sp.Def /Speed perfects, Modest 1 with HP/Atk/Def/Sp.Atk/Speed perfects, Modest unfortunately all have Inner Focus, any takers?
Quoted By:
>>15426544 >taunt beating out priority moves >Swagger >It hu Joaquin 4210-4063-1197 Ghotorita,Espurr, Grumpig
Joaquin 4210-4063-1197 Ghotorita,Espurr, Grumpig Thu 31 Oct 2013 14:18:51 No. 15426591 Report Quoted By:
>>15426564 Yes i still have some more i'll take the gligar adding you right away
Textguy B2:3397-2337-6284
>>15426498 If it's the same as Gen 5, it'll get Pelipper when it evolves.
In Gen 5 you can actually name an Oddish Gloom, and it'll get vileplume when it first evolves
According to Bulbapedia anyway, I never tested this Hi WFG
Valk 4038-7172-0622 [Corsola, Boldore, Rhydon] !J.ZU/8efNg
Valk 4038-7172-0622 [Corsola, Boldore, Rhydon] !J.ZU/8efNg Thu 31 Oct 2013 14:19:15 No. 15426597 Report jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
>>15426579 pls be sympathetic with someone who has no food at home and needs to order delivery
I heard there's an hamburguer festival in SP. I'm even hungrier now Anonymous
>>15426568 > breed pentaperfect parents > mass produce pentaperfect offspring > trade them for other pentaperfects > never deal with breeding your way to penta tier again Breedings not so bad in my opinion after you get through the rough part. I kind of enjoy it, wish I had more boxes.
Meed~ Y: 3411 1151 3269 !Meed.ErvYo
Quoted By:
>>15426597 dats some nice parahax
Quoted By:
>>15426594 Thanks for the information.
>name an Oddish Gloom, and it'll get vileplume I've gotta go test this.
Sextet (X: Jacob) 1762 2742 6441
>>15426579 Alright, I'm back.
Just take your pick. See
>>15426566 Also, I already have a super-sized Pumpkaboo. Just gimme a derp or something, it'll be fine.
Joaquin 4210-4063-1197 Ghotorita,Espurr, Grumpig
Joaquin 4210-4063-1197 Ghotorita,Espurr, Grumpig Thu 31 Oct 2013 14:24:05 No. 15426673 Report >>15426564 Good trade , please tell me if the skarmory has the 4IV because i'm not that sure.
Also, are you looking something for the sneasel?
Grand Duchess Zessica of the Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere 1564 2914 3214 !HScrubDAYw
Grand Duchess Zessica of the Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere 1564 2914 3214 !HScrubDAYw Thu 31 Oct 2013 14:24:41 No. 15426683 Report >>15426597 It's Liepard all over again.
Meed~ Y: 3411 1151 3269 !Meed.ErvYo
>>15426621 stahp complaining and go to the market
and we have food festivals all the time, I dont even know wich one happens when anymore Rajaion 4210-5397-6261
got a shiny quagsire and would like to trade it for another shiny which is not fishable. would love a shiny pumpkaboo the most, even add a mewtwo with its Y megastone with the quagsire or other Y exclusive megastones
Lizerd 3DS: Dallan 5343-8030-3718
Quoted By:
Anyone know any egg moves Klefki can learn?
Meed~ Y: 3411 1151 3269 !Meed.ErvYo
>>15426664 oh okay, I was just giving them away because of halloween
gimme that first male, send me a trade when you can~
Quoted By:
>>15426597 Breeding one right now.
Namine Noir 2922-0106-6515 Paras Illumise Venomoth
Namine Noir 2922-0106-6515 Paras Illumise Venomoth Thu 31 Oct 2013 14:28:03 No. 15426732 Report >>15426633 Yeah, but I started with 2 Ivysaurs that each only had 2 max IVs & if I remember correctly, one of the max IVs was the same on both Ivysaurs. But now that I've used the leftovers to trade for stuff, it'll be much easier. Breeding for an Espeon right now. Going to hold off on Ninetales because somebody might have one to trade and make breeding one easier. I used to ask my boyfriend to breed them for me, but he won't anymore. I don't know if I'd want him to now anyways, he's just going for 2 max IVs instead of at least 5, so he'd probably stop after 2.
