hey buddy!
since i don't really see anyone responding to your less than stellar thread, i mahswell give you a response. top ladder player, have a few teams in smogon archives. in 5th generation, weather was the biggest part of the metagame, due to pokemon like politoed and ninetales, because their abilities offer permanent rain and sun. ninetales was the only OU pokemon to receive drought, so people coupled it with pokemon like your venusaur, who obviously benefit from it. pokemon like ninetales were used over moves like sunny day, because they 1) don't take a turn to set up, you just switch it in and you have weather. 2) it's permanent, while sunny day and rain dance only last for 5 turns, 8 with damp rock/heat rocks w/e iirc.
in this generation, even though more OU pokemon have been given drought (megazard y), you may already know that it is no longer permanent. this makes weather a lot less attractive.
in short, no. if you want to use venusaur, i would recommend using megasaur on a defog stall team, shit doesn't die.
if you wanted to play around with weather thought, i would suggest starting with politoed rain. it's honestly the only semi viable option in my opinion, although anything works at the bottom of the ladder. kingdra gets swift swim, which is the same as chlory in rain.