Old thread is kill
READ (OR AT LEAST SEARCH) THE EXTENDED FAQ BEFORE POSTING. Lots of simpler questions are answered there.
https://docs.google.com/document/d/13MvLYLFQq4YcOyMC49DWcOgqij1thEC_sDUKJ4I2Mk4/pub Submit suggestions/corrections to the FAQ at pokemonxyfaq@gmail.com
Questions about breeding and trade requests go to WiFi General,
>>15882504 Questions about competitive movesets, abilities, natures, and IV/EV spreads go to competitive general,
>>15873892 FC exchange threads are everywhere, check the catalog.
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Anyone got better info on what times give you the best chance of stones in secret super training?
Is it true that in addition to the move-type-change, both Refrigerate and Pixilate give a 50% BP increase in ADDITION to the STAB? I heard this from /vp/ a while back and I observed on the Smogon forums that people were stating that M-Gardevoir's Hyper Voice will be doing more damage than her Moonblast, but I don't feel like making an account on their forums site just to ask them that one question.
More of a general quesion, but I don't want to make a thread just to ask this. Is there any point in picking up B2/W2? I have everything else before it so when Pokebank comes out I don't have to worry about much of anything, or is PWT and the Move Tutor really worth buying the game?
>>15886208 you can just trade for stuff with the people here. It's really not a huge deal.
For me, BW2 was necessary just because I don't like skipping main series game titles in any series that I follow.
So if you don't have autism I wouldn't buy it. But knowing this board, that means you should buy it.
>>15885869 Pixelate boosts converted moves by 30%, then there's the 50% boost from STAB. Assuming it's not done in parallel, the 50% would apply to the additional 30% as well making it 45%. No idea if that's the case though.
>>15886494 ah, okay, that makes a lot of sense now.
So M-Gardy's Hyper Voice, an 80 BP move, is boosted to 104 BP by Pixilate, which is then boosted by 50% by STAB, resulting in essentially 156 BP, right? Or is my math off?
So running Hyper Voice over Moonblast results in an increase of 13.5 BP and the ability to hit through Substitutes?
That is pretty fucking sweet if that's correct. Almost makes up for Pixilate being a terribly shitty ability.
>>15886657 Yeah, that's the thought. Again, I don't know if it's run in parallel or not, but even if it is you're looking at what, 144 base?
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>>15886461 I'll probably pick it up used if I see it somewhere.
I was also worried about HA for missing pokemon, but I looked and most of the HA if not all for them are shit compared to the normal ones.
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>>15886748 Should be multiplicative, so yes the boosts stack on each other to give an effectively 156 BP Hyper Voice.
>>15886208 Tutors alone may be worth it, although you'll have to acquire/breed the mons within BW2 since you can't trade backwards.
How the hell do I calculate IVs on gen 6 pokemon when they're not in the IV calculators yet?
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>>15887506 You google it. Quite literally the first hit for "IV Calculator"
http://www.metalkid.info/Pokemon/Calculators/IV.aspx Anonymous
I have a male and female mawile, both with 31/31/31/XX/31/31. If I breed them, what's the chances the offspring will have the same IV spread? Or better yet, what's the chances it'll have 6IVs?
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>>15887864 Should be 1/6 and 1/192
Where do I find the beauty with Destiny Knot? I've tried looking for her and nothing. I yes I need another because I accidentally released one of my pokes with it.
am I correct in assuming if a male breeds with ditto the baby will be in a regular poke ball?
where's the best place to train post game?
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>>15888348 Le wow, rotation battle, one sweeper two chumps. Gives full exp to those two even if they don't do anything.
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There's a medal for "1,000,000 Exp in a day". Does anyone know if gaining exp in Daycare counts towards it?
I beat the game. Why do I only have 2 pokemiles?
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>>15888752 Because you haven't gone outside.
Anyone have the shiny fishing guide?
Would a team of durant, blaziken, and mega kangaskhan be able to wreck the battle maison?>entrain truant >swap to blaziken >alternate between protect and hone claws >either sweep with HJK or baton pass to megaskhan and sweep with it instead
>>15888838 probably but not for long:
taunt there'll be, protect/priority maybe
>>15888752 do wonder trade. Miles are hard to get otherwise
>>15888835 http://tinyurl(d0t)com/GFShinyGuide Anonymous
I have a single 3DS and use it for both X and Y. Do friends carry over from each version? Is the friend safari one and the same?
>>15888085 Bumping my question.
5241-2004-2968 (Dragonair, Fraxure, Druddigon)
5241-2004-2968 (Dragonair, Fraxure, Druddigon) Wed 13 Nov 2013 07:30:40 No. 15889312 Report Quoted By:
>>15889237 Yes and yes. Your friends list and friend safari are tied to your 3DS.
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>>15889237 friends and safari are the same as long as played on the same ads
Chuuuuung [In-game: Jessica] (Snover, Beartic, Lapras) 1693-1058-7133 !!THQ5CtVYfKl
Chuuuuung [In-game: Jessica] (Snover, Beartic, Lapras) 1693-1058-7133 !!THQ5CtVYfKl Wed 13 Nov 2013 07:34:25 No. 15889365 Report Quoted By:
>>15888075 One of the red stars here:
http://1-media-cdn.foolz.us/ffuuka/board/vp/image/1382/11/1382113523752.png It's been a while since I've explored those alleys, so I can't say where exactly she is.
>>15888752 Does saving your game take a while? In that case, your miles have probably been uploaded via Game Sync to your Global Link account.
>>15889203 I've wonder traded numerous times, why weren't the points applied to me? Also, how do I check them?
How do males pass hidden abilities?
Chuuuuung [In-game: Jessica] (Snover, Beartic, Lapras) 1693-1058-7133 !!THQ5CtVYfKl
Chuuuuung [In-game: Jessica] (Snover, Beartic, Lapras) 1693-1058-7133 !!THQ5CtVYfKl Wed 13 Nov 2013 07:38:10 No. 15889412 Report Quoted By:
>>15889372 Pokemiles on your game can be viewed on your trainer screen.
If they've been Game Sync'd to Global Link, log in to your account on
http://3ds.pokemon-gl.com/ >>15889381 Ditto breeding.
So, with the fact that Pokemon now "remember" their egg moves, if my Pokemon overwrites an egg move in daycare, is it possible to still pass it? Or does it actually need to STILL know it?
>>15889631 Moves don't get overwritten until it's taken out, IIRC.
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>>15889657 Really? Is that new?
best nature for a drizzle politoed? modest or bold? choice specs for modest obviously then there's bold with damp rock to keep the rain up
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what is a good pokemon for catching?
>>15890211 Japanese way of indicating max IVs. HABCDS = 31/31/31/31/31/31
In your case, HBCDS would be 31/x/31/31/31/31.
