old thread:
>>15546902 shiny trading thread:
>>15552500 Hatch, chain and hunt your shinies. Share your stories.
>Stream? Soon, Seles might set one up until Blue comes, if he wants to stream tonight. Keep an eye out for a link in the thread
PSA: Ignore the shit posters. Ignore the Abigail neckbeards. Ignore the trading people. (You can redirect them, but do it politely). Ignore the people who try to bait others. You can do it, guys. At least report the faggotry.
xth for randomly getting a shiny Azurill while leveling a mon to check IVs
>>15554086 >xth >gets 1st #rekt
Clayton 4227-1593-7293 (psychic wobbuffet/abra/xatu)
Clayton 4227-1593-7293 (psychic wobbuffet/abra/xatu) Sun 03 Nov 2013 20:33:30 No. 15554101 Report xth for hoping for that solosis
Yawn - 4055-4038-5971 Shuppet, Drifblim, & Phantump
Yawn - 4055-4038-5971 Shuppet, Drifblim, & Phantump Sun 03 Nov 2013 20:34:30 No. 15554124 Report Can I have some luck pls
>>15554086 >>15554101 /vp/ can't into >xth gets
Quoted By:
Could someone donate me a Mareep with good IVs? I'm hunting for a shiny one but I can't check IVs (I haven't beaten the E4). Thanks
>>15554099 Well at least I got a shiny unlike most of these "muh 500 boxes" fags :^)
>>15554126 Someone doesn't know how to
>greentext mid line
I'm going to try and get a shiny of every breedable, non-legendary, steel type. 2 down, I should be done by the time the next gen comes out.
Quoted By:
Oh god, I'll never get my swablu`
>>15554168 >he thinks i care about 4chan trix n tipz
>>15554173 for your sanity's sake I hope you mean each steel type's line and not every evolution like: Shiny magnemite, a shiny magneton, and a shiny Magnezone
also inb4 gen 7 is steel types the gen
>>15554232 :^)
Pepe 2707-1612-0147 (Sunkern, Swadloon, Quilladin)
Pepe 2707-1612-0147 (Sunkern, Swadloon, Quilladin) Sun 03 Nov 2013 20:40:00 No. 15554302 Report Quoted By:
This is the sexiest and edgiest shiny I've seen, too bad synchronize failed me, but I'm pretty happy with this thing.
>All 31 boxes full >Can't be bothered releasing anything >Lost count of how many eggs I've hatched I want to get off.
>>15554259 >>15554162 >taking your name off to "troll" Anonymous
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>>15554308 >>All 31 boxes full >>Can't be bothered releasing anything >>Lost count of how many eggs I've hatched So 930 eggs?
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>>15554259 Oh no. Shiny Magnemite, Magneton, and Magnezone, ect. I'm in so over my head, but who cares.
Quoted By:
>>15554308 you can't complain until you hatch 70 more eggs. 1,000+ eggs is the minimum for complaining.
>>15554354 You know what they say about assuming. It makes an ass out of u and me
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>>15554354 >being this butthurt >not know about le dorito face :^) Anonymous
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>Wonder Trading to get random foreign mons for MMing >get a Chespin named Chester >think "wow, how original" >look at it >they actually Wonder Traded the Chespin they got from Shauna Wow, I kinda feel sorry for Shauna.
BINDL Ilya IGN 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby
BINDL Ilya IGN 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby Sun 03 Nov 2013 20:44:31 No. 15554457 Report Anonymous
I just got a shiny vivillon. i dont even care it was from the friend safari. it's my first shiny pokemon ever and vivillon is my favourite gen 6 pokemon. It's polar patterned! now to continue chaining for a shiny furfrou
Quoted By:
>Have jap beldum >have 99% perfect ditto >have ~5k steps on the pedometer for instant Opower regeneration >Cleaned out 10 boxes to make room I am prepared for the long haul,my PC is about to be filled to the tits with 4IV beldum,I only pray I can hatch the shiny quickly
>>15554522 Mind posting pics? I forget polar pattern and if its what I think it is, it'd look great
Well just got this while Iv breeding... not even wanting!
BINDL Ilya IGN 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby
BINDL Ilya IGN 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby Sun 03 Nov 2013 20:49:28 No. 15554668 Report Quoted By:
>>15554625 nice. wish i had something to trade for it :\
>>15554571 Sure!
Still super stoked about the fact that it was a vivillon. Im super into vivillon collecting and have 2 complete sets
Quoted By:
>>15554168 My
Stream going back up in a minute
sorry I fell asleep . Did get the Magneton though.
So new to shiny hunting, what are the best ways to get shinies?
>>15554625 so the real question
what Iv's did it get?
also congrats man
>>15554797 Chaining if you don't care about them actually being good to battle with. MM if you do care
>>15554797 >Get a foregin ditto/foreing version of the pokemon you want >the pokemon you want from your region >Keep em in the daycare so that they have a baby >Hatch those eggs like a motherfucker >Pray that you're lucky enough Good notes on hatching
>Flame body special ability cuts down the time and so does hatching O power Anonymous
Steven - 4570 7718 6176(DRAGON- Shellgon, Gabite, Sliggoo)
Steven - 4570 7718 6176(DRAGON- Shellgon, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 03 Nov 2013 20:57:16 No. 15554986 Report >>15554904 >foregin >foreing Slow down, speed typer.
Seles 0061-0269-3142
Quoted By:
>>15554457 Welp i missed the sticky but starting a stream soon
livestream.com/selenolatry_ Seth 1134-7882-2071 (Steel: Mawile, Forretreas, Klefki)
Seth 1134-7882-2071 (Steel: Mawile, Forretreas, Klefki) Sun 03 Nov 2013 20:57:49 No. 15555012 Report Quoted By:
Caught him a few minutes ago. Was just fucking around trying to hatch eggs to get my shiny Eevee, and first step into the Safari, I find him. New permamember
>>15554879 Why is MM so popular if it is slow as fuck? I imagine it's if you want to use your shiny online?
Quoted By:
>>15554986 >Taking it slow >Ever Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>15555019 If you want to use your shiny in the battle maison or against other players, MM is the way to go.
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>>15555068 still missing one
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>>15554700 Damn that looks good! Congrats!
Not playing X or Y; I'm a bit of a poorfag who can probably afford it (even though prices for a 3DS are outrageous at $200 per unit, plus an additional $30 for the actual game), but I'm too lazy and skeptical to go to the stores to buy it. I'll probably nab it sometime after the Christmas break during a time when people generally return unwanted gifts and the prices take a dip. That said, I'm shiny hunting on Pokémon Gold (the only Pokémon game I have besides Blue). Here's what I've gotten so far (excluding the bullshit red Gyarados in the Lake of Rage).
