nothing because I'm waiting to transfer my perfect IV foreign ditto first
>>15506100 When are they allowing us to do that anyways?
>>15506176 around christmas
Fletchling was my easiest one, it was the only that didn't require egg moves. I have to breed Outrage on Gible and Stealth Rock and Leech Seed on Ferroseed now.
I am in the middle of a chain breeding project to get Ice Punch onto a Scraggy, because it's a huge pain this gen. None of Scraggy's parents get Ice Punch by level-up, so the burden falls to Smeargle. But this raises another problem, there aren't any wild Pokemon with Ice Punch, and everything that gets it by level-up will one-shot a wild Smeargle. So the burden falls to breeding Ice Punch onto something weak (in my case Hitmonchan giving it to Abra), using that to Ice Punch a wild Smeargle, catch that Smeargle, and then use that Smeargle to breed with the Scraggy.
I've just bred my 6 IV Timid Gastly. Planning to breed a Gale Wing Fletchling but I don't have either Adamant/Jolly Synchronizer. So I will start breeding some Ralts first for a side project.
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Scythers. >breed with 2 four iv scythers >3 and 4 iv scythers everywhere How do you guys put up with this shit?
>>15506391 >6 iv ghastly Oh god fuck. that's my next project. Question. Why the attack stat as well?
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>Had a bunch of perfect Ralt's (HP, Def, SpA, Spd, Spe) left over from a previous breeding campaign >Breed a Phantump with a perfect attack IV and breed that with one of the Ralts' >Third Egg is perfect (HP, Atk, Def, SpD, Spe) with Harvest That was gloriously quick. What should I EV train? Def/SpD?
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The gap between 4IV parents and a 5IV offspring is excruciating.
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>>15506391 That will be one of my projects as well, I'm going to have to find someone who has Gastly or Haunter in a Friend Safari though because I don't have one with max special atk and Speed IVS like I do for the rest of my planned team.
>>15506391 >that feel when you have a perfect haunter and no one to trade Anonymous
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>breed two Meditites with 4 max IVs >after two boxes none of them have 5 max IVs Fuck this, I don't even care if I only have 25 or something in Def
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>>15506294 >your face when you freeze the first Smeargle you Ice Punch. Cal (4382-2219-3716) steel [mawile,forretress,klefki]
Cal (4382-2219-3716) steel [mawile,forretress,klefki] Sat 02 Nov 2013 17:34:01 No. 15506547 Report Quoted By:
>>15506446 probably no real reason other than pride
Also, breeding protean froakies, have a couple 5 IV ones, the inferior stat is attack, should I go back and try to get that or am I better off without it.
Machops at the moment. The 75/25 gender split just makes it way more painful because the number of decent females to switch in to help make it faster is tiny.
Mex - 0877-1337-8837 [Grass]
>>15506524 I'll trade you anon
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>>15506558 At least you can switch in females, breeding fixed or no gender mons is a huge pain
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Shuckle It's my easiest project ever, I only need HP, Defense, and Special Defense, because I plan to use Power Split anyway so having less attack helps, and with 5 base speed the IV doesn't really make a difference even if I decide to use Trick Room I should have a usable one in the first batch
0490-5873-0885 (Machoke, Throh, Hariyama)
0490-5873-0885 (Machoke, Throh, Hariyama) Sat 02 Nov 2013 17:37:07 No. 15506672 Report Quoted By:
Breeding for perfect drought vulpix ~ Only have 5IVs for now though Preparing to breed shuckles
>>15506524 hey we can trade haunters than trade back, i just want to evolve mine and im assuming you want to evolve yours friend code is 043086840661
>trying to breed a 5IVs Noibat with Infiltrator >only getting with Frisk Fuck.
Nidhriel - 3007 8242 7022 (Fire: Magmar, Larvesta, Braixen)
Nidhriel - 3007 8242 7022 (Fire: Magmar, Larvesta, Braixen) Sat 02 Nov 2013 17:38:48 No. 15506742 Report Quoted By:
Started breeding larvestas yday. On the third batch I got a 6 IV one with correct nature (obvious cause of everstone) and ability.
0490-5873-0885 (Machoke, Throh, Hariyama)
0490-5873-0885 (Machoke, Throh, Hariyama) Sat 02 Nov 2013 17:40:52 No. 15506804 Report Quoted By:
If anyone is breeding magikarp (idk, it happens) I would adore any of your extra 3IV
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Just got my 5IV pumpkaboo, impish/frisk female, after almost 5 or 6 boxes, no shiny, jpn parent. Got a ralts with 5IV adamant, a couple of days ago, this one went as a false swipe gallade for safari catching. next on list may be clauncher. have larvitars and zubats on queue, till get good parents.
>>15506722 I've noticed that parent Pokemon seem to pass on their abilities. I know female parents would pass Hidden Abilities easily in BW, but whether or not it was a Hidden Ability the offsprings always seemed to have the same ability as the parent when its female, or male if paired with a Ditto. Kept getting Static Electrikes until I switched the Static Electrike parent with a Manectric with Lightningrod.
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>>15506872 it's like, 60% with hidden ability and 80% with non hidden.
Guys I've been breeding my 4 IV male and 4 IV female Fletchlings for 3 hours now and have gotten zero 5 IV Fletchlings with Gale Wings and I don't know how much longer I can do this
2552-0455-7957 Cal (Dragonair, Gabite, Sliggoo)
2552-0455-7957 Cal (Dragonair, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sat 02 Nov 2013 18:17:05 No. 15508125 Report Currently breeding Magician Fennekins, pretty hyped because I managed to find three of its egg moves.
