[27 / 2 / ?]
Can anyone help me EV train this little guy? I'm not at postgame yet - so I don't have access to power items and super training is too slow. If I could borrow a power item, or if someone could max this guy's attack EVs for me I'd be much obliged. Don't really have much I can offer, but I have -a 3IV ralts someone gave me -Pokerus I can share -Gible and Marill with egg moves (not IV bred though) Anything would be appreciated. I could give my starter as collateral if you're worried about me nicking the choice item.
>>15677055 >Super Training is too slow No, EV train it yourself you lazy faggot
IGN: Parham 2836-1058-9751 (Beartic, Spheal, ???)
IGN: Parham 2836-1058-9751 (Beartic, Spheal, ???) Thu 07 Nov 2013 03:28:51 No. 15677159 Report Quoted By:
>>15677113 half an hour vs 5 minutes
can't blame a fella for at least trying.
Though I am super training it right now though.
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>>15677055 >too slow you must be new.
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>>15677055 Just Super Train like everybody else, it takes an hour and a half at most. Lazy faggot.
>>15677055 I literally just used super training to fully EV train an Alakazam in about an hour and a half.
Don't be lazy.
What about poor left-handed people like me, for whom super training is impossible? What are we supposed to do?
>>15677207 >hour and a half wow you must suck at the mini game
IGN: Parham 2836-1058-9751 (Beartic, Spheal, ???)
IGN: Parham 2836-1058-9751 (Beartic, Spheal, ???) Thu 07 Nov 2013 03:34:38 No. 15677336 Report >>15677281 how is it impossible for left handed people?
IGN: Parham 2836-1058-9751 (Beartic, Spheal, ???)
IGN: Parham 2836-1058-9751 (Beartic, Spheal, ???) Thu 07 Nov 2013 03:35:40 No. 15677375 Report Quoted By:
>>15677281 ooooh, the minigame. sucks dude.
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>>15677281 Hold it upside-down.
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>>15677323 It depends on the pokemon though. If they have rapid fire, shit gets infuriating. If they have the power shot, easy. Buying Vitamins also speeds things up. Based Bargain O-power.
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>>15677281 >left-handed people having trouble with super training aha
i don't have a proper reaction image because i'm at work right now, but please picture this photo as a laughing pokemon
>>15677207 >hour an a half For 3 pokes i think you mean
If not you have definite retardism levels of being bad at that minigame
>>15677281 I'm left-handed too, nigger. Just use your right hand to shoot. Git gud.
I'm grinding in Secret Super Training for Dawn Stones right now. Anonymous
>>15677336 The system is made so you use the left hand with the circle pad, and right hand with the stylus with no alternate controls unlike the original DS had.
Left-handed have a hard time using the stylus in their right hand accurately.
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>>15677466 I'm exaggerating, I actually don't have a problem.
I just power straight through, don't dodge anything. Provided you never miss and land a fully charged shot every time, I win easily
>>15677323 No, I have children, and had to give one of them a bath, and put both of them to bed.
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>>15677281 im left handed and i just had to deal with it
use your right hand get good noob
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>>15677544 This is also in reply to this.
>>15677439 Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius)
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius) Thu 07 Nov 2013 03:44:15 No. 15677616 Report >>15677055 >macho brace on Fletchling >Grab something with Rock Slide, Earthquake, or Hyper Voice. >Grab something else with Sweet Scent. >Go to Route 19 >Sweet Scent until you get a horde of Weepinbel or Arbok. >Roast them with the above listed moves. >20 ATK Effort Points.(40 with Pokerus). Anonymous
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>>15677323 I was counting getting full affection in Amie too. I said "at most," I don't think it would ever actually take anyone that long.
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>>15677477 It's because Japan and most other Asian countries still correct left-handedness as children. They're not permitted to be left-handed, and are forced to learn to use their right instead.
IGN: Parham 2836-1058-9751 (Beartic, Spheal, ???)
IGN: Parham 2836-1058-9751 (Beartic, Spheal, ???) Thu 07 Nov 2013 03:49:03 No. 15677760 Report Quoted By:
>>15677616 Thanks, i actually forgot I had macho brace.
Ymir 4167-4491-5767 [Frogadier - ? - ?]
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Playing Kid Icarus Uprising entirely right-handed has made it very easy for me to do the same with Super Training. The more you do it, the more natural it gets.
John Lydon lol !xPOSER9PtU
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Dat learning curve tho.