>>15487855 >>15487855 Friend your fellow trainers for more safari choices.
Submit suggestions/corrections
>Extended FAQ https://docs.google.com/document/d/13MvLYLFQq4YcOyMC49DWcOgqij1thEC_sDUKJ4I2Mk4/pub FAQs
People and Places:
>How do I get into the boutique/Hair styles? http://i.imgur.com/P0Wpe5x.jpg >How do I get past the punk in the Lost Hotel? You need to talk to and learn the skating tricks from the skaters in Lumiose city.
>Where do you spend Pokemiles? Lumiose Pokecenter, South Boulevard
>Where are the Move Relearner/Deleter? Dendemille Town
>I can't find _____ in Lumiose city! http://i.imgur.com/IzecHL3.png Items:
>Where do I find a Dusk stone? Complete the Super Training Secret Mode with the Aegislash Baloon, (Requires a fully EVd mon), talk to the Team Flare member (Post Game) or Terminus Cave
>Shiny stone? Route 12 ride the Skiddo around.
>Where do I find the Mega stone for ______? http://serebii.net/xy/megaevolutions.shtml (You can only find Mega Stones between 8pm to 9pm game time after finishing one battle at the Maison and defeating your rival. You must then examine the giant sundial in Anistar and talk to Sycamore)
>Where do I find TM __? http://serebii.net/xy/tmhm.shtml >Movesets http://www.smogon.com/forums/forums/research.251/ Pokemon:
>Where do I find Eevee? Route 10
>How do I evolve it into Sylveon? Get two hearts on the affection meter in Amie and teach it a fairy type move (It learns charm as it levels up)
>Where do I find Ditto? Pokemon Village
>Articuno/Zapdos/Moltres keep running and I can't catch them, wat do? Keep chasing them till they stop at the Sea Spirit's Den, you can catch them there.
>How do I evolve Inkay/Skrelp/Clauncher Turn the 3DS upside-down after you hear the *ding* of it leveling up(Level 30)
Level 48 (No Camoflage has nothing to do with it
Level 37
>Does tipping increase shiny chance? No, just raises style
>Coupons? POSSIBLE
>Finally get into the boutique in Lumiose >See an outfit that I really like >Over 300k to buy it all SWEET MOTHER OF JESUSReposting because I'm still shocked
>tfw caught Xerneas with my first ultra ball with no paralysis or sleep And yet it takes me 10 to capture a Crygonal. What the fuck.
Chase 5241-1955-5414
Anyone know what chain I need to go through to breed counter onto goomy?
How the fuck do you counter a shadowsneak Aegislash?
I want to make a team composed entirely out of bears. I don't care how terrible it will be. Suggestions?
>>15513941 >Expecting Parisian fashion to be cheap Top Kek
Chun Li's Spinning Bird Kick 2552-1161-7574 !NdXsekXuGQ
Chun Li's Spinning Bird Kick 2552-1161-7574 !NdXsekXuGQ Sat 02 Nov 2013 21:08:06 No. 15514068 Report Where is Brick Break? A youtube video with 'where to find x, x, and brick break' decided to omit that.
Breeding marills and i have one with 5 perfect ivs, the only not perfect is speed. Is it worth breeding for speed even though this Marill will lose aqua jet if it stays in day care too long?
Rob 0430-8282-5392 (Gabite, Dragonair, Druddigon)
Rob 0430-8282-5392 (Gabite, Dragonair, Druddigon) Sat 02 Nov 2013 21:08:56 No. 15514097 Report How do you guys stay organized when you're breeding? Do you have a system you follow?
>>15513968 That'd make sense. But >sucker punch failed
>foe's Aegislash used Swords Dance Anonymous
>>15514023 >Only way to get a tomboy outfit is to spend a gorillion dorrar Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
>>15513941 Money is easy enough to get though, so it's not all bad.
>>15513947 Doesn't Xerneas have a decent catch rate?
>>15513973 Do hair mons count? Or literal bears.
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>>15513973 Give them all Honey.
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>>15514068 >Find the upper entrance to Terminus Cave >Follow the tracks south and then east to another entrance Anonymous
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>>15514100 Mind games are your problem, not the pokemon.
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>>15513966 Find something in his egg group that learns counter. Then breed it.
>>15514103 Get into doing the Restaurant battles. I can easily make 300k with an amulet coin, the prize money power, and doing well in the battles themselves.
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IV soft resetting locks in the gender as well, right?>find perfect spread >not the gender I'd prefer >uuuggghhhh Could I change it if I used Pokemon with different gender ratios?
>>15514347 >easily make 300k You mean 210k, right?
>>15514397 Whatever. Point is, wreck restaurants, make bank.
Noah 0001-3597-3953 Flying (Hoothoot / Farfetch'd / Hawlucha)
Noah 0001-3597-3953 Flying (Hoothoot / Farfetch'd / Hawlucha) Sat 02 Nov 2013 21:18:43 No. 15514429 Report >>15514072 As of 5 minutes ago, I'm now facing an identical problem. I'm not worried about it losing the egg moves, I am uncertain as to whether I should go for a 0 in Speed and make it a Trick Room sweeper or a 31 in Speed and have it outspeed some other slower threats.
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>>15514347 >"I recommend you eat this meal after 4 turns" >"Now let me stall you for at least 10 turns with Protect" Anonymous
How do I stop all these PSS 'tool tip' messages popping up? the ones that say "WONDER TRADE IS AMAZING? WANNA GO TRADE NOW?" etc
>>15514427 That's not a lot of money, though.
>>15514480 then go to the chateau and send Gold Writ of Invitation, Gold Writ of Invitation and Black Writ of Challenge
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>>15514581 No, anon, I'm just telling that guy that 210k is not a lot of money.
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
Rob 0430-8282-5392 (Gabite, Dragonair, Druddigon)
Rob 0430-8282-5392 (Gabite, Dragonair, Druddigon) Sat 02 Nov 2013 21:35:00 No. 15515031 Report Quoted By:
Why can't my Golurk partake in Sky Battles?
Is there a way other than poke-bank to get pokemon with hidden abilities in X/Y? Specifically I want an Espeon.
