Did you call her a genwunner and then tell her that her favourite pokemon are shit and not even OU tier? I hope you challenged her to a battle and crushed her with a smogon approved sneaky pebbles set
>>15724476 I hate you and your kind.
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>>15724476 No, she likes other generations as well.
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>>15724259 There's a qt tall girl that I see occasionally with an oshawat attacked to her backpack but I haven't actually talked to her about it.
My friend's girlfriend plays as well but I wreck all of them so they get pissed and don't like to play me or talk to me about it. Shit sucks
>>15724259 You say this like it's uncommon for girls to play pokemon. Which is hilarious.
I have seven good female friends who play pokemon
Which is a very large portion of my female friends
>>15724560 >having friends Pleb
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I know a few girls that play pokemon, they tend to be casual about it though (ie not obsessive faggots like all of us) Ones a work colleague, ones a friend from MMOs. I had an ex that played as well.
I have a friend who's girlfriend plays pokemon, lucky guy. Other than that the only other I've seen is a girl about my age who played up to the third gen, and thinks that since she works at Subway and makes sandwiches it's "Misogynistic". I shit you not, she feels manipulated because her job is to make sandwiches... In Subway.
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The only girl that talked to me outside of school/etc in the last 2 years played pokemon she was pretty cute too, I should have fucked her since I knew she was interested in me
>>15724476 >favorite pokemon have to be OU You dumb faggot
Do guys who play as girls in-game count?
Leon (Gloom - Garvodor - Drapion) 3969-4803-6478
Leon (Gloom - Garvodor - Drapion) 3969-4803-6478 Fri 08 Nov 2013 16:42:17 No. 15725600 Report My gf likes playing with cute pokemon and actually does quite well, she isn't interested in competitive playing at all, fuck EV and IV's. Is nice to see how she has fun with the games in her own way.
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My girlfriend just started playing. She's never played before so I stuck her on Platinum. She takes notes in a notebook. 2qt
Tiamath 4270-1408-1357 (Dusclops, Chandelure, Pumpkaboo)
Tiamath 4270-1408-1357 (Dusclops, Chandelure, Pumpkaboo) Fri 08 Nov 2013 16:46:33 No. 15725707 Report Me and four friends of mine all play Pokémon mainly casually (although the boyfriend of one of my friends is heavily into competitive play so his gf has Pokémon with really nice stats too). I've started to IV breed this week to try and make a good team for Battle Maison but I don't think I'll be ever good enough to stand a chance against competitive players, not that it matters though. At least 3 of us (including me) live in countries where having to do anything with Pokémon labels you a childish, awkward person. In fact I don't know a single male player in my country, let alone a fellow girl who is into Pokémon. Doesn't mean they don't exist, but I have yet to find some. If this thread was exclusively for male players, my bad. Still a newfag here.
...but I am a girl who plays pokemon.
Erio - 1005 9533 6776
>Is a girl playing Pokemon Gender doesn't mean shit when playing games.
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My sister plays Pokemon. Her favorites are Gardevoir and Medicham.
Also this
>>15725808 Anonymous
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ITT basement dwellers who think girls that like pokemon are magical unicorns
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>>15725783 Me too.
But I have a penis. Anonymous
You are aware that /vp/ is one of the boards with most women on it on 4chan right
Kasey 2878-9592-9175 (Electric: Pachirisu, Stunfisk, Galvantula)
Kasey 2878-9592-9175 (Electric: Pachirisu, Stunfisk, Galvantula) Fri 08 Nov 2013 16:53:32 No. 15725854 Report Quoted By:
Even if I don't count myself, I think I (personally) know more girls irl that play it than guys, though it might edge the other way if I count people I've met in line to get the games at launch.
I know a few girls, one that's just about as insane into it as me, but unfortunately she lives on a campus with shitty internet she can't connect to, so I still don't know what her third Pokemon is and she has a Normal type safari . Here's a bad picture of two of them playing right after getting X and Y at the midnight release.
