I need to empty out some boxes before taking on my next breeding challenge SO I've got Absols aplenty to trade with people. All of them are Adamant, the majority with Super Luck and a few scattered about with Pressure. All have the Egg moves of Sucker Punch and Zen Headbutt. Most of them have Play Rough and Megahorn as well. Oh, they're all in Dusk Balls as well. 18x 5IV Absols without 31 in one random stat. 14x 'perfect' 5IV Absols, 31/31/31/x/31/31 1x perfect 6IV male Absol with Pressure 1x Shiny male Absol with Super Luck, 31/x/31/x/31/31 If you could fill this out if you want any of these guys, that would be spiffy!> Trainer Name > Friend Code > Want: > Offering: Pokemon, gender > Nature, Ability > Stat spread > Egg moves, if any Really, really want Non-NA region pokemon with 4+IVs. More specifically in the egg groups of: Flying, Fairy, Water 1. Also looking for a decent stat female Espurr with it's Hidden Ability.
>>15775660 What sorta thing are you after for the shiny Absol? Same as the rest, or something a little more?
Jane 3282-2473-8634 (Dwebble, Pupitar, Shuckle)
Jane 3282-2473-8634 (Dwebble, Pupitar, Shuckle) Sun 10 Nov 2013 01:21:50 No. 15775859 Report Want: One with the egg moves, preferably perfect and male Offering: 4IV Adamant Mawile 4IV Modest Larvesta 4IV Timid Gastly 4IV Bold Solosis with Magic Guard 4IV Timid Joltik with Compound Eyes 4IV Adamant Technician Scyther 4IV Bold Eevee with Wish 4IV Impish Immunity Gligar with Baton Pass and Agility 4-5IV Calm and Modest Ralts 4-6IV Jolly and Adamant Shellder with Skill Link, the 6IV is Jolly and fully EV trained in ATK and SPE If you want a specific stat layout one something I can check, as there are way too many to list right now.
>>15775821 Something more for the shiny but I'm not exactly sure WHAT, which isn't very helpful. Another decent shiny, a 5 IV ditto, boxed legendaries..?
>>15775859 Added, I'll take a male ghasty if you have one.
Jane 3282-2473-8634 (Dwebble, Pupitar, Shuckle)
Jane 3282-2473-8634 (Dwebble, Pupitar, Shuckle) Sun 10 Nov 2013 01:34:06 No. 15776161 Report >>15776050 I have exactly 1 left, it's 31/x/31/31/31/x and level 31 from being in the daycare, if that's ok with you.
>>15776161 Works for me. I have a female japanese one with okay stats I can breed him with. Is your trainer name Jane as well?
Jane 3282-2473-8634 (Dwebble, Pupitar, Shuckle)
Jane 3282-2473-8634 (Dwebble, Pupitar, Shuckle) Sun 10 Nov 2013 01:36:29 No. 15776229 Report Quoted By:
>>15776202 Yes it is, I need your FC though.
Twinkle 3110-4777-5340
I have a 5iv non-US dratini I could trade for one of your absols if you want? Dratini is in water 1/Dragon
>>15775660 OP I could use a perfect 5IV Absol, are you interested in 4IV Relaxed Ferroseed with Steal Rock and Leech Seed or 4IV Bold Eevee with Wish? I have Eevees with both abilities, these are perfect for Wish passing Vaporeon or Sylveon.
Ash 0189-9311-2732
>>15776243 Oops, I'm an idiot and thought I had it up.
>>15776243 That would be lovely! Added you.
FC and Trainer id above. I'll change my icon to Prof. Sycamore for easier finding.
Ash 0189-9311-2732
>>15776301 Eevee is on my list of 'need to breed' one day, so I'll swap an absol for one of those. Female if you have it.
(IGN: Jack) 1392-5273-6716
5 IV Adamant Intimidate Mawile /W Fire Fang 5 IV Timid Ralts 5 IV Timid Gastly /W Disable 5 IV Timid Larvesta 5 IV Adamant Tyrunts /W DD and 3 Ele fangs 5 IV Adamant Rock Head Aron /W Stealth Rock 5 IV Timid Lighting Rod Electrike 5 IV Impish Immunity Gligar 5 IV Adamant Speed Boost Torchic /W Baton Pass 5 IV Modest Goomy Any of these for a perfect female Hidden Ability Absol?
(IGN: Jack) 1392-5273-6716
Quoted By:
>>15776388 Meant a super luck ability, I thought that was the hidden ability.
Twinkle 3110-4777-5340
>>15776302 Thanks for the trade!
I hope a male was okay but if you want we can re-trade and I can send you a female?
Minoru 1246-8719-1249
I have a few 6 IV timid eevees left from breeding, they're male though and have anticipation, I'd love them with the egg moves
Leica 1779-0294-5105
Trainer Name: Leica Friend Code: 1779-0294-5105 Want: Perfect Absol, or the 6IV one but I won't ask for that much. Play Rough is kind of a must though. Offering: Female 6IV Tentacool. Nature, Ability; Timid Stat spread: Perfect 31s all around.> Egg moves, if any
Benjamin 4167-4765-2789 (Tediursa, Loudred, Ditto)
Benjamin 4167-4765-2789 (Tediursa, Loudred, Ditto) Sun 10 Nov 2013 01:47:57 No. 15776545 Report >>15776349 Sorry dude I dont have any 4IV females, Eevee only gets 12.5% female. Would you prefer a 3IV female or a 4IV male?
Leica 1779-0294-5105
Quoted By:
>>15776527 It has Rapid Spin, sorry.
Zahn 3282-3079-8276 (no idea)
Quoted By:
>>15776545 I added you, can you plz add back good sir?
Ash 0189-9311-2732
>>15776388 I was gonna say... Super Luck I can easily do. I'd enjoy the Larvesta. Also added your FC.
>>15776463 Quite welcome and the male is fine.
>>15776499 Did you care which Absol with egg moves you got?
>>15776545 3 IV female works then
>>15776527 Any preference on the gender of the Play Rough knowing Absol?
Quoted By:
>>15776796 Word just add me back
Minoru 1246-8719-1249
>>15776796 Play rough, sucker punch and zen headbutt if possible and gender doesn't matter to me
Leica 1779-0294-5105
>>15776796 Female would be best. Aslong as it has 5 Correct IVs and Play Rough, any other egg moves are a bonus.
Ash 0189-9311-2732
Quoted By:
>>15776884 >>15776957 Can do for both then. Both of you are added as well.
Perplexas 0447-5651-2278
>>15776050 Boxed legendary for Shiny Absol?
Please don't ever make that trade, especially since your Absol is usable competitively.
(IGN: Jack) 1392-5273-6716
Ash 0189-9311-2732
>>15777161 Meh, I already have a shiny female absol with a better IV spread than the shiny male. One less legendary for my pokedex to hunt down is fine by me.
>>15777001 >>15777306 Welcome!
Leica 1779-0294-5105
Minoru 1246-8719-1249
>>15777387 Thank you very much man
Krysta 2879-0623-7517 (Pancham, Machoke, Tyrogue)
Krysta 2879-0623-7517 (Pancham, Machoke, Tyrogue) Sun 10 Nov 2013 02:23:45 No. 15777705 Report >>15775660 Trainer name: Krysta
Friend Code: 2879-0623-7517
Want: 5 Random IV Absol with egg moves
Offering: Zorua, Male, Timid, Illusion
IVs: Hp/Atk/Sp.Atk/Sp.def/Speed
Egg moves: Extrasensory and Sucker Punch
Ash 0189-9311-2732
>>15777419 >>15777634 Quite welcome!
At this point I have two female with the 'perfect' 5IV spread left, and five males. Still plenty of the random 5 IV spread ones left.
>>15777705 Added! Any preference on gender or which is the missing stat for the random 5 IV batch?