>>15514347 Can't you only do those once per day?
Also do you make that kind of dosh by selling the shrooms? Because the prize money is rather shit.
I only just restored power to Lumiose by the way Anonymous
What kind of stuff is there to do post-game besides grind the Maison and search for mega stones?
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>>15515096 Friend Safari, apparently.
Krebs 4897 6570 6991 (Noibat, Gabite, Druddigon) !1DqObrw9Oc
Krebs 4897 6570 6991 (Noibat, Gabite, Druddigon) !1DqObrw9Oc Sat 02 Nov 2013 21:40:48 No. 15515268 Report So I'm trying to evolve a Budew with 4 perfect IV's so I can breed it. I've raised it's affection to 5 hearts in pokemon aime and the bitch still won't evolve when level'd during day. The happiness rater say's it's happiness isn't maxed either. What gives? Does aime's affection meter mean nothing?
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>>15515068 half the flying pokemon don't work in flying battles. it's fucking retarded
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>>15515223 Breeding, catching them all.
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Anybody know if it's possible to get a Darmanitan yet, or do I have to wait until Pokebank for my rape ape?
Rob 0430-8282-5392 (Gabite, Dragonair, Druddigon)
Rob 0430-8282-5392 (Gabite, Dragonair, Druddigon) Sat 02 Nov 2013 21:43:23 No. 15515353 Report Quoted By:
>>15515268 Affection and happiness are not the same thing.
Affection is the hearts in Pokemon Amie. Happiness is raised by lots of other things. It's not something you can see visually in the game.
>>15515268 Friendship works the same as in previous games, it's completely unrelated to the aime meter
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>>15515268 Amie affection != happiness.
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>>15514097 Breeding fodder goes left, the rest go right.
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>>15515096 Find an eevee with a hidden ability then evolve it to espeon. If you're attempting to breed a 5IV espeon with magic bounce GOOD LUCK.
Females have an 80% chance to pass their ability and eevees have an awful gender distribution (~80-85% male, 15-20% female).
Is there any simpler way to get Pokemon with Synchronize than catching Xatu in safari?
Krebs 4897 6570 6991 (Noibat, Gabite, Druddigon) !1DqObrw9Oc
Krebs 4897 6570 6991 (Noibat, Gabite, Druddigon) !1DqObrw9Oc Sat 02 Nov 2013 21:47:45 No. 15515491 Report >>15515369 I see. That being said, suggestions on the best method to raise happiness?
In previous gens I just held them in my party as I bred, but there has to be a faster method.
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So does Power items stack with Destiny knot?
Like, would destiny knot still try to pass over 5 IV's but only 4 actually change whilst the stat of the chosen power item stays?
>>15515474 Breeding Abra/ralts
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>just learned flareon learns flare blitz
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>>15515491 Soothe Bell, the stat-reducing berries. Better to save the berries to reset EV's rather than wasting them on happiness though.
crunch or sucker punch if I want a physical dark move?
>>15515561 Depends on the mon,
Crunch if fast
Sucker punch if slow.
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>>15515474 Alakazam? Espeon?/Umbreon?
just wondering, while breeding 2 different species (of the same egg group) the offspring's species is anyhow related on who's the mother and who's the father?
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>>15515491 Breed the female in a Luxury Ball, give it a Soothe Bell. After around 20 levels it should be maxed, or evolve.
>>15515601 I guess that makes sense, I just havent trained this pokemon yet to know, but its base speed stat is stupid low even though I have it as a maxed IV (mawile)
>>15515601 Not that guy, but Night Slash or Sucker Punch on an Absol?
Night Slash is fun to abuse SUPER SKILL with but Sucker Punch helps with Absol's incredibly mediocre Speed.
>>15515638 Always the mother's species
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>>15515491 if you raise them from level 1 and give them a soothe bell + happiness o-power, it should only take level 1-12 or so
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>>15515658 Depends on how you are using him on your team.
Id say night slash over sucker punch regardless.
Chuuuuung [X] 1693-1058-7133 !!THQ5CtVYfKl
Chuuuuung [X] 1693-1058-7133 !!THQ5CtVYfKl Sat 02 Nov 2013 21:54:40 No. 15515727 Report Quoted By:
>>15513947 They're literally required to progress through the game, so they have a high catch rate.
>>15514429 >>15514072 Known egg moves can now be relearned, and IIRC moves are only lost upon removing from the Day Care.
You can also kick the can down the road a bit by moving Aqua Jet to the last slot.
>>15515207 Restaurants can be done as often as you can pay for them. Out of the restaurants, the best money comes from the post-game Le Wow, which gives you Balm Mushrooms.
>>15515638 If you're going to try breeding, do some fucking reading first. Shit's complicated, and if you go into it not knowing basic things like that, you're going to have a shit time of it.
http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Breeding#What_will_hatch >>15515648 >50 base speed There's your problem.
http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Mawile#Base_stats Anonymous
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Anyone have recomendations on building a Pangoro to compliment a Belly Jet Azumarill? I'm pretty sure I'll max defense, special defense and last bit in HP (though maybe I want speed to outspeed taunt users?), but I'm not sure which defense to boost with my nature or what two moves beyond Infestation and Parting Shot.
>breeding for perfect IV Kangaskhan using a 4 IV Kanga and a 3 IV Ditto >on my fucking 6th box >finally got a 5 IV Kanga... BUT ONE OF THE FUCKING IVS WAS SPECIAL ATTACK >THE PARENTS DON'T EVEN HAVE A PERFECT SP. ATK IV BETWEEN THEM WHAT THE FUCK WHY I mean what the fuck, most of the time it only takes me one or two boxes max to breed a perfect IV mon. Am I just doing something wrong? I've got an Everstone and a Destiny Knot on them, so I'm really confused. After I got that fucking Sp. Atk IV one I fucking went back and checked the Ditto and the Kanga I'm using for breeding have the correct IVs and they did, so I'm really not sure what the hell is going on.
Jack 3969-4396-5509 (Ghost Type)
is there any way to get giga drain on cradily
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>>15515776 Looks like you've gotten dicked over by the RNG.
Also, non-inherited IVs are randomly determined, so you have a small chance of getting a 31 in any stat, which is what happened to you there.
