Jake 0146-9440-2100 (Sawk, Mankey, Breloom)
Jake 0146-9440-2100 (Sawk, Mankey, Breloom) Thu 07 Nov 2013 14:57:51 No. 15690144 Report >>15690082 I've got 4iv Mawile or Pumpkaboo if you want.
IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
>>15690144 what is the pumpkaboo like? stats and size?
Ezra 4398-9924-5086 (Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Golurk)
Ezra 4398-9924-5086 (Lampent, Pumpkaboo, Golurk) Thu 07 Nov 2013 14:59:09 No. 15690175 Report >>15690082 31/x/31/31/31/31 timid ralts?
IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
Also got a 3 5 iv thick fat marills with bellydrum aquajet and superpower as well as a bunch of 4iv marill as breeding pairs.
Joaquin 4210-4063-1197
>>15690082 4 iv larvitar with DD SR and pursuit?
Also i have 4 iv timid joltiks with CE
4iv Jolly Sneasel with ice punch and pursuit
4 IV Modest larvesta
4 IV Female timid snorut with spikes
How about a Relaxed Slowpoke? Male 31/x/31/x/31/x Male 31/x/31/31/x/x Male 31/x/x/31/31/x All with Regenerator. I want a 5IV one, but if you think it's an unfair trade give me a 4 one. PS: I'll give you my FC if you are interested, so repply ;)
Jake 0146-9440-2100 (Sawk, Mankey, Breloom)
Jake 0146-9440-2100 (Sawk, Mankey, Breloom) Thu 07 Nov 2013 15:01:43 No. 15690224 Report >>15690156 Supersize, varying stats, all are 31 HP and speed, none are special attack.
IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
>>15690175 looking for more trick room users, do you have 5 iv slowpoke or 5 iv male espurr?
>>15690218 do you have a breeding pair? if so i can give you a five IV fem ferro + a 4iv male
Max (IGN Serena) 0860-3392-4713
-Timid Trace Ralts with 5 IVs(not including Att of course) that has the Egg Move Destiny Bond Looking to get a 31/31/31/x/31/0 ferrowseed.
IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
>>15690224 could i get a 4 iv pumpkaboo? missing atk and sp atk for a 5 iv?
>>15690247 not interested, any other offers?
I have a 5 IV Mawile or a 4IV Klefki (without atk and spatk). Would you be interested to trade a 0 Speed Ferroseed for one of these guys?
Jake 0146-9440-2100 (Sawk, Mankey, Breloom)
Jake 0146-9440-2100 (Sawk, Mankey, Breloom) Thu 07 Nov 2013 15:05:29 No. 15690277 Report >>15690256 that is doable, you're added.
xy laphone 0645-6276-7227
Quoted By:
Does anyone have a Kangaskan? I have good IV Shroomish, Nidoran, Gible and Larvesta.
IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
>>15690277 meant 4 iv, my bad.
Max (IGN Serena) 0860-3392-4713
>>15690256 -Jolly Gible with Rough Skin or Sand Veil with 4 31IVs(not including SpA of course) that know the egg moves Outrage, Iron Head, and Bodyslam
-Timid Gastly with 4 31IVs(not including Att of course) most are 31/x/x/31/31/31 or 31/x/31/31/x/31
-Modest Rotom with 4 31IVs(not including Att of course)
-Adamant Marvel Scale Dratini with 4 31IVs(not including SpA of course)
-Timid Trace Ralts with 4IVs(not including Att of course) that has the Egg Move Destiny Bond
-Adamant Speed Boost Torchic with 4 31IVs(not including SpA of course) that know the Egg Move Baton Pass
-Impish Immuniny Gligar with 4 31IVs(not including SpA of course)
-Adamant Technician Sycther with 4 31IVs(not including SpA of course)
-Adamant & Jolly Kangaskhan with 4 31IVs(not including SpA of course)
-Bold Regenerator Slowpoke with 4-5 31IVs(not including Att of course) knows the egg move Belly Drum
Tyler 1332-7751-6225 luxio, electrode, electabuzz
Tyler 1332-7751-6225 luxio, electrode, electabuzz Thu 07 Nov 2013 15:06:35 No. 15690297 Report -2 scythers adamant 31/31/31/x/31/31 -1 larvesta timid 31/x/31/31/31/31 -7 klefkis bold all with five perfect ivs but they vary -3 ghastlys timid 31/x/31/31/31/31 -4 charmanders timid w/ dragon pulse 3-5 perfect ivs this is what i got OP anyone may offer as well
Quoted By:
>>15690236 I have some females with 2-3 perfect IV's + 0 atk IV's.
Walter 5412 9930 0676 (Ice: Bergmite, Spheal, Cloyster)
Walter 5412 9930 0676 (Ice: Bergmite, Spheal, Cloyster) Thu 07 Nov 2013 15:07:14 No. 15690313 Report I have: 18 4 31IVs Adamant Tyrunts (4 elem Fangs) 4 5 31IVs Adamant Tyrunts (4 elem Fangs) 7 4 31IVs Timid Protean Froakies 1 5 31IVs Timid Protean Froakie Looking for basically any 4~5 31 IVs
Cris - 0962-9914-9110 ¦ Poison: Venomoth / Kakuna / Muk
Cris - 0962-9914-9110 ¦ Poison: Venomoth / Kakuna / Muk Thu 07 Nov 2013 15:07:17 No. 15690315 Report >>15690273 Sorry forgot FC
Joaquin 4210-4063-1197
>>15690256 Op interested in anything?
>>15690216 Jake 0146-9440-2100 (Sawk, Mankey, Breloom)
Jake 0146-9440-2100 (Sawk, Mankey, Breloom) Thu 07 Nov 2013 15:07:29 No. 15690321 Report >>15690286 thats fine, I thought that was odd but I wasn't going to complain.
IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
Quoted By:
>>15690319 not really sorry
IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
>>15690293 5 iv slowpoke female missing atk and you have yourself a 5iv ferrothorn.
Max (IGN Serena) 0860-3392-4713
>>15690365 sure adding now.
IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
>>15690321 i'll add you after this trade.
>>15690378 interested in a male 4iv ferrothorn as well for a male 4iv slowpoke for a breeding pair?
Carloz 0903-2783-6541 (Whirlipede, Ariados, Cascoon)
Carloz 0903-2783-6541 (Whirlipede, Ariados, Cascoon) Thu 07 Nov 2013 15:12:10 No. 15690403 Report Quoted By:
I want a leftover with those moves, I can offer Swinub with Icicle crash and Gible with iron head.
Cris - 0962-9914-9110 ¦ Poison: Venomoth / Kakuna / Muk
Cris - 0962-9914-9110 ¦ Poison: Venomoth / Kakuna / Muk Thu 07 Nov 2013 15:12:30 No. 15690412 Report >>15690273 >>15690315 What do you say, OP?
IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
Quoted By:
>>15690412 not really interested sorry
Max (IGN Serena) 0860-3392-4713
Arthur 3179 - 7189 - 5027 [Sneasel, Pawniard, Absol]
Arthur 3179 - 7189 - 5027 [Sneasel, Pawniard, Absol] Thu 07 Nov 2013 15:14:48 No. 15690457 Report >>15690082 I have 5 IV Jolly shuppet ( no s.atk) and Timid eevee 5 IVs (no speed) with HA if you want
Rue 4828-4967-7644 IGN Will
some 3-4 IV helioptile, inkay and scraggy looking for klefkis, bold with 3-4 IV
IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
>>15690457 shuppet looks good. can you give me 10 minutes to breed more perfect ones?
Tyler 1332-7751-6225 luxio, electrode, electabuzz
Tyler 1332-7751-6225 luxio, electrode, electabuzz Thu 07 Nov 2013 15:16:31 No. 15690488 Report >>15690216 hey I'll trade for your larvitar for any of these
>>15690297 Arthur 3179 - 7189 - 5027 [Sneasel, Pawniard, Absol]
Arthur 3179 - 7189 - 5027 [Sneasel, Pawniard, Absol] Thu 07 Nov 2013 15:17:02 No. 15690493 Report Quoted By:
Spark 1418 - 7429 - 9262
>>15690460 Can I get an Inkay with 3~4 31IVs that aren't speed?