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>>15507983 Same here with Mawile
>>15508125 wish, heat wave, and hypnosis? doesn't make it any less shit
>flame thrower >physhic >shadowball >calm mind that is your set, nothing you can do about it
2552-0455-7957 Cal (Dragonair, Gabite, Sliggoo)
2552-0455-7957 Cal (Dragonair, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sat 02 Nov 2013 18:25:30 No. 15508449 Report >>15508342 Still gonna run that heat wave.
Wild hold item farming will finally be fun.
>>15507983 Save yourself some time with this if you got a bunch of rejects with different IV spreads.
Miles (1864-8461-4242) Ghost:Pumpkaboo, Dusclops, Lampent
Miles (1864-8461-4242) Ghost:Pumpkaboo, Dusclops, Lampent Sat 02 Nov 2013 18:27:23 No. 15508531 Report Quoted By:
Not sure what to breed next. I think I'll go for Pinsirs next, or Magikarps
>>15508449 >10 more BP >10% chance to miss its not worth it and its gonna come back and bite you in the ass, you may as well drop another 5% accuracy and get another 10 BP from fire blast
2552-0455-7957 Cal (Dragonair, Gabite, Sliggoo)
2552-0455-7957 Cal (Dragonair, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sat 02 Nov 2013 18:34:15 No. 15508747 Report Quoted By:
>>15508581 Easier than en-massing BP for me right now.
Breeding Absol with Play Rough because I'm a dark/ghost trainer. ;u; On break now because the daycare made Mawile forget it had the fucking move.
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I'm breeding Staryu. Only being able to breed with Ditto is fucking painful.
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>>15508581 Its worth it if you play doubles.
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>>15509260 why not relearn it with a scale?
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>>15509260 If you put the pokemon in with the move itll still pass it if it gets overwritten as long as it stays in the daycare.
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>>15506065 >10 boxes and counting, still no shiny honed I'm beginning to curse my luck in finding Skrelp in under 2.
>finish breeding new set of pokes >check all the IVs >one of them has 5 >yes it's female >shit ability Why is this so hard Also:>every other child has the ability you want
so is the first time I'm doing IV breeding, so correct me if I'm wrong so I got an pokemon with 2 perfect IV's in PS and attack that it inherited from a ditto if I want to get a perfect pokemon, or at least one with 5IVs I must now get a ditto with perfect IVs in other stats (defense and speed, for example) and breed it with it and hope to get an egg that inherits the IVs for speed, attack, PS and defense then doing it again with another ditto that has IVs in sp.Atk and sp.Def right?
>>15511933 Oh wait you just meant perfect IVs in certain stats, yeah you're right
Either way if you're unsure about anything that guide should help
Are there any Pokeballs that are more sought after by players? I'm trying to decide which one I want to use
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>>15511569 >PS Go away spanishcunt
It's HP
I'm planning on Breeding in Black/White 2 for a while until Pokebank comes out but I need to know somethings first 1. Does Destiny Knot still pass out IVs in Gen 5? 2. Are Power Items still useful 3. Is Gen 6's breeding largely different in anyway than Gen 5?
3582 9696 9666 (Sawsbuck, Oddish, Gogoat)
3582 9696 9666 (Sawsbuck, Oddish, Gogoat) Sat 02 Nov 2013 20:22:37 No. 15512551 Report Quoted By:
>>15506065 Just started breeding togetics, it's annoying because I have to get max friendship on each togepi I get just to evolve it so it can breed (togepi can't breed - babby pokemon)
Nosson 5300-9438-7094 (Chansey, Loudred, Dunsparce)
Nosson 5300-9438-7094 (Chansey, Loudred, Dunsparce) Sat 02 Nov 2013 20:27:14 No. 15512705 Report Quoted By:
I am just about ready to give up on getting my 5IV justified Absol. Every time I get one with 31/31/31/X/31/31 it has pressure/superluck. I have a couple 31/31/X/X/31/31 with justified so I may just go with one of those its close enough...
Marty 4167-5579-1461 (Sandile, Mightyena, Absol)
Marty 4167-5579-1461 (Sandile, Mightyena, Absol) Sat 02 Nov 2013 20:30:00 No. 15512784 Report Quoted By:
>>15506391 Hey man, you got a reject Gastly with max defense Ivs? I'm trying to breed one too.
J 5284-1415-7770 (Pancham, Mankey, Tyrogue)
J 5284-1415-7770 (Pancham, Mankey, Tyrogue) Sat 02 Nov 2013 20:32:54 No. 15512864 Report >>15512411 Premier balls and luxury balls.
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Can someone post the infographic/FAQ? I lost mine.
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>Start Breeding Hawluchas >Decide to play around a little with potential Egg Moves >Breed it with a Hitmonchan that knows Close Combat, Bullet Punch, Thunder Punch, and Ice Punch >Nothing Well shit.
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Going for a shiny Mawile. I currently have a lot of 5-6 IV mawiles, but I know the shiny one will have shit IVs
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Plenty of times i've managed to get a set of 3-perfect parents to make a 5-perfect child. It's a good feel.
Hunter 3969 5056 5228 [Galvantula, Helioptile, Electrode]
Hunter 3969 5056 5228 [Galvantula, Helioptile, Electrode] Sat 02 Nov 2013 20:48:50 No. 15513375 Report Quoted By:
>>15506255 I'll give ya one of my leftover Ferroseeds if you're still here. Knows Leech Seed and Stealth Rock.