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>>15724259 My
gf and her best friend both bought the new games before me. They are pretty competent when we battle, too. Started EV training this gen because of Super Training but don't care about IVs. Gf uses Masuda and passes down Pokerus whenever she can
>>15724259 I had a girlfriend once
she was a casual 'gamer girl' and had never played a Pokemon game since Silver, despite saying she loved the series.
Anyway, after dating for a while when she'd watch me play online, I gave her Diamond and she didn't sleep for three days, literally.
She wound up leaving me for some British faggot in a band after telling me that she couldn't live without me, so /vp/ good or bad experience? Anonymous
All the people who play Pokemon near me are female. All I want are male friends because they're more competitive and won't suck my dick when I beat them three times in a row.
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>>15724259 My first female friend played Pokémon with me in elementary school, I remember she had Yellow but she moved away after 2nd grade without telling me or giving me anything to hold contact.
;_______; Anonymous
> so /vp/ good or bad experience? it depends, did you cum in her ass?
Tiamath 4270-1408-1357 (Dusclops, Chandelure, Pumpkaboo)
Tiamath 4270-1408-1357 (Dusclops, Chandelure, Pumpkaboo) Fri 08 Nov 2013 16:58:11 No. 15725969 Report Quoted By:
>>15725866 Haha awesome, I wish I had the Chespin paper-cap when I got my copy :D
Too bad I can't play like that with anyone here, but at least I can trade and battle my foreigner friends.
Erio - 1005 9533 6776
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It's the other way around for me, I play pretty seriously, recently got a gold trainer card and I have up to 3 boxes of 5 IV Pokemons, but my bf is a casual player, only playing with his favourite pokemons. Played since RBY and played some of the spin off games.
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>>15725707 Bor do you mind if I add you for multi-battle?
>>15724476 these are the words from someone whos never, ever getting laid
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>>15724652 >not having friends. pleb
(we can do this all day with pointless insults with no justification)
>my gf rapes people hard on showdown >Has a complete living pokedex on BW2 >Enjoys every single aspect of pokémon - breeding, cute things, badass things, in-game stuff, competitive stuff >Hates deviantart-furfag-diaper-fanfics with the same passion as I do >Browses /vp/, I really hope this thread dies quickly so she doesn't see this blatant bragging of mine >In case she does - I love her so much
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>>15725964 I'm assuming you meant to link to
>>15725924 and if so, yes.
Yes, I did.
Although, to be honest, I would have been fine with no sex, if only things didn't have to go down that road. She was the first person I ever actually cared about. Anonymous
>>15725926 >tfw a girl will never suck my dick after beating her in pokemon Anonymous
>>15726019 I bet she's ugly
>>15726071 I bet you're jelly
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Ahh, I know quite a few girls that play Pokemon, actually. My sister stopped playing around Gen 4; my cousin still plays; my best friend is still waiting to be able to afford it; and I've pretty much played since before I could read most of the bigger words. The rest of the people I know who play are guys or internet friends.
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>>15725600 My baby cousin does that too. It is cute but they grow out of it.
I assume you're a pedophile or like tards?
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>>15725808 all girls play are pokemon and other common crap
and they always curse when it isn't necessary and think they're cool for it
>>15725853 /cgl/ and
/d/ have more girls than here
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>>15726091 not denying her ugliness. okay than
enjoy your fat ugly GF thats only with you due to same hobbies
>>15726031 I know a girl who I could probably get to do that IRL, though its more a case of she wants the D and also happens to play pokemon
I'm not that into her though Anonymous
>>15726165 >I'm not that into her though u gay bro?
Is she ugly or something? Anonymous
my sister used to watch the anime with me a long time ago, but never played the games i gave her platinum on a road trip and she played it literally the entire time now she refuses to admit it because she's 2cool
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>>15726222 How old is she? sounds like a qt tsundere from my animus
denizens of /vp/ girls play pokemon a LOT of girls play pokemon THEY ARE NOT ALL FAT AND/OR UGLY some are quite attractive can we stop circlejerking around this now? it's a game marketed for both genders so girls play it too, im so sick of threads revolving around this captcha:pathetic etyquid
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I've dated a few. Unfortunately they were the kinds that thought it was endearing when I would get really excited before a new gen release and promised to play with me only to get bored after the first gym. One of them made a team of bidoofs because she thought they were cute
>>15726352 People will never stop with these threads, everyone knows that. At least we only have one at a time.
