George is back with a give away from my day's breeding work. All are Timid, all are compound eyes unless stated. All 4IV Joltiks are free but obviously something nice would be appreciated in return. 5IV i'd like to only trade for other 5IV mons. If you want two 4IV Joltik of opposite gender to breed then I ask for the same in return (2 4IV mons of different gender). Rules: If you ask for a joltik you must say which number(s) you want. If its a 5 IV put your offer. You must post your FC and In game name. This gets difficult enough without having to chase people up. I have 1 hour till I wanna go watch MOTD 1. Male hp/df/sp.atk/sp.df (4) 2. Male hp/df/sp.df/spe (4) 3. Female hp/sp.atk/sp.df/spe (4) 4. Female hp/df/sp.atk/sp.df/ (4) 5. Female hp/df/sp.atk/spe (4) 6. Female hp/df/sp.atk/sp.df/spe (5) unnerve 7. Female hp/df/sp.atk/sp.df (4) 8. Female df/sp.atk/sp.df/spe (4) 9. Male hp/df/sp.atk/sp.df (4) 10. Male hp/df/sp.atk/sp.df/spe (5) unnerve 11. Male hp/df/sp.atk/spe (4) 12. Female hp/sp.atk/sp.df/spe (4) 13. Female hp/df/sp.atk/sp.df (4) 14. Male hp/sp.atk/sp.df/spe (4) 15. Female df/sp.atk/sp.df/spe (4) 16. Female df/sp.atk/sp.df/spe (4) 17. Female hp/df/sp.df/spe (4) 18. Male hp/df/sp.atk/sp.df (4) unnerve 19. Male hp/df/sp.atk/spe (4) 20. Male hp/df/sp.atk/sp.df (4) unnerve 21. Female hp/df/sp.atk/sp.df (4) 22. Female hp/df/sp.atk/sp.df/ (4) 23. Male hp/sp.atk/sp.df/spe (4) 24. Male hp/df/sp.atk/sp.df/spe (5) 25. Male hp/sp.atk/sp.df/spe (4)
Charles 4785-5449-1228 (Abra, Espurr and Xatu)
Charles 4785-5449-1228 (Abra, Espurr and Xatu) Sun 10 Nov 2013 21:43:20 No. 15804951 Report Can I have number 5 please?
George 5327 1400 0999
Quoted By:
>>15804951 yep await trade request
Nanners 3153 4147 0711
And to think I was going to start breeding my own 5IV one today 5IV adamant Beldum for a compoundeyes male pleasei-if its not too much trouble could you name it tesla? Its fine either way
sletje 4871-3928-5572
Nirc 5472-7464-6938 (Spiritomb, Phantump, Lampent)
Nirc 5472-7464-6938 (Spiritomb, Phantump, Lampent) Sun 10 Nov 2013 21:46:19 No. 15805048 Report 24. I can give you a perfect Fletchling (5 IVs no SpA, Adamant, Gale Wings, Premier Ball)
Gib 0731 5885 2192
George 5327 1400 0999
what nature is it?
TipTup FC: 2251-5224-5193
id like one of these Female hp/df/sp.atk/sp.df/spe (5) unnerve i offer you a perfect contrary inkay. my ign is Josh
Neto 3797-7138-0466
OP can I get Number 14 please I'll give you a 4 IV Ferroseed with egg moves in return
Quoted By:
Number 6 would be nice my dear friend from pre-school. I have a skill link cloyster with good ivs to give you o;
Seb 2122 6412 4719 (Normal: Lillipup, Chansey, Loudred)
Seb 2122 6412 4719 (Normal: Lillipup, Chansey, Loudred) Sun 10 Nov 2013 21:48:42 No. 15805130 Report Quoted By:
>>15804849 Can I have number 3? This is what I have, all 4IV:
Goomy Bold Hydration
Riolu Jolly Prankster w/Bullet Punch and Crunch
Fletching Adamant Gale Wings
Larvitar Careful w/Pursuit
Mawile Adamant
Nanners 3153 4147 0711
Quoted By:
>>15805079 AHHH FUCK 24 I guess
I thought they were all timid
unless you mean beldum in which case adamant
George 5327 1400 0999
>>15805038 yep
>>15805048 yes can you nickname it Fawkes?
