>>15471002You really are. The battle facilities are different, except for the Battle Factory and the Battle Tower.
There are also 6 facilities instead of 5 and they work in a different way.
Battle Palace consisted on 3vs3 matches. The catch is that you can't choose the moves for your pokemon, but he attacks on his own. The way he acts depends on his nature.
Battle Arena consisted of 3vs3 battles. The catch is that if you don't Ko the opponent in a certain number of turns one of the two pokemons will be knocked out after judging how it acted in battle.
Battle factory is just battle factory.
Battle Pike consisted on rooms with 3 exits. in every room there are powerful wild pokemon and in every exit you would have to face different events, from trainer battles to having all your pokemon freezed or having them fully healed.
Battle Pyramid consisted in several "mazes" with wild pokemon, based on different themes like paralysis or poison. There are also powerful trainers. You could find items to help you get trough the pyramid.
Battle Dome worked pretty much like the PWT.
Battle Tower is just Battle Tower.