I can give you a 3~4 Scyther/Froakie/Mawile
Theta 2680-9506-3149 (Ghost - Pumpkaboo/Shuppet/Spiritomb)
Theta 2680-9506-3149 (Ghost - Pumpkaboo/Shuppet/Spiritomb) Thu 07 Nov 2013 15:18:21 No. 15690511 Report Quoted By:
>>15690082 I've got some 5IV Scrappy (Rattled) Whismurs and and some 4 IV larvitars and speed boost scolipedes. Interested?
IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
>>15690460 what ability and nature is that scraggy? does it have fake out?
>>15690082 Can Trade a Jolly Stealth Rock/Icicle Crash Swinub.
IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
Quoted By:
>>15690321 ok you are next.
Rue 4828-4967-7644 IGN Will
>>15690506 lemme check if i have those
adamant/con female xx/31/31/31/xx/xx
ok for you?
Theta 2680-9506-3149 (Ghost - Pumpkaboo/Shuppet/Spiritomb)
Theta 2680-9506-3149 (Ghost - Pumpkaboo/Shuppet/Spiritomb) Thu 07 Nov 2013 15:21:22 No. 15690551 Report >>15690488 If the guy isn't interested I have some stealth rock, pursuit 4IV larvitars that I'd trade for a larvesta.
Spark 1418 - 7429 - 9262
>>15690547 Fine for me, what do you want?
Rue 4828-4967-7644 IGN Will
Quoted By:
>>15690523 zen headbutt, dd, and drain punch
jolly natured
Keifer 0087 3347 7638
>>15690530 fogot FC Also swinubs have thick fat, can also offer 4IV compound eyes timid Joltik and perfect adamant shuppet with destiny bond and phantom force
Rue 4828-4967-7644 IGN Will
>>15690556 a scyther i guess
Tyler 1332-7751-6225 luxio, electrode, electabuzz
Tyler 1332-7751-6225 luxio, electrode, electabuzz Thu 07 Nov 2013 15:23:40 No. 15690584 Report >>15690551 sounds good to me bro i'll add you know
Spark 1418 - 7429 - 9262
IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
>>15690566 actually this shuppet sounds better. 5iv ferrothorn for this?
>>15690457 sorry man, this shuppet sounds better
DOES FOREIGN POKEMON SET TO LANGUAGE OR SYSTEM REGION? i have japanese 3DS but i want to set my region to english to trade with other japs for foreign pokemon. will this work
Keifer 0087 3347 7638
Ally 2680-8942-2756
Hi Rosie! Would you be interested in any of the following? - 4IV Adamant HA Bunnelby - 4 IV Modest HA Swirlix - 4 IV Marill (with Aqua Jet, Belly Drum, and Superpower) - 4 IV HA Bold Eevee (with Wish)
Onawae 3153-3806-6670
>>15690313 interested in the tyrunt, have 4 iv bold wish eevees, mawile, zubat, and actually alot of others.
i added you
Theta 2680-9506-3149 (Ghost - Pumpkaboo/Shuppet/Spiritomb)
Theta 2680-9506-3149 (Ghost - Pumpkaboo/Shuppet/Spiritomb) Thu 07 Nov 2013 15:26:07 No. 15690626 Report Quoted By:
IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
Quoted By:
>>15690611 not really no.
>>15690608 added.
Theta 2680-9506-3149 (Ghost - Pumpkaboo/Shuppet/Spiritomb)
Theta 2680-9506-3149 (Ghost - Pumpkaboo/Shuppet/Spiritomb) Thu 07 Nov 2013 15:28:12 No. 15690666 Report >>15690584 All right, thanks a bunch!
Rue 4828-4967-7644 IGN Will
Quoted By:
>>15690587 thanks!
might MM with this scyther
Emily: 0533-4932-9217 (Combee, Masquerain, Venomoth) !sN42kUxMmQ
Emily: 0533-4932-9217 (Combee, Masquerain, Venomoth) !sN42kUxMmQ Thu 07 Nov 2013 15:29:39 No. 15690682 Report >>15690082 I've got 4IV Adamant Contrary Inkay for trade if you're interested!
I'll be monitoring the thread if anyone else wants one.
Tyler 1332-7751-6225 luxio, electrode, electabuzz
Tyler 1332-7751-6225 luxio, electrode, electabuzz Thu 07 Nov 2013 15:29:54 No. 15690688 Report Quoted By:
>>15690666 no prob. thanks as well man
IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
>>15690682 was breeding a bunch of these yesterday.not really. sorry man
Keifer 0087 3347 7638
Quoted By:
Trading my Charizardite Y for a Charizardite X. I also need to evolve my Haunter.
Emily: 0533-4932-9217 (Combee, Masquerain, Venomoth) !sN42kUxMmQ
Emily: 0533-4932-9217 (Combee, Masquerain, Venomoth) !sN42kUxMmQ Thu 07 Nov 2013 15:32:50 No. 15690745 Report Quoted By:
>>15690716 It's all good. I'm currently breeding Huge Power Bunnelby, and I know no one's gonna want those.
IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
>>15690728 let me know if anything is wrong with it.
also can people send me hartchign power? helps a lot
Keifer 0087 3347 7638
Quoted By:
>>15690754 Nope it's perfect
IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
Quoted By:
Anyone have 5iv male espurr? really want that.
Theta 2680-9506-3149 (Ghost - Pumpkaboo/Shuppet/Spiritomb)
Theta 2680-9506-3149 (Ghost - Pumpkaboo/Shuppet/Spiritomb) Thu 07 Nov 2013 15:37:09 No. 15690815 Report Reposting this with some more info. -5IV Whismurs (Modest, Scrappy, Hammer Arm) One 6IV, however lacking the hidden ability. -4IV Larvitars (Careful, Pursuit, Stealth rock) -4IV Venipede (Jolly, Speed Boost, Toxic spikes) Interested in any of those Rosie? Taking offers from other people as well.
IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
>>15690815 venipede seems neat. want a 4iv thorn for it?
Theta 2680-9506-3149 (Ghost - Pumpkaboo/Shuppet/Spiritomb)
Theta 2680-9506-3149 (Ghost - Pumpkaboo/Shuppet/Spiritomb) Thu 07 Nov 2013 15:39:34 No. 15690855 Report >>15690838 I wouldn't mind a 5IV, but if you want 4 for 4, I'd be all right with that.
>>15690082 OP please tell me you're still here.
Will trade you a 5IV immunity Gligar, 5IV speed boost Venipede, 4IV wish Eevee & 4IV gooey Goomy ALL for a 5IV ferro if you've got one left.
Desperately trying to fill the last spot on my team and you'll save me many hours of breeding.
IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
>>15690858 that would be amazing. i have one with max speed but i am currently breeding for one with 0 speed. so all that for one and you have a deal
>>15690082 >>15690858 Forgot name
Sporange [1564-3173-7696] FS: Charmeleon, Braixen, Ponyta
IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
>>15690878 Alright, do you mind if I hang around for a 0speed? Will add you and be chilling online
IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
Quoted By:
>>15690898 look here
>>15690878 is that okay? i can throw in a 4IV breeding partner as well wene i get it
3007-8430-8818 Shiro
Quoted By:
Got a bunch of 4-5 IVs modest gooey goomies and a hexaperfect one. Looking for a female togepi with good ivs (4-6) premier ball would be awesome ; _ ;
IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
>>15690937 okay, will initiate trade when i have it.
Charles 0103 9955 9878
>>15690313 Would you want an Adamant 5IV mawhile or Jolly Rough Skin gible?
Quoted By:
>>15690596 It is based on the 3DS region. Even if you play in English, your Pokemon will still be marked as being from Japan
Charles 0103 9955 9878
>>15690293 Would you want a 4IV Immunity gliscor for a 4IV kangaskhan?
Tyler 1332-7751-6225 luxio, electrode, electabuzz
Tyler 1332-7751-6225 luxio, electrode, electabuzz Thu 07 Nov 2013 15:52:53 No. 15691100 Report a rebump with what i got: -2 scythers adamant 31/31/31/x/31/31 -7 klefkis bold all with five perfect ivs but they vary -3 ghastlys timid 31/x/31/31/31/31 -4 charmanders timid w/ dragon pulse 3-5 perfect ivs
Max (IGN Serena) 0860-3392-4713
>>15691069 Sorry I already have lots of Immunity Gligar, have anything else? I'm looking for 4 IV UU and NU mons also.