If you've got a male mon in the Monster egg group with better IVs than the Ditto, swap it out for that.
And stop complaining. Even with the new changes, breeding is still a bitch of a time sink. Just suck it up and keep whoring out your mons.
>>15515838 Pokebank.
if a pokemon has 6 starting moves, how do you control which it gets when you hatch it?
Whats the fastest way to raise friendship? Any new methods, or is just same old?
Are there any additional benefits from specific Pokeballs other than Luxury Ball? Are they just more desirable for aesthetics?
Ruairi 2449-4706-8982 (Phantump, Shuppet, Drifblim)
Ruairi 2449-4706-8982 (Phantump, Shuppet, Drifblim) Sat 02 Nov 2013 22:03:17 No. 15516014 Report I heard there was supposed to be somewhere I can buy Premier balls without buying 10 pokeballs, that true? if so, where?
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>>15515970 Nope. Just purtiness.
>>15515947 You don't. It gets the last four. Rest can be attained at the Relearner.
>>15515969 FAQ, ctrl+F "best way to raise friendship"
>>15516014 FAQ, ctrl+F "specialty pokeballs"
If I've finished EV training a Pokemon, is there any detriment to leveling it up with Rare Candies?
Chuuuuung [X] 1693-1058-7133 !!THQ5CtVYfKl
Chuuuuung [X] 1693-1058-7133 !!THQ5CtVYfKl Sat 02 Nov 2013 22:08:30 No. 15516180 Report Quoted By:
>>15515970 Nope. Just purtiness.
>>15515947 You don't. It gets the last four. Rest can be attained at the Relearner.
>>15515969 FAQ, ctrl+F "best way to raise happiness"
>>15516014 FAQ, ctrl+F "specialty pokeballs"
>>15516138 No, because EVs are the entire reason Rare Candy levels are "worse" than battling levels.
Is it possible to breed a 5 IV'd pokemon without resorting to incest? I've been trying for an Azumarill and so far I have a Marill with 31 IVs in HP, Attack, and Defense, and I'm breeding it with an Azumarill with 31 IVs in HP and Speed with no luck yet.
does catching pokemon give you EV's? I know its a silly question but you gain XP from catching things now so im uncertain.
>>15516224 It's possible but will take you a lot longer.
>>15516224 Yeah, but it takes extra time unless you're doing an egg move chain or something. Friend Safari is very helpful for that.
>>15516294 Yes. Everything that gives you experience also gives you EVs.
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>>15516330 >>15516334 Okay, thanks! Just was getting a little discouraged.
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>>15516224 The reason you're having a hard time is because they only share HP. You need to breed another Marill that has great stats like the first.
Tundra 0130-2068-7240 Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Drifblim
Tundra 0130-2068-7240 Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Drifblim Sat 02 Nov 2013 22:29:55 No. 15516866 Report I was thinking of giving Talonflame U-turn and Tailwind then I switch to Mawile and set up Stockpile is that good or is there a better option to make Mawile faster while giving it bulk
If you used Freeze Dry on Kingdra would it be 4x effective?
Please help me out I'm retarded What are good ways to stall for poison damage? I keep thinking I'm clever for using Sleep Powder or Thunder Wave only to realize you can't have 2 statuses at once
>>15516367 even 50% xp for not even being in the battle?
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>>15516916 attract, confuse, double team. theyre either too infatuated to attack you, hitting themselves or straight up missing
I'm thinking of soft resetting for a shiny Zygarde...Please stop me
>>15517080 We don't even know if it's shiny-locked or not. You'd be wasting your time.
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>>15516916 Scan and Protect?
Can Stealth Rock be bred onto Gible? I'm trying with Tyrunt. So far I only got have Outrage from the mother.
>>15517110 >we don't even know >you'd be wasting your time Anonymous
How is it possible to get a Crobat with Infiltrator if there are no Golbats/Zubats in the Friend Safari?
I just got the 4th or 5th badge (the fairy one) and can someone tell me how to make my level 53 Umbreon not be useless? It only knows bite, moonlight heal thing, last resort, and quick attack.
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>>15517268 Through a horde in connecting cave
>>15517176 people with far more time on their hands have tried and never posted any results. chances are its not possible
Berryfield 4098-3510-1289
Added everyone in this thread for friend safari!
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>>15517328 Or chances are, they've been unlucky.
>>15517300 >eeveelution >being not useless nope
is there something online that shows all of the different articles of clothing?
I'm trying to breed a Beedrill with its hidden ability, Sniper. I have access to a safari with Kakunas in it. However, Kakuna only has one hidden ability. Is there any way to get a Beedrill with Sniper? Should I just capture shitloads of safari Kakunas and evolve them and hope one ends up having the hidden ability?
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>>15517378 Jolt/Vapor/Esp/Slyv are good.
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I made my battle video public and it says it can be viewed on the internet. Where do I go to see this?
Lucian 4184 - 2595 - 9274
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Hey anyone got that cool infochart/graph whatever which explain berry mixing and growing throughoughly. It was made from screenshots from serebii etc
Chuuuuung [X] 1693-1058-7133 !!THQ5CtVYfKl
Chuuuuung [X] 1693-1058-7133 !!THQ5CtVYfKl Sat 02 Nov 2013 22:47:27 No. 15517561 Report Quoted By:
>>15517268 Zubat hordes, Connecting Cave.
>>15517168 Not an egg move.
>>15516916 The usual set for a tox stall has been a naturally bulky mon with recovery moves and perhaps Protect.
>>15516896 I believe so.
>>15517300 Umbreon's stats prevent it from being anything other than a wall.
>>15517400 http://www.serebii.net/xy/customisation.shtml >>15517356 Go to a FS thread for that. Nobody's going to add you back here, because nobody's looking out for FC adds.
>>15517441 If your pre-evo has its hidden ability, then when it evolves, it'll have its respective hidden ability.
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>>15517441 Lead your party with something that has Trace. If it's weak give it a smoke ball so you can run away.
>>15517441 I was just having this problem. It should only take two or three, if you're not terribly unlucky.
