2552-0747-4377 - Liam - Oddish/Sawsbuck/Maractus Anonymous Sat 02 Nov 2013 21:14:53 No. 15514288 Report >>15514237 I'm going for shiny larvesta, 630+ eggs in, if anyone has a 4-5 IV Larversta I would liek to negotiate
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch,
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Sat 02 Nov 2013 21:15:51 No. 15514322 Report Quoted By:
Frequently Asked Questions
Chi (Teddiursa, Minccino, Evee) - 4012 - 4537 - 4128
Chi (Teddiursa, Minccino, Evee) - 4012 - 4537 - 4128 Sat 02 Nov 2013 21:15:51 No. 15514323 Report story time: i found me a friend who is helping me breed 5 iv japanese pokemon for MMing. also got a second shiny espurr as well.
Quoted By:
Hey guys got a shiny, modest, blaze Charizard. 5 IV's. Offers?
Ellie 2380-3326-1951(Lampent, Phantump, Dusclops)
Ellie 2380-3326-1951(Lampent, Phantump, Dusclops) Sat 02 Nov 2013 21:17:43 No. 15514393 Report >>15514323 Nice dude
I'm thinking about buying a second game to do that myself, but still not sure about it, it does just have to be in a different language for that to work, right?
Last thread closed while typing this up. What's a faster/more consistent way to get shinies, sweet scenting hordes or MMing? If I MM, how many boxes of eggs should I get before attempting a hatching spree?
Trevor 4141 - 1947- 3177 [Masqeurain, Combee, Pinsir]
Trevor 4141 - 1947- 3177 [Masqeurain, Combee, Pinsir] Sat 02 Nov 2013 21:18:02 No. 15514410 Report >>15514361 What kind of offer could someone even make for that? That's incredibly valuable.
>>15514396 Radar is a sure fire way, MM takes 5eva and scenting is pretty inconsistent, yes theres 5 pokemon but you cannot guarantee the pokemon you want will show up
Chi (Teddiursa, Minccino, Evee) - 4012 - 4537 - 4128
Chi (Teddiursa, Minccino, Evee) - 4012 - 4537 - 4128 Sat 02 Nov 2013 21:19:12 No. 15514448 Report >>15514393 yep. just set it to a different language.
if anything spanish and french are the easiest way to go about it.
Quoted By:
>>15514410 I'll take a Krabby for it.
Sorry, guys, I'm not home today, so I may not stream. But good luck with your huntings, today is the day that your infinite egg hatching will be over but dont forget to use a fucking everstone and a Destiny Knot, dear god I may upload something to the on demand library during the week, so things like this dont happens again.
Ellie 2380-3326-1951(Lampent, Phantump, Dusclops)
Ellie 2380-3326-1951(Lampent, Phantump, Dusclops) Sat 02 Nov 2013 21:21:01 No. 15514522 Report >>15514448 sweet, that would make breeding a heck of a lot easier
probably will snag my second copy next weekend
>>15514443 From what I read in the FAQ, radar requires your sound to be on. I can't do that
seeing as I'm doing this at work .
*I've never done the radar before so I have no idea what to do exactly.
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch,
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Sat 02 Nov 2013 21:21:38 No. 15514541 Report Quoted By:
>>15514396 Due to the fact that we have no idea what the rates are for anything this Gen, it's hard to say which is better use of your time.
As for the MM thing, it depends on the person. I actually deposit them as I hatch them, and pick up eggs on my way out.
>>15514495 Ahh, ok Blue. Thanks for letting us know.
Quoted By:
>>15514495 second Pokemon movie please rykker 0533 5347 8144
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2k honedges later. no shiny. masuda pls
Curtis 0791-1967-1962 Larvestra/Magmar/Braxien
Curtis 0791-1967-1962 Larvestra/Magmar/Braxien Sat 02 Nov 2013 21:22:55 No. 15514593 Report Quoted By:
I don't get how anyone can do 20+ boxes. At 13 and am really burnt out. good thing there's basically nothing else to do postgame
Chi (Teddiursa, Minccino, Evee) - 4012 - 4537 - 4128
Chi (Teddiursa, Minccino, Evee) - 4012 - 4537 - 4128 Sat 02 Nov 2013 21:23:07 No. 15514597 Report >>15514522 hey ellie, have you seen my 3 shiny tyrunts?
>>15514525 >playing video games in public I bet you're a god damn
cool guy If I were you I'd just sweet scent spam then, then again I can't do the long grind of eggs that is MM'ing
After hatching my shiny espurr earlier this week, I need a new target. Eevee or petilil? Preferring eevee, but what if it is male?
Chi (Teddiursa, Minccino, Evee) - 4012 - 4537 - 4128
Chi (Teddiursa, Minccino, Evee) - 4012 - 4537 - 4128 Sat 02 Nov 2013 21:24:42 No. 15514652 Report >>15514640 what is wrong with it being male?
>>15514601 I guess I'll do that then. What routes have overall good hordes? I know the one east of Snowbelle city has Weepinbell, Gligar, and Arbok which are all pretty cool. Any other suggestions?
Dragon Tamer Bleeker !BAEnteiYJU
Just out of interest, how are you guys MMing? How did you get your Japanese dittos? I'm also MMing while IV breeding which I'm starting to think is practically impossible
Quoted By:
>>15514663 >Put fresh safari Ditto on GTS >Ask for Ditto lvl 21-30 >Keep doing that until you get a jap blob Ellie 2380-3326-1951(Lampent, Phantump, Dusclops)
Ellie 2380-3326-1951(Lampent, Phantump, Dusclops) Sat 02 Nov 2013 21:26:55 No. 15514739 Report Quoted By:
>>15514663 Wonder trade/gts
I ended up with a few and picked the best, which still only have two perfect IVs
from there I switched out the other parent as better IVs started popping up
only at 3+ perfect for the kids though, but that's good enough for me since the rest are pretty high too
>>15514661 It depends on what pokemans you like
route 10 has Yanma, Houndoor(X), Electrike(Y), and nosepass so it'd be a 1 in 3 chance of getting the shiny you'd like
Chi (Teddiursa, Minccino, Evee) - 4012 - 4537 - 4128
Chi (Teddiursa, Minccino, Evee) - 4012 - 4537 - 4128 Sat 02 Nov 2013 21:27:28 No. 15514757 Report Quoted By:
>>15514663 it is a lot easier to not get japanese dittos.
find out the egg group of the pokemon you want to breed.
then find everything within that egg group.
go to gts and look for lvl 1s or lvl 30s or lvl 60+ of pokemon in that egg group.
honestly you have a higher chance of finding 3+ ivs that way then look for a 3 iv foreign ditto.
Jon (That Charmander Guy) 3153-4573-2922
Quoted By:
>>15514663 When it came to my charmanders, I bred the female I have with a Japanese 5IV axew I got on gts by pure dumb luck and good timing.
I'm actually trying to part with him now that I don't need him. But no one has a 5 IV male japanese eevee
Ellie 2380-3326-1951(Lampent, Phantump, Dusclops)
Ellie 2380-3326-1951(Lampent, Phantump, Dusclops) Sat 02 Nov 2013 21:28:00 No. 15514773 Report Quoted By:
>>15514597 quite a few times, congrats though
Quoted By:
>>15514663 Got one through GTS, but I rather trade my 5 IV Mons for the ones I need an
English parent from.
