>>15686656 >>15686656 Friend your fellow trainers for more safari choices.
Submit suggestions/corrections
>Extended FAQ https://docs.google.com/document/d/13MvLYLFQq4YcOyMC49DWcOgqij1thEC_sDUKJ4I2Mk4/pub FAQs
People and Places:
>How do I get into the boutique/Hair styles? http://i.imgur.com/P0Wpe5x.jpg >How do I get past the punk in the Lost Hotel? You need to talk to and learn the skating tricks from the skaters in Lumiose city.
>Where do you spend Pokemiles? Lumiose Pokecenter, South Boulevard
>Where are the Move Relearner/Deleter? Dendemille Town
>I can't find _____ in Lumiose city! http://i.imgur.com/IzecHL3.png Items:
>Where do I find a Dusk stone? Complete the Super Training Secret Mode with the Aegislash Baloon, (Requires a fully EVd mon), talk to the Team Flare member (Post Game) or Terminus Cave
>Shiny stone? Route 12 ride the Skiddo around.
>Where do I find the Mega stone for ______? http://serebii.net/xy/megaevolutions.shtml (You can only find Mega Stones between 8pm to 9pm game time after finishing one battle at the Maison and defeating your rival. You must then examine the giant sundial in Anistar and talk to Sycamore)
>Where do I find TM __? http://serebii.net/xy/tmhm.shtml >Movesets http://www.smogon.com/forums/forums/research.251/ Pokemon:
>Breeding? http://i.imgur.com/O0zkV78.jpg >Where do I find Eevee? Route 10
>How do I evolve it into Sylveon? Get two hearts on the affection meter in Amie and teach it a fairy type move (It learns charm as it levels up)
>Where do I find Ditto? Pokemon Village
>Articuno/Zapdos/Moltres keep running and I can't catch them, wat do? Keep chasing them till they stop at the Sea Spirit's Den, you can catch them there.
>How do I evolve Inkay/Skrelp/Clauncher Turn the 3DS upside-down after you hear the *ding* of it leveling up(Level 30)
Level 48 (No Camouflage has nothing to do with it)
Level 37
>Does tipping increase shiny chance? No, just raises style
>Coupons? POSSIBLE
Charlie: 3411-1576-5808
Hate to see my guides posted in low res pictures.
Two questions, repeating one from the last thread. What nature for Bibarel, Hawlucha, Talonflame? Adamant or jolly? I'm stuck on what nature and ability to use for Gardevoir and Gallade. I'm thinking timid and adamant, respectively, but only trace seems useful for Gardevoir and Gallade's abilities suck.
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>>15746556 Aren't Gallades supposed to be Jolly?
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
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>>15746479 I apologize, it's just the one I had.
I'll use that one next thread.
Ability capsules can't change an ability into the hidden one, but can you go from hidden ability to the normal one?
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If I had a female Tyrunt with all four Fangs and a male with Dragon Dance, what would the eggs hatch with?
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
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>>15746630 You can't unless they normally know two non hidden abilities.
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Would you be more likely to get a 31/xx/31/31/31/31 Pokemon from two Pokemon with that same IV spread, or does it not matter as long as both parents have five perfect IVs and one hold the destiny knot?
is it better to run a metagross with an assault vest or a choice band?
>>15746706 well it's not really build for speed, isn't it?
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>>15746762 not at all. its speed stat is actually horrendous
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>>15746752 >Expecting an immediate answer at midnight (Correct Standard Time) Verm 5129-1418-9836 (Fairy Type FS jiggs/clefairy/togepi)
Verm 5129-1418-9836 (Fairy Type FS jiggs/clefairy/togepi) Sat 09 Nov 2013 05:00:32 No. 15746794 Report >>15746706 That's relative, it depends how it fits with the rest of your team. If you need the special bulk to cover another poke's weaknesses use assault vest, if you don't have any choiced pokes use the band. One isn't really objectively better than the other.
which writ should i purchase if i am looking to increase the levels of the trainers in the battle chateau?
>>15746227 Reposting one more time.
Is there an actual coupon or is it just bullshit?
>>15746794 that makes perfect sense. ill run it with a choice band. also can we swap fcs? i dont have a fairy safari
Paco Seago (3110-4917-0750) Grass:Ivysaur, Oddish, and Gogoat)
Paco Seago (3110-4917-0750) Grass:Ivysaur, Oddish, and Gogoat) Sat 09 Nov 2013 05:03:18 No. 15746863 Report Quoted By:
For the Masuda methed, do you need two pokemon from two different countries (i.e. If I'm from America and get a German ditto and a Japanese Eevee), do I need one pokemon from my country and one from another, or do both of those methods work?
>>15746805 Writ of Challenge. Black > Red > Normal > Blue.
>>15746794 >>15746838 my FC is 5241-2747-9532. my safari is water with azumaril gyarados and octiliery
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
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>>15746812 Nobody knows 100%
A few questions about replays/battles: 1. Is there any way to download and save videos from other players? 2. Is there any way to change the music used in Wifi/BM battles after the replay has been recorded? 3. Is there a way to unlock more music tracks for Battle Maison? I noticed Wifi has ~10-12 while BM only has 4. 4. Is there a guide to what each track is? Music 1, Music 2, etc... isn't very descriptive and I noticed a few of them were the Gym Leader/Rival battle themes.