I've been encountering multiple Flabebe's with different colored flowers, such as blue and red. Are these shinys or is it just different colors of them?
How many times do you have to encounter your legendary bird for it to be in the cave? Also, how can I encounter it more often? Or is it purely chance
>>15517656 Different colors. There are 4 IIRC.
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>>15517680 It takes like 10-12 tries or something. I don't bother counting. And you just pokedex track that shit without fly like with the dogs from Johto.
>>15517686 ok thank you, the first one i encountered i accidently ran from and i almost shat myself. Will they affect the colors of its evolutions or are they still the same?
whats the difference between using a macho brace for ev training and a specific power item?
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>>15516916 Protect/Substitute are common on toxic stall sets. Stuff like confusion/attract/Leech seed can buy you time or RNG some unlucky fucker. Also recovery skills.
>>15517770 I believe macho brace only doubles while a power item gives a flat +4. Would you rather have 1x2 or 1+4? Then pokerus would double that making it (1x2)x2=4 or (1+4)x2=8.
>>15517766 They will evolve with the color they had.
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>>15517770 Macho Brace doubles the EVs you get from a battle, power items add +4 EVs to a stat from each Pokemon you faint.
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>>15516866 anyone know if this is a good set up or should I try something different
>>15517656 Shiny mons have special animations before the encounter. You'll see a sparkle in place of the normal "grass in the air" animation. Some 'mons also come in multiple colors like the butterflies or seasonal stuff.
The Ant Guy - 1435.4670.7116
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Is there a website where it lists ALL pokemon with the spirtes next to them in just a massive list? I wanna see what's new. Haven't played in 3 gens.
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>>15517960 >>15517883 Thanks, i've never came upon a shiny pokemon before so if my first one i found i ran from im pretty sure i would have never forgave myself.
Steven 2234-8545-6593
So... why the fuck do guys only get one extra hairdo, and girls get way more than that? It's baffling. I mean, there's always the chance for free DLC that'll add new hairstyles and content and whatnot down the road, but c'mon. I don't want to waste my fucking time trying to get stylish enough to get into Lumiose Boutique, and then have my reward being a single new hairdo. I mean, I already did, but it's sort of a letdown...
>>15517616 Right, but the thing is that Kakuna only has one single hidden ability (Shed Skin) so I was curious to know if there's some way to tell if it's going to become a Sniper or Swarm Beedrill.
>>15517628 So it's just random? Guess I'll keep grinding out then. I evolved 5 of the ones I caught and they were all Swarm and I got really discouraged.
When do the trashcans in the lost hotel reset? Sometimes when I go to them they just say "it's a trashcan"
there was a breeding thread somewhere a while ago that had a picture of optimal breeding, but I didn't save it. So what's the best way to breed for shinies? Does flame body still work?
Colmerich 2122-6269-9354
>>15518254 I think on only thursdays you can catch rotom in there if theyre shaking
If not thrusday its tuesday
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>>15518312 I know it's only on Tuesdays for Rotom but Serebii says you can also get Trubbish and I'm trying to find one
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>>15518219 how many fashionable men's cuts can you think of that can be seen under a hat?
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Is there a certain place to sell Big Nuggets to get more dosh or do i just sell them at the pokemart?
Does the Destiny Knot always take 3 IVs from one parent and 2 from the other or can it do combinations? Is it possible for it to transfer over 4 or 5 IVs from one parent and only 1 or none from the other?
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>>15518219 >Not having a stylish girl character Anonymous
is there a list of mega stones that can be found between 8-9?
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>>15518812 Yeah, man; it's in the FAQ, in the OP.
This isn't a pokemon question, but more of a /vp/ question. Where should I post my teams for being rated? My own thread, or are there usually dedicated threads for it? Also, is /vp/s opinion of competitive teams even that great?
I caught Mewtwo after 3 soft resets, and throwing premier balls at him twice on the third try. Top lel Mewjew.
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>>15518694 Destiny knot ups the number of IVs taken from the parents to 5. Nothing more. They can be taken from the parents in any combination. The 6th IV for your mon will be randomly generated.
Also power items disable destiny knot.
>>15518277 Google Matsuda method if you wanna breed shinies.
If a mother is caught in a luxury ball will the resulting offspring increase their affection faster? Many Pokemon like the Clefable and Togekiss line have baby forms when breeding by default that cannot breed until they evolve through happiness.
>>15519009 The mother pass down the Luxury Ball
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>>15518879 /vp/ is absolutely the shittiest place to go if you want your team to be critiqued.
It's going to derail into bitching about smogon or be filled with retards who don't even know what moves a Pokemon can learn and suggest running ice beam on gengar or something.
>>15518879 You can try the wifi general. Any thread about battling would be a safe bet.
>>15519009 Offspring inherit their pokeball from the mother.
>>15519089 >>15519102 I know that, but does it pass down the added effect of the luxury ball or is it just for show?
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How rare are Abras in X? I really want Wizard Alakazam.
>>15518889 >catch Mewtwo in pokeball >friend says it's impressive and to save my masterball for Zygarde >its catch rate is like nothing he says >catch Zygarde in pokeball >mfw Wish I'd have held out and used a pokeball for Yveltal instead of ultra. Oh well.
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>>15519157 Do you really think GF would code the mothers pokeball to be displayed just for show? Sounds silly to me.
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>>15519157 Pretty sure it's in effect. My Luxury Ball Togepis all evolved before Lvl20 holding Soothe Bell
>>15519258 Nice. I caught Mewtwo in a
dusk ball. I actually like how they look. Anonymous
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Is it possible to find a Pokemon with Pokerus in the Friend Safari?
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>>15519487 They look pretty garish to me, I think it's the light-up bit. Though another friend caught his Zygarde in one, which is fitting aesthetically.
whats the best place to frisk some dragon pokemon for a dragon scale?
Does the online rating battles have item clause?
Rob 0430-8282-5392 (Gabite, Dragonair, Druddigon)
Rob 0430-8282-5392 (Gabite, Dragonair, Druddigon) Sat 02 Nov 2013 23:43:31 No. 15519770 Report Where do I get evolution stones? Are there only a limited amount per game? I'm trying to fill my Pokedex but if I can only get one fire stone I have to be picky about when I use it.
