[57 / 2 / ?]
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Hey /vp/ im trading my Breeding lefties, adamant beldums with 31 ivs in attack and maybe some have sp def too, i also have naive gibles, modest larvestas and a few larvitars, im looking for good pokes to start breeding, good ivs, natures or egg moves will be welcome
blink 3067-5194-3235
Bump, I'll contribute. I HAVE: Timid Protean Froakie, 4 and 5 IV Brave Honedge, 4 and 5 IV Timid Gastly, 4 and 5 IV Timid Larvesta, 4 IV Calm Rotom, 4 IV Timid Infiltrator Noibat, 4 IV Jolly Rough Skin Gible, 4 IV (female) I WANT: 4+ IV Shroomish, Hawlucha, Scraggy, Klefki
Ben 5429-7507-8942
>>15704083 I have a 4 IV shroomish i believe, would like the Jolly roughskin gible
blink 3067-5194-3235
>>15704119 Awesome, adding you now. Send trade whenever you're ready,
Sanya 3153-4749-1063
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I'm looking for a Non-English Eevee. 3+ IV's! Trading 4+ IV Larvitars, Gligars, Honedges, Shuppets. 5 IV Sassy Nature'd Eevee's.
Ben 5429-7507-8942
>>15704144 ooh seems i lied, its actually adamant, quick feet with bullet seed, ign is Essam
I have just alittle under nothing good to trade... But if you could give me a beldom i'd be forever greatful
Long 3823-8598-6425
>>15704083 I have 4IV Bold Klefki, interested in Rotom.
blink 3067-5194-3235
>>15704226 I can trade you a 31/x/31/31/x/31 Rotom if you're willing. I'll add in a sec
>>15704203 Bro I didn't have that one marked but I'm almost positive it had 4, but one of the 4 may be Sp. Atk. I just realized this was my last one. If you don't want it anymore I understand, I can trade you back the shroomish
blink 3067-5194-3235
>>15704226 One more thing, does the klefki have prankster? I don't want it unless it has prankster
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How do I get Mawile to get Ice Punch in X and Y? Or would Iron Head, Play Rough, Swords Dance, and Sucker Punch do? Adamant with Intimidate?
Ben 5429-7507-8942
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>>15704328 Yeah it has Atk, Def, Sp.Atk and Sp.Def. Dont worry about it man, I always breed again so the mon i use has my OT, thanks for the roughskin jollyness!
Aksel 5429-7703-1424
3067-5670-3724 Ghost : Spiritomb :Shuppet: Phantump
3067-5670-3724 Ghost : Spiritomb :Shuppet: Phantump Thu 07 Nov 2013 23:59:46 No. 15704463 Report >>15704083 ill trade you 5 iv skarmory for gible
Long 3823-8598-6425
>>15704328 >>15704374 Yeah, of course it has Prankster. I'll be online in a bit. It's 31/31/31/x/31/x. Probably should mention since I mark a bit differently than others.
Matthew - 5026-4728-8569
Currently working on Impish Shuppets. Any requests?
blink 3067-5194-3235
>>15704487 Cool, send the trade whenever you're ready.
Sanya 3153-4749-1063
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I'm looking to trade someone 2 High IV Eevee's if they can breed me a foreign Eevee (From Germany, Spain, Italy, Japan).
Matthew - 5026-4728-8569
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>>15704505 With Destiny Bond, might I add.
Aksel 5429-7703-1424
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>>15704463 Could you throw one of those to me, i have naive HA ones
Long 3823-8598-6425
blink 3067-5194-3235
>>15704083 >>15704083 >>15704083 Bumping this offer. Still looking for hawlucha and scraggy, I have everything but the gible still up for trade.
Aksel 5429-7703-1424
>>15704664 Hey would you trade me a gastly for a beldum ?
3067-5670-3724 Ghost : Spiritomb :Shuppet: Phantump
3067-5670-3724 Ghost : Spiritomb :Shuppet: Phantump Fri 08 Nov 2013 00:10:03 No. 15704797 Report >>15704664 calm rotom for skarmory 5iv?
Phillip 2165-6208-1847
Anyone have a togepi they're willing to trade? I can offer a 4 iv timid gastly or a 3iv adamant larvitar
Aksel 5429-7703-1424
Phillip 2165-6208-1847
>>15704889 yeah any togepi
Matthew - 5026-4728-8569
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Got an Impish Shuppet 5IV, four of them are 4IV
Aksel 5429-7703-1424
>>15704921 Ok, ill have the gastly please, adding
blink 3067-5194-3235
>>15704753 Sure, I'll do that. As long as the beldum has 4+ IVs . Adding now
blink 3067-5194-3235
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>>15704797 No thanks, not interested in skarmory
MaZe - 1263-6754-0610
Already got a thread up but there's no harm in advertising what I've got everywhere, right? Have : 4 - 5 IV Jolly Absol knowing Megahorn, Play Rough and Baton pass. Only have 7 of the 5 IV ones to trade. 4 - 5 IV Adamant Tyrunts knowing Dragon Dance, Poison Fang, Thunder Fang and Ice Fang Only have 8 of the 5 IV ones. 4 - 5 IV Calm Goomy Only have 1 of the 5 IV ones. 4 - 5 IV Adamant Honedge Only have 2 of the 5 IV ones. Pokerus I can also make some 5 IV Marvel Scale Dratini if I get some offers that interest me enough. Want : 5 IV Larvitars with this spread. 31/31/xx/31/31/31. If they know egg moves then even better. 5 IV Eevee knowing Wish Other 5 IV pokemon. Items that require battle points to buy as well as Mega Stones(if you want to offer a pokemon that has no egg moves for one of mine that does, these can sweeten up the deal to add with them)
Aksel 5429-7703-1424
>>15704942 Nope sorry, only can confirm one 31
blink 3067-5194-3235
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>>15705007 Ahhh sorry, I'm looking for 4+ IVs. Thanks though
Phillip 2165-6208-1847
Vassa - 3652 0563 2395
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>>15704083 I'd love to have a froakie.
