Hey guys, I'm up for another two-ish hours, and figured I'd give up some nice breeding mons. Use this thread as a general meet and exchange/giveaway of pokemon you got while breeding that other breeders can utilize. Right now, I've got a bunch of Meinfoo with 4-6 IVs, some with hidden ability, some without. Also have a bunch of 3-4 IV Mawiles of varying abilities and some 3 IV Shroomishes and Dragonairs as well. Just post IGN and Friend Code and what you are looking for. I don't have much preferences on what I get from you, though I'd appreciate anything with 3+ Perfect IVs.
Richie 3136-6770-9695 (Electabuzz, Dedenne, Zebstrika)
Richie 3136-6770-9695 (Electabuzz, Dedenne, Zebstrika) Thu 07 Nov 2013 09:33:02 No. 15685754 Report >>15685696 Hey man, I just started getting into breeding so really have nothing to offer at all, but would appreciate a mienfoo if you don't mind
>>15685696 What natures are the mienfoos?
Chris FC: 3883-4847-1102 (FS: Psychic Munna/Espurr/Duosion)
Chris FC: 3883-4847-1102 (FS: Psychic Munna/Espurr/Duosion) Thu 07 Nov 2013 09:36:15 No. 15685793 Report Quoted By:
Also, include nickname if you want a specific one. Meinfoos are defaulted to Waif Fu for female and Alaster for male. Mawiles are defaulted to Mawaifu for female and Ironheart for males. Shroomishes are defaulted to Belldandy for female and Apollo Creed for males. Dragonairs are defaulted to Kiki for female and Swagonite for males.
Chris FC: 3883-4847-1102 (FS: Psychic Munna/Espurr/Duosion)
Chris FC: 3883-4847-1102 (FS: Psychic Munna/Espurr/Duosion) Thu 07 Nov 2013 09:37:16 No. 15685805 Report >>15685754 Gender preference? The males are nice for breeding since they can be used to jumpstart the breeding of other pokemon.
>>15685777 Adamant
Brandon 1118-0389-1607 [Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon]
Brandon 1118-0389-1607 [Boldore, Pupitar, Rhydon] Thu 07 Nov 2013 09:38:37 No. 15685822 Report Could I get a meinfoo w/ hidden ability? I've got 4 IV gibles I can trade back
Richie 3136-6770-9695 (Electabuzz, Dedenne, Zebstrika)
Richie 3136-6770-9695 (Electabuzz, Dedenne, Zebstrika) Thu 07 Nov 2013 09:38:55 No. 15685826 Report >>15685805 I'm new to breeding, so I guess you're right. Male pls then? I added you btw
Usagi 3308-4579-5643
>>15685696 I can offer a 5IV Adamant Larvitar with Stealth Rocks, Dragon Rage and Pursuit for a Regenerator Meinfoo
Chris FC: 3883-4847-1102 (FS: Psychic Munna/Espurr/Duosion)
Chris FC: 3883-4847-1102 (FS: Psychic Munna/Espurr/Duosion) Thu 07 Nov 2013 09:42:32 No. 15685879 Report >>15685822 Will do.
>>15685826 I will get you a 5IV one. You should be good from there to speed up the process massively.
>>15685830 If you want Regenerator, I may actually have a 6IV one.
Usagi 3308-4579-5643
Richie 3136-6770-9695 (Electabuzz, Dedenne, Zebstrika)
Richie 3136-6770-9695 (Electabuzz, Dedenne, Zebstrika) Thu 07 Nov 2013 09:46:23 No. 15685917 Report Quoted By:
>>15685879 Thanks much. I'll give you a Frogadier from a friend safari I got earlier
NEET 3411-0806-6760
Could I get a Mienfoo with Regenerator OP? I have a 4 IV timid Noibat with both default abilities, and 4 IV adamant Venipedes with Speed Boost?
Usagi 3308-4579-5643
Quoted By:
>>15685879 Awesome thanks! I just might finish leveling it and test it out in my team.
Mitch 2406-5165-8773
>>15685696 I got a few Ralts with 5 IVs. Is that worth one of your Meinfoos?
I've got 3 males with 31 in all except attack, and 3 females with 31 in all except defense.
Richard 1091-8282-5543 Beautifly, Combee, and Vivillon
Richard 1091-8282-5543 Beautifly, Combee, and Vivillon Thu 07 Nov 2013 09:54:52 No. 15686014 Report I'd like a regenerator mienfoo. You already have me added.
