Domain changed to . Feb 14-25 still awaits import.
[13 / 4 / ?]

No.15552645 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Let's just shit all over everything.

>Fire Punch, Ice Punch and Thunder Punch now deal Fighting damage as well
>Meteor Mash and Bullet Punch deal Steel/Fighting damage
>All Fang attacks now deal Dark damage as well
>Bone Club, Bonemerang and Bone Rush now deal Ground/Rock damage
>Solar Beam does Grass/Fire damage
>Blaze Kick does Fire/Fighting damage
>Scald does Fire/Water damage
>Dual Chop does Dragon/Fighting damage
>Freeze Shock does Ice/Electric damage
>Ice Burn does Ice/Fire damage
>Mystical Fire does Fire/Psychic damage
>Fairy Wind does Fairy/Flying damage