I have 4 iv venipede/goomy/shuppet/mawile/dratini if u want to trade
Walter - 4914-3582-7331 Water (gyarados/krabby/frogadier)
Walter - 4914-3582-7331 Water (gyarados/krabby/frogadier) Fri 08 Nov 2013 00:21:47 No. 15705166 Report I have calm sap sipper 4IV goomy calm hydration 4IV goomy calm gooey 4IV goomy timid own tempo 4IV petilil timid chlorophyll 4IV petilil jolly keen eye 4IV sneasel w/ice shard jolly inner focus 4IV sneasel w/ice shard 1 calm/1 docile natural cure 4IV chansey 2 jolly early bird 4IV kangaskhan anyone want them? I'm looking for other 4IV pokes, if possible.
Mike 1220-6452-5757 (Plusle, Luxio, Stunfisk)
Mike 1220-6452-5757 (Plusle, Luxio, Stunfisk) Fri 08 Nov 2013 00:22:55 No. 15705203 Report >>15705006 Hey Maze, it's me again. I've got another 5 IV Eevee with Wish, for that 5 IV Calm Goomy if you're interested. Bold, with either Run Away or Adaptability as the ability.
MaZe - 1263-6754-0610
>>15705203 Hey again. I'll take the Bold one with Adaptability. It needs to be male though, is that alright?
Avery 0061 0328 4227 (Abra, Sigilyph, Xatu)
Avery 0061 0328 4227 (Abra, Sigilyph, Xatu) Fri 08 Nov 2013 00:27:25 No. 15705352 Report >>15704083 Have 4+ IV jolly scraggy, interested in noibat
Mike 1220-6452-5757 (Plusle, Luxio, Stunfisk)
Mike 1220-6452-5757 (Plusle, Luxio, Stunfisk) Fri 08 Nov 2013 00:28:10 No. 15705379 Report >>15705338 Yeah, that works. I'm hopping on right now.
Vassa - 3652 0563 2395
>>15705166 what do you want for inner focus sneasel and kangaskhan?
I have 4 iv venipede/goomy/shuppet/mawile/dratini/larvesta/gible if u want to trade
blink 3067-5194-3235
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>>15705352 Great! Adding you now!
Walter - 4914-3582-7331 Water (gyarados/krabby/frogadier)
Walter - 4914-3582-7331 Water (gyarados/krabby/frogadier) Fri 08 Nov 2013 00:34:33 No. 15705577 Report >>15705414 Mawile sounds good. If you want sneasel and kangaskhan too, then trade me one dratini, is that okay?
MaZe - 1263-6754-0610
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>>15705379 Thanks again, bro.
This might be a strange question but I'm hoping one of you guys can help a beginning IV breeder out. How uncommon is it for a pokemon to get 6/6 31 IVs?
blink 3067-5194-3235
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>>15705352 p-pls respond
been looking for a scraggy for days
Vassa - 3652 0563 2395
>>15705617 using 2 5 IVs parents, like 1/200
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I'm looking for a 0 speed IV honedge, anyone has one to spare?
Walter - 4914-3582-7331 Water (gyarados/krabby/frogadier)
Walter - 4914-3582-7331 Water (gyarados/krabby/frogadier) Fri 08 Nov 2013 00:45:33 No. 15705894 Report >>15705703 You didn't accept the invitation to trade. You don't want to do it?
Vassa - 3652 0563 2395
>>15705894 really?
sorry i didn't noticed!
ask me again please
Walter - 4914-3582-7331 Water (gyarados/krabby/frogadier)
Walter - 4914-3582-7331 Water (gyarados/krabby/frogadier) Fri 08 Nov 2013 00:48:12 No. 15705977 Report >>15705947 No problem, I'll do it again.
Vassa - 3652 0563 2395
>>15705977 thanks for the trade!
Walter - 4914-3582-7331 Water (gyarados/krabby/frogadier)
Walter - 4914-3582-7331 Water (gyarados/krabby/frogadier) Fri 08 Nov 2013 01:07:50 No. 15706543 Report Quoted By:
>>15706153 You're welcome!
1779-0064-8389(Diggersby, Marowak, Phanphy)
1779-0064-8389(Diggersby, Marowak, Phanphy) Fri 08 Nov 2013 02:53:13 No. 15709970 Report Quoted By:
Anyone have 4-5IV HA Marill with Bellydrum? I have timid wish eevees with 5IVs and I can breed eevees with yawn, curse and wish if you're willing to wait a bit