So I'm about to start breeding some mons here, and being a novice am a little unsure on some things. Namely I'm trying to get Glare on a Druddegion. I have a Female one (Supposedly great IV's, possibly perfect from friend), and now a Male Arbok. So do I just need to breed these two guys, and make sure Arbok has glare to pass it on? And should I throw a destiny know on my Druddegion? Should that help pass some IVs? I don't need it to be perfect, but getting some bonus stats would be nice.
Best nature for Togekiss? Is Modest any worthwhile? (This is for some kind of bulky-offence team)
Is there any difference between these two besides the hair and eyes?
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>>15890418 one is pink skinned
Smeargle Male Adamant Technician 31/31/31/X/31/31 252 Attack, 252 Speed, 6 HP False Swipe Spore Mean Look Foresight How'd I do?
>>15890665 Soak instead of Foresight. You'll be able to False Swipe ghosts and Spore grass types.
>>15890226 The fuck. Where'd they get the B, C, and D from?
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>>15890710 Stands for Defense, Sp Attack and Sp Defense. It's easier to differentiate and it's not that hard to figure out.
>>15890707 I...wow. I literally didn't know that move existed. And that takes care of the grass immunity to spore. Thanks so much.
Other than that, I did alright?
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>>15890710 ABCD is easy to remember.
I guess I'll ask here. I have a little problem with my team, right now, with these two guys: Mienshao @ Life Orb/Expert Belt (scared of those ferro's thorns) Jolly, Inner Focus 252 Atk 252 Spe 6 HP - Fake Out - Taunt - HJ Kick - U-Turn Galvantula @ Focus Sash Timid, Compound-eyes 252 SpAtk 252 Spe 6 HP - Sticky Web - Thunder - Bug Buzz - Energy Ball As you can see,. both of them are leads, but only one can stay that way. I need an electric type and grass attacks, so switching Galvantula for another mon is not an option (changing attacks is, though). Can somebody tell me which one should I keed as a lead and what should I do to with the other?
Chuuuuung [In-game: Jessica] (Snover, Beartic, Lapras) 1693-1058-7133 !!THQ5CtVYfKl
Chuuuuung [In-game: Jessica] (Snover, Beartic, Lapras) 1693-1058-7133 !!THQ5CtVYfKl Wed 13 Nov 2013 10:42:46 No. 15891490 Report >>15890287 Modest could work, although I believe it's often seen with a +Def/SDef -Atk nature
>>15889717 Really comes down to personal choice, both are viable. However, having to use the Damp Rock over Leftovers hurts defensive sets.
>>15890964 Fake Out's usually more useful in doubles/triples play. I'm guessing Sticky Web would be better, unless Sturdy/Sashes are really that much of a problem for you.
Again, these types of questions are really better suited for /cpg/, over at
>>15873892 .
>>15890265 That's how egg moves work, yes. You should probably check IVs via the Kiloude checker or an IV calculator before deciding to breed. Destiny Knot works best if both parents have good IV spreads, usually Power Items are used to get your initial 2-3 IV mons.
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>>15890707 >>15890725 Also gets rid of Rock/Steel resistances to Normal attacks.
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>>15891490 Yeah, I know that kind of questions go in the CPG thread, but I couldn't get an answer yesterday, so I figured I could try my luck here. Thanks anyway, man.
If i'm breeding for a Rock Blast Cloyster can I breed Rock Blast in once and then switch the male parent to another pokemon that doesn't have rock blast?
Are the Mattle Maison opponents EV trained?
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>>15893499 Always assume that battle facility mons are fully EV trained with excellent IVs.
Ok so here's the deal I had 1 spot in my party open, but no pokeballs when i evolved my Nincada. i did however have a fuckton of other ball types. Where the fuck is my shedinja?
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>>15894288 I think it's gotta be a regular pokeball, or no dice
Is there any way to "protect" egg moves you want to keep so the parents don't forget them as they level up in the Day Care?
>>15894528 pls
I had a perfect parent with Switcheroo. It leveled up in the Day Care and forgot Switcheroo. I'm fucking pissed.
>>15894528 Moves at the top are always removed first. If you want to make sure the egg moves aren't lost even as it levels up, the best way to do that is to just level it up yourself. Get it to a point where if you put the move in question in the bottom-most move slot, that any newly learned moves won't be enough to push it off the edge. Like, I have a Honchkrow with Nasty Plot I'm using to breed a chatot, and I leveled it up to around 45, and put Nasty Plot in the fourth move slot. It only learns 3 more moves after 45, so even if I DID leave it in long enough for it to learn all those moves, Nasty Plot would still be safe at the top of the moveslots.
Of course in XY your egg moves are locked in as long as you keep the pokemon in the daycare, but that's probably what I'd want to do if I wanted to keep that move even after breeding.
>>15894824 Thanks a lot, that clears up quite a lot. Another question, if you don't mind: what determines which moves the baby will have? Say that between my 4 parents, I have 6 egg moves that can be passed down: which 4 will it have?
how many boxes does it usually take to get the 5iv pokemon you want?
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>>15894884 >>15894528 Aw shit, just realized. Move Relearner can help you remember Egg Moves if you knew them once. I thought it only worked for regular movers.
Perfect Ambipom coming up.
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>>15895290 It shouldn't be taking multiple boxes. One box is usually enough. Are you "updating" your parents as you go, making sure you always have the ones with the best IVs breeding?
Getting a 5-IV from a 4-IV parent + 2-IV ditto will take a lot longer than from two 4-IV parents of the same species.
If I breed a 6IV with a 5IV, how long until another 6IV pops out? Are two 6IV parents guaranteed to have 6IV children?
(IGN: Tiffany) Leaf 1177-7894-9249 (Doduo, Swanna, Hawlucha)
(IGN: Tiffany) Leaf 1177-7894-9249 (Doduo, Swanna, Hawlucha) Wed 13 Nov 2013 16:38:20 No. 15895464 Report Quoted By:
>>15895451 Destiny Knot can only transfer 5 IVs, so getting a 6IV is pure luck.
>tfw I got a 6IV male Absol and he's now my breeding slut for the Field egg group Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster]
Rena 0361-6748-0990 [Ice: Bergmite, Delibird, Cloyster] Wed 13 Nov 2013 16:41:13 No. 15895508 Report Okay, this has been bugging me for the longest time: Exactly what is the purpose of the little blue pentagon in a Pokemon's summary screen? The one beside the row of markings you can give it.
>>15895451 Destiny Knot only carries over 5 IVs from the parents, so even with two 6-IV parents, you'll only have a 1/31 chance of getting another 6-IV.