>>15805072 yep
>>15805080 yep nickname it Ursula if its a female Calamari if its male
>>15805090 yes
Riddel [0318-6563-0713]
Could I have number 8 please
Kevin 3437-4395-1611 (Dwebble, Corsola, Shuckle)
Kevin 3437-4395-1611 (Dwebble, Corsola, Shuckle) Sun 10 Nov 2013 21:49:55 No. 15805176 Report I'll like any 4 IV Joltik, with at least the IV's in Sp Atk, and Spoed. I can offer a Wish Eevee. Thanks.
Wray 3497-0562-6817 (Combee/Masquerain/Heracross)
Wray 3497-0562-6817 (Combee/Masquerain/Heracross) Sun 10 Nov 2013 21:50:14 No. 15805188 Report >>15804849 Can I have number 3?
I'll give you a atk/def/sp.df/spe marvel scale dratini
Riddel [0318-6563-0713]
Quoted By:
>>15805157 I have some tyrantrums with some IVs, elemental bites and dragon dance. Do you want a nickname ant could I have mine be nicknamed "Itch"
Wray 3497-0562-6817 (Combee/Masquerain/Heracross)
Wray 3497-0562-6817 (Combee/Masquerain/Heracross) Sun 10 Nov 2013 21:51:33 No. 15805240 Report Quoted By:
>>15805188 I'd also take number 4 or 5 if someone else wants 3 first
Kevin 3437-4395-1611 (Dwebble, Corsola, Shuckle)
Kevin 3437-4395-1611 (Dwebble, Corsola, Shuckle) Sun 10 Nov 2013 21:52:22 No. 15805270 Report I guess 25 is fine if I have to pick a number.
Nirc 5472-7464-6938 (Spiritomb, Phantump, Lampent)
Nirc 5472-7464-6938 (Spiritomb, Phantump, Lampent) Sun 10 Nov 2013 21:53:11 No. 15805291 Report TipTup FC: 2251-5224-5193
>>15805147 i cant nickname it. it was a trade sorry
i hope you dont mind. ill add you now
Kamui 3582-8911-4695
>>15804849 I'd love #15 please, or #16 if that's already taken.
Won't be able to offer much in return, still haven't finished the game and gotten into the real nitty gritty of breeding.
George 5327 1400 0999
George 5327 1400 0999
>>15805291 you're ign nirc? can't see you online
Safari: 0731 - 6176 1870 [Ponyta, Larvesta, Fletchinder] Anonymous Sun 10 Nov 2013 21:55:43 No. 15805392 Report >>15804849 Can i have number 16?
I don't have many IV Pokemons, but i can try to breed my mawile...
If yes... Can you name her Abigail? please TipTup FC: 2251-5224-5193
>>15805341 my IGN is Josh. send a trade request whenever you want.
Gib 0731 5885 2192
Quoted By:
>>15805392 Yo dog lemme get dat Safari
Quoted By:
>>15805392 Can you add me? I need a fletchlinder safari e_e
Oh and op, add me. your skill link cloyster with a big pearl in hand is waiting.
TipTup FC: 2251-5224-5193
George 5327 1400 0999
Quoted By:
>>15805427 Sorry I fucked up already. Someone else took #5. #10 is the same just male hope thats ok
Nirc 5472-7464-6938 (Spiritomb, Phantump, Lampent)
Nirc 5472-7464-6938 (Spiritomb, Phantump, Lampent) Sun 10 Nov 2013 22:00:34 No. 15805602 Report >>15805383 Yeah sorry I had to delete a friend I was full, you're added now
George 5327 1400 0999
Quoted By:
>>15805291 waiting on you. will reserve that joltik for you. but i only have 25 mins left
Alice 4184 2621 5753 [Oddish, Quilladin, Petilil]
Alice 4184 2621 5753 [Oddish, Quilladin, Petilil] Sun 10 Nov 2013 22:02:00 No. 15805667 Report Quoted By:
>>15805383 would you take a 5 adamant mawile for #10?
George 5327 1400 0999
>>15805157 yes
>>15805176 no number requested specifically no trade.