>>15519602 Dragonair near Victory Road.
Ranth 4983-5010-8699
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If I have a pokemon with a hidden ability, but it's male, and I breed it with a female of its same species (not a ditto), can it pass on its hidden ability at all? I'm trying to breed Eevees, so if I have to breed the male with a ditto over and over for a hidden ability female (12.5% female rate) it's going to be pretty terrible.
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>>15519775 havent seen any of those there, they that rare? Ive seen a couple of the red headed dragon in the caves before
An Aerodactyl just outsped my scarfed Togekiss in the Battle Maison. How? With a scarf, Togekiss is faster.
What do I put on a baton pass team besides Scolipede and some shitwrecker like Mawile/Medicham?
>>15519972 It used Rock Slide. It wasnt scarfed, because it used multiple moves.
Is there anywhere to buy Honey?
>>15520165 just get a pokemon with sweet scent
>>15519913 >>15520108 What nature is your togekiss? Aerodactyl's speed is high enough that it could outspeed your togekiss with a +speed nature if yours was merely scarfed
Scarfed togekiss with a neutral speed nature is 424 while a +Speed aerodactyl would be 433 without a scarf
I'm soft-resetting for modest Xerneas, but got this Xerneas - #716 (Rash) HP: 30 - 31 Att: 31 Def: 30 - 31 SpA: 12 - 13 SpD: 30 - 31 Speed: 12 - 13 Should I keep it? I normally wouldn't, but it has 1 extra 31 IV aside from the obligatory 3
>>15520201 got a suggestion for the easiest one to find/learn quickly?
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>>15520267 oddish on route 6. bee pokemon should get it too
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>>15520254 Are you going to use the attack stat or the special attack stat?
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>>15520267 Beecomb generates honey if you keep taking it away. Also it learns sweet scent so it's a win-win.
Google to find it.
>>15520254 I wouldn't. If you have Modest, might as well get 31 SpA. SpA/Atk and SpD is the highest priority
Larkin 4785-4258-0246 (Sunkern, Sawsbuck, Quilladin) )
Larkin 4785-4258-0246 (Sunkern, Sawsbuck, Quilladin) ) Sun 03 Nov 2013 00:00:52 No. 15520392 Report Do Battle masion pokemon show up in the pokedex? I'm wondering if it'll help my ability to trade on the gts
>>15520366 Ok
What nature would be best for him then?
Lonely? Mild?
Bloody hell, it takes a long time from you catch him until you can view his nature
Rob 0430-8282-5392 (Gabite, Dragonair, Druddigon)
Rob 0430-8282-5392 (Gabite, Dragonair, Druddigon) Sun 03 Nov 2013 00:03:58 No. 15520495 Report Anonymous
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>>15520088 Magic bounce espeon or a quiverpass venomoth are the BP 'mons iirc.
Larkin 4785-4258-0246 (Sunkern, Sawsbuck, Quilladin) )
Larkin 4785-4258-0246 (Sunkern, Sawsbuck, Quilladin) ) Sun 03 Nov 2013 00:04:48 No. 15520521 Report >>15520495 Could I add you for a friend safari please?
>>15520203 Its timid. 31 ivs. 252 evs. Wouldnt be confused if otherwise lol.
>>15519770 >>15520495 Completing the EV training missions nets you a random evolutionary stone. It's probably repeatable if you don't mind RNG.
Any one got a good IV guide? No matter what I read I have no idea what I'm doing. How do you guys chose which nature you want?
Rob 0430-8282-5392 (Gabite, Dragonair, Druddigon)
Rob 0430-8282-5392 (Gabite, Dragonair, Druddigon) Sun 03 Nov 2013 00:07:47 No. 15520641 Report >>15520521 Yup! I'm in a restaurant battle so I won't add you back for a few but I will in a bit. I'll be online all night.
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>>15520469 I went with Mild for Yveltal. What I did was just take one Pokemon with Synchronize, and one who can survive. Keep throwing balls at and lose to Lysandre.
Rob 0430-8282-5392 (Gabite, Dragonair, Druddigon)
Rob 0430-8282-5392 (Gabite, Dragonair, Druddigon) Sun 03 Nov 2013 00:08:51 No. 15520680 Report Quoted By:
>>15520573 I'm fine with that. As long as I'm not limited to one stone per save file or something.
How would I go about getting rock blast on shellder?
Larkin 4785-4258-0246 (Sunkern, Sawsbuck, Quilladin) )
Larkin 4785-4258-0246 (Sunkern, Sawsbuck, Quilladin) ) Sun 03 Nov 2013 00:12:44 No. 15520842 Report Anonymous
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>>15520631 Decide what you want your 'mon to be role-wise. Now figure out what nature boosts your desired stat and doesn't decrease another important stat.
>>15520695 Breed shellder with another 'mon in his egg group that knows rock blast. Then take the shellder and breed until you get the IVs/nature/ability you want. Just make sure it all passes between generations
Chuuuuung [X] 1693-1058-7133 !!THQ5CtVYfKl
Chuuuuung [X] 1693-1058-7133 !!THQ5CtVYfKl Sun 03 Nov 2013 00:18:15 No. 15521057 Report >>15520392 You don't need to see a mon. Scroll down to the bottom in the GTS selection list to "what pokemon" and you can type in anything.
>>15520495 Fire/water/leaf stones are purchasable in Lumiose at the Stone shop, others will need to be found via Super Secret Training.
In addition, Sun stones show up on Solrock, Moon Stones on Lunatone.
>>15520569 Especially at the higher levels, the Maison hax the shit out of you.
everytime I try to examine the sundail for megastones, nothing happens. I even did the battle maison and fought my rival beforehand. Am I doing something wrong?
>>15521136 You don't examine the sundial. When the appropriate time strikes you have to find them littered throughout the game.
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>>15521220 thanks. I thought I had to do that every time
So how do you check your IVs to know they're all 31? Someone should make the effort to write a guide that isn't full of grammatical errors & poorly written sentences, and doesn't assume you already understand half of it.
So does anybody know where to find the other elemental gems? So far 'll I've found is the normals gem.
