stlngds, 0301-9809-0063 (Larvesta, Growlithe, Braixen) !nsEni1JJco
stlngds, 0301-9809-0063 (Larvesta, Growlithe, Braixen) !nsEni1JJco Wed 13 Nov 2013 21:58:02 No. 15902204 Report >>15901996 FAQ:
>What are shiny pokemon?
Glad you asked! They're extremely rare variations of pokemon with different color pallets. There's about a 1/8000 chance of encountering them in the wild randomly without any RNG manipulation or methods that increase your chance of encountering one, so it isn't uncommon for some players to have never seen one before despite having played one or more games.
>1/8000 is too high! How do I get one easily?
The most common methods are the Masuda Method, Shiny Fishing, and PokeRadar Chaining, however there seems to be a higher chance of finding shinies in the Friend Safari as well. The three aforementioned methods are covered in the guides section in OP.
>What's the Masuda Method?
Named after Junichi Masuda, one of Diamond/Pearl's developers, programmed a little something special into the games that increases the shiny rate when breeding under certain conditions. Simply, a pokemon traded from a foreign country should be breeded with a pokemon from your cartridge. This increases the rate of an egg containing a shiny by 4x in DPPt (1/2048), and 5x in later games (1/1638). See the guide in OP for more details.
>Can I just soft reset on my eggs if they don't yield any shinies?
Unfortunately, no. When the daycare man from daycare land gives you an egg, a pokemon and it's stats are tied permanently to that egg upon receiving it, including shininess. If you hatch the same egg over and over again by soft resetting, it will yield the same pokemon it did that last time. You can, if you still want to save box space, save before you get any eggs and soft reset if your newly collected haul doesn't yield anything. You'll only have to recollect the eggs again after soft resetting.
stlngds, 0301-9809-0063 (Larvesta, Growlithe, Braixen) !nsEni1JJco
stlngds, 0301-9809-0063 (Larvesta, Growlithe, Braixen) !nsEni1JJco Wed 13 Nov 2013 21:59:05 No. 15902240 Report >>15902204 >Should I collect eggs, box them, then go to lumiose city or just ride on route 7 and collect eggs as they appear?
There's no significant advantage over boxing eggs and using the coin trick on lumiose as it will still require you to go back to a pokemon center, press A when an egg hatches, and go back to the center when you hatch everything. The time you spend waiting for eggs to be laid, just to end up boxing them and hatching them later, is also valuable time you could be using to hatch simulataneously. TL;DR: Get eggs as they're laid, box pokemon as they're hatched, stay on route 7. Riding around waiting for eggs to lay is time you could also be using to hatch.
>Is the shiny rate higher in the Friend Safari?
The majority of /vp/ thinks that this is true, but there hasn't been a datamine of the X/Y ROMs so nobody can say what the probability is for sure. It appears to be on par with the Masuda Method's probability of 1/1638. In addition, pokemon found in the safari will always have two maxed out IVs and have a chance at having a hidden ability, unlike chaining (see below). It should be noted that you aren't allowed to use the Pokeradar in the friend safari, so chaining isn't an option there.
>How do I fish for shiny mons?
See the GFShinyGuide link in OP. While far easier to find and catch than with the other methods, the pool of available pokemon attainable from fishing is small, and because they much easier to catch, they aren't valued as high as other non-fishable shiny pokemon. Don't fret, you can usually throw a fishing shiny up on the GTS and get most any non-shiny pokemon for it including legendaries if some poor shmuck who doesn't know their worth falls for it. No hard shiny to normal fish ratios yet, but a rough estimate brings it around 1/200 at maximum probability. It should be noted that the mechanics of shiny fishing aren't entirely understood
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Still no shiny Froakie
stlngds, 0301-9809-0063 (Larvesta, Growlithe, Braixen) !nsEni1JJco
stlngds, 0301-9809-0063 (Larvesta, Growlithe, Braixen) !nsEni1JJco Wed 13 Nov 2013 22:02:03 No. 15902327 Report Quoted By:
>>15902240 >What is chaining?
When using the Pokeradar under extremely certain circumstances, one can increase their probability of encountering a shiny in grass patches. This is the more tricky method of the three, as it requires that you follow certain rules in order not to break your "chain" or "streak". The higher your chain, the more likely it is that you'll encounter a shiny. While a faster method than randomly searching in the friend safari, pokemon in the wild are not guaranteed any sort of IVs and will not have their hidden abilities. It should be noted that you cannot use the Pokeradar in the friend safari, but this is made up for by the (supposedly) higher shiny rates in the safari. See the guide in OP for more details.
>Which method should I use, then?
It mostly depends on your preference and what you want out of a shiny. MMing is the obvious choice if you're planning on building a competitive team with you shiny, since it allows you to have influence over nature, ability, and IVs. Safari hunting is the next best choice if you don't want to spend weeks MMing but still want a specific pokemon with some guaranteed stats and the chance at a hidden ability. Fish chaining is a good choice if you just want a shiny to boast about or use as trade fodder as they're the easiest to catch. Pokeradar chaining comes in at the bottom with it being hard to do and not guaranteeing much else besides a higher probability and getting a specific pokemon. It would seem this is only useful if you can't find the pokemon you want in a safari, don't want to spend loads of time MMing, don't particularly care about IVs/Nature/Ability, and are good at keeping a chain alive.
stlngds, 0301-9809-0063 (Larvesta, Growlithe, Braixen) !nsEni1JJco
stlngds, 0301-9809-0063 (Larvesta, Growlithe, Braixen) !nsEni1JJco Wed 13 Nov 2013 22:03:38 No. 15902370 Report Yesterday's SOTD: #458, Mantyke. The shiny of the day for Wednesday, 11/13/2013 is... #371, Bagon!
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So im chaining for an Eevee, how fucked I am? captcha ingenuity nuasked
stlngds, 0301-9809-0063 (Larvesta, Growlithe, Braixen) !nsEni1JJco
stlngds, 0301-9809-0063 (Larvesta, Growlithe, Braixen) !nsEni1JJco Wed 13 Nov 2013 22:06:00 No. 15902426 Report Quoted By:
>>15900545 My catch an hour ago. Wish it wasn't male, but I can't really complain.
>27 boxes >It's a fucking dude Should I even bother with Fenekkin?
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>>15902436 Delphox is pretty ugly. If you're going for a Braxien trophy you're going to be disappointed when it hatches a male.
James 0559 7636 9898 (Shuppet/Pumpkaboo/Dusclops)
James 0559 7636 9898 (Shuppet/Pumpkaboo/Dusclops) Wed 13 Nov 2013 22:08:41 No. 15902508 Report Quoted By:
>>15902436 try it again bro, i did 42, and got the same, was about to give up and i thought "one more box wont hurt" and BAM female one
I'm on box 6 or so of Marills? It took me 15 1/2 boxes for my Espurr so I'm ready for the long run.
>>15902565 >15 boxes >the long run Anonymous
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>>15902611 I know I got lucky with Espurr. At least Marill hatch quick.
Zyrook 3711-6980-4390 (Electric Stunkfish, Zebstrika, Emolga)
Zyrook 3711-6980-4390 (Electric Stunkfish, Zebstrika, Emolga) Wed 13 Nov 2013 22:14:05 No. 15902681 Report Vulpix - 6 boxes Fennekin - 8 eggs Mawile - 8 boxes Honedge - 26 boxes Remoraid - Short chain Absol and Mightyeana - About 40 min in Friend Safari each Other two traded for. Also got an Espurr last night, but traded it to a friend as a birthday present
>>15902681 Burn in hell :)
>Articuno So I assume unlike the box legends he -can- be legendary, and a pal told me he saw shiny Zygarde roaming around the board the other day even. Still, -can- Articuno be shiny? Im itching to catch it and nabbing it shiny would be even greater (can always transfer a perfect one with snow cloak for battling later on) If it can indeed be triggered shiny - Would you have to encounter it shiny FIRST time in the wild and then follow it to the cave where it would RETAIN it's shinyness? *** It seems you can SR at the cave and it has different natures/IVs - So maybe this applies to shiny chance also, and you'd have to purely just run through 12 battles and then start SRing at the cave?*** Or shit, it could even be a mixture where shinyness is determined firstly and stats/IVs resetable
>>15902681 Way to gloat, dude.
>>15902739 My friend found a Shiny Zapdos for the first encounter and it was always shiny in the next ones including in the cave.