Cyen Y 4313-1018-9273 [Absol, Cacturne, Vullaby] !Dawn9msAZA
Cyen Y 4313-1018-9273 [Absol, Cacturne, Vullaby] !Dawn9msAZA Sat 02 Nov 2013 21:29:46 No. 15514828 Report Quoted By:
WFG doesn't have any, so I figured I might try here as well I'm looking for a non-European Ditto with 3 IVs for some MM. I got the following English Dittos: Atk Def Spe Atk Spd Spe Atk Def Spa Anyone interested? Ideally one with HP, but I don't want to be too specific.
>>15514741 I've got X and not a huge Houndoor fan. That route would be too much of a crapshoot. I'd be all over route 12 for the shiny thread mascot or a Tauros, but I
don't particularly like Wingull Brent 4468 - 1143 - 5623 [Electrode, Stunkfish, Zebstrika]
Brent 4468 - 1143 - 5623 [Electrode, Stunkfish, Zebstrika] Sat 02 Nov 2013 21:30:28 No. 15514856 Report Is the sweet scent method actually good?
>5th chain for scatterbug >music changes to the shiny music >didn't see the shiny patch OH GOD OH FUCK
>>15514393 In the Wifi General everyone says it needs to be a different region, not language
>>15514843 You could always try Route 11, it has Nidorans 4:1 male to female ratio in hordes, Nidoking looks badass shiny and if you get a shiny female
I'll give you any fucking pokemon I have Chi (Teddiursa, Minccino, Evee) - 4012 - 4537 - 4128
Chi (Teddiursa, Minccino, Evee) - 4012 - 4537 - 4128 Sat 02 Nov 2013 21:32:09 No. 15514930 Report >>15514870 it can be either.
you can have an english pokemon with a foreign tag dictating it's region or a non-english pokemon from the same region.
Quoted By:
>>15514930 Are you sure?
I wish Masuda just flat out told us
Jon (That Charmander Guy) 3153-4573-2922
Quoted By:
>>15514861 I fuckin' lol'd. Good luck.
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch,
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Sat 02 Nov 2013 21:33:14 No. 15514975 Report >>15514856 5 encounters at the speed of one, yeah it's pretty good. There's already been two cases on /vp/ of two shinies found in one horde.
>>15514907 Been there for past 10+ hours. I swear, if I get that damn shiny skunk instead I will release it.
there is no worse feeling than when you lose hope while shiny hunting
Mibb: 0344-9489-2390
Trading a Shiny Fletchinder with Gale Wings any offers?
>>15514907 I've heard of your plight when I've lurked in this thread before. I'll give it a shot. What should I stock up on, besides a sweet scenter/sleep inducer (Venusaur) and false swiper (Escavalier)?
Brent 4468 - 1143 - 5623 [Electrode, Stunkfish, Zebstrika]
Brent 4468 - 1143 - 5623 [Electrode, Stunkfish, Zebstrika] Sat 02 Nov 2013 21:33:58 No. 15514998 Report >>15514975 is there a pokemon that I can catch that has sweet scent? Don't know any pokemon out of the top of my head.
Trevor 4141 - 1947- 3177 [Masqeurain, Combee, Pinsir]
Trevor 4141 - 1947- 3177 [Masqeurain, Combee, Pinsir] Sat 02 Nov 2013 21:34:06 No. 15515005 Report How do you map L to A? I need a free hand :^) .
Verm 5129-1418-9836 (Fairy Type FS jiggs/clefairy/togepi)
Verm 5129-1418-9836 (Fairy Type FS jiggs/clefairy/togepi) Sat 02 Nov 2013 21:35:01 No. 15515033 Report >>15514996 you wouldn't want a Xerneas would you?
Ellie 2380-3326-1951(Lampent, Phantump, Dusclops)
Ellie 2380-3326-1951(Lampent, Phantump, Dusclops) Sat 02 Nov 2013 21:35:01 No. 15515036 Report Quoted By:
>>15514994 If Honedge guy can get to 2000 eggs and not give up, you can do the same anon
good luck man, I hope you get your shiny soon
Trevor 4141 - 1947- 3177 [Masqeurain, Combee, Pinsir]
Trevor 4141 - 1947- 3177 [Masqeurain, Combee, Pinsir] Sat 02 Nov 2013 21:35:10 No. 15515040 Report >>15514998 Combee, I'd offer you my garden but you could just go get one on a route.
>>15515005 It's in the options you dullard.
Quoted By:
>>15514998 Oddish, Roselia
>>15514997 Thats all you should need, I'd personally get a 2 in 1 falseswipe/spore(or sleep powder) like Parasect
thank you so much for trying >>15514991 Fucking stunky and dendenne
Mibb: 0344-9489-2390
Quoted By:
>>15515033 Got one bro sorry.
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch,
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Sat 02 Nov 2013 21:36:08 No. 15515073 Report Quoted By:
>>15514998 I know Venusaur has it. I'd imagine the Oddish line does too.
>>15514996 See:
>>15512458 Trevor 4141 - 1947- 3177 [Masqeurain, Combee, Pinsir]
Trevor 4141 - 1947- 3177 [Masqeurain, Combee, Pinsir] Sat 02 Nov 2013 21:36:13 No. 15515080 Report Quoted By:
>>15515050 Thought it was a system setting
>>15514997 Also, how do I differentiate subtle shinies if I'm colorblind?
Brent 4468 - 1143 - 5623 [Electrode, Stunkfish, Zebstrika]
Brent 4468 - 1143 - 5623 [Electrode, Stunkfish, Zebstrika] Sat 02 Nov 2013 21:36:32 No. 15515092 Report Quoted By:
>>15515040 Allright, thanks a lot man.
Also a general question, I just got a lvl 49 JAP ditto (don't know if the level actually matters)
What is the most efficient way to breed and hatch pokemon? I've never done it before...
>>15514861 broke the chain ;_;
Quoted By:
>>15514997 If you have any pokemon to level, take earthquake and/or surf. That way, when you never find a shiny, at least you get something out of it.
Gts scout
I've found wonder trade to be a nice place for finding good iv mons. The breeding leftovers can be quite useful
0130-1815-8107 Shuppet, Phantump, Golurk
Decided this morning that I'd marathon Arrested Development while MMing for a shiny Noibat. Took a nap and not long after I hatched this baby. And I hadn't even got past season 1. Grvio, if you're out there man, thanks again for wishing me luck. Welp, time to get ready to head to this party.
Chi (Teddiursa, Minccino, Evee) - 4012 - 4537 - 4128
Chi (Teddiursa, Minccino, Evee) - 4012 - 4537 - 4128 Sat 02 Nov 2013 21:37:52 No. 15515148 Report Quoted By:
>>15515082 when you encounter a shiny in the wild, it will cast a slew of sparkly stars in a circle around it.
if you trade for a pokemon, you can check if it is shiny in the summary. there will be a reddish star next to the blue pentagon
>>15515082 If you pay attention to the start there will be a sound queue and a sparkle ring around the pokemon
Don't know how color blindness REALLY works, but the pokemon would hopefully be a slightly lighter/darker shade of grey in hordes
Quoted By:
Does anyone have the URL for the page with all the 6G shiny, please ? also, looking for a female electrike with good IV.
>>15514861 That is no shiny music.. I'm pretty sure we don't know what the alternate song means
Quoted By:
>>15515082 The sparkle at beginning of encounter, or red star when looking at summary if you've hatched it.
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch,
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Sat 02 Nov 2013 21:39:10 No. 15515201 Report Quoted By:
>>15515185 have you ever chained in dppt? The music changes when there's a shiny patch.
