Hello /vp/oreons. I have a bunch of adamant marills with belly drum and water jet. They all are 31/31/31/xx/31/31 and have huge power. WHAT I AM LOOKING FOR:> jolly diglett w/ reversal and arena trap 31/31/31/xx/31/31 > timid litwick w/ flash fire 31/xx/31/31/31/31 > adamant inkay w/ contrary 31/31/31/xx/31/31 > calm chinchou w/ volt absorb 31/xx/31/31/31/31
Baga 0877 1284 9323
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>>15591958 bump like there was no tomorrow
Do you have any 2-3 IV BD-AJ Adamant Marills? I want to train this nigga but I don't have any perfect Pokemon yet.
Baga 0877 1284 9323
>>15592025 yes, give me the code :)
>>15592117 IGN: Alex
FC: 2509-1393-3861
>>15591958 i have a shiny mime jr i caught in a horde if you'd like that for a marill
Baga 0877 1284 9323
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>>15592249 no thanks :)
>>15592227 added m8
Elerigo 4313-0188-1489 (Hawlucha, Swanna, Fafetch'd)
Elerigo 4313-0188-1489 (Hawlucha, Swanna, Fafetch'd) Mon 04 Nov 2013 21:01:18 No. 15592458 Report I would lobe any of these you can spare, I have snubbull 3-5 IV adamant intimidate
Baga 0877 1284 9323
>>15592458 >I would lobe any of these you can spare, I have snubbull 3-5 IV adamant intimidate 3 iv marill for 3 iv snubbul, ok?
Elerigo 4313-0188-1489 (Hawlucha, Swanna, Fafetch'd)
Elerigo 4313-0188-1489 (Hawlucha, Swanna, Fafetch'd) Mon 04 Nov 2013 21:03:38 No. 15592531 Report Baga 0877 1284 9323
George 5327 1400 0999
>>15591958 How important is belly drum in the meta right now?
I bred a marill with 6 perfect IVs on my flight back from amsterdam yesterday but it only has aqua jet. Also what setup should i go for? I was thinking:
Azumarill w/choice band
Huge Power
252 HP 252 Atk 6 Speed
Aqua Jet
Super Power
Play Rough
Elerigo IGN: Lisa 4313-0188-1489 (Hawlucha, Swanna, Fafetch'd)
Elerigo IGN: Lisa 4313-0188-1489 (Hawlucha, Swanna, Fafetch'd) Mon 04 Nov 2013 21:07:36 No. 15592655 Report Quoted By:
>>15592571 btw ingame name is lisa
PKMN [Diggersby, Dugtrio and Trapinch] 1719-4079-9467
PKMN [Diggersby, Dugtrio and Trapinch] 1719-4079-9467 Mon 04 Nov 2013 21:10:19 No. 15592750 Report I have a safari if you want some digs. I can trade a 5IV Joltik for one of your 5 IV blue bros?
Baga 0877 1284 9323
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>>15592630 >umarill w/choice bandAdamantHuge Power252 HP 252 Atk 6 SpeedAqua JetSuper PowerPlay RoughWaterfall I think your aumarill will work well too, if not better, like it used to work in previous generations. That is a good setup :)
Baga 0877 1284 9323
>>15592750 >I can trade a 5IV Joltik for one of your 5 IV blue bros? sorry I already have one :( can we add each other anyway? my safari is psychic
>>15591958 I have a good inkay, but lemme breed it first.
Do you has some marills still?
Yasu 4484-8331-8305
>>15591958 Could I get one of them? I can offer a 3~4 IV Jolly Quick Feet Shroomish, 3~4 IV timid houndour or a 3~4 IV modest anticipation or bold wish eevee
PKMN [Diggersby, Dugtrio and Trapinch] 1719-4079-9467
PKMN [Diggersby, Dugtrio and Trapinch] 1719-4079-9467 Mon 04 Nov 2013 21:14:38 No. 15592931 Report Quoted By:
Elerigo IGN: Lisa 4313-0188-1489 (Hawlucha, Swanna, Fafetch'd)
Elerigo IGN: Lisa 4313-0188-1489 (Hawlucha, Swanna, Fafetch'd) Mon 04 Nov 2013 21:14:50 No. 15592936 Report Quoted By:
>>15592880 You a cool cat. mugga
Baga 0877 1284 9323
>>15592898 >Do you has some marills still? lots of them
>>15592901 3 iv sroomish for 3 iv marill
Please give me a few minutes.
Mark 1005-8725-6237
Marill's eh? Speaking of which I managed to get 2 JAP Marill's off of WonderTrade, both from the same jap, both 5 IV, both with Belly Drum/Aqua Jet. Unfortunately, the female one became used goods trying to get a Marill with inherited IV's and Huge Power (these two had Thick Fat). Since I managed to get the Marill I wanted though, I don't need the other one, so if someone wants to take the male off my hands, go ahead.>31/31/31/31/31/xx >Adamant >BD/AJ/Body Slam/Superpower
>>15593029 What do you want for it?
Yasu 4484-8331-8305
Baga 0877 1284 9323
>>15593027 let it be male please :) 5 iv adamant, nickname "Padre Pio"
>>15593029 wish I was that lucky
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>>15593029 I would love to take your hands off your marill.
I have things to trade.
hang on let me make a list.
Mark 1005-8725-6237
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>>15593088 I'm not looking for anything really, but if you have anything that's at least decently good, I'm ok with that. If not, that still fine.
>>15593101 Alrighty. I will get it for you.
As long as you keep a 5 iv marill reserved for me.
InigoMontoya (3265-6145-6540)
Any interest in a 5IV Snover or Machop?
Baga 0877 1284 9323
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>>15593199 It sits there for an hour
Baga 0877 1284 9323
>>15593213 >Any interest in a 5IV Snover or Machop? not really mate :(
George 5327 1400 0999
>>15591958 baja can offer you a 5 IV abra, gastly or scatter bug for one of them
InigoMontoya (3265-6145-6540)
>>15593265 Cool beans, understandably so
Mark 1005-8725-6237
Quoted By:
>>15593088 I'm not really looking for anything, but if you have anything that's similarly good, that would be cool. If not, that's fine.
Baga 0877 1284 9323
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>>15593291 >baja can offer you a 5 IV abra, gastly or scatter bug for one of them >>15593303 no thanks, allready got
Baga 0877 1284 9323
>>15593597 2 batches done, and they all only have 4 maxed.
Heheheeeee.... ehh.
i'd give you my 5 iv one right now, but i wouldn't be able to rename it because i'm not the o.t.
Baga 0877 1284 9323
>>15593658 >i'd give you my 5 iv one right now, but i wouldn't be able to rename it because i'm not the o.t. What's his name?
>>15593692 Inkay You could probably just use it as breed bait like i am. Super easy.
Baga 0877 1284 9323
Quoted By:
>>15593760 It is fine :) let's trade
>>15593692 the ones i've made that only have 4 maxed are all "fantastic" ratings.
They're pretty much perfect. if you want one of those.
I could nickname it.
Baga 0877 1284 9323
>>15593825 One of those is fine, you haven't got to nickname it. You'll get a 4 iv marill though :)
>>15593860 toootally ok with that.
completely fair.
Captcha: didwith parents
Baga 0877 1284 9323
>>15593883 >toootally ok with that. lmao. IGN?
>>15593900 Blank
I'll be on in a second.
trying to get you a male.
Baga 0877 1284 9323
>>15593945 a female is fine :)
>>15593979 You sure?
Getting on.
Baga 0877 1284 9323