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I know a few girls who don't play the games but like pokemon because if they have a pikachu keychain on their bag they can pretend to be "so nerdy gurl gamer XD" even though they haven't played since middle school. I don't know any who do like the games though. Well except for myself, I started browsing here before X/Y came out and it got me interested in competitive playing. Also I play as a boy because he's cute as hell like wow.
>>15726388 i know you're right. i just don't understand the insane amount of defensiveness/denial every time a girl is in a thread/a girl is mentioned. it's always WOW HAHA ENJOY BEING FAT AND UGLY or OMG WILL U BE MY GF and never just a normal reaction. it's not rare or special to be a girl and play pokemon so i don't know why people freak out about it so much
The lowest point in my life is when I fucked a girl cosplaying Gardevoir. On the other hand that was 7 years ago and she is now my wife.
>>15726430 le board culture XD
But seriously, we're just joking
>>15726451 Does she actually play? As a cosplayer myself, I've been turned off from doing trainers and gijinka cosplays so many times because of the people I meet at cons. Most just do it for the attention, or only know of the Pokemon/trainer they're cosplaying and maybe five other well-known ones. I get pretty mad.
>>15725707 Which country are you from? Your description matches finland so well, can't tell anyone I play without being labeled weird and childish and a faggot etc.
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>>15726510 most are...but some are totally serious
My girlfriend plays Pokemon. She skipped gens 4 and 5 as she didn't like the way sprites looked in the overworld. Her favourites are gen 3 (hoenn) I bought her Y after she bought me X but she hasn't played it much as she's busy with studying atm
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The Pokemon club at my school is about half girls. Some are ugly, some are attractive, most are average. They're all at least decent at the game though.
Tiamath 4270-1408-1357 (Dusclops, Chandelure, Pumpkaboo)
Tiamath 4270-1408-1357 (Dusclops, Chandelure, Pumpkaboo) Fri 08 Nov 2013 17:29:41 No. 15726644 Report >>15726540 Hungary. Not even my boyfriend plays Pokemon, but at least he doesn't mind me playing it.
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>>15726281 Such is life my friend
>>15726516 Well, she won the Pokemon doubles tournament that I met her at. And she actually buys all the games like a week before me. Yeah she plays.
But I know that feel, so many nice looking female cosplayers but as soon as you ask whether they watch/play/know about the series they're cosplaying you just get a blank stare. Like, why even bother?
Hit it and quit it is the motto, man. Anonymous
>>15726644 Oh. But you're lucky then, my ex would have had a problem with it, she had a problem with me playing "childish" games in general, which included every single nintendo game in her opinion.
Ariel - 0791 2234 3764
>>15726718 That's good to hear. At least one day, when I become skilled with wigs, I can do a Kris cosplay. I've been wanting to for forever, and it doesn't have the same retarded fanbase thanks to HG/SS
though I also hate how she's not in it .
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>>15726781 Didn't mean to namefag. Oh well.
Tiamath 4270-1408-1357 (Dusclops, Chandelure, Pumpkaboo)
Tiamath 4270-1408-1357 (Dusclops, Chandelure, Pumpkaboo) Fri 08 Nov 2013 17:41:48 No. 15726957 Report >>15726776 The most I could achieve with him regarding "childish games" was to make him play Digimon Masters Online with me. Until Guild Wars 2 came out, then both of us moved there although Pokemon Y distracts me from GW2 a lot lately. But no chance for him to play Pokemon anytime soon, but yeah, at least he doesn't mind me playing it.
He is also only recognising a few of the first Gen Pokemon, those are the ones he remembers from when Pokemon started to air in our country (by then it was already into Gen 2 mons on German channels where I've watched Pokemon).
>>15726781 I think the greatest tragedy in the history of Pokemon is that Kris didn't come back in HG/SS. I mean Lyra is cool and all but
she's not the character I had a crush on when I was younger... Anonymous
>>15726957 Oh so playing is a mutual interest in general? Scrap you being lucky, you are very lucky.