>>15515156 Colorblindness (for me at least) doesn't mean everything looks like a 1950s TV show. It's just that I can't tell the difference between most shades of blue and purple, which for either Nidoran kind of fucks with me
>>15514652 don't have a cat so I can't say for sure, but I really don't want it lying on my face with it's balls Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch,
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Sat 02 Nov 2013 21:40:37 No. 15515259 Report Quoted By:
>>15515145 Hey I remember you! Congrats!
Grvio isn't here, TRUST ME, you'de know. >>15515113 Sup scout. Yeah, WT is very useful.
Gts scout
Having trouble chaining Zoroarks here. Everything goes fine until the 23rd encounter where it's always a gothorita. Done this a few times and it doesn't seem random at this point. What do?
Chi (Teddiursa, Minccino, Evee) - 4012 - 4537 - 4128
Chi (Teddiursa, Minccino, Evee) - 4012 - 4537 - 4128 Sat 02 Nov 2013 21:42:10 No. 15515319 Report >>15515245 now. why would you want a cat lying its ass on your face?
Quoted By:
>>15515233 I chained a shiny voltorb and a shiny snorunt in platinum.. I don't remember hearing a different song.
Verm 5129-1418-9836 (Fairy Type FS jiggs/clefairy/togepi)
Verm 5129-1418-9836 (Fairy Type FS jiggs/clefairy/togepi) Sat 02 Nov 2013 21:42:54 No. 15515341 Report Quoted By:
>>15515237 Congratulations man, that's really awesome
>>15515294 Get mad.
That's chaining in gen VI for you.
It WILL break for NO reason from time to time.
Quoted By:
>>15515243 Ah, like I said I know nothing about it.
If you have Y it'll be 4:1 fem to male ratio and you will hopefully have them side by side you might be able to tell them apart
like I said, I have no idea if you have doubts and thought you heard the Queue you could always just post a pic
trying to find a furfrou to even start chaining is suffering
Trevor 4141 - 1947- 3177 [Masqeurain, Combee, Pinsir]
Trevor 4141 - 1947- 3177 [Masqeurain, Combee, Pinsir] Sat 02 Nov 2013 21:44:33 No. 15515394 Report >>15515377 You do not know true pain yet
>>15515377 go to route 5, they have an "average" appearance rate there in the grass
Brandon 3351-4055-8815
So I want a Shiny Cloyster really really bad, and I was about to start MM'ing for one, when I realized it'd be faster to chain fish for one with a Jolly Synch in the second slot and a suction cup user in the first. Since I don't give a shit about IV's, does this sound like a good plan?
>>15515367 I've already done this chain multiple times. The 23rd encounter, JUST THE 23rd encounter is always a damn gothorita.
Chi (Teddiursa, Minccino, Evee) - 4012 - 4537 - 4128
Chi (Teddiursa, Minccino, Evee) - 4012 - 4537 - 4128 Sat 02 Nov 2013 21:46:30 No. 15515451 Report >>15515417 yes. it is infinitely easier to fish using a good rod since all you will get are skrelps and shellders.
super rod gets you qwilfish, dragalge and cloyster.
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch,
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Sat 02 Nov 2013 21:46:37 No. 15515455 Report >>15515377 You're in for a bumpy ride.
Quoted By:
>>15515319 Like I said, I have no cat so I am not sure. I thought those bastards would lie down everywhere, even on your face, especially when bored or angered.
This changes everything.
Snuggling glaceon, here I come. Or umbreon. Nidorinaguy
>>15515433 Its you thinking about it and fucking it up then, I had the same thing happen to me with Nidorina, except at 19 or so and when I didn't pay attention to the number as much I got to 39
>>15515377 I forgot to bitch and moan about Nidorina.
Nidorinas appear in ONE area with shit grass, and according to bulbapedia they are "very rare" which is god damn true
anyone have a picture of what a shiny patch looks like in xy?
BINDL Ilya IGN 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby
BINDL Ilya IGN 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby Sat 02 Nov 2013 21:48:30 No. 15515510 Report hey nidorina, any luck with chaining shit? i keep hitting like 32 and then getting a random fucking break. its driving me nuts.
Question. The mewtwo cave/event. Can I encounter a shiny mewtwo? Or is this not possible?
Brandon 3351-4055-8815
Quoted By:
>>15515436 >>15515451 Cool, but I just remembered that Icicle Spear and Rock Blast are fucking egg moves. Back to the daycare I go, dammit.
Do you guys at least IV breed and breed some useful things?
Quoted By:
>>15515411 >>15515492 I am in route 5, they just dont want to appear for some reason. ive only ran into 2 in the past hour (accidentally fucked up my chain both times)
Good luck with nidorinas, that seems like true suffering
Lucille 5129-1103-7167 (Snorunt, Beartic, CLOYSTER)
Lucille 5129-1103-7167 (Snorunt, Beartic, CLOYSTER) Sat 02 Nov 2013 21:50:31 No. 15515582 Report Quoted By:
Benji 1392 - 5131 - 3117 X ~ Grass type (Ivysaur, Tangela, Quilladin)
Benji 1392 - 5131 - 3117 X ~ Grass type (Ivysaur, Tangela, Quilladin) Sat 02 Nov 2013 21:50:37 No. 15515584 Report To the shiny Manectric dude: Megaevoluciónalo, hombre, enséñanos cómo se ve Megaevolve it, man, show us how it looks[/spoiler}
Seles 0061-0269-3142
Quoted By:
GET IN HERE Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch,
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Sat 02 Nov 2013 21:51:37 No. 15515617 Report Quoted By:
>>15515528 We can't know for certain, but we don't think it's possible, no.
>>15515536 Most of us do yeah.
>>15515510 been taking a break and started chaining Zoroarks, going to head back after this next chain
>>15515528 It might be. Someone found a shiny Yveltal and someone else found a shiny Zygarde
>>15515499 Heres a video for the sound, the patch has sparkles above it for a second BINDL Ilya IGN 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby
BINDL Ilya IGN 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby Sat 02 Nov 2013 21:52:02 No. 15515629 Report >>15515584 Oh, benji. did you ever get the horsea/seadra/staryu?
>>15515528 You can get shiny Yveltal, so Mewtwo for sure is possible. Hope you like SRing.
Quoted By:
>>15515536 Somewhat, my ditto sucks. The use is that it looks cool.
Has the alternate poke radar music been confirmed to do anything other than sound cool yet? I tend to hear it around a chain of around 20.
Just got my first shiny ever, a Stunky, but a shiny Stunky nonetheless. It feels fucking fabulous
BINDL Ilya IGN 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby
BINDL Ilya IGN 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby Sat 02 Nov 2013 21:53:12 No. 15515667 Report Quoted By:
>>15515536 I 5 iv breed anything that is a field egg type due to glorious fathers.
Quoted By:
>>15515634 >>15515619 Thanks, watching a film so SRing is not a prob
Benji 1392 - 5131 - 3117 X ~ Grass type (Ivysaur, Tangela, Quilladin)
Benji 1392 - 5131 - 3117 X ~ Grass type (Ivysaur, Tangela, Quilladin) Sat 02 Nov 2013 21:53:53 No. 15515695 Report >>15515629 I ffffforgot about it.
