Old Thread
>>15662753 >>15662753 READ (OR AT LEAST SEARCH) THE EXTENDED FAQ BEFORE POSTING. Lots of simpler questions are answered there.
https://docs.google.com/document/d/13MvLYLFQq4YcOyMC49DWcOgqij1thEC_sDUKJ4I2Mk4/pub **
Questions about breeding and trade requests go to WiFi General,
>>15685151 Questions about competitive movesets, abilities, natures, and IV/EV spreads go to competitive general,
>>15679977 FC exchange threads are everywhere, check the catalog.
Why do I see Choice Specs on mons with U-Turn or Volt Switch, wouldn't it be better to have a coverage move?
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>Game Sync ended because the server is busy. Please try again later. Kill me
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>>15686724 Switching moves on Choice mons are for scouting. If you see something your choice mon will likely get killed by, you can use U-Turn or Volt Switch to get it the fuck out of there while still doing some damage to soften the enemy up for your switch-in.
And hell, sometimes Volt Switch or U-Turn are usable as coverage moves.
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Would a bulky attacker (252hp/252atk) assault vest T-tar be viable, or would it be too weak?
>>15687177 Nope, turns out Sylveon is actually Flying-type.
I am breeding 2 pokemons with 5 maxed IVs, one of them has destiny knot, but i'm still getting pokemons with 4 or 3 maxed IVs, doesn't the destiny knot always pass down 5 stats? The couple has the same maxed stats.
What's the fastet way to grind BP? I just finished singles in the battle maison, is super singles better or should I just keep on grinding singles?
>>15687485 Stats can overlap.
Example, the passed down stats are:
>Def >Atk >Sp.Atk >Def >Spd The non passed down stats are randomly generated.
So in this scenario HP and Sp.Def would be random.
>>15687561 Super singles is your best bet, keep doing what you're doing.
50+ streaks usually yield 7Bp I think.
>>15687602 So what's super singles? Do they continue after 20 wins?
>>15687642 Super singles is an increased difficulty, not much, and it's unlimited turns.
>Remember the girl in the front room asking you to win 100 times in a row? Now you have something else to shoot for.
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>>15687677 I meant battles, not turns.
Do any of the trash cans actually have items in them?
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>>15687735 Excluding Pokémon, no I don't think so.
>>15687602 I see, thought it would be easy to get perfect 6 IVs after I got the couple with 5 IVs...
>>15687793 No. But there's very few Pokémon that really need 6 IVs.
>>15687793 5 IVs is fine dude.
>>15687814 if 5IV is just fine... then 4IV is barely ok?
How do I get a Pokémon with 5 perfect IV's? Right now I have 4 (HP, Sp. Atk, Sp. Def, Speed) and breeding that with a Ditto (Def/Sp. Def) and trying to get that fifth perfect IV which is the defense but all my Pokémon from eggs now are losing one IV in replacement for the defense or in fact have even less IV's.
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>>15687829 It depends on the Pokémon, most Pokémon only need 5IVs if you want them "perfect".
>>15687840 Destiny Knot on the 4IVd Pokémon, power item for Defence on the ditto.
It won't work 100% of the time.
Try find a guide on the percentages, I know there's one with a Ditto and Absol as an example. But I don't have it.
>>15687801 I am new to pokemon breeding, I guess 5 IVs for an adamant charmander that I intend to use with the X mega stone is more than enough. Thanks
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i've got a 5iv perfect adamant shiny aron egg moves are curse/ stealth rock / head smash how should i use him?
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>>15687898 charizard X never uses spA
-eq/ brick break
-outrage/ drush/ dclaw
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Where can I get the Thursday ribbon?
I'm using the super training and I have trained 256 EVs so far on a Pokemon Now I'm focusing on the last stat, which will have 252. But, judging by the side bar, it won't reach 252.. Is it just deceiving my eyes or something?
If I change the region of my 3DS will the nationality of my pokémon will change as well ? (I want to do this for vivillion's forms and masuda method with a friend)
Been playing though Black again so I can actually access Pokebank next month, and I just realized. How the hell is Deerling/Sawsbuck going to change forms in X/Y? Not really a question that can be answered yet, but I wonder if it will be stuck in the form it was transferred over in, or maybe it will change forms like Burmy does. Flowers for Spring, Grass for Summer, that Route 15/16 for Fall, and Frost Cavern for Winter.
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>>15689576 each stat was capped out this gen at 252, meaning once it reaches 252 the game will not add any more.
If the other isn't "reaching" 252 according to the sidebar, it might possibly mean that both of those stats you mentioned are already at 252 and the extra 6 that would make the total 510 remain undistributed.
>>15689906 No, it's by the language you select when starting the game. You could have English Pokemon even if you were playing in Japan on a Japanese system and cart.
>>15689934 I've tested hatching deerlings in snowing areas as per another anon's suggestion that they might change forms depending on where they were hatched in. Still stuck in Spring. I assume they're going to be stuck in the form they were transferred in. (Though I sincerely hope that's not the case. I want my autumn sawsbuck dammit)
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>>15690073 well, this sucks... but that explains why you can't change the game's language after starting the game... we'll have to deal with GTS but we have some problems for connecting our 3DS...
But thanks for your answer.
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>>15690114 I forget, do deerlings in the PC stay in the form they were caught in? If so I'll probably catch a few Autumn ones while I can and see if the form carries over by breeding in X/Y
If I catch a pokemon in a safari, does it have the nationality of my game of the nationality of the friend ?