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>>15512864 I like heal balls too
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Tried wifi general, got one rather confusing response so ill try here Question, kinda new to breeding but ive been very successful following the guides posted on /vp/ Ive got one question concerning power items. Assuming im correct in saying that a pokemon in the daycare center holding a power item is 100% likely to transfer the IV relating to that item, does it stack with if the other mon is holding a destiny knot?
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>>15511474 this literally just happened to me. Fucking goomy wanker.
Just got done breeding Larvesta. I gave up on perfect IVs, and settled for 5 ivs, missing attack, since Volcarona doesn't need attack at all. Also, a question for you all. Should I turn my Aegislash into a wall? I feel like he'd be amazing, with a kings shield, toxic, protect, something else, and probably leftovers
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>>15512486 1. no
2. yes
3. no
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I have about 70 Modest Abras from last night with about 3 max IVs on average. Only a few of them have Magic Guard, though. Working on breeding Skarmorys with Whirlwind and Brave Bird today.
>>15514316 That is perfect. Nobody breeds for 6 IVs.
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>>15514974 I've just done it for a Mawile
, even if it's useless. Am I autism yet ? Anonymous
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Is it possible to get a Hidden Ability onto a child from a genderless Pokemon? I know it wasn't possible in Gen V but I wanna know if anything's changed.
FIG 0387-9883-9520 (Volbeat Ledyba Pinsir)
FIG 0387-9883-9520 (Volbeat Ledyba Pinsir) Sat 02 Nov 2013 22:19:56 No. 15516559 Report Quoted By:
just finished staryu, no idea what my next will be... togekiss maybe...
If you have a large number of 3/4 IV junk but are still looking for a 5/6 IV, use this.
Robert 0473-7776-0862 [Spritzee, Togepi, Floette]
Robert 0473-7776-0862 [Spritzee, Togepi, Floette] Sat 02 Nov 2013 22:23:47 No. 15516678 Report Hey guys, you know that thing going around where if you hatch an egg, you can ensure what IVs are passed on when you reset, how far does that go? I finally finished breeding my perfect IV mon, but ended up resetting when I gave him some EVs by accident thinking I had saved, but I hadn't. The problem was that I was 1 or 2 batches from it from my last save. Am I guaranteed to get it again? Or does it not work like that?
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>Place a 31/x/31/x/31/31 Mawile and an x/x/31/31/31/x Togetic into the Day Care and prepare for days of attempting to breed a proper one >First batch comes out >Go see the Kiloude Guy >"This Pokémon has outstanding potential overall!" >31/31/31/31/31/31 >First batch >It's male, decide to breed it with a 31/x/x/x/x/31 female Noibat >Get first batch >"This Pokémon has outstanding potential overall!" >Another fucking 31/31/31/31/31/31 Literally dead I can't even fucking
Antonio FC: 5343-7663-3577
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Been going at this for a couple hours. Breeding a Gooey Goomy and trying to get at least 4 max IV's.
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I just finished the game yesterday so I guess it's time to breed my team j-just ugh so much work and patience Anons h-how can I motivate myself to breed a whole team? P-pls respond
Robert 0473-7776-0862 [Spritzee, Togepi, Floette]
Robert 0473-7776-0862 [Spritzee, Togepi, Floette] Sat 02 Nov 2013 22:34:43 No. 15517079 Report Quoted By:
>>15516678 I'm this guy
Nevermind, apparently it doesn't work like that, but I got lucky and got it like 3 batches early this time. My Charmander breeding is finally over!
I'm on my sixth box of Kangaskhans, what the fuck Why have the RNG gods forsaken me, it was a cakewalk to get 5 IVs perfect mons for everything before this
>>15508512 >>15516671 >>15508512 >>15516671 PAY ATTENTION TO THIS.
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>>15517143 I had this exact same problem with Mawile, where I ended up getting almost a full box of 31/31/31/x/31/31 Mawiles
with Hyper Cutter 0061-0080-0976 (crabby quagsire and Frogadier)
0061-0080-0976 (crabby quagsire and Frogadier) Sat 02 Nov 2013 22:46:41 No. 15517529 Report Quoted By:
Finished working on TTar, now doing Ferrowseeds with HP, atk, D, SD. Fuck speed and SA. Next is Mienfoo with HP, A, D, SD, S
Just leveled a hatched Fletchling to a 64 Talonflame for Brave Bird and Flare Blitz so I could breed with it. Turns out only Roost is able to be passed down.
>>15516671 I'm having trouble understanding why taking an egg 1 at a time, hatching it, giving it rare candies, and then punching its stats into a calculator is somehow faster than just getting bunches of eggs.
>>15518917 Because you need to find out what egg is inheriting what stats.
One you have an egg that is inheriting everything but the stat you don't care about, you just need to swap the parents (if you have the right ones) and the same IVs will be inherited, but they time from parents with 31 in them.
If you have a lot of 2/3/4 IV parents, you can use this to get a flawless Pokemon very quickly.
>>15506065 Ability capsule nigga
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>>15519123 Doesn't work for hidden abilities, nigga.
>>15508512 What exactly does rejecting the egg do?
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>>15517209 I tried this, yes it worked, but by the time I check 1 eggs, I would've hatched 6.
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>>15519245 Some RNG bullshit.
