I'm looking to breed a couple of 'mons, but I need a spot of help. Can anyone trade me a female Squirtle (ability doesn't matter) and a female Tyrunt (with Strong Jaw), even as a temporary loaner? I have a shiny Hippopotas and a Protean Froakie I can throw up as potential collateral.
Christopher 2148-8143-9287 [ROCK: Dwebble, Corsola, ???]
Christopher 2148-8143-9287 [ROCK: Dwebble, Corsola, ???] Sun 03 Nov 2013 01:32:04 No. 15523763 Report Bump because I can also infect them with the Pokerus as well.
Rudolf (IGN= Aefer Yamma) 5472-7478-5328
>>15523763 I'm trapped in the Flare Labs, but if you wait until I go away from here I could even give you a Tyrunt and breed for a Squirtle.
matt 4098-3548-2370 [mankey, pancham, breloom]
matt 4098-3548-2370 [mankey, pancham, breloom] Sun 03 Nov 2013 01:36:55 No. 15523928 Report >>15523326 I have a female tyrunt if you want it, not sure about ivs but she does have strong jaw.
Christopher 2148-8143-9287 [ROCK: Dwebble, Corsola, ???]
Christopher 2148-8143-9287 [ROCK: Dwebble, Corsola, ???] Sun 03 Nov 2013 01:40:47 No. 15524060 Report >>15523928 IVs aren't really important, I'm just trying to breed a Tyrunt that knows Poison Fang (and I have Y, so I can bag a Seviper easily). I'll add you, which 'mon do you want?
Rudolf (IGN= Aefer Yamma) 5472-7478-5328
>>15523928 Then I'll breed OP a female Squirtle.
OP, are you still here?
David (Rock) Corsola, Boldore, Shuckle 2852-7603-6409
David (Rock) Corsola, Boldore, Shuckle 2852-7603-6409 Sun 03 Nov 2013 01:43:08 No. 15524137 Report Quoted By:
OP is a faggot.
Christopher 2148-8143-9287 [ROCK: Dwebble, Corsola, ???]
Christopher 2148-8143-9287 [ROCK: Dwebble, Corsola, ???] Sun 03 Nov 2013 01:43:33 No. 15524148 Report >>15523912 I'd be willing to trade for a Squirtle when you're able to! (friend code add'd)
Christopher 2148-8143-9287 [ROCK: Dwebble, Corsola, ???]
Christopher 2148-8143-9287 [ROCK: Dwebble, Corsola, ???] Sun 03 Nov 2013 01:44:38 No. 15524182 Report Quoted By:
>>15524062 yep, i'm here. What's your FC?
BASEDBEAR 1950 8059 3957 (machoke pancham tyrogue)
BASEDBEAR 1950 8059 3957 (machoke pancham tyrogue) Sun 03 Nov 2013 01:45:34 No. 15524216 Report >>15523326 I have a female tyrantrum with strong jaw and i believe a female squirtle, ill have to check. Still have the shiny hippo?
Christopher 2148-8143-9287 [ROCK: Dwebble, Corsola, ???]
Christopher 2148-8143-9287 [ROCK: Dwebble, Corsola, ???] Sun 03 Nov 2013 01:46:17 No. 15524237 Report >>15524216 Yeah, I haven't traded anything away yet.
BASEDBEAR 1950 8059 3957 (machoke pancham tyrogue)
BASEDBEAR 1950 8059 3957 (machoke pancham tyrogue) Sun 03 Nov 2013 01:46:46 No. 15524246 Report Quoted By:
Rudolf (IGN= Aefer Yamma) 5472-7478-5328
>>15524148 OP, I'm the one that's breeding the Squirtle.
btw, do you know someone with a Bergmite in his Safari?
Can I ask you for a Sturdy Bergmite?
I don't care for its IVs or anything, just the ability...
Christopher 2148-8143-9287 [ROCK: Dwebble, Corsola, ???]
Christopher 2148-8143-9287 [ROCK: Dwebble, Corsola, ???] Sun 03 Nov 2013 01:49:02 No. 15524325 Report >>15524252 Sadly, I do not. All I know is my Safari and my other friend's Safari are both Rock...
Rudolf (IGN= Aefer Yamma) 5472-7478-5328
>>15524325 Whatever then, for what do you need the Squirtle?
Christopher 2148-8143-9287 [ROCK: Dwebble, Corsola, ???]
Christopher 2148-8143-9287 [ROCK: Dwebble, Corsola, ???] Sun 03 Nov 2013 01:51:58 No. 15524406 Report Quoted By:
>>15524216 something just came up, and the shiny Hippo became non-negotiable. :C Are you still interested in either of the Protean Froakies?
Jeremii-3668-8611-0585 (Crawdaunt, Pawniard, Absol)
Jeremii-3668-8611-0585 (Crawdaunt, Pawniard, Absol) Sun 03 Nov 2013 01:54:05 No. 15524464 Report i'm looking for a Fighting or an Electric, preferably, but i'll add most anyone. also, here's my friend's, he wants good codes too. Dom-5000-3068-1887-he's Fairy with Mawile, Dedenne, and Floette
Christopher 2148-8143-9287 [ROCK: Dwebble, Corsola, ???]