How do I get Acid Armor on Skrelp/Dragalge? Serebii shows it as blank, so I'm guessing there's some kind of chain. And on the topic of Skrelp, could someone trade me one? I don't care about nature or IVs since I can do that myself. Not saying I'll decline good ones, of course.
>>15690073 Does it work for vivilion forms ? they don't work with game language so...
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>>15690385 >And on the topic of Skrelp, could someone trade me one? Fuck, I just remembered I don't have my 3DS at hand right now.
Just ignore that.
>>15690314 Yours, not sure about Vivillions though.
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>>15690612 Thanks, I'll just have to test vivillion I guess.
DOES FOREIGN POKEMON SET TO LANGUAGE OR SYSTEM REGION? i have japanese 3DS but i want to set my region to english to trade with other japs for foreign pokemon. will this work
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Does anyone have that image guide on how to soft reset for perfect ivs while breeding? I have 2 5x parents but need 6x and I really don't want to spam hatch eggs with a 1/192 chance of getting 6x perfect.
>>15690723 It's based on the language.
Is there a way to get a Stealth Rock Gliscor in Gen VI?
>>15690856 The only way to get SR on gliscor at all are via tm in gen 4 or tutor in gen 5. So unless there's a tutor for it in the next gen or it became an egg move and no one's reported it, not until pokebank opens up and even then it won't be possible to breed for one in gen 6.
>>15690905 Shucks. I was hoping it was a new breed move or something.
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>>15690987 Like I said, it might be. It just so happens that gliscor is in the same egg group as one of the few pokemon that learn it naturally so you can always do a quick test yourself.
>>15690789 Wait, if I restart one of my two games in another language I can masuda ?
Does the Macho Brace work with Super Training?
>>15692168 Why not take three minutes and figure it out?
>>15692225 Because I haven't gotten it yet. Why not answer the question?
Question: I'm currently breeding my shiny Pokemon with a foreign (JP) Ditto. What is the likelihood of the eggs also hatching shiny Pokemon? As I'd imagine that breeding a shiny + using Masuda method would increase the chances by a great deal.
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>>15692263 None of the ev training items/viruses work in super training
how do you pass down hydro pump to rotom w?
>>15692310 It's roughly 1/632 I believe
>>15692345 By changing forme and having a free move slot.
>>15692356 Thanks. Now supposing I find the same shiny Pokemon of the opposite sex, if I breed two shiny pokemon at once, will it be a better odd than 1/632?
>>15692434 thats all it takes? he learns it by just changing form?
>>15692457 It might need to replace some specific move but yes. I should learn it when changing form and forget it when changing to another.
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>>15692507 awesome thank you so much
you cant breed rotom with anything can you?
>>15692821 With a Ditto, so you can make more Rotoms.
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>>15692930 oh fuck....thats going to take forever to make it perfect...
What's the standard Tyrunt that everyone has been breeding? Adamant with Dragon Dance and another move
>>15693157 dragon dance and fang moves. stealth rock if u choose to do so
>>15693627 Which fang move would be best for Tyrantrum? I do plan to use sneaky pebbles and supposedly you have to have Head Smash on him. Electric for water types that have Ice Beam? Or Ice for Dragons? Or just have Dragon Claw... This is so many hard decisions
>>15694150 i would put fire fang and ice fang if you really want to go with dragon claw.. but srsly the fang moves get a tasty 50% bp increase
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>>15694337 Shit, you're right. I forgot about that.
Anybody willing to trade me a tyranite for an aggronite?
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Getting a pokemon's hidden ability can only come from Hordes/Safari, right? I'd have to breed it in later otherwise? I've got a 5iv Eevee that would be perfect for Espeon, but Hidden Ability. I'm thinking this one'll turn into a Jolteon, and then a parent.
>>15692310 >>15692356 >>15692447 Lies. Breeding Shiny Pokemon has no effect on whether or not you'll hatch shiny pokemon. If it did, there'd be shiny shit left and right.
The only way to increase your chances of hatching a shiny is through the Masuda Method.
>>15696147 are u stupid? breeding a shiny pokemon does increase the offspring to be shiny too
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
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>>15696449 .... No it doesn't.
what is the best moveset for Greninja? I'm using Ice Beam, Hydro Miss, Dark Pulse, and Taunt and I've been predonkling the fuck out of people on battle spot but I want to know if there's any better options
>>15696893 Is it a Protean Greninja?
HA Male + Ditto has a chance to get eggs with the hidden ability, is the same true for genderless pokemon?
How much does Mega Launcher boost pulse moves? Would Water Pulse on Mega Blastoise do more damage than Surf or Hydro Pump?
I have the understanding that Ditto can breed with any pokemon other than legendaries, but a naughty Riolu I'm trying to breed can't. Instead of the message the breeder tells you isn't the usual "they don't like each other", he tells me that they play with other pokemon and not each other, which means there's a 0% chance of an egg appearing. I tried other dittos but same thing. What should I do to get Riolu to breed?
Is there someone who buys Big Nuggets for a higher price than the Pokemarts?
>>15698437 Riolu counts as not a child, you have to evolve it before it can breed. Same with Pichu for instance
>>15698590 >Not a child How did I even fuck that up. Yeah, it doesn't count as a mature pokemon
>>15698664 >>15698590 Oh thanks, I find it weird that Ralts is considered mature and not Riolu
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>>15698834 The game is weird like that
How do I get different levels of O-powers?
