Matt 0490 5833 2850
Quoted By:
Giving it a bump for dat trading goodness. This board moves quick!
Scoff [(4253-3577-4189),(Combee, Beautifly, Venomoth)]
Scoff [(4253-3577-4189),(Combee, Beautifly, Venomoth)] Tue 12 Nov 2013 18:02:21 No. 15867140 Report My list, offer away.
>>15866946 Interested in anything? I'd like a larvitar
Matt 0490 5833 2850
>>15867140 a 4 IV eevee with wish would be great, I'll trade you a larvitar for it if that sounds good.
Scoff [(4253-3577-4189),(Combee, Beautifly, Venomoth)]
Scoff [(4253-3577-4189),(Combee, Beautifly, Venomoth)] Tue 12 Nov 2013 18:05:42 No. 15867214 Report >>15867165 Let me finish two trades, one minute
Justin 1306-6223-0129
>>15866946 I've got a bunch of 4IV inkays if you want to trade for a larvitar.
Matt 0490 5833 2850
Quoted By:
>>15867217 Sure thing.
>>15867214 I'll add you both in just a moment
Robbie 0946-2728-9040
>>15867140 would you take an adamant female HP, Atk, Def, Spd corphish with aqua jet and adaptability for a ralts?
Ledazius 5000-2571-3575
Timid Flash Fire Vulpix Adamant Rock Head Aron (+Headsmash) Adamant Rock Head Rhyhorn Jolly Sand Veil Gible (+Outrage) Jolly Sand Rush Drilbur (+Rapid Spin) Adamant Larvitar (+DD) Adamant Beldum (1) Timid Dry Skin Helioptile Jolly Dry Skin Croagunk Timid Hustle Nidoran (female)
Scoff [(4253-3577-4189),(Combee, Beautifly, Venomoth)]
Scoff [(4253-3577-4189),(Combee, Beautifly, Venomoth)] Tue 12 Nov 2013 18:08:44 No. 15867284 Report >>15867165 Alright, adding you.
Also, if you could get me a female one with one IV being Sp. Def, that'd be great. I already have a 4Iv male missing that.
Robbie 0946-2728-9040
Quoted By:
>>15867267 that last one is Speed sorry
Scoff [(4253-3577-4189),(Combee, Beautifly, Venomoth)]
Scoff [(4253-3577-4189),(Combee, Beautifly, Venomoth)] Tue 12 Nov 2013 18:10:08 No. 15867306 Report >>15867267 I'd take it, yes. Adding you.
Matt 0490 5833 2850
>>15867283 Want the amadant headmsash aron and the jolly outrage gible, will give you anything on my list for those 2, been looking forever
Ravenoft 1821-9498-9774 electric electabuzz luxray Anonymous Tue 12 Nov 2013 18:11:03 No. 15867326 Report >>15866946 ive got 4 iv modest larvestas if youre interested. looking for a klefki
Matt 0490 5833 2850
>>15867284 I will look, hatching them right now and only a few in the box currently, can't guarantee I have a female with sdef
Quoted By:
I have a couple of Modest Goomy, 4/5IVs over-all, I haven't had the chance to sort them in any way other than in groups of 4IVs and 5IVs. Sap Sipper, Hydration and Gooey. I have at least one of each, I think. I don't know what the ball is, but I don't like it. I'm only really looking for (most importantly) Speed Boost Venipede (Jolly/Adamant), Moxie Pinsir (Jolly), any ability Eevee (Calm), and Mold Breaker Drilbur (Adamant).
Scoff [(4253-3577-4189),(Combee, Beautifly, Venomoth)]
Scoff [(4253-3577-4189),(Combee, Beautifly, Venomoth)] Tue 12 Nov 2013 18:12:48 No. 15867350 Report >>15867332 If it's not too much of a chore, I'd appreciate it. Trade me when you find it/give up.
Ledazius 5000-2571-3575
>>15867309 Sure thing, I have so many Gibles anyway.
I'd take an Gale Wings Fletchling and ermm... something nice you did not list since I have everything on the list.
Matt 0490 5833 2850
>>15867326 Sounds good, add me a send a trade request when ready
Justin 1306-6223-0129
>>15866946 3IV adamant Inkay for a protean froakie?
