After an entire day, I finally bred my perfect mawile with 31/31/31/x/31/31 with an adamant nature. Thanks to this little venture though, I will be willing to trade and distribute all the other brothers and sisters of this little powerhouse. Looking for best offer or whatever you have it can be yours! I have: 1 31/31/31/x/31/31 Hyper Cutter female 3 31/31/x/x/31/31 Intimidate Male 2 31/31/31/x/x/31 Intimidate Male Both Parents that made my perfect: 31/31/31/x/31/x Intimidate Male 31/31/31/x/x/31 Intimidate Female And a whole assortment of 3 IV mawile, all Adamant, Most have Intimidate.
Seb 2122 6412 4719 (Normal: Lillipup, Chansey, Loudred)
Seb 2122 6412 4719 (Normal: Lillipup, Chansey, Loudred) Mon 04 Nov 2013 01:05:04 No. 15563985 Report >>15563678 I've got some Jolly Riolu, Prankster w/ Bullet Punch and Crunch, and Careful Larvitar w/ Pursuit, interested?
Heebe 2294-4244-7053
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Bumping unless no one wants one? Dumping to WT if not.
Heebe 2294-4244-7053
>>15563985 Yeah I'm interest in the larvitar, which would you like?
Seb 2122 6412 4719 (Normal: Lillipup, Chansey, Loudred)
Seb 2122 6412 4719 (Normal: Lillipup, Chansey, Loudred) Mon 04 Nov 2013 01:07:47 No. 15564084 Report >>15564033 The female parent, if possible.
Heebe 2294-4244-7053
>>15564084 Alright... Sold!, added.
Austin - 2492-4116-8296
I've got a x/x/31/31/31/31 Drought Vulpix care to trade for a 31/31/x/x/31/31 male?
Im interested in the male parent, i have some 5 iv eevees with various natures. Fc is 2363 6071 0967
Seb 2122 6412 4719 (Normal: Lillipup, Chansey, Loudred)
Seb 2122 6412 4719 (Normal: Lillipup, Chansey, Loudred) Mon 04 Nov 2013 01:13:35 No. 15564315 Report Heebe 2294-4244-7053
>>15564253 Yes, adding
>>15564267 Sure, what natures do you have?
>>15564315 You're welcome
Butts 5429-7406-2002
>>15563678 I have a perfect Togepi Calm Serene Grace, I'd like the mother or the 1 5 IV.
Austin - 2492-4116-8296
Heebe 2294-4244-7053
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>>15564530 Alright, I can give you the 1 5 IV because the mother was already taken.
I can give you a 4 or 5 iv'd beldum! ( Blank ) - ( 2148-8700-1019 ) or fletchinder. or.... uhhhhh.. shroomish!
>>15564267 would you like a perfect iv'd beldum for an eevee?
Heebe 2294-4244-7053
>>15564749 Beldum would be nice, what mawile do you want?
>>15564864 whatever you have left, as long as it has 5 ivs.
is that ok?
>>15564864 or uh.. nevermind. i didn't look at it.
a lot of them have 4.
I'll take any of them.
Quoted By:
>>15564394 impish, mild, quiet and gentle
Heebe 2294-4244-7053
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>>15564906 My last 5 IV just got traded, I have 4 IV mawile left, sorry
I have some 5IV bold male ralts if that would float your boat
Elle 3325-2667-9203 [Pansage, Quilladin, Swadloon]
Elle 3325-2667-9203 [Pansage, Quilladin, Swadloon] Mon 04 Nov 2013 01:30:50 No. 15565034 Report Quoted By:
>>15564980 just saw that you only have 4IV left, in which case I have a bunch of 4IV ralts of either gender and with either ability
Heebe 2294-4244-7053
>>15564958 Alright, adding
Scoot 2809-8263-4054
3 IV is fine, female if possible. Thanks.
Heebe 2294-4244-7053
Quoted By:
I'm getting shafted on some of these trades hah, whatever.
>>15565106 adding
Heebe 2294-4244-7053
Quoted By:
I'm getting shafted on some of these trades hah, whatever.