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>>15701566 Keep using them and they'll level up
Is there a move tutor in this game? i've got a shiny Sneasel that is in desperate need of Ice Punch
I just got a male timid protean Froakie with five perfect IVs! I just wanted to double check some stiff before I mess him up. Max SpAtk and SPD EVs? The rest in...HP? I'm thinking of running Scald, Ice Beam, Dark Pulse, Extrasensory. Am I doing anything poorly?
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
>>15702772 Sounds good to me.
Did you have something else in mind?
I'm currently at 252 attack and 150 HP on an adamant Gogoat. Some people have said to go for 76 speed (so 180 hp). But is there any point? Shouldn't I just go for 252 hp?
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
>>15703696 Depends on if you want to outspeed certain mon.
>>15703747 So basically its just for outspeeding wallers?
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
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>>15703807 I don't know how fast what is, I didn't check. But there is probably something really close to Gogoat that putting 76 speed in will make it so you always beat it.
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>>15703220 Nah, I just didn't want to train the thing and realize I should've done something else. Thanks!
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Do we have a list of NPCs that give you items?
How the hell can I IV breed with a Pokemon that has only one gender? Do I have to sacrifice using an Everstone to ensure my nature?
Are Arbok routes actually on route 19?
The chances of getting a Pokemon with a Hidden Ability in friend safari is higher when the person is online? or it doesn't matter?
how many total pokemon can you see for the pokedex in XY?
Can someone help me understand the game sync feature? I started a new game and want to sync this new ID but I already registered the the first game's ID. Can I replace the old one with this one? I tried looking on their website but they are really vague on what happens.
how do i teach ice fang to gliscor?
How many horde battles does it takes to split 252 EVs between DEF and SPD?
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Fri 08 Nov 2013 02:35:49 No. 15709399 Report What are some held items found in wild pokemon (in FS or in XY generally) that are good/rare/looked for? I'm training my Noibat and looking for shinies in FS and I have a lot of fun stealing shit from pokemon. But I don't know much about rarity/usability of the items, so can you guys give me some directions? I know Lucky Egg is always good, right? I want to gather some nice items to give to pokes I Wondertrade. Or just give away.
>>15709399 Off the top of my head, I'm told you can steal Lucky Eggs from Chanseys in the Friend Safari. I've yet to be able to get one, though.
Lunatones sometimes have Moon Stones on them, I think.
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I have a Pokemon with 5IV and shit speed according to the guy in the Poke-center and i want to pass down speed from a ditto that has nothing but Speed. The destiny knot pass down 5r random IVs from the Pokemon who's holding it. So... how do i do it? i mean Destiny Knot on both? and hope for the best? Destiny Knot in the 5IV and Ditto without anything and hope again for the best? goddamit i'm seriouly don't know.
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi
Rynn 4656-7108-0037 (Electrode, Electabuzz, Manectric) Continental Vivi Fri 08 Nov 2013 03:02:40 No. 15710295 Report >>15710000 Yeah, I got some Lucky Eggs from Chanseys. Don't have a FS with Lunatone though...anything else?
>>15708926 A subquestion to this.
I want my first champion victory to recorded in the log book. If I beat her for the first time, will I be able to sync up and it will show? Or do I have to be registered beforehand?
I can't find an answer to this anywhere. I can only find information that "there is an 80% chance that a female Pokemon's offspring will inherit the same ability as long as the partner isn't a ditto. What is the chance of offspring inheriting the mother's ability if the partner IS a ditto? I ask because I want to breed a pokemon from one that already has good IVs, but not the ability I want... I want the other ability (NOT the hidden ability, though)
Is there THAT much of a limited selection of clothes that I've accidentally purchased every piece of clothing already? I have been checking all the non-Lumiose Boutiques daily for the past week, and there has only been one new thing since.
Once I've caught all three DW females from a safari, is there much reason to keep it?
Tony 1478-3799-3719
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>>15686656 Anyone got the picture of how to hunt for shinies in a 9x9 of grass? Always see it, but never saved it
Holy fuck! Did they decrease the rate at which Pokerus is passed to another Pokemon? This shit is taking forever!
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
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>>15715542 Not that I know of.
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>>15715542 It takes a couple of battles for one Pokemon to pass it to an adjacent Pokemon in the party.
>>15710295 Magnetons have a small chance of holding a Metal Coat.
You can find them in the Lost Hotel.
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>>15716529 Same with Lunatones and Moon Stones in the Glittering Cave.
>create a 5/6 Pokes for my team >want to battle badly after finishing the fifth >don't want to press the battle button, want others to want to battle This is frustrating
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What're the best IV's, EV's and movesets for a competitive Aegislash? I want to start breeding for one.
Whats a good nickname for this ugly ass fucker.
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>>15716861 I can battle you anon, the stuggle of shiny ralts is killing me and i can use a break
my team isn't complete but i can battle
Rayge 5455-9943-5414 (Fraxure, Noibat, Sliggoo)
Rayge 5455-9943-5414 (Fraxure, Noibat, Sliggoo) Fri 08 Nov 2013 07:23:53 No. 15717712 Report Got this Yveltal (Modest) with 26-27/23-24/31/31/31/31 for IVs. Want to use a set that uses Dark Pulse, Sucker Punch, Obilivion Wing and Focus Blast. What sort of EV spread should I try to get the most destructive potential outta this emo Big Bird?
