We all know breeding can be boring. Driving in circles around the eiffeltower lookalike or waiting for that damn Day-care guy to turn around isn't the most exciting thing ever. So, what is /vp/ listening/watching/doing while breeding Pokemon?
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I watch video game streams while breeding
What's the best thing to do while waiting for him to turn? Or the quickest way to make him turn. I don't want to do one egg a time at the tower.
>>15873304 well, there is no real way.
you can start breeding with a foreign pokemon, that speeds it up a little.
but as soon as you have 2 decent IVs you want to switch them out.
why not collect eggs in the first place? doing one egg at a time at the tower seems stupid as fuck.
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Studying for my degree
>>15873449 what.. I just said I want to collect the eggs.. but it's taking him forever to turn around.
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Study or listen to the teacher. College is a fucking pain.
>>15872906 You're telling me you think it's ok to listen to music, or maybe watch a video while repeatedly pressing left and right for hours on end? Wow, fucking entitled little prick. You need to learn to dedicate your entire life to this game. If you don't think grinding is fun, or you don't think that it necessarily belongs in pokemon, then maybe you should just stop playing RPGs - Even though other RPGs are well designed and you obtain your stats via meaningful, varied, and non-repetitive activities.
The only other activity you are allowed to do when breeding is come on /vp/ to bitch and moan about people who do other activities while breeding. Even then you are required by the pokemon police to set your 3DS down and stop pressing left and right, as when breeding, your entire focus must be purely on pressing left and right over and over again, and nothing else.
Doing other activities while breeding is cheating. It's fucking hacking.
I usually browse or watch a video. I don't waste my time going to eiffel tower, though. It only takes about four minutes to hatch a full clutch. No sense attaching more travel time to it when you have a straight line to go down. Trying to breed a 5IV Eevee has made me want to murder someone, though.
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius)
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius) Tue 12 Nov 2013 22:22:45 No. 15873573 Report Watching Adventure Time and/or looking for a job.
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>>15872906 I caught up on a lot of shows on Netflix. Wolverine and the X-Men was pretty cool. Arrow was really fucking lame and I don't know why so many people like it. It's like Batman: The Soap Opera.
I put a twist tie in between the analog stick and do donuts in shithole city around the waffle tower. I mainly listen to Pandora, surf /vp/, /pol/, and DotA while breeding.
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I've gone through like 5 seasons of a terrible reality show while breeding. For some reason I love awful reality TV
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Sometimes I watch TV, right now I'm listening to NPR.
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I started a mystery egg run on Y after far too many days of not getting my shiny Pumpkaboo on X. While I AM breeding, I watch streams or pull up episodes of Duckman/The Critic.
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>>15872906 Watch Top Gear
Listen to music
Lurk Smogon
Brandon: 3368-1402-0303 [Panpour/Quagsire/Frogadier]
Brandon: 3368-1402-0303 [Panpour/Quagsire/Frogadier] Tue 12 Nov 2013 22:31:02 No. 15873843 Report Catch up on my favorite youtube vidya channels. Currently watching SDA while breeding Drilburs
>>15873572 Are you one of those pokephiles who need their waifu to be female?
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Do you use the eiffel tower just to hold down one direction? I haven't heard anything about that, I always just go through the breeding route while watching shows or whatever
>>15873901 Yes.
Actually it's so I can pair it with a foreign-obtained 5IV male from the same egg group for MMing.
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>>15873495 >>15873304 I just keep going back and forth on the route in front of him.
I have no idea how to influence the egg rate.
GL 5069 3922 9103 (Eevee)
>>15873978 >TFW your Sylveon has 5 perfect IVs and is female Wanna trade me that 5 IV foreign Male?
What is the optimal way to breed? Is it best to get 5 eggs, put them all away, then get 5 more repeatedly until you have a full box then go to the tower to hatch them?
>>15874131 in theory yes. get 4000 steps on your 3ds and spam breeding-power lvl2 while driving in circles.
>>15874107 It's an imperfect. Attack stat fucks it. Think it's the Speed stat it's missing. Still works, just not ideally.
There should really be a site where all the regions gather together to trade one another such things without having to rely on the shitty GTS system.
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>>15874131 Only if you don't need to upgrade parents any further. I only do that when I have at least 1 5iv and 1 4iv in the daycare.