Getting a 6-IV from 6-IV+5-IV should be somewhere around a 1.9% chance (7/12 chance for Destiny Knot to skip the bad IV multiplied by 1/31 chance to get a randomly generated 31 for the last IV).
Getting 6-IVs is hard work, rarely worth it.
Does anyone have the images of EV horde training? Like, where it lists the hordes of Pokemon and the EVs you get from them? Another question, if I have a level 1 Pokemon I want to EV train, if I send it out first, then switch it into another Pokemon, will the level 1 Pokemon still gain the EVs or does the level 1 Pokemon actually have to defeat the horde?
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>>15895687 EVs are carried over by Exp. Share. Your Pokemon never needs to enter a fight, just have a Pokemon with Surf up front and you can EV train an entire team all at the same time.
Can you combine Synchronize and Cute Charm to encounter Pokemon of the nature and gender you want? I thought it'd work, but I have a fainted Ralts with Synchronize in slot 1 and a male Sylveon with Cute Charm in slot 2 and I've yet to run into a goddamn female Frogadier.
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>>15895890 People tried similar things with Synchronize + Sticky Hold (or whatever) for their Chain Fishing, and as far as I know that didn't work, so I'm guessing you can't do it with regular catching and cute charm, either.
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>>15895534 It's 1/32, not 1/31. They can be 0, so there are 32 values.
>>15895534 If you stick the Destiny knot on the 6IV parent won't it take 5 IVs?
>>15896193 Yes it will, but if the other parent has only 5-IV, it's still possible the knot will pick its imperfect IV. 12 possible IV, 1 of which is <31, 5 chances to pick it. 5/12 chance it will be picked, therefore 7/12 chance it will only pick perfect IVs.
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>>15896250 Inaccurate calculation because I'm bad at maths and I know I'm oversimplifying but the overall odds should be similar enough.
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Is there a list somewhere of what can be stolen by Thief? I know the most desirable item is Lucky Egg from Chansey, followed possibly by Metal Coat, but what else should I be on the lookout for?
I'm breeding a Klefki for good IVs, should I stop at four perfect IVs? (HP/SPDEF/DEF/SPE)
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>>15896626 Yes. Hell, you barely even need speed. Klefki really isn't too IV-dependant.
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Why'd they have to go and add a whole new type when existing types are still suffering like bug and ice?
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Is there a way to check your rating in Wi-Fi battles without searching for a game? It seems weird that the only way to find out your rating will invalidate said rating as it'll change after the battle you searched for ends. I'd also prefer not to have to wait for the weekly maintenance.
Currently breeding Shellder. I want one with Rock Blast and Rapid Spin, and I'm all set up to do it. Quick question, though. If Shellder has an egg move from Corsola, will it still pass it down if the child is also getting an egg move from Kabuto?
Is Grassy Terrain an egg move on Gogoat? Seems like he'd be an awesome tank if he learned it, but if he has to waste time switching into it, and can't refresh it himself when its done, that absolutely kills the idea of using him defensively.
If you've super trained a pokemon and maxed out its EVs, would its stats suffer at all if you leveled it up by rare candy, or would it be the same as if you leveled it through battling?
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>>15898714 Side question, Big Root boosts Ingrain and Aqua Ring, and they do the same thing as Grassy Terrain, so does it boost Grassy Terrain?
I'm a complete retard. I need some explanation. New to breeding, breeding Charmanders. I have a male modest Charmeleon with an everstone with 3 IVs fucking a Ditto with 3 IVs with a destiny knot. They have all the IVs except Sp. Atk covered. Is this the best method for this popping out a 5 IV Charmnder. If not, what is?
if you fuck up a stat giving it the wrong EV´s lets say you give Defense to a pokemon on accident, level up a few levels and then remove those EVs using a berry then giving the EVs to the correct stat, will the pokemon be able to obtain perfect stats at level 100 or will he be stupid forever?
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>>15899005 Apparently, it'll be fixed. According people who aren't me, if you fucked up and trained it to 100, then reset bag it and re-EV train it, the EVs will be right.
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>>15899005 EVs are recalculated after every battle, I believe, so it'll be corrected.
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
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Wow, I've been gone for a while. Sorry, Chug
Does anyone know how Cacturne learns drain punch in X/Y?
>>15904427 It can't. It was tutor only move. Wait for pokebank.
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>>15904478 Just as I thought. Thank you!
Ok, so female pokes can pass down egg moves now? i would like a medicham that knows both psycho cutter and bullet punch, for example. only kazam can pass down psycho cutter and only hitmonchan can pass down bullet punch doable?
I recently traded a Vivillion through the GTS, and the pokemon I got Another Vivillion, but with a different pattern had Pokerus. I've only heard of it a few times, but never experienced it. I know it helps with growing pokemon, but how do I keep it, put the infected pokemon in my PC?
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>>15905287 yes
any poke will lose pokerus if its in your party at midnight
so just don't let that happen
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
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>>15905145 I think so, not sure though.
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>>15905145 Yeah. Breed the original medicham with one of them, receive a female meditite with that egg move. Then breed that with the other one, and you should end up with a meditite with both egg moves.
>hatch about 11 magnemites >they are all sturdy, no magnet pull. what freaking gives?
when is it officially 'night time' in x/y?
I want to restart my game once Pokebank comes out. ¿What will happen to my Global Link account? ¿Will I lose my Torchic and Blazikenite after restarting or can I pick it up again?
>>15906272 Bad luck.
>>15908074 9pm.
>>15908146 Not sure about global link (I think it should be fine, but check their FAQs), but I'm pretty sure your wonder card data is erased with your game, so you'll be able to pick him up again.
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>>15908249 Oh, I see. Thank you.
Does charizard have two physical attack animations or something? I just faced sycamore late game, and when he used wing attack, his charizard did a little flip and slammed his tail, which is entirely different from the animation my charizard uses for physical attacks
Why can't I find any protean frogadiers in one of my friend safaris? I player I friended already beat the game and was online once so I don't know why haven't encountered at least one after hunting for them for 15 minutes.
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
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>>15911378 Probably. I know Fenniken and Pangoro have 3 attack animations, one special and two physical.
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Hey, how do I make a Belly Drum azumarill viable? (i.e. set, ev's, moves, item etc), or am I better off just running a standard set?
Is it possible to get a hidden ability heliopotile in XY?
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>>15911745 Yep. Helioptile can be found in the Friend Safari.
>>15884075 Where can I find a pokemon who learns Recover? I'm trying to get a Smeargle to sketch it and pass it down to Quagsire
>>15911898 Dumb question sorry, but I never fish and where do I find staryu?
I just breed a Skorpui with perfect HP, Attack, and Speed (holding a destiny knot) with a ditto with perfect Special Defense and Defense (holding a power belt). Somehow the offspring had only perfect Attack and Defense - why?