>>15805188 3 is cool
>>15805270 25 is yours
>>15805321 16 yours
Seb 2122 6412 4719 (Normal: Lillipup, Chansey, Loudred)
Seb 2122 6412 4719 (Normal: Lillipup, Chansey, Loudred) Sun 10 Nov 2013 22:02:51 No. 15805716 Report Quoted By:
>>15804849 Can I have number 3?
Nirc 5472-7464-6938 (Spiritomb, Phantump, Lampent)
Nirc 5472-7464-6938 (Spiritomb, Phantump, Lampent) Sun 10 Nov 2013 22:04:25 No. 15805781 Report Quoted By:
Wray 3497-0562-6817 (Combee/Masquerain/Heracross)
Wray 3497-0562-6817 (Combee/Masquerain/Heracross) Sun 10 Nov 2013 22:06:27 No. 15805855 Report Quoted By:
Kevin 3437-4395-1611 (Dwebble, Corsola, Shuckle)
Kevin 3437-4395-1611 (Dwebble, Corsola, Shuckle) Sun 10 Nov 2013 22:06:31 No. 15805856 Report Quoted By:
>>15805711 Thank you sir, added and waiting for trade.
I added you, friend. I have a cloyster with skill link and great ivs for you
Neto 3797-7138-0466
Added you OP just waiting on a trade request whenever
George 5327 1400 0999
Quoted By:
>>15805961 yes sorry!
>>15806057 sorry will be a minute
Gryph 2509-1672-9895 (Butterfree, Illumise, Modern Vivillion)
Gryph 2509-1672-9895 (Butterfree, Illumise, Modern Vivillion) Sun 10 Nov 2013 22:14:58 No. 15806158 Report i'll take #8 please. My offer is: first of all, every one will have Pokerus on them Aron - fem/male Adamant/Brave with Rock Head/Sturdy and the moves Head Smash, Stealth Rock, Superpower Noibat - fem/male Timid with Infiltrator in a Luxury Ball Eevee - timid, calm, modest. The timid one is the only fem. ,but the male Timid one has Baby Doll Eyes Protean Froakies - Naive, Jolly, Modest, Mild. All Male though Magician Fennekins - Gentle, but all Male as well Tyrunt - Jolly with all elemental fangs OR Adamant with Fire Fang and Dragon Dance Larvesta - Timid fem Scyther - fem Adamant with Technician Vulpix - fem Modest with Drought honestly i've got a lot. So to cut down on the typing, if you don't like any of the above, ask and i might have what you're looking for
George 5327 1400 0999
Safari: 0731 - 6176 1870 [Ponyta, Larvesta, Fletchinder] Cesar Sun 10 Nov 2013 22:17:12 No. 15806247 Report Quoted By:
Number 5, number 15 or number 17? I have now 4 IV Mawile with Pokerus for tradeIf you can rename it Abigail, it will be great...
Gryph 2509-1672-9895 (Butterfree, Illumise, Modern Vivillion)
Gryph 2509-1672-9895 (Butterfree, Illumise, Modern Vivillion) Sun 10 Nov 2013 22:17:43 No. 15806267 Report Quoted By:
>>15806226 then whats left thats similar? 12 then.
George 5327 1400 0999
>>15806158 >>15806226 also what are the IVs on all them
George 5327 1400 0999
>>15806057 you didn't respond to my request
Alice 4184 2621 5753 [Oddish, Quilladin, Petilil]
Alice 4184 2621 5753 [Oddish, Quilladin, Petilil] Sun 10 Nov 2013 22:20:56 No. 15806419 Report >>15806341 you might have skipped me or your way of saying no so ill try again :$
5 iv adamant dratini or mawile
4 iv timid ghastly or larvesta
for #10
George 5327 1400 0999
I have 5 minutes left so if i miss you then sorry. A few of you didn't respond to my trade requests so other people missed out because of them
George 5327 1400 0999
Quoted By:
>>15806419 10 went a while ago
Gryph 2509-1672-9895 (Butterfree, Illumise, Modern Vivillion)
Gryph 2509-1672-9895 (Butterfree, Illumise, Modern Vivillion) Sun 10 Nov 2013 22:22:39 No. 15806501 Report >>15806270 they range from good to great. Aron and Noibat are the best and some of them i have yet to check. I also have a Gible with great IVs in everything but Atk and Sp Atk. i can start checking some of them to be sure. I didnt post there IVs originally because you gotta move fast in these type of threads and i didnt want to lose a slot
George 5327 1400 0999
Quoted By:
>>15806501 'they range from good to great'. give me the specifics or i'm not going to tade with you. I want to know nature, ability, exact IVs gender. 'great' ,means nothing
Nirc 5472-7464-6938 (Spiritomb, Phantump, Lampent)
Nirc 5472-7464-6938 (Spiritomb, Phantump, Lampent) Sun 10 Nov 2013 22:25:09 No. 15806615 Report Quoted By:
>>15806419 Would you trade a Dratina for a 5 IV Adamant Gale Wings Fletchling?