>>15565106 adding
>>15565082 Thank you!
>>15565062 >>15565106 Thank you guys!
I'm sorry that the beldums aren't 5.
I gave my 5's away, these are 4's..
But I'll totally give you guys hatching powers whenever you need them as repentance. Hopefully those beldums can get you a good start in breeding better ones.
Sorry again. Should have checked.
Elle 3325-2667-9203 [Pansage, Quilladin, Swadloon]
Elle 3325-2667-9203 [Pansage, Quilladin, Swadloon] Mon 04 Nov 2013 01:41:49 No. 15565484 Report Could I get a 3IV? Pref female w/ intimidate but either way. I have 4IV ralts if you want.
I don't have much to offer. Got a few modest protean froakies and adamant galewings fletchling if you are willing to trade a 3 IV intimidated mawile
Heebe 2294-4244-7053
>>15565510 fletchling would be wonderful, adding
>>15565484 alright, adding
Heebe 2294-4244-7053
Quoted By:
>>15565510 ...if I had your fc that is
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>>15565475 Was I meant to be traded the Metang?
>>15563678 I had the Eevees, impish, mild, quiet and gentle.
>>15565590 2406 5194 7524
IGN: Ramon
Brandon: 1779-0811-6934 (diggersby, nincada, sandshrew)
Brandon: 1779-0811-6934 (diggersby, nincada, sandshrew) Mon 04 Nov 2013 01:47:10 No. 15565702 Report >>15563678 I actually just want a mawile... any is fine.
Would you take a 4 IV noivern?
Brandon: 1779-0811-6934 (diggersby, nincada, sandshrew)
Brandon: 1779-0811-6934 (diggersby, nincada, sandshrew) Mon 04 Nov 2013 01:48:35 No. 15565756 Report Heebe 2294-4244-7053
Quoted By:
Just dropping in with a question. Why try to make a 5 IV Mawile, I thought her base speed was pretty bad. Wouldn't you save some trouble going for 31/31/31/x/31/x?
Heebe 2294-4244-7053
>>15565756 when will you be online?
Brandon: 1779-0811-6934 (diggersby, nincada, sandshrew)
Brandon: 1779-0811-6934 (diggersby, nincada, sandshrew) Mon 04 Nov 2013 02:00:09 No. 15566134 Report Quoted By:
>>15566026 lemme add you and I'll be on in a sec
MajiyIce 1607-2871-8922 (Mankey, Throh, Riolu)
MajiyIce 1607-2871-8922 (Mankey, Throh, Riolu) Mon 04 Nov 2013 02:02:04 No. 15566211 Report Thread hijack, sorta. Feels unnecessary to start a new thread when there exists one with the same topic. Was breeding for a Mawile myself earlier, and want to get rid of the leftovers. Here's what I have, all Adamant: 5 x/31/31/31/31/31, 1 female with Intimidate, 3 male with Intimidate, 1 male with Hyper Cutter 5 31/x/31/31/31/31, 3 female, 2 male, all have Intimidate 4 31/31/x/31/31/31, 1 female with Intimidate, 2 male with Intimidate, 1 male with Hyper Cutter 1 31/31/31/x/31/31, female with Hyper Cutter 4 31/31/31/31/x/31, 1 female with Intimidate, 1 female with Hyper Cutter, 2 male with Intimidate 4 31/31/31/31/31/x, 2 female with Intimidate, 1 female with Hyper Cutter, 1 male with Hyper Cutter Appreciate most anything with reasonable IVs in return.
Quoted By:
>>15563678 Think I could get a 3 IV female with attack and speed nicknamed Molly?
Brandon: 1779-0811-6934 (diggersby, nincada, sandshrew)
Brandon: 1779-0811-6934 (diggersby, nincada, sandshrew) Mon 04 Nov 2013 02:04:36 No. 15566312 Report Quoted By:
Dennis - 4957-3282-0982
Don't have much to offer but I'd like a male one with 3 IVs if possible.