Christopher 2148-8143-9287 [ROCK: Dwebble, Corsola, ???] Sun 03 Nov 2013 01:56:32 No. 15524515 Report >>15524365 I need a female one to breed with a male Clawitzer (which I have) so I can hatch a Squirtle with Dragon Pulse and Aura Sphere (for Mega Evolution).
Rudolf (IGN= Aefer Yamma) 5472-7478-5328
>>15524464 Wrong thread my friend
Rudolf (IGN= Aefer Yamma) 5472-7478-5328
>>15524515 Wait, it's really compatible with those moves?
Can I get one of those after that?
Rudolf (IGN= Aefer Yamma) 5472-7478-5328
Quoted By:
>>15524536 YES!
JUST THE THIRD EGG WAS FEMALE (docile, but whatever...)
Now I have more 4 eggs of unneeded Squirtles...
Christopher 2148-8143-9287 [ROCK: Dwebble, Corsola, ???]
Christopher 2148-8143-9287 [ROCK: Dwebble, Corsola, ???] Sun 03 Nov 2013 02:02:55 No. 15524730 Report >>15524578 Yeah, Clawitzer can learn all the moves boosted by Mega Launcher either through level-up or Heart Scales (Aura Sphere, Water Pulse, Heal Pulse, Dark Pulse, Dragon Pulse), and Squirtle can learn all of those except Heal Pulse via Egg Moves (Aura / Dragon), TMs (Dark), or level up (Water). I'd be more than willing to trade any extra hatched 'mons!
Rudolf (IGN= Aefer Yamma) 5472-7478-5328
>>15524730 I don't want to rip you off with those shinies, just give me a derp now.
I would prefer to receive one of those Squirtles when you make one
Jeremii-3668-8611-0585 (Crawdaunt, Pawniard, Absol)
Jeremii-3668-8611-0585 (Crawdaunt, Pawniard, Absol) Sun 03 Nov 2013 02:09:26 No. 15524935 Report Quoted By:
>>15524536 yeah i know. haha my bad
>>15524060 I have a female Tyrunt that you can have if you want, Poison Fang included. I think her nature is Lax if that's okay with you.
Christopher 2148-8143-9287 [ROCK: Dwebble, Corsola, ???]
Christopher 2148-8143-9287 [ROCK: Dwebble, Corsola, ???] Sun 03 Nov 2013 02:13:11 No. 15525095 Report Quoted By:
>>15524886 Thanks a million! I'm power levelling the Clauncher so it'll evolve and I can Heart Scale the moves onto it for breeding. I'll let you know once I get some Squirtles with those moves!
Christopher 2148-8143-9287 [ROCK: Dwebble, Corsola, ???]
Christopher 2148-8143-9287 [ROCK: Dwebble, Corsola, ???] Sun 03 Nov 2013 02:15:04 No. 15525158 Report >>15525043 That could work. Natures and such aren't SUPER important, and I always have Super Training. I have an extra Protean Froakie if that's okay with you! (I'll also need an FC)
>>15525158 I'm not picky about what you send in return, so a Froakie is fine. Maybe a Y exclusive if you have any throwaways (I have X)
My FC is 4527 - 7280 - 8393
Rudolf (IGN= Aefer Yamma) 5472-7478-5328
>>15525158 OP, I also have male Tyrunts with the 3 elemental Fangs AND Dragon Dance, if you want some of those moves together with the Poison fang (anti-fairies I suppose)
Christopher 2148-8143-9287 [ROCK: Dwebble, Corsola, ???]
Christopher 2148-8143-9287 [ROCK: Dwebble, Corsola, ???] Sun 03 Nov 2013 02:23:23 No. 15525476 Report >>15525243 Having all the moves is tempting, but my current planned moveset only has room for one of the four special Fang moves--the other moves are Dragon Claw, Stone Edge [both STAB], and Crunch [good move with Strong Jaw]--I went with Poison Fang for anti-Fairy capabilities. If you have a good one with Poison Fang that you can nickname "Grimlock", I'd be willing to trade you that for either my other Protean Froakie or my current Tyrantrum.
Christopher 2148-8143-9287 [ROCK: Dwebble, Corsola, ???]
Christopher 2148-8143-9287 [ROCK: Dwebble, Corsola, ???] Sun 03 Nov 2013 02:25:29 No. 15525565 Report >>15525230 Register'd. I'll see if I can bag something decent
Rudolf (IGN= Aefer Yamma) 5472-7478-5328
>>15525476 I would recommend you at least the DD instead of Crunch for sweeping capacities.
My Tyrunts only have the elemental fangs, not the poison one, sorry.
Quoted By:
>>15525565 Thanks for the Spritzee, man! Happy breeding!
Christopher 2148-8143-9287 [ROCK: Dwebble, Corsola, ???]
Christopher 2148-8143-9287 [ROCK: Dwebble, Corsola, ???] Sun 03 Nov 2013 02:37:44 No. 15525990 Report Quoted By:
>>15525230 Thanks for the trade! Your assistance is appreciated.
>>15525609 I will keep that in mind when I'm breeding this Tyrunt. Thanks!