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>loosing >looses
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I don't mind loosing so much as long as the battle was good.
Alebon 1864-8942-2029
How do I fight Mega Mawile guys? I can't deal with this shit.
>>15675071 My Gliscor can usually deal with Mawile.
You'll need something with Physical Bulk and Earthquake, I don't know how fire types fare against her because I don't use them, but her SpDef is lower than her Def so a fast fire type might OHKO her
>>15675242 My Volcarona usually OHKO MegaMawi.
>>15675071 Aegislash/eviolite Doublade can pretty easily set up on it, especially if sucker punch is its only dark move.
I've been fighting an Avalugg for literally 12 minutes now.
>>15675873 Should've invested in special attackers.
>>15675983 I did. My Greninja was at 4hp after attempting to Scald through his Recovers.
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>>15675983 Avalugg with Mirror Coat is pure sex.
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>>15676003 Scizor was also unable to put in the killing strike, after trying to Brick Break through Rocky Helmet and Recovers
I just wish I wasent so busy so i could IV breed some more pokes. I am still using some story mons in my team cause im just learning how to IV breed, so sometimes I get challenged and go in with a team of barley ready pokemon. Though I do enjoy trapping support or set up pokemon with Shadow Tag Gothitelle and completely setting up substitute and calm mind when it works
I forfeit when the battle seems pointless. What's the point of wasting either of our time? You are getting the win. I am not D/Cing, even though that counts as a loss now.
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>>15676151 Doing Free Battles is a great way to put lots of practice in without damaging your W/L records.
I don't usually do passerby battles.
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People who have Mewtwo, on their last poke and just spam Recover over and over
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>>15676151 I work so many hours a week. I only get to play Pokemon on my off days. Every week, I breed a Pokemon. I have three so far (Xatu, Kangaskhan, Greninja).
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>>15676219 And this I understand, whit sit and just watch your Heliolisk get rocked by a Gliscor and waste 2 minutes of everyone time?
But I'm talking about when their last pokemon is down to 8% life, they know the outspeed move is coming, and the forfeit. What the fuck is the point? You saved us no time and robbed me of my victory strike.
>people who forfeit literally one turn away from loosing I do that because, for one thing, it pisses people like OP off, and for another, there's no point in trying to salvage a sinking ship. I know my losses when I see them.
>>15676330 It's not about "salvaging losses" it's just a matter of respect. That's just bad sportsmanship.
>>15675873 >Fighting someone on Wi-Fi >It comes down to my Ferrothorn vs his Ferrothorn >Try hitting each other >Each of us deals less damage than we take in recoil >I start spamming Sneaky Pebbles >He starts spamming Protect >He realises Protect has less PP and he'll be forced to attack first >Forfeits Anonymous
>>15673934 >people who forfeit literally one turn away from loosing why is this a problem
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>>15676377 That is a reasonable forfeit though, that just saved 10 minutes of everyone's time.
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>>15675873 >Avalugg >"Lol that piece of shit?" >Dat HP, attack, and defense stat >gets recover Never before have I so harshly judged a book by its cover.
>>15676373 no its not, in fact the opposite is true. delaying the game when its clearly over is considered disrespectful
go watch any starcraft match and count how many times someone actually destroys the opponent's entire base
>>15676373 That's retarded. If I know I'm going to lose, and he knows I'm going to lose, and no matter what I do will count as a loss anyway, why NOT forfeit?
>>15676373 >bad sportsmanship >abloobloobloo I can't save the super cool finishing blow in my VS Recorder That's just you being a sore winner. In light of your reactions, I'll keep forfeiting like that from now on, thank you very much.
>>15676397 Its just annoying.
its been a problem sense [insert age you started playing pokemon] when you were going to win a battle against "that" friend and he just quits when he knows you are going to win.
It just doesnt feel like you actually won until you actually win.
I also dont think it counts as a win if someone forfeits or disconnects.
What does an illegal move mean on showdown? I was trying to follow the smogon guide for hydreigon and it says superpower is illegal now. What's up with that?
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>>15676513 >I also dont think it counts as a win if someone forfeits or disconnects. Too bad it does.
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>>15676513 i would consider you the rude one for not forfeiting when the match is virtually decided
you still won, who gives a shit if you landed the final blow or not
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>>15676466 Not him but I'll admit it. I just really like watching their last pokemon's health drain. I want to watch them lose. It's kind of fucked up.
>>15676549 >make statement >everybody calls you out on how retarded that statement is >"hurr durr thats just your opinion" check your manner kid, forfeiting is fine
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>>15676373 No it's not. It's just saying "Okay, you win." because continuing a battle at that point is pointless.
>>15676589 >disagrees with someone on a pointless opinion >refuses to let pointless argument go Anonymous
>>15676671 everything about this thread is pointless
everything about 4chan is pointless
everything about life is pointless Anonymous
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>>15676695 that's deep anon
balls deep
>>15676695 >yeahwellthatsjustlikeyouropinionman.jpg Anonymous
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>yeahwellthatsjustlikeyouropinionman.jpg Taylor 0989-2450-3883 (Ninetales, Ponyta, Larvesta)
Taylor 0989-2450-3883 (Ninetales, Ponyta, Larvesta) Thu 07 Nov 2013 03:18:30 No. 15676777 Report >People asking you for trade then waiting for you to propose anything >That one guy always pestering you with trade offers even after your turned him down 7 times >Fucking turbo/protect Mega-Blaziken >Solar-beam mega-charizard Y >"I let you win dude" after a 5-0 >People using 3+ legendaries yet are clearly old enough to know their typing and basic strategy >People ragequitting because you OHKO their mega-pokéwaifu (usually Gardevoir, Mawile and Blaziken happen too) when they have 4 perfectly healthy pokémons on their bench.