Asked in /cpg/ and got no input, thought I'd ask here as well. Just got a 5 IV Gothita. Going to put 252 EV in SpAtk. What should I put the rest of the points into? HP or Speed? I was going to use it as an attacker with Thunder Wave.
Rayge 5455-9943-5414 (Fraxure, Noibat, Sliggoo)
Rayge 5455-9943-5414 (Fraxure, Noibat, Sliggoo) Fri 08 Nov 2013 07:27:25 No. 15717780 Report >>15717742 Gothrita has crap speed. HP would be good.
>>15717780 Yeah, thats what I was leaning towards. I was going to use it to trap opponents, so I was worried about the Speed. But if I get a T-Wave off, I should be fine.
Rayge 5455-9943-5414 (Fraxure, Noibat, Sliggoo)
Rayge 5455-9943-5414 (Fraxure, Noibat, Sliggoo) Fri 08 Nov 2013 07:35:00 No. 15717915 Report >>15717856 Should be. Hey, any idea on this question I have?
>>15717712 Anonymous
>>15717915 I don't really use Legendaries so I'm not too sure.
Most of my team revolves around gimmicks.
I'd EV 252 SpAtk for sure and either a split between HP and Speed depending on whether you're running Choice Specs or Life Orb.
Rayge 5455-9943-5414 (Fraxure, Noibat, Sliggoo)
Rayge 5455-9943-5414 (Fraxure, Noibat, Sliggoo) Fri 08 Nov 2013 07:42:36 No. 15718069 Report >>15718001 What about Big Root? I heard with Oblivion Wing it heals for 105% of damage.
>>15718069 Really? Thats crazy. I'd give it a shot, but I wouldn't know whether or not it'd be worth putting points into bulk for that or speed.
Does Yveltal get Nasty Plot? Could it even live long enough in the environment you're playing in to set it up?
Rayge 5455-9943-5414 (Fraxure, Noibat, Sliggoo)
Rayge 5455-9943-5414 (Fraxure, Noibat, Sliggoo) Fri 08 Nov 2013 07:51:08 No. 15718207 Report Quoted By:
>>15718133 No Nasty Plot, which sucks. It gets Hone Claws though.
Ryan 1075-0818-7092 (Phantump, Lampent, Spiritomb)
Ryan 1075-0818-7092 (Phantump, Lampent, Spiritomb) Fri 08 Nov 2013 07:54:09 No. 15718256 Report >>15717915 Definitely get rid of Sucker Punch and use Shadow Ball instead. Also 252 SpA, 252 Spe and 4 hp, modest will mean sucker punch does nothing for damage.
Could I also have your friend safari? ;_; Rayge 5455-9943-5414 (Fraxure, Noibat, Sliggoo)
Rayge 5455-9943-5414 (Fraxure, Noibat, Sliggoo) Fri 08 Nov 2013 07:58:32 No. 15718326 Report >>15718256 But wouldn't the boost from Dark Aura deal some damage? I really just think of Sucker Punch as Yveltal's only priority move
And yes, you may have my safari Anonymous
>>15718326 Effectively 156 power, which sounds good on paper but Dark Pulse does the same damage and will be stronger due to your higher special attack. But if you want the priority move to kill quickly it still works, because 99 speed can sometimes not be fast enough. I'm just saying if you want to run choice specs on it.
Rayge 5455-9943-5414 (Fraxure, Noibat, Sliggoo)
Rayge 5455-9943-5414 (Fraxure, Noibat, Sliggoo) Fri 08 Nov 2013 08:13:52 No. 15718532 Report Quoted By:
>>15718472 Nah. Choice Specs seems to limiting for it. Still wanna try Big Root though.
Chuuuuung [In-game: Jessica] (Snover, Beartic, Lapras) 1693-1058-7133 !!THQ5CtVYfKl
Chuuuuung [In-game: Jessica] (Snover, Beartic, Lapras) 1693-1058-7133 !!THQ5CtVYfKl Fri 08 Nov 2013 08:55:03 No. 15719238 Report Quoted By:
>>15690401 >>15690723 Language chosen to determine whether a mon is foreign, 3DS region setting for Vivillon.
>>15696449 Clearly u stupid.
>>15697438 50%, making Water Pulse equivalent to Surf in terms of power.
>>15698537 No. No. No. [insert another no for each time this fucking question has been asked]
>>15702266 Nope, yer shit outta luck.
>>15704698 If it's male only, you're stuck with Dittos.
If it's female, grab a compatible dad with good IVs.
Not sure where "sacrifice using an everstone" comes in.
>>15709339 Same way you always have - move relearner.
>>15715128 If you actually have checked it daily for a week, you've got everything.
http://www.serebii.net/xy/customisation.shtml >>15715542 Went real fucking quick for me when I randomly got the rus.
Chuuuuung [In-game: Jessica] (Snover, Beartic, Lapras) 1693-1058-7133 !!THQ5CtVYfKl
Chuuuuung [In-game: Jessica] (Snover, Beartic, Lapras) 1693-1058-7133 !!THQ5CtVYfKl Fri 08 Nov 2013 09:11:58 No. 15719405 Report Quoted By:
>>15719179 Bessie.
>>15715464 Unless you want to catch more or ones with different 31 IVs... not really? Or if one of them has a nifty wild item, you might want to keep it.