Luke 1950-7875-5837
Quoted By:
Who's up for a 6v6 battle on this spooky morning?
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
Quoted By:
>>15426689 >gives bargain power as I throw my las ultra ball >10/10 timming would spam hatching power Bluwolf (Yvonne) 1435-4741-9348
Quoted By:
Will gibe shiny Rash Remoraid for Charizard stone X or Y
J - 0748 2749 5863 [looking for a new project, MMing Honedge] !q69aSU0kOQ
J - 0748 2749 5863 [looking for a new project, MMing Honedge] !q69aSU0kOQ Thu 31 Oct 2013 14:30:02 No. 15426768 Report >>15426673 I would love a female Skarmory, if you have one. The one you gave me had 31/31/31/xx/xx/31. If you happen to have a female with spDef, that would be awesome. If not, any female will be good. Trade me whenever
Joaquin 4210-4063-1197 Ghotorita,Espurr, Grumpig
Joaquin 4210-4063-1197 Ghotorita,Espurr, Grumpig Thu 31 Oct 2013 14:30:20 No. 15426771 Report >>15426494 sorry i didn't see the post. I don't have one with 5IV that i think of let me see
Namine Noir 2922-0106-6515 Paras Illumise Venomoth
Namine Noir 2922-0106-6515 Paras Illumise Venomoth Thu 31 Oct 2013 14:30:27 No. 15426773 Report >>15426673 You still willing to trade for one of your Larvestas?
Sextet (X: Jacob) 1762 2742 6441
>>15426713 >Because Halloween I'm doing the same. Sending 'em out en masse via Wonder Trade. That and Noibats and Phantumps.
IsaacJ 1650-1754-3494 Grass - Maractus, Petilil, Sunkern
IsaacJ 1650-1754-3494 Grass - Maractus, Petilil, Sunkern Thu 31 Oct 2013 14:31:14 No. 15426779 Report I accidentally released a shitmon holding the destiny knot. crap.
Namine Noir 2922-0106-6515 Paras Illumise Venomoth
Namine Noir 2922-0106-6515 Paras Illumise Venomoth Thu 31 Oct 2013 14:31:30 No. 15426786 Report >>15426771 Okay. And wow. We replied to each other at the same time.
>>15426779 You can get more battling models at lumiose city alleys
Joaquin 4210-4063-1197 Ghotorita,Espurr, Grumpig
Joaquin 4210-4063-1197 Ghotorita,Espurr, Grumpig Thu 31 Oct 2013 14:32:01 No. 15426804 Report Quoted By:
>>15426773 yep let me rename it and all that
>>15426768 i have a female one let me look at the IV's i'll reply in a moment
Thomas 3883-6144-8277 [Abra, Espurr, Gothorita]
Thomas 3883-6144-8277 [Abra, Espurr, Gothorita] Thu 31 Oct 2013 14:32:07 No. 15426805 Report Quoted By:
>>15426076 Still here?
I have the Larvitar you desire. 5IV (No Sp. Atk) with Stealth Rock and Pursuit. It's adamant, but it is female and inside a normal ball. Is that okay? If it is, I'd like a Mawile.
>>15426732 My girlfriend absolutely doesn't care about IVs. Just levels. She also is trying to breed two Fennekins from the same country together to get a shiny. Its beginning to drive me crazy.
Meed~ Y: 3411 1151 3269 !Meed.ErvYo
>>15426776 i'm sending pumpkaboos, phantumps and haunters. I waws planning to breed litwicks, shuppets and spinaraks too, maybe later
Valk 4038-7172-0622 [Corsola, Boldore, Rhydon] !J.ZU/8efNg
Valk 4038-7172-0622 [Corsola, Boldore, Rhydon] !J.ZU/8efNg Thu 31 Oct 2013 14:34:06 No. 15426843 Report >>15426683 Except now with better defense and typing
Sextet (X: Jacob) 1762 2742 6441
>>15426832 That reminds me, I also have some good Noibat leftovers.
I have four 5IV males that need good homes. Anyone?
Jack 0903-2728-5218 (IGN: JAK) !!MyPAp0rqqDa
Jack 0903-2728-5218 (IGN: JAK) !!MyPAp0rqqDa Thu 31 Oct 2013 14:36:13 No. 15426889 Report >>15426530 Yeah, I'll do it. Are you still online?