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Is the Sheer Force+Life Orb glitch still a thing?
I was battling my friend and had the online wifi on I accidentally pressed the PSS wifi button before I closed my 3ds I opened it and it had the screen that asks if you want to disconnect I hit no and I was still connected online I finally found a way to bypass the 3ds streetpass firmware. Figured I should share it with questions gen.
>>15746871 what are the colors for?
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
Paco Seago (3110-4917-0750) Grass:Ivysaur, Oddish, and Gogoat)
Paco Seago (3110-4917-0750) Grass:Ivysaur, Oddish, and Gogoat) Sat 09 Nov 2013 05:08:20 No. 15746982 Report Quoted By:
>>15746893 1. Yes. If somebody's is put online, you can get its code to play on your vs. recorder, then I'm pretty sure you can download it.
2. No
3. I feel like my battle maison has more, so probably.
4. Probably. Just google it.
>>15746969 >press the wifi button on the PSS screen >close 3ds >re-open it whenever >still connected online Try it out
>>15746930 So did your 3DS not go into sleep mode or something?
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>>15746930 why would anyone do that? i mean... what?
>>15746969 >Be online >Press wifi button to log out of wifi >Close 3DS >Open >Select No >Still logged into wifi without it disconnecting you because you closed it. Try it.
>>15746965 Black increases levels by 20.
Red by 10.
Regular by 5.
Blue subtracts 5 levels.
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
>>15747007 But that won't really gain us anything really.
>>15747022 Saves a little bit of time from having to reconnect to the wifi.
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>>15746997 It went to sleep mode. When I opened it I was still connecetd though.
Now it saves me that accidental error if I want to close it and don't want to reconnect
>>15746995 >Do that >Error Code: 003-4099, as always What are you smoking?
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>>15747007 well... god damn anon... you made life somewhat easier...
thank you...
Paco Seago (3110-4917-0750) Grass:Ivysaur, Oddish, and Gogoat)
Paco Seago (3110-4917-0750) Grass:Ivysaur, Oddish, and Gogoat) Sat 09 Nov 2013 05:11:46 No. 15747066 Report >>15747036 But if you can only do it once, then you have to reconnect the next time you close it.
What exactly is set up when you receive/deny an egg from the day care man? IVs to get passed? Gender? Shininess?
>>15747018 thanks but, after i start the writ of challenge, nothing really happens.
for reference, it says "earl" in red for my name
theres writ of invitation and gold writ of invitation, are those important?
>>15747066 I just did it 3 times in a row.
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>>15747096 Everything is set when the egg is spawned.
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>>15747135 It'll only apply to new trainers coming in after you've sent the writ, not ones currently in the Chateau.
Writs of invitation increase the frequency of trainers visiting.
>>15747060 Did you do it like this?
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>>15747138 +1
/g/ here, tracking the usage as well, its still transmitting normally as if it were open as far as i can see.
Paco Seago (3110-4917-0750) Grass:Ivysaur, Oddish, and Gogoat)
Paco Seago (3110-4917-0750) Grass:Ivysaur, Oddish, and Gogoat) Sat 09 Nov 2013 05:17:42 No. 15747204 Report >>15747138 So it never logs you off? So if you're connected and just close it, you'll remain connected?
hey im starting my first time as a breeder going for a shiny ralts Ive got a jap gardevor with synchornize and quirky that ive been using and a ditto holding a destiny knot that has perfect sp.atk and def What IVs should I be going for/ How should I be going about this, and what natures best? While im at it any egg moves I should do for this? And once I get that all down how do I spam it so the shiny can be best
>>15747177 Oh, whoops.
>Homemade .gif MAGICAL
>>15747204 Yes, it goes around the fact that it logs you off every time you close it.
Pretty neat trick.
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>>15746930 What's the point of going offline then?
I play on Campus so streetpass is useful.
Paco Seago (3110-4917-0750) Grass:Ivysaur, Oddish, and Gogoat)
Paco Seago (3110-4917-0750) Grass:Ivysaur, Oddish, and Gogoat) Sat 09 Nov 2013 05:18:55 No. 15747229 Report Quoted By:
>>15747204 >>15747218 Disregard this, I just saw this:
>>15747177 Pretty neat.
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
>>15747214 Does the DS go into sleepmode at all? If not, then it's a huge battery drainer.
>>15747207 >quirky NO NO NO NO NO
Have one parent be of the most desirable nature, and have that parent hold an everstone. What you should do is get a timid-natured Ralts, breed it and its offspring with different Ditto until you get a timid male with near-perfect IVs, and breed THAT with Gardevoir.
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>>15747238 The screen went black so I assumed it was in sleep mode
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>>15747238 Yes, you can see the screen turn off just as you close it.
>>15747278 >Timid +Spe -Atk .But isnt Gardevior a special attacker?
>>15747323 Yes, hense the lowered attack.
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>>15747323 Yes, but it has other means of boosting its Special Attack, which is high enough as is. Given its poor physical Defense, it's pretty important that it outspeed its opponent.
I wanna use a Protean Kecleon for fun. Should I go for an Attack/Speed EV Spread, or Attack/Defense? I'm gonna give it Assault Vest for a Sp Def boost.