>>15710903 Haven't done much breeding myself, but I believe if it's with a Ditto then it's 50/50 for the normal abilities, assuming this hasn't changed since last gen. Someone correct me if I'm wrong.
>>15710295 You can try checking the Gen V listing from
http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_Pok%C3%A9mon_by_wild_held_item , most things haven't changed since then.
>>15709396 Assuming you mean 252/252, 5-6.
>>15707449 Everything except
http://www.serebii.net/xy/unobtainable.shtml until the bank opens.
>>15706943 Unsure.
>>15705398 They should be, they're just stupidly rare.
>>15697059 Don't see why not.
Chuuuuung [In-game: Jessica] (Snover, Beartic, Lapras) 1693-1058-7133 !!THQ5CtVYfKl
Chuuuuung [In-game: Jessica] (Snover, Beartic, Lapras) 1693-1058-7133 !!THQ5CtVYfKl Fri 08 Nov 2013 10:33:44 No. 15720414 Report Quoted By:
>>15708926 Missed this one. Yeah, you can add multiple games to the same GL account. There will be an option to do so after you log in, on the "Select A Game Card" popup.
>>15710778 Everything you've ever done should be synced, regardless of when you generated/registered your game sync ID.
is outrage salamence currently unobtainable?
Chuuuuung [In-game: Jessica] (Snover, Beartic, Lapras) 1693-1058-7133 !!THQ5CtVYfKl
Chuuuuung [In-game: Jessica] (Snover, Beartic, Lapras) 1693-1058-7133 !!THQ5CtVYfKl Fri 08 Nov 2013 10:46:06 No. 15720559 Report Quoted By:
>>15720467 Not til the Bank. You can always find another button user.
Just wondering... Eviolite works on pokémon like charizard or Mawile, with mega-evolutions?
Is there currently any way to battle random people in a 6v6? As far as I can tell the battle spot is all 3v3 for singles. I'm pretty new at battling and I finally sorted out my 6 pokes team, was ready to get into it and get my ass kicked no doubt, then I find out I can only use half of them :( I believe you can battle 6v6 with friends but this is pretty inconvenient because of time differences (hardly ever online at the same time) and I don't have many friends....lol
I don't know whether I'm stupid or blind or it's because I haven't played for a few generations, but how do I release pokemon?
If I reset the EVs on a Level 99 Pokemon, will I be able to retrain it with proper EVs and have it take effect when it reaches Level 100?
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>>15722688 in the box, select the pokemon, release
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>>15721058 passerbys, challenge them
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>>15720950 Nope.
>>15722810 Sounds like you don't know how EVs work, because that's ALWAYS been the case.
Go do some reading.
http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Effort_Values Anonymous
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
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What's the total number of obtainable mon before Pokebank? I'm at 592 and can still add 4 more to my dex..
Best way/place to grind EXP?
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
>>15724738 Exp Power + Lucky Egg + Le Wow Rotation Battles
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>>15724800 Thanks.
>Has to beat trainer under 6 turn >Spams Protect Wtf is this impossible bullshit
im trying to complete the pokedex sightings for the egg charm but all the pokemon I need are babies :( any other way to speed up egg finding and hatching besides flame body, o-power and lumiose? or even better, a simple way to get sightings of all the babies and first stage pokemon? (a few you only see the second stage in the wild)
Should I use this Move set on Vivillon or is there a better one Infestation Sleep Powder Quiver Dance Hurricane Modest 252speed/252 SP.atk
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Can you find Braviary/Rufflet anywhere in the game/safari?
should i run my metagross with an assault vest or a choice band? its literally bulk vs power
>>15726214 its not built for speed
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Does the O-power meter actually charge faster if you have piled up a bunch of steps on your 3DS pedometer or whatever it's called? How many steps do I need to take for it to work?
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>>15726398 i didn't know vivillon could learn Baton pass
does pokerus save time when supertraining?
Okay guys, got a question. I just bought 20 Rare Candies on Global Link and then did a Gamesync afterwards, but I ain't got no candy. Do I have to pick them up somewhere?
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>>15726949 Aaaaannd nevermind. Had to reenter Pokecenter
Why do random japs keep wanting to trade with me?
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>>15726993 usually kids, pokemiles or ditto
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>>15726712 No. Super Training is a waste of time though, just train on hoards with power items. You pull base +1, with power item +5, with rus +10 for a mob of 5 means 50ev per hoard. Sweet scent and you're done in 5 minutes
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Unaware ignores Huge Power attack boost?
Corpseparty-4124-5187-3505 Siglyph,Abra xATU
Corpseparty-4124-5187-3505 Siglyph,Abra xATU Fri 08 Nov 2013 18:01:41 No. 15727396 Report If I unlock all 3 pokemon in the friend safari. do they stay unlocked or do I have to have them online?
I'm sure this is basic information, but if I leave a pokemon in the daycare with a move I want to pass on, what happens if the daycare replaces that move while leveling up?
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>>15727396 they stay. Same with the HA
>>15727410 Egg moves stay whatever the moveset was when you left the pokemon.
I've been trying to sync to Game Synch for 2 hours now, but I keep getting "Game Synch ended because the server is busy. Please try again later" This common?
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>>15727444 That's good to know. Thanks.
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Where do I get the Diploma for completing the regional dex this gen?
>>15727444 Yeah, it happens sometimes, that sucks.
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Can carbinks breed with other carbinks?
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Finally got a Zangoose in Y version!
what are other good items on talonflame, other than life orb?