>>15873526 nice bait
you should save that in a word document for later
1993 7359 5685
>>15873978 I have a 5 IV (everything but SpA) female Jolly Eevee. You want it? I don't want anything in particular, another foreign female with at least 2 IVs would be nice though.
>>15872906 Watch South Park, listen to Pandora, talk to my girlfriend or my bros on the phone, maybe masturbate a few times
GL 5069 3922 9103 (Eevee)
>>15874201 >There should really be a site where all the regions gather together to trade one another such things without having to rely on the shitty GTS system. Why don't you just make a thread for it here? It's not like there aren't people playing the game in German, Italian, Spanish, or French on this site. It doesn't have to be japanese.
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>>15874235 Thanks, I will.
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I mostly watch movies and series or read up on stuff while i breed pokemon. And man i am breeding a mixed sweeper at the moment and kinda running out of material cause it is taking three days already.
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Someone interested in 5 iv's trade? I have only Vulpix, 5 iv modest flash fire and some timid with drought.
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>>15874175 use 3, there's no reason not to. you will eventually run out if you are only using it on yourself, but by that time you will have a full box to iv check. if you are mm;ing then wondertrade some of your shit for a few minutes. you won't run out if you have a friend to swap o-powers with or keep a lookout in PSS for passerbys or aquintances using o-powers (they are most often going to be hatching 3)
>>15874293 I've never seen a real confirmation on whether 3DSs playing with the wrong language setting "count" or not. Supposedly if you play in NA, even if you set it to German or similar, your German named pokemon don't count for MM.
>>15874293 problem is: region depends on selected language, not on the actual region you're in.
I live in germany but play in english. all my pokemon are english, and german pokemon are marked as foreign.
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I usually listen to music/Podcasts/TV riding circles in front of the castle, anyone have any better places to hatch?
>>15874256 >Watch South Park >Masturbate a few times Stop being me faggot
GL 5069 3922 9103 (Eevee)
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>>15874375 >>15874356 That's still not really much of a problem. There's lots of people in this forum from around the world and playing in different languages.
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>>15873304 Complete Kalos PokéDex and obtain the Oval Charm. Or breed your Poké with a Poké from a different trainer. Highest rate is same Pokémon but different OT's.
>>15874242 I'm honestly afraid that using a 5IV with attack would just generate a lot of 5IVs with their slots wasted on it. Right now I'm getting basically nothing but 4IVs and 3IVs despite breeding a 5IV to a 4IV. Eevee breeding (or any 12% gender ratio pokemon) is depressing, especially if the RNG is fucking you for no reason.
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>>15874387 This is also what I do, while throwing some Penn & Teller Bullshit in there too.
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>>15874256 >girlfriend >masturbate Stop calling your online friend your girlfriend, faggot.
>>15874256 >Calling dudes on your phone >Watching South Park Disgusting scum, go fuck yourself.
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>>15874499 That's what happens. It's so fucking hard to get a stat you don't want out that it's easier to just start from the beginning again.
finally got my 31/0/31/31/31/31/31 (0 in whichever stat is attack) timid eevee. watching batman beyond while smokin my pen. also got the pup by my side
GL 5069 3922 9103 (Eevee)
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Oh wow just found a french male vulpix in my box with perfect Def and Sp Atk IVs. Time to start MMing some shiny eevees with my Sylveon.
1993 7359 5685
>>15874499 wut? The more the better. I have a 6 perfect Calm male that I'll turn into a Vaporeon. Didn't even use it for breeding. I think I was breeding a 5 IV female with a 5 IV male. I also apparently released the female I was using to breed by accident, so the only female I have left is the one I offered.
I had so many 4-5 IV Eevees that I wonder traded away.
Currently I'm breeding a male 4 IV spinarak with a shitty female Japanese Ariados, just in the hopes of getting a shiny. Been doing that while watching TV shows and stuff, IDK how people keep track of their eggs but it has to be at least a thousand.
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>>15874572 I understand why you do it, but people who talk shit on South Park are always retards.
>>15874642 >7 IVs The order is HP, attack, defense, special attack, special defense, speed.
>>15874653 I just release anything that isn't a 5 at this point. I get so many 4IV males that I'm sick of looking at them. If I could burn them for fuel or melt them down to make a female or two, I would. I bred Fennekins for a female and even that wasn't as bad, despite being the same rate. Something about Eevees is fucked up.