>>15747383 Kecleon's low Speed sort of defeats half the purpose of Protean as faster foes will be able land super-effective hits on it. You'd be best off with Attack and HP if you really want to mess around with one.
>>15747358 Where do I get that everstone?
also thanks
is there a way to re-challange the gym leaders apart from the battle chateu? like restarting your adventure without doing it. I wanna go from town to town again doing the gyms but like with the gym leaders in a way way higher level.
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>>15747460 Kec gets Shadow Sneak and Sucker Punch to make up for that
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>>15747471 Someone in Geosenge Town.
>>15747471 Wild Rogenrolla. Thief it.
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
>>15747485 Nope. It's never been possible to rematch gym leaders within their gyms.
>>15747383 I'm gonna go Atk/Def with Vest.
I would also use my Baton pass Scolipede with Swrd-D/Speed Boost to give him some boost.
>>15747218 ok with this trick, can you press the PSS button, then while it is asking you to disconnect you then press the Home button, eg to add friend codes and such, then go back into the game, and have it still connected?
>>15747563 No, you can't press the home button while it's asking you if you want to disconnect or not.
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>>15747534 well that fucking sucks, stupid gamefreak
>>15747563 Nope, pressing the home button still disconnects you
>>15747460 HP actually makes some sense. Thanks!
>>15747548 Another Kecleon user? I like you, Anon.
>>15747548 Attack and HP, not Defense. One point of HP is worth one Defense AND Special Defense.
How long does it take for Pokerus to go away? I somehow had a containment breach and now there is Pokerus all over the place. I am sufficiently rustled.
>>15747624 You realize Pokerus is good, right?
>>15747534 Not him, but I thought that was possible in Gen III at least.
>I thought wrong Anonymous
>>15747534 i remember in sinnoh and hoenn it was...
>>15747624 A day.
But they'll always have a mark on their stat summary Anonymous
Where is the pokemiles npc in-game? One of the lumiose pokecenters?
Matt 1907-9349-2405 (Stunfisk, Dedenne, Zebstrika)
Matt 1907-9349-2405 (Stunfisk, Dedenne, Zebstrika) Sat 09 Nov 2013 05:37:28 No. 15747677 Report Quoted By:
Running a Klefki and an Azumarill (for now) and Gengar for threes. What should the last move be for Gengar, Fire Blast/Icy wind/Tbolt?
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>>15747648 I do, but I just don't want that shit all over the place.
>>15747669 That's exactly why it fucking irks me and my autism. Stupid-ass mark.
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>>15747658 >>15747662 Correction: It can be done in Emerald. Platinum only let you fight them in the Battleground, though.
Paco Seago (3110-4917-0750) Grass:Ivysaur, Oddish, and Gogoat)
Paco Seago (3110-4917-0750) Grass:Ivysaur, Oddish, and Gogoat) Sat 09 Nov 2013 05:41:55 No. 15747821 Report Quoted By:
I really like this battle I had earlier this week. I'm not much for competitive battling, but this had my heart racing. UWNG-WWWW-WWW2-K6MM
Anyone willing to trade Pinsirite for a Y exclusive stone?
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>>15747605 Okay. Thanks for the tip!
>>15747602 My Nigga Color Change created the Proteon that people love so much. No one gives him his just due.
>That feel when the shiny form is not pic related. Paco Seago (3110-4917-0750) Grass:Ivysaur, Oddish, and Gogoat)
Paco Seago (3110-4917-0750) Grass:Ivysaur, Oddish, and Gogoat) Sat 09 Nov 2013 05:45:03 No. 15747910 Report >>15747879 Would you do charizardite y?
>>15747910 Eh, I was hoping along the lines of any of the mon that were exclusive.
Paco Seago (3110-4917-0750) Grass:Ivysaur, Oddish, and Gogoat)
Paco Seago (3110-4917-0750) Grass:Ivysaur, Oddish, and Gogoat) Sat 09 Nov 2013 05:47:07 No. 15747963 Report Quoted By:
>>15747929 Dang. I guess probably no then.
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>>15747929 *any of the other
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>>15747177 Does it not go into sleep? Will your playtime increase while it's closed?
im sure this question has been up a million times but what is the fastest way to grind experience?
Could anyone tell me what's in my safari? Thanks in advance! FC: 3995-7551-6440
Paco Seago (3110-4917-0750) Grass:Ivysaur, Oddish, and Gogoat)
Paco Seago (3110-4917-0750) Grass:Ivysaur, Oddish, and Gogoat) Sat 09 Nov 2013 05:52:27 No. 15748098 Report >>15748035 Audinos at the Battle castle place west of the daycare. The Experience O-Power does wonders too, and Pokemon traded to you get 50% more experience, getting you up to about 8,000 experience for level 45 Audinos for the traded and about 5600 for self caught.
>>15748087 Le Wow is the best. Sushi is a straight-up Jewfest that is a greater loss.
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>>15748103 Sushi High Roller is bullshit, is it even possible to make back your money?
>>15748087 Yes. Rotation battles are the safest but if you can 1HKO the whole enemy line, do triples.
Another option is to farm Audino with your highest level 'mon fighting. The XP scales off the his level and gets pretty silly.
>>15748098 are they at level 45? do i use radar?
>>15748103 le wow is pretty time consuming.