Majora - 3625-9186-1034 | Poison, Seviper, Venomoth, ???
Majora - 3625-9186-1034 | Poison, Seviper, Venomoth, ??? Thu 14 Nov 2013 03:21:46 No. 15912044 Report Quoted By:
>>15911966 Because breeding isn't that simple.
The destiny knot picks 5 stats from either parent at random.
If you get an extra 5 IV one, let me know though, I'd like to trade for it
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>>15911966 Power Items override the Destiny Knot
>>15911954 Route 8 in X.
Shit outta luck if you have Y.
Ferrothorn vs foretress? I like foretress better because I need a spinner and he isn't weak to fighting. But people generally prefer ferrothorn.>Kangaskhan >Sableye >Greninja >Talonflame (Considering) >Breloom (Considering) >Forretress/Ferrothorn Any team tips?
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>>15912119 Alright. I have x so I can find him
Chuuuuung [In-game: Jessica] (Snover, Beartic, Lapras) 1693-1058-7133 !!THQ5CtVYfKl
Chuuuuung [In-game: Jessica] (Snover, Beartic, Lapras) 1693-1058-7133 !!THQ5CtVYfKl Thu 14 Nov 2013 03:40:14 No. 15912685 Report >>15892471 Now that females can pass egg moves, as long as the mom is a Rock Blast Cloyster, yes.
>>15895687 There's a link to a list in the Extended FAQ.
>>15895890 Slot 1 is the only one that counts.
>>15898714 http://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/gogoat.3489697/page-2 Nope. And nope for your second question.
>>15898599 No reason to believe it shouldn't.
>>15898773 Why does this question keep appearing. Why.
>>15898906 Yep. Once you get female and male 4IVs, swap those in for the parents and proceed with the fucking.
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
>>15912685 Chuuuuuuuug!
How've you been? Any new developments/secrets found?
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>>15912164 The spinner will be important for Talonflame, but if you drop the flame Ferrothorn is the superior option, it gets leech seed, hazards, better defenses and t-wave
Chuuuuung [In-game: Jessica] (Snover, Beartic, Lapras) 1693-1058-7133 !!THQ5CtVYfKl
Chuuuuung [In-game: Jessica] (Snover, Beartic, Lapras) 1693-1058-7133 !!THQ5CtVYfKl Thu 14 Nov 2013 03:54:17 No. 15913125 Report Quoted By:
>>15913000 Wouldn't know, bro. I've only been checking in every now and then specifically to answer questions, haven't been keeping up with the board much.
There was some discussion of Hoopa/Diancie/Volcanion a while back, but that's mostly been replaced by people going for dex completion and/or competitive team building.
Does anyone know a good EV spread for a Gale Wings Talonflame?
Chuuuuung [In-game: Jessica] (Snover, Beartic, Lapras) 1693-1058-7133 !!THQ5CtVYfKl
Chuuuuung [In-game: Jessica] (Snover, Beartic, Lapras) 1693-1058-7133 !!THQ5CtVYfKl Thu 14 Nov 2013 03:58:54 No. 15913262 Report >>15913142 252 Atk for sure. If there are any specific threats Talonflame can't outspeed (i.e. if you need to use a non-flying move), add enough Speed EVs to barely outspeed, then sink the rest into HP. HP will be crucial to absorb recoil and improve survivability.
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>>15913262 I was already planning on using those three but do you have any suggestions for the balance between Speed/HP?
>>15913262 >not running max death 252 HP/252 Speed Choice band jolly talonframu Anonymous
Can I get gen 3 starter pokemon in this game in any way? Is it true it's not possible to trade from generation 5 to 6 until december 26th?
Has anyone tried this breeding method before? I'm trying to figure out whether it would make the process of breeding Rotoms faster. The parents I have are 31/x/31/31/x/31 and 31/x/x/x/31/31. It says the chances of getting the stat I don't want are 1/6 but wouldn't it be much lower because you need the stats to be from specific parents and I thought Destiny Knot stats could overlap. It seems like it may just be easier for me to get tons of eggs and hope for the right combo.
>>15913399 When you cause so little damage with Talonflame's less than mediocre attack stat plus 0 EVs you don't have to worry about recoil damage, even with choice band.
>>15913545 252 Atk i meant*
I'm a huge faggot please rape my face
>>15913544 It's the only breeding method I use. I don't even see how other methods would work
>>15913544 Won't work on Rotom.
Also any ditto + genderless for that matter.
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>>15913576 That's understandable.
Tray - 1134-7453-5867 (Panpour, Wartortle, Poliwhirl)
Tray - 1134-7453-5867 (Panpour, Wartortle, Poliwhirl) Thu 14 Nov 2013 04:14:28 No. 15913739 Report What should I do now? I don't really have a competitive team, and I just bred my first 5 IV Pokemon that I'm trying to find a good foreign Ditto to breed with for MM. Just looking for suggestions.
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>>15913589 So as long as the parents have a unique IV in each stat you can tell which ones got passed and then switch accordingly. IVs will still overlap occasionally, right?
>>15913647 Thanks. I didn't know that.
>>15913739 Make a comp team using UU or lower pokemon.
Somehow beat Mewtwo, Blaziken, and Aegislashfags and feel like a badass.
Why are people breeding for 0IV Speed Brave Honedge? Why are both of my 4IV parents not giving me a single fucking 5IV?
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>>15914022 >Why are people breeding for 0IV Speed Brave Honedge? Because it's not going to outrun anything, so might as well set it up for Trick Room teams.
>Why are both of my 4IV parents not giving me a single fucking 5IV? Because breeding is dildos
Tray - 1134-7453-5867 (Panpour, Wartortle, Poliwhirl)
Tray - 1134-7453-5867 (Panpour, Wartortle, Poliwhirl) Thu 14 Nov 2013 04:28:00 No. 15914164 Report >>15913948 Any advice for a team? I have absolutely no experience competitively battling. I guess I should read up on team composition.
>>15914164 I generally go by this.
http://www.smogon.com/bw/pokemon/ And run movesets on Pokemon I like, most of which aren't that great compared to things like Garchomp. Granted, this isn't accurate since it's for GenV, not GenVI, but it gives you a good groundwork, I suppose.
>>15914360 >telling him to be a smogonfag first This is young blood we're talking about, he may be the creative inspiration we all need in creating antismogon movesets
>>15914410 That's true. Sometimes running unexpected shit can fuck up your enemy.
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Is Zyguarde shiny locked? I thought I was an image of a Pink one.