>>15874499 You should pray to RNG GOD asking guidance
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>>15874702 Can't count the number of times I've seen "I'd say its best stat has got to be Sp. Attack..." and said "Oh FUCK ME" aloud.
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>>15872906 Watch anime, surf the net, listen to music. Thank god you can AFK that shit.
>>15874784 I did get a 6IV out of it. Male, of course. I refuse to use a male for my Sylveon, though. I'll save him for... something else.
GL 5069 3922 9103 (Eevee)
>>15874758 I was getting at least one female Eevee per clutch of 5 eggs when i was breeding my Sylveon. Just bad luck.
>>15874959 >fill box of 40 with eggs >hatch all at once >3 females Eatable 2793-0594-8196 (Riolu, Mankey, Pancham)
Eatable 2793-0594-8196 (Riolu, Mankey, Pancham) Tue 12 Nov 2013 23:08:26 No. 15875037 Report Quoted By:
>>15874924 I would take it if you're willing to trade.
could offer 5IV Pinsir, Mawile, Flabebe or Gligar. None of them have the optimal spread though.
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>>15874924 It's because Eevee has 87,5% chance of being male. :(
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>>15874702 welp. blamin that one on the g pen.
Morgan 2380 - 3760 - 3960 (Bibarel, Wartortle, Frogadier)
Morgan 2380 - 3760 - 3960 (Bibarel, Wartortle, Frogadier) Tue 12 Nov 2013 23:14:42 No. 15875258 Report >>15873526 Someone got upset in the pokegen thread.
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>>15874959 I've gotten a grand total of two females out of the last fifty eggs. It's complete bullshit. And one of those was a 3IV. The other a 4IV with the same stats as the mother. Most of the males are always 3IV or 4IV. Getting a 5IV at all is rare because of the worthless mother. Tap that off with the nightmare of trying to get a female to appear at ALL, and you can imagine what the odds of getting a 5IV female are. Can't move on without it, though.
>>15875258 Pokegen is cheating you retard. You should clearly have to grind for hundreds of hours before you are allowed to play against other people. Clearly, that's part of the competition for some reason.
>>15875329 that's not the point you idiot, it trivializes the process of getting a perfect pokemon, which is supposed to be a reward for putting in the time and effort to complete all the steps.
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>>15875420 >it trivializes grinding Exactly! A fellow member of the Pokemon Puritans! Someone who understands!
Thread successfully derailed. Why does this always happen the moment one guy mentions pokegen vs breeding. One might think that after some time people stop to care but just look at this.
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>>15875420 Oh, clearly. Clearly. I too enjoy MMOs and slamming nails into my penis prior to the sex I don't have.
>>15875329 you're using an external, inofficial program to create superior items/teammembers/content instantly without the time and effort it usually takes to create said things.
In every other game this would be considered cheating instantly, and everybody would agree, only you Pokegen apologists don't get that when it comes to the Pokemon games.
and now stop that shit, I don't need my Thread to derail like that.
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>>15875533 As long as there is someone in the world who thinks grinding is "hardcore" and "competitive", there will always be someone who tries to make them see logic, knowing that it won't work.
>>15875561 >you're using an external, inofficial program So I'm not allowed to criticize the way the pokemon games are designed, and I have to accept whatever the game developers decide?
No I fucking don't. Pokemon isn't sacred. It's not special. It's a video game just like any other video game, prone to criticism, and it will be modded and hacked just like any other video game.
Your cute little puritan attitude and logical fallacies will only seal your virginity for life and it will not ever do anything beneficial for you.
When you spend 100 hours creating a pokemon, and someone else does it in 2 minutes with pokegen, THE ONLY difference is that they did something in 2 minutes that you did in 100 hours.
You just wasted your fucking time. That's the only difference.
>>15875533 The bikers get really unnecessarily angry about a random-based time sink mechanic which predates an actual component to the game a lot of people are exclusively interested in, and the genners can't bring themselves to not entertain themselves by arguing about it. They're always pretty entertaining threads, I have to admit.
>>15875035 Is getting all the eggs at once faster than hatching them in clutches? I imagine testing them all would be a nightmare.
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On the actual topic of breeding. How long did it take for you guys on average tog et to 6IVs when you needed all 6 ? If i am right the chance should be 1 in 192 using two 5IV parents. I am 8 boxes in and not a single one yet. Had MM shinys that took less time.