So yeah he has only watched the anime, not played the games? Imo the anime is the worst thing to happen to pokemon, it is meant for a younger audience than the games, and because of that it gives the games a kiddie label too. It sucks.
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>>15727039 Seriously. She is by far my favorite character in the entire Pokemon universe. It does help that she was the first female playable character too, since I had been waiting for that for years. But she also has the best legendary to go along with it.
Not the best overall, they just work together so well. I'm glad she's still herself in PokeSpe, but no one reads that past Yellow or, at most, Gold and Silver, anyway.
>>15724259 (a wild grill appeared)
But no seriously. I've played *most* of the pokemon games (with the exception for Emerald because poor family), and I liked all of them except for Gen 5 (I can tolerate Gen 4 since I was recently transferred to a High School where I literally knew no-one)
My boyfriend and I kind of just the last month sitting next to each other immersed in our games up until now. He suddenly decided he would rather sink more time into dota 2 even though I just bought him a shitton games for his birthday/our anniversary. So I don't really have anyone to play with anymore.
But I digress, the only other girls that I know that "like" pokemon are casualfags that would rather play halo on the 360.
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>>15727227 *I meant at the time of Gen 4's release. I'm well into College now.
>>15727227 >the only other girls that I know that "like" pokemon are casualfags that would rather play halo on the 360 Same here, except that stands for every girl I know who plays games in general. All 2 of them.
oh and even halo is too hardcore, they only play cod Anonymous
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>>15726589 >She skipped gens 4 and 5 as she didn't like the way sprites looked in the overworld. That's pathetic.
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>you will never have a girlfriend that will sit on your face and play pokemon for hours
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>>15727301 They play on
the easy setting for every game that they play.
Tiamath 4270-1408-1357 (Dusclops, Chandelure, Pumpkaboo)
Tiamath 4270-1408-1357 (Dusclops, Chandelure, Pumpkaboo) Fri 08 Nov 2013 17:59:57 No. 15727365 Report >>15727129 I agree about the anime part. A lot of people still shun anime fans here in Hungary and automatically think they must be watching Pokémon or something. Idk how Pokémon equals all things anime but whatever floats their boat. I've tried to make Pokemon more appealing to my boyfriend so I started to talk about IV breeding and stuff... but I'm afraid I only scared him away from the games... He's still a nice guy about it though, if I catch/hatch/evolve something nice and tell him, he always comes there and watches it with me or jokes about it. This week I got a good IVd Togekiss and showed it to him. When I told him it's the final form of Togepi (whom he remembers from the anime) he was all "Really? That's cool!" and seemed to be surprised.
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I never played pokemon as a kid, but my girlfriend got me into it earlier this year. She has played every game, but doesn't seem to know as much as the average person on /vp/ she thought that breeding a ditto with a genderless pokemon could result in a ditto egg sometimes and believes that Marriland is the most reliable source of pokemon info. Neither of us have a 3DS so we haven't played X and Y yet.
>girls I don't talk to girls because I have spaghetti in my pockets and girls don't talk to me because I'm ugly
>>15727365 He seems really nice, I'm jealous of you guys even though I don't know much. Still sounds a lot better than my last relationship lol
But yeah, it's great that you tell him about the more complex parts of the game, otherwise he'd judge them by the anime and have a totally wrong impression of them. Oh and don't get me started on what people think of anime fans in general here
At my college there's a huge group of people who play Pokemon and half of them are women. So yes. My best friend is a grill too, and we play/talk about Pokemon a lot as well. She's loves poison types.Shes also in this thread right now. hey bb
>>15727502 >poison types mah nigga
where is she so I can give her a congratulatory dicking for having perfect taste
Tiamath 4270-1408-1357 (Dusclops, Chandelure, Pumpkaboo)
Tiamath 4270-1408-1357 (Dusclops, Chandelure, Pumpkaboo) Fri 08 Nov 2013 18:10:31 No. 15727584 Report >>15727483 The first sentence I said to him when he found out I want to play a Pokemon game went more or less literally like "The Pokemon anime is childish, I know, but the games are not. They are very fun and involve a lot of strategy and thinking actually!" so it wouldn't turn awkward. It's lame that it has to go this way but it worked and he doesn't shun me about it.