>tfw found this in the safari 2 days ago 29 SpD IVs but otherwise perfect. Currently MMing Beldum and a lot of the rejects have hp att def speed and the 29 SpD, probably gonna distro them once im done
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>>15517866 Stop the presses it's ok now, all is forgiven
>tfw you hatch a 6 IV pokemon Anonymous
>>15519075 I'm still not able to wrap my head around how soft resetting somehow increases the chances of x egg hatching with the desired IVs vs hatching 5 at a time.
Doing the method detailed there, I just got a child with the EXACT same stats as the previous one. I don't think that's right.
Wouldn't it be smarter to save right before I take an egg, since the IVs are determined when he gives the egg to you? Or am I just horribly misinformed, and the IVs are decided when HE gets the egg?
I'm probably overthinking too much of this. Would you mind further clarifying?
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Just got done breeding my 4IV Trick-Room Slowpoke with Regenerator. It was a bitch, but it was so worth it.
>>15519427 >Wouldn't it be smarter to save right before I take an egg, since the IVs are determined when he gives the egg to you? Or am I just horribly misinformed, and the IVs are decided when HE gets the egg? IVs are actually determined after you reject the egg
>>15519580 So should I save before rejecting it, instead of after, then? If I save after, then I just saved after the IVs were determined, meaning that they'll be exactly the same every time.
>>15519427 No, you're supposed to switch the parents out.
Say you have a father with IVs of : A/B/C/D/E/F
And a mother with IVs of: U/V/W/X/Y/Z
You have a savepoint that is directly after you reject their first egg, but before they make another egg.
You take their egg, hatch it, the child has IVs of: A/r/V/D/E/Z
It has inherited HP, SpA and SpD from its father, and Defense and Speed from its mother. It doesn't matter what their actual values are, all that's important is that they inherited certain stats.
Now, you reset your game, and swap the parents in the daycare center for a father with IVs of: 31/x/x/31/31/x and a mother with IVs of: x/x/31/x/x/31 (I'm not sure if they still need the Destiny Knot and Everstone, but I think so).
Now ride around until you get an egg. This egg will be 31/r/31/31/31/31. For some reason, the IV inheritance is the same even with different parents.
>>15519659 But then what's the point of the method? If you save before you'd be getting a random inheritance every time. Might as well just breed normally.
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>>15519717 Its best if you prep a bunch of parents beforehand
One of the IV combos is bound to work with one pairing eventually. Just think of it as an alternative to hatching endless eggs for the right IVs on a single species. This way you can know what you're getting and decide whether to trash it or to use it for something
>>15516671 Question about this method. Technically you could keep resetting for the right gender and ability since those are not fixed like the IVs are right? So you'd be getting the same IVs every time but with different gender and abilities right?
>>15520043 Everything about the child is fixed, iirc: according to Smogon, the PID is identical every time.
>>15520106 >Everything about the child is fixed Except shiny right?
>>15520137 Shiny is also fixed.
So if it's not shiny, you can't possibly make it shiny.
But if it is shiny, you can swap its parents to hopefully get a flawless, shiny pokemon.
>>15506294 Are there any easy repeatable double battles to teach smeargle moves in XY?
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>>15519694 >>15519717 Okay I think I understand it now. Don't know why I lacked the reading comprehension to understand it before...
Thanks niggas
Robert 0473-7776-0862 [Spritzee, Togepi, Floette]
Robert 0473-7776-0862 [Spritzee, Togepi, Floette] Sat 02 Nov 2013 23:59:25 No. 15520321 Report Quoted By:
>>15506294 Why don't you just get a pokemon with Ice Punch and fight a ditto? Just delete all of the other moves. That how I always got those moves on my Smeargles.
Does anyone know if moms can pass egg moves? or is it still fathers only?
>>15520168 >But if it is shiny, you can swap its parents to hopefully get a flawless, shiny pokemon. The reason I asked is because I saw someone post that they had a shiny and reset to see if it worked with swapping and it did not. Did you read it or actually try it yourself or are you just guessing?
Robert 0473-7776-0862 [Spritzee, Togepi, Floette]
Robert 0473-7776-0862 [Spritzee, Togepi, Floette] Sun 03 Nov 2013 00:03:41 No. 15520484 Report Quoted By:
>>15520406 Funny enough, I think there is some talk about a chance a mom can pass on egg moves. I'm not sure on the details, but I don't think it's guaranteed, and I don't know if it works with/without ditto or fathers with egg moves.
>>15520408 Shiny or not shiny is determined by the PID, which is identical between swaps.
If that person was using the Masuda Method, I do actually believe that this won't work if the swapped parents have a different OT (trainer), e.g. if you masuda with a foreign Pokemon and then swap it out with one of your own Pokemon, it'll break and you'll get a random IV inheritance (and no shiny).
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Just bred an outstanding jolly scrappy Kangeskan with perfect attack and speed. Just ev training it now.
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>>15506391 I'm not sure if I'll every bother going for perfect, I just like maxing the two important stats and then moving on.
Ranth 4983-5010-8699
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>>15506294 I taught my Smeargle ice punch by catching a Jynx, heart scaling ice punch onto it, and sketching it from her in a resturant double battle in Lumoise. It was pretty easy actually. There's a resturant (1 star) with level 10 double battles.
Ranth 4983-5010-8699
If I have a pokemon with a hidden ability, but it's male, and I breed it with a female of its same species (not a ditto), can it pass on its hidden ability at all? I'm trying to breed Eevees, so if I have to breed the male with a ditto over and over for a hidden ability female (12.5% female rate) it's going to be pretty terrible.
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>>15506065 >Settling for superior Nigga go for Outstanding.