Zyrook 3711-6980-4390 (Electric Stunkfish, Zebstrika, Emolga)
Zyrook 3711-6980-4390 (Electric Stunkfish, Zebstrika, Emolga) Wed 13 Nov 2013 22:19:52 No. 15902858 Report Quoted By:
>>15902719 >>15902770 Mmmm, yes, more.
But seriously guys, shinies are a lot easier in this gen. All it takes is a little luck and a lot of time and autism. You can do it!
>>15902681 Oh shoot, that chesnaught and blastoise were traded to you for a shiny froakie right? That was me who did the trade
I evolved the greninja and its pretty sweet, but I kinda miss the blastoise since that was the first shiny I caught
Would you trade it for a shiny mamoswine?
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>>15902807 That actually matches what a guy claimed to find a shiny Moltres on Gamefaqs (I got desperate)
If you're absolutely certain that was the case and aren't fucking me over - That sounds rad
Truth be told I figured if it could indeed hit shiny capability this game then that'd be the way they make it...
>Shiny on first encounter in wild, trades over to the cave battle I assume you could SR for it in the cave then for perfect natures? That seems a little too convenient and amazing - especially considering you can basically SR at any patch of grass and find the bird right away
Cedar [3ds] 4527-8042-8550 !CEdAr//DWA
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>>15902240 >Get eggs as they're laid, box pokemon as they're hatched, stay on route 7. Riding around waiting for eggs to lay is time you could also be using to hatch. You could make a note in here that dumping the eggs in a box and then hatching around lumiose tower is wonderful for eggs with long hatch cycles, like Eevee. Otherwise I completely agree with this.
Alexzander - 4184 - 2528 - 5680 Ground, Palpitoad, Camerupt, trapinch Anonymous Wed 13 Nov 2013 22:22:11 No. 15902929 Report Quoted By:
you know... it is finally time i go with my name. i say hi to shiny hunters and huntress. i was the goi with the male pidgey last night. i am now with my new addition, of this girl in an friend safari, up on 30 shinies. horray <3 Capcha: oc win, she. well... oh wow.
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>the Day-care man is looking away from the house when there is an egg available Oh wow, took me a while.
Zyrook 3711-6980-4390 (Electric Stunkfish, Zebstrika, Emolga)
Zyrook 3711-6980-4390 (Electric Stunkfish, Zebstrika, Emolga) Wed 13 Nov 2013 22:30:07 No. 15903153 Report >>15902880 Oh man seriously? Normally I'd do it, 'cause you were awesome for that trade, but the Blastiose line is the favorite of one of my friends and I've already promised it to him.
But I've got still got you in my friend code and I'm doing shiny hunting in friend safariis. If I hit a wartortal I'll give you back your Blastiose.
What's your name in Pokemon so I know who to tap if I get shine?
>>15903153 Quad, I see you online always, my character has the black/white hat and normal black hair
Zyrook 3711-6980-4390 (Electric Stunkfish, Zebstrika, Emolga)
Zyrook 3711-6980-4390 (Electric Stunkfish, Zebstrika, Emolga) Wed 13 Nov 2013 22:36:18 No. 15903375 Report >>15903235 Yeah, I see you a lot too. I'm currently trawling through a ghost park to get a shiny Golurk. Water's next. If I get a wartortle for my friend I'll give your 'toise back for nothing. Didn't realize it was your first.
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>>15903375 you dont have to do that. I Have another shiny mamowsine on black version, this one is just an extra
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Starting my 2nd box of Ralts Hopefully it'll be over soon.
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So do hordes have a high chance of generating a shiny or what? I was looking for a shiny wingull for about 3 hours and I'm using sweet scent/honey to get only hordes. Am I doing it right?
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Hey anyone interested in shiny medicham, shiny scrafty(reluctant to trade) or dusclops shiny from safari (max special attack and def). Lmk shiny offers thanks
Griffin 4570 8006 2760
>decide to breed a bunch of synchronize Ralts >first five all have trace >wonder if I'm doing something wrong >decide that if the next Ralts has trace I'm gonna try different parents >sixth egg hatches >it's shiny >mfw anyone wanna trade for a shiny hasty male Ralts? lol
>>15906606 Shiny medicham(megastone in both games) shiny scrafty or shiny dusclops(max special def and special attack), or 5 iv poke like honedge, froakie, charmander modest with dd andoutrage, any of these interest you for it? Can do multiples depending on which
Griffin 4570 8006 2760
>>15906696 sorry, already have a Scrafty, not really interested in the others
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>>15906752 Well if anyone else is interested accepting offers
any1 want a shiny octillary?
Noah 1736-0648-9336 (Pyroar, Growlithe, Braixen)
Noah 1736-0648-9336 (Pyroar, Growlithe, Braixen) Thu 14 Nov 2013 00:40:43 No. 15907065 Report >>15906999 i could give you a relicanth for it
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>>15907065 no thank you but might i add you on friend safari
my friend code is 4339-2634-6271
Matt 2879-0312-9889
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>>15906696 hey i want your shiny dusclops
i have to offer
shiny golbat
shiny whismur with scrappy
shiny magmar
Griffin 4570 8006 2760
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>>15902370 Oh please be true i've been breeding them for 15 boxes now and the longer egg hatch times piss me off.
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box 19 of larvitars. do I need to fill the dex to get a regular shiny rate or what?
>Summoning hordes like crazy on the route with Seviper/Zangoose hordes to try to catch the lone Zangoose >Suddenly shiny Wingull >Keep spawning these hordes >Suddenly second shiny Wingull In one day. Their IVs are shit, but hell, two shinies in one day!
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Kinda want to MM up some gooey goomies and see what happens. Got a foreign safari ditto (high hp iv, max spD/spd ivs) and a gooey goomy, though I have no idea what the ivs on the goomy are. Tempted to try and get a gooey one with better/known IVs, but ehhh... (not in postgame yet)
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Hoppips on hoppips. If I end up getting a shiny psyduck instead, I'll be slightly annoyed
>>15907550 woudl you be willing to trade one for two fishing shiny pokemon?
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5 min later and I found the sucker. Now what do I do with my life?
>>15907982 It would depend on which Pokemon they are. I don't personally care that they're from fishing, just which ones they are.
and by that I mean absolutely but I want to know anyway >>15908038 As if I would go anywhere near the thread that was busy treating pokemon like TF2 items
>>15908076 >I don't want to take my tf2 hat nonsense to the tf2 hat nonsense thread! Anonymous
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Just caught a neutral nature shiny Vanillite while Horde EV Training. Not a bad shiny to look at :)
How many hours or days on average would it take to get a shiny?
>>15908096 I wasn't here to trade them, I was here to flip my shit because I caught two shinies in one day.
If you're going to get this upset over it, I'll move it to the trade thread.
Other anon, meet me there
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>>15908076 You can have your pick of Gyrados, Clawitzer and Dragalge.
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>>15908179 It's all luck, but for me it takes me about a week per shiny
Lycanbelle 4356-0563-7835
>check out the IVs on my Goomy (now a Sliggoo) >it has 31 IVs in everything but HP I'm very happy, but I'd have liked a better spread. I'm unsure as to what EVs to give her though. Should I put any EVs into HP? Or just boost up the SpA/SpD as high as they can go?
>>15908304 Boost all the HP
Invest entirely in HP/Defense
Eviolite it
Seth 1134-7882-2071 (Steel: Mawile, Forretreas, Klefki)
Seth 1134-7882-2071 (Steel: Mawile, Forretreas, Klefki) Thu 14 Nov 2013 01:29:12 No. 15908487 Report Quoted By:
Caught her last night. I also caught a Growlithe (now Arcanine), Meditite (Medicham now), Electrode, And Nuzleaf (now Shiftry)
3969-4613-2514 (Noibat, Gabite, Druddigon)
3969-4613-2514 (Noibat, Gabite, Druddigon) Thu 14 Nov 2013 01:31:56 No. 15908588 Report Quoted By:
Got this sunburned motherfucker today, not even MMing. She's Timid, Dry Skin, but with x/31/x/31/31/31. Still on the quest for a 6IV Dry Skin, but I'm considering using the shiny since I only need SpA and Spd IVs, but the HP would be nice...
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>>15908181 Look mate, I get that you weren't posting for a trade, but we've had two threads get absolutely shit on by trade requests. One and two here and there is fine, but one or two across 5 people makes up half a thread at some point.
Either way, thanks for moving it.
Finally after three or four days of MMing on and off I've done it. Look at this beautiful motherfucker. First legitimate non-LoR-gyarados shiny I've ever gotten
Meru 2079 6431 8012
>>15908304 I don't suppose you've any gooey leftovers hanging around with nice specs? I'm breeding a modest gooey one I had in one of my boxes, but I haven't a clue as to its IVs.
