>>15574588Hear me out.
He discovered the hidden Vivillons and hidden Floette. There's only one way to do that: you modify the Form ID for the encounter so the game spawns a mon with a specific forme.
Now, we know he can modify encounter tables. We also know that Mega Evos are stored as formes in the game data. Ergo, it's not a stretch to presume he discovered Mega Latios and Mega Latias by altering the form IDs on those mons when he spawned them.
Thing is, that doesn't actually prove they're megas. It just proves that those are forms for Lati@s. Their similarity has led some to speculate that they're a new fusion (a la Kyurem) or possibly a shared Mega via the Soul Dew.
But he did mention, in passing, that the "only two new stones he had found were Latiosite and Latiasite". Does that mean he actually FOUND THE STONES, or just that he presumed these new forms were megas and that they'd have corresponding stones to fill in the two-space gap next to the mega stones in the item list?
Thing is, he's given no indication of his ability to insert items. He found the encounter table because it looked similar to past gens; inserting items is a different matter.
Could he have forced mons to spawn holding items? Perhaps.
But if he systematically checked for ITEMS, rather than just mons/forms, why have we heard nothing about the 11 OTHER mysterious gaps in the item list? Why hasn't he given a description for the item we've seen but cannot identify (it looks like a map or possibly a microchip)?
There's every indication he found new formes by switching the Form ID in the encounter table, and virtually no indication he's found any hidden items.
That's my logic; not calling him a liar, just saying his comment about Latiosite/Latiasite was perhaps a bit unclear and that in context he was saying those were the only two mons with new formes that he found (which could conceivably be megas), and we've all just run with his choice of phrasing to an inappropriate extreme.