>>15746424 >>15746424 Friend your fellow trainers for more safari choices.
Submit suggestions/corrections
>Extended FAQ https://docs.google.com/document/d/13MvLYLFQq4YcOyMC49DWcOgqij1thEC_sDUKJ4I2Mk4/pub FAQs
People and Places:
>How do I get into the boutique/Hair styles? http://i.imgur.com/P0Wpe5x.jpg >How do I get past the punk in the Lost Hotel? You need to talk to and learn the skating tricks from the skaters in Lumiose city.
>Where do you spend Pokemiles? Lumiose Pokecenter, South Boulevard
>Where are the Move Relearner/Deleter? Dendemille Town
>I can't find _____ in Lumiose city! http://i.imgur.com/IzecHL3.png Items:
>Where do I find a Dusk stone? Complete the Super Training Secret Mode with the Aegislash Baloon, (Requires a fully EVd mon), talk to the Team Flare member (Post Game) or Terminus Cave
>Shiny stone? Route 12 ride the Skiddo around.
>Where do I find the Mega stone for ______? http://serebii.net/xy/megaevolutions.shtml (You can only find Mega Stones between 8pm to 9pm game time after finishing one battle at the Maison and defeating your rival. You must then examine the giant sundial in Anistar and talk to Sycamore)
>Where do I find TM __? http://serebii.net/xy/tmhm.shtml >Movesets http://www.smogon.com/forums/forums/research.251/ Pokemon:
>Breeding? http://i.imgur.com/tsJw3dC.jpg >Where do I find Eevee? Route 10
>How do I evolve it into Sylveon? Get two hearts on the affection meter in Amie and teach it a fairy type move (It learns charm as it levels up)
>Where do I find Ditto? Pokemon Village
>Articuno/Zapdos/Moltres keep running and I can't catch them, wat do? Keep chasing them till they stop at the Sea Spirit's Den, you can catch them there.
>How do I evolve Inkay/Skrelp/Clauncher Turn the 3DS upside-down after you hear the *ding* of it leveling up(Level 30)
Level 48 (No Camouflage has nothing to do with it)
Level 37
>Does tipping increase shiny chance? No, just raises style
>Coupons? POSSIBLE
>>15763711 >How do I get into the boutique/hair styles This is so fucking outdated. Just buy 100 premier balls 1 at a time. Holy fuck.
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
>>15763986 Do you have another question to use to take up that spot? If not, there isn't a reason to take it off.
>>15764017 I just answered the question in a fashion that isn't going to waste hours of time you dense fucking retard. While you're at it, change ditto to friend safari because the village dittos are shitty and useless and we don't want to encourage people to use them because once again they are likely to be pissed off once they figure things out for themselves.
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
>>15764086 The way it's answered also shows what being stylish unlocks, the whole premier ball thing is in the Extended FAQ.
And ditto IS in the village, I could put them both there.
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Does anyone have a Ditto with 4 or more IVs that they'd be willing to part with?
>>15764194 No one cares about village dittos. Seriously, people don't want dittos just to use as fuck toys. They want the IV's. The village dittos might as well not even exist.
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
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>>15764227 >Everyone is competitive Eat a dick, who are you to speak for everyone.
>>15763711 Has the OP's pic been shopped?
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
How do I get a Lightningrod Goldeen in Gen VI?
Yoyo 0447 5540 8926 (sneasel, delibird, piloswine)
Yoyo 0447 5540 8926 (sneasel, delibird, piloswine) Sat 09 Nov 2013 20:08:13 No. 15764550 Report Fastest way to level up a mon?
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
>>15764550 Rotation Battle at Le Wow + Exp O-Power + Lucky Egg
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anyone have abra friend safari?
Is there any way of getting a Razor Fang/Claw other than the Battle Maison? I really want Weavile/Gliscor to finish the Pokedex but fuck grinding for 100 BP.
Decided to train my Charmander to make use of my Charizardite X when I found out it literally had the worst possible nature. Breeding right now, what would be the best nature?
saint 0791 1796 7615
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>>15764913 adamant, i have a lot of those with good ivs also, if you wanna trade (watch got?)
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Is their anyway to change the clothes on your rival or they stuck in those shitty default clothes?
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>>15764701 Just get a Scolipede and clown stomp the maison with him. Scolipede is #1.
derp lol 5412-9949-9660
>>15763711 where does one get a adaptability dragalge?
im thinking
Toxic Spikes/Toxic/Sludge Bomb maybe
dragon tail/twister
Venoshock 260 power if poisoned=ultra rape i wouldn't be surprised if they haven't released its hidden ability.
hidden power fire
Should I invest in HP or Sp Def for a Mawile? It's adamant.
>>15765628 hp + attack you dingdong
>>15765685 No kidding attack is getting it. With such low base HP would it really be worth it to add more? It still gets 95 base Sp def.
Is there any meaning to certain pokemon facing a different direction from the others in a horde? I heard it indicated a hidden ability but caught some and that's not true, does it maybe indicate more IVs? (or less because it's derpy and looking in the wrong direction)
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>>15765787 HP is pretty much always better than either defense unless you are doing both HP and defenses
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
I had a guy's Talonflame outspeed my Aqua Jet. Did Talonflame have Quick Claw or something?
Which has higher chance to get me 31/x/31/31/31/31: Breeding 31/x/31/x/x/x with x/x/31/31/31/31 or x/x/x/31/31/31 with 31/x/31/x/31/x Both with Everstone and Destiny Knot
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>>15766383 Gale Wings give priority to all Flying moves.