Grand Duchess Zessica of the Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere 1564 2914 3214 !HScrubDAYw
Grand Duchess Zessica of the Horizon in the Middle of Nowhere 1564 2914 3214 !HScrubDAYw Thu 31 Oct 2013 14:36:15 No. 15426892 Report Quoted By:
>>15426843 It's still Attract/Minimize/Toxic/Softboiled Blissey Tier.
Quoted By:
>>15426814 Your girlfriend sounds like a casual shit who won't listen to reason. You should dump her and give her to me instead.
Textguy B2:3397-2337-6284
Quoted By:
>>15426843 Klefki can't do spooky boogie set, though
Meed~ Y: 3411 1151 3269 !Meed.ErvYo
>>15426866 send me one too~
Sextet (X: Jacob) 1762 2742 6441
>>15426866 I would love one actually. Is there anything you would like in return?
Meed~ Y: 3411 1151 3269 !Meed.ErvYo
Quoted By:
>>15426912 yaay thank you~
Joaquin 4210-4063-1197 Ghotorita,Espurr, Grumpig
Joaquin 4210-4063-1197 Ghotorita,Espurr, Grumpig Thu 31 Oct 2013 14:38:37 No. 15426948 Report >>15426786 The larvesta is ready, i didn't have a 5 iv sorry, adding you!
>>15426768 Ii have a female with 4 iv and spdef is one of them i'll trade you
Sextet (X: Jacob) 1762 2742 6441
Quoted By:
>>15426928 Just a derp will be fine. Adding you now.
Lizerd 3DS: Dallan 5343-8030-3718
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Does anyone have any G6 Pokemon with egg moves?
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I got some 4 IV Adamant HA Fletchinders if anyone wants one. I managed to make a perfect 6 IV one while only trying for 5.
Primo 0533-4197-8317
Namine Noir 2922-0106-6515 Paras Illumise Venomoth
Namine Noir 2922-0106-6515 Paras Illumise Venomoth Thu 31 Oct 2013 14:43:10 No. 15427032 Report >>15426814 Have you told her that it's easier to get a shiny with one from another country? And originally I didn't care about IVs either, until I found out what a big difference they make. And the fact that in previous games it was way harder to get multiple IVs maxed out, so I didn't want to go to the trouble. I'm hoping I get a shiny eevee. Though I'm not sure I want a shiny espeon.
Nidhriel - 3007 8242 7022 (Fire: Magmar, Larvesta, Braixen)
Nidhriel - 3007 8242 7022 (Fire: Magmar, Larvesta, Braixen) Thu 31 Oct 2013 14:43:41 No. 15427043 Report Quoted By:
Want to trade a 5 IV perfect Adamant Intimidate Mawile for a 5 IV perfect Adamant Multiscale Dratini/Dragonair/Dragonite. Mine is female. I don't care about the gender.
>>15427032 Trying to decide between an Espeon and Sylveon myself. I never see sylveon in competetive play but she's much cuter and has good potential i think.
>>15427076 I'm sure you see Sylveon a lot in the 'special' rated battles, or whatever. Where you can only use 6 gen pokes
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
Whats the standart EV spread for a brave aegis?
IsaacJ 1650-1754-3494 Grass - Maractus, Petilil, Sunkern
IsaacJ 1650-1754-3494 Grass - Maractus, Petilil, Sunkern Thu 31 Oct 2013 14:48:30 No. 15427135 Report Quoted By:
>>15426800 ah, thanks. I thought I was done for.
Quoted By:
>>15427126 Max HP and Attack, 4 in either defense
>>15427032 Yeah. Didnt really do much good. She'll get tired of it eventually. I knew about IVs in previous gens but it was never worth it to me. With how easy destiny knot and FS has made breeding I actually don't mind it now. This is also the first one I've played competitively so there's more incentive.
Namine Noir 2922-0106-6515 Paras Illumise Venomoth
Namine Noir 2922-0106-6515 Paras Illumise Venomoth Thu 31 Oct 2013 14:50:32 No. 15427172 Report >>15426948 Okay. What IVs do you want the bulbasaur to have? I have 6 with 31/31/31/x/x/31, is that one okay? And do you want me to name it? Sorry for the delay, I have yet to go to bed, so I'm having a hard time focusing, plus I'm talking to a friend on skype at the same time.