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could someone point me to that mediafire dump with all the gen 6 hall of fame sprites/art? i know i saw it a while ago
Elly 0473-7777-4199 {Steel: Ferroseed, Klang, Excadrill}
Elly 0473-7777-4199 {Steel: Ferroseed, Klang, Excadrill} Fri 08 Nov 2013 19:07:08 No. 15729026 Report Quoted By:
>>15728610 choice band
bird gem
depends on the set, really. Also, i wouldn't recommend flare blitz+brave bird+life orb, if thats your set. 2much recoil
Can anyone help me with my team build? I have no idea what I'm doing. But I need a decent team without all the usual suspects like Mawile. I just want to cover as many types as possible.
To get hidden natured Pokemon in the safari, does your friend have to be "online", "playing pokemon", or "playing pokemon and connected to the PSS"
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whats the easiest way to get BP fast? Single battle? double battle? how?
Elly 0473-7777-4199 {Steel: Ferroseed, Klang, Excadrill}
Elly 0473-7777-4199 {Steel: Ferroseed, Klang, Excadrill} Fri 08 Nov 2013 19:36:47 No. 15729680 Report Quoted By:
>>15729485 perhaps bisharp? it pairs well with togekiss and dragalge, and somewhat Froslass. Sub+Sword Dance+Sucker Punch is a deadly set.
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>>15729589 The third, only once
How do I EV train Roserade? Timid All Speed and Sp. Attack? Or is it worth to max Sp. Defense instead of Speed
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>>15731861 Speed is the most important stat in Pokemon.
So far I have: Togekiss Froslass Dragalge Bisharp What IVs and EVs and more importantly, moves should I be looking at for each Pokemon?I'm Not sure what my other 2 Pokemon are going to be, so any input would be great.
Which starters correspond to each of the legendary birds? I have 2 friends with the frog and one with the fox and wanted to GTS for the one none of us have for the dex entry.
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>>15732549 >Frosslass Timid
Ability: Curse Body
All EVs on Sp. Attack and Speed
>Shadow Ball >Ice Beam >Thunderbolt >Hail Maybe Anonymous
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>>15732689 Fennekin gives you Zapdos
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>>15732689 Fennekin = Zapdos
Froakie = Moltres
Chespin = Articuno
When I'm using le wow for exp and money... Do the o-powers remain in effect until it actually tells you "____ has worn off", or do they stop working between battles if you take too long? and what happens if I get all the numbers of turns exactly right with no faintings?
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>>15733952 you get a star when selection to do double, triple or rotation battleñ
If I use blaze kick on a Fairy 'mon will it be super effective or neutral damage? Blaze kick = Fire/Fighting
I haven't done any battles except with friends and ingame teams. Is it true that online battles only use 3 pokemon?
>>15734432 Rated battles allow you to bring 6 'mons but you only get to play 3 in a given match.
You can also see the other trainers 6 before choosing your 3.
What's the best time to Wondertrade?
>>15734417 fairy isnt weak to either of those
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>>15734623 Okay then is it 1/4 or 1/2 damage with the dual-typing.
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>>15734532 it's all kind of evened out now, get it done before more kids get the game at xmas
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>>15734574 Follow your heart
>>15734457 If I ran a Zoroark and it copied whatever was in the last slot, but didn't choose it for the battle....would Zoroark still be disguised?
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So, can Sneasel only be evolved postgame?
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>>15734884 I have no idea when zoroark's ability activates. Try testing it.
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Is there any other way of getting a Razor Claw / Razor Fang other than the Battle Maison?
how do i into good natures? >tfw breeding for hours because can't get the one nature I want to then begin IV breeding.
What pokemon can I breed to get: Superpower + Stealth Rock Ttar Aqua Jet + Belly Drum Azumarill Flare Blitz + Gale Wings Talonflame.
>>15736751 Catch Ditto or something compatible with what you want to breed with and make them hold Everstones if it's the right nature.
If you're trying to find the right nature in the wild, bring a Pokemon with Synchronize in the first slot on your team and every wild Pokemon you encounter has a 50% chance of having the same nature.
>>15737025 time to farm dittos then... fuck.
Is it possible to get a hidden nature from 2 parents that don't have btw?
>>15737086 You mean hidden ability? It's not possible unless at least one of the two has it.
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>>15737127 >even more reasons genning is encouraged it cannot come soon enough
Does anyone know how to actually get sawsbuck to change forme? I got a shiny with near perfect iv so I want to use it but hell if I'll let it represent in spring forme. Summer forme da best
>>15738155 It's winter you time traveling fuck face
>>15738358 My 3DS has the correct date and time.
Do I have to use it in a battle to get it to change?
If I put a Ditto with its hidden ability in for breeding with something that doesn't have a hidden ability, will the offspring still have that 60% chance of having the hidden ability?
Do I have to do anything to fight Serena in Kiloude? I'm the north part but she's not there
>>15737025 >>15737086 >tfw after catching 14 dittos they are all the exact same natures I've managed to breed I fucking hate RNG and I fucking hate not having 3ds compatible wifi in my uni
>>15738940 >and I fucking hate not having 3ds compatible wifi in my uni I know that feel, bro.
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>>15739141 I think you have to upgrade your Mega ring in Anistar first.
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I'm thinking of breeding a Gardevoir and Gallade to try out for battles. I'm a little stuck on abilities and natures, though. I'm thinking timid and trace for Gardevoir, and adamant and steadfast for Gallade. Does that sound good?