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>>15908717 >That color scheme He's fucking beautiful dude
Lycanbelle 4356-0563-7835
>>15908339 You think? According to the calc, she has
0-1 IVs in HP. SpD is definitely getting pumped to 252 though.
>>15908717 Man, I really like Hawlucha's shiny form. You should make a duo with Seviper. I love the colours on both, kinda similar.
>>15908726 Sure, I've got one 3IV Goomy w/Sap Sipper, and two 4IVs with Gooey and Hydration. Both 4IVs are female, 3 IV is male. All my other leftovers I WT'd away.
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Does anyone want to trade for a shiny Lickilicky?
Meru 2079 6431 8012
>>15908861 I'm trying for a Gooey one myself, mostly since the ability seems neat, and is, afaik, exclusive to the goomy line. Gender doesn't matter so much to me since I'm using a japanese ditto for the MMing side of things. (hp/spD/spd)
Lycanbelle 4356-0563-7835
>>15908998 It's my last 4IV Gooey Goomy (and hot damn, I ain't breeding any other Goomies). Have you got something bretty gud to trade in return?
Izix 3797-7218-3175
24 boxes later.>mfw it had hyper cutter to start with
Meru 2079 6431 8012
>>15909055 Anything you're looking for? I can check my boxes, though since I'm not in postgame yet I'm a bit lacking on IV info. (I can still try throwing things in calculators and whatnot.)
Where is a good place to chain a Furfrou?
Meru 2079 6431 8012
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>>15909129 Grats. I was tempted to breed for a shiny one but ended up settling for a normal after a few days.
>>15909162 Whatever that town is near the day care center. Easiest chain you can get.
so I was reading a Japanese site and they said that after #10 chaining, Pokemon you encounter will have 1 IV at 31 and. At #40 they will have 3 max IVs. Can anyone confirmed this?
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>>15909225 Alright, thank you!
Wish me luck.
Lycanbelle 4356-0563-7835
>>15909129 Goddammit. I'm a bit worn out from MMing, but I am so tempted to do more boxes for Mawile. I've done about three or four boxes, but meh. Shiny Mega Mawile is so nice though...
>>15909142 Heh, same. I'm at the fifth gym. I think I'm just gonna carry on with my Sliggoo and Noibat. Can't horde train my 5IV Mawile yet, at least until route 14. I'd like a well trained Clauncher or any X-exclusive. I'd like a Sassy Spiritzee in a Heal Ball, actually. That'd be awesome.
>>15909251 That would make the shiny have 3IVs maxed, no? The furfrou I chained has 2 maxed, and the skiddo I chained has 3, just checked both. Wierd.
Izix 3797-7218-3175
>>15909273 It's worth it in the end. Mega mawile is sxc.
>tfw my shiny mawile rolled 7 in speed Anonymous
hey FS hunters, what's the most amount of unwanted shinies you've gotten from a single safari before finding the one you're hunting for? i've got three audinos and an aipom so far with no trace of shiny eevee, and i feel like i'm gonna go insane.
>doing some MM breeding while listening to the OST I am feeling lucky tonight, how are everyone else's efforts going this fine evening?
Meru 2079 6431 8012
>>15909273 I was breeding noibats for ages, finally stuck with an i-assume-good-IVs one off a ditto/5IV noibat parent. The lack of shiny didn't bug me because I prefer Noi's nonshiny colors.
I'm in Y too, unfortunately, so I'm basically shot on X exclusives.
Went through my boxes and found a near-perfect ralts that I need to remember to breed later. That black dress.
Hordes of random DW-ability starters... still can't believe I ended up with 2/3 shiny and DW.
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who in da blakk dawg crew?
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>>15909342 I site I read said 20 for 1 IVs and 60 for 3 Ivs
Lycanbelle 4356-0563-7835
>>15909508 Oh, I downloaded that from here a few days ago. I might do the same.
>>15909428 It's not too bad, Mawile hatches so damn quickly. I REALLY need to finish the damn story though. I want to get back to my Modest Yveltal.
>>15909519 Noibat's shiny is garish, I also much prefer the normal colours. I haven't found a shiny in a horde yet. I found a shiny Trevenant on my old save. Shitty nature, but a nice shiny.
Anyway, I'm gonna be in this thread for a few hours yet, just fishie chaining and levelling my Noibat at the same time. Let me know when you want to trade whatever.
Meru 2079 6431 8012
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>>15909738 Noibat is so awful until it evolves. It's weak and squishy.
It's still a bit squishy when it levels... but that delicious Boomburst.
Just managed to frantically get the last 7 encounters with Articuno, catch it, and trade it for my lovely little shiny Chingling [spoilers]It almost makes this 33rd box of Machops not feel so bad[/spoiler:lit]
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>>15910055 Excuse the fucked up spoiler tags.
Its also 31/31/26/29/30/22
But its just a neutral nature Tabris 2852-7545-5792 (Fairy: Clefairy, Jigglypuff, Kirlia)
Tabris 2852-7545-5792 (Fairy: Clefairy, Jigglypuff, Kirlia) Thu 14 Nov 2013 02:28:11 No. 15910427 Report >on box 14 for shiny Honedge MM'ing all night and I dont work untill tomm afternoon. I have some vanilla coke, some pokemon movies in the background and a bunch of determination to push left and right all night!
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>>15910427 That's the spirit!
Meru 2079 6431 8012
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>>15910427 I would like to purchase a daycare on a road that circles the planet, please.
13 1/2 boxes for this cutie. Outstanding IV's. I think It's finally time to take a break from MM'ing. Or should I go for lucky number 10 as my finale.
>that feel when no decent parents for MMing How are you people getting 5IV foreign parents?
>>15910635 Foreign trading market
>>15910625 I am so jealous. Seriously. 30 boxes now.
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>>15910625 >mfw I found one at random, but it's shit and has Adamant nature Anonymous
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>>15910654 you mean GTS? Fuck, might as well hang myself
>>15910635 Here is what I did for the MM project I am working on now.
>breed a male and female with desired nature/IV/egg moves etc >get one extra as well, either gender >find someone with a foreign game on /vp/ willing to help >give the the male and female to them and let them breed one with all the desirables on their game so it is foreign >breed this new foreign one with the extra you made earlier This way you have 2 5 IV's, get MM benefits as well as faster breeding due to them being the same species from different games.
>>15910666 Thanks you. Keep at it!
>>15910683 I nickname my team after Nintendo related things.
This was the first thing to come to mind.
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>>15910635 I just got lucky. I got a japanese 31/x/31/31/31/31 male Eevee from GTS for a measly Weavile
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>>15910761 >Paper Mario names Excellent taste! and congrats on the shiny.
>>15910741 ...I have an Idea
I seriously hope we can get our shit together to organize something good so we can help one another out.
I have a North American 3DS if anyone has one from a diff country ill help breed shit for you if you need me to, i only ask you do the same.
Jean 2552-1800-4604 (Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet)
Jean 2552-1800-4604 (Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet) Thu 14 Nov 2013 02:45:49 No. 15910936 Report Quoted By:
>>15909162 Good luck, got mine yesterday, great nature thanks to a synchro Umbreon and nice IVs too.
Also chained (also Impish) a shiny Klefki. No idea how I managed two in one day.
Besides fishing shinies I have also have a Hardy Flash Fire Ninetales from SF I might trade and a neutral nature Pawniard that popped out when I went to go catch a Murkrow for something on GTS.
>>15910886 >end result: shitloads of ENG, foreigners swamped with requests, just like Ditto safaris Anonymous
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>>15910981 yea I figured something like this would happen, but if I can get my shinys, then damn the consequences.
Seth 1134-7882-2071 (Steel: Mawile, Forretress, Klefki)
Seth 1134-7882-2071 (Steel: Mawile, Forretress, Klefki) Thu 14 Nov 2013 02:48:50 No. 15911048 Report >>15909162 I might as well do this, too. My efforts to MM a shiny have been futile.
>>15901996 that shiny dry spell, been two days since i have found a shiny since my female espurr..
>>15902681 We posting collections now?
My image is missing two Magnetons and three Bibarels though.
>>15911116 >Oh No! woe is me. I haven't found a shiny in a WHOLE 2 DAYS Anonymous
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>>15911151 missing shiny timid gengar
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>tfw can't get fire, ice, thunder punch or stealth rocks on my shiny Golurk
Jean 2552-1800-4604 (Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet)
Jean 2552-1800-4604 (Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet) Thu 14 Nov 2013 02:55:10 No. 15911265 Report Quoted By:
>>15911048 Same. :< Chaining has made me feel better about not having my shiny sword.