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>>15521057 While it's true we can type in what we want, i too am curious to know if we get "seen" entries from Battle Maison mons. Just makes it quicker, than having to remember Pokemon names to search for (and then there's the whole, "it's not available but I want to see its model" thing)
So how do I know if I have a bad/evil egg? I left some eggs in my WT box and I have no idea if they're actual eggs or WT eggs.
Does anyone have the Breeding Guide?
>>15521400 >>15521518 Here.
>>15516600 >>15521511 I believe the date on it would be 0/0/2000.
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>>15521583 Thanks, I've been looking for it all night
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>>15518227 If your Kakuna has Shed Skin, your Beedrill will have Sniper for sure.
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Is befriending level 3 the same as two level 2's or a level 2 and a level 1 together?
>>15521583 Yep, that's one of the ones full of errors and shitty writing.
Frelli - 0216 0827 6339 - (Abra, Espurr, Girafarig)
Frelli - 0216 0827 6339 - (Abra, Espurr, Girafarig) Sun 03 Nov 2013 00:46:31 No. 15522124 Report When breeding something with a ditto will the hatched pokemon always be in a normal pokeball?
>>15522124 no. i'm getting a bunch of premiere balls for my petilil
Is there an easy way to tell if a newly hatched pokemon has max IVs?
>>15522287 Just talk to the person in Kiloude Pokemon center
Frelli - 0216 0827 6339 - (Abra, Espurr, Girafarig)
Frelli - 0216 0827 6339 - (Abra, Espurr, Girafarig) Sun 03 Nov 2013 00:52:35 No. 15522356 Report >>15522287 Guy in Kiloude Pokemon Centre.
>>15522227 Damn. Guess I have to keep catching dittos with Pokeballs.
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>>15521994 Then I have nothing for you, sorry. You can try teaching yourself through the various wikis.
>>15522356 do the pokeballs really make a difference. or is it just for show?
Is there a way to cheese the maison? I give up trying to beat it legitimately, it cheats too hard.
Frelli - 0216 0827 6339 - (Abra, Espurr, Girafarig)
Frelli - 0216 0827 6339 - (Abra, Espurr, Girafarig) Sun 03 Nov 2013 01:00:32 No. 15522619 Report >>15522457 Just for show. Most of the other balls look a bit ugly.
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>>15522515 I remember seeing posts in wifi gen about using an imposter ditto as one of your 3. No idea how it is actually useful though.
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>>15522619 that's like not wanting to have a male gardevoir
So I'm trying to get a Breloom with Technician. How can I improve the odds of the eggs getting it? Right now one parent has Technician and the other has something else.
Any idea what determines how much damage you do to Super Training Balloons?
>>15522736 You're asking silly questions you already know the answer to.
>>15522736 Get technician on the mother.
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>>15522770 Well, I can't breed with two Technician Breloom. The one that doesn't have Technician has 5 31IVs. I was asking if there was some kind of item or something.
>>15522811 It is on the mother.
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>>15522850 Try an everstone
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>>15522850 Then start breeding
Hidden ability Ditto will NOT pass down the hidden ability to other Pokemon, correct?
>>15522893 Why would they?
Where are the appliances to change Rotom's forms?
Just got my Pokemon X today. What is the difference between this friends, acquaintances, and passersby list thing going on? I have no idea what's happening.
>>15522921 I keep getting different answers. I just wanted to make sure.
>>15522766 I think it's based off of what type of pokemon you have and thier attack/sp attack. I'm not sure though.
I really like doing them with Pikachu since he has a rapid fire. So I can just hold my styus down and it rapid fires for free while also charging up a super shot. It's pretty amazing.
>>15522959 Either you're being trolled because someone knows you didn't read the breeding guide or the people telling you didn't either.
>>15522957 friends are people on your DS friend list, acquiaintances are the people you have interacted with before in some fashion (a passerby you traded with), and passerby is just a laundry list of people connected to the network.
Who is a good Special Sweeper with some bulk to him? Right now I am using Galvantula, Kangaskhan, Azumarill, Crobat and Escavalier. I was using Alakazam, but I would rather have a sash on Galvantula than alakazam, so I am looking for a good placement.
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>>15522766 >>15523050 I think it's based on other stats too. I maxed Atk on Venipede and went to do Spd. The damage I did in Spd training kept growing, although not as much when it was Atk
Frelli - 0216 0827 6339 - (Abra, Espurr, Girafarig)
Frelli - 0216 0827 6339 - (Abra, Espurr, Girafarig) Sun 03 Nov 2013 01:16:46 No. 15523204 Report Quoted By:
>>15523077 >friends are people on your DS friend list, acquiaintances are the people you have interacted with before in some fashion (a passerby you traded with), and passerby is just a laundry list of people connected to the network. Thanks. Is there any reason that I shouldn't just use the ev training? Or will the game be too easy if I fully ev train at the start of my first play through?
I think I released diantha's ralts holding the Gardevoir megastone. Any chance of recovering this without trading?
>>15523259 The game is easy regardless.
>>15523259 You wont need to EV train. Pokemon games are very easy. Super singles battles on the other hand...
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>>15523260 >not having all your items in your bag and in order like an intelligent human being in case stupid shit like this happens Anonymous
Hey guys I bought some max repels and I'm still encountering normal pokemon when i'm retying to get moltres. What gives? Also does anyone fine that there's way more lag now with the new patch?
>>15523356 >>15523377 Well, I have noticed they've been getting a bit easier with the last few generations but a lot of the time they're not too easy. Like the gym leaders will have a level advantage on me.
So, I caught a pikachu with a light ball. I guess I shouldn't equip it or my playthrough will be way too easy then huh.
Should I bother with breeding a 6 IV Gible for Fire Blast if I won't be putting EVs in S.atk?
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>>15523663 Might as well. You already hate fun.
Rob 0430-8282-5392 (Gabite, Dragonair, Druddigon)
Rob 0430-8282-5392 (Gabite, Dragonair, Druddigon) Sun 03 Nov 2013 01:34:32 No. 15523853 Report >>15520842 Sorry, stuff came up but you're added now.
>>15521057 Are the secret training things repeatable?