Seth 1134-7882-2071 (Steel: Mawile, Forretreas, Klefki)
Seth 1134-7882-2071 (Steel: Mawile, Forretreas, Klefki) Sun 03 Nov 2013 21:03:26 No. 15555184 Report >>15555125 I have a shiny Pidgeotto in Gold.
My first legit shiny ever.
"Mana - 5086-1944-4689"
Quoted By:
>>15555068 can't get Empoleon until Pokebank so it's 5 for now. Anonymous
Question: If I'm trying to chain and after the first Pokémon, another one that's not from the same species appears but is shiny, was my chain then broken by it and the shiny Pokémon appeared because I was lucky or did the chain actually work in a weird way?
Steven - 4570 7718 6176(DRAGON- Shellgon, Gabite, Sliggoo)
Steven - 4570 7718 6176(DRAGON- Shellgon, Gabite, Sliggoo) Sun 03 Nov 2013 21:06:58 No. 15555324 Report >>15555260 Chain broken and the shiny was pure luck.
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>>15555324 Oh neat, now I like my shiny Ursaring even more.
I found a shiny Electrike just by coincidence. Have they altered the probabilities this gen? Does anyone want it?
BINDL Ilya IGN 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby
BINDL Ilya IGN 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby Sun 03 Nov 2013 21:10:35 No. 15555452 Report Quoted By:
>>15555405 not unless you will take a shiny octillery with suction cup>>
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>>15555405 yeah can I have it?
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Started shiny hunting for an Adamant Riolu in the FS. 15 REs in I get a shiny Mienfoo currently on RE #110. Wish me luck.
BINDL Ilya IGN 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby
BINDL Ilya IGN 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby Sun 03 Nov 2013 21:17:37 No. 15555745 Report Quoted By:
>>15554700 Nice, it's my favourite gen 6 pokemon as well.
I have MM'd 30 boxes of scatterbug hoping for a shiny, my pattern is icy snow. No luck. ;_;
>Got my shiny Ralts after 20 boxes last week >Just finished first box of Eeevee, trying to get one to give to a friend Wish me luck
>>15555860 Why don't you try a vivillon friend safari? It'll give you your own patter, won't it? Icy snow would look so good shiny!
Quoted By:
>>15555925 whoops, pattern*
>Started Masuda Methoding when I only had 1 box full of Pokemon >I now have only 4 boxes left (yes I have all the boxes unlocked now) >Don't like releasing Pokemon, have wonder traded all shitty off spring so far >Pokebank isn't out till September Should I even continue at this point /vp/?
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>>15555925 >tfw the Vivillon I have access to is the ugliest one. Fucking Garden pattern.
Brent 4468 - 1143 - 5623 [Electrode, Stunkfish, Zebstrika]
Brent 4468 - 1143 - 5623 [Electrode, Stunkfish, Zebstrika] Sun 03 Nov 2013 21:26:33 No. 15556073 Report Quoted By:
>>15556007 how do you unlock more boxes?
xPerceus 2723-9700-5878 >tfwnoshinymienfoo
xPerceus 2723-9700-5878 >tfwnoshinymienfoo Sun 03 Nov 2013 21:26:35 No. 15556076 Report My internet has been out for the last day and a half. Finally back. Did I miss anything? Also still no Mienfoo. The hunt continues
Jokke - 2492 - 5265 - 1177 -
Quoted By:
>>15556007 i still got like 19-20 boxes of Honedge leftovers that i haven't touched and i've started MMing for Golurk now, 6 boxes in.
>>15555925 Is it easier to get shinies from friend safari than Masuda Methoding?
Might just try that after I've finished my current IV breeding project.
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>>15556007 Release or be an asshole and keep the Pokemon enslaved forever, unable to ever see the sky again, to smell fresh air, to feel loved.
You monster. Anonymous
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>>15556007 I purged my boxes of outstanding beldum to make room because one perfect IV was SpA and it only had 3 other perfect ones. No regrets
Mark -- 5069 - 4193 - 2010
Quoted By:
Hey guys, I finally got my first shiny of X/Y, I'm totally done with MMing, 62 boxes is enough without a shiny. I caught my pink Aipom in FS. I'm not really a big fan of Aipom, but she was a pleasant surprise when I found her.
>>15556095 FS seems to have really upped odds, so yeah. most people encounter a shiny within 2 hours. you just need to find someone who has vivillon in their safari
Question about chain fishing: Do I need Suction Cups or can I use Synchronize?
I finally got a hold of a Japanese ditto, I bred it with my own pokemon, I filled two boxes of Aron eggs and two more boxes of Ghastly eggs. After however fucking long, I didn't turn out any shinies at all. Can anyone give me tips for masuda-method breeding? I'm doing what everyone told me to do and it still doesn't seem to work
Rajaion 4210-5397-6261
looking for 5 hours in total now for a shiny mareep on route 12, will the rider ever end?
>>15554886 x/x/31/x/31/31
(sorry for delay)
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Is anyone else scared to Wonder Trade away their rejects because of the bad egg?
xPerceus 2723-9700-5878 >tfwnoshinymienfoo
xPerceus 2723-9700-5878 >tfwnoshinymienfoo Sun 03 Nov 2013 21:31:05 No. 15556239 Report >>15556206 You gotta go through significantly more boxes than that.
>>15556208 See
>>15556076 Mark -- 5069 - 4193 - 2010
>>15556206 Four boxes isn't enough Anon, sorry, but you're going to be hatching for a lot longer before you get what you want.
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>>15555068 No picture of the complete team fully evolved?
Also, did you MM them all? And how long did it take?
JP 5086 - 1313 - 4952 (Bergmite/Snover/Piloswine)
JP 5086 - 1313 - 4952 (Bergmite/Snover/Piloswine) Sun 03 Nov 2013 21:32:29 No. 15556292 Report >>15556206 >4 boxes total Your in for a rude awakening if you thought Masuda method was gonna be easy/fast.
BINDL Ilya IGN 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby
BINDL Ilya IGN 1993-8269-0537 Phanphy Camerrupt Diggersby Sun 03 Nov 2013 21:33:00 No. 15556311 Report Quoted By:
>>15556209 i assume you wouldnt take a shiny octillery for it eh?
>>15556154 Alright, gotta find someone with Vivillion safari then.