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>>15911153 wish u luck, im not giving up.hopefully i get one today
Trying to MM a Honedge, I feel like I'd be willing to pay cash for it at this point.
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>>15911447 im with you, im at box 16 now.
Exodus [3282-2616-1499] Doduo, Swanna, Hawlucha
Exodus [3282-2616-1499] Doduo, Swanna, Hawlucha Thu 14 Nov 2013 03:05:59 No. 15911563 Report Quoted By:
Still hatching for shiny noibat, hatched 95 eggs so far, feeling pretty good
Zack 4613-7486-9212 (ground shit) New Zealand
Zack 4613-7486-9212 (ground shit) New Zealand Thu 14 Nov 2013 03:06:33 No. 15911580 Report heh I just found a random shiny wooper in the first 10mins of just checking FS I hadn't entered. Idk it's kinda cute but I don't want to use it. Ummmm my boyfriend bred me a perfect shiny female ralts the other week too. I also got a shiny aipom but its stupid ugly. I would like a shiny eevee for sylveon... not to really use... just to see it in the dex.
stlngds, 0301-9809-0063 (Larvesta, Growlithe, Braixen) !nsEni1JJco
stlngds, 0301-9809-0063 (Larvesta, Growlithe, Braixen) !nsEni1JJco Thu 14 Nov 2013 03:10:49 No. 15911682 Report Quoted By:
Since the last thread 404'd, I'll post this here. Max IVs in Attack and Defense. Nature brings down SpA so looks like I'll have to make him a physical attacker.
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>>15911695 >pancake well played
Jake: 2423-2548-4422 (Trapinch, Nincada, Palpitoad)
Jake: 2423-2548-4422 (Trapinch, Nincada, Palpitoad) Thu 14 Nov 2013 03:20:47 No. 15912006 Report Quoted By:
im searching for a shiny scraggy/scrafty and a gengar if anyone has either!
Jean 2552-1800-4604 (Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet)
Jean 2552-1800-4604 (Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet) Thu 14 Nov 2013 03:21:40 No. 15912039 Report Quoted By:
>>15911580 If you don't like that Aipom I'd take it for a fish shiny. I've got a Modest Remoraid.
Dr. Cyndaquil 0275-7940-0320
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>>15911580 I have a gorebyss or a corsola for either aipom or woofer
posted right as the last thread died. been looking for a shiny gastly or litwick ((with good ivs, preferably)) on the other hand, the only shiny i own, who as given to me by a friend who was restarting her game and didn't need it.
Jean 2552-1800-4604 (Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet)
Jean 2552-1800-4604 (Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet) Thu 14 Nov 2013 03:47:46 No. 15912917 Report >>15912831 Ah, one of my dream shinies... one I could name and was hopefully a better nature, haha
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>>15912917 ah well beggars can't be choosers, eh? just glad they were willing to give it to me
currently mm'ing gastlys and then probably a new lampent afterwards. mines a pos tbh
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Does the person whose friend safari you're farming have to be online for the extra shiny chance?
How much time does it generally take to fish up a shiny? I went at it for a little while last night. I'm far too lazy to breed for a shiny, but a shiny Starmie, Poliwrath or Gyarados would be neat. My longest chain has been 59, is that anywhere close to where I'd be likely to find a shiny?
Jean 2552-1800-4604 (Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet)
Jean 2552-1800-4604 (Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet) Thu 14 Nov 2013 04:01:50 No. 15913362 Report >>15913258 It can happen as early as 5, or none in two hours. Just keep trying, though getting to 40 should give you good odds.
>>15913362 Not that guy, but where are some good spots for staryu fishing that'll stop me getting 'nothing's biting' all the time?
Jean 2552-1800-4604 (Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet)
Jean 2552-1800-4604 (Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet) Thu 14 Nov 2013 04:06:52 No. 15913513 Report >>15913433 Sadly I think Route 8 has no good spot, you'll need a sunction cup lead so no chance of securing a good nature.
>>15913513 Not
>>15913433 but what if you have a K.O. Suction Cup lead with a synchronizer ?
Anyone got a picture of a shiny Bisharp in amie or something ? I want to see how it looks before deciding if I go with the red one, since both look very good.
First egg! I nearly had a heart attack. Perfect attack too.
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>>15913513 Ah, thanks for the help anyway.
Wh-where can I get a suction cup?
Seth 1134-7882-2071 (Steel: Mawile, Forretress, Klefki)
Seth 1134-7882-2071 (Steel: Mawile, Forretress, Klefki) Thu 14 Nov 2013 04:10:24 No. 15913610 Report Quoted By:
I was trying to chain for a shiny Furfrou. My chain broke, so I tried to start it again. First thing I run into? Shiny fucking Gulpin with +SpAtk -SpDef nature and Liquid Ooze. I named her "de Blob"
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>>15913579 Synchronizer has to be in first. If you're leading with a dead sunction cups user it won't work.
Jean 2552-1800-4604 (Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet)
Jean 2552-1800-4604 (Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet) Thu 14 Nov 2013 04:11:53 No. 15913658 Report Quoted By:
>>15913579 Only one KO'd lead works I believe.
Also, Once I'm done EV training my Pawniard I can evolve it and take pics might have enough rare candies to, hold on.
Jean 2552-1800-4604 (Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet)
Jean 2552-1800-4604 (Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet) Thu 14 Nov 2013 04:13:06 No. 15913687 Report >>15913579 In the meantime.
>>15913687 Thanks, the blue looks very good. I'll be waiting for you to evolve it since I want to check the yellow, it seems pretty different in 5G. Still, your pawniard is really beautiful.
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Just passed 2000 eggs on my Honedge hunt and I've come to find an inner peace on my journey. I will have my shiny sword
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got it accidentally on the first egg while trying to get a calm female HA eevee in a luxury ball 31s in defense and special defense and a 26 in HP which is 3 less total HP at 50 turning it into a helping hand and taunt support for doubles don't ask about the filename
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Just finished EV Training it. Threw it in here and hnnnng.
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does anyone have a more comprihensive guide or at least set of pics that show the differences in shaking grass when using the Pokeradar? I feel like Ive seen one here before.
Jean 2552-1800-4604 (Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet)
Jean 2552-1800-4604 (Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet) Thu 14 Nov 2013 04:29:45 No. 15914227 Report >>15913767 He was a random shiny and such a different colour the encounter freaked me out, so I love him a lot! Named him Meteo, after Kamen Rider Meteo.
Just evolved him, I'll take a few pics.
Lycanbelle 4356-0563-7835
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>>15914227 Hey, I just found a shiny Bellsprout whilst EV horde training. Neat. It has yellow leaves.
>>15914227 >Kamen Rider Meteo you mean Meteor?
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>>15914227 >Kamen Rider Meteor Anonymous
>>15914227 >someone who can't spell Meteor and thinks the Pawniard line is based off of toku heroes got a fucking shiny one You don't deserve that shiny.
Jean 2552-1800-4604 (Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet)
Jean 2552-1800-4604 (Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet) Thu 14 Nov 2013 04:34:02 No. 15914365 Report Very hard to pet this guy, cuts me all over the place.
>>15914270 I realize it's Meteor, but the Romaji spelling/pronounciation seems more unique.
Synergist 3909-7882-0929 [sawk-meditite-hariyama]
Synergist 3909-7882-0929 [sawk-meditite-hariyama] Thu 14 Nov 2013 04:36:29 No. 15914436 Report wanna know what sucks? i finally got my shiny tyrunt after breeding with a 5iv destiny knot haxorus>check IV >speed only >mfw wel i plan to use him anyways, whats a good ev spread? i got these egg moves: fire fang thunder fang ice fang poison fang
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>>15909436 my worst shinies were two panpours and two tranquils, always trade away my extras for 5 iv pokes
Synergist 3909-7882-0929 [sawk-meditite-hariyama]
Synergist 3909-7882-0929 [sawk-meditite-hariyama] Thu 14 Nov 2013 04:37:34 No. 15914473 Report Quoted By:
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>>15909436 Got two Sableye with Stall. GTS'd them for legends.
>>15914365 you better say
>meteor, ready? before you use him every time.
Jean 2552-1800-4604 (Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet)
Jean 2552-1800-4604 (Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet) Thu 14 Nov 2013 04:41:57 No. 15914622 Report >>15914329 Eh, Pawniard does a victory pose in amie. They just remind me of them. Bisharp puts its hands on its hips and laughs.
Gee, does it count I went to name him Meteor, but thought it looked stupid? Take a hike, anon. Hope you get bad shiny luck for shitting on someone's shiny.