Explodeded 2363-6071-0967
>>15566211 Could I grab one of the 31/31/31/31/31/x, female preferably. Have 3 Eevees with good IVs and a Noibat with good IVs
MajiyIce 1607-2871-8922 (Mankey, Throh, Riolu)
MajiyIce 1607-2871-8922 (Mankey, Throh, Riolu) Mon 04 Nov 2013 02:09:42 No. 15566507 Report Quoted By:
>>15566394 I'll take the Noibat. Added.
Caeden 1177-7466-0108
>>15566211 Can I get the 31/31/x/31/31/31 female with intimidate. Don't have much other than some Safari dittos. I'll take something lower if you do t want to give that one up
Caeden 1177-7466-0108
Quoted By:
>>15566522 Forgot to add, could you name her Molly please?
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>>15563678 I have 5IV Shellder, Fletchling, Gible, and Shroomish. I'd be willing to trade for a Mawile.
I'm in the middle of a battle, though. Are you interested?
MajiyIce 1607-2871-8922 (Mankey, Throh, Riolu)
MajiyIce 1607-2871-8922 (Mankey, Throh, Riolu) Mon 04 Nov 2013 02:12:59 No. 15566668 Report >>15566522 Sure thing, if you have a Timid or Jolly one, that'd be great.
Dennis - 4957-3282-0982
Quoted By:
>>15566392 Now that I think about it, I do have Pokerus if that counts for something.
Caeden 1177-7466-0108
>>15566668 I've got careful, mild, hasty and calm. I could give pokerus to one if that counts for something
Explodeded 2363-6071-0967
Quoted By:
Thanks for that
MajiyIce 1607-2871-8922 (Mankey, Throh, Riolu)
MajiyIce 1607-2871-8922 (Mankey, Throh, Riolu) Mon 04 Nov 2013 02:18:21 No. 15566860 Report >>15566802 Calm, in that case. No need for Pokérus, I already have it.
Caeden 1177-7466-0108
Quoted By:
>>15566802 Hasty ones got imposter too
Caeden 1177-7466-0108
Quoted By:
>>15566860 Ok, you free to trade now?
Caeden 1177-7466-0108
David 3652 0989 9749 Grass( Tangela, Ivysaur, Maractus)
David 3652 0989 9749 Grass( Tangela, Ivysaur, Maractus) Mon 04 Nov 2013 02:30:57 No. 15567305 Report Do you still have any left? I have a 31/31/x/31/31x Male Jolly Sneasel with Ice Punch if you want it. I'm not interested in high speed IVs, looking for a place in a trick room team
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>>15563678 >going to all the bullshit of IV hatching when you can just use the RNG exploit to get perfect IV's every time MajiyIce 1607-2871-8922 (Mankey, Throh, Riolu)
MajiyIce 1607-2871-8922 (Mankey, Throh, Riolu) Mon 04 Nov 2013 02:51:29 No. 15568215 Report >>15567305 I have one that is 31/31/31/31/x/0, female. It has Hyper Cutter, though.
MajiyIce 1607-2871-8922 (Mankey, Throh, Riolu)
MajiyIce 1607-2871-8922 (Mankey, Throh, Riolu) Mon 04 Nov 2013 02:52:54 No. 15568269 Report >>15567305 >>15568215 Nevermind what I said, found one with the same spread, but with Intimidate.
David 3652 0989 9749 Grass( Tangela, Ivysaur, Maractus)
David 3652 0989 9749 Grass( Tangela, Ivysaur, Maractus) Mon 04 Nov 2013 03:03:20 No. 15568715 Report Quoted By:
i got a 4IV abra with Magic Guard. Mind if i get a 4IV female with intimidate?
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>>15569100 forgot to quote this is directed at the new mawile distributor
Handro 0834-1798-0249 Growlithe Pyroar Braixen
Handro 0834-1798-0249 Growlithe Pyroar Braixen Mon 04 Nov 2013 04:16:23 No. 15571499 Report Quoted By:
>>15563678 and exchanging FCs with anyone who replies to me
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I'm so late. Are there any left?