Domain changed to . Feb 14-25 still awaits import.
[120 / 13 / ?]

Gen VI OU statistics are here

No.15595806 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Starmie and Gengar are still OU, Politoed and Ninetales are nearly gone and Deoxys-S is less used than Delibird.

| 1 | Aegislash | 33.63279%
| 2 | Greninja | 22.86219%
| 3 | Talonflame | 21.45738% |
| 4 | Gengar | 20.59739% |
| 5 | Scizor | 16.65832% |
| 6 | Tyranitar | 13.10989%|
| 7 | Garchomp | 12.13257% |
| 8 | Azumarill | 11.38112% |
| 9 | Ferrothorn | 11.16039% |
| 10 | Rotom-Wash | 10.51761% |
| 11 | Lucario | 10.14591% |
| 12 | Dragonite | 9.71380% |
| 13 | Alakazam | 9.66444% |
| 14 | Excadrill | 9.21618% |
| 15 | Gliscor | 8.47390% |
| 16 | Sylveon | 8.09313% |
| 17 | Charizard | 7.94752% |
| 18 | Goodra | 7.94170% |
| 19 | Klefki | 7.63230% |
| 20 | Gyarados | 7.39583% |
| 21 | Heatran | 7.23892% |
| 22 | Skarmory | 7.06825% |
| 23 | Noivern | 6.83544% |
| 24 | Galvantula | 6.46338% |
| 25 | Malamar | 6.31244% |
| 26 | Hawlucha | 5.89767% |
| 27 | Volcarona | 5.81899% |
| 28 | Togekiss | 5.73604% |
| 29 | Smeargle | 5.61988% |
| 30 | Genesect | 5.32204% |
| 31 | Starmie | 5.12036% |
| 32 | Breloom | 5.10342% |
| 33 | Espeon | 5.08425% |
| 34 | Mawile | 4.95270% |
| 35 | Forretress | 4.78885% |
| 36 | Trevenant | 4.77208% |
| 37 | Cloyster | 4.73269% |
| 38 | Florges | 4.72812% |
| 39 | Blissey | 4.66394% |
| 40 | Landorus-Therian | 4.65268% |
| 41 | Donphan | 4.61072% |
| 42 | Venusaur | 4.50167% |
| 43 | Salamence | 4.37684% |
| 44 | Jolteon | 3.94627% |
| 45 | Tyrantrum | 3.90905% |
| 46 | Kangaskhan | 3.83464% |
| 47 | Tentacruel | 3.70599% |
| 48 | Mamoswine | 3.68642% |
| 49 | Zygarde | 3.65153% |
| 50 | Hydreigon | 3.64751% |
| 51 | Heliolisk | 3.51960% |
| 52 | Latios | 3.48072% |
| 53 | Blaziken | 3.34262% |
| 54 | Politoed | 3.32084% |