>>15914491 I will, anon.
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>>15914622 I see nothing wrong with it, the only real crime of Kamen Rider theming is Mega Heracross didn't come in Stronger colors.
>>15914622 >>15914365 >>15914227 Thanks for the pictures. The blue and the yellow look bitchin', but I'm not sure I like the color of his gloves/blades. Anyway, enjoy your Meteo !
Jean 2552-1800-4604 (Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet)
Jean 2552-1800-4604 (Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet) Thu 14 Nov 2013 04:46:48 No. 15914788 Report Quoted By:
The blue and yellow aren't as bright as my camera makes them in some shots, by the way, for theanon who wanted to know. Looks better in person.
>>15914743 The gloves are pure white/grey, my camera sucks.
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To those that go with horde hunting How long did it take you to get a shiny?
Jean 2552-1800-4604 (Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet)
Jean 2552-1800-4604 (Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet) Thu 14 Nov 2013 04:51:35 No. 15914952 Report >>15914743 One last one with better colours.
Jean 2552-1800-4604 (Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet)
Jean 2552-1800-4604 (Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet) Thu 14 Nov 2013 04:52:53 No. 15914982 Report Quoted By:
>38 chain broke by skiddo seriously is there any sort of .gif guide or notable differences in the half second im shown shaking grass?
Jean 2552-1800-4604 (Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet)
Jean 2552-1800-4604 (Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet) Thu 14 Nov 2013 05:03:33 No. 15915306 Report >>15915240 To make it easier on yourself, only start a chain on the heaviest type, as it's the easiest to notice, and you won't get any hard to see dud patches..
>>15915306 could you elaborate a little bit more?
Im new to chaining, I'm taking a break from MM'ing and trying to mix it up.
I know the basics, dont go into edge patches, look for more violently shaking grass, dont pick patches that shake together, dont choose one 1-3 squares to you.
I just hate that I get everything thrown into disarray because of a fucking skiddo.
>>15909129 You give me hope for my Mawile.
>15 full boxes and counting... Jake: 2423-2548-4422 (Trapinch, Nincada, Palpitoad)
Jake: 2423-2548-4422 (Trapinch, Nincada, Palpitoad) Thu 14 Nov 2013 05:08:34 No. 15915482 Report Quoted By:
>>15915412 anyone need timid gastlys i have about 30 boxes filled
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>>15915393 Honestly, if you're making it to a 38 chain you're doing well. My advice is just to reset of you feel uncomfortable with you options. Sometimes the game intentionally screws you.
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>>15913433 I was concentrating my efforts on the west side of the water, there's a few corners of unsurfable deep water that act as walls.
Jean 2552-1800-4604 (Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet)
Jean 2552-1800-4604 (Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet) Thu 14 Nov 2013 05:13:17 No. 15915631 Report >>15915393 Only go in the heaviest, non-corner/edge, farthest patch. 3 is kind of safe, but 4 is most. Any horizonal/vertical of you can be dangerous even if 4 away. Shaking together, I risk sometimes if it's only two and the 4 away is harsh shaking.
At 30+, be extra careful. Take a break in the middle of a battle. Good luck, I chained my first two chain shinies yesterday.
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I got my first shiny today in a friend safari. It's a brave shuppet which is kinda lame, but it's still my first shiny so I shall cherish it forever. Maybe some day I will get the Chespin I am MMing for. Only four boxes in and it feels like forever.
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>>15915631 so are you saying dont go more than 4 away but no less than 3?
and do i avoid + forms? like any vertical or horzontal to my location?
uploaded a little gif of shiny gigalith yesterday, thought you guys might like it
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>>15916312 guh, gigalith is so much better looking in 3D. Thought it sucked in previous versions, but damn it looks cool.
8th box of electrikes... Masuda pls
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>>15916312 Oh. My. God.
That is amazing. I need this for my team.
I always loved this bugger.
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>Tfw shiny male pyroar Simba at his finestYes simba, mufasa is ded
I Will Never Hatch a Shiny Aron (Box: 11)
I Will Never Hatch a Shiny Aron (Box: 11) Thu 14 Nov 2013 05:54:26 No. 15916804 Report Back on the ride I go! Please Masuda, bless me. It's even my birthday. 25 y.o. virgin
>>15916804 Almost a wizard
Be happy
>>15916804 Wow, Anon, normally I'd say don't give up. In this case, maybe you should put down the game a bit. Oh, and HBD.
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Hatching 20th box. Maybe this time!
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>>15913591 Fuck you anon
20 boxes in. Also, why thunder fang over poison fang?
>28th chain >music is insanly fast >start panicking fucking abra breaks my furfrou chain seriously fuck this, i havent even got a 40 chain yet. god I thought i was getting stressed out over MM'ing shit. chaining is a whole another level, when the chain breaks I feel I'm more responsible than if it was just another hatched failure. any more tips for chaining? Its been nothing but failure for me and a furfrou.
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>>15917007 Sorry Anon, went through the same thing. I decided to MM because I can be a stickler about stats.
Maybe break it up? Alternate between chaining Furfrou and chaining something different somewhere else?
Quick question, in the masuda method does the ditto have to be foreign or can the mating pokemon be foreign? My gastly's Japanese holding a destiny knot while ditto has an everstone.
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>>15914329 Wow I'm so glad you're a fucking expert on children's television you piece of fucking filth
>>15917007 i know this feeling so much. my highest chain for furfrou was 29 last night. the music got fast and i fucked up somehow and broke the chain there. feel like shit and dont have the motivation to try again, been at it for days
>>15917007 >>15917226 >listening to the music I've not had a chain break, are you walking in to moderately shaking grass over strongly shaking grass?
I take that back, I've had moltres break my chain. That was some bullshit.
>>15917315 The wandering birds don't break chains.
>>15917315 listening to the shaking speed helps me somewhat, i dont know.
I only pick strong shaking grass to chain but after a while everything starts to look the same.
>>15917359 what this guy said, the birds dont break your chain.
>>15917315 Id like to think im walking into mid shaking grass, but now all i see are skiddos and dodous.
also legendary birds dont break chains.
Jake: 2423-2548-4422 (Trapinch, Nincada, Palpitoad)
Jake: 2423-2548-4422 (Trapinch, Nincada, Palpitoad) Thu 14 Nov 2013 06:23:35 No. 15917522 Report anyone have shiny gengar/gastly/or haunter? also looking for shiny scraggy or scrafty??
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>>15917359 >>15917381 >>15917447 Oh, really? Guess that's what I get for not listening to the music, I just walked out of the patch and restocked on repels
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giving up for the night, maybe Masuda will choose tomorrow to be the day
I Will Never Hatch a Shiny Aron (Box: 11)
I Will Never Hatch a Shiny Aron (Box: 11) Thu 14 Nov 2013 06:55:14 No. 15918263 Report >>15916849 >>15916871 A-at least I've touched a
vagina God this shit is taking forever. Tonight I learned that going around in circles in Lumiose doesn't make it go any faster.
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>>15918263 most people have touched a vagina m80. Unless ur mum had a C-section
Hatch that fucking shiny
I Will Never Hatch a Shiny Aron (Box: 11)
I Will Never Hatch a Shiny Aron (Box: 11) Thu 14 Nov 2013 07:52:12 No. 15919352 Report Bump What the fuck is wrong with this board tonight?
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anyone got a shiny azumarill or any of its evos to trade?
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>>15919352 I'm hatching Mawiles like a fucking chump over here.
I think I'm at like box fucking 20. Who knows at this point, I've run out of Boxes in my PC.
Fuck you Masuda you son of a bitch.
I ain't finding shit anymore. I'm frustrated. Fucking safari gone dry.
I Will Never Hatch a Shiny Aron (Box: 11)
I Will Never Hatch a Shiny Aron (Box: 11) Thu 14 Nov 2013 07:58:26 No. 15919444 Report Quoted By:
>>15919413 >tfw haven't even beaten the game yet Fuck shinies. This shit has wasted so much of my time.
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>>15911151 i want your fucking metagross
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Just got my shiny sableye with prankster after 6 and a half boxes. Not to bad, satisfied since he has perfect defences and speed, I wish it had HP though.
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>>15901996 >Already used my Metal Coat for Scizor >Start thieving Magnemite/tons for a Metal Coat for Onix >Randomly run into shiny Magneton after an hour >My Scizor is trapped (Magnet Pull) so I cant weaken it since all my moves kill Magneton >Start throwing Luxury Balls and Ultra Balls >Run out >Scizor finally dies >Switch in a mon thats weak enough to do modest damage >Im absolutely autistic with Pokemon matching the colors of their balls >Last Ultra Ball >*wobble* >*wobble* >*wobble * >CLICK!! FUCK YEAH! >Get Metal Coat two hours later Anonymous
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>mfw played since RBY. >mfw finally found my first shiny. Fucking cubchoo...
Exodus [3282-2616-1499] Doduo, Swanna, Hawlucha
Exodus [3282-2616-1499] Doduo, Swanna, Hawlucha Thu 14 Nov 2013 08:22:28 No. 15919757 Report Onto box 5 of noibats, slowly getting closer i think. remaining hopeful.
Kori 2234 8425 2804
>tfw you haven't found one safari shiny yet Am starting to give up here, is there a guild or something for the safari yet?
I Will Never Hatch a Shiny Aron (Box: 12)
I Will Never Hatch a Shiny Aron (Box: 12) Thu 14 Nov 2013 08:33:51 No. 15919926 Report >>15919757 That's what I thought after box 3...
Kori 2234 8425 2804
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>>15917522 I got a scraggy what you got?
>>15919922 >tfw hunting for shiny metang >tfw safari hunting in only has 2 pokemon >tfw 2 shiny magnetons Exodus [3282-2616-1499] Doduo, Swanna, Hawlucha
Exodus [3282-2616-1499] Doduo, Swanna, Hawlucha Thu 14 Nov 2013 08:39:46 No. 15920013 Report >>15919926 MMing Aron? i was actually gonna try that next, you wouldnt happen to have a spare foreign one lying around?
And im hoping he comes soon, love me my blue noibat :(
Kori 2234 8425 2804
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>>15920007 At you got something, am trying my luck for a shiny shuppet
Vorpal 2680-9876-2944 Electric: stunfisk, emolga, and *luxio*
Vorpal 2680-9876-2944 Electric: stunfisk, emolga, and *luxio* Thu 14 Nov 2013 08:41:42 No. 15920040 Report Quoted By:
>>15920007 >shiny hunting for either Sneasel or Pawniard >5 Absols later, not one shiny Sneasel or Pawniard I Will Never Hatch a Shiny Aron (Box: 12)
I Will Never Hatch a Shiny Aron (Box: 12) Thu 14 Nov 2013 08:42:05 No. 15920048 Report Quoted By:
>>15920013 Nope, just a buttfuckton of adaments named NIGGER and PEN1S
>>15919922 safari hunting is just luck. you can spend hours and find nothing, or spend minutes and find a bunch...
I've spent about 6 hours total shiny hunting in safaris, the first 4 hours I found nothing, then I found two after switching to a new safari.
Tipping might help too, idk. I always tip a lot before shiny hunting (just in case)
Kori 2234 8425 2804
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Does biking in the safari make it less likely to find a shiny?
>>15920124 Can you just go take a picture 10 times and tip 10k?
>>15920142 wouldnt simply talking to the maid in the battle chateau be quicker?
I got 4 shiny Vulpix today in about an hour of breeding through Shiny Value abuse. So awesome. <3
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>>15920350 shiny what what?
(X) Ex 0619-4261-4388
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>>15919922 No need for a guild I think ...
Though everything I got a shiny from there I WAS using a Pokemon to lead the party with some ability that effects Pokemon you find.
>Modest Gard lead when I got a Male Pyroar ... it was lax though. Same for my Braizen though that came out Modest. >Cute Charmer lead when I got the Ralts Line and Dousion and Ponyta ... and 2nd Male Pyroar. >Compound eyes lead when I got the Chansey (was Lucky egg hunting). So just work up a mindless groove with your left hand of just running, looking and running over and over.
Also, I started tipping before hunting. Tipped today and it took an hour to find the Dousion and about 1 1/2 to 2 hours to find the Male Pyroar.
>>15920350 What's Shiny Value abuse? I'd love to get in on this. I just got my shiny Vulpix yesterday after 700 eggs. Ugh.
>>15920373 Every player & egg has a Shiny Value given to them. Basically you receive an egg, determine its shiny value (any number between 0001-4096), and then have a player with the same shiny value hatch it.
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>>15920325 that's what I do, talk to butlers at battle chateau and tip 'em 1000 each.
Also that one stand where you get a free berry everyday.
>>15920397 how do determine shiny value?
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>>15920397 So, how do you find and utilize this info to the point where you got 4 shinys in an hour?
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>>15920429 Use a program called Instacheck Hotspot. Its on Smogon.
>>15920397 Can you explain this more in-depth? It sounds pretty neat.
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>>15920486 Say I want another shiny Vulpix. I will collect a bunch of eggs. Then, I will sit in a trade with someone and show them the eggs. By just showing the egg, Instacheck Hotspot can intercept the details of the egg (ability, IVs etc). But it also tells you the eggs Shiny Value. Lets say I only have 1 flawless Vulpix egg and its Shiny Value is 1000. I look through a spreadsheet of trainers and their SVs and find one with 1000. I get in contact with them, trade them the egg, and because the egg and the hatchers SV match...its 100% guaranteed to be shiny.
>>15920397 or you could just pokegen them
>>15920696 >pokegen in gen 6 >not wanting completely legit pokemon instead of lame hacks Anonymous
>>15920716 >looking up hidden values with an external program is okay >pokegen isn't toppest of all topkeks
you are basically doing the same
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>>15920766 Understanding and manipulating RNG is not the same thing as directly editing .pkm files.
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I've hit 30 boxes for Honedge and no dice. I will get RedSword eventually...
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>finally get my shiny female Snorunt in FS >realize my lead Synchro Ralts was Modest and not Timid Fuck.
>>15920766 Please god be a troll. You cant possibly be that fucking stupid...
Apparently i suck at MMing. Safarimons take nothing to get but i'm at the fifth box and nothing yet.
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>>15921024 >only fifth box Exodus [3282-2616-1499] Doduo, Swanna, Hawlucha
Exodus [3282-2616-1499] Doduo, Swanna, Hawlucha Thu 14 Nov 2013 10:20:48 No. 15921072 Report Quoted By:
>>15921024 your journey has only just begun.
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>>15921024 >Safarimons take nothing to get. I have horrid luck, it generally takes me less time to Masuda than to Safari.
>>15920996 but its true
both methods are using external software. therefore cheating
>>15921130 No I don't think you understand, idiot.
When you pokegen, you create the IVs immediately with no effort what so ever, also known as cheating.
When you check the IVs, you're not changing anything about your game, just checking what the data says. You aren't creating anything.
Now gtfo faggot.
Grim 4270-1694-6642
Alright /vp/ I just caught a shiny Azumaril and I am looking to trade for ether a shiny Aron or a Aron with 31/31/31/??/31/0 ether Brave or Sassy.
Kixxo 3883-5406-0249 Fighting [Mankey, Pancham]
Kixxo 3883-5406-0249 Fighting [Mankey, Pancham] Thu 14 Nov 2013 10:34:52 No. 15921223 Report Anyone want a shiny Pyroar?
>>15921161 you are checking hidden values that aren't meant to be know.
are you telling me its not cheating if I go to a casino and use some device to see what cards the croupiers has?
(X) Ex 0619-4261-4388
>>15921223 Male or female?
>>15921221 This isn't a trading thread.
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>>15921226 this is true. RNGing is similar to counting cards which is forbidden
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>>15921226 not him not there is a dude in the game who tells you your hidden values anyway, its really not much different except external software gives you an estimate, its actually more time consuming because you have to lvl for it to get a more accurate reading while the dude in game just looks at the data and knows.
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>>15921226 No, but it IS cheating to look at your own cards, you silly billy.
Cameron 4441 - 9495 - 0685
>>15921221 I can give you the Aron you're looking for. I have a spare one when i was MMing for a shiny.
Grim 4270-1694-6642
Quoted By:
>>15921255 well from what i understood from the op is that you can ask for trade as long as you don't drag on about the whole thing an if you think it is then you should not post I am just looking to unload the shiny to someone who actually would want it.
Kixxo 3883-5406-0249 Fighting [Mankey, Pancham]
Kixxo 3883-5406-0249 Fighting [Mankey, Pancham] Thu 14 Nov 2013 10:42:25 No. 15921302 Report Anonymous
>>15921226 There's a big difference in scale of taking a peek at someones hand and flat out printing money. The IV checker thing still requires people to actually breed their pokemon properly.
Grim 4270-1694-6642
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>>15921298 Yes! Alright adding and sending trade once you accept!
(X) Ex 0619-4261-4388
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>>15921302 Oh, I'll pass then. Already got a Female and a female Litleo.
>>15921309 >only cheating a little bit is okay >only murdering 2-3 people is okay >only dropping 2 nukes is fine muh pearl harbor
>>15921298 Did you ever get the shiny?
I got a shiny Aggron, he's amazing.
>>15921226 Except the colour of the Pokemon gives you no advantage at all. Using Pokegen to obtain things you wouldnt otherwise, on the other hand is. Anyway, people enjoy the game in different ways than you, and most people do not like Pokegen so just stop.
>>15921358 pokegening legit perfect Pokemon gives you no advantage either
Cameron 4441 - 9495 - 0685
Quoted By:
>>15921336 gave up after 12 boxes. Moved onto a riolu now
(X) Ex 0619-4261-4388
>>15921309 >The IV checker thing still requires people to actually breed their pokemon properly. What, for Prefect flawless babies or just getting REALLY good shiny Pokemon?
Cause it's not that hard to pop out a few really good Pokemon as long as you have decent parents.
As a retired BW RNG breeder I think this is an interesting new why to make flawless shinys. But I don't think I will try it ... nope, doesn't seem like it would bring me the type of joy I felt when I hatched my shiny Litleo or hunt a FS shiny.
But I know people are gonna jump all over this and anyone who DOES do this really wouldn't have a reason to trade for shines at that point anyway so ehh, don't care.
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>>15921369 In an individual battle no, but does an advantage of time not count? It's still cheating to put yourself in a better position to be able to compete, while taking the effort to make something shiny doesn't affect their ability to play it competitively if they hadn't made it shiny.
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>>15921383 I think the IV checker thing does just that, check the information of pokemon/eggs that already exist so all breeding still needs to happen. Apparently people can just use the hidden values to trade the egg they bred to someone else to make it shiny is all. Honestly it doesn't seem very viable to make shinies out of it though, someone said 1/4096 chance that another trainer you trust will have the ID you need them to have.
Time to continue MMing for a usable shiny Gastly, maybe Masuda will be kind to me on my birthday
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>>15921495 Happy birthday anon, best of luck!
as for now my shiny team is composed of timid noivern (infiltrator) jolly metagross timid greninja (torrent...) calm volcarona modest gengar adamant breloom (poison heal) any good advices on movesets ? maybe I'll make greninja a spiker/rapid spinner also looking for other ppl to make shinies battle when my team will be trained / optimized
>>15921598 okay ive read the faq on bulpapedia but i have a question, it says everstones effect is negated when MMing but i keep hearing people saying they are MMing for an (insert nature here)(insert pokemon here)
has there been a change to how the everstone works?
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>>15921598 can greninja even learn rapid spin though?
either way it really depends, doubles is my prefered format so if you where thinking of playing in that id go
focus sash
mat block
and whatever you want in the last two slots, although i wouldnt recomend spikes because hes pretty damn frail anyway
>>15921643 "In Generation IV, if the Masuda method is in effect, so both parents come from different countries, the Everstone will fail to increase the chance of passing on a nature."
Maybe read the whole sentence next time.
>>15921717 I know i read that, what i was asking was does it still work like that in gen VI because ive seen a lot of people saying they where MMing with a specific nature
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>mfw chain fishing a shiny Dragalge
>>15921860 Everstone only failed to do what it was supposed to while MMing in Gen IV. You can use it properly now without any fear of disrupting anything or not getting your nature.
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>>15921966 oh sweet, thanks, sorry for the run around question i just assumed it was a regular mechanic that was implemented in gen IV, but thats cool
Jean 2552-1800-4604 (Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet)
Jean 2552-1800-4604 (Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet) Thu 14 Nov 2013 12:16:10 No. 15922188 Report >>15917007 As far as I know, that music has nothing to do with affecting the chance of breaking a chain, OR the birds. Apparently some Japanese guide thinks it increases the chance of the next reset showing a shiny chance. I would say always reset if you hear the fast music, never go into even a safe patch just in case this is true.
Jean 2552-1800-4604 (Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet)
Jean 2552-1800-4604 (Farfetch'd, Woobat, Rufflet) Thu 14 Nov 2013 12:17:32 No. 15922208 Report Quoted By:
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I'm now dreaming about MMing. I think I need a break.
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>>15902681 I would suck your dick several times a day for that shiny mawile.
fat face 1392-5400-0738 [Octillery, Wartortle, ?]
fat face 1392-5400-0738 [Octillery, Wartortle, ?] Thu 14 Nov 2013 13:48:54 No. 15923156 Report has MMing been given another boost this gen ? I got this after 5 eggs ...
>>15923156 You're just a lucky duck
fat face 1392-5400-0738 [Octillery, Wartortle, ?]
fat face 1392-5400-0738 [Octillery, Wartortle, ?] Thu 14 Nov 2013 13:56:14 No. 15923218 Report >>15923188 the shiny charm still exists right ? because at this rate, with all the chainning and MMing i guess someone will complete a national dex with shinies
>>15923218 Not in this gen, though the shiny rate is thought to be boosted to about shiny charm levels.
fat face 1392-5400-0738 [Octillery, Wartortle, ?]
fat face 1392-5400-0738 [Octillery, Wartortle, ?] Thu 14 Nov 2013 14:00:43 No. 15923260 Report >>15923234 good to know, with the current %s if we had the charm shinies would be as valuable as a 6IV mon
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>>15923260 That would bring the rate to about chain fishing levels. Shinies would be very unsatisfying if it's that easy.
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Searching for a shiny Spiritomb in FS. Found this last night, so hopefully luck is on my side!
>tfw trying to find shiny articuno this will pay off this will pay off this will pay off
Chi - 4012 - 4537 - 4128
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started box 25 of petalils. hopefully will get a shiny one soon. breeding 5 iv jap bulb and a 5 iv petalil.
Kori 2234 8425 2804
>>15923434 Doesn't articunos shiny look
so beatiful man Anonymous
>>15923434 In the same boat with you. SRing for shiny Heatran in B2, no charm.
fat face 1392-5400-0738 [Octillery, Wartortle, ?]
fat face 1392-5400-0738 [Octillery, Wartortle, ?] Thu 14 Nov 2013 14:24:12 No. 15923498 Report >>15923434 may the gods have mercy on your soul
>>15923476 >>15923482 >>15923498 Your support will guide me ;_;
My theory is it's shininess will be determined in the first battle you find it.
At that point I'll run straight into additional encounters with Articuno just to hopefully confirm that it retains it's shininess during the following 9 battles prior to the cave.
Once this is confirmed, it would be safe to save the game - I can then venture into the Spirit's Cave and draw the final battle with it - If all goes well in my ideals, it should retain shiny status while being able to be Soft Reset for better IVs and Nature if my Timid Umbreon doesn't get the job done.
Essentially if it can be shiny, they'll have it matter on the first encounter as I've heard a couple of small claims they've found the other birds shiny.
Chi - 4012 - 4537 - 4128
>>15923593 i don't think so. i believe that each encounter generates a "new" legendary bird.
the reason for this is because when you soft reset at azure bay, the natures and iv's can vary.
Kori 2234 8425 2804
>>15923593 Hey I got a zapdos roamer but its not shiny you think if I faint it and beat the E4 again I could try and get it in its shiny?
Capcha is on your side too - Indulge May god bless you on your travel to find this creature[/spoiler:lit] fat face 1392-5400-0738 [Octillery, Wartortle, ?]
fat face 1392-5400-0738 [Octillery, Wartortle, ?] Thu 14 Nov 2013 14:42:36 No. 15923708 Report >>15923593 if it works post results, it will help create an even bigger shiny hunt than ever
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>>15923653 this is how I initially perceived it - but given changes to shiny rates and such, especially the change were natures and ivs can reset on roamers. I wonder if the weird nature of them hitting the cave would explain a change as you described.
It's just I've seen someone the other day mention they had a friend who found a shiny zapdos - They claimed it stayed shiny through to the cave battle.
I just figure that something so elusive and unlikely as the shiny rate, especially for a legend, could maybe have been kept separate from the IV/Nature Values.
Tl;dr - what im trying to say is maybe they separated the shiny capability from roamers, at least this gen given the weird way we have to hunt them.
By all means continue to argue for this - im not in any way set 100% as we have no actual confirmed idea on how or if the shiny roamers work. Partly why im just so keen on trying to contribute concluding this before people hack the cartridge in a month or two.
That and Cuno is da bes'
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got a shiny female corsola while looking for a male one to breed recovers on mine wooper.
>>15923687 >Indulge Here's hoping!
I'm not so sure, I think if you faint it at the den that'd be it gone - In other words you may have unfortunately saved too late - I may be wrong in some way or form however, just don't get your hopes up until we know for sure the nature of the encounter when the games are hacked into and stuff.
>>15923708 Undoubtedly, if this can be proved concrete before the files get read in the game, then that'd be rad.
fat face 1392-5400-0738 [Octillery, Wartortle, ?]
fat face 1392-5400-0738 [Octillery, Wartortle, ?] Thu 14 Nov 2013 14:54:31 No. 15923879 Report Quoted By:
>>15923811 indeed, specially if we get more roamers
Chi - 4012 - 4537 - 4128
Got this on egg 756. I totally missed it. I did an extra half a box and decided to check my dex and saw that i got a shiny. Discovered the only difference is that shiny petalil has blue eyes while the regular has red eyes. One more petalil to go. Also has perfect stats. 31/0/31/31/31/31
any more tips for Chaining a Furfrou? My chains keep getting broken about 20 or so in and I'm becoming furious and think ill just go back to mindlessly MM'ing for shit.
fat face 1392-5400-0738 [Octillery, Wartortle, ?]
fat face 1392-5400-0738 [Octillery, Wartortle, ?] Thu 14 Nov 2013 15:23:12 No. 15924182 Report >>15924003 getting a pokemon with intimidate ? since it reduces random battles maybe it can help ? and we need a new thread
>>15924182 Repels do that entirely. He's just wandering in to moderatly shaking grass, not strong. The distinction starts to blur if you're not focused
Kori 2234 8425 2804
>>15923811 I hope you get it for me and all the snobs here :)
I will be trying my luck at chain fishing and safari zones for now
>>15923880 Congrats man but lel you did a whole half a box with out realizing you had a shiny xD
>>15924003 I struggle to get to 3
Just relax and think of how badass it will look
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>>15924182 >reduces random battles wtf man are you new?
just use repels.
Kori 2234 8425 2804
fat face 1392-5400-0738 [Octillery, Wartortle, ?]
fat face 1392-5400-0738 [Octillery, Wartortle, ?] Thu 14 Nov 2013 15:29:50 No. 15924263 Report >>15924236 i thought repels messed with the chainning, never gave it that mutch attention before
>>15924236 woah woah woah woah, so now it IS strong grass?
I was told last night furfrou shows in mid shaking grass and Ive had decent luck with that....
well decent enough luck to think they exist in the mid shakes, cuz any max shakes I run into are filled with skiddo or panchams.
>>15924263 could anyone think this?
and secondly if you dont know any credible information on a topic, dont try to give advice on it.
Chi - 4012 - 4537 - 4128
>>15924242 yeh. well still going for my second shiny petalil so i can have both a petalil and lilligant, so it's ok
Kori 2234 8425 2804
>>15924304 Your a madman but I believe
Chi - 4012 - 4537 - 4128
>>15924329 i've been doing this for every pokemon i decided to MM.
here is pic of some of the ones i have. it hasnt been updated in a while though.
fat face 1392-5400-0738 [Octillery, Wartortle, ?]
fat face 1392-5400-0738 [Octillery, Wartortle, ?] Thu 14 Nov 2013 15:39:52 No. 15924371 Report >>15924278 ok anon
>>15924304 would you mind giving me a one after your done ? i can give you candy or a pp up if you want
Chi - 4012 - 4537 - 4128
>>15924371 a breeding leftover?
fat face 1392-5400-0738 [Octillery, Wartortle, ?]
fat face 1392-5400-0738 [Octillery, Wartortle, ?] Thu 14 Nov 2013 15:43:30 No. 15924413 Report >>15924389 yes, male preferably, i dont have any grass group male and i need one
Chi - 4012 - 4537 - 4128
>>15924413 petalil, can only be female.
Kori 2234 8425 2804
>>15924360 You must teach me sometime. I really want a shiny phantump
but I all I have is one jp ditto 31 in SAtk and Speed fat face 1392-5400-0738 [Octillery, Wartortle, ?]
fat face 1392-5400-0738 [Octillery, Wartortle, ?] Thu 14 Nov 2013 15:46:13 No. 15924444 Report >>15924423 i forgot about that, then forget about it
Chi - 4012 - 4537 - 4128
>>15924444 what language do you play in? i can trade you a japanese bulbasaur with at least 4 IV's. I have some eggs that i havent hatched yet in my copy of X.
Chi - 4012 - 4537 - 4128
>>15924432 i can give you a 5 iv jap solosis.
both of them are in the amorphous egg group.
Kori 2234 8425 2804
>>15924488 Oh cool that would be great but what would you want?
fat face 1392-5400-0738 [Octillery, Wartortle, ?]
fat face 1392-5400-0738 [Octillery, Wartortle, ?] Thu 14 Nov 2013 15:51:26 No. 15924514 Report >>15924461 english, adding you now
Chi - 4012 - 4537 - 4128
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>>15924512 any 5 iv female pokemon is fine if possible. or anything you want. i can always breed more.
>>15924514 added you already. give me a minute to trade with kori first. then i will pop in my other cartridge
Chi - 4012 - 4537 - 4128
fat face 1392-5400-0738 [Octillery, Wartortle, ?]
fat face 1392-5400-0738 [Octillery, Wartortle, ?] Thu 14 Nov 2013 15:55:00 No. 15924557 Report Chi - 4012 - 4537 - 4128
>>15924557 give me like 5 minutes.
im on Y right now. need to get on X
fat face 1392-5400-0738 [Octillery, Wartortle, ?]
fat face 1392-5400-0738 [Octillery, Wartortle, ?] Thu 14 Nov 2013 15:56:30 No. 15924585 Report Kori 2234 8425 2804
>>15924574 Internet being a bitch?
And thanks for the solosis chi
Chi - 4012 - 4537 - 4128
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>>15924624 i had to get out of trade because it was in my battle box.
Chi - 4012 - 4537 - 4128
>>15924585 getting to you now. let me hatch the eggs. first. let me know if it isn't a 5 iv and i will try to hatch more until you get one.
fat face 1392-5400-0738 [Octillery, Wartortle, ?]
fat face 1392-5400-0738 [Octillery, Wartortle, ?] Thu 14 Nov 2013 16:03:03 No. 15924655 Report Anonymous
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>try to get 6iv honedge for yvetal >get 1iv in speed rash honedge welp im out of a legendary.
fat face 1392-5400-0738 [Octillery, Wartortle, ?]
fat face 1392-5400-0738 [Octillery, Wartortle, ?] Thu 14 Nov 2013 16:11:25 No. 15924796 Report Quoted By:
Chi - 4012 - 4537 - 4128
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>>15924270 No idea, the two I've chained I've aimed for strong shaking grass.
To be honest, I've aimed at strong shaking grass no matter what the starting grass type was and haven't had a chain break. I thought the specific type of patch thing wasn't true for this gen. Oops. fat face 1392-5400-0738 [Octillery, Wartortle, ?]
fat face 1392-5400-0738 [Octillery, Wartortle, ?] Thu 14 Nov 2013 16:13:07 No. 15924827 Report >>15924798 i dont remenber, sorry. Do you need a EMM charmander ?
Chi - 4012 - 4537 - 4128
>>15924827 when i asked 5 iv, i meant the bulbasaur. no, dont need the emm charmander.
They didn't believe me. They all laughed. Now who's laughing? Remember my MMing brothers and sisters, there IS hope. The day will come when you may have your own bred shiny.
fat face 1392-5400-0738 [Octillery, Wartortle, ?]
fat face 1392-5400-0738 [Octillery, Wartortle, ?] Thu 14 Nov 2013 16:18:53 No. 15924916 Report Quoted By:
>>15924880 the bulbasaur has 4 IVs
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Go to the goddamn trade thread, jesus
Kori 2234 8425 2804
>>15924900 Nice one anon could you check it's IVs?
>>15924935 Relatively superior, max HP, SpD, and Spe. I'm tempted to evolve it and use it with MAmpharos' bulky agility set, but I also want to keep this thing unevolved.
Chi - 4012 - 4537 - 4128
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>>15925126 I still have about 6 more boxes of unhatched eggs so if I get another I'll train the better one, but I'm honestly done with MMing for now. Might try my hand at the pokeradar next.
Jake: 2423-2548-4422 (Trapinch, Nincada, Palpitoad)
Jake: 2423-2548-4422 (Trapinch, Nincada, Palpitoad) Thu 14 Nov 2013 16:41:55 No. 15925347 Report Quoted By:
>>15921024 are those your shinymons in the picture if so im interested in your gengar and scraggy