Theta 2680-9506-3149 (Ghost - Pumpkaboo/Shuppet/Spiritomb)
Theta 2680-9506-3149 (Ghost - Pumpkaboo/Shuppet/Spiritomb) Thu 07 Nov 2013 15:53:23 No. 15691108 Report >>15690293 Any of those
>>15690815 for either a gligar or a gible?
3007-8430-8818 Shiro
>>15691100 hey, would you swap one of those klefkis for a 5 perfect iv sliggoo, maybe? ; _ ;
Rue 4828-4967-7644 IGN Will
>>15691100 would like a bold kelfki, have 3-4 IV egg moves scraggy, spped boost venipede, con inkay, dry skin helioptile ,deino
Max (IGN Serena) 0860-3392-4713
>>15691108 5IV male Wishmur pls, which one do you want?
Tyler 1332-7751-6225 luxio, electrode, electabuzz
Tyler 1332-7751-6225 luxio, electrode, electabuzz Thu 07 Nov 2013 15:55:31 No. 15691156 Report >>15691117 Dont see a problem with that ill add you now
Theta 2680-9506-3149 (Ghost - Pumpkaboo/Shuppet/Spiritomb)
Theta 2680-9506-3149 (Ghost - Pumpkaboo/Shuppet/Spiritomb) Thu 07 Nov 2013 15:55:36 No. 15691158 Report Quoted By:
>>15691146 Let's go with the gligar. Adding.
3007-8430-8818 Shiro
Quoted By:
>>15691156 Thanks! Will add too.
Charles 0103 9955 9878
>>15691102 I currently have 5IV mawhile, 4IV timid rotoms and 4IV gale wing fletchlings
Max (IGN Serena) 0860-3392-4713
>>15691177 Female Mawile pls, does it know Fire Fang?
Charles 0103 9955 9878
>>15691197 Sadly no, 5IV 31/31/31/-/31/31
That still okay?
Tyler 1332-7751-6225 luxio, electrode, electabuzz
Tyler 1332-7751-6225 luxio, electrode, electabuzz Thu 07 Nov 2013 15:59:45 No. 15691241 Report >>15691141 what does the scraggy know?
Walter 5412 9930 0676 (Ice: Bergmite, Spheal, Cloyster)
Walter 5412 9930 0676 (Ice: Bergmite, Spheal, Cloyster) Thu 07 Nov 2013 16:00:04 No. 15691247 Report >>15690624 added back
I can take one of those bold eevees
>>15691028 Sure, Mawile sounds great. What do you want for it?
added you, btw
Sporange [1564-3173-7696] FS: Charmeleon, Braixen, Ponyta
Sporange [1564-3173-7696] FS: Charmeleon, Braixen, Ponyta Thu 07 Nov 2013 16:00:23 No. 15691258 Report >>15690976 Hey OP. Just letting you know I'm still alive.
Max (IGN Serena) 0860-3392-4713
>>15691240 Yeah thats fine, as long as it is Female.
IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
>>15691258 just letting you know i'm hatching for it. taking a bit of time
Charles 0103 9955 9878
>>15691261 So 5IV Mawhile for the Kanga?
Max (IGN Serena) 0860-3392-4713
Rue 4828-4967-7644 IGN Will
>>15691241 dd, zen headbutt and drain punch
Tyler 1332-7751-6225 luxio, electrode, electabuzz
Tyler 1332-7751-6225 luxio, electrode, electabuzz Thu 07 Nov 2013 16:04:08 No. 15691339 Report >>15691330 yeah thats fine. adding now
Sporange [1564-3173-7696] FS: Charmeleon, Braixen, Ponyta
Sporange [1564-3173-7696] FS: Charmeleon, Braixen, Ponyta Thu 07 Nov 2013 16:04:35 No. 15691351 Report >>15691268 It's cool. Was just a polite bump.
IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
Quoted By:
>>15691351 i know. just letting you know. haven't forgotten about you
Rue 4828-4967-7644 IGN Will
Patrick 1779-0714-5398
>>15690082 I've been looking for this exact mon forever!
I've got 4 IV Jolly Quick Feet Shroomish with Bullet seed, Also 4 IV Jolly Prokie
IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
>>15691391 can give a 4iv for that shroomish. do you happen to have 5iv meowstic?
Charles 0103 9955 9878
>>15691247 Would it be a big ask to grab 5IV protean froakie? Currently 5IV mawhiles I have have -/31/31/31/31/31 IV spread both males and adamant. Would also be interested in one of those tyrunts, I have jolly outrage Gibles if your keen.
Patrick 1779-0714-5398
>>15691407 Sory I dont. 4 IV is fine you've just saved me hours of my life!
Also the Wifi in my dorm is finnickey but I think I'll have a good connection now. If not I can always hook up at my friends house.
tyren (Ground) Dugtio, palpatoad, phanfy 4785-5213-9385
tyren (Ground) Dugtio, palpatoad, phanfy 4785-5213-9385 Thu 07 Nov 2013 16:09:47 No. 15691445 Report I have over 30 Adamant larvitars with 4 ivs, with egg moves dragon dance, pursuit, and stealth rocks I am looking for pokemon with similar ivs and the right nature/ability I will trade both male and female with 4 iv for a 5 iv pokemon I have 4 iv rotoms with modest nature and a 5 iv marill also a 5 iv brave honedge it just doesnt have zero speed as well as some 4 iv protean froakies and 1 or 2 5 iv protean froakies what im looking for - politoed - tyrouge - solosis - conkeldurr - Exeggutor - klefki - Natural cure Trevenant - 0 speed ferroseed
IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
>>15691434 ok adding now.
>>15691351 apparently i had one chilling in my pc for the past half hour. i will send it last after you send the other pokemon you promised, that okay?
>>15690082 OP, if you still have any left, I do have a 5IV (31/31/31/x/31/31) Mawhile to offer.
Pizzakoe 0216-1481-6422 [Gyarados - Bibarel - Frogadier]
Pizzakoe 0216-1481-6422 [Gyarados - Bibarel - Frogadier] Thu 07 Nov 2013 16:12:36 No. 15691485 Report Quoted By:
Looking for: Roserade OR a Shiny stone so I can get Roserade myself. [and] someone who wants to trade BACK AND FORTH: Slurpuff for Aromatisse then get each one to lay an egg and trade it back.
IGN: Sogard 3711-7732-8880 [Kecleon, Smeargle, Teddiursa]
IGN: Sogard 3711-7732-8880 [Kecleon, Smeargle, Teddiursa] Thu 07 Nov 2013 16:12:40 No. 15691487 Report Quoted By:
Key 1822-0248-6671
>>15690082 Would you be interested with in 4IV Quiet Magic Guard Solosi? (whatever the plural of Solosis would be)
IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
>>15691471 already got one sorry
>>15691489 Yes, 4iv thorn for one?
IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
Quoted By:
>>15691258 apparently that is an incorrect friend code. check again
Key 1822-0248-6671
>>15691510 Yeah, sounds good. I'm in class and will be for about another half an hour or so, will that be alright?
2723 9603 3037 | Lizz(Swalot Kakuna Drapion) Anonymous Thu 07 Nov 2013 16:16:00 No. 15691554 Report >>15691445 Got a 5 IV Squirtle /w Dragon Pulse and Aura Sphere if you have a male and female Larvitar left
tyren (Ground) Dugtio, palpatoad, phanfy 4785-5213-9385
tyren (Ground) Dugtio, palpatoad, phanfy 4785-5213-9385 Thu 07 Nov 2013 16:16:40 No. 15691567 Report IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
>>15691552 should be if it is 30-45 minutes. it is 3:16am where i am
Hey /vp/ I've been going around this Dragon Safari for a while catching Sliggoo, but can't find one with Gooey. Does anyone have a Gooey Goomy or Sliggoo I could have? I don't care about IV's or nature. I just want to pass on the ability for breeding purposes.
2723 9603 3037 | Lizz(Swalot Kakuna Drapion) Anonymous Thu 07 Nov 2013 16:18:22 No. 15691593 Report >>15691567 31/x/31/31/31/31, yours?
Walter 5412 9930 0676 (Ice: Bergmite, Spheal, Cloyster)
Walter 5412 9930 0676 (Ice: Bergmite, Spheal, Cloyster) Thu 07 Nov 2013 16:18:42 No. 15691599 Report >>15691423 I can trade the Froakie, his IV spread is 31/31/31/31/*/31, male, timid.
What about those Gibles IVs? I have a bunch of Tyrunts, I could trade easily, but it would be better if those Gibles had nice IVs.