>>15775660 > David > 1005-9373-3000 > Want: Either the perfect Absol or a random 5 Absol and I'll breed it. > Offering: Pawniard, Male > Adamant, Defiant > 31/x/31/31/31/31 (not perfect but you can always breed the attack in) > Unsure all come with scratch, scary face and metal claw. Krysta 2879-0623-7517 (Pancham, Machoke, Tyrogue)
Krysta 2879-0623-7517 (Pancham, Machoke, Tyrogue) Sun 10 Nov 2013 02:38:10 No. 15778167 Report Quoted By:
>>15777894 I would like female, but I don't mind!
Ash 0189-9311-2732
>>15778016 Added. I'm not too fond of Pawniard or what's in his egg group, so hope you don't mind much getting one of the random 5IV Absols. Care which gender?
Quoted By:
>>15778184 Male if possible
Sergio 1762-3519-3090 [Minccino, Eevee, Dunsparce]
Sergio 1762-3519-3090 [Minccino, Eevee, Dunsparce] Sun 10 Nov 2013 03:00:44 No. 15778844 Report Trainer Name: ^ FC: ^ Want: 31/31/31/x/31/31 Offering: 31/x/31/31/31/31 Male, Female Joltik Timid Compound Eyes 4 IV'd Modest Rotoms of various combinations
Now if only I could find Non-NA people to trade with....
>>15778844 Added! Would like one of the Joltiks.
BasedGod 4871-3995-0901
Basedgod#420 4871-3995-0901 want: Perfect absol Offering: larvitar Spain adamant guts 31/31/31/xx/31/xx
Ash 0189-9311-2732
>>15779102 You mean one of the 5IV 'perfect' absols? Care what gender? Also, added.
BasedGod 4871-3995-0901
Quoted By:
>>15779242 It would make more sense if absol was female
sooo female!
BasedGod 4871-3995-0901
thanks hope you get a shiny soontimes
Ash 0189-9311-2732
Quoted By:
>>15779412 Thank you kindly!
Sergio 1762-3519-3090 [Minccino, Eevee, Dunsparce]
Sergio 1762-3519-3090 [Minccino, Eevee, Dunsparce] Sun 10 Nov 2013 03:38:10 No. 15779889 Report >>15779007 I'll be online soon
Ash 0189-9311-2732
>>15779889 Was wondering where you went. ;p
Sergio 1762-3519-3090 [Minccino, Eevee, Dunsparce]
Sergio 1762-3519-3090 [Minccino, Eevee, Dunsparce] Sun 10 Nov 2013 03:44:01 No. 15780051 Report >>15779007 Also, I'd like one with superluck if possible
Sergio 1762-3519-3090 [Minccino, Eevee, Dunsparce]
Sergio 1762-3519-3090 [Minccino, Eevee, Dunsparce] Sun 10 Nov 2013 03:50:41 No. 15780271 Report Quoted By:
>>15780015 Thanks, and sorry for the wait, was coordinating other trades :\
>>15775660 >Trainer name:Lile >FC:3711-8167-4213 >Want:Whichever. Doesn't matter. Prefer 'perfect' 5 IV >Offering: Scyther, male >Nature, ability:Adamant, technician >Stat spread:31/31/31/x/31/31 Something you'd be interested in?
Ash 0189-9311-2732
My net decided it needed to crap out on me and now back.
Sergio 1762-3519-3090: perf, joltik'
>>15780051 Enjoy your Absol!
Okay, at this point I've got one female and four males with the 5 IV 'perfect' spread. All with Super Luck and only one of the males lacking Play Rough and Megahorn. Those I'm only going to trade for Non-NA pokemon with 4+ IVs, male preference unless it's a female Espurr with her Hidden Ability, Noiver/Noibat, or the Azumarill family line.
The rest of the random 5 IV spread are up for grabs with plenty of either gender. All of them but two females have Megahorn and Play Rough. All have Zen Headbutt and Feint Attack. All but one female and one male have Super Luck.
>>15780576 Scyther is meh to me honestly. Would you mind one of the random 5IV ones?
Ash 0189-9311-2732
Quoted By:
>Check over all of the traded pokemon to toggle off the proper stats >female eevee is shit as far as stats go with no 31 IVs. T-thanks, Ben.
trainer: Cameron FC: 2681-0247-9857 WANT: perfect 5iv absol with super luck( female preferrably) Offering:perfect 5iv gastly female with levitate & disable egg move.