Quoted By:
>>15556313 Yeah definitely try that. I was in a fs thread an hour ago and added someone with a vivillon safari and within 7 encounters my shiny vivillon popped up.
So, what all shinies do you have /vp/, and how did you get them?>Trading: Mr. Mime, Jynx, Chingling >Friend Safari: Aipom
Mark -- 5069 - 4193 - 2010
Quoted By:
In other news, I've been away all weekend, does anyone know if Combee Guy got his Shiny female?
>>15556239 >>15556266 >>15556292 p-people said I only had to fill one box of eggs to get a shiny
god dammit, everyone made it out to be so much fucking easier, I feel so stupid
Quoted By:
>>15555184 Congratulations, man. Those things can be a real bitch, especially with the possibility of Whirlwind.
>>15555199 What?
>>15555229 Cheers.
What's really strange is the coincidence that they're all different dual-types and all female .
Quoted By:
>>15556405 >Hatching Honedge
>Chain Fishing Seaking
>FS Dunsparce
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Best way to get shiny Trevanent - horde battles with Sweet Scent?>dat fps drop
Chonze 2750-1281-8932
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>>15556405 Bred Prankster Illumise, Bred two Corsolas, Traded for both Rapidash and Relicanth, had a Breloom but traded it for a Snorunt.
xPerceus 2723-9700-5878 >tfwnoshinymienfoo
xPerceus 2723-9700-5878 >tfwnoshinymienfoo Sun 03 Nov 2013 21:38:56 No. 15556498 Report >>15556414 You were lied to anon. It takes most people (on average) around 40-60 boxes. Or you could be like me and be nearing 90 boxes.
Kat 1693-0792-5608 (Noibat, Gabite, Druddigon)
Kat 1693-0792-5608 (Noibat, Gabite, Druddigon) Sun 03 Nov 2013 21:40:25 No. 15556557 Report Quoted By:
>>15555324 Mind if I add you for your safari?
Jimbo 2638-0635-2918
Perceus I have a shiny meinfoo, not sure of stats but I know you've been searching a while!
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got a shiny Dragalgae for a Moltres... totally worth it
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>>15556558 wow what a dick
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>>15556405 A dugtrio I found and dont care for.
A modest Charmeleon with hp and speed IVs that a buddy caught from FS and traded to me.
>>15556414 Try 30 Boxes. Even then, there's only a 50% chance you will have hatched a shiny at that point.
xPerceus 2723-9700-5878 >tfwnoshinymienfoo
xPerceus 2723-9700-5878 >tfwnoshinymienfoo Sun 03 Nov 2013 21:45:07 No. 15556689 Report Quoted By:
>>15556580 Ah it's worth it when you get one. All the hard work pays off
>>15556558 You are a kind person, but I honestly couldn't do it. Enjoy your shiny mienfoo! I'll get mine soon
or die, whichever comes first Jimbo 2638-0635-2918
Was actually offering that Mienfoo by the way I feel bad how long it's taking! Any shinies you have for it Perceus?
Quoted By:
>>15556639 >50% It's about 65% assuming they haven't upped the Masuda Method slightly (which is a possibility since they slightly upped it from Gen 4 to 5)
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>>15556405 >MM: Honedge >Friend Safari: Metang, Mawile, Magneton x3, Boldore, and Bibaral. Anonymous
>>15554026 Just hatched this beautiful bastard. First legit shiny I've had. Pretty happy.
xPerceus 2723-9700-5878 >tfwnoshinymienfoo
xPerceus 2723-9700-5878 >tfwnoshinymienfoo Sun 03 Nov 2013 21:53:30 No. 15556932 Report Quoted By:
>>15556756 >>15556756 As long as I've been MMing for one, I couldn't trade for one, I'm in too deep not to be the OT haha. You are kind though, preciate it!
Stark/Serena - 2664-2210-3472
Finally got him ;-; 4 and a half boxes, Jolly with 3 perfect IVs and superior potential
Quoted By:
Any of you guys saved that huge fish chaining pic? The one with the map.
Currently searching for a shiny Trevenant. Here's my history so far.
Quoted By:
Found my first shiny yesterday It was a protean kecleon in friend safari Best day ever
Quick question, can you chain fish with a smoke ball?
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>>15556950 >him >clearly female Anonymous
>>15556155 Answer please and thank you?
JP 5086 - 1313 - 4952 (Bergmite/Snover/Piloswine)
JP 5086 - 1313 - 4952 (Bergmite/Snover/Piloswine) Sun 03 Nov 2013 21:59:09 No. 15557091 Report >>15556405 Got these beauties all from SF halloween week alone. My 2 precious's on the bottom half.
Aiming for Venomoth and Dusclops now, hopefully get 1 before the end of today.
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Just put a 31/x/31/x/31/31 Mareep and a 31/x/x/31/x/x Japanese ditto into the daycare. What's the best way to hatch them, 5 at a time, or get a few boxes of eggs and do laps around Lumiose?
Quoted By:
So, do we know if all the legendaries are shiny-locked yet? I really want to starts SRing for a shiny Mewtwo but basically everyone said that it's very likely they're all locked.
Spiceman 4725-8077-2106 [Y] (IGN: Rusty) (Fire: Pansear, Pyroar, Braxien)
Spiceman 4725-8077-2106 [Y] (IGN: Rusty) (Fire: Pansear, Pyroar, Braxien) Sun 03 Nov 2013 21:59:31 No. 15557108 Report Quoted By:
I finally caught my first Shiny today since the gold Rattata I caught in my GBC Gold game. It was a Shiny Lapras that I fond in one of my Friend Safaris. Lapras is one of my favorite Pokemon. Thank you based Shiny God.
I am not ruling out the possibility that I am in fact just retarded, but I can't seem to get this radar to work like I could in Pearl. Use repel, use radar, go to shaky grass, defeat enemy, go to nearby shaky grass of similar intensity. That's all it was before, is there something more now? Trying to get a Golett and I've not yet even chained 2 together. If I do find a Golett on the first scan, the next one is a Sigilyph or Emolga or something else stupid.
>>15556950 >finally >4 AND A HALF you poor thing, how did you pull through that tedious loong hunt?
also grats! Anonymous
Quoted By:
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KxGRhd_iWuE Official video of these.
Captcha: neatman award
>>15557149 Is there more than one person posting this same crap over and over or is it the same Anon?
Every goddamn time.
How am i supposed to get my hands on a near perfect foreign ditto?
Quoted By:
>>15557296 Constant prayer.
>>15557296 You don't need a ditto. Just get a male pokemon in the same egg group as the thing you're breeding.