Sorry about your previous relationship. Surely you were meant to be with someone else who is into games too or at least is more understandable regarding them!
>>15727435 Confidence can do a person good. Bitches love confidence.
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I'm actually going to the first yearly meeting of the "Manly Gamedays Pokemon League." I'm sure there are girls that go, but I'm not looking forward to what I'll see there. I do need to finish my team before though, so I can kick some casual ass. And yeah, I just moved here, so this is my chance to get to know people who play in the area.
>>15727584 That's exactly what I would have said in that situation, it's good that he understood.
Yeah, thanks, she most definitely wasn't the one for me. But ones who play or would understand playing tend to be super shy and it's hard to get to know them ;____;
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>>15727601 this, confidence is everything in every social relation, be it a friendship or relationship or whatever. Without confidence you are nothing and are bound to fail. But with it, everything becomes much easier.
>>15727601 How do I into confidence anon?
Please help a poor spaghetti man get his act together
;_; Anonymous
>>15727692 just remember that the shy ones probably spill more spaghetti than you
confidence comes more easily
Tiamath 4270-1408-1357 (Dusclops, Chandelure, Pumpkaboo)
Tiamath 4270-1408-1357 (Dusclops, Chandelure, Pumpkaboo) Fri 08 Nov 2013 18:21:08 No. 15727867 Report >>15727692 Don't worry, my anonymous friend. Your time will surely come too and you will find your girl, just keep looking! If your country doesn't have Pokemon/gaming related events then look for the local fansites and forums. Even shy girls are more open on the Internet.
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>>15727844 I know two girls that like pokemon, one of them just plays the storyline and plowed through it but the other one is more into competitive
i think the gender ratio of people that play pokemon is probably just 50%/50% i never really got these threads
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>>15727844 Yeah but this sucks, it's hard to be confident and smooth when the other one is all spaghetti-y. Gives a feeling that she doesn't like the situation/me
>>15727867 Thank you! You are really cheerful and great and you seem amazing. Thanks.
>>15727841 First of all, don't give a flying fuck about what other people think of you. YOU are YOU, and YOU are a genuine human bean.
Secondly, take care of your emotions, your health, and your appearance (I'm not talking about make up, but I'm talking about general grooming). When you feel good, it tends to show in positive ways.
Thirdly, dress in what YOU think you look good in.
Fourthly, try to be happy no matter what.
Also it might be a good idea to put your spaghetti in the fridge Anonymous
>>15727559 Anon's friend here.
Too lewd please go.
>>15728045 Don't worry, I'm not going anywhere honey
call me also poison bros unite
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>>15728003 >When you feel good, it tends to show in positive ways. >Fourthly, try to be happy no matter what. These. This is exactly why depression for example is a bad problem: Feeling bad makes people not like you, which in turn gives a worse feeling. And less liking of you. So yeah. Try to do things you enjoy and feel good. And try to find people who are like you, even slightly. People who you can be yourself with.
>>15728106 At least we agree Poison is best type.
still lewd tho Anonymous
>>15724707 Dick shaped sandwiches m8.
Clearly part of the brainwash from the patriarchy
>>15728211 But you like it :3 Muk best poison
Mj. Spoilers
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My ex was a Pokégirl. She never really got into anything past Gen 3, though.
Drapion is the best poison type
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pretty cool m8 good choice. Anonymous
>>15728522 >not Scolipede Pffffffff hahahaha
kidding, Muk is okay but not good enough also my friend would kill me if i didnt say that but, that is lewd anon Anonymous
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>>15728688 >Scolipede mah nigga, best poison 'mon ever
Personally I would hate it if my girlfriend was into Pokemon. Would make it less fun.
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>>15729103 But how? You could trade with her, and comment about how certain move sets would be nefariously fun to play around with. It'd be like...pokeshop talk with a bro but not. Unless you are into making out with your bros. That's cool too.