Let me finish this Battle Mansion round and I'll get to it, so sorry
found my 3rd shiny wartortle today lmao
Brent 4468 - 1143 - 5623 [Electrode, Stunkfish, Zebstrika]
Brent 4468 - 1143 - 5623 [Electrode, Stunkfish, Zebstrika] Sat 02 Nov 2013 21:55:04 No. 15515746 Report Quoted By:
>>15515713 You don't feel like giving one away?
BINDL Ilya IGN 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby
BINDL Ilya IGN 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby Sat 02 Nov 2013 21:55:25 No. 15515758 Report Quoted By:
>>15515695 Dont be sorry, its not a rush lol. I havnt gotten the skiddo either because every time i get to the mid 30s, a fucking piece of shit furfrou pops up. Hence why my goddamn note was damn you furfrou.
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch,
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Sat 02 Nov 2013 21:55:36 No. 15515766 Report Quoted By:
>>15515642 We STILL have no idea unfortunately.
>>15515656 Congrats!
Quoted By:
>>15515656 Post pics
so I know what it looks like when I see one BINDL Ilya IGN 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby
BINDL Ilya IGN 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby Sat 02 Nov 2013 21:56:26 No. 15515788 Report also, out of curiousity. does it drive anyone besides me fucking insane that there is no like, way to chat. at all in game. Because it would make things leagues easier. Or am i fully retarded and there is a way that i just didnt notice.
>>15515713 How!?
I've been running through FS for ages and I haven't found a single safari shiny.
What the hell
Joe 3883 - 5628 - 8591
Quoted By:
>>15514288 I have a 4IV Larvesta, if you're interested.
>God knows how many boxes of Ralts >Now have two 5 IV Ralts going at it, mother-son incest and all >Still no Shiny I'm just releasing half of the shit at this point if it doesn't make the cut, Wonder Trading isn't worth it. I might try and hawk them on the GTS but there's nothing I really want.
>>15515788 there IS a way, but you can't do it mid whatever you're doing and its voice only.
Also fuck Noctowls
>>15514237 Funny your picture has that Mareep on it OP.
I was EV grinding my special attackers last night by fighting Wingull and Mareep hoards and I happened upon a shiny Mareep.
Gts scout
Quoted By:
>>15515833 You'll make someone's day, its just one wonder trade away.
Chi (Teddiursa, Minccino, Evee) - 4012 - 4537 - 4128
Chi (Teddiursa, Minccino, Evee) - 4012 - 4537 - 4128 Sat 02 Nov 2013 22:00:04 No. 15515901 Report Quoted By:
>>15515833 just release them all. it is not worth it. when you do get your shiny, you will have a couple of boxes left. so wondertrade then.
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch,
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Sat 02 Nov 2013 22:00:20 No. 15515912 Report Quoted By:
>>15515868 Shiny Mareep is kinda' like a thread Mascot here. Congrats!
Quoted By:
>>15515845 Noctowl is why I don't chain in the woods anymore. At least spooky tree is in horde battles
So is Friend Safari a confirmed technique for getting more shinies?
Ok, got a shiny Gulpin from a horde while EV training Nearly went full retard switching my Tentacruel lead with my Larvesta. But thankfully it did't got burned High fived my cousins
Quoted By:
>>15515795 stick with it I've been in the safari for 3 days now and have found 2 shiny octillery 3 wartortle and 2 frogadier
keeping with it tryna build my triple battle squad of shiny greninja
BINDL Ilya IGN 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby
BINDL Ilya IGN 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby Sat 02 Nov 2013 22:02:01 No. 15515976 Report >>15515845 out of curiousity, since i can breed shit very easily (as long as it is within the field egg type) Do you want me to breed you anything for your harem that you arent planning on going for a shiny for? or are you actually going to get 6 shinies for the harem lol. Im trying to decide on something new to breed, so i figure i could breed something that someone else would get use out of as well
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch,
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Sat 02 Nov 2013 22:02:38 No. 15515996 Report Quoted By:
>>15515920 Nothing can be confirmed, because we don't have any stats, but a lot of people have found shinies in Safaris if that's what you're asking. I personally plan to spend some time in Safaris to try and get a shiny or two.
>>15515925 Congrats!
Playing since gen1 Just hatched/gained my first ever shiny Was a male froakie
Quoted By:
>>15515976 I'm fine thanks, gunna make it 6 shinies hopefully.
4/6 right now, EV training Magmar on these Zoroarks I'm chainin'
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>>15515920 Not officially confirmed, but believed to be.
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch,
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Sat 02 Nov 2013 22:04:22 No. 15516044 Report >>15516013 Congrats! Froakie is what i'm after. Hopefully I'll be next!
FC 4038-6321-3780 Onix Dwebble Barbaracle
FC 4038-6321-3780 Onix Dwebble Barbaracle Sat 02 Nov 2013 22:05:51 No. 15516087 Report Tales of success from the safari zone? I have encountered two shinies while hunting in the safari zone. I accidentally ran from one, and the other one has a terrible nature, but it's mine. I'm currently hunting for another shiny... This time I hope to not flee from it, lel. How about some of your guy's safari zone success stories?
hello, Shiny hunters. Would i be better off trying to get Trevenent form horde battles, friend safari, or MM? Assuming that nature does not matter to me
Trevor 4141 - 1947- 3177 [Masqeurain, Combee, Pinsir]
Trevor 4141 - 1947- 3177 [Masqeurain, Combee, Pinsir] Sat 02 Nov 2013 22:06:42 No. 15516122 Report >>15516098 Chaining, probably. He has some good spots.
>>15516044 Thanks, good luck with your froakie
whimsei (1848-1721-1443)
just hatched a shiny modest female ralts w/ perfect sp. attack and speed IV's ONLY TOOK ME 5 BOXESdisappointed it wasnt a male, i wanted a trap also sorry for the bad photo quality i took it on an ipad ;_;
Chi (Teddiursa, Minccino, Evee) - 4012 - 4537 - 4128
Chi (Teddiursa, Minccino, Evee) - 4012 - 4537 - 4128 Sat 02 Nov 2013 22:07:18 No. 15516144 Report Quoted By:
>>15516098 easier to safari with a synchro lead.
>>15516122 >chaining with radar True hell.
It's so hard in this game. Random chain breaks, damn rustles being hard to tell.
Whoever made this gen's radar must be Satan himself
>>15516122 Can you recommed me a place? i imagine it is someplace in those woods by the Pokemon Village, but what section or those woods?
thank you.
>>15516087 >Breed 40+ boxes of Eevee to get Shiny Sylveon >no Shiny >Fuck it, go to Safari >1 hour later, find a Shiny Eevee >Female Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>15516098 Chaining best probably. Then horde, then FS, then MM, then random encounter.
Trevor 4141 - 1947- 3177 [Masqeurain, Combee, Pinsir]
Trevor 4141 - 1947- 3177 [Masqeurain, Combee, Pinsir] Sat 02 Nov 2013 22:09:26 No. 15516201 Report >>15516159 I'll put my stream back on later when I'm chaining again if you want to watch then. Most of my trouble this gen comes from getting chains started, lel. I'll be going for Furfrou or Smeargle.
>>15516166 Yeah, I'm not sure which section. Run around and have a look.
1478-4342-7348 Anton
>>15515695 I'll add anyone who replies to this, i have a ice safari but the only ones i know i have in there is Jynx so if you could tell me which ones im missing that would be great
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch,
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Sat 02 Nov 2013 22:09:45 No. 15516217 Report Quoted By:
>>15516098 Assuming that nature doesn't matter, I recommend Hordes, but if hunting in in a Safari is more comfortable for you, do that.
