>>15728021We'll assume you want 5 perfect IV's, perfect nature, and perfect ability. Why? Because anything else can just be done at random usually in 10-20 minutes.
Assuming you have only an everstone and destiny knot (no power items), we can assume it'll take about an hour to gather your dittos (give a ghost Pokemon nothing but a normal attack, go to safari, quick ball that shit), identify them, and label them. This will give you about a box, maybe more, of dittos to choose from. Certainly some of them will be 3IV or so.
Not required but recommended (I wish I did this at first), use the premier ball trick to get max stylishness in about 10-20 minutes and get egg hatching power. If you have a lot of steps on your device, the O-Power will go up fast as fuck and as you're doing the next steps, stop every now and then and send hatching power to everyone.
From there you have to pick your Pokemon. If it required breedskills, nature change, or isn't a safari (thus no starting IV's), you'll need to do probably a single generation, probably 10-20 eggs to get a good starter.
Then you'll want your two pokemon for your first generation. This is because you don't want to use a ditto and an egg of the ditto, or the egg rate tanks dramatically. So get two good pokemon (probably from two different dittos with the same parent to IV spread more) whose IV's encompass the 5 stats you want. This will take a box or so of eggs. If you had to do breedmoves or force a nature, one of these will be him, slowing the process a bit here at the start.
From there get 2 4IV Pokemon (of different genders), and you're about a box away from your 5 IV. After you get your 5IV Pokemon, assuming different genders, you're 2-3 batches away from another perfect 5IV.
TL;DR: If you have a safari or good starter, 3 boxes or 1 hour, plus an hour to hour and a half 'pre-breeding setup' of dittos and hatching power. If not: 5 boxes or 3 hours.