Unless you're breeding something genderless, in which case you're fucked.
Got a shiny Braxien in the Friend Safari about 5 minutes ago. Modest and 31 IV in Special attack. Too bad it's male. I've hatched about 1000 eggs using Masuda method though and haven't gotten a shiny through that yet. I don't understand.
I just caught this lil' beauity while farming for Heart Scales. Can i get some nickname reccomendations for her?
>>15557296 Buy another copy of the game, set the language to Japanese. Complete the game and head over to the friend Safari.
Quoted By:
I beat the game about two hours ago. Snagged a Shiny Lilipup and a shiny Sigilyph just checking out my friends' Safaris. Neither of these friends even own Pokemon games so I was really surprised getting either. Heck, that Lilipup was the second thing I even encountered after reaching the Safari area. I already hatched a shiny Bulbasaur a couple weeks ago and won a shiny Bagon in a random giveaway. The encounter ratio is intense now.
Stark/Serena - 2664-2210-3472
Quoted By:
>>15557149 Thanks, and yes it was indeed a terrible hunt!
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>>15557357 >Metagross T-thanks
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>>15557381 >I've hatched about 1000 eggs using Masuda method though and haven't gotten a shiny through that yet. I don't understand. There isn't much to understand. Each egg is something like a 1/1366 chance. That doesn't go up if you hatch more eggs.
Caught this guy a couple days ago!
Quoted By:
>>15557275 Unless you've hit 30 boxes, you have no right to complain. Shinies are rare for a reason, you can't shit one out in an afternoon.
Quoted By:
>>15557381 Shiny Aipom/Jynx/Chingling/Mr Mime for that Braxien?
Also have a Zygrade and a Xernease I don't care much about.
Quoted By:
>>15557504 Nice, I'm MMing for one as we speak.
Seles 0061-0269-3142
Quoted By:
I'm livestreaming shit so get in here.
while i get food
livestream.com/selenolatry_ livestream.com/selenolatry_ livestream.com/selenolatry_ Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>15557381 I got one with the same stuff, plus Magician and female
Quoted By:
>>15557137 Wasn't there an FAQ image for chaining on most other threads past? Anyone have it?
>>15557227 >>15557133 Hey guys. It's almost as if we know each other on a separate messaging board. How peculiar.
Quoted By:
>>15557808 Yes, you have been discovered.
5 boxes of Rotom and nothing yet... Should I keep going, /vp/ ?
After 810 hatches I finally have it... Protean but SPEED WAS THE RANDOM STAT Why does he look so high?
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>>15557886 Five boxes is nothing. Keep going.
Zen(IGN: Jack) 1392-5273-6716
Quoted By:
>>15557886 People have done 100, stop being a bitch
Quoted By:
>>15557886 5x30=150
Shiny rate with MM is about 1/1100.
Quoted By:
>>15557893 You better name him Snoop Frogg
>>15557886 Watch Netflix or something to keep your mind occupied on something besides the tedium of hatching eggs. Eventually you won't mind how long it's taking or how many eggs you've hatched.
Quoted By:
>>15558140 That's what I've always done.
Gordon Ramsey is a godsend.
Quoted By:
>get 4 eggs >all 4 hatch before day care man gives me my 5th one stop triggering my autism day care man
People complaining about not getting a shiny after 120-150 eggs, while I've bred aroundt 1300-1400 honedges so far without getting one. When you get 1000+, then you have the right to complain and feel discouraged, as I am now. I'm considering quiting, but seeing people breeding the same amount and more before getting a shiny keeps me going. I WILL get my shiny Honedge!
JT_1332-8703-5665-x Steel skarmory, ferroseed, excadrill
JT_1332-8703-5665-x Steel skarmory, ferroseed, excadrill Sun 03 Nov 2013 22:36:28 No. 15558459 Report Quoted By:
Just now, 8th box. Should i be proud?
>>15554026 What's the average number of boxes for a shiny? I just completed my sixteenth box of abras and I'm about to commit sudoku.
>you will never have a perfect shiny Gastly
>>15558413 Keep it up anon, you've put in too much effort to stop now.
>>15558556 >legit perfect shiny Gastly ftfy
>>15558502 You have a 2.19% chance of getting a Shiny every box you Masuda Method.
(assuming the Masuda Method rate is the same as it was in B/W/2).
Quoted By:
>>15558591 I never hack so that's a given.
>>15558596 Those aren't odds I favor.
I envy you guys, I can't tolerate spending all that time fighting a losing battle against the RNG.
>>15558755 They're rare for a reason.
Chi - 4012 - 4537 - 4128
Quoted By:
>>15556405 MM- 2 Litwicks, 2 Pumkaboo, 3 Tyrunts, 2 Espurrs
FS- Doduo, Metang, Sliggoo
Trade- Tauros, Swanna, Piloswine, Beartic, Scolipede
Quoted By:
>>15558855 Of course. I just don't have the patience to MM for something when I can breed for battlemons instead.
Or just play something else while I wait for Pokebank.
>hunting all weekend >doing nothing else >just trying to get a shiny Pawniard >Sigilyph >Durant >Liepard >no Pawniard FUUUUUUUUUUCK
>>15558955 >trying to chain a heatmor HELP
>>15558955 >>15559030 >you will never get the shiny you want Anonymous
>Hunt Shiny Phantump in Friend Safari using Adamant Synchronize Ralts >Tired, about to call it quits >Shiny Phantump >Uses Curse >Watch it's HP plummet >Panic >Master Ball >Adamant with Natural Cure >No regrets
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>>15559269 I'm planning on going through the route that has altarias and hordes of swablu soon, I need my golden cloud dragon
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>>15559381 >Not evolving Ralts into Kirlia and teaching it Heal Pulse Step it up, anon.
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Quoted By:
>>15559269 >Ditto Hunting, trying to catch the right ditto with the right number of IVs >Shiny Dunsparce appears >Capture Shiny Dunsparce >PC it, it never sees the light of day again because every shiny is precious
>>15559030 Want a Japanese shiny Heatmor?
Blaztar 4940-5559-3346
>>15559618 I don't wanna just give it away though... have you got anything to trade?
Blaztar 4940-5559-3346
>>15559643 want a squirtle?
>>15559643 Don't trade the ChesJew
Need help evolving this. Afraid to trade it though. ;_;
Is there an average for chain fishing? I'm at 65 right now.
leadz(VIRYA) 0903-3178-9326
Quoted By:
>>15559721 Offering my help~
>>15559711 Huh, and I was about to offer it to him for free if he had nothing to trade...