Definitely avoid MM unless you care about nature/IV's/ect. Seems unnecessary to MM with the seemingly higher encounter rates this Gen if you don't care about those details.
>>15516130 Thanks!
>>15516131 >Dissapointed it wasn't a male I know a LOT of people that wish they were you right now haha.
>>15516201 I would watch it if quality is decent and it's not too late
11pm here My highest chain so far was
39 Nearly sudoku'd
Quoted By:
FUCKIN' NOCTOWL. O-one more zoroark chain then I go back to Nidorina...
FC 4038-6321-3780 Onix Dwebble Barbaracle
FC 4038-6321-3780 Onix Dwebble Barbaracle Sat 02 Nov 2013 22:10:57 No. 15516260 Report Quoted By:
>>15516172 That's a beautiful story.
Quoted By:
>>15516166 I'd just go in the first section by the mossy rock or whatever.
>>15516172 You had cute charm lead right? If not, I really hate you. (13 boxes of eevee, no shiny)
>>15516087 Shiny imposter ditto with HP, atk, spatk, spe
And a teddiursa
Same safari, different times
Both times I was hunting for 3 IV dittos
Thank you everyone for your inputs on Trevenent. I'll go give chaining a shot first, as I was good at that in platinum. if that doesn't work out I'll try hordes. This thread seems a bit calmer.
Just found shiny Dragonair. It's a qt
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>>15516131 >Kumatora brofists to you, friend
I still remember my first shiny.Shiny Magicarp. I named him Bling. It still hurts.
Trevor 4141 - 1947- 3177 [Masqeurain, Combee, Pinsir]
Trevor 4141 - 1947- 3177 [Masqeurain, Combee, Pinsir] Sat 02 Nov 2013 22:12:46 No. 15516322 Report Quoted By:
>>15516237 Quality's okay. Having to use a webcam right now because I haven't bothered to find/install a capture card yet, but I'm not dropping frames and it's watchable. I'll probably go live in an hour or two, gonna eat and go run a few miles first.
Hopefully my intestines don't fall out woo >>15516299 Name it Prince
>>15516290 Chainings not the same as it was in DPPt, just a heads up.
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>>15516287 Forgot the most important part
Was searching dittos with a ditto, and the shiny was already going all suicidal on me. Had to throw my masterball.
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch,
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Sat 02 Nov 2013 22:15:10 No. 15516390 Report Quoted By:
>>15516290 This thread is so much more relaxing to be in than the last few. Good luck!
>>15516299 Congrats!
>>15516314 Some anon made a full team of 6 of those last night. Was quite a fun thing to see.
Quoted By:
>>15516314 I remember mine.
>ruby >first cave on the 2nd gym's island >find green zubat >didn't know shit about shinies then >kill it >tell everyone I found a green zubat in that cave >everyone starts spazzing out and they wander in the cave for days >no one can't find one >tell them I'm a liar >fast forward a few years >know about shinies >feel stupid Marcos 0060-9619-1358 (Klang, Mawile, Excadrill)
Marcos 0060-9619-1358 (Klang, Mawile, Excadrill) Sat 02 Nov 2013 22:16:11 No. 15516426 Report Shiny trevenant for trade. I really, really want anything in shinx's line but open to offers.
Lucille 5129-1103-7167 (Snorunt, Beartic, CLOYSTER)
Lucille 5129-1103-7167 (Snorunt, Beartic, CLOYSTER) Sat 02 Nov 2013 22:16:22 No. 15516432 Report **NEW TRADING THREAD**
>>>>>>>>>>>>>15516377 Benji 1392 - 5131 - 3117 X ~ Grass type (Ivysaur, Tangela, Quilladin)
Benji 1392 - 5131 - 3117 X ~ Grass type (Ivysaur, Tangela, Quilladin) Sat 02 Nov 2013 22:16:43 No. 15516449 Report Quoted By:
>>15516202 I'm on it, and it's taking so looong. I'm definitely not having the same luck as I did on my previous tries
Jack 5327-2316-0753 (Dunsparce, Loudred, Chansey)
Jack 5327-2316-0753 (Dunsparce, Loudred, Chansey) Sat 02 Nov 2013 22:17:54 No. 15516491 Report why do chains break for no reason in gen 6, its so irritating
>>15516491 There are false grasses
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch,
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Sat 02 Nov 2013 22:19:49 No. 15516557 Report >>15516426 Go here:
>>15516432 Good luck finding a trade
Benji 1392 - 5131 - 3117 X ~ Grass type (Ivysaur, Tangela, Quilladin)
Benji 1392 - 5131 - 3117 X ~ Grass type (Ivysaur, Tangela, Quilladin) Sat 02 Nov 2013 22:21:17 No. 15516601 Report >>15516557 Well I'm hunting, am I not?
About the pokeballs Does only the mother inherit it, or the father when paired with a ditto, too?
Jack 5327-2316-0753 (Dunsparce, Loudred, Chansey)
Jack 5327-2316-0753 (Dunsparce, Loudred, Chansey) Sat 02 Nov 2013 22:22:40 No. 15516650 Report >>15516518 I was just on a chain of around 33 and I went in the same violently shaking patch of grass like I had every other time but instead of Abra I got a Skiddo.
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>>15516608 Only the mother. I can't comment if it carries the ditto ball when there is a male partner.
Trevor 4141 - 1947- 3177 [Masqeurain, Combee, Pinsir]
Trevor 4141 - 1947- 3177 [Masqeurain, Combee, Pinsir] Sat 02 Nov 2013 22:22:50 No. 15516656 Report Quoted By:
Aaron 0688-5802-2193
>>15514861 Actually just got a shiny Scatterbug the other day, shiny Vivillon is hellishly worth it.
Quoted By:
>>15516608 if you pair with ditto it's always a normal pokeball sadly
>>15516691 What do Shiny Vivillion even look like?
My brothers are all getting shinies from the great Masuda-san except me Quick, what pokemon do you guys think I should hatch up? I was thinking Hawlucha
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3 days, but i finally get shiny charmeleon. its male, low def high EspAtt, and has minimum 29 ivs and 31 espatt and speed.
Aaron 0688-5802-2193
Quoted By:
>>15516768 Pure. Sex. [White body with red base wings]
Has a modern wing print, if it had been any better I probably would have had a stroke.
Benji 1392 - 5131 - 3117 X ~ Grass type (Ivysaur, Tangela, Quilladin)
Benji 1392 - 5131 - 3117 X ~ Grass type (Ivysaur, Tangela, Quilladin) Sat 02 Nov 2013 22:29:07 No. 15516841 Report Quoted By:
>>15516799 Anything but Eevee, Larvesta, Beldum and stuff that takes so many steps
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C'mon Zoroark, just show up so I can do my last chain already...
How come you guys deposit the non-shiny pokemon? I see people saying "40 boxes, still nothing". Isn't it easier to just release them?
Chi (Teddiursa, Minccino, Evee) - 4012 - 4537 - 4128
Chi (Teddiursa, Minccino, Evee) - 4012 - 4537 - 4128 Sat 02 Nov 2013 22:37:41 No. 15517190 Report Quoted By:
>>15517149 its easier to release them all at once then release them one at a time.
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>>15516491 >>15516518 They don't want to make it easy for you.
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>tfw blind in one eye and it is hard to notice a difference in grass shakes Well, I guess I'll pray to Masuda
Aaron 0688-5802-2193
Quoted By:
Chaining for a shiny Flabebe has given me a deep hatred of smeargles...
