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No.15891397 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
>gen 6 competitive battling
>weather abusers confused and lost now that their imba strat that takes no brain to execute doesn't work anymore - or requires a lot of teambuilding effort if they still want to do it
>no more bullshit hazard wars or trying to fit a shitty ass spinner on your team due to hazards being a lot less important this gen
>skilless stall teams are in the same situation as weather babbies since crits are more common now
>metagame now revolves around setting up (stat boosts, sub, mega), teambuilding, and predictions and the smogon set copiers from last gen can't handle it
>they try to use stuff like Klefki, only to find out it's a shit OU mon against players who actually know the game (that thing is dropping straight to UU)
>less reliance on boosted outrage sweeping due to Fairy type

It's a good time to be a competitive battler. Share what you like about the changes this gen.