Robert 0473-7776-0862 [Spritzee, Togepi, Floette]
Robert 0473-7776-0862 [Spritzee, Togepi, Floette] Sun 03 Nov 2013 00:15:37 No. 15520961 Report >>15520810 It's terrible, but that's the only way to do it sadly. A male cannot pass on the hidden ability if bred with a female of the same species. Sorry!
Ranth 4983-5010-8699
>>15520961 Why would they do this.. ugh. Absolutely awful. As if breeding wasn't grinding away as it was.
Robert 0473-7776-0862 [Spritzee, Togepi, Floette]
Robert 0473-7776-0862 [Spritzee, Togepi, Floette] Sun 03 Nov 2013 00:25:55 No. 15521350 Report Quoted By:
>>15521256 >why would they do this Hey man, at least they gave you the ability to get it from a male and a ditto this gen, last gen you were just shit out of luck.
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Can anyone give me a Cranidos? I need it for breeding purposes. I don't give a damn about IVs and natures, but they help the breeding process, I guessé
>>15516671 What do you do if the parents share a perfect IV?
I guess you'd have to find parents who don't share 31s but that could be a bit of a pain.
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius)
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius) Sun 03 Nov 2013 00:29:16 No. 15521490 Report Quoted By:
Eh, prepping for Mawile, Magikarp, or Larvesta. Finally done with Pumkins now that I have a 31/31/31/XX/31/31 IV female named "Marceline" under my belt.
>>15520961 Lies, I've passed on nature and ability with a male
>>15521542 He said same species. Were you breeding with a ditto when you passed it on?
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius)
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius) Sun 03 Nov 2013 00:31:45 No. 15521588 Report >>15516671 And why level it up when you can just go to the IV checker?
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>>15521479 Yeah, just do that. No overlapping IVs, they need to be different.
>>15521588 You need to know the EXACT IVs to see who passed down what IV.
Are sibling Pokemon able to breed with each other? I want to breed multiple Spore/False Swipe Shroomish but I only have one set of Breloom parents.
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>>15522379 Yup. It's incest all the way down.
Dan 1435 - 4885 - 5169 [Oddish, Ivysaur, Maractus]
Dan 1435 - 4885 - 5169 [Oddish, Ivysaur, Maractus] Sun 03 Nov 2013 01:13:50 No. 15523091 Report Quoted By:
>>15506255 I've been breeding jolly outrage Gibles all day, I have a couple with 3 perfect IVs, still working on them; if it helps you I can give you one.
Ruairi 2449-4706-8982 (Phantump, Shuppet, Drifblim)
Ruairi 2449-4706-8982 (Phantump, Shuppet, Drifblim) Sun 03 Nov 2013 01:51:24 No. 15524390 Report Quoted By:
I'm new to breeding, so this probably sounds like a stupid question but if you give a parent an item like choice band that guarantees your selected IV is inherited, does that mean ONLY that IV is inherited, and everything else comes from the other parent? need an answer before I try and breed shit without the destiny bond and get a load of shit...
J 5284-1415-7770 (Pancham, Mankey, Tyrogue)
J 5284-1415-7770 (Pancham, Mankey, Tyrogue) Sun 03 Nov 2013 02:00:02 No. 15524630 Report >>15520232 Restaurant Nah. VERY easy double battle, infinitely repeatable.
Rob 4914-3979-7261 (Snover, Bergmite, Dewgong)
Rob 4914-3979-7261 (Snover, Bergmite, Dewgong) Sun 03 Nov 2013 02:02:31 No. 15524714 Report Quoted By:
>>15506065 Just bred a Modest Dry Skin Helioptile with 31/x/31/31/31/31. EV training him as we speak.
Jeff 2723-9702-2511
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Do you guys level your pokemon after EV training in the Elite 4? I wish I could but I want to level a lot of them at the same time and I don't think I can do the E4 with just 2-3 pokemon...since I don't have any 100s yet.
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Well I just got a male and female Fletchling with 6 max IVs, and the female has Gale Wings and is in a Premier Ball. So I can pretty much be rolling in Fletchlings whenever I want Feels good to be the king
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Well I just got a male and female Fletchling both with 6 max IVs and Adamant nature, and the female has Gale Wings and is in a Premier Ball. So I can pretty much be rolling in Fletchlings whenever I want Feels good to be the king
Quoted By:
>finally broke down and started breeding gale wingers >IV checking them >yadda yadda yadda wait was that all six? >it was >Big Keks >Female so I can't even improve breeding efficiency
Just curious, is there any reason people seem to breed in premier balls over luxury balls?
>>15530431 Personal preference
I use Heal Balls for Pokemon like Chansey
Lin 2251-4528-7065 (Gabite, Shelgon, Druddigon)
Lin 2251-4528-7065 (Gabite, Shelgon, Druddigon) Sun 03 Nov 2013 04:46:40 No. 15530707 Report Just finished up a Kangaskhan breeding spree, starting a Beldum one now. This is going to take forever. If anyone has a spare Fletchling with Flame Body they can throw my way, I'll trade you. I have leftover adamant Kangas.
Danae 0490-5820-2510 (Ice - Beartic, Delibird, Lapras)
Danae 0490-5820-2510 (Ice - Beartic, Delibird, Lapras) Sun 03 Nov 2013 04:51:08 No. 15530869 Report Quoted By:
>>15521679 why does it matter if you are just going for 31's anyways?
that guide is such crap and requires way more effort then needed for breeding
Danae 0490-5820-2510 (Ice - Beartic, Delibird, Lapras)
Danae 0490-5820-2510 (Ice - Beartic, Delibird, Lapras) Sun 03 Nov 2013 04:52:23 No. 15530907 Report >>15530707 i can give you a larvesta flame body. Sure itl be 59 before learning fly, but i can offer you a 4 statter for a decent Kangaskhan.
I'm still working on getting a perfect Honedge. Right now I've got 6-7 x/31/31/31/31/0 in the box, I just cannot get that HP. Been breeding all day too.>mfw the last batch of eggs I hatched yielded two 0/31/31/31/31/0 in a row
Lin 2251-4528-7065 (Gabite, Shelgon, Druddigon)
Lin 2251-4528-7065 (Gabite, Shelgon, Druddigon) Sun 03 Nov 2013 04:54:54 No. 15530996 Report >>15530907 It has four perfect IVs?
I'm completely new to breeding. I've been seeing the IV judge and I'm generally keeping "Relatively Superior" Evees, should I only be looking for "Outstanding"?
Danae 0490-5820-2510 (Ice - Beartic, Delibird, Lapras)
Danae 0490-5820-2510 (Ice - Beartic, Delibird, Lapras) Sun 03 Nov 2013 04:57:01 No. 15531055 Report >>15530996 yeah, your choice of 31/x/x/31/31/31 or x/x/31/31/31/31 or 31/x/31/31/31/x
Lin 2251-4528-7065 (Gabite, Shelgon, Druddigon)
Lin 2251-4528-7065 (Gabite, Shelgon, Druddigon) Sun 03 Nov 2013 04:58:41 No. 15531123 Report Quoted By:
>>15531055 Throw the second one my way and Kanga's yours. I have some with Pokerus too if you need it (if not, I'll save it for someone who does).
>>15530917 Mind giving away one of your leftover Honedges? 0/31/31/31/31/0 is fine to me.
Kent 2277-7547-8872
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>>15531156 Sure, what have you got in exchange?
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>>15530579 Also sorta goes without saying but I try to theme it at least a little just for variety, i.e. using Dive Ball for Gyarados. If I can't think of anything I usually just use Premier or Luxury
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>>15531004 The goal is to get "Outstanding", but what you're really looking for is the specific stats that "can't be beat".
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>>15531004 Those descriptions are just talking about the IVs as a total. What you want is "those stats simply can't be beat" at the end of the description, which means those stats are at 31
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>>15506065 I almost jizzed my pants when I saw that I got my first male moxie 31/31/31/x/31/31 hera after what seemed like an infinite amount of 5 IV'd female moxie and male guts/swarm heras.
Krebs 4897 6570 6991 (Noibat, Gabite, Druddigon) !1DqObrw9Oc
Krebs 4897 6570 6991 (Noibat, Gabite, Druddigon) !1DqObrw9Oc Sun 03 Nov 2013 05:05:56 No. 15531380 Report Quoted By:
Finally bred a 31/31/x/31/31/31 Ghastly, No disable but whatever. Breeding is rediculously easy this gen. It's only taken a few hours to pull this off.
>>15519352 fuck, i have been wasting all kinds of pokeballs because ditto are a bunch of faggots who break them, even if they have 1 hp and are transformed into a fucking magikarp and the max IV i have gotten is 4
Seigi 4098-2743-0184 (Pumpkaboo, Shuppet, Drifblim)
Seigi 4098-2743-0184 (Pumpkaboo, Shuppet, Drifblim) Sun 03 Nov 2013 05:13:52 No. 15531638 Report Ive been breeding larvitars and gibles for iv's. To my astonishment, larvitar breeding is useless right now because there is no way to get Superpower onto a larvitar atm. Fuck me. Oh well. When the poke bank comes up, I can just breed it in off of a 5th gen, or there have been rumors that Pokémon Z will have different tutors that teach the moves that were left out of them. Blah. Anywho, im willing to trade a couple 4IV Larvitar/Gible for some things. Anyone game? Both are jolly, Gibles know outrage/iron head and have sand veil. Nothing special about the larvitars besides IVs.
Kent 2277-7547-8872
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>>15531156 You still in here?
>>15531472 Get a Gallade, it's the only Pokemon that learns False Swipe and Hypnosis. 1 HP and asleep is 100% catch rate with Dusk(at night)/Repeat Balls. Don't give him any attacking moves besides False Swipe and neither of you will be able to faint
When I'm catching Safari Pokes I use Gallade but lead with a Gardevoir with Synchronize, which gives a 50% chance that the wild Poke will be the nature Gardevoir is. Gardevoir doesn't have any attacking moves at all, so when Ditto transforms/Infiltrates he's useless, and I just switch to Gallade and catch it
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>>15531472 I've used 400 ultra balls so far in my hunt.
I only have 4 dittos with 3IV's.
I hate the fuckers so much.
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>>15531780 >Infiltrates Meant Imposter
Lin 2251-4528-7065 (Gabite, Shelgon, Druddigon)
Lin 2251-4528-7065 (Gabite, Shelgon, Druddigon) Sun 03 Nov 2013 05:20:34 No. 15531859 Report Quoted By:
>>15531055 Dunno where you went man but I added you. We'll trade next time we're both online.
>>15531780 thanks for the tip, i was thinking of looking for some pokemon with both attacks, i only use false swipe since it takes too long to change to my exeggutor and use sleep powder
Do Ditto IV's matter when breeding or not?