>>15676715 How do you have trouble with him? He's pretty weak defensively, my attackers usually tear him in half.
Why is Azumarill so used now?
>>15676777 >Solar-beam mega-charizard Y It's a legitimate strategy
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>>15676824 water/fairy, bulky, belly drum
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>>15676824 Huge Power aqua jet fucks shit up, probably the best fairy physical attacker in the game.
>>15675651 This.
>Last night facing against a japanese chick >Send out M-Mawile against my Staraptor after it 2HKO her Goodra >U-Turn the fuck outta there to Aegislash to take a Play Rough >She spams SP while I spam SD >KS her Iron Head >Sweep Anonymous
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>>15676824 Counters kicken nuggets.
Taylor 0989-2450-3883 (Ninetales, Ponyta, Larvesta)
Taylor 0989-2450-3883 (Ninetales, Ponyta, Larvesta) Thu 07 Nov 2013 03:21:33 No. 15676899 Report Quoted By:
>>15676833 I'm not saying it's bullshit, I just hate how it can counter Blastoise so easily now.
It's purely subjective on my part.
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>>15676824 Because he's a fucking fuck.
>>15676833 It's not the Solar Beam that pisses me off, it's that he's capable of surviving a STAB Life Orb Scald with like 66% hp left before he returns it with an Ice Beam
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius)
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius) Thu 07 Nov 2013 03:22:28 No. 15676934 Report >>15675651 >Run Taunt on my Mawile. Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius)
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius) Thu 07 Nov 2013 03:23:47 No. 15676982 Report Quoted By:
>>15676934 Forgot to add pic of how I feel.
>aegislash, blaziken, greninja 5th gen ou had more variety.
>>15676788 He's not though. Specially being Steel/Fairy, he's literally immune to everything that's good. You can barely 3HKO it with a stab (unless EQ, pray to your RNGods) and he only needs 1 turn to fuck you up.
>>15676525 Try to queue for pokebank OU. Right now its banning things like move tutor moves cuz there are no tutors in X/Y
>team isn't as good as you planned >spend 4 hours breeding to make it good
>>15677003 I usually OHKO or 2HKO him with Scizor or Gliscor.
>when people call me a cheater and DC because I start beating them with my own sets, instead of cookie-cutter Smogon sets Yes, Smogon's sets are generally the best, but unconventional and or gimmicky sets work, too.
>>15677153 Through Swagger and Thunder Wave? You're a god.
>>15677116 >spend hours and days creating a good team of your favorite Pokes >don't have anything to counter things like stealth rock and spikes I-I just want to battle people with muh favs, not deal with this.
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius)
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius) Thu 07 Nov 2013 03:30:59 No. 15677220 Report >>15676874 My M. Mawile runs Taunt for this exact reason.
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>>15677178 Holy shit, I generally uses Smogon stuff half of the time, But I respect thoses who think out of the box and see think on how that work for them.
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>>15677178 I like to look up what a pokemons build is on Smogon and then run something OTHER than that just to catch people off guard. It works almost every time.
>>15677182 Choice Band STAB Technician Bullet Punch is Priority.
Gliscor just outright outspeeds Klefk and almost always falls prey to a taunt.
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>>15677003 Earthquake or Flamethrower.
Those moves one-hit my Klefki every time.
not before i paralyze them though Anonymous
>>15677220 Most of them quit I guess?
>>15677194 I think GF needs to separate online into the NU, RN, UU, OU and Uber categories, and players choose which ones to participate in.
Of course, I'm guessing the simulators all already do this, but I like my DS.
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>>15677316 i would like this, however then GF would need to set up tiers, which they would never do
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius)
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius) Thu 07 Nov 2013 03:34:49 No. 15677344 Report >>15677253 Eh, haven't run into any quitters, yet. They hold out that they can save their butts with their epic fire/ground moves.
...which I naturally switch Gyarados into.
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>>15677344 That's cool. Speaking of that
>No 6v6 battles unless you are friends Anonymous
>>15677000 Just trick choice specs onto them.
>>15677052 I had OU beta say Trick on Rotom was illegal the other night, though it was the mexican server.
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius)
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius) Thu 07 Nov 2013 03:40:08 No. 15677513 Report Quoted By:
>>15677419 >>15677464 You can't Trick Mega Stones, anyway.
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>Battle starts >opponent's pokemon has a type disadvantage to your's >disconnects I've had this happen a lot. I'm not even using typical pokemon floating around WiFi. I have some random ice or poison pokemon and they send out their Chestnaught or whatever they'll leave.
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>>15676448 >go watch any starcraft match and count how many times someone actually destroys the opponent's entire base That's because destroying every single building and unit can take anywhere from a few to several minutes, and your opponent just kinda has to sit there and watch it happen.
A single turn in Pokemon is measured in seconds. You're not saving anyone's time, you're just being bitter about the loss.
>opponent sends out Wobuffet >send out Greninja >Greninja used double team >Wobuffet used encore! >Your opponent has forfeited! That's what you get bitch
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>>15678871 Your opponent is a faggot, but....
>Double Team You are looking pretty homosexual yourself.
>>15673934 the thing that pisses me off the most is the 3v3 limit WHO THE FUCK THOUGHT THIS WAS A GOOD IDEA?
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>>15680987 3v3 is better IMO, you get less to work with so there's more strategy involved.
6v6 is just easy, it's not even close to difficult to have answers to just about anything spread across 6 pokemon.
GF should put in an option to do either or though.
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I don't have many problems with it, but Jesus fucking Christ is Rotom-W annoying. And every single fucking one of them is the same Gen V set.