Tray - 1134-7453-5867 (Panpour, Wartortle, Poliwhirl)
Tray - 1134-7453-5867 (Panpour, Wartortle, Poliwhirl) Thu 14 Nov 2013 04:39:07 No. 15914529 Report >>15914360 Do people on Wifi battles usually stick to tiers or is it a free for all with teams of 6 Mewtwos and shit?
>>15914529 Well, ranked prevents legendaries (I think), but brace yourself for clusterfucks of shit all over the place.
>>15914468 today i went against a reversal focus sash blaziken Still won, but it took me by surprise
>mfw Tray - 1134-7453-5867 (Panpour, Wartortle, Poliwhirl)
Tray - 1134-7453-5867 (Panpour, Wartortle, Poliwhirl) Thu 14 Nov 2013 04:41:01 No. 15914598 Report Quoted By:
>>15914561 Neat. I will try some weird shit then and once my anus gets pounded hard enough I'll come back and learn how to play for real.
Chuuuuung [In-game: Jessica] (Snover, Beartic, Lapras) 1693-1058-7133 !!THQ5CtVYfKl
Chuuuuung [In-game: Jessica] (Snover, Beartic, Lapras) 1693-1058-7133 !!THQ5CtVYfKl Thu 14 Nov 2013 04:42:02 No. 15914625 Report Quoted By:
>>15914567 The standard "good" sets you can plan against. Stupidity and unpredictability, less so.
Quick question about RNG abuse/breeding. I know IV's are predetermined, but is the possibility of a shiny popping out of an egg predetermined as well?
>>15915751 Everything about the Poke is predetermined, I believe.
Nat: 4210-4175-4300
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Anyone with Zapdos that can swap really quick with Moltres for the entry? He's the last one I need for 596 dex. If you give me time to breed, I can throw in any mon that's currently obtainable.
>>15916142 So, if I knew the next egg was going to be shiny, I could swap two Pokemon and get a shiny out of it?
Bastion: 1993-7804-3101
my eevee got maxed out affection in pokemon-amie and when I level it up in the daytime I don't get espeon. What gives?
>>15916400 pokemon amie is separate from regular happiness
Nat: 4210-4175-4300
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>>15916400 Affection and friendship are two separate things. Sylveon is the only affection evolution, so you need to get its friendship up.
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So why the fuck can't I buy more Leftovers with BP?
Bastion: 1993-7804-3101
>>15916434 what's the fastest way to get happiness on a pokemon then?
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>>15916501 Use those EV-reducing berries that add to happiness.
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>>15916501 ride around the middle of luminose while it's holding soothe bell for like 5 minutes
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>>15916371 Ah, so it isn't predetermined like IV's then. In that case, couldn't I just SR over and over to obtain a shiny in an egg?
Seriously though, is pickup my only option to get a second set of Leftovers?
I'm sorry, but I'm having a few problems with breeding, even after reading the charts, because I've simply never done it before. I'm trying something easy, a Froakie. I've got some great parents (Both missing Sp. Atk, which is a serious problem), and I keep getting duplicates of thsoe (missing Sp. Atk). I'm scared to move forward with a ditto that has Sp. Atk because then I'll have to keep breeding the other perfect IVs onto that, but I guess I'm expected to do that, right? Also, while I know Sp. Atk isn't it, what stat am I supposed to be aiming for as the /xx/ in Greninja? How do I figure out what stat should be /xx/ in most pokemon? I'm not expecting to get a 6IV anything, any time soon.
Cow 1650-1145-0086 (Fire: Braixen Charmeleon, and Magmar)
Cow 1650-1145-0086 (Fire: Braixen Charmeleon, and Magmar) Thu 14 Nov 2013 06:38:33 No. 15917861 Report Ive been in friend safari all day looking for a hidden ability poke with my trace ralts, but with no success. what gives?
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>>15917538 Ignoring everything else, is the /xx/ supposed to be the stat that the nature reduces, because it's not as important?
Chuuuuung [In-game: Jessica] (Snover, Beartic, Lapras) 1693-1058-7133 !!THQ5CtVYfKl
Chuuuuung [In-game: Jessica] (Snover, Beartic, Lapras) 1693-1058-7133 !!THQ5CtVYfKl Thu 14 Nov 2013 07:32:03 No. 15919028 Report >>15916920 Unconfirmed IIRC, but from what we know so far Pickup seems to work the same way it ever has. So yes.
>>15917538 Use the Ditto, get a SpA Froakie, swap it out for one of the parents, continue breeding.
Choosing /xx/: Depending on the mon's role, one or more stats (often one of the attacking stats) may be dispensable. Mixed attackers are the worst because in theory no stat is dispensable.
>>15917861 Bad luck, maybe? All 3 mons are unlocked in the Safari you're farming, yes?
>>15919028 I've already gotten the SpA Froakies and started on breeding with that.
Alright, I'll figure out what role I need things in, then. It's safe to assume the following, though, right (I've never battled competitively):
Phys. Attacker = /xx/ in Sp.A
Spec. Attacker = /xx/ in Atk
Phys. Wall = /xx/ in Sp. D
Spec. Wall = /xx/ in Def
Anything to do with Trick Room/Aegislash and the like = /xx/ in Speed (though preferably 0)
In what, if any, situations is /xx/ in HP acceptable? I can already assume that it's not good for any type of wall. It doesn't really seem that important for any other role, though, and I'm so used to being wrong that I know that can't be right.
Chuuuuung [In-game: Jessica] (Snover, Beartic, Lapras) 1693-1058-7133 !!THQ5CtVYfKl
Chuuuuung [In-game: Jessica] (Snover, Beartic, Lapras) 1693-1058-7133 !!THQ5CtVYfKl Thu 14 Nov 2013 07:56:02 No. 15919409 Report >>15919138 For walls, you'll still want to ditch one of the attacking stats, lest you fall victim to an attack of the other type.
Often the 0 IV will have to be bred, so still ditch one of the attacking stats. In general one of the attacking stats will be the one you shaft, because -defenses natures a shit.
Health is always important.
Chuuuuung [In-game: Jessica] (Snover, Beartic, Lapras) 1693-1058-7133 !!THQ5CtVYfKl
Chuuuuung [In-game: Jessica] (Snover, Beartic, Lapras) 1693-1058-7133 !!THQ5CtVYfKl Thu 14 Nov 2013 07:57:12 No. 15919430 Report Quoted By:
>>15919138 Oh, I guess Shedinja don't give a shit about anything except for Speed and Attack, but that's a special case.
>>15919409 So just about everything should have /xx/ in one of the Attack stats since mixed attackers are the only ones that would benefit from both? Ok.
You already said that mixed can't really afford to lose one over the other, so it's situational, I'm good on that.
I'll avoid /xx/ in HP, too.
How do you get 0 in an IV reliably? Something tells me you can't.