>>15748141 >le wow is pretty time consuming. Perhaps, but it's a great way to earn money and experience at the same time if you want to kill two Pidgey with one stone.
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>>15748139 i think i want to farm audino for now
>>15748166 this is true and a good point
Paco Seago (3110-4917-0750) Grass:Ivysaur, Oddish, and Gogoat)
Paco Seago (3110-4917-0750) Grass:Ivysaur, Oddish, and Gogoat) Sat 09 Nov 2013 05:56:09 No. 15748197 Report Quoted By:
>>15748141 The trainers in the castle thing. It takes a while to get to the better trainers, however.
Is there a tutorial or something to teach people how to IV breed? I'm unsure how.
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Why the fuck aren't X/Y compatible with the Dream Radar?
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Alright, I'm starting a Riolu project. Seeing as how this fucker is ~85-90% male and requires evo before switching out a parent... Are there any egg moves you guys want on these things other than bullet punch? Looks like Ice/Thunder Punch are also on my eggmonchan but I doubt they inherit as they're tutor moves . What else do you jokers want since you'll be getting them too.
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>>15748371 It's not hard, specially now. It's basically just pairing Pokemon to inbreed to until you get some with more perfect IVs, and then breed those.
The biggest issue is to get enough perfect IVs to start out, but friend safari/Ditto/Babies make that very easy now.
Where's the guy that tells you what hidden power you have?
>>15748536 Dendemille Town.
>>15748039 Eh, are you still here?
is the ralts the champion gives you special in any way? also what does the iv guy says about a perfect iv pokemon?
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If I'm building my scizor to be bulky, should I go mega for the defense boosts, or some other item?
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>>15748764 If you're asking if it's a perfect Ralts, no, it's not.
Does the elite four go up in levels or do they stay at the levels that they were when you first battle them? Also can you SR that pokemon that you trade with shauna?
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>>15748764 If you're Pokemon is perfect, the IV guy will say that you're Pokemon is 'Outstanding! It's greatest stars are _ and _ and also _, but _ and _ are also fantastic... it can't be better in that regard
>>15748834 3883-5634--9841
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>>15748817 Pretty sure their lineups don't change at all
no new pokemon, no updated levels
How do I stop getting stomped when I enter the 40's in the maison? I beat super singles but I keep getting rectked in double, triple, rotation and multi when I hit 40.
>>15748894 It's pretty much impossible, by that point they're literally hacking.
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>>15748894 I got slaughtered in SS by a Garchomp using outrage on my whole team. Which is infuriating because I just needed one more hit on his ass.
I was battle 33
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>>15748894 Be cheaper than they are. Bulk and priority attacks are a good idea. If you go for a fast, squishy sweeper, you can expect to lose to Quick Claws, Focus Sashes, misses from Brightpowder, and pokemon that are just faster than you for no particular reason. It sounds like the teams that do well have things like Dragonite, Mega Kangaskhan/Mawile, Rotom-W/Scizor, Talonflame, and so on.
>>15748898 -Ghost-
Nice, Spiritomb, brah.
>>15748907 Wasn't it proven in Gen V that the Battle Subway actually manipulated luck at higher levels?
>>15748894 Pray to Masuda that the system bugs out.
The AI literally cheats, as was shown in the previous generations for those post-game battle houses.
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Before I waste my life for the next few days, is Zygarde shiny locked?
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>>15748996 >Torterra outspeeds my Greninja and Kangaskhan without any quick claw showing up Anonymous
>>15748980 I appreciate it! Glad I have something decent. Lampent and Pumpkaboo in yours... Still looking for the third.
What's a better option for Volcarona? Psychic, or HP Dragon?
>>15749060 My third is a Dusclops
>>15749066 A different Hidden Power altogether, like Ice or Rock.
>>15749066 bug buzz fiery dance rest quiver dance @ chesto berry
>>15748996 Actually in Gen V it was conclusively demonstrated that the AI DOESN'T cheat.
It's just that the format of the Battle Facilities is essentially rigged to make you lose, because the AI is not punished for running luck-based strategies but the player is.
>>15749066 HP Ground in the absence of Giga Drain
>>15749094 So it is cheating by making the other team luckier.
What's the deal with trading pokemon to evolve them? How should a person deal with it?
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>XXX would like to trade with you >try to trade XXX a Protean Froakie >they bring up a Froakie as to show me they already have one >still try to trade regardless >they cancel OK
>>15749080 >>15749114 Well obviously, but the only one I've bred that has good ivs has dragon, and I'm too lazy to breed more.
>>15749081 Might just try this out.
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>>15749078 Just found one.
>>15749094 But that's still cheating in a sense, right?
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>>15749142 Gen6, the rise of bulky offensive.
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>>15749128 It's just the nature of the facility, anon. The trainers can't help it, they're only doing what they're programmed to do.
>>15749128 What? No.
They don't have more luck, but they have no reason NOT to run luck. And 40 rounds through, you'll probably lose to some luck bullshit.
Meely 2294-4367-3398 Dark [Nuzleaf, Crawdaunt, Sableye]
Meely 2294-4367-3398 Dark [Nuzleaf, Crawdaunt, Sableye] Sat 09 Nov 2013 06:42:12 No. 15749179 Report Question relating to Friend Safaris with Floette. Does their safari contain only one flower colour? I have two Fairy safaris and one has a yellow Floette icon while the other has blue.