Sporange [1564-3173-7696] FS: Charmeleon, Braixen, Ponyta
Sporange [1564-3173-7696] FS: Charmeleon, Braixen, Ponyta Thu 07 Nov 2013 16:19:22 No. 15691608 Report IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
>>15691608 also check your friend code. won't work for me, says it is invalid
Rachel 3110-4679-4745 [Beartic, Snover, Dewgong]
Rachel 3110-4679-4745 [Beartic, Snover, Dewgong] Thu 07 Nov 2013 16:20:28 No. 15691623 Report Quoted By:
Looking for an adamant or jolly kangaskhan. Don't really have much to offer. I have a 5 IV absol, and that's pretty much it.
Seeking Storm Drain Lileep/Cradily. Offering my soul. Or whatever else it is you want.
Key 1822-0248-6671
Quoted By:
>>15691570 That's fine I'll add and send request as soon as I can
tyren (Ground) Dugtio, palpatoad, phanfy 4785-5213-9385
tyren (Ground) Dugtio, palpatoad, phanfy 4785-5213-9385 Thu 07 Nov 2013 16:22:23 No. 15691658 Report >>15691593 male has everything except attack
the female has everything except speed
Sporange [1564-3173-7606] FS: Charmeleon, Braixen, Ponyta
Sporange [1564-3173-7606] FS: Charmeleon, Braixen, Ponyta Thu 07 Nov 2013 16:22:43 No. 15691666 Report >>15691620 Fuck sorry dude, it's 7606**
3am here atm.. Brain not working amazingly.
Charles 0103 9955 9878
>>15691599 I've got
All outrage/rough skin/jolly.
2723 9603 3037 | Lizz(Swalot Kakuna Drapion) Anonymous Thu 07 Nov 2013 16:23:22 No. 15691684 Report Quoted By:
>>15691658 sounds good, added you.
IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
>>15691666 ok so a 5IV immunity Gligar, 5IV speed boost Venipede, 4IV wish Eevee & 4IV gooey Goomy ALL for a 5IV ferro. i can throw in a 4iv to breed with as well if you want.
Quoted By:
>>15690082 i got 5iv adamant charmander and 5iv ghastly i would like one of ur 5iv frrroseed
Sporange [1564-3173-7606] FS: Charmeleon, Braixen, Ponyta
Sporange [1564-3173-7606] FS: Charmeleon, Braixen, Ponyta Thu 07 Nov 2013 16:25:47 No. 15691740 Report Quoted By:
>>15691709 I would love it, thank you
TTTT 4699-6090-8682 [Skarmory, Mawile, Bronzong]
TTTT 4699-6090-8682 [Skarmory, Mawile, Bronzong] Thu 07 Nov 2013 16:25:59 No. 15691746 Report Quoted By:
Hey guys I'm looking for a 5 IV Fletchling. Nature and ability doesn't matter but I prefer a male one. I can give some 5IV Gastly, Fennekin and Ralts in return.
>>15691575 Does no one on 4chan have a Gooey Goomy/Sliggoo for a bro?
>>15690203 i would like the same thing offering the same to op as you
IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
>>15691771 i am so confused, what? try rewording it
>>15690293 what do you want for ur rotom
Sporange [1564-3173-7606] FS: Charmeleon, Braixen, Ponyta
Sporange [1564-3173-7606] FS: Charmeleon, Braixen, Ponyta Thu 07 Nov 2013 16:29:00 No. 15691817 Report >>15691709 The Eevee is actually 5IV. Bonus
;P Max (IGN Serena) 0860-3392-4713
>>15691805 What do you have?
Pizzakoe 0216-1481-6422 [Gyarados - Bibarel - Frogadier]
Pizzakoe 0216-1481-6422 [Gyarados - Bibarel - Frogadier] Thu 07 Nov 2013 16:29:25 No. 15691826 Report Quoted By:
My Swirlix for someone else's Spritzee
IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
Quoted By:
>>15691817 Thanks a tonne man. enjoy the thorns.
>>15691790 im offering timid ghastly and charmander with 5iv
Sporange [1564-3173-7606] FS: Charmeleon, Braixen, Ponyta
Sporange [1564-3173-7606] FS: Charmeleon, Braixen, Ponyta Thu 07 Nov 2013 16:30:02 No. 15691838 Report >>15691751 I'll give you one cunt.
2723 9603 3037 | Lizz(Swalot Kakuna Drapion) Anonymous Thu 07 Nov 2013 16:30:10 No. 15691840 Report Quoted By:
>>15690082 I could breed you a 4/5 IVs Clauncher today for that Ferroseed. Sounds good?
IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
>>15691835 oky, charmander for what? the 5iv marill? or the 4iv breeding pair or a ferrothorn?
>>15691821 do u hve 5iv rotom i got protean frog and 5 iv evee and some other stuff that you have already
IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
>>15691843 already have a perfect one sorry.
Max (IGN Serena) 0860-3392-4713
>>15691856 Sorry only 4 IV, I will take a Frokie if you still want it.
Quoted By:
I wonder if anyone can hook me up. Starmie is my favourite pokemon, and I have never owned a shiny version of it. Anyone got a shiny Staru they can shoot my way?
>>15691838 Thanks so much!
Anything you're looking for?
Quoted By:
I'm new to Pokemon, how do i see the IV in my Pokemons? and is there a way to upgrade it or it is just luck?
Patrick 1779-0714-5398
>>15691872 The Ferroseed you traded me was only 3 IVs. At the end when he says "Speed" he was commenting that it was very low.
>>15691838 Also, my FC is 2552-1241-2052
2723 9603 3037 | Lizz(Swalot Kakuna Drapion) Anonymous Thu 07 Nov 2013 16:35:42 No. 15691978 Report got 1 modest 31/x/31/31/31/31 Squirtle /w Dragon Pulse and Aura Sphere left. Looking for a other 5 IV male, male + female 4IV or a fishing shiny
Sporange [1564-3173-7606] FS: Charmeleon, Braixen, Ponyta
Sporange [1564-3173-7606] FS: Charmeleon, Braixen, Ponyta Thu 07 Nov 2013 16:35:44 No. 15691979 Report >>15691936 Your friend code. Not really, I wouldn't mind something uncommon for the pokedex though. Surprise me.
tyren (Ground) Dugtio, palpatoad, phanfy 4785-5213-9385
tyren (Ground) Dugtio, palpatoad, phanfy 4785-5213-9385 Thu 07 Nov 2013 16:36:17 No. 15691986 Report Quoted By:
I have over 30 Adamant larvitars with 4 ivs, with egg moves dragon dance, pursuit, and stealth rocks I am looking for pokemon with similar ivs and the right nature/ability I will trade both male and female with 4 iv for a 5 iv pokemon I have 4 iv rotoms with modest nature and a 5 iv marill also a 5 iv brave honedge it just doesnt have zero speed as well as some 4 iv protean froakies and 1 or 2 5 iv protean froakies what im looking for - politoed - tyrouge - solosis - conkeldurr - Exeggutor - klefki - 5 iv natural cure trevenant
>>15691979 I will see what I can do.
Sporange [1564-3173-7606] FS: Charmeleon, Braixen, Ponyta
Sporange [1564-3173-7606] FS: Charmeleon, Braixen, Ponyta Thu 07 Nov 2013 16:38:40 No. 15692037 Report Quoted By:
>>15691988 Friend code m8. Gotta do this quick so I can crash.
IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
>>15691965 yeah 0 in speed, if you don't like that i can give you another one with max spd instead of 0 speed. also people prefer 0 speed for max power gyro ball
Quoted By:
>>15691967 This is my FC in case you missed it.
>>15691979 Cyen Y 4313-1018-9273 [Absol, Cacturne, Vullaby] !Dawn9msAZA
Cyen Y 4313-1018-9273 [Absol, Cacturne, Vullaby] !Dawn9msAZA Thu 07 Nov 2013 16:40:22 No. 15692078 Report Have:>4IV Marills (Adamant, Huge Power) knowing Aqua Jet and Belly Drum, got a bunch of them >couple 5 IV Marills knowing the same, though the fifth IV is SPATK in this case so it's not really better >5IV Klefkis (Impish) >4IV Gastly (Timid) Not really sure what I'm looking for as I haven't decided what I want to train next yet I'll also be making dinner on the side but I'll look for interesting responses
Charles 0103 9955 9878
Quoted By:
>>15690082 Op I got 4IV fletchlings, Gibles, gliscors, rotoms. Are you interested in any?
IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
>>15692078 klefki for breeding pair of ferrothorn? or contrary 5iv adamant squidthing. had a complete mind blank
Erik 5129 0901 4293
>>15690082 Have an adamant marill with bellyjet and adamant nature
Pizzakoe 0216-1481-6422 [Gyarados - Bibarel - Frogadier]
Pizzakoe 0216-1481-6422 [Gyarados - Bibarel - Frogadier] Thu 07 Nov 2013 16:41:54 No. 15692109 Report Quoted By:
Spritzee for Swirlix, ANYONE?
>>15691848 do u have 5iv ferroseed if u dont then 5 iv maril with belly drum plz
IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
>>15692102 already got one. have a good ivv meoestic?
Patrick 1779-0714-5398
>>15692054 No I prefer 9 Speed the point is you said they were 4IV, unless you implied 0 is perfect in that stat, which I could understand.
FC: 3110-5095-7476
>>15691978 I can give you an Adamant 31/31/31/x/31/31 Marill with Aqua Jet, Belly Drum, Superpower and Rain Dance if you want that.
IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
>>15692127 no more 5 iv ferroseed. can do marill though
>>15692131 implied 0
Patrick 1779-0714-5398
Max (IGN Serena) 0860-3392-4713
Quoted By:
>>15692160 Just post what you have.
Erik 5129 0901 4293
Quoted By:
>>15692129 Nope, only really have marills and brave honedges
Aruku 0130-1841-0924 (Psychic: Espurr, Abra, Duosion)
Aruku 0130-1841-0924 (Psychic: Espurr, Abra, Duosion) Thu 07 Nov 2013 16:46:49 No. 15692216 Report 5 IV Jolly Rough Skin Gible with Iron Head & Outrage 5 IV Adamant Larvitar with Outrage, Dragon Dance, Stealth Rock & Iron Head 5 IV Impish Zubat with Infiltrator, Brave Bird, Defog & Whirlwind 5 IV Modest Larvesta 4 IV Timid Nidoran with Hustle 5 IV Impish Immunity Gligar 5 IV Adamant Dry Skin Croagunk with Drain Punch Interested in any of those?
2723 9603 3037 | Lizz(Swalot Kakuna Drapion) Anonymous Thu 07 Nov 2013 16:46:51 No. 15692217 Report Anonymous
>>15692157 I really need a Ferroseed Rosie! I'll give you a Gible or Larvesta 4iv in exchange!
Walter 5412 9930 0676 (Ice: Bergmite, Spheal, Cloyster)
Walter 5412 9930 0676 (Ice: Bergmite, Spheal, Cloyster) Thu 07 Nov 2013 16:47:24 No. 15692231 Report >>15691678 the second one sounds good
FC: 3110-5095-7476
Cyen Y 4313-1018-9273 [Absol, Cacturne, Vullaby] !Dawn9msAZA
Cyen Y 4313-1018-9273 [Absol, Cacturne, Vullaby] !Dawn9msAZA Thu 07 Nov 2013 16:47:43 No. 15692238 Report >>15692097 Inkay you mean? That'd seem interesting.
I'll give you one of the 5IV Impish Klefkis I got left, gladly. Gonna add you.
2723 9603 3037 | Lizz(Swalot Kakuna Drapion) Anonymous Thu 07 Nov 2013 16:48:38 No. 15692256 Report >>15692236 okay! added you
IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
>>15692216 want a 5iv inkay adamant with contrary for either larvitar?
>>15692238 That's the one
Jonh 4742-5257-0128 [Emolga, Electabuzz, Zebstrika]
Jonh 4742-5257-0128 [Emolga, Electabuzz, Zebstrika] Thu 07 Nov 2013 16:48:53 No. 15692262 Report Quoted By:
>>15692230 >>15692157 Derp, here is my code. Adding you!
Charles 0103 9955 9878
>>15692231 Charles. So trades go 5IVFroakie 4IVTyrunt for Mawhile and Gible right?
Aruku 0130-1841-0924 (Psychic: Espurr, Abra, Duosion)
Aruku 0130-1841-0924 (Psychic: Espurr, Abra, Duosion) Thu 07 Nov 2013 16:51:18 No. 15692312 Report >>15692261 Well I wanted a Ferroseed, but an Inkay is cool too.
If you still have any, I can give more off my list for both Ferro and Inkay.
Charles 0103 9955 9878
>>15692269 Sorry meant 5IV tyrunt
FC: 3110-5095-7476
Quoted By:
>>15692256 Thanks for the Squirtle!
2723 9603 3037 | Lizz(Swalot Kakuna Drapion) Anonymous Thu 07 Nov 2013 16:52:33 No. 15692340 Report Quoted By:
IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
>>15692312 i can give a breeding pair of 4 iv ferroseed + inkay for larvitar and zubat?
Jonh 4742-5257-0128 [Emolga, Electabuzz, Zebstrika]
Jonh 4742-5257-0128 [Emolga, Electabuzz, Zebstrika] Thu 07 Nov 2013 16:53:28 No. 15692355 Report >>15692344 Larvesta or Gible?
Aruku 0130-1841-0924 (Psychic: Espurr, Abra, Duosion)
Aruku 0130-1841-0924 (Psychic: Espurr, Abra, Duosion) Thu 07 Nov 2013 16:53:34 No. 15692359 Report Quoted By:
>>15692344 Yeah, that sounds great. Added you.
>>15692216 Would love a Rough Skin Gible and / or a Croagunk.
All I have is 4IV Talonflame and IV Scyther.
I don't have much else to offer, help a nigguh out?
Walter 5412 9930 0676 (Ice: Bergmite, Spheal, Cloyster)
Walter 5412 9930 0676 (Ice: Bergmite, Spheal, Cloyster) Thu 07 Nov 2013 16:53:44 No. 15692370 Report Quoted By:
>>15692269 Sure, im already online.
IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
Zen(IGN: Jack) 1392-5273-6716
Quoted By:
Have: 5 IV Adamant Intimidate Mawile /W Fire Fang 5 IV Timid Ralts 5 IV Timid Gastly /W Disable 5 IV Larvesta 5 IV Timid Protean Froakie 5 IV Adamant Tyrunts /W DD and 3 Ele fangs 5 IV Adamant Rock Head Aron /W Stealth Rock 5 IV Timid Lighting Rod Electrike 5 IV Impish Immunity Gligar LF: 5 IV MALE Espurr 5 IV FEMALE Jolly/Adamant Thick Fat Swinub /W Icicle Crash and Stealth Rock 5 IV Serene Grace Togepi /W Nasty Plot (31/xx/31/31/31/31) 5 IV Rough Skin Adamant Gible /W Outrage and Ironhead
2723 9603 3037 | Lizz(Swalot Kakuna Drapion) Anonymous Thu 07 Nov 2013 16:54:35 No. 15692392 Report >>15692216 Would you take a
>>15691978 for a male larvitar?
Kanabros 2079-7000-4088 Poison (Ariados-Toxicroak-Kakuna)
Kanabros 2079-7000-4088 Poison (Ariados-Toxicroak-Kakuna) Thu 07 Nov 2013 16:54:51 No. 15692401 Report This is what I have>6 Timbur Adamant, 4 IV with Drain Punch Mach Punch. (2 & 4 ) >7 Eevee Timid 5 IV, not perfect though (6 & 1 ) >3 Immunity Gligar Jolly, 3 IV. >8 Froakie Timid, Protean, 3 - 4 IV (7 & 1) I want anything similar to what I have, but no more Larvestas and Scythers please.
Walter 5412 9930 0676 (Ice: Bergmite, Spheal, Cloyster)
Walter 5412 9930 0676 (Ice: Bergmite, Spheal, Cloyster) Thu 07 Nov 2013 16:55:03 No. 15692409 Report >>15692315 5IV Tyrunt, them
would anyone trade an ability capsule for some of these?
Aruku 0130-1841-0924 (Psychic: Espurr, Abra, Duosion)
Aruku 0130-1841-0924 (Psychic: Espurr, Abra, Duosion) Thu 07 Nov 2013 16:55:58 No. 15692431 Report >>15692366 I can give you a 4 IV breeding pair for free.
>>15692392 Don't have a male 5 IV one, only a 4 IV one. I have a female 5 IV one.
I would, though.