Where should I be looking for movesets? The Competitive Battling General?
Now seems like the best time to learn all of this. I skipped gens 4 and 5 and from what I've heard about "Pokegen", I need to know it on the off-chance that gets blocked and everyone isn't swimming in perfect 'mons so much that they might be willing to give them away. Anonymous
whats a good nature/iv spread for a gooey goomy?
4270 1700 3310 (Corsola, Dweble, Barbanacle)
4270 1700 3310 (Corsola, Dweble, Barbanacle) Thu 14 Nov 2013 08:14:31 No. 15919640 Report Best post-game money? EXP?
>>15919640 Le WoW rotation battle.
>>15919640 Resturant Le Wow, Exp/Prize Money O-Powers and amulet coin + lucky egg + exp share. Rotation battle, strongest pokemon in front and kill all opponents with it (with amulet coin). Complete all battles in the turns they suggest for maximum mushrooms at the end that you can sell for enormous money amounts at the pokemarts.
Chuuuuung [In-game: Jessica] (Snover, Beartic, Lapras) 1693-1058-7133 !!THQ5CtVYfKl
Chuuuuung [In-game: Jessica] (Snover, Beartic, Lapras) 1693-1058-7133 !!THQ5CtVYfKl Thu 14 Nov 2013 08:20:56 No. 15919733 Report >>15919619 Ask in /cpg/
>>15899725 , I'm sure someone already came up with good sets that everyone's copy-pasting.
>>15919640 Money: Chateau
EXP: Restaurants, Elite 4. Once those become too slow, Wonder Trade constantly and buy Rare Candies on the Global Link. Le Wow is also a decent money source if you can reliably hit the target turns.
>>15919556 0 speed: Wait for one to pop up randomly (IV checker will specifically say it's slow as shit), breed it onto what you want.
Movesets: /cpg/, Smogon, your own experience.
>>15919722 >old and tired jokes Anonymous
What's an easy False Swipe/Sleep user to obtain?
>>15919705 >>15919687 Not him, but I've been doing Le Wow for so long because I heard Sushi High Roller comes out at a loss, but I've recently heard the opposite.
Which is correct? Is it worth it to do Sushi High Roller or not?
>>15919743 Easy? Parasect.
Better? Gallade (Hypnosis bred on to it with Haunter)
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If I interrupt my Maison challenge and go fly somewhere else to do other shit, will my streak still be there when I get back?
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>>15919774 If you wait to evolve ralts until 45 it learns hypnosis on its own.
>>15919759 I'm fairly confident it is nigh to impossible to turn a profit on Sushi High Roller because Le Wow has the owner for the first two battles who guarantees that with amulet coin and at least level 1 prize power you turn a profit before you even get your shrooms.
>>15920814 I don't really bother with prize power and I usually make ~100,000 profit each time, and that's without aiming for the perfect times. Once you get to having 1,000,000 it kinda seems pointless trying to max out your money.
Chuuuuung [In-game: Jessica] (Snover, Beartic, Lapras) 1693-1058-7133 !!THQ5CtVYfKl
Chuuuuung [In-game: Jessica] (Snover, Beartic, Lapras) 1693-1058-7133 !!THQ5CtVYfKl Thu 14 Nov 2013 10:05:13 No. 15920899 Report >>15920860 Unless you want to buy all them fancy outfits, then you'll want a helluva lot more than 1mil.
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>>15920899 Maybe if you're playing as the girl. I got all the male outfits without even trying. There's such a small selection.
0791-2302-0949 dragonaire Axew's evo and druddigon
0791-2302-0949 dragonaire Axew's evo and druddigon Thu 14 Nov 2013 10:12:43 No. 15920981 Report Quoted By:
Where to find Light Clay?
okay so I'm trying sp.atk ev training at route 7 but i get nothing but hopip forever
How do you use the Pokeradar? I have it equipped but it keeps telling me I can't use it here. Can I use it in Friend Safari or for wiggling bushes?
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>>15923110 >Can I use it in Friend Safari No.
Ross 5370-0394-4499
How do I breed an impish snorlax with good IVs and stockpile/belly drum? Snorlax can only learn stockpile as a munchlax, which means that one of the parents has to hold a lax incense and therefore can't hold either the destiny knot or the everstone.
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>>15922383 steal if from gollet
Henry (X) - 3454 0523 2848 (Fairy Safari: Snubbull, Clefairy, Jigglypuff) !!YPOe8HrNTP2
Henry (X) - 3454 0523 2848 (Fairy Safari: Snubbull, Clefairy, Jigglypuff) !!YPOe8HrNTP2 Thu 14 Nov 2013 13:56:46 No. 15923223 Report Quoted By:
>>15922650 Try Frost Cavern or Route 21. In Frost Cavern you can EV Horde Train with Vanillites and in Route 21 you can EV Horde Train with Spinda's.
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kawaii desu-nee ~
Is the OST on some tracker already? Couldn't find anything
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>>15923110 take your fucking skates off
Is there any other way than catching at least 3/4 IV Ditto and Metang if I want my 5IV Metagross?
Is there somewhere I can get the TM for swagger?
>>15884075 how many times do you have to encounter the legendary birds before they fly to the sea cave?
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Can't seem to find the answer I'm looking for on Google, so I'll ask here. If a mon has a substitute up and rocky helmet, and the opponent's mon uses a contact move, hitting the sub, does rocky helmet proc ?
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>>15925718 I believe it's ten.
Jessica-2251-5322-6997 (physic safari-drowzee, girafarig, ?)
Jessica-2251-5322-6997 (physic safari-drowzee, girafarig, ?) Thu 14 Nov 2013 17:02:38 No. 15925776 Report Quoted By:
whats a decent build for a gooey goomy the guys over at competitive didn't want to answer. this being nature/ability/eve and iv spread also does the ability goomy have a % chance to pass down when breeding or should i have a way to control it? Ive bread a few goomys (the one in the daycare had gooey) and its not producing any gooey off springs.
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Does anyone know the order of things in regards to egg generation? Does the game assigns stats to pass down first, or generate the random 3/1 IVs first? Also what is set upon the egg appearing in the daycare man's hands? Can you soft reset and lock in gender / ability and still have different IVs?
Is there a better way to get pokes to 100 than to do rotation battle @ le Wow with exp o-power 3, lucky egg and 3 hearts in amie?
>>15895508 No one really knows yet, the current theory is they mark legitimate Pokémon.
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>>15886494 Its actually 180%
Doubt anyone is still here, but do you have to defeat/capture pokemon for pickup to have a chance of getting you an item? Or can I flee from battles and my pickup pokes still have a chance of finding items?
If I breed 2 of the same poke and the female has the hidden ability, does the male having the hidden ability increase the chances of it passing down?