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>>15523498 I think your leading Poke has to be a higher level than the wild pokes you're trying to repel.
>>15523582 With the new XP share all your 'mons will keep pace and a few will inevitably pass the average level of what's in the game. My HM slaves and personal favorites were miles ahead thanks to it.
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>>15523862 I don't think I will be using it then. I've always kept pace in the older guys by just switching pokemon during fights
>>15523356 Like ridiculous easy but that's my own fault. I'm always around ten levels ahead of everyone. Leave experience share off if you want some actual battles and not massacres. My over leveled Pokemon are killing everything with one or two hits and no, I'm seriously not joking. Again, keep experience share off it you don't want the game to get too easy.
>>15523862 Grind enough and they'll be way above pace.
So I've been breeding two Breloom with Technician for a while now and not a single offspring has had Technician. Do you need to do something special for passing down Dreamworld abilities?
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why does breeding a great IV petilil so difficult?
>>15524045 By any chance have the offspring been hatching with quick feet instead of technician?
>>15524045 Shroomishes have Quick Feet as a hidden ability.
>>15524088 They have, yes.
>>15524119 Quick feet is the shroomish hidden ability. Evolve them and it becomes technician.
>>15524112 >>15524155 Get the fuck out.
I feel sooooooo stupid. An hour out of my life. Thank you guys so much. I was about to say to Hell with Breloom.
>>15524193 Nah. You should still cast him out. That guy's an asshole.
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>>15524222 What do you mean? He's a total bro. Comes handy with the perfect nickname, Stubs.
Rob 0430-8282-5392 (Gabite, Dragonair, Druddigon)
Rob 0430-8282-5392 (Gabite, Dragonair, Druddigon) Sun 03 Nov 2013 01:48:32 No. 15524304 Report Is there a convenient list of things you can Thief/Covet from Pokemon and where to find them?
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Is Stockpile Iron Head Play Rough Sucker Punch a good moveset to make a Bulky Mawile was thinking of using Talonflame's Tailwind t o increase my speed so I could pull off 3 of them
[spoiler/]the game[/spoiler:lit]
Is there a person in-game in Kalos that can tell you IVs?
Yoyo 0447 5540 8926
>>15514109 best way to make money?
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>>15524475 at the Pokemon Center in Kiloude
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I'm making RAIN TEAM. I have Helioisk, Bulky Goodra, Machamp, Politoed so far. I'm debating on whether Blatoise should be my Mega or, Gyrados. Blastoise has rapid spin, making him a good bulky spinner but Gyrados, I think is powerful. I'm also looking for a final member, Dragonite, Noivern, and a Rain Dance Klefki are somethings I've though of.
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>>15515096 How do you even tell if a pokemon has a hidden ability on XY?
Whats a good nature for a Mewtwo X?
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>>15524511 Battle Chateau with amulet coin. Lots of rich trainers congregate there!
Here's my current team. Greninja Gogoat Garchomp Aegislash Larvesta Can anyone suggest a 6th? Perhaps flying? I'm not sure.
Rob 0430-8282-5392 (Gabite, Dragonair, Druddigon)
Rob 0430-8282-5392 (Gabite, Dragonair, Druddigon) Sun 03 Nov 2013 02:05:22 No. 15524789 Report >>15524697 What about Talonflame?
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>>15524789 I was actually using Talonflame before, thought I would replace her with Volcarona as a fire type.
>>15523983 What level do you think I should give my pikachu a lightball?
Rob 0430-8282-5392 (Gabite, Dragonair, Druddigon)
Rob 0430-8282-5392 (Gabite, Dragonair, Druddigon) Sun 03 Nov 2013 02:17:43 No. 15525260 Report Anonymous
If there's an egg waiting for me at the daycare, will it's IVs change each time it hatches when I reset and take it from the daycare, or are its stats set?
Why does experience share make the game too easy?
>>15525260 But that would be sort of like having a fully evolved pokemon at level 1. Since his attack and special attack stats would be so incredibly high.
>>15525526 Because it gives you extra experience.
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>>15525547 >mfw I start with a level 1 Ninetales Anonymous
Is there a possibility of making a profit off of sushi high roller? Like do the prices go down after you complete all three courses perfectly? So far my price has only gone down to 450k
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>>15525584 Oh so desu
I thought it just equally divided the same amount of XP
What is a good moveset for a gardevoir?
>>15525755 What do you feel like you would want to use on your Pokemon?
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With the desired (Fire) Hidden Power being close to impossible to obtain, what would be a good forth move for a Timid 252 Sp.Atk-252 Spe Magnezone? It's moves so far are: Charge Beam, Substitute, Thunderbolt and Hidden Power (Dragon)
Where can I find a horde of Poliwag? Or do I have to resort to finding a Swift Swim Poliwag through the Safari?
Chuuuuung [X] 1693-1058-7133 !!THQ5CtVYfKl
Chuuuuung [X] 1693-1058-7133 !!THQ5CtVYfKl Sun 03 Nov 2013 02:41:40 No. 15526120 Report Quoted By:
>>15521994 You could always make one, if you're not happy with what's available.
>>15522954 Sycamore's Lab
>>15522124 Only if you're breeding a male with the ditto, I think.
>>15522515 Couple cheesing strategies in the FAQ, search for "best way to get BP"
>>15521420 Ain't nobody seen shit.
>>15523260 Restart your game.
>>15523498 Educate yourself.
http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Repel >>15523853 Yes. However, stones are not guaranteed rewards - completing them faster ups your chances, but still won't be 100%
>>15524304 Haven't seen one compiled yet, although much of the information can be found on individual dex pages on bulbapedia or serebii.
>>15525652 Don't think anyone's managed to turn a profit. Stick to Le Wow.
>>15525954 http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/horde-battles-and-ev-yields.3490052/ Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
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>>15524511 Battle Chateau/ 3* Resturant
What is considered nighttime in this Gen?
Isaac 3179-6505-2027 (Mawile,Klang,Klefki)
Breeding for Attack Isaac 3179-6505-2027 (Mawile,Klang,Klefki) Sun 03 Nov 2013 03:01:50 No. 15526816 Report So whats better for transferring ivs to a child? Destiny Knot or the Power Bracer? Yeah I know, I suck at this.