Quoted By:
>>15691880 ok can u gve me ur fc cause im in college rn and in class will add you later
Cyen Y 4313-1018-9273 [Absol, Cacturne, Vullaby] !Dawn9msAZA
Cyen Y 4313-1018-9273 [Absol, Cacturne, Vullaby] !Dawn9msAZA Thu 07 Nov 2013 16:56:43 No. 15692441 Report >>15692401 Feel like giving me a 4 IV Protean Froakie for a 4IV Bellyjetter Marill?
>>15692401 got any female protean froakies?
this is mine
>>15692427 Anonymous
>>15692431 Thank you! Added.
blink 3067-5194-3235
I HAVE: Timid Protean Froakie, 4-5 IV Timid Gastly, 4-5 IV Brave Honedge, 4-5 IV Timid Larvesta, 4 IV Timid Infiltrator Noibat, 4 IV Calm Rotom, 4 IV WANT: Scraggy 4-5 IV Shroomish 4-5 IV Hawlucha 4-5 IV Any other 4 IV+ offers
Charles 0103 9955 9878
IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
>>15692431 have i added you yet?
Aruku 0130-1841-0924 (Psychic: Espurr, Abra, Duosion)
Aruku 0130-1841-0924 (Psychic: Espurr, Abra, Duosion) Thu 07 Nov 2013 17:00:33 No. 15692533 Report Quoted By:
>>15692518 Negative, chief.
>>15692476 got any female froakies?
>>15692427 i got shroomish
Walter 5412 9930 0676 (Ice: Bergmite, Spheal, Cloyster)
Walter 5412 9930 0676 (Ice: Bergmite, Spheal, Cloyster) Thu 07 Nov 2013 17:01:15 No. 15692550 Report Quoted By:
>>15692502 Thanks! hope we can trade again sometime
Kanabros 2079-7000-4088 Poison (Ariados-Toxicroak-Kakuna)
Kanabros 2079-7000-4088 Poison (Ariados-Toxicroak-Kakuna) Thu 07 Nov 2013 17:01:50 No. 15692558 Report >>15692441 I'm already making a 5IV perfect Marril with Jet+Belly, sorry.
>>15692458 Yes, I have and I'd like a Skarmory
Cyen Y 4313-1018-9273 [Absol, Cacturne, Vullaby] !Dawn9msAZA
Cyen Y 4313-1018-9273 [Absol, Cacturne, Vullaby] !Dawn9msAZA Thu 07 Nov 2013 17:02:06 No. 15692569 Report >>15692476 Same offer to you then I guess
>>15692441 Want a bellyjet 4 IV for a froakie?
Quoted By:
Anyone got 4IV Kangaskhan? Can offer 4IV Larvestas and Dunsparces
Arnar 0688-5245-3621 Wobbufett, Xatu and Abra
Arnar 0688-5245-3621 Wobbufett, Xatu and Abra Thu 07 Nov 2013 17:03:14 No. 15692595 Report Quoted By:
I've got a Pokérus Spritzee from GTS, will take anything good, mainly looking for a Yveltal if anyone is generous enough.
Key 1822-0248-6671
blink 3067-5194-3235
>>15692542 I do have a 4 IV female froakie, but I see that the other anon you asked earlier just responded. If you want anything else for a shroomish on my list, let me know.
Quoted By:
>>15692474 I didn't name that Delphox!
2723 9603 3037 | Lizz(Swalot Kakuna Drapion) Anonymous Thu 07 Nov 2013 17:04:22 No. 15692617 Report >>15692431 uhh,, I'll take the 4IV male if it has the egg moves, added you already. if it doesn't, got a male Gible?
blink 3067-5194-3235
>>15692569 Sure, adding now.
Aruku 0130-1841-0924 (Psychic: Espurr, Abra, Duosion)
Aruku 0130-1841-0924 (Psychic: Espurr, Abra, Duosion) Thu 07 Nov 2013 17:05:11 No. 15692641 Report >>15692617 Yeah has the egg moves. I can give you a female with 5 IVs and a male with 4 IVs if that would quicken up the process. (they both have egg moves)
>>15692558 >Yes, I have and I'd like a Skarmory can i get an iv quote on the female?
any egg moves?
>>15692601 >I do have a 4 IV female froakie, but I see that the other anon you asked earlier just responded. If you want anything else for a shroomish on my list, let me know. can i get an iv quote on the female?
any egg moves?
2723 9603 3037 | Lizz(Swalot Kakuna Drapion) Anonymous Thu 07 Nov 2013 17:06:59 No. 15692685 Report Quoted By:
>>15692641 That would be great!
Aruku 0130-1841-0924 (Psychic: Espurr, Abra, Duosion)
Aruku 0130-1841-0924 (Psychic: Espurr, Abra, Duosion) Thu 07 Nov 2013 17:07:10 No. 15692689 Report Quoted By:
>>15692669 I didn't even see the Delphox name but now I'm curious. No problem, though.
blink 3067-5194-3235
>>15692652 No egg moves. The IVs are 31/x/31/31/31/x . Timid, protean.
I also have a 31/x/31/31/31/31 male if you need/have a 5 IV.
Trading breeding couples that both have 4 IVs that can create a 5 IV combo. I currently have: Goomy (Calm/Gooey) Klefki (Bold/Prankster) Joltik (Timid/Compound Eyes) Gastly (Timid/Levitate) (No Disable. ;_;) I have a bunch of all of them, except the Klefki I only have 1 breeding pair, and then 1 extra female. I want either a 1 5 IV'd mon, or a breeding couple. I don't really care which mon, if anyone is interested I'll post my FC.
IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
anyone got a 4-5 female scrafty for a ferrothorn breeding pair? pair for 5, single for 4. would love if it had egg moves
3007-8430-8818 Shiro
Quoted By:
Guise, I'm looking for a shiny stone, does anyone have it? Will give a modest gooey goomy in return.
Kanabros 2079-7000-4088 Poison (Ariados-Toxicroak-Kakuna)
Kanabros 2079-7000-4088 Poison (Ariados-Toxicroak-Kakuna) Thu 07 Nov 2013 17:09:29 No. 15692750 Report >>15692652 DEF-SPA-SPD-SPE
Dont have egg moves
IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
>>15692718 scraggy works as well and male would be good.
Cyen Y 4313-1018-9273 [Absol, Cacturne, Vullaby] !Dawn9msAZA
Cyen Y 4313-1018-9273 [Absol, Cacturne, Vullaby] !Dawn9msAZA Thu 07 Nov 2013 17:11:54 No. 15692798 Report >>15692704 >>15692631 You're showing me a torrent froakie dude.
2723 9603 3037 | Lizz(Swalot Kakuna Drapion) Anonymous Thu 07 Nov 2013 17:12:09 No. 15692805 Report >>15692641 Gave you a 4IV female with it, no idea which of the IV's it doesn't have though!
and thanks!
>>15692704 >>15692750 you're both using the english language right?
>>15692704 message back when i'm added
4184 2512 2540- ign calder
0275-8319-5073 Holic
>>15692766 i can offer you a breeding pair of 4iv gibles with outrage and iron head. interested?
blink 3067-5194-3235
>>15692798 Wow I'm not sure how I even had a torrent left, my bad. I don't know how that got in there.
Aruku 0130-1841-0924 (Psychic: Espurr, Abra, Duosion)
Aruku 0130-1841-0924 (Psychic: Espurr, Abra, Duosion) Thu 07 Nov 2013 17:13:21 No. 15692834 Report >>15692805 Hey thanks, I'll be sure to get a Mega Blastoise and wreck stuff.
If you want a Gible 4 IV Breeding pair I'll just wonder trade them away anyway, so I can give you one.
Cyen Y 4313-1018-9273 [Absol, Cacturne, Vullaby] !Dawn9msAZA
Cyen Y 4313-1018-9273 [Absol, Cacturne, Vullaby] !Dawn9msAZA Thu 07 Nov 2013 17:14:01 No. 15692849 Report >>15692825 No problem! Just wanted to let you know, wish GF put in some kind of way for people to communicate while trading. Even just a couple basic emoticons would help.
IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
>>15692822 got wayy to many gibles from trades so no
Kanabros 2079-7000-4088 Poison (Ariados-Toxicroak-Kakuna)
Kanabros 2079-7000-4088 Poison (Ariados-Toxicroak-Kakuna) Thu 07 Nov 2013 17:14:28 No. 15692865 Report Quoted By:
Izzmo 4914 3899 5735 | Aipom, Eevee, Audino
Izzmo 4914 3899 5735 | Aipom, Eevee, Audino Thu 07 Nov 2013 17:15:05 No. 15692880 Report >>15690082 OP, you still there?
Got 5IV Adamant Kangaskhans, 5IV Adamant Mawiles, 5IV Timid Noibats, 5IV Adamant Scythers, 5IV Modest Ralts and am on my way to breed Timid Noibats with Switcheroo
Quoted By:
>>15692849 >wish GF put in some kind of way for people to communicate while trading. fucking this
so many times people have tried to trade me the wrong gender by accident
blink 3067-5194-3235
>>15692813 Yes, English. I added you. So you want the 4 IV female, correct? I'm getting back online now
What are 4 IV Dittos worth?
0275-8319-5073 Holic
>>15692860 adamant intimidate mawiles, adamant marvel scale dratinis?
IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
>>15692880 5iv kanga for a breeding pair? also what ability
IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
>>15692897 5iv regular pokemon
>>15692902 egg moves on dratini?
>>15692892 yeah the 4iv protean female
Cyen Y 4313-1018-9273 [Absol, Cacturne, Vullaby] !Dawn9msAZA
Cyen Y 4313-1018-9273 [Absol, Cacturne, Vullaby] !Dawn9msAZA Thu 07 Nov 2013 17:17:26 No. 15692933 Report >>15692880 Not OP but I would love a 5IV Adamant Kanga, possibly even with Scrappy.
Would you care for a 5IV Klefki? Or two 4IV bellyjet Marills (female+male)?
0275-8319-5073 Holic
>>15692926 sadly no egg moves.
2723 9603 3037 | Lizz(Swalot Kakuna Drapion) Anonymous Thu 07 Nov 2013 17:17:48 No. 15692942 Report >>15692834 I'd take them if you're going to wonder trade them anyway! :)
IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
>>15692939 what are the ivs on it?
Aruku 0130-1841-0924 (Psychic: Espurr, Abra, Duosion)
Aruku 0130-1841-0924 (Psychic: Espurr, Abra, Duosion) Thu 07 Nov 2013 17:19:45 No. 15692972 Report Quoted By:
>>15692942 Gibles are the most adorable things, I swear.
>>15692880 I would like the Kangaskhan (ability doesn't matter), can offer only 4IV Larvesta and Dunsparce pairs though.
IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
>>15692979 dunsparce? why do you have that? just interestin
blink 3067-5194-3235
Quoted By:
>>15692931 Shit I can't do it, I just realized this is the only one I have left and I promised an in real life friend. I'm sorry , I hope you can still get it from that other anon
2723 9603 3037 | Lizz(Swalot Kakuna Drapion) Anonymous Thu 07 Nov 2013 17:22:40 No. 15693028 Report Quoted By:
>>15692834 Cool, thanks! Gave you a eggmove Tyrunt with no idea on IV's. Had no clue about it when I started on them, haha
blink 3067-5194-3235
>>15692710 If you're still there, I can offer a 5 IV brave honedge, for a klefki couple.
Izzmo 4914 3899 5735 | Aipom, Eevee, Audino
Izzmo 4914 3899 5735 | Aipom, Eevee, Audino Thu 07 Nov 2013 17:23:33 No. 15693045 Report >>15692907 You mean 1 kanga for a m/f set of ferros or did i misunderstand. in any case, would do. All of them are early bird, though. had no luck getting scrappys and decided to stop once i got a 6IV one.
>>15692933 early bird only sadly, but both marill and klefki sound good. I think i prefer klefki though.
>>15692979 Larvesta sounds cool
I just hope my wifi doesn't screw stuff up...
0275-8319-5073 Holic
>>15692965 >>15692965 i can offer you a breeding pair of 4iv dratinis. one has hp,df,sp.df and spe while the other has hp,atk,def,spe
Nizram FC:3866-8023-1037
Quoted By:
Anyone ITT have scrappy kangaskhan with good IVs? I have 4IV Lotads with gigadrain and sweetscent other than that I have like 1 or 2 shroomish with 4IV that have quick feet
IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
Cyen Y 4313-1018-9273 [Absol, Cacturne, Vullaby] !Dawn9msAZA
Cyen Y 4313-1018-9273 [Absol, Cacturne, Vullaby] !Dawn9msAZA Thu 07 Nov 2013 17:25:33 No. 15693083 Report Quoted By:
>>15693045 Well that 80% early bird chance would be a pain when breeding
Quoted By:
>>15691632 How rare are Storm Drain Lileeps?
0275-8319-5073 Holic
>>15693077 would you prefer a breeding pair with special attack included in the mix?
IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
>>15693045 actually, earlybrid seems decent. yeah i can trade you a 4iv thron for a kanga?
Izzmo 4914 3899 5735 | Aipom, Eevee, Audino
Izzmo 4914 3899 5735 | Aipom, Eevee, Audino Thu 07 Nov 2013 17:27:51 No. 15693119 Report Quoted By:
IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
Hukne (Vitek) 0447-5967-6568 (Growlithe, Pyroar, Braxien)
Hukne (Vitek) 0447-5967-6568 (Growlithe, Pyroar, Braxien) Thu 07 Nov 2013 17:28:40 No. 15693136 Report Hukne (Vitek) 0447-5967-6568 (Growlithe, Pyroar, Braxien)
Hukne (Vitek) 0447-5967-6568 (Growlithe, Pyroar, Braxien) Thu 07 Nov 2013 17:31:15 No. 15693203 Report >>15693000 Just waiting for MegaDunsparce to happen. That and he's been my favorite since Crystal.
0275-8319-5073 Holic
>>15693120 damn. i dont have much else to offer, a shiny octilary or gabite for a 4iv breeding pair?
Perplexas 0447-5651-2278
>>15692710 If anyone is interested, this is what I'm offering and I'll be here until this thread dies
>>15693036 Sure, I'll be happy to trade you. Adding you now.
IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
>>15693237 shiny gabite? for a breeding pair?
also i'll be heading off in about 10 minutes
Catcher: 3110 - 5095 - 4099 [Frogadier-Wartortle-???
Catcher: 3110 - 5095 - 4099 [Frogadier-Wartortle-??? Thu 07 Nov 2013 17:34:16 No. 15693277 Report >>15690082 Hey man got any of those Ferroreeds left. I got 5 IV Adamant Shuppet, 5IV Goomy and 5 IV Skido
0275-8319-5073 Holic
>>15693242 i can offer you a 4iv marvel scale adamnt dratini pair for a goomy breeding pair
Aruku 0130-1841-0924 (Psychic: Espurr, Abra, Duosion)
Aruku 0130-1841-0924 (Psychic: Espurr, Abra, Duosion) Thu 07 Nov 2013 17:35:14 No. 15693299 Report >>15693203 Oh dude, what do you want for a 4 IV Dunsparce breeding pair?
Want a 4 IV Larvitar breeding pair with Outrage, Stealth Rocks, Iron Head & Dragon Dance?
0275-8319-5073 Holic
>>15693270 yeah shiny gabite for a breeding pair, or a 5iv if you're feeling generous. its adamant nature and has two perfect ivs atk and sp.def
IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
>>15693277 i can give a breeding pair for a 5 iv goomy and skiddo?
Perplexas 0447-5651-2278
>>15693285 Sure, adding you now.
IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
>>15693316 deal. i would give a 5iv if i had one. i do have one but it has 31 in speed
Hukne (Vitek) 0447-5967-6568 (Growlithe, Pyroar, Braxien)
Hukne (Vitek) 0447-5967-6568 (Growlithe, Pyroar, Braxien) Thu 07 Nov 2013 17:37:40 No. 15693363 Report >>15693299 Wouldn't mind that but the Dunsparce pair is without Headbutt as I found out it's an egg move only after getting the 5IV one...
0275-8319-5073 Holic
>>15693351 ah then just a 4iv breeding pair will do thanks.
Catcher: 3110 - 5095 - 4099 [Frogadier-Wartortle-???
Catcher: 3110 - 5095 - 4099 [Frogadier-Wartortle-??? Thu 07 Nov 2013 17:38:31 No. 15693387 Report >>15693327 Sounds good my friend you are a life saver! Adding you now
0275-8319-5073 Holic
>>15693335 if possible, could you make it so none of the parents have ivs in atk?