>>15517149 I find it easier to just grab five eggs and soft reset if there is no shiny. I still keep a count of how many I've hatched though.
Benji 1392 - 5131 - 3117 X ~ Grass type (Ivysaur, Tangela, Quilladin)
Benji 1392 - 5131 - 3117 X ~ Grass type (Ivysaur, Tangela, Quilladin) Sat 02 Nov 2013 22:42:48 No. 15517377 Report >>15517149 I save before getting the eggs, and when I fill a box I reset, so I don't end up with a full PC
Quoted By:
>>15517149 I only have 15 boxes, how is 40 even possible?
Ryan - 0173-2670-9185 [Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby]
Ryan - 0173-2670-9185 [Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby] Sat 02 Nov 2013 22:43:10 No. 15517391 Report When chaining on land, how many does it usually take you guys to hit the shiny? I just chained 41 Flabébé and nothing, then some fucking Ducklett wrecks it for me. Also, have we worked out what the 'other' chaining music means yet?
>>15517336 Aren't shiny decided at pick up?
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>>15517391 >chaining past 40 I'm so sorry for you man.
BINDL Ilya IGN 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby
BINDL Ilya IGN 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby Sat 02 Nov 2013 22:46:08 No. 15517509 Report >>15517391 once you hit 40 you stop chaining and just reset over and over until you see the shiny grass :(
>>15517391 I hear you are supposed to stop at chain 40 and reset until you get a shiny patch.
Quoted By:
>>15517472 Exactly.
If he saves before picking up the eggs, it works.
If he were to save after he would always get the same pokemon.
Aaron 0688-5802-2193
>>15517391 Don't continue entering normal bushes after hitting 40. Just reset your radar.
>>15517472 Yes?
I save before picking up the eggs. And toss out the first egg, since it would be the same every time.
(Ghost: Shuppet, Phantump, Drifblim) Gerard 0259-0288-4178
(Ghost: Shuppet, Phantump, Drifblim) Gerard 0259-0288-4178 Sat 02 Nov 2013 22:47:11 No. 15517549 Report Anyone taken a looking through the GTS to find shiny pokemon yet? I have a few legendaries burning a hole in my boxes.
Benji 1392 - 5131 - 3117 X ~ Grass type (Ivysaur, Tangela, Quilladin)
Benji 1392 - 5131 - 3117 X ~ Grass type (Ivysaur, Tangela, Quilladin) Sat 02 Nov 2013 22:47:29 No. 15517562 Report Quoted By:
>>15517540 Why would the first egg always be the same if you save before talking to the old guy?
Ryan - 0173-2670-9185 [Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby]
Ryan - 0173-2670-9185 [Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby] Sat 02 Nov 2013 22:48:16 No. 15517593 Report >>15517509 >>15517512 >>15517527 Godfuckingdammit. Okay, thanks guys.
Still new to grass chaining, only recently beat the E4.
Any particular tips?
Gts scout
>>15517549 I was messing with ivs, I'll get to work right away
>>15517540 When the breeder is facing forward, that first egg is already determined before pickup?
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>>15517570 It just is. at least as far as IV, gender and ability is concerned. I don't know why. It could still end up being shiny, a suppose.
>>15517593 If you got to 40 without breaking you don't need tips, you need to give tips.
Chi (Teddiursa, Minccino, Evee) - 4012 - 4537 - 4128
Chi (Teddiursa, Minccino, Evee) - 4012 - 4537 - 4128 Sat 02 Nov 2013 22:49:01 No. 15517623 Report >>15517570 because the egg info is generated when the guy recieves the egg. not when you get the egg from the guy.
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>>15517149 Since I go to the IV NPC I release everything with less than 5 immediately
Look what I just found after my 7th go ;)
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>>15517609 I found that even if he isn't facing forward it is always the same, so I save when he is facing forward and have him toss out the egg.
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>>15517623 Then why not save before he receives the first egg?
It's going to break soon, isn't it?
>>15517688 >asking or even talking about current chain You just fucking jinxed it it's going to break
Gts scout
Quoted By:
Got to chain 15 of Trevent on first try, but Amoongus came out of nowhere. guess I misjudged. Round 2.
Ryan - 0173-2670-9185 [Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby]
Ryan - 0173-2670-9185 [Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby] Sat 02 Nov 2013 22:52:27 No. 15517753 Report >>15517617 Haha, really? I was just going with the same thing I've been reading, go with the grass with the same vigor as the last one.
Maybe I just got lucky chaining so far.
Does the shiny grass have a sound effect too? Or will it be really really obvious when it happens?
Darwin 0189-8693-2549 (mienfoo, riolu, and throh)
Darwin 0189-8693-2549 (mienfoo, riolu, and throh) Sat 02 Nov 2013 22:53:23 No. 15517780 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>15517753 Shiny grass has a pleasant sound effect and also sparkles rather obviously.
>>15517753 it has a sound effect Here you go. It also has sparkles above it for a second
(Ghost: Shuppet, Phantump, Drifblim) Gerard 0259-0288-4178
(Ghost: Shuppet, Phantump, Drifblim) Gerard 0259-0288-4178 Sat 02 Nov 2013 22:54:35 No. 15517819 Report Quoted By:
BINDL Ilya IGN 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby
BINDL Ilya IGN 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby Sat 02 Nov 2013 22:55:09 No. 15517843 Report >>15517753 it is pretty obvious. it makes a sparkly animation you shouldnt miss it unless you are just not paying attention. in which case you are full retard
abigail, do you only post during the weekends? or do you just lurk/take your name off during the week?
Jack 5327-2316-0753 (Dunsparce, Loudred, Chansey)
Jack 5327-2316-0753 (Dunsparce, Loudred, Chansey) Sat 02 Nov 2013 22:56:34 No. 15517908 Report >>15516650 another chain of 33 and the same thing happens, was chaining Skiddos when a Doduo comes out of nowhere
>>15517741 watch this be the first time I get to 40 and actually find a shiny
BINDL Ilya IGN 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby
BINDL Ilya IGN 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby Sat 02 Nov 2013 22:56:59 No. 15517923 Report Hrng. back to chaining to get this second fucking skiddo.
Quoted By:
>>15517923 >second I tried to chain skiddos 4 times already.
All chains broke somewhere between 20 and 30
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch,
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Sat 02 Nov 2013 22:57:51 No. 15517956 Report >>15517895 I take my name off when I'm not in these threads, but I'm always around /vp/ during the week.
>>15517895 It's "Shiny Weekends" for a reason.
So your internet girlfriend won't be posting in the week generals.
Ryan - 0173-2670-9185 [Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby]
Ryan - 0173-2670-9185 [Phanpy, Dugtrio, Diggersby] Sat 02 Nov 2013 22:57:57 No. 15517959 Report Quoted By:
>>15517797 Awesome, thanks.
>>15517843 I've had my eyes on this like a fucking hawk. I was merely asking as I'm in the tall yellow flowers on Route 7, I didn't know how obvious it would be.
BINDL Ilya IGN 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby
BINDL Ilya IGN 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby Sat 02 Nov 2013 22:58:18 No. 15517975 Report >>15517908 That is chaining. it WILL happen. a good percentage of the time.
>>15517958 she's not my girlfriend, she's my waifu. get it right.