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i have a friend that plays the new one, her fav is gengar she doesnt know shit bout EV and IVs, fucking casual but shes cute
>>15725866 those are not girls, those are female fedora tipping autist bitches
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my girlfriend likes pokemon but she gives up too easily because she doesn't like level grinding. she doesn't know real pain
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Funny that you made this thread OP. I've recently met two girls who play pokemon after not meeting any my whole life.>At work (Bunnings) and spot a new extremely hot girl from Australia >Too scared to talk to her because hot girls are usually bitchy >We both happen to be on checkouts at the same time so I'm basically forced to talk to her >She's super nice and we both play pokemon >Became the best friend that I made all year and we're now best buds And the other girl>New cutie at work yesterday >Get introduced to her by another girl saying to her that I like pokemon and could help her with a list >She's listing the first 150 off the top of her head while we have no customers >Help her list a few and get to know her while doing it >Got her facebook and her number before leaving >She's drawing me an 8bit pokemon for next time we meet
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I'm a girl and I know a decent number who are into Pokemon. I even have a purse Froakie.
A small part of me is offended that there are people who think that the only representatives of the 'grill' population who actively play games are those annoying shits who play CoD and Halo and are annoying in their calls for attention. But the logical part of me simply reminds me that a lot of the ones who are similar to myself and others like me don't exactly get out. And when we venture onto boards we practically always have to pretend that we have a penis in our pants to avoid being called attention whores, casualfags, et all. Yes, there are autistic as fuck pokemon fans, just like you, who are girls. Yes, we explore the virulent world of 4chan and lurk on boards like vr and vp. (When I post on this board I love my anon tag. I love that I can sound like a guy, not be called on it, and fit in with the rest of you shit heads, as fucktarded and autistic as you, we, can be at times) No, we usually don't call attention to our general lack of testicles and penises, the less scrutiny on us, the better, just like how you like it. No, we don't go out in public often and when we do we're usually holed up in the dark corners of college/public libraries when we aren't in the safety and comfort in our rooms. TLDR: Female gamers are just like you and hate the uneducated masses, especially the ones with that all telling double X chromosomes in common with them. Pic related: This is how we usually are anyway.
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>>15729637 >likes Deadpool doing "omg so randumb XD" lightsaber poses Don't worry, /vp/, we're not all like this.
Voodoo 3797-6562-5581 (Kecleon, Aipom, Eevee)
Voodoo 3797-6562-5581 (Kecleon, Aipom, Eevee) Fri 08 Nov 2013 19:58:23 No. 15730153 Report Hey boys. gril here :^) Ask a gamer gril pokenerd anything <3 (real Gamer Girl too not one of those fake sluts LMAO follow me on tumblr
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>>15730153 I'd prefer the one on the left.
>>15730153 Neither of those look like enjoyable people to play video games with
I don't know why gurls seems to think gaming=getting really fucking mad all the time
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I know a girl who's favorite is Gengar.Mine is Gengar too but I'm afraid to tell her because I don't think she'll believe me.
Voodoo 3797-6562-5581 (Kecleon, Aipom, Eevee)
Voodoo 3797-6562-5581 (Kecleon, Aipom, Eevee) Fri 08 Nov 2013 20:01:29 No. 15730216 Report Quoted By:
>>15730202 Because they are hardcore gamers. DUH!
>>15730202 >I don't know why gurls seems to think gaming=getting really fucking mad all the time Because guys get really fucking mad all the time at games.
>>15730289 >making generalizations >trying to defend gamer gurls Stop at any time.
>>15730289 No only Moba players get dangerously buttmad at games and that's because they play awful vidya
>>15730329 >>15730376 >they've never gotten frustrated at a challenging game Fucking casuals
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>>15730428 Sure I have gotten mad at games but "screaming at other people" mad, if you are doing that you probably have anger issues
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>>15730428 >guys get really fucking mad all the time at games >all the time Stop contradicting yourself.
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>>15730428 It's one thing to get mad at a frustrating game, it's another thing to get mad at EVERYTHING and take it out on other people
Of course, 95% of girls I've met are pretty shit at video games so I guess everything is frustrating to them
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>>15730428 >>15730289 Fucking casual.
______get gud______