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>>15738940 I hope gen 7 eliminates RNG entirely. It has no place in game design outside of PvE content.
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>>15739141 You have to win at least one battle in the Battle Maison.
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>>15738940 >having 3ds compatible wifi in my uni >>15738940 >not having 3ds compatible wifi in my uni Add a ditto safari then go to the local starbucks
What are the chances of finding a perfect IV ditto in friend safari?
So I think I have max style. Where the fuck in lumiose do I go for hatching power?
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>>15740573 Cafe Introspection or whatever the hell it's called. One of the ones that starts with an I
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>>15740573 Go to Cafe Introversion with max style and all of the other O Powers unlocked.
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>Lost and Found Level 3 Why is this allowed?
Why are getting the post game mega stones so cryptic?>Have upgraded mega ring >time between 8pm and 9pm >go to the location were Kangaskhanite should be >Jack shit SERIOUSLY WHAT THE FUCK GF
Pete 0146-9779-9331 (Shelgon, Fraxure, Druddigon)
Pete 0146-9779-9331 (Shelgon, Fraxure, Druddigon) Sat 09 Nov 2013 02:05:36 No. 15741447 Report Are the odds of finding a shiny in the friend safari higher than usual? If so, does the person need to be online?
>>15741447 That's bullshit
>>15741354 make sure you are in the right time. the 3DS operates in military time not normal time. Your 3DS should be between 20:00 and 21:00.
That was my problem
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>>15741354 Did you change your 3DS' clock when DST turned on? Assuming you're in America, that is.
If not, it's in Glittering Cave, I assure you.
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>>15741489 Military time is best time
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>>15736869 Talon Flame Learns Flare Blitz from Move Remember-er
Pete 0146-9779-9331 (Shelgon, Fraxure, Druddigon)
Pete 0146-9779-9331 (Shelgon, Fraxure, Druddigon) Sat 09 Nov 2013 02:10:04 No. 15741576 Report Quoted By:
>>15741465 Guess it's just a rumor then?
>>15741489 Bless you sir, you've saved me a huge headache.
Anyone know were to get the root fossil?
>>15741607 Same as all the fossils, Glittering Cave. Note that it's a version exclusive to X
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>>15741354 Just today i did this and noticed my clock was off cause it never turned itself back one hour
that's probably your issue
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>>15741652 You know I kid of admire Game Freak. Without the internet some of this shit would be impossible to find.
>Scizorite is found behind the abomosnow in the frost cave Honestly I would have never guessed.
Adrian M 1160-9752-5035 (Rock: Pupitar-Boldore-Barbaracle)
Adrian M 1160-9752-5035 (Rock: Pupitar-Boldore-Barbaracle) Sat 09 Nov 2013 02:33:27 No. 15742298 Report How do I EV train a level 1 Pokémon via horde battles? Does the Pokémon still gain EV's after it's switched out and another Pokémon takes the horde out? And how many EV's are gained if I defeat all Pokémon in a horde with a power item?
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>>15742298 remember the Exp. share?
the exp. share gives EV's to every poke in the party
>>15742298 base +1, power item adds 4, 5 in a hoard. If you have pokerus it doubles, possible 50 per hoard
Ok I'm new as hell to this game. how should I EV train my pokemon? For example, should I just max out Charizards sp attack and HP? or sp attack and something else??
Adrian M 1160-9752-5035 (Rock: Pupitar-Boldore-Barbaracle)
Adrian M 1160-9752-5035 (Rock: Pupitar-Boldore-Barbaracle) Sat 09 Nov 2013 02:46:15 No. 15742701 Report >>15742580 So if I give my lead Pokémon a power item and have the Exp.Share on the level 1 Pokémon which is currently not battling, does that mean the level 1 Pokémon will get 20 EV's per horde?
Adrian M 1160-9752-5035 (Rock: Pupitar-Boldore-Barbaracle)
Adrian M 1160-9752-5035 (Rock: Pupitar-Boldore-Barbaracle) Sat 09 Nov 2013 02:51:10 No. 15742855 Report >>15742701 >20 Wait, I mean 25 EV's per horde?
Harry 1822-0165-6205
>>15742701 No. The power item goes on the Pokemon you're training.
I've been breeding this guy all night, but the most IVs I got to max were 3. (My best was Adamant with max HP, Atk and Speed) What am I doing wrong here? I also have a load left over with random 3 IVs if anyone is interested in using one for a breeding chain.
Are there any more berry mutations other than the ones on Serebii?
Adrian M 1160-9752-5035 (Rock: Pupitar-Boldore-Barbaracle)
Adrian M 1160-9752-5035 (Rock: Pupitar-Boldore-Barbaracle) Sat 09 Nov 2013 02:58:11 No. 15743075 Report >>15742965 Alright, so I'd be better of Super Training and then start levelling up?
>>15742937 it's only 50 if you have pokerus, otherwise he was right
>>15742979 >>15743075 Dear god no. Super training is only good for collecting extra evolution stones
Aside from filling the pokedex, is there any benefit to spawning baby pokemon instead of their base one forms? e.g., I want to breed Chansey, but if I make her hold a Luck Incense I lose either the Destiny Knot or the Everstone benefits.