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has anyone tried getting Nasty Plot onto Swirlix? I'd do it myself but holy fuck you need a goddamn lvl 50someshit Plusle/Minun
Rocket 3754 6751 7231
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>>15766437 Breed set A together (assuming no gender bias in this pokemon offspring) and replace parent A with a 3 or 4 IV child of the same gender...As long as the child still has that 31 HP IV.
How do we know tipping only increases style? Where's the source on that?
In the coastal pokedex, it goes up to 150 (lapras), then there's a gap for 151, and 152 is Zapdos. According to serebii, Articuno is 151, but they also say Moltres is 153, and my coastal dex doesn't even have a blank slot for 153... What's going on? And how do I 'chase' Zapdos? Every time I try to get to where the dex says, whether flying nearby or cycling the whole way, he moves somewhere else before I even get another encounter with him
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>>15766919 It wont show 153 exists until you catch/see a pokemon with a dex entry equal or higher than that.
That's the reason it shows 151 but not 153.
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>>15766900 Also I tried google. Nothing came up
Nico (IG Midori) 4382-2713-8267 [FLOATZEL, KRABBY, POLIWHIRL]
Nico (IG Midori) 4382-2713-8267 [FLOATZEL, KRABBY, POLIWHIRL] Sat 09 Nov 2013 21:18:26 No. 15767010 Report How do I get a lot of money fast? I was beating the Elite Four with an amulet coin and a level2 o-power, getting 200k at a time but it's so damn slow.
>>15767010 Cafe Le Wow, amulet coin, prize money power, sell balm shrooms
>>15767010 restaurannt le wow.double battle, amuletcoin opower, turn off battle effects
Question: Yes, I know I should have power items, but as a mere curiosity, does Macho Brace double EV's received for a benched Poké? As in, if I had a horde battle with a 1 EV with Pokérus and macho brace equipped on that specific Pokémon, would I get 10 EVs or 20?
>>15767010 Cafe Le Wow.
Sell the Balm Mushrooms
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>>15766919 Just keep entering and exiting from the same route again and again until he reaches it. I see him more often on right side of the map, so you can start there.
Nico (IG Midori) 4382-2713-8267 [FLOATZEL, KRABBY, POLIWHIRL]
Nico (IG Midori) 4382-2713-8267 [FLOATZEL, KRABBY, POLIWHIRL] Sat 09 Nov 2013 21:24:00 No. 15767263 Report Quoted By:
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So I'm pretty new when it comes to breeding, but I was wonder traded a 5IV Helioptile (HP,Att,SpA,SPD,Speed) can you use this Helioptile to 'chain' IVs across to make a set for each Egg Group? I also got WTd a shiny Ursaring for some reason, and all I was giving in return were castoff Eevees
1.) Where can I get something from the Mantine line? 2.) How does Mantyke evolve? From what I've read, I apparently need another Mantyke in my party. Does that mean to evolve one Mantyke, I need a second one? And if so, if I have EXP Share on, if they level up at the same time, do they both evolve?
1676-3666-2330 [Jigglypuff, Togepi and Floette]
1676-3666-2330 [Jigglypuff, Togepi and Floette] Sat 09 Nov 2013 21:28:21 No. 15767424 Report >>15767394 iirc surf in that one town where you get the mega evo ring
>>15767394 Mantyke evolves with Remoraid in the party.
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>>15766900 So I'm guessing it's just another rumor. It's really weird that nothing's actually been confirmed about tipping does.
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>>15767424 Nice. Do they have worthwhile HAs/appear in the Friend Safari?
>>15767447 Weird, site I used said Mantyke. That makes more sense though.
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Some can tell me how many EVs a mon gets from Horde encounters with Pokerus and Power Items and the like?
Can Garchomp learn Outrage without breeding or Move Tutors? (hard to find outrage users and there are no move tutors)
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
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>>15766900 Anything you spend money on gives style, it's how this game works.
Tipping is just another outlet for style.
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>>15767927 No.
And Dragonite learns outrage, so its not really hard.
>>15763711 So how exactly do you get your trainer card upgraded as in OP pic
I haven't got a definitive answer yet
Is there a place where you can sell balm mushrooms, pearls and all that crap for more money like in BW2?
>>15768419 Pokemon centers.
There's no point in asking me the question you're thinking of asking either.
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>>15768522 B-but the maniacs...
Ugh, guess I'll have to settle with those cheap bastards then.
I have a larvitar I want to use because she is shiny She has Max IVs Atk, Def, and Speed From early level calculating it looks like she will have low IVs in spdef and spatk, but relatively high in hp. Impish nature. I know she's not the best, but if you were to use her, how would you EV train her?
How exactly do I activate the Looker quests? Serebii said that you have to go the Lumiose city after beating the game, then he'd call you. I cleared the E4 a while ago, went there numerous times but never got a call. Do I have to do something else before that?
This may of just been coincidence, but I've noticed that the abilities of the parents seem to pass down to the children. For example, I was breeding Litwicks with Flame Body, and that's what almost all of the children hatched with. When I swapped those parents out for ones with Flash Fire, almost all of the children came out with Flash Fire. Has anyone else experienced this?
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>>15768909 To unlock the Looker quests:
Do at least 1 battle in the Battle Maison.
FIght against your rival in Kiloude.
Speak with Sycamore in Alistar.
In that order.
Mickey 2552-1800-3938 (Bug: Butterfree - Beautifly - Vivilon)
Mickey 2552-1800-3938 (Bug: Butterfree - Beautifly - Vivilon) Sat 09 Nov 2013 22:13:20 No. 15769036 Report Quoted By:
Is there any way to get a Custap Berry in Gen 6???
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
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>>15768172 Macho brace only applies for the poke using it, and it stacks with the rus.