BINDL Ilya IGN 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby
BINDL Ilya IGN 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby Sat 02 Nov 2013 23:00:35 No. 15518046 Report >>15517956 i saw abigail starting most of the shiny threads midweek-today at the very least. also, i wasnt calling you a retard. It was more of a sarcastic comment. No offense was meant. i had a skiddo chain going earlier that broke at 39, then another at 35, then at 35 again, then again in the late 20s. Sometimes the bushes dont give a fuck what you do
Gts scout
Quoted By:
Who wants to battle for shinnies?
BINDL Ilya IGN 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby
BINDL Ilya IGN 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby Sat 02 Nov 2013 23:02:44 No. 15518114 Report >>15518002 Thats a good internet superpower. to annoy people i dont like by fucking up their chains. Not that i dislike you nidorina. you were just collateral damage.
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch,
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Sat 02 Nov 2013 23:03:25 No. 15518137 Report >>15518046 Those threads during the week aren't mine.
>>15517979 Oh, it's you. Thanks for not creating another ABIGAIL WAIFU wall or posting any creepy fantasies of yours instead this time.
BINDL Ilya IGN 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby
BINDL Ilya IGN 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby Sat 02 Nov 2013 23:04:36 No. 15518178 Report >>15518137 Wot. That is stupid. goddamn people posting with other peoples names. Wait... how do i know thaat what you just said was actually you saying it!
>>15518137 anything for you, my love.
Quoted By:
Just got a shiny floette then got a few shinies from FS, few from shiny fishing and hordes but can't for the life of me use the radar can get a chain of 5 thats about it all the shaking grass looks the same to me
Quoted By:
Surely this batch of eggs will contain the shiny I have been searching for!
>>15518181 post some of your lewd fanfics
BINDL Ilya IGN 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby
BINDL Ilya IGN 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby Sat 02 Nov 2013 23:05:47 No. 15518230 Report Quoted By:
>>15518143 My fragile women heart cant handle you speaking to me like this. Please stop
Trevor 4141 - 1947- 3177 [Masqeurain, Combee, Pinsir]
Trevor 4141 - 1947- 3177 [Masqeurain, Combee, Pinsir] Sat 02 Nov 2013 23:05:51 No. 15518234 Report Quoted By:
Does anyone here want me to suck their fat daddy dicks ? I'll do it for some more shinies. Shinies are my life .
Quoted By:
Swinub #1750 coming up. Also may have diagnosed myself.
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch,
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Sat 02 Nov 2013 23:06:27 No. 15518264 Report >>15518178 You mean, people have been impersonating me? Fuck.
Well, I only post during the weekend threads, so...
>>15518214 nonononononno
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch,
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Sat 02 Nov 2013 23:07:14 No. 15518285 Report So guys, should I take up a trip? seems like the right thing to do since everyone knows who I am already, and we don't want anyone pretending to be me.
BINDL Ilya IGN 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby
BINDL Ilya IGN 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby Sat 02 Nov 2013 23:07:32 No. 15518299 Report Quoted By:
>>15518264 Yea, i swear to god from wed-friday i was in threads and there was someone named abigail..
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch,
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Sat 02 Nov 2013 23:07:35 No. 15518301 Report Quoted By:
Caught my second-ever shiny last night while catching tons of vivs in a friend safari. Catching conditions were absurdly ideal: had my mon with false swipe, spore, etc in the lead, and was running capture power level 3 at the time, even.
Quoted By:
>>15518285 who the fuck wants to know who you are
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch,
BINDL Ilya IGN 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby
BINDL Ilya IGN 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby Sat 02 Nov 2013 23:09:13 No. 15518366 Report >>15518308 That is a fucking sweet looking shiny. Congrats!
Gts scout
>>15518285 please do
Quoted By:
Should I get a shiny poliwrath or politoad with my poliwhirl?
Quoted By:
rounded up on box 4 for purple wish i hope it doesnt take as long as my eevee ;_;
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch,
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Sat 02 Nov 2013 23:10:16 No. 15518415 Report >>15518336 Hey, notAbi. It's been a long fucking day, so can we not play this game? Hey look. I'll even say please.
Benji 1392 - 5131 - 3117 X ~ Grass type (Ivysaur, Tangela, Quilladin)
Benji 1392 - 5131 - 3117 X ~ Grass type (Ivysaur, Tangela, Quilladin) Sat 02 Nov 2013 23:10:51 No. 15518438 Report Quoted By:
>>15518336 We can definitely tell this is the real Abigail
Quoted By:
Hatched this thing earlier this week, 495 eggs. Been trying for a random encounter since then. My luck has run dry. At least 1k encounters, not counting hordes which I've been doing on and off.
>>15518366 Thank you kindly!
Now adding my first-ever shiny, caught on Thursday. I've played every gen since the start, and it took till Y to catch one. o__o
Quoted By:
>>15518415 I swear to god it looks like this notabi guy has mental problems
>>15517920 it's going to break at 39
Quoted By:
>>15518481 good luck anon-kun
BINDL Ilya IGN 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby
BINDL Ilya IGN 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby Sat 02 Nov 2013 23:12:48 No. 15518529 Report >>15518458 I got my first one this gen also. and have also been playing since origional gameboy days.
Dragoon 3711-7486-0465
Quoted By:
Friend safari is being unkind to me, so I will scout the GTS.
BINDL Ilya IGN 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby
BINDL Ilya IGN 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby Sat 02 Nov 2013 23:13:48 No. 15518568 Report Quoted By:
>>15518458 I got my first one this gen also. and have also been playing since origional gameboy days. Also, bad eyesight. Glasses non existant. no contacts. Fuck you captcha I CANT GODDAMN READ YOU. I swear it takes me 10+ attempts sometimes ;_;
Sunrise 1822-0022-5974 [Absol, Sneasel, Vullaby]
Sunrise 1822-0022-5974 [Absol, Sneasel, Vullaby] Sat 02 Nov 2013 23:14:40 No. 15518600 Report Quoted By:
I never wanted to MM ever again after Eevee. But now I really want a shiny Klefki. Why am I doing this to myself.
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch,
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Sat 02 Nov 2013 23:14:47 No. 15518603 Report Quoted By:
>>15518371 I might have grabbed that if it wasn't for the ridiculous name.
Outi 1048-8246-6368 [Pancham/Meditite/Breloom]
Outi 1048-8246-6368 [Pancham/Meditite/Breloom] Sat 02 Nov 2013 23:14:52 No. 15518606 Report Is it possible to catch multiple shinies with the same chain? Or does the chain reset like with chain fishing? pls respond ;~;
BINDL Ilya IGN 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby
BINDL Ilya IGN 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby Sat 02 Nov 2013 23:15:00 No. 15518613 Report Quoted By:
>>15518529 OH OKAY. somehow it double posts? Fuck you captcha Why must you do this.
Quoted By:
>>15518481 You just brought back bad memories. Started chaining Mareep with about 200 repels. By the time I was done I had 0 repels and 0 shiny Mareep. Had around 50-80 repels left by the time I got to a chain of 40.
Nobody should need to experience that. I hope you brought plenty.
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch,
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Sat 02 Nov 2013 23:16:02 No. 15518660 Report >>15518606 Yes, you can continue the chain and go for more shinies.
BINDL Ilya IGN 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby
BINDL Ilya IGN 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby Sat 02 Nov 2013 23:16:15 No. 15518671 Report Quoted By:
>>15518606 it resets once you catch. from what ive heard.