Hooper 0791 - 2392 - 8719 Gabite Noibat Sliggoo
Hooper 0791 - 2392 - 8719 Gabite Noibat Sliggoo Thu 07 Nov 2013 09:58:14 No. 15686054 Report >>15685696 Hey OP can I get a Mawile with Intimidate? New to breeding so don't really have anything but I do have a drought Ninetales or two if you want one
Chris FC: 3883-4847-1102 (FS: Psychic Munna/Espurr/Duosion)
Chris FC: 3883-4847-1102 (FS: Psychic Munna/Espurr/Duosion) Thu 07 Nov 2013 09:58:30 No. 15686059 Report >>15685951 I'd love a Venipede, if that isn't a problem.
>>15685979 I'll take a female, if you don't mind.
>>15686014 I'll see what I've got IV-wise, but I should be good.
Quoted By:
>just bred a 6 IV Adamant Minccino with Skill Link wooow.
Mitch 2406-5165-8773
Quoted By:
>>15686059 Right-o, then. I'll be on in a bit.
NEET 3411-0806-6760
Quoted By:
>>15686059 Alright, Ill be on in a bit.
Chris FC: 3883-4847-1102 (FS: Psychic Munna/Espurr/Duosion)
Chris FC: 3883-4847-1102 (FS: Psychic Munna/Espurr/Duosion) Thu 07 Nov 2013 10:05:41 No. 15686160 Report >>15686054 No problem. Might be missing an IV or two, though. Any preferred name or gender?
Hooper 0791 - 2392 - 8719 Gabite Noibat Sliggoo
Hooper 0791 - 2392 - 8719 Gabite Noibat Sliggoo Thu 07 Nov 2013 10:06:52 No. 15686180 Report Quoted By:
>>15686160 Thanks heaps!
Can I just get name as Mawile and any gender will do thanks, I'll add you now
Richard 1091-8282-5543 Beautifly, Combee, and Vivillon
Richard 1091-8282-5543 Beautifly, Combee, and Vivillon Thu 07 Nov 2013 10:11:15 No. 15686239 Report Quoted By:
>>15686059 Thanks Chris!
Let me know if that snubull was 4 iv, if it wasn't I;ll get you a better one.
Mitch 2406-5165-8773
Quoted By:
Let me know whenever you're ready, Chris. I'll let you take care of any other trades you need to get done.
Hooper 0791 - 2392 - 8719 Gabite Noibat Sliggoo
Hooper 0791 - 2392 - 8719 Gabite Noibat Sliggoo Thu 07 Nov 2013 10:17:38 No. 15686339 Report Quoted By:
>>15686160 Cheers Chris, hopefully I'll be able to actually get into breeding now haha
Mitch 2406-5165-8773
Quoted By:
Thanks for the trade. Enjoy the Ralts.
Zach 1848-3098-8646 [Abra, Espurr, Gothorita]
Zach 1848-3098-8646 [Abra, Espurr, Gothorita] Thu 07 Nov 2013 10:32:05 No. 15686575 Report Does anybody NOT have a Protean Froakie by this point? If you don't, I got 5 Timid Protean Froakies (31/31/31/31/x/x), I'd be okay with just about any offer.
Dropbear 3110-4992-9192 (Spiritomb hells yea)
Dropbear 3110-4992-9192 (Spiritomb hells yea) Thu 07 Nov 2013 10:32:06 No. 15686576 Report >>15685696 I'm gonna be an asshole and ask for something I can breed to get a good fighting pokemon for standard 3v3s. Maybe Shrooms? I don't have anything to give though.
Hooper 0791 - 2392 - 8719 Gabite Noibat Sliggoo
Hooper 0791 - 2392 - 8719 Gabite Noibat Sliggoo Thu 07 Nov 2013 10:36:50 No. 15686646 Report >>15686575 When you say any offer.....
I have one more drought Ninetales if you want it
Chris FC: 3883-4847-1102 (FS: Psychic Munna/Espurr/Duosion)
Chris FC: 3883-4847-1102 (FS: Psychic Munna/Espurr/Duosion) Thu 07 Nov 2013 10:38:03 No. 15686668 Report >>15686576 I've got a few 3 IV ones left... I may be able to get you a 5 IV one if you have a bit.
Zach 1848-3098-8646 [Abra, Espurr, Gothorita]
Zach 1848-3098-8646 [Abra, Espurr, Gothorita] Thu 07 Nov 2013 10:38:34 No. 15686675 Report >>15686646 I'd be okay with that. Forgot to mention, they're all males. Still okay?