George 5327 1400 0999
Quoted By:
>>15805961 wtf is your ign?
Quoted By:
My ign is Lakooki
Digo72_br - 5112-3455-3108 (flying)
is there still time for a 5iv joltik? i have gommy and noibat 5iv, interested?
Jona 8588 6994 0921
Quoted By:
>>15806435 it fucking sucks that people's laziness and inability to follow instructions has cost me a chance of getting a nice cute little joltik
Quoted By:
>>15804849 You got an updated list OP?
What 5IVs are left?
Otherwise can I grab a 4IV one and I'll send you a 4IV Pawniard.
George 5327 1400 0999
>>15806717 1. Male hp/df/sp.atk/sp.df (4)
2. Male hp/df/sp.df/spe (4)
4. Female hp/df/sp.atk/sp.df/ (4)
6. Female hp/df/sp.atk/sp.df/spe (5) unnerve
7. Female hp/df/sp.atk/sp.df (4)
9. Male hp/df/sp.atk/sp.df (4)
11. Male hp/df/sp.atk/spe (4)
12. Female hp/sp.atk/sp.df/spe (4)
13. Female hp/df/sp.atk/sp.df (4)
16. Female df/sp.atk/sp.df/spe (4)
17. Female hp/df/sp.df/spe (4)
18. Male hp/df/sp.atk/sp.df (4) unnerve
19. Male hp/df/sp.atk/spe (4)
20. Male hp/df/sp.atk/sp.df (4) unnerve
21. Female hp/df/sp.atk/sp.df (4)
22. Female hp/df/sp.atk/sp.df/ (4)
this is whats left if you'll trade a 5 IV noibat for one of those then yeah.
otherwise i have 5 IV marill, gastly or zubat
Digo72_br - 5112-3455-3108 (flying)
>>15806785 i get number 6 for a 5iv noibat
Quoted By:
>>15806785 Can I get 11 for a 4IV Pawniard?
George 5327 1400 0999
Time is up. football time. i'm interested in that noibat trade but show is over now
George 5327 1400 0999
Digo72_br - 5112-3455-3108 (flying)
Quoted By:
>>15806838 already added you if you still up to the trade
George 5327 1400 0999
Digo72_br - 5112-3455-3108 (flying)
Quoted By:
>>15806866 ask for the trade when you ready
Malcolm 0919-9715-7273 (Dragonair - Fraxure - Druddigon)
Malcolm 0919-9715-7273 (Dragonair - Fraxure - Druddigon) Sun 10 Nov 2013 22:33:57 No. 15806948 Report Quoted By:
>>15806866 Can I grab 11 for a 4 IV pursuit Larvitar?
Digo72_br - 5112-3455-3108 (flying)
Sean 0576-4134-8880
Quoted By:
>>15806785 Could I get number 2? or any with compound eyes and IV's in Health and Speed.
I've got Mawile, Marill, Gabite, Kangaskhan, Immunity gligar, and ferroseed
Samuel? 3995-6648-2511 rufflet,woobat,pidgey
Samuel? 3995-6648-2511 rufflet,woobat,pidgey Sun 10 Nov 2013 22:35:32 No. 15807014 Report Quoted By:
>>15804849 id take anything with compoud eyes if you have any left that is.
Kevin 4184-2572-5060
Quoted By:
if you have any 4iv joltik, i'll take any one you have left. itll really help me out getting started with breeding this guy