>>15775660 i have a few 4 iv beldums if your interested
Quoted By:
>>15775660 oh and wouldnt mind the egg moves too in exchange for the ghastly
Ash 0189-9311-2732
>>15781352 I've already got a 4 IV male Ghasty I plan to breed with a japanese female one I have so I'm good on that front, thanks.
>>15781508 Not really, thanks though.
>>15781597 how about my box legendary? i could care less about it Xernes
Quoted By:
>>15775660 oh and wouldn't mind the egg moves too in exchange for the ghastly
>>15781597 5 iv perfect mawile female??
Ash 0189-9311-2732
>>15781614 I actually have two of those because of Wonder Trade.
>>15781680 Have one, thanks though.
>>15781695 >Wonder Trade Wow your lucky
Ash 0189-9311-2732
>>15781741 Yeep! Wonder Trade is a tad addictive and a great way to get breeding rejects from all sorts of regions.
>>15781103 Nah. If it's female I'll just breed it. Wouldn't mind dropping metal coat on it though, if you offered one of the others. Otherwise, yeah. 5 random is fine.
Ash 0189-9311-2732
Rudolf (IGN= Aefer Yamma) 5472-7478-5328
>>15781972 OP, do you have Absols with both moves, even if they have few or incorrect IVs for a guy that's just starting to breed?
Ash 0189-9311-2732
Quoted By:
>>15783142 Yep, all the moves listed are what the majority of the Absols have.
Tomas 0404-6820-9819 (Charmeleon, Growlithe, Braixen)
Tomas 0404-6820-9819 (Charmeleon, Growlithe, Braixen) Sun 10 Nov 2013 05:33:22 No. 15783277 Report >>15775660 Hey OP, any 5IV Absol's left? I don't have much I have 12 boxes full of modest Larvesta's but I haven't IV bred them
Ash 0189-9311-2732
Quoted By:
>>15783277 Yes, but only for Non-NA pokemon.
>>15775660 Aisling
5386 8489 7362
I have a 5IV (no speed though) adamant female pawniard with sucker punch for one of those random 5IV absols (preferably female) if you're interested
MaZe - 1263-6754-0610
EVERYTHING on my list has 5 an 4 IV's. Have : Jolly Absol knowing Megahorn/Play Rough/Baton Pass Adamant Tyrunt knowing Dragon Dance/Poison Fang/Thunder Fang/Ice Fang Jolly Shroomish knowing Bullet Seed Bold Eevee knowing Wish Modest Noibat Modest Mareep Adamant Larvitar knowing Stealth Rock and Persuit Also have non perfect Larvitar (still knowing stealth rock and persuit) and Honedge that I'd trade for a BP item such as the choice stuff, focus sash, life orb, etc etc. They make good breeding fodder. 6IV Mareep (probably going to use this myself but might trade it if the offer is tempting enough) 6 IV Farfetch'd (same story as the Mareep since I love Farfetch'd) Shiny Venomoth, Skarmory, Xatu and Luvdisc Want : Perfect 5 IV pokemon BP items Mega Stones Perfect 5 IV Onix/Steelix Perfect 5 IV Cubone
Leanne 3737-9537-7847 Fire (Growlith, Slugma, Braixen)
Leanne 3737-9537-7847 Fire (Growlith, Slugma, Braixen) Sun 10 Nov 2013 05:40:03 No. 15783464 Report I'd like a if you're still giving those out5iv Absol I have 5iv Jolly male Bagon with Sheer Force unfortunately, no egg moves
Ash 0189-9311-2732
>>15783381 Added.
>>15783463 Delicious copy-pasta. Uh, random 5 IV Absol for 5 IV Noibat?
>>15783464 Added.
>>15783277 Oops, should clarify the 'perfect' IV Absols are for Non-NA trades. For the random 5 IV ones? I'll take any sort of breeding fodder.
Chris (fire) 4785-4596-6974
>>15783463 Choice scarf for one of those Larvitar?