Matt 0490 5833 2850
Quoted By:
>>15867352 Added, trade when ready
Robbie 0946-2728-9040
Quoted By:
>>15867306 cheers. have fun with A
Matt 0490 5833 2850
Quoted By:
>>15867391 Sorry, just traded for a 4IV inkay. If I had more than 2 I would just give you one, but right now theyre good trading material
Zoolz 1907-8454-7204 (ivysaur, pansage, maractus)
Zoolz 1907-8454-7204 (ivysaur, pansage, maractus) Tue 12 Nov 2013 18:18:25 No. 15867464 Report ive got 4 leftover 5IV beldums all adamant all same spread of 31/31/31/x/31/31 looking for other 5IV pokemon or 4IV pokemon with HAs/egg moves
3007-8430-8818 Shiro
Looking for female protean froakie and a male mienfoo/shao with nice IVs. Have: 4-5IV adamant intimidate mawile Modest Gooey Gomy 5IV timid noibat Female drought vulpix 4IV female Timid trace ralts 5IV adamant gible 5IV timid serene grace togepi Japanese ralts
Matt 0490 5833 2850
Quoted By:
>>15867326 Resend the trade, I was entering my box when you sent it and that messes you up, wont allow me to send you another request
Joe 0404-6259-9143
>>15866946 I can breed an impish Ferroseed in sec if you still want one
Matt 0490 5833 2850
>>15867521 That would be great, what would you like in return?
Joe 0404-6259-9143
>>15867551 Forgot to mention they have Leech Seed and Stealth Rock
I'll take a larvitar please
Matt 0490 5833 2850
Quoted By:
>>15867572 Sounds good, I'll add you, send me a trade when you're done breeding. I'll be online for a bit since I'm still breeding for my 5 IV larvitar
Matt 0490 5833 2850
>>15867140 >>15867350 If you're still here, I'm working on your fem larvitar now
Serse: 3995 - 6792 - 5547 [Ice: Bergmite, Spheal, Lapras]
Serse: 3995 - 6792 - 5547 [Ice: Bergmite, Spheal, Lapras] Tue 12 Nov 2013 18:30:06 No. 15867685 Report >>15866946 Any Mawile left?
I can offer a 4IV Adamant Hawlucha of either sex for a 4IV Mawile, or a 31/31/31/x/31/31 Hawlucha with neutral nature for a 5IV Mawile.
I also have 4IV Modest Snorunt of either sex.
Lemme know...
Scoff [(4253-3577-4189),(Combee, Beautifly, Venomoth)]
Scoff [(4253-3577-4189),(Combee, Beautifly, Venomoth)] Tue 12 Nov 2013 18:30:09 No. 15867687 Report >>15867673 I'm still here, thanks mate!
Cobra: 0275-8326-2440
>>15867464 do you want a 4iv shroomish with poison heal and focus punch as egg move for a 5iv beldum?
Zoolz 1907-8454-7204 (ivysaur, pansage, maractus)
Zoolz 1907-8454-7204 (ivysaur, pansage, maractus) Tue 12 Nov 2013 18:33:31 No. 15867769 Report Quoted By:
>>15867741 sure, adding now
Matt 0490 5833 2850
>>15867685 Plenty of mawiles left. Give me a few minutes to hatch this batch of eggs then I'll add you and we can trade.
I'll do 4 IV for 4 IV please
Matt 0490 5833 2850
Quoted By:
>>15867521 Thank you, that was a huge help!
Serse: 3995 - 6792 - 5547 [Ice: Bergmite, Spheal, Lapras]
Serse: 3995 - 6792 - 5547 [Ice: Bergmite, Spheal, Lapras] Tue 12 Nov 2013 18:38:50 No. 15867888 Report Quoted By:
>>15867791 Sweet.
I'd like to have, if possible, one of both sex; I'd give you the same, of course. However, addin' you now...
Faggot 5086 2022 0748 !GaybOYmIqU
Got 6 Jolly Mienfoo with 31/31/31/xx/31/31 and Baton Pass 3 Inner Focus (lol) 2 Reckless 1 Regenerator I'm not sure what exactly I'm interested in, but Bulky Waters and 5 IV Female Spritzee sounds pretty cool to me.
Robbie 0946-2728-9040
Quoted By:
i got 4iv corphishes out the wing-wang and i'm looking for love. by which i mean, decent venipedes.
3007-8430-8818 Shiro
>>15867918 Any of those mienfoos for something on
>>15867517 ? ; _ ;
Scoff [(4253-3577-4189),(Combee, Beautifly, Venomoth)]
Scoff [(4253-3577-4189),(Combee, Beautifly, Venomoth)] Tue 12 Nov 2013 18:43:46 No. 15867998 Report RNG is trolling me, gives me a perfect fletching, gives it big pecks.
Faggot 5086 2022 0748 !GaybOYmIqU
>>15867980 The Togepi looks nice.
What's its gender and what's the bad IV in>
3007-8430-8818 Shiro
>>15868053 Unfortunately it has missing iv in sp. def. Gender is male.
Justin 1306-6223-0129
Quoted By:
>>15867998 Same thing happened to me when breeding spikes snorunts. It also sucked getting 4 perfect males before getting a single perfect female.
Cobra: 0275-8326-2440
posting my FT/LF list
>>15867980 do you want anything from here for a mienfoo?
Faggot 5086 2022 0748 !GaybOYmIqU
>>15868066 Ah well. I'll take it anyway. :^)
What ability would you like and do you want it nicknamed?
Cobra: 0275-8326-2440
>>15868120 woops forgot pic
Quoted By:
Looking for Venipedes (4IV w/ Speed Boost) Can offer 4 IV Modest Ralts and/or 4IV Adamant Larvitars
3007-8430-8818 Shiro
>>15868136 Ahh I appreciate it! I'll take regenerator, in this case. Thank you! And no need for nickname. Do you want a nickname on the togepi? It comes in a
premier ball Andi 2595-0893-0109 [farfetch´d, tranquil, rufflet]
Andi 2595-0893-0109 [farfetch´d, tranquil, rufflet] Tue 12 Nov 2013 18:51:54 No. 15868198 Report >>15866946 i would like a klefki and maybe a larvitar
offers (all with 4ivs,not counting wrong attack stat):
adamant technician scyther
modest rotom
impish immunity gligar
adamant huge power marill (with bellyjet)
timid larvestra
Matt 0490 5833 2850
>>15867687 Ok, turns out the one I was using to breed with the ditto is 4 IV with sdef. Problem is it leveled up to 25 in the daycare and forgot its egg moves.
You should be able to recover them with heart scales. I would do it but I have none.
If that's acceptable you can have this one and save yourself the wait.
Faggot 5086 2022 0748 !GaybOYmIqU
>>15868182 Naw, it's all good. Added.
Scoff [(4253-3577-4189),(Combee, Beautifly, Venomoth)]
Scoff [(4253-3577-4189),(Combee, Beautifly, Venomoth)] Tue 12 Nov 2013 18:52:58 No. 15868232 Report Quoted By:
>>15868202 Sure, that sounds good!
Matt 0490 5833 2850
>>15868198 klefki and larvitar for rotom and gligar would be great!
3007-8430-8818 Shiro
>>15868120 I assume you were talking to
>>15867918 ?
Andi 2595-0893-0109 [farfetch´d, tranquil, rufflet]
Andi 2595-0893-0109 [farfetch´d, tranquil, rufflet] Tue 12 Nov 2013 18:54:05 No. 15868264 Report Quoted By:
>>15868240 nice, adding you now
Quoted By:
Have Timid 4 IV female Litleo. Unnerve and Moxie. HP SpAtk SpDef Speed Want male Dratini with some good IVs
3007-8430-8818 Shiro
Quoted By:
>>15868224 I'm good to go, then, just trade me whenever!
Cobra: 0275-8326-2440
>>15868243 shit yes i was, what am i doin
>>15867918 >>15867918 do you want anything from
>>15868159 for dat mienfoo
Tony 0774-4269-5253 (Dragonair, Fraxure,Sligoo)
Tony 0774-4269-5253 (Dragonair, Fraxure,Sligoo) Tue 12 Nov 2013 18:55:04 No. 15868287 Report Hey OP, I have that Aron (4IV Rocj\k Head , Brave) What can I get for it?
Hello FC: 2251-5224-5193
Quoted By:
i have a 5 IVs Female Jolly Shroomish. I'm looking for a 5 IVs Moldbreaker drillbur.
tiel 0018-1248-7125
I've got a couple 4IV modest magic guard Cleffas I can offer for other 4-5IV fairy types. Heal balls or males preferred. Mawile and Klefki would be very appreciated. Let me know if you need pokerus.
Owen 3566-1683-3025 [Tangela|Ivysaur|Quilladin]
Owen 3566-1683-3025 [Tangela|Ivysaur|Quilladin] Tue 12 Nov 2013 18:57:57 No. 15868351 Report >>15868287 I'm obviously not OP, but would you be willing to take a 4IV Adamant Larvitar or 4IV Modest Ralts for one?
Nigh 3DS 0189-8398-3961 [Y]
Quoted By:
31/xx/31/31/31/31 female timid litleos looking for pokemon that aren't too commonly bred, with 5 useful IVs females if they're in pokeballs, males if they aren't
Faggot 5086 2022 0748 !GaybOYmIqU
>>15868278 Does Ability matter? The Regenerator is already gone.
I'll take a frog off of you if you're still interested.
3007-8430-8818 Shiro
>>15868344 I believe I have a male mawile with nice ivs (I think 5)
Would you take it for one of those cleffas?
Tony 0774-4269-5253 (Dragonair, Fraxure,Sligoo)
Tony 0774-4269-5253 (Dragonair, Fraxure,Sligoo) Tue 12 Nov 2013 19:01:13 No. 15868432 Report Quoted By:
>>15868351 Thanks, but no thanks. I allready have some good Larvitars and Ralts
If you want though, I have a few 3-4 IV Sturdy arons, For free, I suppose.
Cobra: 0275-8326-2440
>>15868386 ill take a reckless one if thats ok
and by frog do you mean poliwag or froakie?
tiel 0018-1248-7125
>>15868401 Yes, sure. Adding you!
Faggot 5086 2022 0748 !GaybOYmIqU
Quoted By:
>>15868435 Froakie, whoops.
Ken.B 3926 5603 4115
Have>13x 4 IV Ice Shard Phanpy >2x 4 IV Stun Spore Foongus >22x 3 IV Dragon Pulse/Aura Sphere Squirtle >15x 4 IV Dragon Pulse/Aura Sphere Squirtle >15x 4 IV Prankster, Recover, Sableye >84x 4 IV Prankster Sableye (No Recover) >28x 3 IV E-Fang, Dragon Dance Tyrunt >66x 4 IV E-Fang, Dragon Dance Tyrunt Looking for anything interesting/good honestly. Make me an offer if you're interested.
3007-8430-8818 Shiro
Quoted By:
>>15868452 Great! If you can just wait a couple minutes, I'm leveling up a mienfoo real quick. Should take 3-4 minutes.
Quoted By:
>>15866946 I'd like a decent male eevee with wish (dont care about nature) or ideally a female timid one with wish and hidden ability.
Have leftover 4 IV rotoms, dratinis and a few 5 IV rotoms if its really special.
Also excepting offers
kitten [swagmore] 3282-2624-3326 {dedenne, jiggly, somethingiforgot}
kitten [swagmore] 3282-2624-3326 {dedenne, jiggly, somethingiforgot} Tue 12 Nov 2013 19:03:43 No. 15868490 Report pic related. Don't really have time to breed though so mainly gibles and togepis for trade
Andi 2595-0893-0109 [farfetch´d, tranquil, rufflet]
Andi 2595-0893-0109 [farfetch´d, tranquil, rufflet] Tue 12 Nov 2013 19:04:59 No. 15868504 Report anyone has 4IV supersize gourgeist breeding leftovers by chance? would offer one of these with 4IVs: timid protean froakie timid gastly timid larvestra adamant technician scyther adamant huge power marill w bellyjet modest rotom impish immunity gligar adamant gale wings fletchling
Lyon: 3969 - 3923 - 4594 (Ice: Lapras, Delibird, Beartic)
Lyon: 3969 - 3923 - 4594 (Ice: Lapras, Delibird, Beartic) Tue 12 Nov 2013 19:05:44 No. 15868521 Report >>15868462 Does any of this interest you for a DP/AS Squirtle or a female Tyrunt with Dragon Dance, IVs irrelevant for both?
Andi 2595-0893-0109 [farfetch´d, tranquil, rufflet]
Andi 2595-0893-0109 [farfetch´d, tranquil, rufflet] Tue 12 Nov 2013 19:06:12 No. 15868532 Report >>15868462 want one of these
>>15868504 for one of the recover sableyes?
Joe 0404-6259-9143
>>15868462 I have an adamant Rough Skin Gible with Iron Head and Outrage
For one of those Sableyes with Recover
Tony 0774-4269-5253 (Dragonair, Fraxure,Sligoo)
Tony 0774-4269-5253 (Dragonair, Fraxure,Sligoo) Tue 12 Nov 2013 19:06:40 No. 15868542 Report >>15868504 I have some 4 IV Super sized Pumpkaboos.
Could I grab one of those Marils off of you?
Andi 2595-0893-0109 [farfetch´d, tranquil, rufflet]
Andi 2595-0893-0109 [farfetch´d, tranquil, rufflet] Tue 12 Nov 2013 19:08:14 No. 15868574 Report >>15868542 nice, adding now
Zaius 2466-2493-4938 [Dugtrio, Wooper, Diggersby]
Zaius 2466-2493-4938 [Dugtrio, Wooper, Diggersby] Tue 12 Nov 2013 19:09:03 No. 15868588 Report >>15868462 I like your tyrunts, but I only have some meditite (jolly, 4iv) to offer, are you interested?
3007-8430-8818 Shiro
Quoted By:
>>15868452 I'm good to go. Will add now!
Tony 0774-4269-5253 (Dragonair, Fraxure,Sligoo)
Tony 0774-4269-5253 (Dragonair, Fraxure,Sligoo) Tue 12 Nov 2013 19:12:33 No. 15868670 Report Quoted By:
>>15868574 Thanks bro, Enjoy that Gourgeist.
tiel 0018-1248-7125
>>15868490 Willing to part with a togepi for one of my 4IV cleffas?
kitten [swagmore] 3282-2624-3326 {dedenne, jiggly, somethingiforgot}
kitten [swagmore] 3282-2624-3326 {dedenne, jiggly, somethingiforgot} Tue 12 Nov 2013 19:13:50 No. 15868704 Report >>15868690 Already have cleffas. Got anything else?
Ken.B 3926 5603 4115
>>15868521 I'll take the Houndour, not sure if I have any female Tyrunts left though.
>>15868532 The Gligar looks good to me.
>>15868534 Already have one, but no harm in having another.
>>15868588 Don't have one, so yes I am.
3007-8430-8818 Shiro
Quoted By:
>>15868344 >female >heal ball Thank you, anon Andi 2595-0893-0109 [farfetch´d, tranquil, rufflet]
Andi 2595-0893-0109 [farfetch´d, tranquil, rufflet] Tue 12 Nov 2013 19:15:55 No. 15868758 Report >>15868521 5IV adamant huge power marill with bellyjet for that 5IV hydration goomy?
kitten [swagmore] 3282-2624-3326 {dedenne, jiggly, somethingiforgot}
kitten [swagmore] 3282-2624-3326 {dedenne, jiggly, somethingiforgot} Tue 12 Nov 2013 19:16:32 No. 15868773 Report >>15868690 >>15868704 Wait do you have a magic guard female?
Zaius 2466-2493-4938 [Dugtrio, Wooper, Diggersby]
Zaius 2466-2493-4938 [Dugtrio, Wooper, Diggersby] Tue 12 Nov 2013 19:16:37 No. 15868775 Report Quoted By:
>>15868719 great, so I'll add you now
Saw | 4613-6604-6960
I've got a bunch of 31/xx/31/31/31/31 Timid Larvesta knocking about if anyone wants. 10 female, 8 male, all in premier balls. Looking predominately for pineco/forretress, 5IV, preferably male with stealth rock bred in and relaxed nature. Also on the look out for decent Yanmas, either tinted lens or speed boost would be fine. Since I've got so many then I'll consider other good offers too, or just dex-filler legends. Also got both a male and female Larvesta with all 6IVs perfect, for one of those I'd like something non-english, male, perfect IVs, in the bug egg group. A bit specific I know, but I feel if I'm going to Masuda then I may aswell do it with the best odds of a good hatch as I can. Also looking for Pinsirite if anyone's willing to part with it.
Andi 2595-0893-0109 [farfetch´d, tranquil, rufflet]
Andi 2595-0893-0109 [farfetch´d, tranquil, rufflet] Tue 12 Nov 2013 19:17:23 No. 15868794 Report Quoted By:
Joe 0404-6259-9143
Lyon: 3969 - 3923 - 4594 (Ice: Lapras, Delibird, Beartic)
Lyon: 3969 - 3923 - 4594 (Ice: Lapras, Delibird, Beartic) Tue 12 Nov 2013 19:18:08 No. 15868811 Report Quoted By:
>>15868719 Alright, the female Tyrunt would be priority if you have one, but if you don't I'd do the Houndour for a Squirtle. Adding.
>>15868758 Sounds good. Adding.
tiel 0018-1248-7125
>>15868773 Yup. Unfortunately that's all I have to offer at this point.
kitten [swagmore] 3282-2624-3326 {dedenne, jiggly, somethingiforgot}
kitten [swagmore] 3282-2624-3326 {dedenne, jiggly, somethingiforgot} Tue 12 Nov 2013 19:19:29 No. 15868844 Report >>15868828 That'll be great then because I only have friend guard. Added
Zoolz 1907-8454-7204 (ivysaur, pansage, maractus)
Zoolz 1907-8454-7204 (ivysaur, pansage, maractus) Tue 12 Nov 2013 19:20:56 No. 15868875 Report >>15868792 would you take a 5IV beldum
>>15867464 for one of those larvestas?
tiel 0018-1248-7125
Quoted By:
>>15868844 Sweet! Added you back
Saw | 4613-6604-6960
>>15868875 Yeah okay. Any preference on gender?
Zoolz 1907-8454-7204 (ivysaur, pansage, maractus)
Zoolz 1907-8454-7204 (ivysaur, pansage, maractus) Tue 12 Nov 2013 19:24:00 No. 15868962 Report Quoted By:
>>15868943 nah doesnt matter
4 iv's beldums, adamant nature. Will trade for something like aaron, rhyhorn, garchomp or larvitar with 4 ivs of course.
>>15869072 aaand forget my code, again, 4ivs beldum for aaron, rhyhorn, gabite (not garchomp, slipped there) or larvitar with 4 ivs.
kitten [swagmore] 3282-2624-3326 {dedenne, jiggly, somethingiforgot}
kitten [swagmore] 3282-2624-3326 {dedenne, jiggly, somethingiforgot} Tue 12 Nov 2013 19:33:35 No. 15869209 Report >>15869149 Would a gible work? Has 4 preferred IVs, jolly, rough skin, outrage/iron head/iron tail
Ken.B 3926 5603 4115
>>15868799 I don't see you online. Could you send me a request when you're ready?
>>15868344 I'm interested in your Cleffas and other fairy types. I have
>>15868462 Volk-1934-0770-7015 (Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl)
Volk-1934-0770-7015 (Octillery, Quagsire, Poliwhirl) Tue 12 Nov 2013 19:40:42 No. 15869415 Report Quoted By:
>>15868351 man i need your mons, can you add me back?
>>15869209 yeah bro, meant gible, but slipped again bcuz im idiot.
Adding you.
Matt 0490 5833 2850
>>15868462 Does anything in the OP interest you? I'd love a 4 IV tyrunt.
kitten [swagmore] 3282-2624-3326 {dedenne, jiggly, somethingiforgot}
kitten [swagmore] 3282-2624-3326 {dedenne, jiggly, somethingiforgot} Tue 12 Nov 2013 19:46:16 No. 15869614 Report Quoted By:
>>15869449 I'll add you but I have to go to class. If you're on in an hour send me a request
Rudolf (IGN= Aefer Yamma) [Oddish, Ivysaur, Maractus] 5472-7478-5328
Rudolf (IGN= Aefer Yamma) [Oddish, Ivysaur, Maractus] 5472-7478-5328 Tue 12 Nov 2013 19:48:11 No. 15869683 Report >>15868521 I have 3 IVs Bergmite with Mirror Coat (HP, Atk, Def)
It works for you?
Lyon: 3969 - 3923 - 4594 (Ice: Lapras, Delibird, Beartic)
Lyon: 3969 - 3923 - 4594 (Ice: Lapras, Delibird, Beartic) Tue 12 Nov 2013 19:49:53 No. 15869729 Report >>15869683 Yeah, that'd be good.
What would you want in return?
Hey guys, got a bunch of 4IV Quiet Honedge. xx/31/31/31/31/xx (8) xx/31/31/31/31/xx F 31/31/31/xx/31/xx (2) 31/31/31/xx/31/xx F (4) 31/31/xx/31/31/xx 31/31/xx/31/31/xx F 31/xx/31/31/31/xx F 31/31/31/31/xx/xx Looking for 4IV of: Timid Noibat Timid Female Snorunt Lapras Timid Female Litwick Scraggy Tyrunt or offer something else and I might be interested!
Joe 0404-6259-9143
>>15869361 Sorry internet fucked off for a while still wanna trade?
Cheru 5198-3479-6323 (Camerupt, Dugtrio, Palpitoad)
Cheru 5198-3479-6323 (Camerupt, Dugtrio, Palpitoad) Tue 12 Nov 2013 19:52:07 No. 15869784 Report Quoted By:
>>15869746 Forgot to add in my FC.
Ken.B 3926 5603 4115
>>15869747 Oh Joe, you show off.
>>15869577 A Kelfki would be nice.
>>15869746 I have Tyrunts if you're interested, but why quiet instead of Timid?
Rudolf (IGN= Aefer Yamma) [Oddish, Ivysaur, Maractus] 5472-7478-5328
Rudolf (IGN= Aefer Yamma) [Oddish, Ivysaur, Maractus] 5472-7478-5328 Tue 12 Nov 2013 19:56:53 No. 15869900 Report >>15869729 A female Fletchling
Matt 0490 5833 2850
Quoted By:
>>15869892 Sounds good, 4 IV calm prankster klefki for a 4 IV tyrunt, adding you now
Lyon: 3969 - 3923 - 4594 (Ice: Lapras, Delibird, Beartic)
Lyon: 3969 - 3923 - 4594 (Ice: Lapras, Delibird, Beartic) Tue 12 Nov 2013 19:58:16 No. 15869931 Report Quoted By:
>>15869900 Alright.
Quoted By:
anyone with 4 ivs duskull with apropiate nature? 4 ivs beldum in exchange, adamant nature
Cheru 5198-3479-6323 (Camerupt, Dugtrio, Palpitoad)
Cheru 5198-3479-6323 (Camerupt, Dugtrio, Palpitoad) Tue 12 Nov 2013 20:01:16 No. 15869994 Report >>15869892 It was just a specific moveset I was experimenting with that seemed to work best with that nature before I try a different one. I'd like to trade for a tyrunt, if that's cool though.
nobunaga 5000-3143-2745 [Fire]: [Braixen/Larvesta/Simisear]
nobunaga 5000-3143-2745 [Fire]: [Braixen/Larvesta/Simisear] Tue 12 Nov 2013 20:02:18 No. 15870008 Report Quoted By:
I got 2 female 5 IV (no S.Att) Adamant Huge Power Marills if anyone wants to trade something 4-5 IV for them.
Ken.B 3926 5603 4115
>>15869994 I'm fine with that. Already have you added. Was just wondering since I would think maybe timid would be a better nature (Automize)
Cheru 5198-3479-6323 (Camerupt, Dugtrio, Palpitoad)
Cheru 5198-3479-6323 (Camerupt, Dugtrio, Palpitoad) Tue 12 Nov 2013 20:05:23 No. 15870080 Report >>15870031 Haha, yeah, I might go with that nature next time I breed some more honedge. Is there a specific IV set you want or just anything?
X 4012-3199-9116
Have: 4 IV Kangaskhans with adamant nature and scrappy 4 IV Tyrunts with elemental fangs 4 IV Pawniard with adamant nature 5 IV Goomys with modest nature 5 IV Fennekins with Timid and Magician Want: Any pokes with 4 or 5 iv apart from the ones listed above
Lyon: 3969 - 3923 - 4594 (Ice: Lapras, Delibird, Beartic)
Lyon: 3969 - 3923 - 4594 (Ice: Lapras, Delibird, Beartic) Tue 12 Nov 2013 20:07:07 No. 15870126 Report >>15870098 Would you trade a Pawniard for anything here?
>>15868521 Cheru 5198-3479-6323 (Camerupt, Dugtrio, Palpitoad)
Cheru 5198-3479-6323 (Camerupt, Dugtrio, Palpitoad) Tue 12 Nov 2013 20:07:42 No. 15870142 Report Quoted By:
>>15870098 Would you like to trade one of your 4 IV kangas for one of my 4 IV quiet honedge? (I have a specific list of IVs a few posts above)
Ken.B 3926 5603 4115
Quoted By:
>>15870080 Any of them is fine really.
>>15870098 I would like a Kangaskhan. My trades are
>>15868462 X 4012-3199-9116
>>15870126 are you looking breeding parents cause i have bot a male and female with 4ivs
Lyon: 3969 - 3923 - 4594 (Ice: Lapras, Delibird, Beartic)
Lyon: 3969 - 3923 - 4594 (Ice: Lapras, Delibird, Beartic) Tue 12 Nov 2013 20:12:30 No. 15870244 Report >>15870186 If they have Sucker Punch I'd like a pair, if not just one.
I don't think I have many good breeding pairs left myself, though.
Stratos(IGN Serena 3196-3681-9383)
Quoted By:
I have 4 IV kangaskhan 2-4 IV wish Eevee 4 IV Larvitar 4 IV Dratini All I want is a female Immunity Gligar good IV preferred but not needed.
DV 3110 5248 8425 [Electric - Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula]
DV 3110 5248 8425 [Electric - Pachirisu, Helioptile, Galvantula] Tue 12 Nov 2013 20:16:32 No. 15870336 Report Quoted By:
>>15870098 Would you be willing to trade a tyrunt for a 4 IV Drilbur?
Paul 4914-2922-3822 (Meditite, Sawk, Riolu)
Paul 4914-2922-3822 (Meditite, Sawk, Riolu) Tue 12 Nov 2013 20:17:34 No. 15870357 Report I have Honedges All Brave Nature 3x 31/31/31/31/31/0 10x 31/31/31/31/31/x 12x 4iv with 0 speed 8x 4 random ivs 18x 3 random ivs with 0 speed
X 4012-3199-9116
>>15870244 They don't sorry. I'll add you now you want a female or male? I'll take a Houndour. although i do like they fact you have both a female and male so would you be willing to trade both for someting else?
Lyon: 3969 - 3923 - 4594 (Ice: Lapras, Delibird, Beartic)
Lyon: 3969 - 3923 - 4594 (Ice: Lapras, Delibird, Beartic) Tue 12 Nov 2013 20:22:32 No. 15870512 Report >>15870377 I already have everything else on that list.
If you REALLY want those Houndour in a pair I guess I'd go ahead and do a pair of Pawniard.
Ken.B 3926 5603 4115
>>15870357 May I have the one with 31 iv all IV's except speed. I have
>>15868462 but also willing a 5 IV Tyrunt/Phany as well.
X 4012-3199-9116
>>15870512 That would be great if you don't mind
Lyon: 3969 - 3923 - 4594 (Ice: Lapras, Delibird, Beartic)
Lyon: 3969 - 3923 - 4594 (Ice: Lapras, Delibird, Beartic) Tue 12 Nov 2013 20:25:10 No. 15870598 Report Quoted By:
>>15870577 Alright, added and waiting in-game.
Lyon: 3969 - 3923 - 4594 (Ice: Lapras, Delibird, Beartic)
Lyon: 3969 - 3923 - 4594 (Ice: Lapras, Delibird, Beartic) Tue 12 Nov 2013 20:27:44 No. 15870662 Report >>15870577 What was marked on that one? I might've done the wrong one.
Paul 4914-2922-3822 (Meditite, Sawk, Riolu)
Paul 4914-2922-3822 (Meditite, Sawk, Riolu) Tue 12 Nov 2013 20:29:17 No. 15870697 Report >>15870528 I'd like one of those 4iv Tyrunts
Do you want the 0Speed or xSpeed ones?
X 4012-3199-9116
>>15870662 I think it was marked 4 times so i presume thats 4 iv
Lyon: 3969 - 3923 - 4594 (Ice: Lapras, Delibird, Beartic)
Lyon: 3969 - 3923 - 4594 (Ice: Lapras, Delibird, Beartic) Tue 12 Nov 2013 20:30:10 No. 15870721 Report >>15870698 I'm sorry, trade back real quick and I'll confirm by looking at the marks.
Ken.B 3926 5603 4115
Quoted By:
>>15870697 0 speed preferred. Adding now.
Lyon: 3969 - 3923 - 4594 (Ice: Lapras, Delibird, Beartic)
Lyon: 3969 - 3923 - 4594 (Ice: Lapras, Delibird, Beartic) Tue 12 Nov 2013 20:32:43 No. 15870781 Report Quoted By:
>>15870721 Yeah, that was the wrong one at first, had the exact same IVs maxed as the female.
Sorry for the mix-up, thanks for the Pawniard.
Quoted By:
>>15867326 >larvesta Hey, if you're still here can I get one of those Larvestas?
I have adamant: moxie pinsirs, venipede, scythers, mawile, dwebble and timid joltiks.
Ken.B 3926 5603 4115
Quoted By:
Thanks for the trades, everyone. I'm done with this thread.