How do i interact with the Sundial? It's glowing right now, but i can't talk to it
Two things. One, Liepard is hilarious.>MGFG-WWWW-WWW2-T3NF Two, what is the counter for Gale Wings Talonflame? I just can't beat it.
>>15929411 Stealth Cocks and anything with a rock-move.
How did i spread Pokerus again? Put it in party then battle and suddenly Pokerus?
should i run a greninja with taunt? is that a good move for it to use?
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>>15929448 I got that, but it hits like a truck.
Hmm..., maybe Cloyster could tank it.
>>15929467 so i guess i'm right because noone answered?
Can I turn off voice chat in X/Y?
2836-1065-8075 (audino, teddirusa, chansey)
2836-1065-8075 (audino, teddirusa, chansey) Thu 14 Nov 2013 22:15:27 No. 15932008 Report Quoted By:
Does anyone have the soundtrack yet? I don't have any money to buy the album from itunes.
Is there any prebank Pokemon that can learn Stealth Rock OR Spikes and Rapid Spin OR Defog?
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>>15926341 >current theory is they mark legitimate Pokémon. I think you mean legal. The game only sees things are legal or illegal. Legit is only a term that has meaning to humans. Bank has already been stated to have hack checks, so that wouldn't make much sense anyway. It'll probably be to show which region the Pokemon in question originated from. (Kanto, Hoenn, etc.)
I've probably spent like three or four hours total looking for a Banette. I know they appear in trash bins on Thursdays in the Pokemon Village, but I've yet to find any. What I do is I find a shaking bin, save, then open the bin. If it's an item/Garbodor, I reload and try it again. But this has brought me no Banettes. Does doing that negate your chances of getting a Banette, or do they only appear on Thursday nights?
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>>15932723 Cool beans thanks! Any others come to mind?
Neo 4399-0021-4483
>>15932843 Who gives a fuck how you get them, do you want one? I'll breed you a Shuppet or whatever the fuck its prevo is right now.
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>>15919743 I have some level 1 Absols with False Swipe/Thunder Wave/Mean Look (no perfect nature and whatever abilities).
I can pass you one if you think it's useable.
>>15932916 Thank you kind Neo that would be much appreciated. Do you want somethin' in return?
Neo 4399-0021-4483
Quoted By:
>>15933072 Nope any derp will do. Adding you now.
Neo 4399-0021-4483
>>15933072 3797-7225-0702
Are you sure that's your code? I've got invalid trying it a few times.
Quoted By:
>>15933143 Sorry, the last four digits should be 0720 not 0702
Neo 4399-0021-4483
I gotta run to the store, it'll take 15~ minutes tops, repost your code if you get a chance and say what your ingame name is, I'll trade you as soon as I get back.
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>>15933229 In game name is "Creed"
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Can anyone test if wormadam gets sticky web as an egg move?
Which is better, Absol or Malmar? My Malmar has shit stats but is a bro, so idk what do do.
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>>15933942 Malamar has Contrary, Absol gets mega.
Neo 4399-0021-4483
Hey man sorry about the wait, the egg has a Shuppet i nit.
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>>15934517 Bless you you marvelous creature.
Chuuuuung [In-game: Jessica] (Snover, Beartic, Lapras) 1693-1058-7133 !!THQ5CtVYfKl
Chuuuuung [In-game: Jessica] (Snover, Beartic, Lapras) 1693-1058-7133 !!THQ5CtVYfKl Fri 15 Nov 2013 00:44:36 No. 15936042 Report Quoted By:
>>15923191 You're pretty much boned. Get two parents with the best IVs possible (5-6IV), use the everstone, and hope for the best.
>>15923743 3IV ditto is realistically the best you're gonna get. So breed with Metang until you get a Beldum with 3-4 IVs and breed with a 3IV ditto, hope for the best.
>>15926200 Wonder Trade, buy Rare Candies with Miles.
>>15927566 Running works, IIRC.
>>15927683 You don't need to interact with it if your Mega Ring is already upgraded. Just go to wherever the Mega Stone you want is located.
>>15929756 >wait 11 minutes >welp I guess nobody will answer my question ever Pokerus has a chance to spread after each battle, but only to the mons directly next to the infected mon. (i.e. lead mon will only infect second, second can infect lead and third, etc.)
I just picked up an egg from Day Care, and CONGRATS flashed across my touchscreen with a pink banner. What does this mean?>perspective askabox
Alright /vp/ I'm at a loss I've already gotten my mega ring upgraded after talking to Sycamore in Anistar City yet the mega stones aren't popping up. Is it a glitch or something? I've gone to the battle maison and beat trainers before and after challenging one's rival yet no mega stones are to be found Help
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When are we going to see any more features?
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>>15937959 Is it between 8 and 9 pm?
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>>15937997 Shit, thanks anon.
Is there only one legendary bird per game? As in, if I catch articuno, will zapdos and moltres be unavailable unless traded?
>want to create a Vanilluxe with perfect IVs and the moves I want >Vanilluxe can only learn waterpulse from a gen IV Snorunt back when Snorunt could learn it >can't teach him the move I want, and he's basically one move away from saving himself from a fire and steel type
>>15938938 When it doubt,
Explosion. Anonymous
>>15938993 I'm tempted to do it. I'm tempted to fucking do it.
I-it's not his fault.. he tried his best.
>>15939056 Well, what's your current moveset?
>>15939079 I was gonna go with flash cannon, waterpulse, freeze dry and mirror coat
Not the best, but I liked it
Anyone know where it's raining right now, or at least a way to figure out? Fucking Goodra.
will thunder wave effect gyro ball at all?
can ferroseed learn leech seed through breeding?
>>15939114 Replace Waterpulse with Autotomize or Explosion.
Cherrel 3368-1321-6556 (Bug Safari; Beautifly, Paras & Vivillon)
Cherrel 3368-1321-6556 (Bug Safari; Beautifly, Paras & Vivillon) Fri 15 Nov 2013 02:41:40 No. 15939202 Report Hi guys, just a question. I want to try to make a pretty good Blitzle baby. If I take two zebstrika's caught in a friend zone what's the chances of them breeding a good blitzle with good IVs? I know nothing of breeding for IVs and such. This is the gen i'm gonna try to learn how to do stuff like that. I just need help from a good teacher. ;;
Ronic - 3093-8014-8629
I have 2 questions 1) Will a Pokemon that has had its desired want-to-pass-down eggmove still pass its move if it is overwritten in the Daycare, taken out, and put back in? They keep erasing my Togetic's Nasty Plot and I'd like to know if I actually need to heart scale them back on every time. 2) Do females pass down egg moves this gen? If so, are there some %'s I gotta deal with?