Quoted By:
>>15559381 I had a similar thing
>Lost Hotel >Walking Around >Suddenly Shiny Litwick >Lvl 37 >It uses Memento >It fucking fails for some reason >Fuck this shit >Master Ball >Rash >Bueno Still need to check it's IVs just in case
Quoted By:
>>15559711 We already settle this shit whats the problem
Jake 5000-1971-2510
>>15559721 All these goddamn shiny Pumpkaboos.
This is like the third one I've seen.
Offering my help. I'll offer my own shiny Gourgeist as collateral.
Quoted By:
>>15559790 You are a good person, but do not fall for his begging
May that chestnaught be the last
Blaztar 4940-5559-3346
>>15559790 I offered you a squirtle
Quoted By:
>>15559721 I'd be happy to help you evolve it. No need to worry about me taking it.
Alex 0877-0191-9790
>mfw he's giving me eggs at about a 20% rate even though it is 50% fucking RNG is the Oval Charm in this game?
Blaztar 4940-5559-3346
>>15559906 Wait were you offering a shiny heatmor?
I thought it was a normal one so i can MMed
FUCKING FINALLY. Adamant, Supersize, 31/31/31/x/x/x Pumpkaboo. Female (meh) with Pickup (which I'll keep until it gets to level 100 for free shit, then swap to Frisk). So happy except I need a nick name. Took ~18 boxes (including breeding to get a perfect IV'd parent).
>>15559962 Yeah sure ChesJew
Quoted By:
>>15559962 are you trying to fool me chesjew?
0602-6813-5353 Dark (Vullaby, Cacturne, Liepard)
0602-6813-5353 Dark (Vullaby, Cacturne, Liepard) Sun 03 Nov 2013 23:17:34 No. 15560024 Report Quoted By:
>>15559934 Yeah, you need the first 150 of central, coastal and mountain dexes to get it
Blaztar 4940-5559-3346
>>15559997 I just readed the post again dude
We already had drama about this the other thread
Quoted By:
>>15559962 You are on my list.
Someone screen cap this ChesJew tomfoolery
Quoted By:
>>15559991 All these pumpkaboos
Alex 0877-0191-9790
>>15560038 What drama? Just trying to inform other players of your unsavoury character
Kami - 4141-3022-6446 (Fraxure, Shelgon, Sliggo)
Kami - 4141-3022-6446 (Fraxure, Shelgon, Sliggo) Sun 03 Nov 2013 23:21:05 No. 15560163 Report Guys I just found a shiny Abra, do I risk using a pokeball or chuck the masterball? (I can only use something if it's in a Pokeball)
Walker 0103 9631 9658
Y-yeah, fuck this chestjew guy guys. Let's trade the shiny heatmor to me just to prove a point.
Quoted By:
>>15560163 Master ball then trade me ;)
Quoted By:
>>15560163 get a friend to give your capture power 3, and chuck a quick ball
Quoted By:
>>15560163 >(I can only use something if it's in a Pokeball) uh huh honey :)
Jake 5000-1971-2510
>>15560120 No problem, just paying it forward. A person named Ellie here helped me evolve mine.
Enjoy your shiny Gourgeist. I never looked, what was its nature?
Quoted By:
>>15557423 all you actually need to do is start the game with another SD card.
Chi - 4012 - 4537 - 4128
Quoted By:
>>15560163 master. this is why people need to carry quickballs.
Quoted By:
Once I finish hatching a shiny noibat, I'm going to embark on a long journey. I"m going to try to get a shiny eevee for all eeveelutions, and one more to just keep as an eevee. It's going to be suffering.
DT 1607 2719 7383 Electric - Helioptile Galvantula Emolga
DT 1607 2719 7383 Electric - Helioptile Galvantula Emolga Sun 03 Nov 2013 23:23:11 No. 15560252 Report Quoted By:
btw can I add you? I want your FS :)
Quoted By:
>>15560163 Got no quickball? use the masterball then
Don't let it escape!
Flakes 2723 - 9578 - 4951
Quoted By:
Evolved the Espurr I got earlier after EV training. Those eyes tell me that he will kill everyone I love.
Alex 0877-0191-9790
Serena 2964-9533-5983
Quoted By:
Anyone manage to get a Shiny Carbink?
Pretty pumped right now, just found a shiny Gollett. It has Klutz though, so I guess I'm going to be grinding for that Ability Capsule in the future.
Blaztar 4940-5559-3346
>>15560070 >>15560138 >>15560177 Nevermind i got the heatmor from another country so I can start Breeding
Quoted By:
>>15560405 Nice nice, be careful
Walker 0103 9631 9658
>>15560427 Good luck. I don't think the hate for you is justified. Blaztar 4940-5559-3346
Quoted By:
>>15560463 yeah i fucked up a bit when i read that post
Quoted By:
>>15560427 I, and many others are with you too. These threads have turned to shit with all this shitposting.
Quoted By:
>>15560427 Explains everything.
>>15560463 Another ChesJew sympathizer
so this happen last night when EV training Tyranitar I am fucking disgusted and am bordering on commuting Sudoku
Quoted By:
>>15560529 The ChesJew is AZ
Chi - 4012 - 4537 - 4128
Quoted By:
>>15560578 Saved. You're a good person trying to raise awareness
Quoted By:
>>15560582 First random encounter shiny and I've been playing since Red/Blue and buying both games since Ruby/Sapphire
Blaztar 4940-5559-3346
>>15560578 I tried to chain with the pokeradar a Heatmor but it was imposible , then i asked in the thread, I thought the guy was giving me a Japanese heatmor so I can MM with it.
Emiel 0302-0817-1899 (Phanpy, Marowak, Gastrodon)
Emiel 0302-0817-1899 (Phanpy, Marowak, Gastrodon) Sun 03 Nov 2013 23:36:12 No. 15560672 Report Quoted By:
>Go out to catch every pokemon from every route >Try to fish for a Seadra >30 minutes later no Seadra appears >Begin to feel like I'll get a shiny before I get a Seadra >See sparkles come out of the water >Shiny Relicanth >Still no Seadra I'm ok with this
Quoted By:
>>15560648 Ignore them Chesbro. Good luck with your hunt.
>>15560648 Yeah right, the ChesJew misreading "shiny"
That's a laugh
Ellie 2380-3326-1951(Lampent, Phantump, Dusclops)
Ellie 2380-3326-1951(Lampent, Phantump, Dusclops) Sun 03 Nov 2013 23:38:00 No. 15560726 Report Quoted By:
>>15560427 I agree, this is silly. Good luck on your MMing dude.
Blaztar 4940-5559-3346
>>15560710 I fucking did
I misreaded shiny
Ellie 2380-3326-1951(Lampent, Phantump, Dusclops)
Ellie 2380-3326-1951(Lampent, Phantump, Dusclops) Sun 03 Nov 2013 23:39:35 No. 15560776 Report Quoted By:
>>15560735 Ignore them and they'll go away. they're just looking to ruffle your feathers since they have nothing better to do. Hope you find your shiny
>>15559754 the two I found while chain fishing were at 22 and 31 (Magikarp and poliwag respectively)
Kami - 4141-3022-6446 (Fraxure, Shelgon, Sliggo)
Kami - 4141-3022-6446 (Fraxure, Shelgon, Sliggo) Sun 03 Nov 2013 23:45:17 No. 15560949 Report >>15560163 Masterballed it, into the box it goes.
>>15560910 Fuck, just hit 100.
>>15560949 Fucking give it out or something. Make somebodies day.
Quoted By:
>>15560949 eh Modest at least its nature is good
Quoted By:
>>15560992 >>15560949 I'm sure someone would be willing to reimburse you the masterball for it.
>Looking for Shiny Riolu in FS >Find Shiny Mienfoo >Cool >Still looking for Gold Riolu >Shiny Mienfoo >Cool >Still looking for Gold Riolu
Quoted By:
>>15560949 Wanna battle for it?
Kami - 4141-3022-6446 (Fraxure, Shelgon, Sliggo)
Kami - 4141-3022-6446 (Fraxure, Shelgon, Sliggo) Sun 03 Nov 2013 23:48:11 No. 15561040 Report >>15560992 I probably will.
For now, though, I'm going to continue the hunt for Espurr.
Ellie 2380-3326-1951(Lampent, Phantump, Dusclops)
Ellie 2380-3326-1951(Lampent, Phantump, Dusclops) Sun 03 Nov 2013 23:48:16 No. 15561042 Report Quoted By:
>>15560949 agreed with this anon
>>15560992 If you're not gonna use it, give it away or even WT it, you know?
Dragoon 3711-7486-0465
Quoted By:
>>15560949 At least you weren't like me, finding an Abra with only pokeballs.
;_; Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>15561035 He's still lurking
When the deal is in his favour, he will reveal himself again
Ellie 2380-3326-1951(Lampent, Phantump, Dusclops)
Ellie 2380-3326-1951(Lampent, Phantump, Dusclops) Sun 03 Nov 2013 23:50:03 No. 15561089 Report >>15561040 Good luck on that Espurr!
JP 5086 - 1313 - 4952 (Bergmite/Snover/Piloswine)
JP 5086 - 1313 - 4952 (Bergmite/Snover/Piloswine) Sun 03 Nov 2013 23:51:15 No. 15561134 Report almost 5 hours in SF and still no shiny Dusclops or anything for that matter. Done for today, gonna complete me dex to get that Oval Charm./
>>15561029 You got two mienfoos
Quoted By:
>>15561134 I hope you get it in the first two boxes
so you don't waste precious MM time for a shit IV or nature shiny Kami - 4141-3022-6446 (Fraxure, Shelgon, Sliggo)
Kami - 4141-3022-6446 (Fraxure, Shelgon, Sliggo) Sun 03 Nov 2013 23:53:35 No. 15561216 Report Quoted By:
>>15561089 Thanks! So far I've found two other shinies looking for it.
Hey, guys. Allow me to share a haiku to express my current feelings. Pichu never shines Masuda, please have mercy I want this to end
that Cacnea faggot
Quoted By:
>56 boxes >Statistically supposed to get one by box 45ish
Jake 1907 - 8735 - 1125 ~ Water type (Bibarel, Quagsire, Frogadier)
Jake 1907 - 8735 - 1125 ~ Water type (Bibarel, Quagsire, Frogadier) Sun 03 Nov 2013 23:53:58 No. 15561234 Report Quoted By:
Well much to my chagrin, I didn't get that shiny ralts. That don't mean I'm giving up though. You guys inspire me
Quoted By:
>>15561217 I wish you good luck, we all know the feeling too well.
>>15560975 115. It has started raining 4 times already.
Dia 3110-5141-4848 (poison: cascoon, venomoth, muk)
Dia 3110-5141-4848 (poison: cascoon, venomoth, muk) Sun 03 Nov 2013 23:57:53 No. 15561365 Report im about to start MM'ing a shiny gligar...wish me luck on my journey
Dia 3110-5141-4848 (poison: cascoon, venomoth, muk)
Dia 3110-5141-4848 (poison: cascoon, venomoth, muk) Mon 04 Nov 2013 00:00:05 No. 15561434 Report Quoted By:
Quoted By:
I'm trying to hatch a shiny hawlucha for my friend's birthday. I'm on a box and a half now but I managed to fish up a handful of shiny fish the other day. Didn't get the ones I wanted but shiny mega gyrados does look pretty cool
>>15561302 Are you willing to trade one?
Ellie 2380-3326-1951(Lampent, Phantump, Dusclops)
Ellie 2380-3326-1951(Lampent, Phantump, Dusclops) Mon 04 Nov 2013 00:01:42 No. 15561487 Report I was wrong the ride never ends now I have to MM a shiny Litwick for my friend
>>15561444 Depends, what've you got?
Quoted By:
>>15561492 Yes, I am in the prestigious blue club
>>15561330 130. My faith falters, maybe somehow I missed it.
Quoted By:
Do you think it would be easier to try to chain together a shiny hawlucha or the MM method?
>>15561506 Conkeldurr, Sigilyph, Pangoro, Politoed or Relicanth?
Quoted By:
>play all day to find a shiny Mawile/Klefki >2 Skarmory in 20 minutes >a few minutes ago finally find i- >it has Magician GODDAMMIT
>>15561562 Would you happen to have any leftover Tyrunts from your escapades?
Ellie 2380-3326-1951(Lampent, Phantump, Dusclops)
Ellie 2380-3326-1951(Lampent, Phantump, Dusclops) Mon 04 Nov 2013 00:06:02 No. 15561644 Report >>15561515 long story, need to get another shiny Litwick by the 27th
I just finally got my first one after 20 boxes
Quoted By:
>>15561492 I have a shiny Azumarill that I caught in the Friend Safari
Sap Sipper/Mild
Quoted By:
looking for 5iv larvitars with stealthrock or rotom wash with 5iv ..i gots adamant shiny magneton to offer
>>15561644 Why would you put yourself through that again?