MaZe - 1263-6754-0610
>>15783666 As long as it's a male one with the 4 moves you mentioned then sure thing. Got one with 31/31/xx/31/31/31 spread by any chance? Added anyway.
>>15783678 Yep sure. Added
>>15783666 Aisling here. Thanks so so much OP!
Tomas 0404-6820-9819 (Charmeleon, Growlithe, Braixen)
Tomas 0404-6820-9819 (Charmeleon, Growlithe, Braixen) Sun 10 Nov 2013 05:55:07 No. 15783907 Report >>15783666 Random IV for Modest Larvesta? Added!
Ash 0189-9311-2732
Quoted By:
>>15783833 I do and you're added! I'm also not paying attention to what I have. Instead of the Noibat, could I get a Mareep? Not the 6 IV one, obviously.
>>15783870 You're welcome!
>>15783907 Just let me reconnect and I'll trade one over.
Rudolf (IGN= Aefer Yamma) 5472-7478-5328
>>15783666 Can I have an 4 IV Absol? If it's Hasty/Jolly/Naive it could be great.
As I just finished the main game I just have a 4 IV Tyrunt w/3 fangs and DD.
Ash 0189-9311-2732
>>15784189 I've Wonder Traded all my 4 or less IV Absols away. Only have Adamant nature as well, but I'll swap one for a Tyrunt.
OP, if you have a "perfect" female left I will trade you my perfect, foreign, gale wings fletchling. I would love one with playrough too.
Rudolf (IGN= Aefer Yamma) 5472-7478-5328
>>15784361 Oh well, I wanted to try a mixed Absol, but whatever, thanks very much.
btw, the Tyrunt has pokerus.
Ash 0189-9311-2732
>>15784619 I have one left and I'd swap for that. Is it male?
Izzy 152134134831
>>15784660 Yes it is.
Is it possible to ask for a nickname on my female absol?
Ash 0189-9311-2732
Quoted By:
>>15784647 Swapping in a new nature is easy enough. Have you added, just waiting to see you online.
Ash 0189-9311-2732
>>15784692 Can do. What would you like her named? She's actually named Tysha right now
because I was watching GoT while breeding these guys. Izzy 152134134831
>>15784755 Nice taste, but my autism won't let me deviate from my naming scheme. Ara would be nice!
Ash 0189-9311-2732
Quoted By:
>>15784834 >Izzy 152134134831 I can understand that. She's renamed!
Pyro 5284-1457-4321 (Fairy Jigglypuff,Snubull,Clefairy)
Pyro 5284-1457-4321 (Fairy Jigglypuff,Snubull,Clefairy) Sun 10 Nov 2013 06:37:42 No. 15785053 Report I can offer you a 5IV 31/31/31/x/31/31 adamant Kangasknan. Sadly it has Early bird and no egg moves but could still be useful.
Ash 0189-9311-2732
At this point I have 4 males and 6 females for the random 5 IV batch, and 4 males for the 'perfect' IV batch.
Now if only someone would wander in with a foreign Water 1 or Fairy egg group pokemon..
>>15785053 Sure, added. Do you care which gender?
Pyro 5284-1457-4321 (Fairy Jigglypuff,Snubull,Clefairy)
Pyro 5284-1457-4321 (Fairy Jigglypuff,Snubull,Clefairy) Sun 10 Nov 2013 06:43:47 No. 15785193 Report >>15785156 Either is fine, and if you're nicknaming then "devientart"
You want a kanga name?
Ash 0189-9311-2732
>>15785193 Nah, name it whatever. Renamed a female for you.
Ash 0189-9311-2732
Quoted By:
People who lie about what IV stats they're giving me make me sad...
Pyro 5284-1457-4321 (Fairy Jigglypuff,Snubull,Clefairy)
Pyro 5284-1457-4321 (Fairy Jigglypuff,Snubull,Clefairy) Sun 10 Nov 2013 06:52:37 No. 15785396 Report >>15785290 She's perfect. Thanks a bunch.
Ash 0189-9311-2732
Quoted By:
>>15785396 Quite welcome! Thanks for being an honest person too.