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No.15700174 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Sup /vp/

After releasing the ones that were complete disappointments, I've still got a bunch of Pokémon left over from breeding a perfect Mawile that I'll be giving away/trading. Most of them are Adamant with Intimidate, but there's also a couple with different natures because I'm a dumbass who forgot to switch breeding items when I switched to a new breeding pair.

The 4 IV ones are 'free', just trade me whatever you can spare. If you can't or don't want to give anything in return and send me a shitmon, that's perfectly fine. For the 5 IV ones I'd prefer something decent in return though. Preferably something with good nature/IVs that I can use for my next breeding project. #06 and #09, the last two on the list, are my breeding pair. I probably won't trade these away, unless you make me an offer I can't refuse.

If you want one, simply post the number of the Mawile you're interested in (see picture), your ingame name and friendcode, what name you want for your Mawile (if you don't choose a new name it'll just have its number for a name), and if you want one of the 5 IV ones what you're offering in return. I'll add/trade/respond in the order of posting, so first come first served.