Aruku 0130-1841-0924 (Psychic: Espurr, Abra, Duosion)
Aruku 0130-1841-0924 (Psychic: Espurr, Abra, Duosion) Thu 07 Nov 2013 17:39:42 No. 15693416 Report >>15693363 Ain't a problem, Dunsparce is cool.
If you don't need Larvitars though, I have 4 IV Hustle Nidoran, 4 IV Rotom and 4 IV Gligar breeding pairs.
IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
>>15693373 ok added, ign?
>>15693387 will add after this trade
Catcher: 3110 - 5095 - 4099 [Frogadier-Wartortle-???
Catcher: 3110 - 5095 - 4099 [Frogadier-Wartortle-??? Thu 07 Nov 2013 17:42:30 No. 15693483 Report >>15693416 Hello sir I would be interested in a Gligar. I can offer a 5IV adamant Shuppet and 5IV Skiddo for a pair
>>15693424 Great
IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
>>15693373 thanks for the gabite
Aruku 0130-1841-0924 (Psychic: Espurr, Abra, Duosion)
Aruku 0130-1841-0924 (Psychic: Espurr, Abra, Duosion) Thu 07 Nov 2013 17:44:17 No. 15693542 Report >>15693483 That sounds wonderful. I'll add you.
Perplexas 0447-5651-2278
>>15693400 Gooey Goomy (M) HP/Def/Spatk/Speed
Gooey Goomy (F) HP/Def/SPD/Speed
0275-8319-5073 Holic
>>15693507 no problem, thanks for the ferroseeds
Hukne (Vitek) 0447-5967-6568 (Growlithe, Pyroar, Braxien)
Hukne (Vitek) 0447-5967-6568 (Growlithe, Pyroar, Braxien) Thu 07 Nov 2013 17:45:30 No. 15693570 Report Quoted By:
>>15693416 added, want the Larvitar pair
Pizzakoe 0216-1481-6422 [Gyarados - Bibarel - Frogadier]
Pizzakoe 0216-1481-6422 [Gyarados - Bibarel - Frogadier] Thu 07 Nov 2013 17:45:53 No. 15693584 Report >>15693483 Anyone wants to trade their Spritzee for my Swirlix?
0275-8319-5073 Holic
>>15693552 sounds good. can you give me a minute. i gotta look for the dratini pair. thought i had it in my party
IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
>>15693555 also how did you get that shiny octiliry? chain fishing?
>>15693584 fuck me you want that spritzee
Catcher: 3110 - 5095 - 4099 [Frogadier-Wartortle-???
Catcher: 3110 - 5095 - 4099 [Frogadier-Wartortle-??? Thu 07 Nov 2013 17:47:21 No. 15693617 Report Quoted By:
>>15693542 Awesome doing a trade then will add you
0275-8319-5073 Holic
>>15693609 nope, i just randomly fished it while looking for pokemon to finish my dex
IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
WEll i'm off. anyone want to do a last minute trade better ask now or forever hold your peace. might be back on tommorow
Izzmo 4914 3899 5735 | Aipom, Eevee, Audino
Izzmo 4914 3899 5735 | Aipom, Eevee, Audino Thu 07 Nov 2013 17:49:45 No. 15693675 Report >>15693136 thanks for the larvestas
>>15693646 you still want the earlybird kkhan?
IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
>>15693636 want a breeding pair of poliwag for it? both are modest and female has hidden ability? worth a shot
Perplexas 0447-5651-2278
Quoted By:
>>15692710 This is what I am offering, just a bump. I also have 5 IV Hasty Froakie with 20+ in Special Defense.
>>15693036 You still here? I'm so hyped for Honedge. Saves me so much trouble. ;_;
>>15693601 Don't worry about it mate. Ready whenever you are.
0275-8319-5073 Holic
Quoted By:
>>15693609 i don't really care for shinies all that much though
IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
>>15693675 yeah did i not add you?
>>15693681 also both have 4 iv
0275-8319-5073 Holic
>>15693681 haha, sorry mate not really interested in pollywags. if you had a pair of larvitars id be interested. or larvestas.
Pizzakoe 0216-1481-6422 [Gyarados - Bibarel - Frogadier]
Pizzakoe 0216-1481-6422 [Gyarados - Bibarel - Frogadier] Thu 07 Nov 2013 17:53:01 No. 15693747 Report >>15693609 I just don't really get what you're trying to say with that comment..
Catcher: 3110 - 5095 - 4099 [Frogadier-Wartortle-???
Catcher: 3110 - 5095 - 4099 [Frogadier-Wartortle-??? Thu 07 Nov 2013 17:53:09 No. 15693749 Report >>15693542 Thanks a lot man hope you enjoy I know I will. All that Shipper has disable if you ever wanna breed with Gastly
IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
>>15693714 sorry man. anyway enjoy the thorns
0275-8319-5073 Holic
Quoted By:
>>15693750 i will. hope you like the gabite. its actually a viable shiny!
Izzmo 4914 3899 5735 | Aipom, Eevee, Audino
Izzmo 4914 3899 5735 | Aipom, Eevee, Audino Thu 07 Nov 2013 17:54:07 No. 15693763 Report >>15693708 doesn't seem like you did, still got you as provisionally registered.
IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
Quoted By:
>>15693747 meant to be
Fuck me, you really want that spritzee
Catcher: 3110 - 5095 - 4099 [Frogadier-Wartortle-???
Catcher: 3110 - 5095 - 4099 [Frogadier-Wartortle-??? Thu 07 Nov 2013 17:54:13 No. 15693768 Report Quoted By:
>>15693749 Shuppet* Damn auto correct
Aruku 0130-1841-0924 (Psychic: Espurr, Abra, Duosion)
Aruku 0130-1841-0924 (Psychic: Espurr, Abra, Duosion) Thu 07 Nov 2013 17:54:38 No. 15693778 Report >>15693749 Well already have Timid Gastlys with Disable, but I'm really interested in using a Skiddo. Think I'll name him Fromage.
And that Mega Banette.
IGN: Rosie FC: 3024 6108 2157
Catcher: 3110 - 5095 - 4099 [Frogadier-Wartortle-???
Catcher: 3110 - 5095 - 4099 [Frogadier-Wartortle-??? Thu 07 Nov 2013 17:55:31 No. 15693799 Report >>15693778 Cool cool if you want to trade Skiddo back and have me nickname him I'm cool with that
Izzmo 4914 3899 5735 | Aipom, Eevee, Audino
Izzmo 4914 3899 5735 | Aipom, Eevee, Audino Thu 07 Nov 2013 18:00:18 No. 15693912 Report Quoted By:
Aruku 0130-1841-0924 (Psychic: Espurr, Abra, Duosion)
Aruku 0130-1841-0924 (Psychic: Espurr, Abra, Duosion) Thu 07 Nov 2013 18:05:28 No. 15694024 Report >>15693799 That sounds cool, actually. Think it's time to run a Bulk Up & Milk Drink set.
Catcher: 3110 - 5095 - 4099 [Frogadier-Wartortle-???
Catcher: 3110 - 5095 - 4099 [Frogadier-Wartortle-??? Thu 07 Nov 2013 18:09:11 No. 15694108 Report >>15694024 Awesome one fromage coming up
Aruku 0130-1841-0924 (Psychic: Espurr, Abra, Duosion)
Aruku 0130-1841-0924 (Psychic: Espurr, Abra, Duosion) Thu 07 Nov 2013 18:10:41 No. 15694144 Report Quoted By:
>>15694108 Don't let him chew the notes up this time.
Aruku 0130-1841-0924 (Psychic: Espurr, Abra, Duosion)
Aruku 0130-1841-0924 (Psychic: Espurr, Abra, Duosion) Thu 07 Nov 2013 18:12:44 No. 15694193 Report Quoted By:
>>15694108 Thanks a lot, man.
Zombie - 1478 3591 2335
Quoted By:
I've got-------- 4 IV Adamant Thick Fat Swinub w/Icicle Crash 3 Atk/Def/Sp Def/Speed 2 Hp/Atk/Def/Sp Def 2 HP/Def/Sp Def/Speed 3 Hp/Atk/Sp Def/Speed Looking for 4-5 IV poke offers.
Nova 5215-0497-6074 electric
Quoted By:
have a couple of chlorophyll 4 iv modest bulbasaurs, would really like a timid protean froakie, but i am still listening to other offers