Domain changed to . Feb 14-25 still awaits import.
[10 / 5 / ?]

God damn it, NoA

No.15764746 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>Faint Attack corrected to Feint Attack in Generation VI
>Hi Jump Kick changed to High Jump Kick too
>moves previously spelled in CamelCase, such as BubbleBeam, ExtremeSpeed, ViceGrip, GrassWhistle, etc. are now formatted properly (Bubble Beam, Extreme Speed, Vice Grip, Grass Whistle, etc.)
>Dowsing MCHN reformatted as Dowsing Machine
>previously mistranslated characteristics are now corrected
>>"Scatters things often" has always been correctly translated from ものをよくちらかす, which means the exact same thing
>>"Often scatters things" is originally いねむりがおおい, which can be translated to "frequently/often dozes/nods off"
>>ひるねをよくする translates to "takes naps a lot" (ひるね, rendered in kanji as 昼寝, can also translate to "siesta")
>>>they corrected "Often scatters things" to "Nods off a lot" and "Often dozes off" to "Takes plenty of siestas"
>Feraligatr still not corrected to Feraligator