Adrian M 1160-9752-5035 (Rock: Pupitar-Boldore-Barbaracle)
Adrian M 1160-9752-5035 (Rock: Pupitar-Boldore-Barbaracle) Sat 09 Nov 2013 03:02:19 No. 15743215 Report >>15743105 How about sending in my level 1 Pokémon holding the Power Item and switching out right away to another Pokémon, THEN will my level 1 Pokémon get 25 EV's?
>>15743215 You don't need to put them in the 1 spot. Give it a power item, put it anywhere else. Keep the EXP share active. They will get the EVs.
>>15743177 Some preevos have moves that only they can learn.
Is wonder trades still giving back bad eggs?
Adrian M 1160-9752-5035 (Rock: Pupitar-Boldore-Barbaracle)
Adrian M 1160-9752-5035 (Rock: Pupitar-Boldore-Barbaracle) Sat 09 Nov 2013 03:05:53 No. 15743329 Report Quoted By:
>>15743251 Ok, I'll start doing that then.
Don't confuse me >>15742965 ! Anonymous
>>15743105 You could have just said no
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>>15743318 It never gave out bad eggs.
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>>15743639 I don't know what's on serebii, I apologize for attempting to help you.
>>15743105 Super Training is better if you don't have Power Items.
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Is Imposter Ditto any good competitively?
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>>15743723 Macho brace is free and easy to find. That's 2 per for a total of 10 that takes a lot less time to build up. The slow start of Super Training is miserable, it takes around 2 hours to EV train one pokemon that could easily get done in 20 minutes worst case scenario.
>Nidorina can't breed for fuck's sake WHY
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>>15744164 It's always been like that. It's stupid as shit, though.
Is there a way to teach Druddigon Sucker Punch and Poison Tail? Nidoking teaches him Sucker Punch, and Seviper teaches him Poison Tail. Can I breed Nidoqueen with Mightyena and get a Nidoran with Sucker Punch then breed that Nidoking with a female Nidoran who knows Poison Tail to make a baby Nidoking who knows both moves then breed with Druddigon?
>>15744540 Nidoqueen doesn't breed. I don't know about the rest of your question, just figured I'd point out that only nidoran F can breed in that evo line
>>15744587 All right, I'll switch it up.
I'm going to breed an F Ekans with a M Seviper and get a baby E male with Poison Tail. Then I'll breed another F...
If I have a female Ekans with Poison Tail and a male Ekans with Sucker Punch, will the child have both moves or just Sucker Punch?
Usagi 2122 6037 9980 (Espurr, Drowzee, Girafarig)
Usagi 2122 6037 9980 (Espurr, Drowzee, Girafarig) Sat 09 Nov 2013 03:49:47 No. 15744841 Report Quoted By:
Are safari floettes always a certain colour? I want a white floette.
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>>15695182 me if you are still around. 0318-7659-8006
What's the best nature for Talonflame, Hawlucha, and Bibarel?
Which is a better chance to find a Modest Female Wartortle? Using Synchronize and hoping to find a Female and 50% of having Modest. Or Cute Charm and catch every Female? Leaning towards to first option as these fuckers won't stay in their Dive Balls. I have a 5IV in its egg group so I just want one Female.
Where can I find the TM Stealth Rock?
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>>15745334 Well nevermind, just ran into a female and got Modest
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>>15742972 Yes, you add more IVs to the equation via another Pokemon with different IVS or Ditto
You have one with Attack HP and Speed
SWAP this guy with one of the parents, and the other one should have different IVS to add (Defense/Sp. Defense)
>>15745437 It's in the FAQ
>>15745627 I ctrl f'd the faq and the list of TMs on Smogon and Serebii, got nothing.
>>15745303 Adamant or Jolly
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>>15745710 Stealth rock hasn't been a tm for the past 3 games
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>>15745710 Then it's not a TM this gen, anon.
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>>15744783 Just bread a female Ekans with male Seviper and got a baby female Ekans with Poison Tail. Breed that baby with a male Spinda with Sucker Punch and got a baby with both. Gonna try to breed this with a male Druddigon and see if it stacks.
Chances are it does.
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What do I breed my Kangaskhan with to get Double Edge? I'm making 5IV ones.
>>15745728 >>15745808 For all three of them?
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If Mega Kangaskhan attacks a Ferrothorn, does Iron Barbs hit it twice?
Just a quick one. Say I get 5 EVs in a horde, 1 from each Poke. Pokerus doubles that to 10. With a macho brace as well, that makes it 20 SpA EV in 1 horde. Correct?
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Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
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Reposting from
>>15746227 Where the fuck is that coupon, if such a thing exists?
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Why do I never see EV's to cover weakness? If I'm making a harass tangrowth (regeneration, rocky helmet, heal + status attacks) should I pump EV's into HP and Def (he's good at def) or HP and SDef to even out his sdef weakness?
Knil - 4468-1934-0287 Psychic: [Grumpig, Espurr, Gothorita]
Knil - 4468-1934-0287 Psychic: [Grumpig, Espurr, Gothorita] Sat 09 Nov 2013 08:30:02 No. 15751241 Report Quoted By:
>>15726285 >Trick Choice Scarf Metagross too stronk Knil - 4468-1934-0287 Psychic: [Grumpig, Espurr, Gothorita]
Knil - 4468-1934-0287 Psychic: [Grumpig, Espurr, Gothorita] Sat 09 Nov 2013 08:36:36 No. 15751349 Report Quoted By:
>>15742695 If you're going for a Specially Offensive Pokemon, you generally want 4 HP EVs, 252 Special Attack EVs, and 252 Speed Evs.