Luke 1950-7875-5837
>Spend hours breeding a team up >Nobody to battle with it I'll just be over here working on my pokedex unless someone wants to have a battle
Théo [X - 4184 2168 7992] {Ariados, Cascoon, Whirlipede} !q1tGp7rYVA
Théo [X - 4184 2168 7992] {Ariados, Cascoon, Whirlipede} !q1tGp7rYVA Thu 31 Oct 2013 14:51:59 No. 15427197 Report Quoted By:
Does anyone know anything about the GBU meta? Some irl friend of mine are having Singles 3v3 monotype tourney, and I've got no idea how to start team building for this.
Barry 4768 7651 9952 !coffs5c1E.
Anyone have a Female Gale Wings Fletchling lying around? I can give you a 5 IV Gastly for it
Zenchi 4270 - 1499 - 9213
>>15427181 Why not, why not. Haven't finished training my new pokemons yet, but the old ones wouldn't mind a tussle.
J - 0748 2749 5863 [looking for a new project, MMing Honedge] !q69aSU0kOQ
J - 0748 2749 5863 [looking for a new project, MMing Honedge] !q69aSU0kOQ Thu 31 Oct 2013 14:52:28 No. 15427209 Report Quoted By:
>>15427181 > spend hours breeding random pokemon for a future team > never make a team You are a step ahead of me, be proud of it
Joaquin 4210-4063-1197 Ghotorita,Espurr, Grumpig
Joaquin 4210-4063-1197 Ghotorita,Espurr, Grumpig Thu 31 Oct 2013 14:53:07 No. 15427222 Report >>15427172 I'ts okay, I'm not really looking for a especific IV so anything with spe and hp is good for me. I'll wait
Yang 1907-8648-1812
>>15427120 >implying those aren't spammed with protean greninjas that tries to counter the fighting attack the 2nd protean tries to stab on to very effective the dark, by shooting a stab psychic right back to the then mono fighting protean greninja but instead got outplayed by lower speed and hit a dark with psychic and then got stab very effective u-turned against its useless mono psychic. >implying you could follow that >implying I wasn't the one who got outplayed like this Namine Noir 2922-0106-6515 Paras Illumise Venomoth
Namine Noir 2922-0106-6515 Paras Illumise Venomoth Thu 31 Oct 2013 14:54:25 No. 15427247 Report Quoted By:
>>15427152 Same with me. I didn't care before, and in this game I actually want to battle competitively.
Luke 1950-7875-5837
>>15427208 Added
>tfw 99 people in my friends list now Théo [X - 4184 2168 7992] {Ariados, Cascoon, Whirlipede} !q1tGp7rYVA
Théo [X - 4184 2168 7992] {Ariados, Cascoon, Whirlipede} !q1tGp7rYVA Thu 31 Oct 2013 14:55:44 No. 15427272 Report >>15427206 Sure, I've got a 3IV one if you want.
Quoted By:
>>15427226 >implying I didn't follow that Barry 4768 7651 9952 !coffs5c1E.
Quoted By:
>>15427272 Sweet. That would be awesome.
Adding you now
Zenchi 4270 - 1499 - 9213
>>15427248 How do you "look for a battle" like you did just now? You know, the symbol waving and saying "Luke wants to battle!"
Namine Noir 2922-0106-6515 Paras Illumise Venomoth
Namine Noir 2922-0106-6515 Paras Illumise Venomoth Thu 31 Oct 2013 14:58:10 No. 15427307 Report >>15427222 Okay. I'll add you now.
Luke 1950-7875-5837
>>15427297 Start it by choosing battle in the PSS menu, the same screen you go to random matchup from, then when it asks you who to invite, tap the words Invite friends/acquaintances at the bottom
Ryan 1547-5217-7232
Quoted By:
>>15426889 Sorry, online now if still there. IGN Is Ivy.
Nappa [X: 3609-1323-7078 IGN Barthas] !!gw4/lKtnI20
Nappa [X: 3609-1323-7078 IGN Barthas] !!gw4/lKtnI20 Thu 31 Oct 2013 15:03:57 No. 15427413 Report
Gray 0275-7121-2048 Masquerain, Paras, ???
Gray 0275-7121-2048 Masquerain, Paras, ??? Thu 31 Oct 2013 15:04:40 No. 15427428 Report Quoted By:
Can anyone help me out with trading a Slowpoke and Poliwhirl to evolve them? I need both for Pokedex reasons. I have King's Rocks already, I just need someone to trade them with.
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
>>15427413 Oh no, its nappa! Run for your lives!
hello, good sir Anonymous
>see someone on GTS claiming to have an IV 5 eevee for an IV 4 SG togepi >Give him a trash togepi because I assume they're lying about it being IV 5 >it really is an IV 5 eevee Now I feel bad
J - 0748 2749 5863 [looking for a new project, MMing Honedge] !q69aSU0kOQ
J - 0748 2749 5863 [looking for a new project, MMing Honedge] !q69aSU0kOQ Thu 31 Oct 2013 15:05:31 No. 15427448 Report Shiny Honedge, fuck yeah. Now to check the IVs.
Nappa [X: 3609-1323-7078 IGN Barthas] !!gw4/lKtnI20
Nappa [X: 3609-1323-7078 IGN Barthas] !!gw4/lKtnI20 Thu 31 Oct 2013 15:06:38 No. 15427468 Report Quoted By:
>>15427432 Hello jvk. How is your spooky day?
>>15427448 Congrats
J - 0748 2749 5863 [looking for a new project, MMing Honedge] !q69aSU0kOQ
J - 0748 2749 5863 [looking for a new project, MMing Honedge] !q69aSU0kOQ Thu 31 Oct 2013 15:07:57 No. 15427494 Report Quoted By:
>>15427448 ??/31/31/??/31/0
It's a girl guys. I need to level him up a bit, I hope the hp is not too shitty
>>15427434 He's in your Acquaintance list now, right? You can still do the right thing!
Joaquin 4210-4063-1197 Ghotorita,Espurr, Grumpig
Joaquin 4210-4063-1197 Ghotorita,Espurr, Grumpig Thu 31 Oct 2013 15:08:25 No. 15427507 Report >>15427307 oh shit i had a connection error and the game told me to turn off the console , everything is good by your side? I'm really sorry
Meed~ Y: 3411 1151 3269 !Meed.ErvYo
Quoted By:
>still wondertrading pumpkaboos >getting decent mons >bunnelby oh so the shit starts>adamant huge power well, its less shitty worst so far were a korean pikachu and pidgey
Meed~ Y: 3411 1151 3269 !Meed.ErvYo
I need to evolve my lv 31 Haunter into a gengar. can someone please help me?
Luke 1950-7875-5837
Quoted By:
Mega Ampharos confirmed for MVP
jvk - X 0103 9938 6308 !jvk7w9ocyQ
Quoted By:
>>15427498 I removed
her from there because I couldn't deal with the guilt and I really do have use for the eevee
Then she showed up in aquaintences and I couldn't remove her from there so I just had to stare at her dead pained expression until she left.
She knew, she KNEW.
Zenchi 4270 - 1499 - 9213
>>15427317 CRITS & PARALYZE & MISS EVERYWHERE. MEGA AMPHAROS STRONG & BULKY. Nice fight, wasn't my best but you had a good team either way so would have lost most likely.
I am so sad that Mega Banette does NOT get prankster on the turn it mega evolves. I mean, how else did your shadow sneak go before my prankster Will-o-Wisp? Banette has 75 base speed, I don't think aegislash would outspeed that..?
Namine Noir 2922-0106-6515 Paras Illumise Venomoth
Namine Noir 2922-0106-6515 Paras Illumise Venomoth Thu 31 Oct 2013 15:13:52 No. 15427618 Report >>15427507 Should I be worried?
Gray 0275-7121-2048 Masquerain, Paras, ???
Gray 0275-7121-2048 Masquerain, Paras, ??? Thu 31 Oct 2013 15:14:25 No. 15427637 Report Quoted By:
>>15427571 I'll trade my Slowpoke with a King's Rock, we can help each other out. If that's alright with you?