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>>15531873 You could say that their IVs are almost the entire point of breeding with them in the first place, past getting the right nature.
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>>15531873 Of course they do, why wouldn't they?
Krebs 4897 6570 6991 (Noibat, Gabite, Druddigon) !1DqObrw9Oc
Krebs 4897 6570 6991 (Noibat, Gabite, Druddigon) !1DqObrw9Oc Sun 03 Nov 2013 05:22:26 No. 15531914 Report Quoted By:
>>15531638 I've got some 4 IV ghastlies if you are interested.
I might be looking to trade for one of those Gibles.
Kent 2277-7547-8872
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>>15531873 They can help speed up the process a bit, but you don't NEED a ditto with any perfect IVs to breed.
>>15531780 >>15531862 Smeargle (Own Tempo)
>Spore >False Swipe >Odour Sleuth >Mean Look Cant kill itself from confusion, can hit ghosts with odour sleuth, and spore is 100% accurate.
Mean look is nice for fagots like Abra, but Gallade can also learn that as well as an egg move.
Luxury balls are the superior ball? Correct?
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>>15531947 Oh yeah completely forgot about Smeargle, need to get one of those
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>>15531873 iv in breeding matter when you're breeding for ivs...
>>15531979 Luxury or Premier usually, but again it's all up to preference. I use other balls sometimes (Heal for some, Dive for some), but Luxury/Premier are my "general" balls and I think they're a safe bet if you're wanting to trade them
>>15532067 Yeah, I'm just trying to breed some good evees. I'm currently hunting for a perfect Ditto, if that's possible, in my friends safari.
>>15532179 i think the max is 5 perfect IV and a very close 6th one like 29
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>>15532236 Gotcha, my current ditto has 2 perfect IV's (S.Def and Speed), trying to see if I can get any higher than that before I get bored.
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I ended up breeding 5 perfect IV's but in the wrong attack stat, so I had to bring everything back a step after wasting an hour of my time trying to get lucky with it Shit sucks
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>>15506524 >that feel when the 10/10 princess you've been fappin too gets murdered by your friend on national television Anonymous
I managed to breed two 5IV Eevees today. The whole process took me a day and a half, but it was exciting for me since I'd never bred for IVs in my life. They are both Modest so I guess that means they won't be optimal..? But I'm not bothered since I just wanted to experiment with the limited Friend Safaris I had. Considering I didn't have access to FS Ditto and the pokemon I was breeding had such and abysmal F:M rate, I'm pleased with my result.
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>tfw when trying to breed single gendered pokemon Gave up on my Braviary after finally getting a 5 IV but had Sheer Force instead of Defiant. Luckily getting a 6 IV Hydreigon was extremely fast, guess I was lucky.
Baraggan Luisenbarn !jb4sO9YH0c
>breeding two 4 IV Joltiks hoping for a 5 IV >suddenly get a 6 IV out of nowhere >Unnerve >no BP Someone have an Ability Capsule? I'll give...uh...something?
Indrid 1950-8057-0667 [Poison,???]
I have a question about breeding. I have a Ferroseed Relaxed with 3IVs I need (HP, DEF, SPDEF), but it doesnt have Stealth Rocks. What I tried doing is breeding a ferroseed with SR with the one with the IVS. The one with IVs has destiny knot. Am I doing the right thing? its been 20 eggs now and only 1 stat is passed down...
>>15533047 Keep replacing the parents as you get more IVs to pass down and you will eventually start seeing much better results.
>>15533047 It would technically work, but it might take quite a while depending on how shit the SR one is
Indrid 1950-8057-0667 [Poison,???]
>>15533108 the SR one is crap.
im losing hope. if anyone could trade me on for another of my pokes, I would love it
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>>15533176 Like
>>15533103 said, whenever you get a child with the same gender as the SR with at least one IV passed, use it as a new parent. Even if the other parent already has that IV, consider that when said IV is chosen to be passed it'll always be 31 when both parents have 31
breeding atk+speed Pawniards Also have a jap ditto with HP+spc def (lel). looking for a jap ditto with spc atk or attack. anyway, i'm nicknaming ALL of the hatched pawniards "GasTheKikes" or "RaceWarNow" so I can release them all on wondertrade later. Most of these pawniards have a max IV in either speed, attack, or HP. I can't imagine the buttfrustration of some liberal who can't decide whether to keep a pawniard named "GasTheKikes" (btw seriously nintendo, how do you ban the word "con" but allow the word "kike") due to it's IV's or not
I just literally used 20 luxery balls on a 1 HP ditto. The catch system is a fucking joke, holy shit
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>>15533224 here
btw if anyone wants a atk or atk+def or atk+speed or some kind of pawniard (I think I also have one spc atk somehow) then just holla @ me in this thread and we'll trade numbers. otherwise, into the wondertrade trash they go
>>15516671 Does this work with diferent species? Like Fennekin + Ditto?
If I'm doing this with 2 Fennekin and I need a father with Perfect IV in DEF and SPE, can I swap the male Fennekin with a Ditto with the desired IVs?
>>15533224 what does "con" mean?
Bane 4012-4119-8723 (Lampent, Phantump, Drifblim)
Bane 4012-4119-8723 (Lampent, Phantump, Drifblim) Sun 03 Nov 2013 05:26:18 No. 15533643 Report Quoted By:
Decided to try IV breeding out earlier today since just sliding a nature and ability onto something felt empty and easy. Had my 31/x/31/31/31/31 larvesta a few hours later. Been dumping the rejects into wonder-trade and haven't been disappointed. Got a flabebe named Assface very quickly.
