Domain changed to . Feb 14-25 still awaits import.
[66 / 1 / ?]

Breeding Leftover Trade

No.15896254 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
5 IV Scyther
5IV Ralts
4IV Joltik
4IV Beldrum
4IV Lotad
4-5IV Froakie
4IV Mawile
5IV Fletchling
4IV Goomy
4IV Skrelp
4IV Larvesta
4IV Shroomish
4IV Eevee with wish
3Iv Klefki

They're all perfect IV in the right stats

Battle items and Y exclusive mega stones, 4-5 IV Elekid, 4-5 IV Magby, 4-5IV Staryu, 4-5 female Aron, 4-5 male Margikarp