Ok so i have 7 larvestas modest nature flame body with 5 IVs. 31/x/31/31/31/31 Im looking for other pokemon with 5 IVs in return if anyone is up for a trade. In game name: Daniel Friend code: 3969-4160-7068
>>15892853 how bout a imperfect 5 IV larv?
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>>15892888 I have those sorry
Dovah 1177-7833-2700
I have a 4IV Dratini with the hidden ability if you want
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>>15893056 Anything else? i have that too
Dovah 1177-7833-2700
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>>15892853 Sorry, I only have a gastly to trade with 5IV right now.
limede 2036-6782-3586
>>15892853 A 5IV mawile? x in spatt obviously, i also have some 4IV ones with fire fang though. I can trade both for one larvesta
Interested in a 5IV Bulletproof Chespin? All I have right now.
Julius 0189-9387-4865
i got modest sap sipper goomies. would you be interested ?
5 iv shellder with rock egg move
>>15893112 Does it have intimidate?
>>15893120 I have it but if you have a female one yes
>>15893148 5IV shellder is 31/31/31/x/31/31 right?
Julius 0189-9387-4865
>>15893121 btw the modest sap sipper goomies have 5IV (they are missing the Atk IV)
limede 2036-6782-3586
>>15893174 Yes, the mawile has intimidate and it's a female. I can also give a fire fang male, also with intimidate if you want to breed it later, since my 5IV one doesn't have it. They are adamant too.
I have 5 iv icicle crash adamant Swinub. FC is 3024 5581 4729. ign is Otouto
>>15893174 shelder has no iv in sp attack not sure what that is in the 31/ thingyy
jolly nature
>>15893193 Ok yeah ill trade you for a female if you have any if not ill take the male :) adding you
>>15893197 Ok adding you
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>>15893222 Ok adding
>>15893225 Yeah thats good ill add you in a sec
Elerigo IGN: Lisa 4313-0188-1489 (Hawlucha, Swanna, Fafetch'd)
Elerigo IGN: Lisa 4313-0188-1489 (Hawlucha, Swanna, Fafetch'd) Wed 13 Nov 2013 13:40:18 No. 15893281 Report I have perfect Sunbbull and Honedge if interested?
>>15893281 Yeah Ill take the honedge please preferably female. Bear with me got a few trades to do :p
limede 2036-6782-3586
>>15893230 that was odd, i've received the eevee. But it isn't in the box mate. I'll trade you again for that fire fang mawile
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>>15893328 That's a little strange aye
limede 2036-6782-3586
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>>15893230 Any reason for the trade to get interrupted again? that's odd as fuck holy shet
Grey 1177-7744-3136
>>15892853 5 IV Tyrunts (lacking SpA) with egg moves Poison/Fire/Ice Fangs and Dragon Dance?
I also have 5 IV Espurrs (no Atk) too.
>>15893328 It's fine though i dont need the male :p
Einzel: 1736-0343-0412 (Jigglypuff, Togepi, and Floette), IGN: Michael
Einzel: 1736-0343-0412 (Jigglypuff, Togepi, and Floette), IGN: Michael Wed 13 Nov 2013 13:50:21 No. 15893390 Report Quoted By:
>>15892853 I'd like to trade my 5 IV Eevee boy for one of your Larvestas.
It's got max IVs for HP/ATK/DEF/SPA/SPD
limede 2036-6782-3586
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>>15893384 Alright, no problem. Still pretty wierd though. Thanks mate.
>>15893381 Yeah that sounds good ill have a tyrunt :) ill add you as soon as i can
Grey 1177-7744-3136
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>>15893413 M/F? I would like a male Larvesta in return.
Julius 0189-9387-4865
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For for the Larvesta, enjoy the Goomy!
Elerigo IGN: Lisa 4313-0188-1489 (Hawlucha, Swanna, Fafetch'd)
Elerigo IGN: Lisa 4313-0188-1489 (Hawlucha, Swanna, Fafetch'd) Wed 13 Nov 2013 13:55:19 No. 15893445 Report Quoted By:
>>15893311 Sure, I will add, just trade me when you are ready.
>>15893381 Thanks heaps female! bonous :)
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>>15892853 I have some 4 perfect IV bagons with HA if you're interested
Grey 1177-7744-3136
>>15893486 I guess you don't have any male Larvestas at all?
>>15893501 Yeah i do sorry trade again :)
Grey 1177-7744-3136
>>15893523 Actually, nah, I'm okay with a female. Thanks again for the trade!
>>15893529 no problem thank you too
Elerigo IGN: Lisa 4313-0188-1489 (Hawlucha, Swanna, Fafetch'd)
Elerigo IGN: Lisa 4313-0188-1489 (Hawlucha, Swanna, Fafetch'd) Wed 13 Nov 2013 14:08:23 No. 15893567 Report >>15893552 When you get to mine, can you name it "Banda"?
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>>15893567 Ok haha ill be getting to you in 2 min
I have 2 remaining larvestas to trade :)
Matt 2509 2057 5471 (Nosepass, Pupitar, ??)
Matt 2509 2057 5471 (Nosepass, Pupitar, ??) Wed 13 Nov 2013 14:25:42 No. 15893740 Report >>15892853 Froakies:
31/31/31/x/31/31 Timid Protean/Torrent
31/31/31/31/x/31 Hasty Torrent
31/31/x/31/31/31 " " " "
x/31/31/31/31/31 Naive Sheer Force
31/31/31/31/31/x " " " "
Also interested in other stuff..
Zach 5043-2451-2691
>>15892853 You still on, OP? I'll trade you a female 31/xx/31/31/31/31 Timid Drought Vulpix for one of those pentaperfect Larvesta (preferably male)
fabian 0662 3455 6409
>>15893669 have e jolly 5 ivs missing sp att
wanna trade
fabian 0662 3455 6409
>>15893770 shit its a jolly gible 5 ivs missing special attack
1650-2349-7427 Barbaracle, Corsola, Nosepass
1650-2349-7427 Barbaracle, Corsola, Nosepass Wed 13 Nov 2013 14:34:18 No. 15893817 Report >>15893669 I have a
Maroak Adamant Rock Head 5 IVs
Sandile Adamant Moxie 5 IVs
Hippopotas Careful Sand Stream 5 IVs
>>15893753 Ok deal for vulpix adding :)
>>15893779 Deal for the gible adding :)
1650-2349-7427 Barbaracle, Corsola, Nosepass
1650-2349-7427 Barbaracle, Corsola, Nosepass Wed 13 Nov 2013 14:37:27 No. 15893863 Report Quoted By:
>>15893770 do you have another gible to trade for?
>>15893817 Im out of Larvestas after these two trades if you stick around for 20 mins though i can have another perfect one for hipopotas
Zach 5043-2451-2691
>>15893833 Added. Could you nickname it Horus for me?
1650-2349-7427 Barbaracle, Corsola, Nosepass
1650-2349-7427 Barbaracle, Corsola, Nosepass Wed 13 Nov 2013 14:39:55 No. 15893909 Report >>15893881 Ok, That works for me.. I will wait a little bit.
msweals the
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>>15893883 Ok just give me a min
>>15893909 Ok just hatched 2 5 IV ones ill add you now :)
How do you guys start the IV breeding grind? Do you breed randomly until you get a perfect IV male, destiny knot it and repeat? Do you breed until you get a good natured female and keep her? I'm only asking because I lost all of my dittos in the transition to 3DS until Pokebank and I really don't want to random-breed Ralts until I find a Synchro/ModestAdamant one. On the bright side, I do have a Jolly/Timid eevee that I can evolve to Umbreon and a Calm synchro Ralts.
1650-2349-7427 Barbaracle, Corsola, Nosepass
1650-2349-7427 Barbaracle, Corsola, Nosepass Wed 13 Nov 2013 15:10:09 No. 15894243 Report Quoted By:
>>15894172 Added you back. Lets trade =D
>>15894226 Catch a bunch of dittos in the friend safari they are certain to hae 2 31 IVs and if you're lucky you might get one with 3 or 4IV try to get a male and female with 4 IVs of different kinds then destiny and everstone. Once you get a 5 IV put it back in and get multiple 5 IV pokemon and trade people so you have a male from every egg group with 5 IV and you can pretty much breed any fawless pokemon you want once at this stage.
1650-2349-7427 Barbaracle, Corsola, Nosepass
1650-2349-7427 Barbaracle, Corsola, Nosepass Wed 13 Nov 2013 15:13:05 No. 15894275 Report >>15894172 Are you online?
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>>15894275 Yeah IGN: daniel
>>15894262 I don't have anyone with a ditto in friend safari, unfortunately. I do have some synchros that I can wander over to the pokemon village with though.
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>>15894275 5 IV houndour for 5 IV sandile?
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>>15894320 Add a bunch of people you will have one in no time
Ross 5370-0394-4499
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Anybody want a 5 IV gastly?
Eric 3995 6597 4599
>>15893740 I can trade you a Pinsir with 5ivs, egg moves and hyper cutter for either bagon.
I also have a 5 iv kangashkan with early bird, a 5iv mawile and a 5iv axew
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I got 1 5-iv torchic, 3 4-iv all male with speed boost. Anyone intrested?
Matt 2509 2057 5471 (Nosepass, Pupitar, ??)
Matt 2509 2057 5471 (Nosepass, Pupitar, ??) Wed 13 Nov 2013 16:36:13 No. 15895434 Report >>15894512 Pinsir sounds great - would you prefer the first Bagon?
Eric 3995 6597 4599
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>>15895434 Sorry left the thread for a while. Im going to add you, add me back and we can trade sometime later
Eric 3995 6597 4599
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>>15892853 i can giveyou 5iv tyrunt noibat or scyther for one of those larvestas
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>>15892853 5 IV smeargle for breeding?
0490 - 5952 - 3924
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>>15892853 OP, if you're still breeding some perfect 5IV larvs, I'll trade you a perfect 5IV adamant growlithe.