>>15533624 con, like a convict, or conning someone out of something. i dunno why they banned it, but they did. it's not even a profanity in english.
KIKE, however, is a racial slur, clearly. All I'm saying is, there's about to be 30 pawniards and 30 deinos passed around on wonder trade named "GasTheKikes" and "RaceWarNow"
>>15534189 Those are some pretty solid names
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>>15533364 Dude, just buy Pokeballs
It's more cost effective and you won't know the difference
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>>15534317 thanks. I've been practicing to see what the censors allow
other names I've unleashed to the world:
Alexander 3695-0573-5304
>>15520406 Moms can pass egg moves and fathers can pass hidden abilities.
Alexander 3695-0573-5304
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>>15521581 >>15521542 >>15520961 >>15520810 Hidden abilities pass from fathers when bred with the same species.
Don't let no niggas tell you any different.
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>What are you breeding, /vp/? Rain dance team, done with lotad, squirtle, and helioptile, probably going to start kabuto next. Also destiny knot makes breeding a joke now.
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>>15534460 Can they pass egg moves on if they breed with their same species, or only if they ditto breed?
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>>15532999 time to grind the lower levels of the battle maison for hours with your team you used to beat the E4
that's what I did
Does the destiny knot parent-swapping method work with breeding genderless pokemon? It doesn't, right? Since the game would have to treat the genderless pokemon and the Ditto as being in the male or female slot 100% of the time for it to work.
I'm a really lazy breeder, trying to make a decent brave honedge with MM. I want my shiny but one I can use. Couldn't I use a ditto with 4 or 5IVs and a brave honedge? I have a 3IV ditto, finding 4IV in my safari has been a pain though. Anyone want to give me some tips?
>>15534663 I'm not sure I understand what you're saying. Destiny knot doesn't care which parent holds it.
>>15534703 There are no tips to getting better dittos with more IVs, other than just mindlessly catch as many as you can. the best idea would be to breed a brave non-shiny honedge with 5 or 6 31 IVs and then breed that with a foreign ditto (hopefully one with a few good 31 IVs). Ask in a trade thread and see if someone has one they're willing to trade you, usually there are euro/NA/Aus people all on 4chan this time of night.
Right now trying for a shiny Sableye. Was breeding Tryunts earlier and got a few good onces and I spent 5 days the other week breeding my friend a shiny honedge.
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>>15534773 Breeding it with a foreign honedge would work too actually, as long as you had the opposite gender. Of course, having a ditto is more versatile for use with other pokemon.
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>>15534814 >bred my friend a shiny honedge You sir are a good person. Do you have any honedge leftovers with decent IVs?
>>15534717 I know how Destiny Knot works, that's not what I'm asking. I probably wouldn't be able to explain it well. Pic related does a pretty good job of explaining it.
My question is how a genderless/Ditto pair get slotted in using this method.
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>>15532573 Modest is fine for espeon and jolteon, though if you want an espeon I hope the eevees have their HA, since that's what makes espeon really good. Vaporeon and glaceon also work with modest, though they're not as popular. Sylveon might be good too.
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>>15534663 Yes it does, but one parent (the Ditto) is going to have fixed IVs.
>>15534894 Oh that makes it more clear. That's a good question. I would guess the ditto is always either treated as the father or the mother though, I don't see why the game would need to randomly pick it each time it rolled for an egg. You would have to do some experimenting to see which parent the ditto is though.
>>15535143 I can't remember where I read it, but I saw somewhere that the Ditto was always treated as the mother regardless of the other pokemon's gender.
>>15535403 That's what I would figure too just because of how egg moves (used to) work. Still, if you want to be sure the best way to figure out is do a bit of experimenting, it would only take one or two eggs to figure it out.
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>>15535577 Egg moves and natures that is.
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>>15506188 at which point in time the service will crash, and we'll have to wait a bit longer.
Evan, 3909-8067-1071
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In the past week I've finished: Larvitar (egg moves: DD and Outrage) 31/31/31/XX/31/31 Nidoran Hustle 31/31/31/31/31/31 Panchan 31/31/31/XX/31/31 I'm working on a Vullaby with Knock Off and 31/31/31/XX/31/31 but I fucking need another birdmon or ditto with good IV's cause all the babies are Female so I can only swap out the mother to pass down with and ITS KILLING ME PLEASE HELP.
First hatch, not horrible, can't wait to get a handle of this whole breeding thing.
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Well shit. I would get the Hardy nature. Ruined mah perfect IV.
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I'm breeding a 4 perfect IV with a 5 perfect IV in hopes of getting a 5 perfect IV in the opposite attacking stat. Would I be better off going back to breeding 4 perfect with 4 perfect when looking for a different attack stat? I'm not really getting the results I want from this.
>Male has 4 IV's at 31, and a 0 in HP >Female has 5 IVs at 31, but needs Attack instead of Sp. Attack >Nearly every egg has abysmal HP Getting really pissed off with this.
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>>15542500 >Male has 4 IV's at 31 >Female has 5 IV's at 31, but needs spAtk instead of Atk I have a box full of 31/31/31/x/31/31's when I need 31/x/31/31/31/31
This game is slowly breaking me
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>>15537882 I've been out of the games since Red and Blue, which came out when I was 9, but I'm thinking about picking up a copy of this Generation.
Can anyone explain to me how "perfect IVs" work, and how one goes about getting them? Preferably in a way a nine-year-old could understand.