hey /vp/ i have my bro now after only 435 eggs! Now I need some friend codes cause no irl friends now...idk what my safari is so that would be nice if someone could tell me please! i have a bunch of brave honedges, and adamant meditites btw if wanted..
BunnySwan 5343-8185-1693
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i bred drain punch and bullet punch on most of the meditites btw
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>>15431125 I am very happy for you, no joke
4871 3396 3911 Taiyo
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>>15431125 How about a timid Japanese Murkrow?
>>15431125 what's the ivs of the meditites?
>>15431125 If any of those meditates have 4IVs I could trade a 4IV shuppet for one.
BunnySwan 5343-8185-1693
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I hatched this eight days earlier also, i love the bloody blade look muahaha this one took under 300 eggs...
BunnySwan 5343-8185-1693
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>>15433835 >>15433766 i'll have to go check
Kamon 3866 9248 9470 - Electabuzz Zebstrika Pachirisu
Kamon 3866 9248 9470 - Electabuzz Zebstrika Pachirisu Thu 31 Oct 2013 19:57:56 No. 15433908 Report Can I snag one of those Meditites, OP?
BunnySwan 5343-8185-1693
>>15433908 yea if you dont mind random ivs
Kamon 3866 9248 9470 - Electabuzz Zebstrika Pachirisu
Kamon 3866 9248 9470 - Electabuzz Zebstrika Pachirisu Thu 31 Oct 2013 19:59:34 No. 15433956 Report >>15433930 I'm cool with just the Adamant nature!
inji , magmar, fletchinder, charmeleon, 3969-4890-3198
inji , magmar, fletchinder, charmeleon, 3969-4890-3198 Thu 31 Oct 2013 20:00:03 No. 15433969 Report >>15431125 do want, and congrats
BunnySwan 5343-8185-1693
>>15433980 Thank you very much, OP! And congratulations on your boss Medicham!
4871 3396 3911 Taiyo
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>>15433930 Yeah I'm cool with just a regular adamant one too.
Neo 4399-0021-4483
Do you have a random female Meditite with Bullet Punch and Drain Punch? I'll give you a 4-5/6 Poke for it.
BunnySwan 5343-8185-1693
BunnySwan 5343-8185-1693
BunnySwan 5343-8185-1693
>>15433956 did i give you one with just bide on accident?
Kamon 3866 9248 9470 - Electabuzz Zebstrika Pachirisu
Kamon 3866 9248 9470 - Electabuzz Zebstrika Pachirisu Thu 31 Oct 2013 20:09:49 No. 15434261 Report >>15434242 Let me go ahead and check for you. :)
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That's a really great shiny. I can't wait until December so I can get one.
Kamon 3866 9248 9470 - Electabuzz Zebstrika Pachirisu
Kamon 3866 9248 9470 - Electabuzz Zebstrika Pachirisu Thu 31 Oct 2013 20:11:44 No. 15434314 Report Quoted By:
>>15434242 >>15434261 You had indeed given me a Bide one, good sir.
Neo 4399-0021-4483
BunnySwan 5343-8185-1693
>>15434261 you can have it...unless you wanted one with bp and dp
Kamon 3866 9248 9470 - Electabuzz Zebstrika Pachirisu
Kamon 3866 9248 9470 - Electabuzz Zebstrika Pachirisu Thu 31 Oct 2013 20:16:59 No. 15434471 Report >>15434350 I wouldn't mind the other if that's okay. Truthfully Pure Power is all the guy needs but extra attacks is always a blessing. Thank you by the way. You're helping in a ton of ways! I try to be as grateful as possible because I don't quite have super good mons to hand away. So your generosity is appreciated!
Neo 4399-0021-4483
Thank you based OP! I was breeding Meditites yesterday then realized they could get BP when I finally got a 5/6 with desired IVs... what a shame! Anyway, it shouldn't take long at all to get exactly what I want thanks to you, I really appreciate it. Thank you very much! We 36th Chamber now.
BunnySwan 5343-8185-1693
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>>15434471 >>15434640 no problem! enjoy badass medicham
IGN: Gold FC: 0018-1355-0369 FZ: Petilil - Pansage - Quilladin
IGN: Gold FC: 0018-1355-0369 FZ: Petilil - Pansage - Quilladin Thu 31 Oct 2013 20:51:52 No. 15435332 Report Quoted By:
>>15431125 I'll trade for a addy medi with the drain and bullet punches
Sabbles 4871-3853-2985
>>15431125 I have a 4 IV Gible that I'll trade you for an Adamant Meditite with Bullet + Drain Punch
Jake 0146-9440-2100 (Sawk, Mankey, Breloom)
Jake 0146-9440-2100 (Sawk, Mankey, Breloom) Thu 31 Oct 2013 20:55:23 No. 15435394 Report I'll go for a Meditite for a Mawile, should still have some 4IV ones floating about. Or a Pumpkaboo, not wondertraded some 4IV ones.
BunnySwan 5343-8185-1693
>>15435389 >>15435394 yes to gible, and yes to mawile. reply so i know if still wanted
Dave 4382 3216 0216
Hey OP, can I get an Adamant one with bullet and drain punch? have 4 IV squirtle or furfrou...would really like one!
BunnySwan 5343-8185-1693
>>15435956 mm im down for the squirtle
Sabbles 4871-3853-2985
>>15435941 I still want one.
Jordan 0602-7621-2276 (Shuppet, Spiritomb, Pumpkaboo)
Jordan 0602-7621-2276 (Shuppet, Spiritomb, Pumpkaboo) Thu 31 Oct 2013 21:39:36 No. 15436683 Report >>15436260 Would you like an Adamant Pure Power Marill with Aquajet and Belly Drum for one of your Bullet Punch Meditite? IVs don't matter to me. The Marril have at least one or two good IVs each.
BunnySwan 5343-8185-1693
BunnySwan 5343-8185-1693
>>15436683 ohh yessss, adding you
Arin 3926-5264-0647
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So about 10 minutes ago i got my first shiny in gen 6. It was my first time ever using the masuda method and I got my shiny Roselia on the 4th egg. So excited.
Jordan 0602-7621-2276 (Shuppet, Spiritomb, Pumpkaboo)
Jordan 0602-7621-2276 (Shuppet, Spiritomb, Pumpkaboo) Thu 31 Oct 2013 21:47:35 No. 15437022 Report Quoted By:
>>15436738 Oh shoot, I just started Le Wow. I'll let you know when I'm done.