Clarke (Jay) 3539-9821-8449 (Slugma, Magmar, Flechineder)
Clarke (Jay) 3539-9821-8449 (Slugma, Magmar, Flechineder) Sat 09 Nov 2013 08:25:02 No. 15751150 Report I've got a 31/x/31//31/31/x Honeage
>>15751150 good, tell me what you want
Clarke (Jay) 3539-9821-8449 (Slugma, Magmar, Flechineder)
Clarke (Jay) 3539-9821-8449 (Slugma, Magmar, Flechineder) Sat 09 Nov 2013 08:31:45 No. 15751279 Report >>15751262 The Gible would be nice
Kakooli FC:2251-5224-5193
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i have 4 ivs honedge too. can i have rough skin garchomp?
robots 3926-5484-0049 (Spearow,Unfezant,Hawlucha)
robots 3926-5484-0049 (Spearow,Unfezant,Hawlucha) Sat 09 Nov 2013 08:33:16 No. 15751303 Report Quoted By:
Does any one have any 4 or 5iv quiet/modest Snovers? I have a quiet regenerator Slowpoke with 4ivs for trade.
Kakooli FC:2251-5224-5193
gible* oops lol my honedge is adamant btw
>>15751279 I see, I`ll call you in 3DS
>>15751310 I have 1 other gible, 4IV without defence and special attack
Kakooli FC:2251-5224-5193
>>15751375 the sand veil one doesnt have 5 ivs?
i thought you had 2 gibles with 5 ivs
>>15751446 Sand veil one have 5IV, of course
I thought you need Rough skin, dont you?
If you like sand veil one, please trade them with me
Kakooli FC:2251-5224-5193
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>>15751488 ill take the sand veil one..
i just added you my IGN is Josh
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>>15751032 >Jolly Gible(Sand Veil or Rough Skin) 5IV without special attack Hey OP do you have any extras? I can give you a honedge w/5 IV.
I'm looking for one with 5IV w/out sp.a and with iron head and outrage.
there is no extras, but I can quickly make another one pls wait a minute and tell me your friend code
Leon 5241 2253 5145 (Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo)
Leon 5241 2253 5145 (Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo) Sat 09 Nov 2013 09:01:44 No. 15751759 Report >>15751703 Sorry, here it is.
>>15751759 thank you, now Im running for eggs
Is your honeage male?
Leon 5241 2253 5145 (Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo)
Leon 5241 2253 5145 (Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo) Sat 09 Nov 2013 09:08:07 No. 15751860 Report >>15751814 Yes.
I have different varieties; all 5IVs
1 w/out def, another w/out atk and another w/out hp.
>>15751860 Here born a Gible 5IV without sp.a
pls give me 1 without def
Leon 5241 2253 5145 (Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo)
Leon 5241 2253 5145 (Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo) Sat 09 Nov 2013 09:20:46 No. 15752057 Report >>15751995 With rough skin and iron head?
>>15752057 Oh, you need rough skin, too
Its sand veil, I`ll go running again
I`ll call you when born rough skin one
Leon 5241 2253 5145 (Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo)
Leon 5241 2253 5145 (Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo) Sat 09 Nov 2013 09:24:44 No. 15752116 Report >>15752094 Thanks and sorry. I already have a 5IV gible, just a sand veil one. Im an idiot for not going for rough skin too.
4227 - 2019 - 0839
I've got - Scyther (Adamant) Protean Froakie (Hasty) Joltik (Modest) Speed Boost Venipede (Jolly). They've all got 4 perfects. Most of the Scythers are unfortunately Swarms. Kangaskhans or Gibles appreciated.
Jean 3497 0520 5524
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>>15751032 I have a Male Brave 31/31/31/xx/31/xx Honedge. Could I get a Male Shuppet?
I may be asking for a lot here, but does anyone happen to have a Modest Vivillion that they would so kind to trade? Preferably IcySnow, but I will accept Polar, and Ocean form of Vivillion as well. I can trade a Modest, Modern form one. Dislike the colors of it
>>15752116 sorry, but could I get w/out atk one?
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>>15752445 Also, I dont mind if the IVS are fucking perfect.
Leon 5241 2253 5145 (Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo)
Leon 5241 2253 5145 (Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo) Sat 09 Nov 2013 09:52:40 No. 15752472 Report >>15752451 Sure. So, no on the one without def?
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>>15752472 yeah, I need w/out atk one instead of w/o def one.
I`m still going on running...
Ken.B 3926 5603 4115
May I also have a Gible? I have 5 IV Honedge if you're still looking for it, or a 5 IV Tyrunt with E-Fangs/Dragon Dance, 4 IV Sableye with Recover, or 4 IV Squirtle with Dragon Pulse/Aura Sphere.
Ken.B 3926 5603 4115
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>>15752507 If you would like more than one of these then I'd also take a Swinub.
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I'm looking for a 4/5IV Gothita In return I have: Jolly 5IV speed boost Venipede Timid 5IV sucker punch Zorua Modest 4IV Deino Both Male and Female are avaliable
>>No.15752472 OK, here born Rough skin 5IV Gible with Outrage and iron head. can I ask your trainer name?
Leon 5241 2253 5145 (Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo)
Leon 5241 2253 5145 (Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo) Sat 09 Nov 2013 10:09:21 No. 15752669 Report Quoted By:
>>15752641 Leon and thanks! Im going online now
Jeremy 5129 1165 3506 (Onix, Dwebble, Shuckle)
Jeremy 5129 1165 3506 (Onix, Dwebble, Shuckle) Sat 09 Nov 2013 10:11:00 No. 15752691 Report Does anyone have an Adamant Beldum they could throw my way? I have some 4 IV Timid Jolticks 3 IV Jolly Pinsirs w/ egg moves 5 IV Jolly Hawluchas
1504-6644-0808 (Gabriel/ in-game Yggy)
>>15752235 Have Jolly Kangaskahn
Would like a Speed Boost Venipede
>>15752691 what egg moves do the pinsirs have?
do you have a female caught in a regular pokeball with moxie?
Richie 3136-6770-9695 (Electabuzz, Dedenne, Zebstrika)
Richie 3136-6770-9695 (Electabuzz, Dedenne, Zebstrika) Sat 09 Nov 2013 10:15:48 No. 15752773 Report Quoted By:
>>15751032 OP I have Brave Honedge with 4IVs (not SpA). Can I have a rough skin Gible plox?
Jeremy 5129 1165 3506 (Onix, Dwebble, Shuckle)
Jeremy 5129 1165 3506 (Onix, Dwebble, Shuckle) Sat 09 Nov 2013 10:16:16 No. 15752780 Report >>15752733 Yes actually I do
The egg moves are Quick Attack and Close Combat
>>15752507 I`m sorry but I already get what I want...
If you like, I can give you sand veil one(5IV w/o sp.a) for Sableye
Ken.B 3926 5603 4115
>>15752787 I understand. I'll take the gible and swinub if possible. I just bred some 4 IV Foongus with spore if you're interested, too.
>>15752780 i'll trade you a 4iv adamant beldum (no ivs in spA)
as long as your 3iv one doesn't have ivs in spA
4184 2512 2540- ign calder
message me when i'm added and i'll trade you
Ken.B 3926 5603 4115
>>15752825 I mean Stun Spore.
>>15752825 Oh, then let`s trade
Me; Gible and Swinub
You; Sableye and Tyrunt
is it OK? I want both male if possible
Clarke (Jay) 3539-9821-8449 (Slugma, Magmar, Flechineder)
Clarke (Jay) 3539-9821-8449 (Slugma, Magmar, Flechineder) Sat 09 Nov 2013 10:25:33 No. 15752916 Report Quoted By:
>>15752445 I Got a Polar Modest Vivillion
Jeremy 5129 1165 3506 (Onix, Dwebble, Shuckle)
Jeremy 5129 1165 3506 (Onix, Dwebble, Shuckle) Sat 09 Nov 2013 10:25:52 No. 15752920 Report Quoted By:
>>15752858 Ok im ready whenever dawg
Ken.B 3926 5603 4115
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>>15752906 Sure. I'll add you in a sec.
>>15752861 I`m a little interested in your Foongus, too
How about trading with Shuppet?
Ken.B 3926 5603 4115
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>>15752947 All right. Adding you now.
4227 - 2019 - 0839
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>>15752712 Have added you.
Ken.B 3926 5603 4115