Domain changed to . Feb 14-25 still awaits import.
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Gen VI OU statistics:

No.15595365 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
The biggest news is that Starmie and Gengar are still in OU, though I don't think Starmie will stay there.

| 1 | Aegislash | 38.33802% |
| 2 | Greninja | 28.54731% |
| 3 | Talonflame | 25.44047% |
| 4 | Gengar | 20.89680% |
| 5 | Ferrothorn | 14.84655% |
| 6 | Tyranitar | 14.71539% |
| 7 | Scizor | 14.63622% |
| 8 | Klefki | 13.76588% |
| 9 | Garchomp | 13.65784% |
| 10 | Goodra | 12.69665% |
| 11 | Azumarill | 12.50290% |
| 12 | Rotom-Wash | 11.93938% |
| 13 | Excadrill | 10.99819% |
| 14 | Noivern | 10.81764% |
| 15 | Alakazam | 9.98199% |
| 16 | Dragonite | 9.91683% |
| 17 | Gliscor | 9.67184% |
| 18 | Lucario | 9.40824% |
| 19 | Kangaskhan | 9.33202% |
| 20 | Charizard | 9.03738% |
| 21 | Trevenant | 8.55612% |
| 22 | Malamar | 8.41735% |
| 23 | Smeargle | 8.27984% |
| 24 | Sylveon | 8.18109% |
| 25 | Gyarados | 7.81704% |
| 26 | Galvantula | 7.28694% |
| 27 | Skarmory | 7.20031% |
| 28 | Togekiss | 7.02792% |
| 29 | Volcarona | 7.02354% |
| 30 | Florges | 6.64256% |
| 31 | Forretress | 6.06235% |
| 32 | Starmie | 5.93586% |
| 33 | Espeon | 5.83902% |
| 34 | Mawile | 5.77589% |
| 35 | Breloom | 5.62116% |
| 36 | Tyrantrum | 5.59876% |
| 37 | Cloyster | 5.50015% |
| 38 | Mamoswine | 5.22060% |
| 39 | Venusaur | 5.05563% |
| 40 | Zygarde | 4.84289% |
| 41 | Tentacruel | 4.67151% |
| 42 | Heliolisk | 4.63548% |
| 43 | Jolteon | 4.45997% |
| 44 | Clawitzer | 4.26007% |
| 45 | Diggersby | 4.06548% |
| 46 | Delphox | 3.99960% |
| 47 | Blissey| 3.86275% |
| 48 | Barbaracle| 3.71251% |
| 49 | Gardevoir | 3.51909% |
| 50 | Vaporeon | 3.45572% |
| 51 | Blastoise| 3.43840% |