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>>15768960 I have noticed this too, specially when breeding with Ditto. I was breeding Synchronize Ralts and almost never did I get a tracer.
>>15768960 Female parents have an 80% chance to pass down regular ability and 60% chance to pass down hidden ability.
What is the best nature and moveset for Clefable nowadays? I've been breeding Modest ones with Wish, but I don't know if that's for the best.
>>15769270 depends on the rest of your party
the whole appeal of clefable is that he can be like six different things
Zubieta 4399-0150-5277 [Pansear, Charmeleon, Braixen]
Zubieta 4399-0150-5277 [Pansear, Charmeleon, Braixen] Sat 09 Nov 2013 22:26:34 No. 15769478 Report >>15769229 but wont males too? wasnt there a rumour about speed boost male blaziken passing it this gen?
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>>15769416 >depends on the rest of your party >Clefable is the first Pokemon I decided to breed Anonymous
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>>15769478 Males can pass down their hidden ability, but only with Ditto
Alkhuza 2638-0222-7829 (Ditto, Dunsparce & Kecleon)
Alkhuza 2638-0222-7829 (Ditto, Dunsparce & Kecleon) Sat 09 Nov 2013 22:40:49 No. 15769952 Report How should I EV train my Slowking?
Rob X 0963-0276-7773 - [Dedenne, Electabuzz, Manectric]
Rob X 0963-0276-7773 - [Dedenne, Electabuzz, Manectric] Sat 09 Nov 2013 22:42:03 No. 15770003 Report Would someone please help me evolve my Kadabra? I really need an Alakazam for the battle maison, and I'm kind of worried about someone taking it from me.
What are some good 2 Pokemon cores I can build teams around?
>>15770014 Garchomp
:^) Anonymous
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>>15770047 That's true, but I prefer to use Garchomp as a revenge killer with Choice Scarf
In that Super Secret Training with the Hydreigon, I keep getting Moon Stones. Is there a set time I need to make to get a Sun Stone?
Not really an X/Y question, but I'm new to comp poekmon. What are some good team options for a stall / hazard team? I've been considering Tentacruel, Skarmory, Ferrothorn, Blissey, Klefki.. But I'm not sure, should the entire be focused on tanking and setting stuff up or should I have one or two sweepers for cleaning up weakened pokemon? Maybe a bulky-yet powerful poke like Volcarona?
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>>15769844 Premier, Great, Net, and Dive.
>>15769945 Luxury a shit.
>trying to get a good ditto from GTS This is impossible. Also, I've learned to never trust japs.
>>15770555 I haven't tested this extensively, but I believe that the stone you get is dependent on the firing mode of the pokemon you use. Rapid Fire gives you one, while the slow power shots give you the other.
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
>>15768065 I completed the pokedex.
>>15771040 It's just RNG
Kori 2234 8425 2804
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>>15770566 Try getting a phazer and sweeper the phazer can use all your set up moves and damage your opponents team with roar or dragon tail
Rafi 3883-6056-2722 [Tranquill, Spearow, Fletchidner]
Rafi 3883-6056-2722 [Tranquill, Spearow, Fletchidner] Sat 09 Nov 2013 23:12:33 No. 15771207 Report Quoted By:
>>15769952 Mind if i add you for that Abra?
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>>15771139 Well. Fuck.
I have 12 Moon Stones, its starting to piss me off.
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If I trade away a Rotom-Wash from my game, will I be able to make another Rotom-Wash or do I need an external washing machine?
Thiago 5198 3632 5704
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Okay, I just started the game (Lumiose City) and I want to have a Goomy as soon as possible, so anyone have a either egg or low level goomy to give me? Also, how can i get a Gale Wing Fletchling? Thanks
What does it mean when your pokemon shows up on the PSS screen (next to the internet button, top right)? Anyone know?
June 4613-7544-3118 (Bara - Machoke, Pancham, Hariyama)
June 4613-7544-3118 (Bara - Machoke, Pancham, Hariyama) Sat 09 Nov 2013 23:18:07 No. 15771428 Report Quoted By:
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>>15771020 I've gotten a 4IV Jap Staryu from GTS, felt a little bad I gave him a wild Shellder
CANO - 4038 5997 0165 (Riolu, Pancham, Meditie)
CANO - 4038 5997 0165 (Riolu, Pancham, Meditie) Sat 09 Nov 2013 23:22:04 No. 15771587 Report Quoted By:
>>15767927 You're gonna have to go full Gen IV with Dragon Rush
You know have Hone Claws, so it won't miss so much.
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So, after finishing the Looker missions and reading that letter he sends you, does he disapear from the game completely? I remember seeing a pic where he appears with Xerosic and the Lumiose Gang, but I don't remember something like that happening in the game.
Does my team suck? They all have the correct natures Greninja Aegislash Blaziken Ampharos Tyranitar Volcarona
Freudianslipz !!4HCpPQTb38h
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>>15771398 What the fuck. I've never seen this.
Need ideas for a Battle Maison team. I'm a huge smogonfag, so I'll disregard anything that sucks. My Mega needs to be Gengar.
June 4613-7544-3118 (Bara - Machoke, Pancham, Hariyama)
June 4613-7544-3118 (Bara - Machoke, Pancham, Hariyama) Sat 09 Nov 2013 23:27:25 No. 15771793 Report >>15771398 It's happened to me a few times, I honestly just think it's a glitch. Sometimes your bro just kinda chachas over to the next screen, usually after you flip to it.
>>15771746 gengar a shit
mega mawile
easy 100 wins
CANO - 4038 5997 0165 (Riolu, Pancham, Meditie)
CANO - 4038 5997 0165 (Riolu, Pancham, Meditie) Sat 09 Nov 2013 23:28:05 No. 15771825 Report Quoted By:
should I make a Choice Scarf Gengar to counter mega Gengars, for the irony?