>>15939175 Routes 8 and 14 are pretty frequent for rain, but aside from Monday between 12-1pm on route 14 there isn't a schedule anyone has written down.
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>>15939213 For the first one, my egg moves were no longer passed down when I took my Pokemon out and put back in again. I had to use Heart Scales when I learned that the first time.
>>15939195 Probably. I ran into some Jap dickass with it.
>>15939202 Depends on their IVs, and luck. See pic related.
>>15939213 It will pass it down if overwritten while in the Daycare, but as soon as you take it out, it won't. It passes the moves that it knows going in. Move Nasty Plot to the bottom so it's less likely to get overridden.
Females do pass egg moves. It's been 100% for me so far, and I've hatched over 200 eggs.
>>15939198 I'm thinking...
What if I give him
Focus sash
-Freeze Dry
-Mirror Coat
Chances are an opponent will will end up switching to something that could be used to defeat Vanilluxe. While I've automized, I'm now 2+ speed and can pull off a mirror coat when they attack me, considering most people end up using a special mon over a physical one.
Then I can explosion... or get rid of frost breath entirely and teach him ice shard. Vanilluxe does have nice attack power, but at least the 2+ speed will help out.
>>15939238 i cannot for the fucking life of me find this mysterious r8/r14 rain
Any other suggestions
>>15939337 No problem, anon.
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>>15939467 Pretty sure I've seen it on 19.
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>>15939478 JESUS
I just realized my Vanilluxe has Weak Armor
This is amazing! FUCKING AMAZING! Now I'll end up with 3+speed after a hit
Cherrel 3368-1321-6556 (Bug Safari; Beautifly, Paras & Vivillon)
Cherrel 3368-1321-6556 (Bug Safari; Beautifly, Paras & Vivillon) Fri 15 Nov 2013 02:56:18 No. 15939582 Report >>15939313 I just went and checked with the guy in the poke center and he said that my female zebstrika has outstanding potential overall
greatest potential lies in HP and Sp. Atk
Does that mean it has 2 perfect IVs?
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Whats the best time to wondertrade?
>>15939582 Did he say "stats like that just can't be beat?"
If yes, yes. If no, no.
Cherrel 3368-1321-6556 (Bug Safari; Beautifly, Paras & Vivillon)
Cherrel 3368-1321-6556 (Bug Safari; Beautifly, Paras & Vivillon) Fri 15 Nov 2013 02:58:40 No. 15939648 Report Quoted By:
>>15939627 he did.
alright so i'm going to go breed a bunch of blitzle now for a decent baby
Thanks anon c:
is drain punch in the game? if so, who learns it?
>grinding BP from Maison >always lose around match 21 This is ridiculous.
How does my Mega Ampharos learn Draco Meteor?
Chuuuuung [In-game: Jessica] (Snover, Beartic, Lapras) 1693-1058-7133 !!THQ5CtVYfKl
Chuuuuung [In-game: Jessica] (Snover, Beartic, Lapras) 1693-1058-7133 !!THQ5CtVYfKl Fri 15 Nov 2013 06:05:31 No. 15944816 Report Quoted By:
>>15944090 Simple. It doesn't.
>>15941408 You can always try the Battle Institute.
>>15940455 And why, pray tell, would it have been taken out? Seismitoad and Mienfoo get it.
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
>>15941408 What is your team?
Quoted By:
>Pokemon running Fissure This is an abstract kind of hell
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>>15945398 Clefable, Cloyster, Krookodile
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Will friends, acquaintances, or passerby be notified that I favorited them?
I plan on training a Medicham with Bullet Punch. Should I go adamant because it has one priority move, or jolly?
>>15946761 Bullet Punch in general is pretty bad for Medicham. You're better off passing speed boosts to it and running 4 attacking moves.
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>>15946776 A little... complex for my playstyle. Passing is hard amongst the Maison's bullshit.
I've got an interesting problem. My Vaporeon has 31 Ivs in SpA, confirmed in game, with a neutral nature. At level 50, she should have 162 in SpA, but she's only got 130. What's the dealio? Also, her Hp and Def, with a beneficial nature, are what Serebii claims for a level 50 with perfect Ivs.
Nemu - X 1048-8582-7895
>>15946901 How do you figure it should have 162
Quoted By:
>>15946974 Serebii. Sorry, should have been a bit more clear. Hp and Def are dead-on as far as Serebii ia concerned, but SpA is quite a bit off.
Alright. Say you have a pokemon with unburden. If the pokemon was holding a focus sash, and it uses it, would unburden activate?
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>>15947324 Sweet. Thanks anon.
Chuuuuung [In-game: Jessica] (Snover, Beartic, Lapras) 1693-1058-7133 !!THQ5CtVYfKl
Chuuuuung [In-game: Jessica] (Snover, Beartic, Lapras) 1693-1058-7133 !!THQ5CtVYfKl Fri 15 Nov 2013 08:39:38 No. 15947507 Report Quoted By:
>>15946901 Based on my own calculations, it looks like your Vaporeon has 0 SpA EVs, which is why it's not 162.
>>15939178 Yep.
http://www.serebii.net/games/gyroball.shtml >>15939195 >what is bulbapedia you lazy fuck http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Ferroseed#By_breeding Anonymous
What is the autosage on /vp/? I'm guessing 300, that sounds about right. I'm cutting it close here, then. Still trying to breed the simplest thing, a Froakie, and I can't seem to get one to be missing Attack and have Speed. One thing's bugging me, though: Destiny Knot passes down 5/12 IVs, right? I'm breeding two 5IV Pokemon, one missing Sp. A, the other missing Speed. That's TEN perfect IVs, meaning I could only possibly have two <31s in the offspring by my logic. What am I doing wrong, that I get so many offspring with only 3 IVs?
Chuuuuung [In-game: Jessica] (Snover, Beartic, Lapras) 1693-1058-7133 !!THQ5CtVYfKl
Chuuuuung [In-game: Jessica] (Snover, Beartic, Lapras) 1693-1058-7133 !!THQ5CtVYfKl Fri 15 Nov 2013 10:14:20 No. 15948505 Report >>15947900 Yep, 300.
Nope, you can get definitely get 3IVs this way: baby inherits SpA from the missing SpA parent, Speed from the missing Speed parent, and the last is randomly generated.
You're not using a Power Item in tandem with the Destiny Knot, are you? That fucks thigns up.
Chuuuuung [In-game: Jessica] (Snover, Beartic, Lapras) 1693-1058-7133 !!THQ5CtVYfKl
Chuuuuung [In-game: Jessica] (Snover, Beartic, Lapras) 1693-1058-7133 !!THQ5CtVYfKl Fri 15 Nov 2013 10:19:00 No. 15948546 Report Quoted By: