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[178 / 7 / ?]

No.15896343 View ViewReplyOriginalReport
Alright /vp/, I got a Ditto safari and 23 spots left.
I am missing the following pokemon, if you have any of these and need my safari, please add and reply to this post.
Normal: Dunsparce, Chansey, Eevee
Bug: Volbeat, Vivillon
Dark: Pawniard, Cacturne, Liepard, Inkay
Dragon: Shelgon
Electric: Zebstrika
Fairy: Togepi, Jigglypuff, Swirlix, Clefairy
Fighting: Meditite
Fire: Ninetales
Flying: Rufflet
Ghost: Golurk, Dusclops
Grass: Sawsbuck
Ground: Camerupt, Diggersby
Poison: Cascoo, Garbodor, Toxicroak, Whirlipede
Psychic: Drowzee, Munna, Espurr, Girafarig, Duosion
Rock: Boldore, Nosepass, Pupitar, Shuckle
Steel: Skarmory
Water: Azumarill
Please note that there's already another safari thread going, here >>15892000