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
>>15771793 It's not a glitch, but I don't know what it's for either. It might just be a \n easter egg or something.
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>>15771818 Mega Gengar made me reach 100 wins already. I already used Scarfchomp alongside Mega Gengar and DD Gyarados.
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>>15771719 Sorry for not wanting to suck
I guess I could use Charizard instead of Blaziken...
4098-3259-5795 (Mawile, Floette, Dedenne)
4098-3259-5795 (Mawile, Floette, Dedenne) Sat 09 Nov 2013 23:33:29 No. 15772029 Report Guys I need some advice on my Tyranitar. I run him as lead on my sandstorm team, I mostly play single and double battle. So here is the setup Im planning for him Tyranitar Ability: Sand Stream Item: ? Nature: Adamant Moveset: Dragon Dance Stealth Rock Earthquake Stone Edge So I bred my Tyranitar to have both the egg moves Dragon Dance and Stealth Rock. However I dont know if I will have enough time to setup both Stealth Rock and Dragon Dance before Im dead. So my dilemma has been if I should replace Dragon Dance for Crunch, a good STAB move on him and have more coverage. What do you guys think? Keep Dragon Dance or get Crunch? Also what item should I run on him?
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Hi, Steelfag here. I wanna make a mono-Steel team. What should be my team and which Mega do I choose between Mawile, Aggron, Lucario and Scizor ?
Guys, I think I'm losing it here. I was working on getting Wish chainbred to an Eevee, so I bred a Togetic with a Pikachu, got a male Pichu, named it Short. Well, earlier today I handed it the Soothe Bell, saved, and rode around the tower for a while, unfortunately I was so tired I dozed, and my 3DS ran out of juice. Woke up, plugged it into the charger and started playing again from where I left off. Rode around some more, checked its happiness, maxed. Went to Victory Road for a single battle, level up spam...and Short starts to evolve, yadda yadda, Pikachu. There was a notch on its tail. Check, female. Reset, female. I know for a fact that Pichu was male, because I would have named it Socket if it was female. And why would I build up a female when I can't breed Wish on an Eevee with it?
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
>>15772029 Dragon Dance. Keep crunch, trust me. (I run the same team)
Specs 1349-4417-0664 (Whirlipede, Seviper, Ariados)
Specs 1349-4417-0664 (Whirlipede, Seviper, Ariados) Sat 09 Nov 2013 23:36:04 No. 15772136 Report >>15772056 Honestly, I've made this mistake several times with many pokemon. Been playing for years and still mix up male and female forms if I don't check for blue or pink instead.
4098-3259-5795 (Mawile, Floette, Dedenne)
4098-3259-5795 (Mawile, Floette, Dedenne) Sat 09 Nov 2013 23:36:36 No. 15772163 Report >>15772079 What moveset and Item do you run on Tyranitar then if I might ask?
I don't know if It's the correct place to ask but what's the best way to Super Train an Azumarill with Belly Jet and Huge power?
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Are there any known useful egg moves for Froakie? I recently managed to breed myself one with perfect IVs but with Torrent, not Protean. Yes, I know it's silly.
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
>>15772163 Stealth Rock, Crunch, Ice Beam, Earthquake.
If you're lazy and don't want to bread Stealth Rock over, you can use Stone Edge.
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>>15771793 I don't think so, It doesn't happen when switching screens, it happens on its own just randomly.
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>>15771839 Hmm, good to know it happens to other people too.
>>15763711 so the money limit is 9,999,999. Is the time limit on the clock still 999?
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>>15772136 That's the thing; I was excited that it was male with 5 31s after two eggs.
Just checked the other Pichu to make sure I didn't grab the wrong one.
4098-3259-5795 (Mawile, Floette, Dedenne)
4098-3259-5795 (Mawile, Floette, Dedenne) Sat 09 Nov 2013 23:43:00 No. 15772418 Report >>15772235 Alright thanks for the advice, I might run Stone Edge instead of Ice Beam though, with Adamant nature and fully EV trained on Attack, Ice Beam will do very little damage.
I suppose you might need it against dragons but I got plenty of other pokemons in my team to counter those
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>mfw I traded a Pokerus magikarp on wonder trade for a newly hatched timid protean Froakie Thank god because I picked a modest Chespin like a retard at the start of the game
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Does Growlithe still learn Flare Blitz at around lv50? All info I see online is only about gen5 and earlier.
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
>>15772388 I don't know.
>>15772418 Problem is the 80 accuracy on Stone Edge... Missing sucks.
4098-3259-5795 (Mawile, Floette, Dedenne)
4098-3259-5795 (Mawile, Floette, Dedenne) Sat 09 Nov 2013 23:49:29 No. 15772659 Report >>15772535 Mmm yes that is true, I suppose I could also run
Earthquake, Dragon Dance, Stealth Rock, Crunch
I mean, Dragon Dance is a really good skill, the only problem I have is, I already need 1 turn to setup Stealth Rock, so needing another is possibly too much to ask
4098-3259-5795 (Mawile, Floette, Dedenne)
4098-3259-5795 (Mawile, Floette, Dedenne) Sat 09 Nov 2013 23:50:50 No. 15772704 Report Quoted By:
>>15772659 And if I remove Dragon Dance I will not be able to change my mind, since its an egg move
Goddamnit this decision is too hard, I need more opinions
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
>>15772659 Two turns and risking your Sandstreamers death is too much. He's not there to really do damage at all. He sets up all the hazards and leaves it to someone else, and he comes back out when he needs to.
