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Watched it as a kid. Loved it. Re-watched recently for nostalgia. Was not disappointed. Manly tears were shed at the end. Special mention to the animation in the 21st episode (When Tai goes back to Tokio after defeating Etemon). Also re-wached the first movie, and got a raging animation boner. Also found out afterwards that it was actually the first three movies stitched into one almost-coherent narrative, but I wasn't watching it for the plot anyway.
>Digimon 02
Also watched it as a kid. Also loved it, but didn't remember it as well as Adventure, so a re-watch was due after the first one. Found the first arc with the Digimon Emperor to be quite good, then the plot started going downhill. When they started flying around the world I seriously considered dropping it, but I was so close to the end I though I might as well give it a chance. Really shouldn't have. The series really goes full retard towards the end. Still, the nostalgia factor mitigated the awfulness somewhat.
Also watched as a kid. Remember loving it even more than the first two seasons, but not being able to watch the final episodes and losing interest on the series as a whole shortly after. Re-watched it as part of my nostalgia trip and holy shit, it was pretty good. The first arc (until Gilmon's first evo into Metalgrowlmon) was 10/10, then the plot got a little more generic, but remained interesting and picked up at the end with that girl being replaced by a clone made by an evil program and stuff. Overall, I think it's better than Adventure, but the nostalgia feels that the latter entices are impossible to match.
And that's my review of the only Digimon sagas I've watched. I remember starting with Frontier when I was a kid, but, like I said, I had lost interest on the series by the time it started to air.
What do you think of my taste, /vp/?