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch,
No Reason Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Sat 02 Nov 2013 23:17:42 No. 15518735 Report All of us believe That this is not up to you The fact of the matter is That it's up to me Hey, Hey, Hey Hey, Hey, Hey Let's Go How can we fake this anymore (anymore) Turn our backs away, and choose to just ignore (choose to just ignore) (Some say) Some say it's ignorance It makes me feel some innocence (Some say) It takes away a part of me But I won't let go Tell me why can't you see, it's not the way When we all fall down, it will be too late Why is there no reason we can't change When we all fall down, who will take the blame What will it take Nothing could ever be this real (be this real) A life unsatisfied that I could never feel (I could never fell) (Some say) This future's not so bright Some can't make the sacrifice (Some say) It's much more than just black and white And I won't follow Tell me why can't you see, it's not the way When we all fall down, it will be too late Why is there no reason we can't change When we all fall down, who will take the blame What will it take Times like these I've come to see how, Everything but time is running out Hey, Hey, Hey Hey, Hey, Hey What All of us believe in what we need What we have's what we don't see Tell me why can't you see, it's not the way When we all fall down, it will be too late Why is there no reason we can't change When we all fall down, who will take the blame What will it take Tell me why can't you see, it's not the way (so how long, has this gone on, i don't see this ending) When we all fall down, it will be too late (it's too late, we can't change, what has now begun) Why is there no reason we can't change (we act like, its not right, why are we pretending) When we all fall down, who will take the blame (we've been wrong, for so long) What will it take (WE'VE KNOWN THIS ALL ALONG)
BINDL Ilya IGN 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby
BINDL Ilya IGN 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby Sat 02 Nov 2013 23:18:09 No. 15518753 Report Quoted By:
>>15518660 What. i was told it resets. well damn.
To distract myself for a few minutes, the story of my first-ever Shiny.>be 10 >get Gold for christmas, brother got Silver >our journey begins >Brother goes through ruins of alph and sees a blue unown I that sparkled >vurtdafurk.jpg >catch dat mofucka >we are now aware of shinies >many months later >strolling through Kanto, heading towards Fuschia from Vermillion >A wild pokemon appears >WAIT WHAT THE FUCK >silhouette lights up >IT'S A FUCKING GREEN CHANSEY >fgsfds >items >Balls >>>>>CANCEL the first I ever caught was a blue Voltorb in Ruby.
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch,
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Sat 02 Nov 2013 23:20:21 No. 15518850 Report Quoted By:
>>15518735 So you were one of us in THAT thread huh... Glad you remembered just how much I love that song.
Are chains supposed to break so easily? My highest chain after multiple attempts is 38 ;_;
Outi 1048-8246-6368 [Pancham/Meditite/Breloom]
Outi 1048-8246-6368 [Pancham/Meditite/Breloom] Sat 02 Nov 2013 23:20:55 No. 15518878 Report Quoted By:
Well the funky music kept playing after I caught the shiny so I thought that maybe the chain keeps on going. But I've reset the radar maybe 40 times now and no trace of second shiny. Weird :c
>looking for pikachu with light ball >shiny scatter bug pops out >first shiny in y >Mfw
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch,
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch, Sat 02 Nov 2013 23:22:33 No. 15518947 Report >>15518841 Haha, at least your brother wasn't one of the "I think it's a glitch! Better reset the game!" kids.
>>15518874 Can happen at random sometimes. Sorry.
>>15518901 lol congrats!
Got one today while trying to get a Lanturn for my team. Didn't even mean it and got it within my 5th fish lol
BINDL Ilya IGN 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby
BINDL Ilya IGN 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby Sat 02 Nov 2013 23:23:24 No. 15518982 Report >>15518947 I just dont know what to believe anymore. who are you people
>>15518947 I almost did that when I found Pokerus in Ruby.
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch !eYVOqE5M6U
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch !eYVOqE5M6U Sat 02 Nov 2013 23:25:45 No. 15519085 Report Quoted By:
>>15518982 The Abi who decided to post Sum 41 lyrics is obviously not me.
>>15518955 Congrats haha.
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch !eYVOqE5M6U
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch !eYVOqE5M6U Sat 02 Nov 2013 23:26:53 No. 15519129 Report Quoted By:
>>15519008 I figured when Nurse Joy said it was ok, that Pokerus would be fine lol.
looking to get rid of my yveltal for a shiny
BINDL Ilya IGN 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby
BINDL Ilya IGN 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby Sat 02 Nov 2013 23:28:01 No. 15519176 Report Oh god. i forgot i was chaining. im at 22, and i dont know where i can step.. please send help
How the heck do you properly chain in this game, all the patches where you could even start are absurdly thin. I haven't the slightest where to even begin with crap like that
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch !eYVOqE5M6U
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch !eYVOqE5M6U Sat 02 Nov 2013 23:28:55 No. 15519210 Report Quoted By:
>>15519162 Keep an eye out on the GTS, that's where most kids are willing to part with their shinies for Yveltal's.
>>15519176 Oh dear, may Masuda watch over you
BINDL Ilya IGN 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby
BINDL Ilya IGN 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby Sat 02 Nov 2013 23:30:24 No. 15519284 Report >>15519203 go east of camphirier to purple flowers, it is surprisingly awesome here. or west and then south just before the cave
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>>15519284 Very limited set of pokemon I personally have no interest in sadly
Anderson 2680-9842-6324 (Maractus, Ivysaur and Oddish)
Anderson 2680-9842-6324 (Maractus, Ivysaur and Oddish) Sat 02 Nov 2013 23:34:40 No. 15519449 Report Quoted By:
Anyone have a bidoof or bibarel from a country that's neither Canada or USA, with at least 2 Perfect IVs? Trying to breed a Shiny Umbreon with curse.
I caught this beautiful motherfucker maybe 10 minutes ago. Just randomly walking aroundRight after I evolved my Infiltrator Lampent too.
BINDL Ilya IGN 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby
BINDL Ilya IGN 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby Sat 02 Nov 2013 23:35:02 No. 15519456 Report >>decide to step to the left after thinking for 5 minutes >>encounter music
Li 2680-9842-6324 (Maractus, Ivysaur and Oddish)
Li 2680-9842-6324 (Maractus, Ivysaur and Oddish) Sat 02 Nov 2013 23:35:41 No. 15519474 Report Quoted By:
Anyone have a bidoof or bibarel from a country that's neither Canada or USA, with at least 2 Perfect IVs? Trying to breed a Shiny Umbreon with curse..
Sean 2423 - 3093 - 8361
9 Boxes, finally obtained Timid Noibat with Infiltrator and Perfect Speed HP and
Sp.At Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch !eYVOqE5M6U
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch !eYVOqE5M6U Sat 02 Nov 2013 23:37:00 No. 15519528 Report Quoted By:
Anyone want to trade for my shiny durant or lickilicky?
Benji 1392 - 5131 - 3117 X ~ Grass type (Ivysaur, Tangela, Quilladin)
Benji 1392 - 5131 - 3117 X ~ Grass type (Ivysaur, Tangela, Quilladin) Sat 02 Nov 2013 23:40:42 No. 15519658 Report Quoted By:
With these two I can easily say this was a good weekend yes, even with the Horsea, it has never took me so long to fish a shiny How was your weekend, jägers?
>>15519626 I want Lickilicky, i dont have much to offer, snorunt and fish shiny.
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch
Abigail - 5086 2074 6936 - Camerupt, Trapinch Sat 02 Nov 2013 23:42:02 No. 15519706 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
>>15519680 Sorry buddy I've already got loads of fish shinies, and my glailie is muh bro.