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
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>>15772794 So muh blaze kick?
>>15772859 But it's a 2DS!
piza / ingame: Bbaby, 4785-4249-5140 (Aipom, Loudred, Eevee)
piza / ingame: Bbaby, 4785-4249-5140 (Aipom, Loudred, Eevee) Sun 10 Nov 2013 00:00:46 No. 15773102 Report How can i effectively catch the roaming bird? I'm following the guidelines (dont encounter other pokemon, dont use fly, dont visit luminose city) but it's still moving. This fuckass game is trolling me.
4098-3259-5795 (Mawile, Floette, Dedenne)
4098-3259-5795 (Mawile, Floette, Dedenne) Sun 10 Nov 2013 00:01:27 No. 15773136 Report Quoted By:
>>15772744 Suppose thats right, oh well Ill battle some with him first before I make my decision, hes still in training phase anyways
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>>15772978 How's the battery life on that thing? I'd assume it's pretty good
>earthquake >earthquake >earthquake >you lose how does PvP work in this game?
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>>15773381 Exactly how you said.
Then you git gud Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
>>15773102 I have a little trick to it that I did to get him in less than 30 minutes. The whole don't use fly and encounter wilds is pretty dumb in my opinion.
The way I did it was I used a level 50 pokemon as my lead so that I could do the repel trick and I went to camphrier
. I choose Camphrier Town because there are three routes that the bird came go to. When you fly there, check if the bird is there. If it's not, then fly back to the town and check again. Rinse and repeat.
30 minutes or less!
>>15773381 Stop using all rocks.
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
Do any NPC trainers in the games use Dodrio? I can't bee assed to grind a doduo to get it's data on my dex.
piza / ingame: Bbaby, 4785-4249-5140 (Aipom, Loudred, Eevee)
piza / ingame: Bbaby, 4785-4249-5140 (Aipom, Loudred, Eevee) Sun 10 Nov 2013 00:18:24 No. 15773800 Report >>15773443 Thanks man, I'll keep that in mind. There was a zapdos only two routes from Camphrier away so i stretched my luck and went there as fast as i could but he moved to the other side of the map haha.
>>15763711 Wait, how did you start playing before release, how do you have that much playtime, and that much money?
>tfw you work full time and have been sick for a month Anonymous
>>15773840 Maybe he's just got in on the charger and keeps it open for friend safari
Or he's crazy
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
>>15773840 >>15773939 I just play a lot.
I secretly work for GF >>15773800 Yeah, don't bother with that. Fly to Camphrier, if it's on one of the three routes, go. If not, then fly back.
>>15773443 This is pretty much the way I've done it since gold/silver.
>>15773799 One run through Le Wow with exp power will evolve him.
>>15773800 You can also try heading to the first city (Santalune?), using a repel, biking out the north gate into the grass, then heading back into town. It's fast enough that the bird will be changing routes ever 2-3 passes and you won't have to check the dex every time. My bird was Moltres, so not sure if the birds have different "preferred" routes.
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
>>15774039 Same, I just don't know why people thought the other way was the best. Don't chase it, let it come to you.
>>15774064 Going through routes doesn't always change where he resides though.
Is it weird to want to breed my own HM slaves so I have a useful nature, perfect IVs in relevant stats, and EVs where they'll be useful?
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>>15774105 It seems to change every several route changes though. Quick enough to where it was a viable strategy for me. I used Camphrier/flying for the first five or so encounters, then switched to Santalune for the rest and it seemed faster. Might have just been luck.
>>15774175 Yes. HM slaves are the one place where it's not worth the time.
I'm tempted to IV breed a good capture mon though. False swipe, hypnosis, mean look, and... I dunno.
Mickey 2552-1800-3938 (Bug: Butterfree - Beautifly - Vivilon)
Mickey 2552-1800-3938 (Bug: Butterfree - Beautifly - Vivilon) Sun 10 Nov 2013 00:31:32 No. 15774246 Report I just need to see Wigglytuff, Nidoking and Nidoqueen to complete my Pokedex. Are there any trainers that use them? Im all out of moonstones.
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>>15774004 No, really. How did you have the game early.
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>>15774246 You can get extra moon stones from the Hydreigon balloon in Super Training.
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>>15774227 I'm planning to breed a Smeargle to use with False Swipe, Spore, Mean Look, and Foresight.
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How do you battle random people?
whats the highest anyone's gotten their list of Seen Pokemon? mine's 613.
5241 2253 5145 (Gabite, Noibat, Sliggoo)
>>15763711 Is it okay to EV train a lv1 pokemon using Super Training or should I wait until it's 20?
Or does it not even matter?
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>>15774543 Doesn't matter.
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
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>>15774543 I wouldn't super train level ones. It takes too long. You're better off doing it on a higher level and using the bags on the level 1.
Will I still get EVs i've trained if I powerlevel my pokemon from 1 to 100 to rare candies?
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
>>15774601 He won't have any EVs, but you can still EV train it.
>>15774636 I mean, i've fully ev trained it at level 1 and then I want to power level to 100 with rare candies
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
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>>15774691 You keep them when you level up, no matter how you level up.
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Is there an NPC in game that will show you the legendary birds or Xerneas/Yveltal, or is trading the only option?
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What kind of EV and moveset would a mega Aggron have?
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>>15772535 i swear to hala that if the game still clocks at 999 hours i'm gonna break my 3DS
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Does breeding a male and female of the same species with same Abilities always pass down that Ability? Normal ones, not HA
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Is there any way to get Stealth Rocks onto Metagross?