Dropbear 3110-4992-9192 (Spiritomb hells yea)
Dropbear 3110-4992-9192 (Spiritomb hells yea) Thu 07 Nov 2013 10:39:09 No. 15686688 Report >>15686668 How much soul would I have to give you? :P
Hooper 0791 - 2392 - 8719 Gabite Noibat Sliggoo
Hooper 0791 - 2392 - 8719 Gabite Noibat Sliggoo Thu 07 Nov 2013 10:39:17 No. 15686690 Report Chris FC: 3883-4847-1102 (FS: Psychic Munna/Espurr/Duosion)
Chris FC: 3883-4847-1102 (FS: Psychic Munna/Espurr/Duosion) Thu 07 Nov 2013 10:39:56 No. 15686701 Report >>15686688 How much you got?
Nerf 4957-3044-6148 [Delibird, Lapras, ???]
Nerf 4957-3044-6148 [Delibird, Lapras, ???] Thu 07 Nov 2013 10:40:23 No. 15686710 Report I'll give you a 5IV flawless Modest Natural Cure Roselia with Leaf Storm and Sleep Powder if you can give me a similarly flawless jolly one. Let me know if this would suffice :) I can name it too.
Go 2723-8336-9956 (Teddiursa, Loudred, Eevee)
Go 2723-8336-9956 (Teddiursa, Loudred, Eevee) Thu 07 Nov 2013 10:41:08 No. 15686722 Report >>15685696 Male Regenerator Mienfoo?
I can offer a 4IV Female Anticipation Eevee for a good one with high attack IVs
Hooper 0791 - 2392 - 8719 Gabite Noibat Sliggoo
Hooper 0791 - 2392 - 8719 Gabite Noibat Sliggoo Thu 07 Nov 2013 10:42:44 No. 15686741 Report Quoted By:
Dropbear 3110-4992-9192 (Spiritomb hells yea)
Dropbear 3110-4992-9192 (Spiritomb hells yea) Thu 07 Nov 2013 10:42:50 No. 15686743 Report >>15686701 20% is in uni debt, I think I gave around 30% for that hooker, so around 50% left.
Zach 1848-3098-8646 [Abra, Espurr, Gothorita]
Zach 1848-3098-8646 [Abra, Espurr, Gothorita] Thu 07 Nov 2013 10:42:51 No. 15686744 Report Quoted By:
>>15686690 Awesome, thanks.
Chris FC: 3883-4847-1102 (FS: Psychic Munna/Espurr/Duosion)
Chris FC: 3883-4847-1102 (FS: Psychic Munna/Espurr/Duosion) Thu 07 Nov 2013 10:48:14 No. 15686832 Report >>15686710 Who was this to?
>>15686743 I like where this is going. If I don't fuck it up, this should only take a little bit.
>>15686722 I should have one. Let me check.
>>15685696 God damnit I'd kill for one of those Mawile. I wish I had anything worthwhile bred.
Nerf 4957-3044-6148 [Delibird, Lapras, ???]
Nerf 4957-3044-6148 [Delibird, Lapras, ???] Thu 07 Nov 2013 10:51:21 No. 15686885 Report >>15686832 To you, with your Mienfoo. If you still have a flawless one, I'd offer for it. If you don't that's fine, I'll take a female 4IV if possible.
Quoted By:
>>15686722 >I can offer a 4IV Female Anticipation Eevee got any egg moves
MajiyIce 1607-2871-8922 (Mankey, Throh, Riolu)
MajiyIce 1607-2871-8922 (Mankey, Throh, Riolu) Thu 07 Nov 2013 10:54:13 No. 15686931 Report Quoted By:
Looking for a 4+ IV female Phantump (with hidden ability, if at all possible) for use in my giveaway projects. Can offer 4-5 IV Noibat, 4-5 IV Shroomish (Poison Heal with Focus Punch, haven't gotten around to breeding ones with Quick Feet and Bullet Seed yet), 5 IV Mawile, and 4-5 IV Huge Size Pumpkaboo.
Chris FC: 3883-4847-1102 (FS: Psychic Munna/Espurr/Duosion)
Chris FC: 3883-4847-1102 (FS: Psychic Munna/Espurr/Duosion) Thu 07 Nov 2013 10:55:21 No. 15686945 Report Quoted By:
>>15686885 I don't have any Jolly, but I should easily have a 4IV female. Ability?
Ryan FC: 0130-1819-6238
I'm interested in as a male regenerator Mienfoo if possible. I have an adamant/f/gale wings fletchling with perfect ivs bar hp/sp.atk if you are interested
>>15685696 I'd love a fem Mienfoo if you have any left.
Just got a good handfull of Jolly 4IV Sneasels breed up just now. Will that do for one?
Chris FC: 3883-4847-1102 (FS: Psychic Munna/Espurr/Duosion)
Chris FC: 3883-4847-1102 (FS: Psychic Munna/Espurr/Duosion) Thu 07 Nov 2013 11:08:02 No. 15687134 Report >>15686863 Just throw whatever you have. I've only got 3IV ones left, but I can get you one with that and Intimidate.