>>15749159 Maybe, but not as blatant as older gens.
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>>15749179 No clue but I have a Pumpkaboo Safari and it only has the Small ones, so by that logic I'd say yes.
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>>15749173 Ok, now that makes sense.
>>15749128 Not exactly.
If you ran teams based on luck (quick claws, double-team + brightpowder, OHKO moves) you'd get lucky as often as they do.
Problem is, statistically, that means you'll lose more than you win, and you'll almost CERTAINLY lose sometimes.
Luck is useless when you have to maintain a win-streak. So here we have a format where the player has to win 100 times in a row, and the AI can lose 97 times and win the 98th time, and the player still essentially LOSES.
They have 100 more chances than you have to try stupid, luck-based strategies.
Imagine Battle Maison got a laddering system, where your score was determined by who had the most wins, you vs each of the 100 AIs you faced. You'd OBLITERATE them because they're all running shit strategies. But they don't need to win consistently, ONLY YOU do. They just need any lucky break at any point.
The format is rigged; the mechanics aren't. Best you can do is try to play bulky offense, which mitigates the usefulness of MOST of their luck-based strategies, simply because extending the number of turns a match lasts extends the number of opportunities for their strategy to draw an unlucky RNG value and their team to get buttfucked.
Nothing mitigates Sheer Cold though, so best to make it a bulky all-out offense where every mon is essentially of the same role, so losing one doesn't completely destroy you.
Or go play Battle Institute because it isn't streak-based and is therefore way more fair.
>that trade partner who keeps wanting to trade even if you don't want to P-pls stop
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
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>>15749274 I wish people would trade me more often, just for what I need though.
I really want the three birds in my pokedex, but I only have Zapdos.
>>15749192 There's no reason to presume it cheated in older gens, either.
The closest one might come to calling the AI a cheater was that it knew in advance that Fire Fang hit through Wonder Guard and so would use it on WonderTombs, and that's TECHNICALLY "cheating" because the AI's knowledge of the mechanics is based on checking the code rather than reading descriptions.
But seeing as how that could only ever have happened when the player flagrantly cheated ANYWAY it doesn't prove much.
>>15749274 Same exact thing happened to me with this Japanese fellow.
>keeps trading me stuff >some of the stuff I didn't have in my Pokedex yet, so it was all good >eventually he goes down to creatures I already have >entertain him for a while longer >eventually end >friend request Anonymous
>>15748139 Wait you don't have to stall to get 3 or 4 turns in restaurants?
The Extended FAQ in the OP mentions Luck Incense if you need more than the Amulet Coin. Do these items stack now?
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>>15749274 The other day, someone said they were CONSTANTLY being spammed by someone requesting trades. He was unable to do anything else on the PSS because this person would request another trade the second he declined.
Does the lotto game check all your pokemon in boxes or just your team?
>>15749322 As long as you're not over the turn limit, you still end up getting a decent haul at the end. Doesn't matter all that much, I think.
>>15749318 >>15749248 Assuming you're the same person. Thanks for putting these things into perspective.
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>>15749346 I do believe it checks your boxes as well, so trade with as many randoms as possible.
>>15749338 Asked this one a while ago and I was told that no, they don't stack.
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>>15749365 >>15749346 A good way to do this is to trade off Vivilon lines if you can be bothered to catch a bunch of scatterbugs.
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>>15749319 Yeah, this person keeps trying to trade me things I already have, but the thing is, I don't have a lot of babbys to give out
And when I do put something up that's worth with an egg move, they don't want it
>>15749373 Okay. Does the Luck Incense increase your gains more than the Amulet Coin now or something? I just don't see a point to having it other than it being a breeding item.
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Are all Super Singles matches after 45 psuedos? Because Suicune fucked me up good.
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>>15749351 Then I've been wasting time.
Thanks for letting me know.
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>>15749401 Waterfall in the Frost Cavern road.
>>15749351 I did Sushi High Roller by OHKO just about everything in 1 turn and at the end I just got 15 Big Nuggets.
Not enough to even repay the entrance fee, it was complete bullshit.
I have a ditto with def, sp. attack and speed how do I get a better ditto?
>>15749444 That's going to happen no matter what at Sushi High Roller.
Le Wow is the most efficient and cost-effective.
>>15749408 They both work exactly the same (aside from Incense being a breeding item).
>>15749459 Get extremely lucky
>>15749459 You keep catching them until you get a better one.
If I use mega kangaskhan with circle throw, will it switch out the enemy pokemon twice? will this trigger hazards both times?
>>15749459 Extreme luck, really. I feel like you'd find a Shiny Ditto in a Safari quicker than you would one with 4 or 5 IVs
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>>15749484 >>15749485 >>15749510 fuck, that's what I was afraid of
where do you even find a ditto safari
the only time I saw one in the safari thread it was a rusemaster posting a bad friend code
>>15749478 This kind of shit pisses me off. I can see it being like, a replacement if you fuckered off your amulet coin, but why not just let you buy/earn a new amulet coin?
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>>15749547 why does it matter when they have the same effect?
>>15749467 Then what's the fucking point of SHR?
>>15749502 No, it only switches after the second attack.
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>>15749547 Because Game Freak is an asshole like that.
I feel your pain, Anon.
I still can't get over how useless Sky Battles are.