Where do I get a hidden ability Goldeen? Is there some way to get a swarm while fishing? I haven't seen a friend safari with one, and I don't see any way to do any fancy breeding for lightningrod
Mickey 2552-1800-3938 (Bug: Butterfree - Beautifly - Vivilon)
Mickey 2552-1800-3938 (Bug: Butterfree - Beautifly - Vivilon) Sun 10 Nov 2013 01:07:06 No. 15775396 Report Quoted By:
>>15775145 Nope, youll have to wait till bank opens and transfer the ones from dreamworld.
>>15774542 pelse answer i am astuistic
So, is the only way to get a Razor Claw/Fang to buy it from the Battle Maison? I've seen it mentioned online that a guy in a cafe in Lumiose gives you one, can anyone confirm?
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>>15775524 Yes, anon. You're going to have to use Pokemon to get it.
If you're lazy, go to Sushi High Roller and fight and one of the trainers there has a Gliscor.
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Where are the ghastlies? Where?!
Mickey 2552-1800-3938 (Bug: Butterfree - Beautifly - Vivilon)
Mickey 2552-1800-3938 (Bug: Butterfree - Beautifly - Vivilon) Sun 10 Nov 2013 01:15:23 No. 15775662 Report Any suggestion to get the 50 wins in super singles battle maison battles? Getting a little asspained to lose at 4X battles... Im using: Gigalith@Lum Berry -Stealth Rock -Earthquake -Stone Edge -Explosion Talonflame@Life Orb -Swords Dance -Brave Bird -Flare Blitz -Roost Greninja@Expert Belt -Ice Beam -Scald -Dark Pulse -HP Bug Im willing to use anything, so if something worked for you let me know please.
>>15775524 Why would you want to evolve sneasel when it looks so badass cross armed and shit and weaville looks like any old icey ferret
>>15775719 Because Sneasel is shit.
>>15775662 >scald >hp bug Is there a reason you have chosen these instead of Surf and some other useful attack?
Newbie breeder here. If I've learned anything, it's that baby pokemon are the absolute worst idea ever. Who thought that was a good idea?
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>>15775736 But so is weaville, at least sneasel has swag going for it.
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>>15775662 >Scald >HP Bug Oh god, no. Replace Scald with Surf/Hydro Pump (use Surf if you're iffy about accuracy), and replace HP Bug with U-turn/Taunt. It's more efficient that way.
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>>15775662 Replace gigalith with mega-gar, possibly switch that expert belt for a life orb, change scald for surf, change hp bug for extra sensory or grass knot
>>15775777 Newbie breeder here too and I think they're just there to appeal to the mechs lawsuit audience also why don't my two pokemon ever fucking like each other god damn
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>Someone named C H E N G appears in passersby list >Has over 3700 "Nice!" stars Why? How?
Mickey 2552-1800-3938 (Bug: Butterfree - Beautifly - Vivilon)
Mickey 2552-1800-3938 (Bug: Butterfree - Beautifly - Vivilon) Sun 10 Nov 2013 01:21:45 No. 15775856 Report >>15775756 Yeah, I´ve seen more phisical attackers than special ones in the Maison. A burn from scald means one pogey i dont have to worry about anymore.
HPBug is there cause I dont know what to use in that last slot. It is also the only attack that is supper effective agaisnt Dark in that team. The lack of fighting moves hurts.
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>>15775662 Give talonflame lefties if you're not gonna band it
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>>15775856 HP only does 60 base damage this gen. You're better off using an attack on a Dark type like Surf.
>that haunted house with no music and one creepy guy What The Fuck
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>>15768812 Use super training. Attack and defense. All three Fangs(ice, Fire, shock). And earthquake.
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>>15776021 Why wasn't there more random shit like this with your friend? The main times you guys were actually together were during Flare. It was never just you and Tierno or you and Trevor. It's always Calem/Serena and Shauna.
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>>15775662 My only suggestion is to get a Mega. It's worth it most of the time. Which you get depends which of those you're willing to lose.
I personally use MKhan (with Crunch instead of Sucker Punch - I lost my streak at 41 once because the opponent had Drifblim stall me, drain my PP and then sent out fucking Gengar), mixed Aegislash as a lead and Trick Room Reuniclus. It's worked well so far, but the highest I've got was sadly 48.
I have a female Pupitar and a male Fraxure in the daycare. Will they have axew eggs or larvitar eggs? I looked through the breeding thing that OP linked but I didn't see it anywhere.
>>15775825 Same ID + Different species = dislike each other
same Id + same species or different ID + different species = okay with each other.
Different ID + same species = fuck like rabbits.
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>>15776163 The species and pokeball are always the same as the female.
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So, I have an Adamant Honedge, how should I train him?, Attack and what else?, Defense, Special Defense or Speed?
>>15776216 >interracial is the best Thanks America.
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>>15776405 Go to bed /pol/
So if I want a No Guard Machamp, what the fuck does the machop need to have? Does ability change each EVO?
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>megamewto x Retarded RETARDED
this is a stupid question but I'm starting to catch pokemon to begin an IV breeding frenzy. so, dumb question, is there any sort of pattern to what IVs a wild pokemon has? Like, would a wild Gyrados be more likely to have higher IVs than a wild Magikarp? Or is just just completely random?
>>15776618 What, no. Machop keeps its ability from the start to its last evo.
>>15777333 It's random. Only that FS pokemon have two perfect IVs.
>>15777523 ah, thanks
stupid question number 2: If I breed a pokemon with a ditto with good IVs, will the ditto's IVs still count towards the egg?
>>15777728 If you use Destiny Knot, the children will inherit up to 5 IVs from among the parents.
I think its ALWAYS 3/2, though.
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
>>15778017 Three IVs from one parent, two from the other.
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
where/how do i get the oval charm?
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
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>>15778390 See all the pokemon
Zaius 2466-2493-4938 [dugtrio, wooper, ??]
Zaius 2466-2493-4938 [dugtrio, wooper, ??] Sun 10 Nov 2013 02:55:04 No. 15778681 Report Hidden abilities in friend safari. You can always found them, only after the other guy has connected once, or only when the guy is online?
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I may be retarded, but I didn't see a list of clothing in the OP. Is there a list with pictures?
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if i close my 3ds and come back to it later my fishing chain should still be where it is right? it's getting late
>>15763711 How...did you have the game then?
Did you fuck with your clock?
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Is there a point where the Y legendary's stats and nature is set before actually going into the battle?
is there any rhyme or reason to what stats get passed down via Destiny Knot? I'm trying to get Azumarill's Sp Def to pass instead of Attack and it's simply not happening
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>>15780050 Welcome to breeding, the game called luck.
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
>>15780856 Does Zapdos look like he's joking.
What's the best way to grind your title up in the Chateu, I order the Gold Writ, but I can only battle so many people before there's no one to battle left.
>>15780954 No.
>didn't catch legendary in a Poke Ball like a badass Anonymous
>>15781262 You can stack all the writs that get people to show up. Gold and Silver at once should get you people showing up every time you change rooms. Add another if that stops working.
Can someone please reassure me, I've just spent a lot of time fully super training an Alakazam, is that it for him now? Is that how he'll turn out? Will future EV's from actually participating in battles change what I've done at all?
Jayy (4914-3330-7905) (Azumarill, Floatzel, Octillery)
Jayy (4914-3330-7905) (Azumarill, Floatzel, Octillery) Sun 10 Nov 2013 04:26:42 No. 15781340 Report I've only seen one horde of gliscor in an hour on route 19. Am I doing anything wrong?
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>>15781319 Ah, okay. I didn't know you could stack writs. Anyway, how can I tell when they've worn off?
>>15781340 I swear it's like you guys don't know what rare means.
>>15781340 Sweet Scent/Honey. Instant Horde.
Jayy (4914-3330-7905) (Azumarill, Floatzel, Octillery)
Jayy (4914-3330-7905) (Azumarill, Floatzel, Octillery) Sun 10 Nov 2013 04:28:28 No. 15781396 Report Quoted By:
>>15781364 I apologize, I'm autistic.
Jayy (4914-3330-7905) (Azumarill, Floatzel, Octillery)
Jayy (4914-3330-7905) (Azumarill, Floatzel, Octillery) Sun 10 Nov 2013 04:29:33 No. 15781431 Report Quoted By:
>>15781331 If your Pokenon has maxed EVs from battling or super training, it's done. It won't ever gain any more EVs unless you reset them with the reset bag or berries.
>>15781319 wait, the lady says only 1 writ stays active at time
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>>15781438 Excellent, now I can sleep. Appreciate it, anon.
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What is a good Battle House team?
Mickey 2552-1800-3938 (Bug: Butterfree - Beautifly - Vivilon)
Mickey 2552-1800-3938 (Bug: Butterfree - Beautifly - Vivilon) Sun 10 Nov 2013 04:41:43 No. 15781765 Report Quoted By:
Can someone help me complete the dex by trading me Wiggytuff Nidoqueen and Nidoking? I will trade them back to you. And give you pokes that you need your your own dexes
Jayy (4914-3330-7905) (Azumarill, Floatzel, Octillery)
Jayy (4914-3330-7905) (Azumarill, Floatzel, Octillery) Sun 10 Nov 2013 04:45:52 No. 15781906 Report So uhhh... What's the probability of getting a hidden ability gligar in a horde?
>>15781479 Oh, so the writs don't stack? That anon was full of shit?
>>15781906 Just use a Pokemon with Role Play or Skill Swap, and have them use it on every one in the horde until you see the ability you want. I'm quite sure Alakazam can learn Role Play, so you've got your Synchronizer too.
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Is there a Super Multi Battle in the Maison? Or am I wasting my time with the Multi Battles with my partner who has fucking REGIGIGAS
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
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>>15781266 >Not using netballs Jayy (4914-3330-7905) (Azumarill, Floatzel, Octillery)
Jayy (4914-3330-7905) (Azumarill, Floatzel, Octillery) Sun 10 Nov 2013 04:53:57 No. 15782133 Report Quoted By:
>>15782087 Well I was using toxic w/ my blastoise.....
How the hell do I evolve riolu in this game? I maxed out its friendship and made it day, which should work according to the wiki.
Why is there so much porn of Sliggoo?
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>>15782155 Should mention I also Lvled it up while it was day with maxed friendship.
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>>15782034 the fucking lady says rights there "You can send as many writs a day as you desire but only the newest one stays active" or some shit like that
Jayy (4914-3330-7905) (Azumarill, Floatzel, Octillery)
Jayy (4914-3330-7905) (Azumarill, Floatzel, Octillery) Sun 10 Nov 2013 04:57:04 No. 15782219 Report Quoted By:
>>15782191 What's the problem here?
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>>15782191 because everybody fantasies about fucking a goey-semi transparent girl where you can see your dick poking into her. Anonymous
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What's a good pokemon to use as a healer? Also is Mega Alakazam useful?
How do I get Tyrantrum's hidden ability? I want me some rock head.
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>>15780954 How does that prove you work for GF?
