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I stayed out of the pokegen vs bred pokemon debate, because I haven't been playing competitively before. Now, I understand that the main reason for advocating Pokegen is that breeding is time consuming? Since I've finally tested, let me share my opinion: It's fucking not. I was given the impression that it took ages to breed perfect pokemon. Between couple Friend Safari 3IV dittos (which are easy to get), Everstone and Destiny Knot I had my perfect (6IV max) female Scyther within 20 eggs. Shortly thereafter I had perfect male, which was used for breeding all the other Bugs. Both of them were Swarm, so I could either buy Skill Capsule, or did what I did and breed some more. Within ONE BOX I had 3 5IV (without Sp.Att) technicians, and one 6IV. I also easily got perfect (6IV or 5IV in proper stats) Joltik, Larvesta, and Heracross. All of them within ONE box from starting the breeding. That puts all those arguments in perspective. No, you pokegen users aren't right. Go play on a fucking simulator if you can't be arsed to spend one hour breeding. Oh, and I also sent out the 5IV leftovers out on Wonder Trade and got some version exclusives. Sweet!
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I don't have problem with pokegen'd pokemon as long as they're legit and faggots don't trade them.
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>>15725666 Hey OP guess what
Your opinion doesn't matter to them. Anonymous
What if you want 0 speed? 0 attack? What if you want a specific hidden power? Have you tried any of those?of course you haven't.
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I only do it to get specific egg moves and tutor moves on pokemon, usually ones I can only get from previous gens. When I can pokegen for gen 6 for example, I'm going to make myself a physical sheer force nidoking with some elemental punches because fuck you if you think I'm going to go back and play my second least favorite gen just for one fucking move.
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>>15725778 Not OP but I got a 31/31/19/x/31/0 Mawile in less than 2 boxes
I think I got lucky though since neither parent had zero speed
>>15725778 I actually have found 0 speed ditto that I kept, couple of my mons have 0 in other stats - no idea what's the use of 0 attack pokemon though. Can you tell me what is the reason to have 0 in things other than speed? (apart from, I dunno, swagger protection). I haven't sent all my bred ones yet, I go over my PC and keep the 0s.
Ok how about this. There are some Pokemon that cant be used in breeding. Articuno, Zapdos, Moltres, and pretty much every single legendary. Some of them are still used in normal Tier battles. Keledo is one of the hardest contenders in OU. What do ?
>>15725925 You use the IVs you get, 6IV legendaries ARE cheating, it gives an advantage that people who obtained the pokemon legitly wouldn't have. Pokegening regular pokemon is just being lazy, pokegenning legendaries is cheating
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>>15725857 0 attack IV is for less confusion damage and foul play damage
>>15725925 stop using legendaries you tryhard faggot
there's a reason they can't breed, fucking cunt
>>15725925 >using legendaries faggot
>using pokegen'd legendaries you silly fuck
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>>15726015 enjoy getting assraped by thundurus-I pleb
>>15725984 i can still in theory get one legit.
Your argument is invalid. I didn't even read past its cheating.
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Meanwhile, it took me 3 boxes and a few hours each to get a Hawlucha and Fletchling I wanted when I started with 5 IV ones as parents. Nope, still using PokeGen.
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>>15726012 casualfag not even knowing that some legendarys are actually pretty bad compared to other pokemon.
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>>15725857 foul play protection
...only reason I could think of
>>15726043 no, you actually can't. you can't have 6IV legendaries in game since at least Gen 5.
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>>15725666 >Go play on a fucking simulator if you can't be arsed to spend one hour breeding. How about no and stay mad
>>15725666 Getting perfect IV nonbreedables(Birds, Dogs, Musketeers) would probably take months.
>>15726095 I remember people SRing for legendaries before Pokegen was created. Never have I heard about SRing for months. Hell, SRing for shiny starters took less time.
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>>15726088 It is possible. read up on the RNG in those games.
It's very very unlikely but possible.
And i will hack for those if i get the chance to even if i am gonna breed all my other pokemon cause i actually seem to enjoy the monotony of it.
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>>15726129 SRing for 5-6 perfect IVs?
No thanks. XY at least start you off with 3, but since that only applies to the XY ubers, Mewtwo, and the birds its not really helpful.
perfect roamers would be the hardest thing cause they are only generated once and then you gotta catch them to check. in most games they are generated after you beat the game the first time.
>>15726201 You can RNG-abuse them, but it's a bitch to do. There may be a couple of legit perfect roamers out there, but certainly not many.
>mfw I'll just be bringing over perfect hacked roamers, and nobody can do anything about it Anonymous
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>>15725666 >It's fucking not. I was given the impression that it took ages to breed perfect pokemon. This Gen has made it easier. Last Gen is when PokeGen was used. Your counter argument is a whole generation late.
>Go play on a fucking simulator if you can't be arsed to spend one hour breeding. "Deal with shit being banned, very little variety and being forced in to tiers"
Why? I just want to play with what I like in the game while also not getting destroyed by smogon teams. I can't do that on the sims.
I haven't even used a pokémon generator because I don't play it online Anonymous
>>15726413 How will you bring them over if the PokéBank doesn't allow the transfer or them?
>>15726521 >being this delusional The game mechanics of previous gens are so well understood that hacks of last gen are pretty much perfect if done right. They will go trough that's a fact.
>>15726560 >pretty much perfect Literally perfect even.
A legal hack and a legit Pokemon are identical down to the very last bit.
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>>15726630 I still don't understand why people resist this.
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>>15726630 in b4 people flipping their shit over the term "legal hack"