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>>15749547 Because GF can't do anything right.
Anything that happened to be right was an accident. Like Garchomp.
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>>15749561 Jewshi High Roller Anonymous
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>>15749572 Dam, now I can't break the game I guess.
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How many pokemiles do you get frmo wonder trading?
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>>15749561 I heard that constantly using it will lower the price to get in and eventually make it profitable.
However, I really don't care enough to try that out when Le Wow will be forever superior from the getgo.
How the hell do I make it stop raining in the overworld? Both route 14 and 19 are rainy and I can't fucking Attack-EV train.
dumb question, but does Unburden double the base stat or the actual stat?
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
>>15749647 If the routes are raining, try the Winding Woods. You can get hordes of Trevenant there for 2 Atk Evs each.
>>15749715 But what about the sudowoodo that hide in the Trevenant hordes?
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>>15749741 That's a rare encounter. Most of the time it's pure trevenant, or a horde of foongus.
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What's a good setup for Tentacruel? I want him as a Special Wall and Rapid Spinner, probably holding Black Sludge. I'd also have a Klefki on my team, so Toxic Spikes aren't 100% necessary.
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Is it possible to control what events show up in your Global Link logbook?>"You received an Egg from the Pokemon Day Care" times 50
>>15749131 Okay, let me rephrase this:
I want a good Gengar. What the fuck do I do?
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>>15749959 Get friends, dude.
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>>15749131 >>15749959 Find a trustworthy person to trade with after training your Haunter?
On another note, some acquaintance on the PSS was ballsy enough to entrust me with their Machoke so it could evolve into Machamp. Being a decent human being, I caught on to what he wanted to do and gave back the Pokemon.
I would never do that myself, though.
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>>15749959 Breed Gastly for perfect Sp. Atk / Speed IVs at least (get more if you care to Your priority should be HP > SpDef > Def, skip Atk)
EV train it for Sp. Atk and Speed
Evolve it into Haunter.
Trade with somebody then trade back to evolve it to Gengar.
That's what I did, at least.
Andrew 1118-0277-2106 (Gabite, Shelgon, Druddigon)
Andrew 1118-0277-2106 (Gabite, Shelgon, Druddigon) Sat 09 Nov 2013 07:29:05 No. 15750060 Report how do you get pokemon with hidden abilities in friend safari
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>>15750060 Make sure the Safari has all three Pokemon in it. After that is simply luck on your behalf.
>>15750060 You mean before catching it?
Have a pokemon (Ralts) with the Trace ability as the lead of your party. It'll copy the wild pokemon's ability when the battle starts so you can see what it has.
Also give the Ralts a smoke ball so it can escape from the pokemon you don't want.
>>15750121 Are smokeball consumed after an use?
>>15750144 Nope. It's just a hold-item that lets you escape from battles 100% of the time.
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>>15750170 >>15750168 Wow I feel dumb, I always thought it got consumed so I never used it.
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so how exactly does move inheritance from the mother work? As long as one parent has a move the baby can learn, the baby will have it? Or is it a little different?
How can I catch a girlfriend?
>>15750203 Ditto's are available in the Pokemon Village or friend safari
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>>15750203 Why do you even want one?
If you think about the reasons that you want one for, you can probably figure out alternative solutions to whatever having a gf might also solve.
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>>15750203 Having a male with cute charm in the lead spot greatly raises the chance of encountering females
If I take out my masuda method pair from the day care center, does it mess up something or every chance stays the same?
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>>15750327 lrn2stats
Every chance stays the same.
At what point is Yvetal's Nature/IVs set? How about Mewtwo's?
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>>15750367 Iv's can be determined at lvl30
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Is there a way to get Softboiled on Clefable in X/Y?
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What's the total number of obtainable pokemon? I'm up to 596.
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Are there no green or purple down jackets? The green selection of clothes is pathetic.
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
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>>15750203 Complete the pokedex.
No, really. Complete it.
You're actually never going to be good enough for us. Keep trying!
Besides protean frogaider, wheat should I use to get master on battle institute? Last time I played I got perfected by hypnosis outspeeding me every time, hitting every time, and predicting perfectly.
So, because I went with water starter, I'm stuck with worst bird?
>>15751070 I've heard that MegaKangaskhan kicks the Institute's shit in
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>>15751958 >>15751070 I broke 6k rating with scolipede + megakhan + Goodra. They really aren't very good at stopping that in my experience.
29 boxes filled with charmanders When will I get my shiny?
>>15752070 Not even close.
>>15752120 god damn this is the last time I masuda method
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>>15752124 You should have known that's MM will take the longest time. You should only use it if your want your shiny to have egg moves/good stats.
If I delete egg moves, can I get the Pokemon to remember them?
What and where is that "surprise" Sycamore leaves for you in that city before Wulfric?
>>15754461 no im pretty sure only moves it learns through regular level up can be relearned
and heres my question, whats the quickest way of catching dittos in the friend safari, should i catch synchronisers first or just not bother with them
Max (IGN Serena) 0860-3392-4713
Where can I find out if I have max happiness? Can Gastrodon currently get Earth Power?
I can't find the name of ???'s pc, where can I find the Bill of this gen?
>>15754693 theyre in one of the rooms of the lucario tower thing IIRC
>>15754576 >>15754461 Wrong, you can relearn egg moves.
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>>15754648 - Happiness/Friendship: Laverre City, Pokemon Fan Club
As for Earth Power Gastrodon, I have no idea. You can try breeding it onto it. Check egg groups and see which get Earth Power. However, Gastrodon has never gotten Earth Power through breeding. It was always a Move Tutor move.
If you need a substitute, Earthquake works unless you really need your ground move to be special.
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>>15754756 oh sorry for the disinfo then, thats nice to know
AL 1779 - 0257 - 2744 (Pachirisu, Electabuzz, Galvantula)
AL 1779 - 0257 - 2744 (Pachirisu, Electabuzz, Galvantula) Sat 09 Nov 2013 13:18:56 No. 15755041 Report Is this guide actually legit? I keep only getting one perfect IV at stage 2.
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>>15754932 my mistake hes in camphrier town in teh house above the pokemon center
>>15755041 The Power items pass on the IVs from the parent holding it, in the stat that power item corresponds to.
This ALWAYS happens, so if you're not getting 2 perfect IVs then you're either using the wrong power items or the parents don't actually have the perfect stats.
Fian 4012-4215-0458 (Trapinch, Camerupt, Palpitoad)
Fian 4012-4215-0458 (Trapinch, Camerupt, Palpitoad) Sat 09 Nov 2013 13:24:28 No. 15755106 Report I know EVs are capped at 252 if you're using Super Training, but do they cap at 252 if you're grinding EVs from encounters?
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>>15755106 They never exceed 252 now.
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>>15755096 there is a 252 cap per stat no matter what
AL 1779 - 0257 - 2744 (Pachirisu, Electabuzz, Galvantula)
AL 1779 - 0257 - 2744 (Pachirisu, Electabuzz, Galvantula) Sat 09 Nov 2013 13:30:57 No. 15755230 Report >>15755096 I have confirmed multiple times my Ditto with max HP IVs is holding the power weight and my Gastly with max Special Attack IVs is holding the Power Lens. I just don't understand it.
Does Shelldar still learn Shell Smash? If so, which level?
AL 1779 - 0257 - 2744 (Pachirisu, Electabuzz, Galvantula)
AL 1779 - 0257 - 2744 (Pachirisu, Electabuzz, Galvantula) Sat 09 Nov 2013 13:50:08 No. 15755544 Report Quoted By:
>>15755230 The Gastly only inherits the Sp. ATk IV, never the HP. Except the guide says it's a 100% inheritance chance. fuck breeding.
AL 1779 - 0257 - 2744 (Pachirisu, Electabuzz, Galvantula)
AL 1779 - 0257 - 2744 (Pachirisu, Electabuzz, Galvantula) Sat 09 Nov 2013 13:55:08 No. 15755617 Report Quoted By:
Fucking nips and their talonflames. My shit always gets swept. What do
Fian 4012-4215-0458 (Trapinch, Camerupt, Palpitoad)
Fian 4012-4215-0458 (Trapinch, Camerupt, Palpitoad) Sat 09 Nov 2013 14:02:52 No. 15755743 Report >>15755699 Something that resists fire/flying, Rotom W is perfect counter for it.
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>>15755743 Thanks. This is now the 4th battle in a row where a Japanese person has Talonflame as his lead
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OK, gonna get me some stones, i know its 8-9 PM, but im not an amerifat and here we use the real way of time so my question is: is is 20-21? also, will turning the time forward fuck up my ds?
Stupid question here I caught a mawile it has hyper cutter if i breed it with ditto will i get one with intimidate eventually or?
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>>15754485 i cant remember anything about that, just continue your game and find out post-game
What do you need to do to get the Oval Charm?
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>>15756062 so is Venom Drench any good? thinking of building a bulky/undying-ish Trevanant and noticed he can learn that.
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>>15746556 Adamant with Unburden ability for Hawlucha. Its speed gets doubled when it loses its item, so a chesto/rest set, or a payapa or wacan berry to tank a hit before sweeping could be cool.
>>15756062 see all the kalos pokemon (not catch)
im willing to trade, im missing a few myself.
Ruud 1736 1222 1198
>>15756101 Wanna do a Rhydon + Protector trade?
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just wondering, does focus punch trigger sucker punch? I bet it does but I couldn't any find info about this
>>15756120 sure
do you have yelvatal?
>>15756181 forgot FC
2122-6688-8323 Naomi
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>>15746479 I actually tried Destiny Knot + Power Item yesterday and i can guarantee you that PI doesn't make DK unusable. They work perfectly fine together. PI confirms one specific iv will be passed. DK just give +2 to the number of IVs inherited
Ruud 1736 1222 1198
>>15756181 >>15756197 I was thinking about you trading me a Rhydon @ Protector and I'd trade one to you too.
How do I get the hair style in OP?
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>>15756263 go to lumiose, go to a cab and search for hair saloon.
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>>15756255 fine, but i'll have to catch/find on gts first.
Can Florges learn sweet scent?
>>15746479 there is no fucking Arboks or Weepinbells in route 18
You're thinking of route 19
Germain 5043-2601-4162 (unknown)
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>>15746875 I would very much like an azumaril and a gyarados, but I dont know what my safari is yet. Care to help an anon out? My FC is 5043-2601-4162
>>15756263 Jesus christ guys got fucking shafted
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>>15756263 By getting stylish. I think they only showed up once the megastone was down to 100k or 150kish.
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>>15756417 I know, they could have at least given a Spiky hair option.
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>>15756389 Nevemind, checked smogon
Florges apparently only has 2 FUCKING EGG MOVES
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what the fuck pokemon why did you make megastones exclusives HOW WILL I GET TYRANITARITE
Is there any way to trade a pokemon holding a mega stone with the GTS? Or really, any way to transfer a mega stone from one file to another, when you only have access to one 3DS, and don't want to rely on someone else to not fuck you over?
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What are good natures for Bunnelby and Fletchling?
How do I get Hidden Power Ice? So far all 3 of my Larvista with 31/x/31/31/31/31 have had Hidden Power Dragon.
For some reasons my questions never get answered, maybe they are too hard? Anyways here I try again: If I evolve my pokemon with a stone later, can the evolved pokemon relearn moves that I would have learned at an earlier level? For instance Arcanine learns Extremespeed at level 34, but if I evolve my Growlithe at level 50, can I go to the move tutor to relearn Espeed?
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>>15757047 You need 30/31/30/31/31/31 for Larvesta for HP Ice
Mallory 427 0450 4842 (Bergmite, Snover, Piloswine)
Mallory 427 0450 4842 (Bergmite, Snover, Piloswine) Sat 09 Nov 2013 15:31:41 No. 15757207 Report Quoted By:
>>15756707 I don't think so. I'd be willing to do it for someone who needed it though. I have both games and 2 3DS's so I wouldn't steal from anyone. I would be interested in learning a way to do it with one 3DS though.
>>15757101 Yes. I evolved a level 21 Eevee to Jolteon and it could be taught Thundershock. I think it would do the same thing for your Arcanine.
Does Ice Punch have a TM or a tutor so I can give it to my Scrafty? Or can I breed it
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>>15757529 Okay so I have to wait to transfer my old Scrafty then
Do Legendaries have guarantees on their IVs like Safari 'Mons do?
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>>15757670 Yes, 3 random ones will be 31
>>15756707 I was thinking about this when I was deciding whether or not to get X.
What you can do is catch some shit trade pokemon like Bunnelby or Bidoof, and list that you want the more desirable pokemon on GTS. Then just search for your specific listing on the other game.
(ie X lists Bunnelby for Gengar, Y looks for Bunnelby listing and trades Gengar with Mega Stone to X)
Why does /vp/ hate Stealth Rock so much?
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>>15758040 Sneaky pebbles is alright, a lot of people consider it a waste of coverage since most people who know what they're doing have a spinner. It's fallen in to that stupid "entry level pleb shit" that you see on damn near every other board
How do you reduce EVs in XY? I ended up with attack EVs on my froslass after catching a shiny cubchoo from a horde.
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Where is gamefreak in the game?
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>>15758163 use reset bag, or use the berrys
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>>15757952 I've done that once already. It works for trading, but however, I was unable to trade away a Pokemon holding a mega stone. I understand the reasoning as to why, to prevent kids from accidentally trading away their only Megastone, but unless there is an option you can select to allow you to trade anyway, that method is no good for mega stones. Nice for stuff like Leftovers, though.
>>15758163 You should have just left it burned to death Anonymous
>>15758337 How could you say no to this face, though?
Are there other requirements besides max style for the hatching o power? I'm sure I have max style cause the stone guy is selling the mega stones for 10k, but mr bonding isn't appearing at cafe introversion.
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>>15758376 Wipe that nigga's nose.
God damn.
>>15758482 You need all the other o-powers
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>>15758493 It's only 15 others, right? If so, I should have all of them.
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Does the egg inherit it's ability from the father or mother? Assuming they are both the same species with different abilities. If one of the has an HA, which gender has more of a chance of passing it? Is it the same?
What would be the easiest way to horde EV train something? How do I make sure I don't go over the amount of EV's I want, say something like 88 EVs.
>>15757101 Only exception I know is Eevee and Baton Pass.
Tried it once after accidently evolving my Eevee level one and hoped at lvl 33 the move relearner would let me get Baton Pass. I couldn't.
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>>15759498 Because the eeveelutions don't learn Baton Pass. Only Eevee does. Plenty of exceptions like that.
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>>15759465 Figure it out beforehand. Sweet scent garuntees a hoard, look up the IV values and roll from there. Generally you get them in stacks of 10 (macho brace), 25 (power item), 20 (macho + rus), or 50 (power item + rus). So for 88, 1 hoard with power item + rus, 1 hoard with macho + rus, 1 hoard macho + rus kill 4 then run, 1 hoard rus kill one then run
I've never really figured this out, how do stats work exactly? If I wait to evolve a pokemon until level 45, will he be inherently weaker than someone who evolves them straight out of the egg or do the stats play catch up when you evolve them?
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>>15760657 Awesome, thanks.
New thread anywhere? This one's about to die
>>15760517 They get bumped up to the proper levels for that pokemon at that level. Only things that could make a pokemon have "weaker" stats are its IVs and EVs.
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>>15760850 >>15760657 As a follow up, would I be able to heart scale any move that the evo learns at a lower level than what I push the prevo to?
Yosuke YFC: 4914 3485 7607
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how can we check the iv of a newly born poke?