Joaquin 4210-4063-1197 Ghotorita,Espurr, Grumpig
Joaquin 4210-4063-1197 Ghotorita,Espurr, Grumpig Thu 31 Oct 2013 15:14:58 No. 15427652 Report Quoted By:
>>15427618 I pressed the power and everything went back to normal like the trade never happened
Joaquin 4210-4063-1197 Ghotorita,Espurr, Grumpig
Joaquin 4210-4063-1197 Ghotorita,Espurr, Grumpig Thu 31 Oct 2013 15:17:07 No. 15427701 Report >>15427618 I'm really sorry ,fuckin' third world wifi , I'll understand if you don't want to trade , please tell me if everything is allright
Luke 1950-7875-5837
Quoted By:
>>15427614 Everybody seems to underestimate Mega Amphy
Mine's Calm with maxed EVs in HP and Special Defense, and Cotton Guard for physical defense, and Charge Beam + 165 base special attack gives it some insane power
Too bad it's so slow though, base 45 speed is abysmal
Namine Noir 2922-0106-6515 Paras Illumise Venomoth
Namine Noir 2922-0106-6515 Paras Illumise Venomoth Thu 31 Oct 2013 15:21:31 No. 15427799 Report >>15427701 Seems like it is. Did the trade not go through? I took this time to check my swapnote & reply to a note, so I can trade again after.
Joaquin 4210-4063-1197 Ghotorita,Espurr, Grumpig
Joaquin 4210-4063-1197 Ghotorita,Espurr, Grumpig Thu 31 Oct 2013 15:23:22 No. 15427838 Report >>15427799 It didn't go through I still have the larvesta in my box. I'm relieved that everything is fine i don't think that i can carry the guilt of erasing someone save
Namine Noir 2922-0106-6515 Paras Illumise Venomoth
Namine Noir 2922-0106-6515 Paras Illumise Venomoth Thu 31 Oct 2013 15:27:34 No. 15427936 Report >>15427838 Well, I guess it's a good thing the trade didn't go through before. I was trading you a bulbasaur that didn't have IVs in special attack before. I just remembered you said you wanted one with sp. attack.
Joaquin 4210-4063-1197 Ghotorita,Espurr, Grumpig
Joaquin 4210-4063-1197 Ghotorita,Espurr, Grumpig Thu 31 Oct 2013 15:29:22 No. 15427981 Report Quoted By:
>>15427936 Thanks, i'll give you breeding power whenever i see you online
Namine Noir 2922-0106-6515 Paras Illumise Venomoth
Namine Noir 2922-0106-6515 Paras Illumise Venomoth Thu 31 Oct 2013 15:29:57 No. 15427998 Report Quoted By:
And with that last trade, I'm going to bed. Good night everyone. I hope you all have a great day.
Neo 4399-0021-4483
Quoted By:
Looking for... Mold Breaker Excadrill Regenerator Slowpoke Wonder Skin Venomoth I have random 3-4 IV Pokemon I could trade for them.
Quoted By:
I just fought a Garchomp online who could outspeed both my Mega-gengar and Greninja. How? Both have max EV in speed
D 3153 3956 9747
I normally don't do this, but... would any kind anon have a spare shiny from the following that they would pass along or trade for a good cause? >Hydreigon line >Squirtle or Wartortle >Fennekin >Skrelp >Sneasel >Other "cute" Pokemon It's my girlfriend's birthday, and she's been dealing with a lot of bullshit lately. She's not doing a whole lot for the occasion, nor is she receiving much in the way of gifts outside of what I could manage with the tiny bit of money I scraped together. I'd like to get her a shiny of one of her favorites to cheer her up and help her enjoy her special day a bit more, but I have shit luck at breeding shinies myself...
D 3153 3956 9747
Quoted By:
>>15429035 Oh, and suboptimal stats/Nature etc are fine. She doesn't really "do" competitive play.
>>15429035 Damn man, If I had one I'd give it to you but I've been playing for a while with a full EV trained team i made from scratch with perfect IVs, but I still havent seen 1 god damn shiny pokemon.
D 3153 3956 9747
>>15430458 Dude, tell me about it. I swear, I might have encountered like ONE shiny back in Gold Version outside of Red Gyarados, but otherwise I'm just cursed... I've tried MM when breeding and everything, but tfw no shinies.
Quoted By:
>>15430608 Yeah it's lame. i think if you really want a shiny the best thing to try is that chain fishing bullshit. I care mostly about competetive battling so idgaf about em.