I've lost count of how many boxes I've bred in total - I switched Pokemon though, got sick of seeing the same damn thing hatch 1000 times. I'm pretty sure I went through 40+ boxes of Pumpkaboos and I've done something like 15-20 boxes of Venipede now. Starting to wonder whether it's even worth it, but quitting now would be stupid.
>>15561641 Sorry friend, they have all been offered to masuda via wonder trade as thanks for his blessing
Ellie 2380-3326-1951(Lampent, Phantump, Dusclops)
Ellie 2380-3326-1951(Lampent, Phantump, Dusclops) Mon 04 Nov 2013 00:09:38 No. 15561788 Report >>15561685 Because if it wasn't Litwicks I'd just end up MMing something else eventually and at least I know it'll be going to someone that enjoys it
and I have waaay too much time on my hands Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>15561696 I... I understand.
Masuda must be praised for his miracles first and foremost.
>tfw two shiny male modest Ralts it never ends
fish chaining for a staryu now. someone give me name ideas. So far I really like "Starmeth"
I want to start breeding for a shiny Durant, but I also want it to be usable. Since the only thing I have from another country that is compatible with female Durant is a Japanese Ditto with shitty ivs, do you guys think it would be realistic to breed for a shiny without using the Masuda Method?
Ellie 2380-3326-1951(Lampent, Phantump, Dusclops)
Ellie 2380-3326-1951(Lampent, Phantump, Dusclops) Mon 04 Nov 2013 00:12:01 No. 15561896 Report Quoted By:
>>15561845 considering it takes some people 40 boxes while MMing, I'd say no
I hope you guys aren't WT'ing pokemon. You can get Mystery Eggs like that. Just a word of advice.
>>15561827 Are you looking to trade one of them?
Quoted By:
>35th Chain Ruined
>>15561788 You're a wonderful person.
>>15561829 Asterisk or Shuriken
Ellie 2380-3326-1951(Lampent, Phantump, Dusclops)
Ellie 2380-3326-1951(Lampent, Phantump, Dusclops) Mon 04 Nov 2013 00:14:18 No. 15561974 Report Quoted By:
>>15561919 From what I've heard it's very rare, and you can just put it in a box of it's own, and as long as you leave it there it'll be fine
I just WT'ed six boxes of Litwicks with no problem.
Just found a shiny Mime Jr in a horde while looking for Roggenrola.
Quoted By:
>>15561919 That's a rumour. We would have a sticky up by now if there were any substance to it.
Quoted By:
>>15561827 can't even get one, box 39 here we go
Quoted By:
>>15561985 >krusty the clown Anonymous
>>15561827 If you are breeding for them change it up to Timid.
Quoted By:
>tfw shiny modest Jigglypuff
Ellie 2380-3326-1951(Lampent, Phantump, Dusclops)
Ellie 2380-3326-1951(Lampent, Phantump, Dusclops) Mon 04 Nov 2013 00:16:45 No. 15562073 Report Quoted By:
>>15561954 Ehh, I promised her the first one, but after so many boxes I decided to keep it and she was really understanding, so I figure I might as well keep my promise and give her one too.
Max (IGN Serena) 0860-3392-4713
Quoted By:
Anyone have a shiny Shelmet? I wanna trade my Shiny Karrablast for it and then trade back.
>>15562024 yeah I probably should, I was going to mega evolve it anyway and it'll need speed more than anything
Quoted By:
Got these three all in one weekend.
Anyone have a nature recommendation for a Lightning Rod/Light Ball Pikachu. I want to make sure I have some control over the hatched shiny (if I ever get one, that is) instead of simply a regrettable shiny.
Quoted By:
Why? Why has it come to this? I finally got my first shiny ever... Kecleon... Cruel fate...
Quoted By:
Since it's now easier to find shinies in X/Y. Should I keep any shinies I have in Black/White because they're much rarer in the pre Gen VI era and therefore more of a trophy?
Quoted By:
>>15561963 >asterisk perfect god yes
Quoted By:
>>15561981 Anything here interest you?
>>15561588 I could do one non fish and on fish.
>>15562152 It's pikachu, that's already regrettable
Max (IGN Serena) 0860-3392-4713
>>15562097 Are you looking to keep those extra shiny Ralts, I could hook you up with a perfect 31/x/31/31/31/31 Timid female with Destiny Bond.
Quoted By:
Too lazy to MM, guess I'll go try the friend safari with a synchro. Wish me luck for the nature/Iv's!
>>15562234 What would it take to get that off of you?
>>15562216 At least help a brother out after a stand-up routine.
Max (IGN Serena) 0860-3392-4713
>>15562284 What do you have? I was hoping to get a shone Ralts.
>>15562234 I'll consider it, I just don't know what a good moveset for mega Gardevoir is
The blue hat club is waiting for your memberships
Quoted By:
>>15557068 Put a pokemon with suction cups in your 1st slot and faint it, have your 'mon with syncro in the 2nd.
Quoted By:
>>15557015 Can I get a template for this?
>>15557068 Put a pokemon with suction cups in your 1st slot and faint it, have your 'mon with syncro in the 2nd.
Not my lucky day, I'm at 165.
Max (IGN Serena) 0860-3392-4713
Quoted By:
>>15562439 What I use is.
Hyper Voice
Destiny Bond
Focus Blast
there are lots of good alternatives like Calm Mind, Wish, Tbolt, Shadow Ball, and Moonblast. The only thing im not sure on is how Pixilate works, I hear it gives a 1.3 power bonus to normals moves + STAB but then I also hear it does not give STAB so I am unsure right now.
>>15562400 Well I don't have any shinies to give you, and really I can only give you MM reject Absols with HP/Atk/Def/Speed.
I'll take the "No" now. Max (IGN Serena) 0860-3392-4713
>>15562575 Already have a perfect Absol sorry Anonymous
>>15562575 Ill battle you for the shiny ralts
>>15562650 >>15562575 this is fucking heated. stream the battle.
Max (IGN Serena) 0860-3392-4713
Quoted By:
Whomever has the shiny ralts I challenge you
Dugo 0146 - 9582 - 9610 [Wobuffet, Grumpig, Xatu]
Dugo 0146 - 9582 - 9610 [Wobuffet, Grumpig, Xatu] Mon 04 Nov 2013 00:35:53 No. 15562845 Report Quoted By:
>>15555125 >2DS starts at $140 >Used as low as $100 >Pokemon X and Y start at $40 >Used as low as $33-35 Just an option. You don't have to play on a 3DS XL with a new copy of the game.
>>15562781 They misinterpreted what we were disusing.
Jake 1907 - 8735 - 1125 ~ Water type (Bibarel, Quagsire, Frogadier)
Jake 1907 - 8735 - 1125 ~ Water type (Bibarel, Quagsire, Frogadier) Mon 04 Nov 2013 00:36:40 No. 15562878 Report Quoted By:
>>15562475 I know, I'm working on it
Max (IGN Serena) 0860-3392-4713
Quoted By:
>>15562868 I thought so, random as fuck.
>chaining on route 10 Is this even worth my while?
Well I've been breeding my 5IV JP Noibat with a 5IV Noibat of my own. In the interest of box space, I have only been keeping 5IV Noibats on my road to MMing me a Shiny Noibat. I am currently at 1 box of various 5IV Noibats. Now I am the proud owner of a 6IV Timid female Noibat, and the cycle continues. Wish me luck
Quoted By:
>>15563775 no complaining about a shite route untill you chain a "very rare" appearance rate pokemon on route 11. It is much worse.
>>15563830 May I have one that you don't want?
Quoted By:
Just hatched this beauty. Gonna name him anbu He's modest natured. I was going for protean as his ability but ended up with torrent. Oh well lol I still love him.
Chain Fishing
>>15564019 >mfw accidentally got fish shiny after 4 casts Really isn't your lucky day, eh?
The only one I MM was Glaceon Now I'm paranoid about walking without a Synchronizer in the safari
(Ghost: Shuppet, Phantump, Drifblim) Gerard 0259-0288-4178
(Ghost: Shuppet, Phantump, Drifblim) Gerard 0259-0288-4178 Mon 04 Nov 2013 01:09:05 No. 15564140 Report Quoted By:
Been in a fighting FS all day. Haven't found a thing. Starting to lose hope.
Chain Fishing
>>15564072 Might as well aim for the chaining record.
>>15564167 >I Fished The Same Spot 999 Times And All I Got Was This Stupid Relicanth Mike 3093 7999 1375
>>15563950 I suppose. Perhaps it'll be good Karma. What's your FC?
Trevor 4141 - 1947- 3177 [Masqeurain, Combee, Pinsir]
Trevor 4141 - 1947- 3177 [Masqeurain, Combee, Pinsir] Mon 04 Nov 2013 01:13:30 No. 15564312 Report Quoted By:
>>15564103 >that glaceon 2cute
Rance 5472-6629-5445
>>15564308 I have like 3 boxes of random pokemon and 13 boxes of Charmanders.
Mike 3093 7999 1375
Rance 5472-6629-5445
>>15564395 Now you have Pokerus, if you didn't already.
Mike 3093 7999 1375
Quoted By:
>>15564518 I already did, but thank you
maxblue 1091-7917-2643
FUCK EVERYTHING>got a shiny nidoran and made it nidoking >decide to mm breed it for a female nidoran for nidoqueen >500 eggs later >another shiny male I'm crying why masuda why
>>15564647 You know nothing of pain for Nidoqueen. NOTHING.
Chain Fishing
>>15564167 >>15564229 240. Runner up for worst streak.
Quoted By:
>>15564647 The King must bear a son before a daughter. Fret not, 'tis the way of things.
>>15561985 So, Shiny Mr. Mime
Calm Natured
IVs: 31/26-28/30-31/31/31/8-10
Worth anything?
Quoted By:
>>15564902 About as much as a Mr. Mime can be worth.
Depends on the recipient really. Fairy may give him a boost, maybe even to UU.
>You're just wandering around >Suddenly, Masuda out of nowhere >you can ask him or tell him something without any consequence. Same applies to performing an action on him. What do you do?
Quoted By:
>>15565058 Don't give up anon, I believe in you.
Chain Fishing
Quoted By:
>>15565127 Tell him to give me my fucking shinies. ;-;
maxblue 1091-7917-2643
Quoted By:
>>15564718 I will soon my friend
for my quest is not over
we shall be brothers in arms, fighting for our queen
Quoted By:
>>15565127 >Put an apple on his head >Walk back 10 meters >Point an arrow at his head >Reassure him that it's fine, even though I don't have any experience at shooting bows because the bow is from japan Anonymous
Quoted By:
>>15565411 >he still tells remarks that you have a better chance getting a shiny though breeding than hitting him or the apple Samus 4425-2763-6924 fire type Braixen-Growlithe-Slugma)
Samus 4425-2763-6924 fire type Braixen-Growlithe-Slugma) Mon 04 Nov 2013 01:42:23 No. 15565502 Report Quoted By:
I caught (and evolved) these guys over the weekend. Always wanted a shiny Charizard
Chain Fishing
>>15565156 288!
Name it for me.
Samus 4425-2763-6924 fire type Braixen-Growlithe-Slugma)
Samus 4425-2763-6924 fire type Braixen-Growlithe-Slugma) Mon 04 Nov 2013 01:44:35 No. 15565599 Report Quoted By:
It was a good weekend
(Ghost: Shuppet, Phantump, Drifblim) Gerard 0259-0288-4178
(Ghost: Shuppet, Phantump, Drifblim) Gerard 0259-0288-4178 Mon 04 Nov 2013 01:46:51 No. 15565687 Report Quoted By:
>>15565593 Dude congrats, Its about time.
Bayxzit- 3711 8188 5901- Dunsparce, Audino, Chansey
Bayxzit- 3711 8188 5901- Dunsparce, Audino, Chansey Mon 04 Nov 2013 01:48:30 No. 15565750 Report Quoted By:
>>15565593 Rock Lobtsa
Also Congrats
All of you who are successfully hunting shinies in friend safari: How long do you have to hunt for average? Have you given O-Powers/a "nice" or done anything with the safari friend?
(Ghost: Shuppet, Phantump, Drifblim) Gerard 0259-0288-4178
(Ghost: Shuppet, Phantump, Drifblim) Gerard 0259-0288-4178 Mon 04 Nov 2013 02:07:18 No. 15566422 Report Quoted By:
>>15566253 I got my ferroseed after 500 RE with the safari friend being online.
I imagine them being online helps but I could easily be wrong.
Samus 4425-2763-6924 fire type Braixen-Growlithe-Slugma)
Samus 4425-2763-6924 fire type Braixen-Growlithe-Slugma) Mon 04 Nov 2013 02:07:39 No. 15566438 Report Quoted By:
>>15566253 I've found 3 so far. I can't find a pattern. Jigglypuff came one day then like 8 hours of searching got me Charmeleon and then like two hours later I got Dunsparce