I've been hacking since the days of Ruby and Sapphire and the only reason I did it was because breeding a decent pokemon took HOURS and HOURS and HOURS of biking and tedious work. It was almost like a job and it just wasn't fun. I have like 2 and a half boxes full of Pokemon I made using Pokegen, Pokesave, and Ciro's Pokemon Maker, all with legit stats, movesets, abilities, EV's and everything else.
I planned on waiting until December to start battling online because I refused to do anymore shitty breeding this gen. However, the new breeding mechanics, Destiny Knot, and online trading have made things EXTREMELY easy. I have a box full of perfect IV bred and EV trained Pokemon that can be made into competitive teams. It's very rewarding to breed a perfect mon in like an hour, hunt down TM's and Heart scales, EV train (which is also WAY easier than it used to be), and use them online. There's really no point to cheating.
I was (and still am) one of those guys who bitched and moaned about how I had no time for breeding because of a full time job, a life, and an actual family (my wife and I have a kid). However, I still have the time to breed and trade online.
Also, I could care less about whether or not someone is hacking as long as they're hacking legit Pokemon. I saw an analogy someone used here once, the first and only analogy that I found which actually made sense pertaining to hacking vs. breeding.
Hackers are like Kim Kardashian and breeders are like Bill Gates. Kim Kardashian got rich by doing nothing. Bill Gates worked hard and got rich. They both achieved the same result of getting rich, but one did it by taking the easy way out and doing jack shit, and the other person vested hundreds of hours into hard work.