>>15526730 Just change your DS time to midnight and load your game.
>>15526816 If you're starting from scratch use power items to pass perfect IVs until you get 2-3 on each parent. Then use destiny knot and go for 4-5 on each parent.
If you still can't eyeball it just read the breeding guide and do the math by hand.
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
>>15526960 >>15526730 DON'T change your time to midnight.
Time based events lock for 3 days after changing the DS clock.
the new egg parent hereditary trick isnt working for me...... anyone else not seeing the same IVs after soft reset?
>>15527036 Yeah, won't be changing my time. Looks like 8pm isn't considered night, I'm guessing 9pm? 10pm seems way too late.
>>15527036 You sure about that, boss? I set my DS clock ahead 12 hours to hunt megastones and got all of them tonight.
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
>>15527077 What do you mean?
>>15527098 I thought it was 9.
>>15527122 Yes.
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Is there any way that I can see how many eggs I've hatched? I know the game keeps a record of it, because I see it so many times when I'm in link battles. I just wanna keep track of how many eggs I've been through on my road to shiny Goomy, since I've reached the box cap 2 times already and I've lost count of how many Goomy eggs I've hatched since I can no longer use boxes as an indication of how many eggs I've been through. When I last battled someone online, I saw my egg count at 13xx.
>>15527136 Then I guess megastones don't count as a "time-based event"
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496(Dedenne, Stunfisk, Zebstrika)
Aldric FC:3840-5771-1496(Dedenne, Stunfisk, Zebstrika) Sun 03 Nov 2013 03:12:41 No. 15527237 Report I wanted to get some opinions on how to do my EV spread, and moveset for my 31/31/31/xx/31/31 Marill. Should it be 252 HP, 252 Atk, and 4 Sp Def? play rough super power aqua jet belly drum
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>>15527136 >>15527136 i checked the IVs but they came out differently after soft reset.
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>>15525584 But that's wrong
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Guys, I picked the fire starter but it looks like this guy wants to give me an extra starter for free. Should I take the grass or water type?
Chuuuuung [X] 1693-1058-7133 !!THQ5CtVYfKl
Chuuuuung [X] 1693-1058-7133 !!THQ5CtVYfKl Sun 03 Nov 2013 03:20:45 No. 15527569 Report Quoted By:
>>15527136 >>15527169 Changing the system doesn't fuck over *all* time-based events, only specifically the once-a-day events.
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>>15527237 Are you BPing a sub? 31speed IV on that set seems like it's gonna be hard to setup properly without one.
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>>15527237 I've heard that a lot of people are running waterfall instead of superpower on azumarill, but I haven't looked into the numbers myself
After +6 atk, there's apparently very few things superpower would kill that waterfall STAB couldn't and waterfall doesn't come with the atk and def reduction
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
X/Y Question General 115 Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895 Sun 03 Nov 2013 03:25:30 No. 15527768 Report OLD THREAD
>>15513858 >>15513858 Friend your fellow trainers for more safari choices.
Submit suggestions/corrections
>Extended FAQ https://docs.google.com/document/d/13MvLYLFQq4YcOyMC49DWcOgqij1thEC_sDUKJ4I2Mk4/pub FAQs
People and Places:
>How do I get into the boutique/Hair styles? http://i.imgur.com/P0Wpe5x.jpg >How do I get past the punk in the Lost Hotel? You need to talk to and learn the skating tricks from the skaters in Lumiose city.
>Where do you spend Pokemiles? Lumiose Pokecenter, South Boulevard
>Where are the Move Relearner/Deleter? Dendemille Town
>I can't find _____ in Lumiose city! http://i.imgur.com/IzecHL3.png Items:
>Where do I find a Dusk stone? Complete the Super Training Secret Mode with the Aegislash Baloon, (Requires a fully EVd mon), talk to the Team Flare member (Post Game) or Terminus Cave
>Shiny stone? Route 12 ride the Skiddo around.
>Where do I find the Mega stone for ______? http://serebii.net/xy/megaevolutions.shtml (You can only find Mega Stones between 8pm to 9pm game time after finishing one battle at the Maison and defeating your rival. You must then examine the giant sundial in Anistar and talk to Sycamore)
>Where do I find TM __? http://serebii.net/xy/tmhm.shtml >Movesets http://www.smogon.com/forums/forums/research.251/ Pokemon:
>Breeding? http://i.imgur.com/O0zkV78.jpg >Where do I find Eevee? Route 10
>How do I evolve it into Sylveon? Get two hearts on the affection meter in Amie and teach it a fairy type move (It learns charm as it levels up)
>Where do I find Ditto? Pokemon Village
>Articuno/Zapdos/Moltres keep running and I can't catch them, wat do? Keep chasing them till they stop at the Sea Spirit's Den, you can catch them there.
>How do I evolve Inkay/Skrelp/Clauncher Turn the 3DS upside-down after you hear the *ding* of it leveling up(Level 30)
Level 48 (No Camoflage has nothing to do with it
Level 37
>Does tipping increase shiny chance? No, just raises style
>Coupons? POSSIBLE
http://i.imgur.com/lNHW211.jpg Rob 0430-8282-5392 (Gabite, Dragonair, Druddigon)
Rob 0430-8282-5392 (Gabite, Dragonair, Druddigon) Sun 03 Nov 2013 03:26:16 No. 15527794 Report Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
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>>15527794 I know I know. God damn it..
New thread
>>15527811 >>15527811 Jeff 2723-9702-2511
Do you guys level your pokemon after EV training in the Elite 4? I wish I could but I want to level a lot of them at the same time and I don't think I can do the E4 with just 2-3 pokemon...since I don't have any 100s yet.
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>>15527864 Rotation battles at the 3-star cafe with the secondary 'mon holding a lucky egg. Greninja sweeps the whole thing solo.
thejeffery 4768-8898-7693 poison (garbador, venipede, ?
friend/safari thejeffery 4768-8898-7693 poison (garbador, venipede, ? Sun 03 Nov 2013 03:48:51 No. 15528619 Report Quoted By:
looking for aron and metang but will add anyone who adds me