Voodoo 3797-6562-5581 (Kecleon, Aipom, Eevee)
Voodoo 3797-6562-5581 (Kecleon, Aipom, Eevee) Sun 10 Nov 2013 05:15:12 No. 15782701 Report So I have a question about Slowpoke. I'm looking for a Slowpoke with it's hidden ability and they are not in Friend Safaris and there are no horde encounters. I've googled it pretty thoroughly but I can't find an answer. Does anyone know if hidden ability Slowpokes are available before Pokebank?please respond
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>>15782191 There isn't much porn of sliggoo actually, there's a ton more of goodra
goodra is mostly due to the proportions though
dem thighs
How can I get a Scizor when everyone on GTS want a legendary for him?
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Can someone help me with my team set up? These are the only 3 I have decided on and even then I don't think they are right.
What's the best way to catch wild pokemon?
>>15782701 Hordes in Azure Bay.
Voodoo 3797-6562-5581 (Kecleon, Aipom, Eevee)
Voodoo 3797-6562-5581 (Kecleon, Aipom, Eevee) Sun 10 Nov 2013 05:22:49 No. 15782930 Report Quoted By:
>>15782793 How about just use your fucking Metal Coat on a Scizor
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How do I unlock the ability to type a Pokemons name into the Pokedex to unlock them? Or type a name online to get a certain Pokemon from GTS?
>>15782963 Then I gotta trade it.
>>15782793 If you've got a Scyther and a Metal Coat, I can help you evolve one in exchange for evolving one of mine.
>>15782837 Throw quickballs at it first turn, no setup required.
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>>15782999 Get some friends, faggot. Plus, you're on a fucking Pokemon board.
So how do I get a Tyrantrum with rock head?
Hey guys I'm going to try to breed a Delibird support with Spikes/Destiny Bond/Freeze Dry/ ??? Any opinions on the third move or even a nature? Debating if I should try to bulk it up, or if I can make it outspeed to set up.
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>>15765566 not positive, but I have read that most unusual abilities are found on pokemon from friend safari. If not their an npc stated that horde pokemon tend to have unusual abilities, so take that how you will
>>15783121 >no present Make that shit present, nigga
>>15783063 You play a simulator like a faggot because it hasn't been released with that ability and likely never will be.
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>>15783004 Let me check to make sure I got metal coat.
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>>15783169 Oh I see, thanks I have seen that set running around and I was wondering what the actual fuck
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>>15783155 I use a gimmick based team, but I would like Delibird to provide a bit of support or just be a giant annoyance to my opponent. Otherwise I totally would.
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I'm sorry if this has been answered before but I was doing Chapter 5 of the Looker Missions and in between the battles with Emma I left the cafe to heal at the pokemon center but now that I've gone back nobody is there and I can't continue?
>>15763711 how do i get rich?
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So, thread link isn't work from OP and the description in Smogon for location is "On floor", where the fuck is TM 22?
renigma 2852 6868 3731
>>15763711 does thief work in battle maison? Ive seen a lot of rare items being used in there
>>15783043 And what if I don't get it the first turn?
Not necessarily a question about X and Y, but do abilities like Synchronize still have their field effect when the Pokemon is fainted?
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
>>15783423 Balm mushrooms
>>15783878 I'm... Not sure actually.
I really hope not.
>>15784127 and where can if idn those
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
>>15784003 Have a high level pokemon with spore/hypnosis + false sweep, popular choices are pic related and Gallade.
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>>15764482 Until pokebank
If you had it on BW/B2W2 that is
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>>15784127 Should I hold on to my mushrooms in case a collector is added later?
Why is there no collector to begin with?
>>15784249 What about ghosts?
>>15784088 Yup, sticky hold, synchronise, etc. they still work. Helpful in chaining or finding a good nature.
renigma 2852 6868 3731
>>15784127 well if it does work, I dont have to work as hard to get focus sashes, weakness policies, or leftovers, for sure.
Andrew 1118-0277-2106 (Gabite, Shelgon, Druddigon)
Andrew 1118-0277-2106 (Gabite, Shelgon, Druddigon) Sun 10 Nov 2013 06:24:10 No. 15784694 Report if i have two games do both have a seperate safari
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>>15784694 It's based on the 3DS itself, not the game cartridge, I think. I'm not 100% sure.
>>15784415 You are fucked with them though, there is no fail safe attack to weaken them, but at least you can make them sleep too
>b-b-but what about bannette! Fug
captcha: 666 cksonlf
>>15784613 How do you get a leftovers aside from the one the NPC gives you?
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>>15783121 Here.
Any locations where I could sketch Freeze Dry postgame?
renigma 2852 6868 3731
>>15784837 If thief works on maison battles, that.
otherwise I think its a BP award? didnt check.
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I just caught my Xerneas (using a diveball because matching colors). It's of a timid nature, and I believe one of it's three IV's is the ATK stat, which seems to have given it a somewhat even spread between ATK, S.ATK and SPEED. Here's the stats, I'd appreciate a review of them: HP 194 Attack: 135 Defense:114 Sp. Atk: 151 Sp. Def: 118 Speed: 130 It's still lvl.50, and I've yet to EV train it. Suggestions?
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>>15784249 I'm breeding a Gardevoir soon, so I may as well do Gallade at the same time.
Adamant? Jolly? 252 Atk/Spd?
>>15764572 Actually I'm pretty sure the triple battle is faster than rotation.
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>>15784833 Isn't there a move to let them be hit? Foresight?
But then you'd need Smeargle, right?
Can I MM with myself by changing the region?
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>>15785437 Two games for the record, I'm not that stupid
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
Dimi - 2165-5993-6999 [Togepi, Mawile, Floette]
Dimi - 2165-5993-6999 [Togepi, Mawile, Floette] Sun 10 Nov 2013 11:16:21 No. 15788953 Report Quoted By:
When are IV values (not the spread) determined? Cause I just saved before the guy even had an egg for me, reset three times and all three Mawiles have the exact same IVs.