>>15875696 >a random-based time sink mechanic which predates an actual component to the game a lot of people are exclusively interested in Wait, woah, are you saying that people are exclusively interested in grinding and wasting time? Or are you saying that breeding should be more deep and meaningful and obtaining the perfect pokemon shouldn't be based on how much time you waste but perhaps your actual skill level and doing more varied and more meaningful tasks?
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>>15873526 I love you. I'm saving this in a folder just for this. This is the gem of /vp/.
>>15875654 I also wasted my time grinding in P3P on hardmode, just to be able to beat Elizabeth.
If i had simply cheated myself up to lvl 100 and cheated myself a perfect persona, you'd call me a cheater too.
>So I'm not allowed to criticize the way the pokemon games are designed, and I have to accept whatever the game developers decide? cheating isn't critising and yes you HAVE to accept the way a game is designed if you decide to play competitively/online.
Or are you saying that people who run around with aimbot in online-shooters aren't cheating, they're just critisising the developers?
>>15875654 >You're wasting your time! You're playing video games too, buddy.
2122-6546-4354 Kirballs1 [Combee,Masquerain,Pinsir]
2122-6546-4354 Kirballs1 [Combee,Masquerain,Pinsir] Tue 12 Nov 2013 23:32:51 No. 15875911 Report Quoted By:
>>15873526 10/10
would copy pasta.
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>>15875908 Yep - The difference is that I'm having fun and doing a variety of activities, while you're acting like a puritan because you go in a god damn circle of virginity all day long every single day.
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>>15875858 Personally? I'd prefer it if IVs didn't exist and breeding was exclusively for turning pokemon different colors and patterns, changing their physical size and other completely phenotypical traits. No gameplay relevance at all. Just something cool that is never required, not even for serious competition.
But I actually have common sense.
>>15875897 >you'd call me a cheater too. No I fucking wouldn't. Learn to speak for yourself, retard.
>cheating isn't critising Yet you have offered no argument as to why it's cheating other than the argument that I have to blindly accept the way the developers want me to play the game, which I debunked.
You are just continually reasserting that it's cheating with no actual argument to back it up.
>and yes you HAVE to accept the way a game is designed if you decide to play competitively/online. So just by saying this it "magically becomes" true?
Nope. Last I checked simply asserting the opposite of what I am saying does not constitute as a valid rebuttal.
>Or are you saying that people who run around with aimbot in online-shooters aren't cheating, they're just critisising the developers? So you think creating a pokemon in 2 minutes that you created in 100 hours - creating a pokemon that is actually obtainable by the game - is comparable to using an aimbot?
Fucking wow, what a shitty analogy.
>>15875897 Depends on the grind, honestly. Does the gameplay expand and diversify as you continue leveling up? You should probably keep grinding then, as levels are a mechanic that represent levels of knowledge about the game. By circumventing the levels you're also denying yourself important information that will come up later.
Or is it because the developers were lazy and uninspired, and just made it hard to fill in stipulated gameplay hours because they had no actual content for the player to enjoy? Then skip that fucking garbage.
I'd recommend everyone who wants to play competitively to grind up three or so perfect 5IV pokemon, enough to get the "experience," as awful as it is. After that point, you aren't learning anything about the game or having fun, so skip it if you can. It's just mindless filler that exists only due to bad, lazy game design no one should have any respect for. What's important is the team building and competitive battling that comes afterwards, which you need the perfect IVs for.
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I actually have managed to get quite a lot of reading done while breeding, working on having a better vocabulary.
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>>15872906 I watch anime, shitpost here and on other boards, and if I'm in class I breed while taking notes
>>15876158 >You should probably keep grinding then, as levels are a mechanic that represent levels of knowledge about the game. By circumventing the levels you're also denying yourself important information that will come up later. Actually you're just circumventing grinding, and grinding teaches you nothing. You learn about battling by battling. You don't learn about battling but biking around in a circle.
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>>15876288 That's what I said.
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>>15876072 >No I fucking wouldn't. Learn to speak for yourself, retard. if you aren't calling me a cheater for that, you're simply wrong.
>Yet you have offered no argument[...] the argument was in the post you replied to before. I didn't think I needed to point that out.
You are cheating because you create content via an external, inofficial program.
>So just by saying this it "magically becomes" true? If you decide to play competitive, you HAVE to accept the way the programers designed the game. Circumventing gamedesign in a competitive game is cheating by definition. What's so hard to understand about that?
>Fucking wow, what a shitty analogy. answer the question dude.
are people that cheat in online-shooters just critising the game and shouldn't be banned or ARE they cheating?
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius)
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius) Tue 12 Nov 2013 23:46:56 No. 15876352 Report Okay, why the FOOK can't I find the Hatching Power?! I have all the powers and the maxed-out style(Or, at least, access to the fancy clothes store and the special Furfrou cuts) but Mr. Feels isn't appearing in the cafe like he should. Is there something I've missed?
I have a 5 IV pokemon breeding with the same pokemon (that also has 5 IVs) of the opposite gender, one holding everstone and the other holding destiny knot is it normal to get a lot of 4 IV pokemon anyways because that's what I'm getting also how does destiny knot work in this case? say I have a 31/x/31/31/31/x and a x/31/x/31/31/x do I still get a chance to get perfect IV's in speed?
>>15876372 destiny knot will not get you that perfect speed stat, but RNG will at some point.
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>>15876372 You have a 1 in 6 chance for a perfect if both of your parents are perfect. Only one of the parents needs to have the stats that you need. It doesn't matter which parent they are on but the chance increases if both parents have the stats you need.
Destiny knot chooses 5IVs randomly from both parents. So if both have 31HP it doesn't mater which parent transfers HP:
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>>15876372 Very normal, due to RNG god. The game can use your bad stat and also ruin a good stat, which it loves to do. If your 5IVs have different bad stats, it then gets TWO bad stats to choose from, and can also ruin a third! Which means despite having two 5IVs you can end up with nothing but 3IVs.
General rule is that if you give the game even a sliver of a chance to fuck you over with RNG, it will.
>>15876352 The best way to check is to see how much the mega stones are. I got my Hatching
Power when they were ¥30K.
>>15876574 strange i had to wait to 10k
>>15876399 >"at some point" To elaborate, the game spins its RNG wheel to land on one of the 12 stats (6 from each parent). Since only 5 of the 6 inherit (after selecting from the 12), you end up with one stat that will be randomized. It could be one of the good IVs, or the useless IV (which is 2 of the 12 stats, 1/6).
So you get a 1 out of 6 chance that the bad stat you want to change will be changed. So 5 out of 6 pokemon will be useless to you, already. After that, the game rolls for a change in this one stat, which can go as high as 31. 31, yes. So take a guess as to how long THAT will take to get, in addition to 5 of every 6 pokemon being worthless to begin with.
>>15876574 At ¥30K I had done everything in the city--Battle Institue, Looker missions, museum, bought something from every store, ridden a Gogoat and taken a Taxi, played the Lottery, talked to the newspaper chick and went with her to every location, and battled at all the restaurants. Maybe that had something to do with it?
>>15876708 Also make sure you have all the other O-Powers. You may assume you had them all but missed some dumb, next to worthless one somewhere.
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>>15876672 It actually generates the random stat before choosing the stats to inherit from either one of the parents... it used to be reversed in older gens. It's actually a pretty big difference in the success rate doing it this way, too.
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I've only started breeding recently for MM shinies, so a little Game Grumps fills my time.
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You can also do the "time travel" exploit, but the setup for it takes like 30 minutes, and you may find out that the next egg you make will choose HP, Atk, Def, SpAtk and Spd, invalidating the past half hour of work. It's really only useful for breeding very low IV pokemon, and then only if you have a lot of various high IV diversity pokemon to choose from. If you're stuck breeding a 4 to a 5, you're fucked until you get the right roll. Especially if you're trying for a specific gender to boot.
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>>15872906 Most of the time i'm chillin' with my friends, takes my mind off the amount of time i'm putting into breeding. That and I find myself watching Sons of Anarchy or random shit.
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius)
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius) Wed 13 Nov 2013 00:41:54 No. 15878142 Report >>15876768 RAAAAGGGEEEE!!
I've double-checked all of those, and I do have 'em. After having Pansy show me around the entire city, and clearing the Battle Institute (One star short of perfect. Dang cheating A.I.) No Mr. Feels to be found.
I'd bought the Mega Stones already at 100K, so I don't have them for reference.
Oh, how I wish there was a Drop Camera option so I could watch myself rage around the city on my bike...
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>>15878142 Also have to take the taxi and the dumb little dog thing around the city. Also let the tourism lady take you around the city, not just talk to her about each area.
Getting the hatching power is a lot of japanese gameplay bullshit.
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius)
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius) Wed 13 Nov 2013 00:53:09 No. 15878497 Report >>15878142 FINALLY!! After having Pansy take me to the museum, look at every freaking picture, and take a Taxi back to the cafe, there he is!!
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>>15873628 Neat, I have 2 big lego tires that hold up both DSes so I can put a 2x2 brick on the d-pad and use the weight of the DSLite to hold the right direction down.
I press B when needed.
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius)
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius) Wed 13 Nov 2013 01:02:31 No. 15878744 Report >>15878549 Finally! Time to pass it out to level it up.
>>15878497 What cafe was it?
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>>15878744 I leveled mine up in just a couple hours using it on myself. This thing is such an Arceus-send.
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius)
Kohdok 4098-3526-4984(Spearow, Swanna, Tropius) Wed 13 Nov 2013 01:05:58 No. 15878867 Report Quoted By:
>>15878795 Cafe Introversion. hang a left outside of the Pokemon Center in South Boulevard. You can take a taxi there. The taxi will charge half-price if your style is maxed.
>>15879076 I neither breed nor pokegen pokemon (i don't give a fuck about perfect stats, just completing pokedex) but damn me if that isn't the most retarded shit i've ever seen.
To think people actually spend endless hours leaving their 3ds stuck with some shit... you really need to visit a psychiatrist
>>15879076 Enjoying damaging your 3DS
>>15879504 It takes like 5 minutes, idiot.
And if you only worry about completing the pokedex, then what you have is the electronic equivalent of a stamp collection. Congratulations.
>>15879586 What would be better? A rubberband?
>>15879640 And you have... what exactly? A pokemon that looks like all the other of its kind, with different numbers? That's... cool i guess?
And don't lie about the 5 minutes, dude. It may took 5 minutes for ONE egg to hatch, but for you autistic breeders one egg is never enough.
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>>15879679 >implying there is a difference Anonymous
>>15879726 Which is why pokesav was so popular.
But this generation fixed that. A perfect egg can be hatched in a few minutes.
>>15879726 some people enjoy different things than other people, would you imagine that. it's almost like not everybody has the same concept of fun. nahhhh that can't be, you should continue projecting on 4chan, yea that's much less pathetic.
>>15879794 Depends on what you call 'perfect.' Trying to get a perfect IV5 for some Pokemon can take hours. Others, barely any time at all. Throw gender in there too and it turns into a nightmare.
>>15879957 i wasn't aware that "fun" involved sticking something on your gaming console while you're not even actually playing.
>>15879794 that at least makes the whole thing slightly less terrible
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Watching Godzilla vs Gigan to keep me motivated for a good Deino
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>>15879980 Gender is a pain in the ass, If you care about that. I find myself caring for the first time ever with Ralts...
Some that are hard to get "perfect," I take what I can get in a limited amount of time.
Such as with my Rotom, I finally gave up when I got one with hidden power ice. I figured it was worth the missing IV's t have that hidden power.
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>>15880052 No it's not fun at all.
Fun is destroying the competition because you cooked eggs and they didn't.
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I woke up sick so I've been on my comfy computer chair, covered up with a blanket, and playing Pokémon. Either I have some Regular Show on or music (Reign of Kindo, all fucking day)
Lux 4484 8151 5822 (Normal Audino, Dunsparce, Smeargle)
Lux 4484 8151 5822 (Normal Audino, Dunsparce, Smeargle) Wed 13 Nov 2013 02:20:15 No. 15881262 Report I breed a 5 IV Modest Magic Guard Abra. It was female.
Emily: 0533-4932-9217 (Combee, Masquerain, Venomoth) !sN42kUxMmQ
Emily: 0533-4932-9217 (Combee, Masquerain, Venomoth) !sN42kUxMmQ Wed 13 Nov 2013 02:22:39 No. 15881333 Report Quoted By:
>>15878142 Can I get the Tropius safari, Kohdoh?
Emily: 0533-4932-9217 (Combee, Masquerain, Venomoth) !sN42kUxMmQ
Emily: 0533-4932-9217 (Combee, Masquerain, Venomoth) !sN42kUxMmQ Wed 13 Nov 2013 02:24:28 No. 15881414 Report Quoted By:
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I watch videos of people breeding pokemon while breeding my pokemon