>>15687004 I'd love a Fletchling if that's cool. Any specific IVs important to you?
>>15687024 I should have some. Anything in particular beyond Fem?
>>15686743 I can get you a 4 IV one as soon as it hatches.
>>15686575 Oddly enough I havn't goten around to it, been breeding pokes for friends.
I could give you a 4IV jolly sneasel, 4IV outrage gible, or a 4IV wish eevee. I do have some 4IV squartles, but I messed up and forgot to breed the auras into em >.<.
Quoted By:
>>15687134 Not sure whats good on them honestly so I'll leave that to ya'. Been breeding non stop between work and class and my minds...well its gone. I've learned to hate the theme on the daycare route.
Ryan FC: 0130-1819-6238
Quoted By:
>>15687134 no, if it has 3-4 ivs then that would be sweet
Zach 1848-3098-8646 [Abra, Espurr, Gothorita]
Zach 1848-3098-8646 [Abra, Espurr, Gothorita] Thu 07 Nov 2013 11:17:51 No. 15687251 Report >>15687142 I'd be fine with the Eevee, if that's good with you.
>>15687251 Sounds good to me
Zach 1848-3098-8646 [Abra, Espurr, Gothorita]
Zach 1848-3098-8646 [Abra, Espurr, Gothorita] Thu 07 Nov 2013 11:24:16 No. 15687323 Report Quoted By:
Chris FC: 3883-4847-1102 (FS: Psychic Munna/Espurr/Duosion)
Chris FC: 3883-4847-1102 (FS: Psychic Munna/Espurr/Duosion) Thu 07 Nov 2013 11:30:56 No. 15687387 Report >>15687004 That one has Attack/Defense/SpDef. If you want, I can get you a breeding one that is female with better IVs as well, free of charge. That was my best male regenerater I've got.
Jorge 0920-0868-4609 Mienfoo Sawk Tyroge
Quoted By:
I have: Bulbasaur Modest 4Ivs (x7) Froakie Timid Proteam 4Ivs (x3) Pancham Adamant Iron Fist 4Ivs (x8) Absol Adamant Super Luck 4Ivs (x4) 5Ivs(x5) Charmander Adamant 5ivs (x3) Looking for similar Ivs pokemon
Ryan FC: 0130-1819-6238
Quoted By:
>>15687387 nah man thats fine, I think I'll be ok breeding the other ivs on, I appreciate the offer though, enjoy fletchling!
Dimi - 2165-5993-6999 [Togepi, Mawile, Floette]
Dimi - 2165-5993-6999 [Togepi, Mawile, Floette] Thu 07 Nov 2013 12:34:40 No. 15688261 Report I have a 31/31/31/x/31/31 male adamant Mawile with Intimidate to trade for the same Mawile from another country.
Dimi - 2165-5993-6999 [Togepi, Mawile, Floette]
Dimi - 2165-5993-6999 [Togepi, Mawile, Floette] Thu 07 Nov 2013 12:35:42 No. 15688270 Report >>15688261 Oh yeah, Germany here, we play Pokemon too
Bomen 4253 3622 4534 (Shelgon, Druddigon, Gabite)
Bomen 4253 3622 4534 (Shelgon, Druddigon, Gabite) Thu 07 Nov 2013 13:11:55 No. 15688762 Report >>15688270 Can give you a hand with that. Got a level 31 male I was using for breeding with the same nature and ivs. Im Australian so it would just count as ENG I'd assume.
Dimi - 2165-5993-6999 [Togepi, Mawile, Floette]
Dimi - 2165-5993-6999 [Togepi, Mawile, Floette] Thu 07 Nov 2013 13:17:45 No. 15688842 Report >>15688762 It seems I'm already possibly getting one from another thread. If you want, I can give you a female one for it instead if yours has Intimidate.
Bomen 4253 3622 4534 (Shelgon, Druddigon, Gabite)
Bomen 4253 3622 4534 (Shelgon, Druddigon, Gabite) Thu 07 Nov 2013 13:22:27 No. 15688914 Report Quoted By:
>>15688842 It's all good, actually got a German Mawile from another trade thread a few days ago coincidentally. Was just gonna help out. Thanks for offering though.
Mathael 4914-3915-7625 (Abra | Siglyph | Xatu)
Mathael 4914-3915-7625 (Abra | Siglyph | Xatu) Thu 07 Nov 2013 13:26:47 No. 15688963 Report Quoted By:
Anyone that's gotten their team set up have an extra 3IV ditto? I've been at this safari shit for nearly two weeks, and haven't gotten anything but 2IVs... I don't even understand how my luck can be this bad at this point.